Grace glared at Tom as he offered up a very, very pathetic excuse. They very obviously did not work here. For one, they had managed to enter the room through an actual
portal, and second, they were
famous now, or at least, famous enough for most mysterious villain organizations to know who they were. Indeed, while the guards here did seem to be at least modestly incompetent, they recognized two heroes when they saw them. They quickly lifted their guns, and then a chorus of gunfire rang out, filling the room. Tom would've been pumped chock full of holes had Grace not acted quickly, opening a wide violet portal in front of Tom's body. The bullets fell into the portal like raindrops into a puddle, before a second portal opened above the guards. They screamed as their own projectiles struck them down, collapsing to the floor in a heavily injured heap. Grace huffed, lifting her head and folding her arms.
"How did you ever live without me?" Grace asked sarcastically as she gently nudged one of the groaning guards with her foot.
"I pity these poor fools. Let's go, Tommy. We have to...figure this place out."Grace stepped over a few near-corpses and walked through the corridor. Grace had to admit that this evil lair was quite pretty, with the corridor being quite cool-looking; it was very nearly a glass tunnel, with a sleek appearance, and cool metal floors. The corridor led to another room that was sealed behind a metal door, but of course, doors didn't mean anything to a girl that could create portals through matter. Grace simply opened a portal on the door and stepped through, her eyes widening as soon as she reached the other side. The room was highly reminiscent of a prison. Rows of glass cubes, all with small cots and bright lights inside. Most of them were empty, but Grace saw one of the rooms had a somewhat older superhero inside, one that Grace recognized to be the slumped-over form of Thundering Whisper. Grace gently rapped on the cell door, but it seemed as though the man was entirely vacant inside. Grace turned to Tom.
"What is this," she whispered concernedly as she made her way down the hall. At the end of the room there was another door, and against it was a computer. Grace tapped a few keys on the computer, opening a program.
"Alright, it's going to take a few minutes to override their software and open the cells," she said to Tom. She opened a portal in front of her.
"I'm going to go look for Powers and get help. You stay here, OK?" She gently pressed a kiss on his cheek before stepping back into the portal, with only her head peaking out.
"I'll be back soon."Only seconds after Grace had vanished into the portal, the echoes of boots on the ground filled the area as similarly-uniformed guards, dressed in black and red, filed into the cell room en masse. In a moment, a dozen guards had their rifles trained on Tom. Following the men inside was the same woman that Tom and Grace had met earlier- the same stunning redhead, Andromeda, though now she was wearing a much less revealing velvet-colored overcoat and rose-tinted shades. She smirked.
"How lovely for you to join us, Spacewalker! I didn't expect you until much later..." She chuckled slyly, adjusting her sunglasses.
"I would suggest putting your hands up as the most viable option here. It'll save me a lot of time and effort. And, plus, I just got my nails done...I really don't want to have to fight right now."

Powers was hard at work, his fingers moving rapidly across the keyboard. He was clearly at least somewhat well-versed with the devices.
”If I was trying to betray you, I would surely have done so by now," Powers noted as he finished the process, tapping the "Enter" button a few times. A long scroll of text rapidly flew across the screen. Powers squinted.
”A vast majority of the power of the facility is being re-directed to something called 'Redacted.' That surely can't be good," Powers said, removing a USB from the device and stuffing it into his pocket. He then slammed his elbow into the server tower, smashing it with elegance. The lights of the tower dimmed as the broken machine crackled and then fizzed out.
The sounds of footsteps echoed outside the room, but oddly enough, they didn't enter at all, instead marching past the computer servers and walking away. Powers crept over to the doorway, placing his ear against the wall and listening. He frowned.
”Obviously, there's another problem elsewhere in the facility," he noted as he opened the door out of the server room, looking out.
”Might be worth taking a look into..." He grunted.
”Interesting." He quietly gestured towards some of the guards that were marching band.
”Perhaps it might be best to scatter their maneuver."
i dont really know this girl too well, she's patti's villain girlfriend after all ;) ;) but srsly idr her too well so maybe patti should try to talk to her??? and do her hypnosis thing to. looks like the geezer is on the move i can deal with him ezpz.
no clue on the blonde guy. looks familiar aiwhghiwlBlake accidentally sent the text message early after feeling a bump in his shoulder. He glared at a mysteriously familiar man that walked past him, having smacked into his shoulder.
"Watch it," Blake said hotly to the mystery man, getting a strange sense of deja vu. Probably some thug that he had scared off at some point. Blake didn't worry too much about him. Blake then sent another text,
sorry some asswipe bumped into me. who do these criminals think they are??? anyway, old man looks like he's leaving. Ill tail him and knock him out. one of you should eavesdrop on flu girl With that, Blake tugged on his suit before following the Black Baron out of the room, casually trailing him up the stairs. The elder Baron ducked into a fancy ornate bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him. Blake counted to three, before gently inserting his finger partway into the lock. A small but piping hot fire quickly ignited at the tip of his finger, melting the interior of the lock with ease. Blake then swung open the door, pointed his finger at the back of the Black Baron, and fired. A small burst of heat launched from his fingertips, catching the old man in the back and blasting him into the wall. He smacked into the wall before tumbling over, laying sprawled on the ground of the bathroom. Blake smirked.
"Caught him with his pants down. Thankfully, not literally. That would be...really weird." He gently kicked the Black Baron in the head, but the man was unconscious. Blake smiled widely.
"Easier than expected. This mission is a breeze. Breeze!" Meanwhile, a few moments after Blake left the room to go ambush the Black Baron, Jim Rockferry approached Malady, casually tapping her on the shoulder and asking if he could speak to her alone for a few moments. Kat nodded, and the two walked out of the room. They headed over to a side room, closing and locking the door behind them, but the walls were thin, and if could certainly hear their conversation if they pressed their ear to the wall.
Jim Rockferry spoke first after a brief moment of silence, his tone jovial but awkward, like an uncle trying to communicate with a teenaged niece. "So, Black Baroness! That's a real big honor, isn't it?"
The girl chuckled quietly.
"I suppose so. The Baron was a gifted villain, no doubt. Big shoes to fill. I'd like to thank you for giving me this splendid opportunity." There was the audible sound of a gentle smooch from inside the room.
"Oh, no problem, dear. And yes, these are certainly some very big shoes for you to fill. He was monumental in bringing the criminal world just a little closer together. I'm hoping that with your succession, you can keep doing what he started."
"Mmm." The girl paused.
"Jim, would you mind if I let you in on a little secret?""Oh, sure thing, dear, what is it?"
Another pause, this one more sinister, before the girl spoke again.
"I'm not exactly here only to take this title.""Really now?"
"Mmm. I'm under strict orders from my father...I'm afraid the criminal enterprise is rather...inept. Not only that, they've grown very irritating for my father to deal with. And so, I've been asked to round up the leaders and take them out in one fell swoop." There was a devilish giggle.
"Starting with you, I'm afraid."There was the sound of some scuffling of feet, before Kat spoke again.
"No need to run. I've already killed you." Another girlish giggle.
"Just enjoy the sight of the pretty sun over the water."Jim could now be heard gagging as Kat spoke again.
"I mean, I'll be honest here, you're not that good at your job. You let heroes onto your boat. Heroes! I'm going to have to go to the boiler room to deal with them next." Another giggle.
"Thank you for making this so easy on me, though!" Kat's eerie giggle was heard once more, along with the sound of shattering glass and an audible thump, as if a body had just hit the floor. A moment later, the doorknob to the room began to turn.