The Prophecy OOC - Epic High Fantasy Adventure

This is a roleplay quite beyond the regular standards when it comes to the incredible extent of details that are determined about the world in which it takes place, as well as those that will be determined before its completion. But at the same time as the world is elaborately defined, the plot of the roleplay offers great freedom within the bounds of the world. The main plot of this roleplay is that of an epic medieval adventure fantasy tale, with major plot-points partially derived from the series novels called The Prophecy, with most details taken from the first book of the yet unpublished series The Prophecy of the Withering by L. K. Petersen aka Dark Jack (that would be me).
The style of the roleplay is that the storyline is extremely flexible, allowing the players to take their characters on detours and side-quests of their own design if they so chose, while only main plot-events are predetermined, although the outcome of these might not be. The roleplay will, aside from the main adventure-element, also have elements of war, and it offers the freedom for the players to even make it a semi-social roleplay in which their characters may develop relationships, and even marry and have children, as long as it does not cripple the plot for the rest of the players.
The Nomad's Prophecy
The prophecy spoken by the Nomad at the end of the Age of Darkness, just before he disappeared and was never seen again. "The Foe" is presumed to refer to Kreshtaat, the Lord of Darkness and the leader of all demons of the Lower Plane.
Once there shall be a disaster like never before,
Which will shame the rich and crush the poor,
Because even with the Spirits on our side
Break, will the once-great Divide.
The land in the middle a curse will suffer,
That will turn father on son, sister on brother.
Lives will wither away and be gone,
A darkness will shatter all hope as we know,
In the lands of sand, in the lands of snow.
In the end, this evil will have spared none.
A new Age of Darkness will arrive,
And will try to mortals their freedom deprive,
Gods and demons, locked in eternal battle,
And mortals in the middle, the helpless cattle.
But amidst what is already bad,
There is a greater evil to be had.
The Foe will rise once more,
Step onto a world covered in gore.
Unless all unite against this beast,
He will upon the world return to feast.
Death it is, a being of madness,
Of power unmatched rage and sadness.
Pray, for fate will truly be grim,
The Foe will end this world on its whim.
Additional details about the Planes (The Prophecy-universe) are available in the Compendium.
I realize that many of these guidelines are probably superfluous, but bear with me; it is better to be safe than sorry.
- All character applications are posted in this thread.
- No godmoding. Don’t go around and controlling other people’s characters, that’s just annoying.
- No instant death. Actually links to the previous rule, since it requires that you control another character to kill it. Another player-controlled character can only die if the RP'er agrees beforehand.
- Kissing, hugging and such is allowed, and so is mating to a certain extent – but do NOT go around and describe the entire act of mating. If anything, make a time-skip from when the act begins to when it ends. We don’t want any vulgarities here. Take it to PMs if you really need to type it out.
- While there are no direct limits on how powerful your character may be, nor what race it can be, please refrain from being completely invincible. Remember, there are others playing here too. If your character is too politically or personally powerful, I reserve the right to require you to change the character or outright deny it.
- Posting is not allowed until I have approved your character.
- Each IC post should maintain a decent length and should offer at least some development for your character or the plot. The current minimum length of IC posts is two proper paragraphs, but I retain the right to change this at any time. The quality of your writing should be at least borderline advanced.
- Once it is your turn to post, please at least give a situation- and/or progress-report if you are delayed from posting by a week, and another periodically at least once a week from then, if the delay becomes extreme. If you expect to be unable to post for two weeks or more, please tell us in advance.
- If you find yourself unable to post for a long period of time (a month or more), please consider allowing for your character to be carried during your incapacitation, preferably while giving relatively brief and manageable instructions on how to handle this OOC.
- Communicate. If there is any doubt as to which player is the next to post, please address this doubt OOC as soon as possible; ask if the other player intends to post rather than waiting to see if they will. In fact if you have questions in general, don't hold back: a question asked is potentially a mistake avoided.
Character list
Those following Aemoten's leadership:
Jaelnec (Dark Jack) - The Aspiring Knight
Aemoten (Shienvien) - The Unshakable Warrior
Thaler (Biscuits, formerly cthulu, formerly Hymusia) - The Cursed Thief, Black Sun
Olan (Dark Jack) - The Explorer Extraordinaire
Iridiel Taileflaith Caomhánach (Legion X51) - The Goddess' Chosen
Domhnall MacRaith (Shienvien) - The Wandering Hunter
Those not amongst these Companions, but were destined to join them:
I'onriyi (yoshua171) - The Hardy Enchanter - Retired
Ixion Ecthalion (Mercinus3) - The Quiet Contractor - Retired
Morgan Thrainsson (Rhaevnn Xeno) - The Blood Sniffer - Retired
Ajanok'Tez, or Claw (ASTA) - The Rawr User
Angora Kelenwyn (Legion X51) - The Untamed Stranger
Sir Yanin Glade (Shienvien) - The Viper of Glades
Jordan Forthey (Shienvien) - Squire of the Glades
Those traveling with Jillian on her quest:
Jillian Veldaine (Ashgan) - The Wayward Witch,
- Retired
Gerald Glass (Dark Jack) - The Withering Warlock,
Some theme music for various characters.

This is a roleplay quite beyond the regular standards when it comes to the incredible extent of details that are determined about the world in which it takes place, as well as those that will be determined before its completion. But at the same time as the world is elaborately defined, the plot of the roleplay offers great freedom within the bounds of the world. The main plot of this roleplay is that of an epic medieval adventure fantasy tale, with major plot-points partially derived from the series novels called The Prophecy, with most details taken from the first book of the yet unpublished series The Prophecy of the Withering by L. K. Petersen aka Dark Jack (that would be me).
The style of the roleplay is that the storyline is extremely flexible, allowing the players to take their characters on detours and side-quests of their own design if they so chose, while only main plot-events are predetermined, although the outcome of these might not be. The roleplay will, aside from the main adventure-element, also have elements of war, and it offers the freedom for the players to even make it a semi-social roleplay in which their characters may develop relationships, and even marry and have children, as long as it does not cripple the plot for the rest of the players.
The Nomad's Prophecy
The prophecy spoken by the Nomad at the end of the Age of Darkness, just before he disappeared and was never seen again. "The Foe" is presumed to refer to Kreshtaat, the Lord of Darkness and the leader of all demons of the Lower Plane.
Once there shall be a disaster like never before,
Which will shame the rich and crush the poor,
Because even with the Spirits on our side
Break, will the once-great Divide.
The land in the middle a curse will suffer,
That will turn father on son, sister on brother.
Lives will wither away and be gone,
A darkness will shatter all hope as we know,
In the lands of sand, in the lands of snow.
In the end, this evil will have spared none.
A new Age of Darkness will arrive,
And will try to mortals their freedom deprive,
Gods and demons, locked in eternal battle,
And mortals in the middle, the helpless cattle.
But amidst what is already bad,
There is a greater evil to be had.
The Foe will rise once more,
Step onto a world covered in gore.
Unless all unite against this beast,
He will upon the world return to feast.
Death it is, a being of madness,
Of power unmatched rage and sadness.
Pray, for fate will truly be grim,
The Foe will end this world on its whim.
Additional details about the Planes (The Prophecy-universe) are available in the Compendium.
I realize that many of these guidelines are probably superfluous, but bear with me; it is better to be safe than sorry.
- All character applications are posted in this thread.
- No godmoding. Don’t go around and controlling other people’s characters, that’s just annoying.
- No instant death. Actually links to the previous rule, since it requires that you control another character to kill it. Another player-controlled character can only die if the RP'er agrees beforehand.
- Kissing, hugging and such is allowed, and so is mating to a certain extent – but do NOT go around and describe the entire act of mating. If anything, make a time-skip from when the act begins to when it ends. We don’t want any vulgarities here. Take it to PMs if you really need to type it out.
- While there are no direct limits on how powerful your character may be, nor what race it can be, please refrain from being completely invincible. Remember, there are others playing here too. If your character is too politically or personally powerful, I reserve the right to require you to change the character or outright deny it.
- Posting is not allowed until I have approved your character.
- Each IC post should maintain a decent length and should offer at least some development for your character or the plot. The current minimum length of IC posts is two proper paragraphs, but I retain the right to change this at any time. The quality of your writing should be at least borderline advanced.
- Once it is your turn to post, please at least give a situation- and/or progress-report if you are delayed from posting by a week, and another periodically at least once a week from then, if the delay becomes extreme. If you expect to be unable to post for two weeks or more, please tell us in advance.
- If you find yourself unable to post for a long period of time (a month or more), please consider allowing for your character to be carried during your incapacitation, preferably while giving relatively brief and manageable instructions on how to handle this OOC.
- Communicate. If there is any doubt as to which player is the next to post, please address this doubt OOC as soon as possible; ask if the other player intends to post rather than waiting to see if they will. In fact if you have questions in general, don't hold back: a question asked is potentially a mistake avoided.
Character list
Those following Aemoten's leadership:
Jaelnec (Dark Jack) - The Aspiring Knight

Aemoten (Shienvien) - The Unshakable Warrior

Thaler (Biscuits, formerly cthulu, formerly Hymusia) - The Cursed Thief, Black Sun

Olan (Dark Jack) - The Explorer Extraordinaire

Iridiel Taileflaith Caomhánach (Legion X51) - The Goddess' Chosen
Domhnall MacRaith (Shienvien) - The Wandering Hunter
Those not amongst these Companions, but were destined to join them:
I'onriyi (yoshua171) - The Hardy Enchanter - Retired
Ixion Ecthalion (Mercinus3) - The Quiet Contractor - Retired
Morgan Thrainsson (Rhaevnn Xeno) - The Blood Sniffer - Retired
Ajanok'Tez, or Claw (ASTA) - The Rawr User
Angora Kelenwyn (Legion X51) - The Untamed Stranger
Sir Yanin Glade (Shienvien) - The Viper of Glades
Jordan Forthey (Shienvien) - Squire of the Glades
Those traveling with Jillian on her quest:
Jillian Veldaine (Ashgan) - The Wayward Witch,

Gerald Glass (Dark Jack) - The Withering Warlock,

Some theme music for various characters.