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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SecretSinner91
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ami UzumakiThe Two-Tailed Jinchuuriki
Ami thought everything was going so well. She was ready to go on this journey with her team. However, when Taka had given her such a cold look when he addressed her, Ami felt her blood run cold. The small girl barely had a chance to react when she was suddenly grabbed by Taka, whose body seemed to be surrounded by lightning. Her eyes went wide with pure terror when he asked about her hesitation to tell everyone about Matatabi. No one was supposed to know about it. Her clan kept it as a secret for so long. She assumed the hokage might have known, and could have told her sensei. She didn't dare look up to see Akira or Rashiku's reactions to the truth that was revealed to them. She barely reacted to Taka calling her a creature instead of a girl. "Goodness, I wasn't expecting this" Matatabi thought to her within her mind. Ami was silent for a moment, but she was listening to what was going on. Rashiku was tasked to kill her. He could save himself and Akira. Taka was going to kill her if he didn't. The small girl glanced over to the vase that held many explosives that one wrong move would trigger the explosion by Taka.

"What will you do, girl? Better act before we all die" the cat said. Ami held still for a moment, before Akira had suddenly acted. The vase was suddenly surrounded by earth to prevent Taka from hitting the vase with his kunai. She looked up at Akira when he was pleading Rashiku to not hurt her. Tears were forming in Ami's eyes before she started to squirm in Taka's grip, trying to get him to release her. Ami even attempted to kick him with the back of her feet. Ami needed to prove she deserved to live. As she did this, Ami began to do hand signs hoping Taka hadn't noticed. When she did the necessary handseals, bubbles began to form around the room. It was an odd sight but with was one of the ninjutsus Ami had worked on on her own.

Ami then had the bubbles rush at Taka, attempting to hit him with the bubbles. Some aiming for the kunai in his hand to trap it and make it renderless. Ami only continued to squirm.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Bakuto Uchiha

As Bakuto sat in silence he began to grow a bit bored of sitting around. His eyes ever so often scanning over the other genin as he kept on his attempt to hear what was said by the jounin in their meeting. Bakuto really didnt care what the others were did if they took part in that card game and gambled away all their money he just wanted to keep his solitary moment to himself for a bit longer.

Those moments of solitary peacefulness that Bakuto had found himself came to a crashing halt as the one jounin in charge came out and started spewing his orders and taking genin for whatever his team is going to be on this mission. First two he point at was bug boy Natuso and Bakuto himself as the first two in this odd start of a squad.

Bakuto stood up from his rock in with no questions or emotions on his face just did as Hideo ordered, but he look around though at the others that were also pick for the squad. One kumo shinobi and the Nara girl. Who by an expression on her face was not happy about this mission set up or that she was just interupted in whatever she was doing on her own. Bakuto wasnt paying attention enough to her to know what she was doing. He saw her with dumplings but he didn't dwell on it as he couldn't think of any reason to dwell on what someone decided to eat or when.

As he went to look to see if Hideo would give any further instructions other than just follow but there was nothing other than he ran off. Bakuto sighed as he realized the mission has begun. Then he runs in the general direction Hideo went off. This jounin ran of fast much more so then when they ran to get here. With Bakuto had waited for any instructions prior he was left looking for clues to try keep up or at least find the right track to follow. As he found the first oni with the smiley face he stopped then said out towards the other genin who might still behind him, "Hideo sensai went this way!" He said as he point at the marker left behind. He then said quietly, "What does he think we are children with those weird faces..."

His first few words since arriving on at the meeting point adding the fewest of words. Though he found the faces to be childish which made him feel quite a bit annoyed with this jounin further. First was the lack of information that was given now being treated like a helpless child that cannot find their way through the woods. His words were his attempt give those who trailed behind a sense of idea where they were to go so they would all arrive at the place they were to meet up with Hideo at even if it was at a slower pace than the jounin leader.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yue Nara"Stop... being alive. It's embarrassing."
Yue wasn't as quick to leave as Bakuto was. She looked to Ichika first for a sign that that Hideo person was actually right, that Yue was being handed off to him. All things told, she felt like a novelty gift no one wanted, the way they kept shuffling her and passing her off to this person or that person. Was that why all the jounin had gathered together? To carve up the genin between each other? And they'd stuffed her with the guy that none of them liked nor trusted. They hadn't said it out loud, but it was obvious they didn't care for the man. Yue couldn't really blame them either, he was creepy, rude, and... weird. So of course they'd throw her, the Aburame, and Bakuto with the creepy and weird one. Great... Team Creep...

Or like... Team Trash, since they were being thrown away.

She didn't know anything about the Kumo girl except that she had a scar on her eye and, judging by how she and that six-armed girl talked, she probably wasn't even the leader of her team. She was probably just refuse like the rest of them. None of the really powerful shinobi had been assigned under Hideo, Natsuo and she were more support, Bakuto wasn't like... one of the powerful Uchiha like Rina, for example, probably the Kumo girl was the weak one of her group too. Yue supposed that meant that they weren't expected to see combat, since they'd all probably just die if they ran into other shinobi. They were... maybe scouts. Okay... Yue was a good scout. Natsuo, with his bugs, was a good scout to. Bakuto could be a last resort, like a defender. So then the Kumo girl had to be... uh... she didn't look like a medic or another scout. Maybe she was a fighter type. She had to have gotten that scar somehow. Front line. Okay... not the worst set up...

Team... uh... Watcher... or Back Up. Probably Back Up...

That was if her assignment was even real. But judging by Ichika's eyes, they were. She wasn't fighting Hideo's order nor countermanding it. She frowned even harder than when that man had embarrassed her, calling her out singularly like he did. She blushed angrily and held her breath in an attempt to stymy the mortifying memory of that humiliation and ran after Bakuto, taking just a moment to try to sense him. He hadn't a huge lead on her, but she would have to work to catch up. She had no idea where Hideo was.

Yue was quick on her feet, though she didn't like having to keep up her speed in an extended way. Moving quickly was sort of a matter of thinking about it and keeping up focus on something so uninvolving... it was boring after a fashion. It was different when you were willing yourself to dodge or dash into or away from someone, but the effort was mentally draining and she'd been at it all day.

"...we are children with those weird faces...", she heard Bakuto say quixotically as she started to close the gap a little. Soon enough, though, she passed a picture or two of strange ogres making, well, weird faces. Was Bakuto saying that the team was a team of ogres like the pictures? She guessed that Hideo had probably made the pictures as waypoints, was Bakuto implying that they were supposed to be pictures of the team? Yue wasn't sure she saw the resemblance to, at least the others... But maybe he noticed that she resembled them. Eh... probably not. He probably didn't even remember her.

How weird was it that Hideo would paint anything, though? She hadn't known him long, but it was difficult to imagine him having habits. He seemed like the kind of person that... She didn't know... lived in a closet and like... when he was given a mission, they'd open the closet, dust him off, and he'd just go. But like, though the ogre faces were pretty crude, but they were more expressive than you'd expect if you were just painting something slap dash. The lines were expressive, like calligraphy. So... Hideo was more precise than he seemed.

Hm... maybe they weren't just back up, then...

If she thought about it, the team was also perfect for ambush. Her's and Natsuo's support abilities were great for taking an enemy unaware. Bakuto was a quiet type with a lot of tricks, he was great for sneaking up behind someone. Probably the Kumo girl was also good at taking someone down quickly. If this was true, then all the powerful shinobi not being on their team meant the others were probably heavy assault while Yue and the rest took the enemy by surprise. Yeah... Like, the others would form two teams, one for front assault and another to flank... Clever.

So then she was Team Assassin.

Then again, she didn't even know what the mission was or what their target was or even where they were going. She was probably completely wrong. She scoffed at her own overthinking and pushed forward. When she finally reached the supposed destination, Hideo was in a kind of sprawled-sitting position and offering Bakuto something out of a bag.

"Gummy Stars", he said with a big smile on his face, "You like candy, right? Kids like candy."

Yue frowned and crossed her arms.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Uchiha Mika/Training Ground 17

Mika sat in awe of the older woman, for she was staring intensely past the boy. He had no idea what she could be thinking and why she had suddenly turned into a statue. Just what could this all mean for Mika in the long run? He didn't know but, he hoped she was just as good as hyped. His goal needed to be rectified, this woman being the current harbinger of his fate, and he couldn't face his father without the teachings of those ranked higher than him. The very idea of needing a teacher infuriated the young genin just a bit. Sometimes you had to be able to get stronger on your own, if that was even possible at this point and time. Within that moment of thought, Eri finally broke the silence with a very confusing monologue; words being spouted such as creep and jumping girls, Mika was only kind of listening.

"HEY! I'M NOT A CREEP!" Mika leaned forward with big eyes before lifting hand to his chest, thumb pointing at himself, "My name's Uchiha Mikazuchi. Just call me Mika."

Leaning back, the boy had a slight grimace form on his face. The name of Mikazuchi gave a sour taste as it was the name of the abusive man he called father; it was only used to make sure she knew who the youngster was. Mika reset his face to a bland, unsatisfied look. He could only wonder if this woman would let him train with the others.

"So you're Eri-sensai, right?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dr Insano12
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Dr Insano12

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Heading towards the base/Clone with Hideo. Mizuraki Senju
The Senju woman removed the glove from her hand and sunk her teeth directly into her thumb to allow blood to seep freely from the wound. Placing her hand upon the ground Mizuraki called forth her companion: Katsuyu.

The giant slug emerged from the summoning seal that Mizuraki had created and eclipsed most of the forest with her incredible size. The slug, while large and obviously imposing due to her size, suddenly lowered itself toward Mizuraki with a...Surprisingly timid sounding voice emanating from the giant beast. “Mistress. Is there something I can do for you?

Mizuraki blushed at being addressed as such before holding up her hands and gesturing towards the much larger being. “S-Shhh! Katsuyu I told you about this before. Just call me Mizuraki. You don’t need to be so formal.

Katsuyu nodded her head in recognition. “Oh of course, Mis- Mizuraki. I had forgotten your instructions, I apologize.” The Slug now began to take notice of her surroundings. “You must be on a mission of importance, Mizuraki. I haven’t seen you around this many Ninja in quite a long time. What do you need from me?

Mizuraki merely nodded in confirmation. “Long story short. We’re invading a base full of missing-nin. We need your help to cross the sea. You’ll be able to ferry us all across with little to no effort. I know its salt water but I wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t important.

Katsuyu’s face faltered for a brief moment upon the mention of Salt Water. The slug could survive incredible damage and easily reform itself...But that didn’t change the fact that she absolutely loathed salt water with a passion. “If you think something as silly as salt water is going to stop me from helping you, prepare to stand corrected, Mizuraki-Sama. Of course I will give you all whatever aid I can.

Mizuraki’s smile was practically beaming as she reached out and hugged the very, very large slug. “Oooohh. I knew it! You’re the best friend a girl could ask for!” The brunette quickly calmed herself down and put her game face back on. “Alright, everyone. Let's get moving. We only get one shot at this!

The mission was underway. For better or worse this was the only attempt they would get at this, so every action taken from this point forward would be of the utmost importance. Katsuyu stood remarkably tall and the salt water barely seemed to bother the gargantuan slug. Only Mizuraki would notice the genuine discomfort that was plastered across her long-time friend’s special features. For now as they headed toward the base. She could only hope that the clone assault was going as well as she had hoped it would.

The clone infiltration had gone off well, at least in the beginning. Mizuraki doubted that one single clone would have made much of a difference, though she had to admit that the thought was weighing on her...COULD the clone she had sent off to Shadow Hideo and the children have made a difference? Maybe things wouldn’t have ended in such a sorry state if there was one more body to assist? The veteran ninja always had a problem with overthinking and questioning her own decisions, it was a habit that she was never quite able to kick. However she had to have faith in the children. They passed the academy for a reason and besides her clone would be there with them every step of the way! Even if Hideo was an absolute pain in the ass to work with, she could put that aside for the kid’s sakes.

Mizuraki didn’t say anything to Ichika about the assault, she thought it would be best if they just focused on what needed to be done to make up for their mistakes.

Dammit all! The clone of Mizuraki that she had sent along to tail Hideo bit down hard upon her lip in utter frustration. They had technically done their job, but they also just put every foe down there on high alert. The children were going to be walking into a trap. Dammit, Dammit, Dammit! The clone continued to berate itself before making its way toward Hideo and the children. She emerged from the undergrowth and looked to Hideo and his charges with a grim expression on her face. “I’m going to be coming with all of you.” The clone locked eyes with Hideo practically challenging him to defy her. “I was going to just stay behind and watch Hideo over here. But the situation’s bad, you’re going to need help.” She walked forward and crouched down in front of everyone.

Me and Ichika kind of screwed up a little…” she murmured under her breath. “We got through a great deal of the initial section however. I can easily guide you all through it, but we’ll need to be careful. The enemy is going to be on high alert. The other wave of our clones was detected in the third tunnel, they collapsed the ceiling.” She smiled a bit though. “It won’t be much of a problem though, I can break my way through that stone easily. Just stick close to me and we’ll make it out okay? I swear it.” She looked at Hideo again. “I’m not taking no for an answer by the way. So with that all out of the way are we going to get moving?
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by The Warted One
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The Warted One

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location: Training ground 17Lumika Suto
Lumika jumped down from her vantage point landing a firce kick into Kimi..Kimi's clone, damn Lumika thought to herself I was so sure that time! Lumika jumped back onto her vantage point to see Kimi made it to the other side, but she couldn't see Rina.. until her fist was in her chest.

"Heugh!" Lumika uddered as the air was forcefully ejected out of her body knocking her off her feet, before she could catch her breath she was sent skyward by getting hit in the jaw, Lumika could feel the coppery taste of blood as she flew into the air, this was a clear message, this was now a battle. Lumika couldn't wait. Rina's blazing assault finished with a kick to her face sending her to the ground, Lumika's body crashed into the ground, breaking the earth around her, Lumika coughed up blood onto the ground and finally got the air she needed.

Lumika picked herself up off the ground, her mouth hung wide open, her jaw had been dislocated on one side, Lumika grabbed her face on both sides and popped it back in place, Lumika smacked the sides of her head and seemingly shook off the pain, Lumika raised her fists and noticed her right arm still red from the scorching Rina gave her earlier, it reminded her of her clan symbol, the red fist of Suto, and it filled her with a renewed sense of pride, and a smile grew on her face.

After spitting out blood onto the ground, Lumika started to shuffle in place bouncing lightly across the ground, after being reminded of her family she remembered their values and techniques, she almost let her anger get the better of her, but she can see on Rina's face that it was too late for her, "Keep a cool head, and pick your moment..." Lumika said in her head, the same way her dad would tell her. So rather than charge in Lumika stopped her bouncing and lifted her left hand to Rina and taunted her by waving her over, Lumika would then resume her feathery stance smiling, waiting for Rina to charge at her.

Lumika would try her best to lock in on Rina, expecting her to come straight at her head-on, so she readying herself to counter the second she got close by sidestepping the attack and using the momentum to try and land a full Suto punch to her face with her left arm, the quick reverse momentum should knock Rina flat onto the ground, but that was if she went for a mid to high attack.

If Rina was to go low, Lumika would jump into a spin in the air with Lumika's legs landing onto Rina's face to also try and get her on the ground. Because regardless of the position of Rina's attack, Lumika's next move would be to use her clan's famous interrogation technique, 100 years of agony! if successful in that hold Lumika would not try to break Rina's arm because despite any grievances, she is still her teammate and she would need her to be able to use that arm later, Lumika would keep bending her arm till she felt it pop out of the socket.

Lumika's parents taught her about how to push things back in place, but she wasn't sure if Rina knew how yet, at least. even if she did, it would give Lumika an advantage temporarily.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DoomFlavored
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Rashiku Karata __________________


Every night of my life
I watch angels fall from the sky
Every time that the sun still sets
I pray they don't take mine
I'm on the front line
Don't worry I'll be fine
The story is just beginning
I say goodbye to my weakness
So long to my regret
And now I know that I'm alive
The room darkened and went silent. There were murmurs of some sort, a softer voice that grew ever more distant until it was silent, instead replaced by the crackling embers of fire, the smell of charred blood, accented with a constant and sickening high-pitched ring. Rashiku could feel small glowing ashes burning small holes through his clothes, burrowing to his skin and leaving their marks. How long the area was dark, the boy couldn't tell, but eventually Takayuki's living space lit up once more. Feeling an odd warmth on his hand, Rashiku looked towards Ami holding it. It didn't feel... unpleasant exactly, but he wondered when she did it and why. As she kept holding the feeling became more uneasy, and he slowly pulled his grip away and closed his hand.

Takayuki stood up with a hazy blur surrounding him, but it quickly faded away. Along with his words being hard to understand for the first few, the rest came back into focus. A team must communicate... and Ami did not. Everyone was up in a flash as their jounin had grabbed Ami and announced his orders, to kill her. Kill her for being a danger to all, for containing a monster, her very existence a threat to the Leaf Village and its people. Rashiku's sheathe fell to the ground, his parallel blade drawn before he knew it, facing forward and ready to act. Akira was begging Rashiku to not harm Ami even as his body started moving forward, with his hands gripping the hilt tightly and his feet taking a combat stance, ready to strike. "Ami-san. Forgive me." With a burst of forward movement, his sword thrust forward directly at her, sure to pierce her right into her chest...

The piercing glow of Rashiku's activated eyes were directed right towards Ami with his blade moving closer and closer to her in what seemed to be slow motion, focused on her every movement to make sure he wouldn't miss. The boy already regretted what he knew he was about to do, but it was necessary. Ami was labelled a monster. She hid a beast just waiting for its chance to slaughter anyone it could. She was a threat to her entire village. She was like him...
While a different beast than his own heritage, Rashiku had been deemed a threat to his entire village just like she was at this moment. His death had been ordered like hers was now. His family had been slaughtered, and hers were sure to be next after her... And Mekakushi-sensei was one of the fearful bastards aiming to carry out that slaughter! It would not be accepted, and he would die like the rest of those like him. 'Forgive me Ami. This will be painful!'
Rashiku's body burst forth again into the thrust with far more power than before, with the angle suddenly shifting upwards and to the his right. The force put into his blade would more than go through Ami like ordered, it would go through her, behind her, and slam into the apartment wall! At the last moment, with his eyes helping him control every movement of the thrust forward, it became clearer that he'd never aimed at Ami's chest, instead the blades pointing towards her upper left shoulder. And behind her shoulder, through it... was Takayuki's fear-tainted heart. With Ami's bubble jutsu making movement of his kunai more difficult, and Akira providing great assistance with neutralizing the bombs, Rashiku focused solely on moving forward to slam his blade right into the jounin's heart in an attempt to kill him in an instant.

One push is all you'll need
A fist-first philosophy
We watch with wounded eyes
So I hope you recognize
I'm on the front line
Don't worry I'll be fine
The story is just beginning
I say goodbye to my weakness
So long to the regret
And now I see the world through diamond eyes

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Takayuki Mekakushi

All things considered, Taka may have acted his part a little too well, if the sheer terror radiating off Ami-chan was any indication. His mind raced as he considered the last few moments, even as Rashiku-kun prepared to strike, and young Akira's Wood Jutsu stretched his floorboards into thick, protective branches. The test had gone well, that much was for certain.

The first thing he noted was that all three Genin had fallen for his ploy hook, line and sinker. A problem? Yes, certainly. If they were so easily duped, he would need to instil a proper sense of perception in them. The second was that they were all adaptable. The young Senju had impressed the man almost immediately. Despite his youth and seemingly kind temperament, he'd reacted to the man's perceived betrayal almost immediately, and worked fast to ensure the failsafe couldn't be triggered. More importantly, he had trusted Rashiku to do the right thing. He had expressed unconditional faith in his teammate, and that was a quality that couldn't be undersold. Oh, there was a definite naiveté to the boy, undeniably, and that would need to be addressed sooner rather than later, but he showed real promise. Equally, Ami had surprised him. Regardless of the fear she was clearly wracked by, she'd thought fast and acted to restrict his movement. Another point in the team's favour for sure.

Truthfully, however, the target of this test had always been Rashiku. The boy from Mist had worried Taka from the moment he'd read his files. He would readily admit that he was a prejudiced man; un-allied ninja made him anxious at the best of times, and having them in the village had a habit of setting him on edge. It was only natural that a little of that would extend even to a supposed refugee. And despite all the odds being against him, Rashiku was pulling a surprise from under his belt right before Takayuki's eyes. Speaking of which...

"Godspeed Flicker!" He released Ami, hands blurring into seals even as Rashiku hurtled towards him. The electrified Surge Chakra that cloaked his body suddenly pulsed, drawing itself into his body at blinding speed. A piercing wail filled Taka's head as his perception slowed, and he grimaced at the sensation of his every muscle tensing to their limits. With time slowed to a tenth of its usual speed, he grabbed Ami by the hand and pulled her well clear of the charging genin, plopping her onto the sofa and draping one of his couch blankets over her. In the same movement, he surged back to where Rashiku hovered, moving impressively quickly even at this pace. Deftly, and taking care not to damage the boy's hand, he took the sword by the hilt, moved to the scabbard and sheathed it. As the second neared its end, Taka's hand blurred through another set of seals, and he exhaled a small sphere of green flame at the encased vase, which would be incinerated when his perception normalised. Finally, he stepped in front of Rashiku, and as the moment resumed and the boy seemed to lurch forward, he kneeled low and caught him in an easy embrace.

The Godspeed Shroud dissipated with a fizzling crack, and the smile on Takayuki's face was nothing short of blinding.

"I am so unbelievably proud of you all!" He held Rashiku for a moment, before gently setting him down on the floor and handing the sheathed weapon back to him. "I expected good things when I called you here this morning, but this was beyond my wildest hopes!" He jogged over to the couch and plopped down next to Ami, brimming with wild energy. Still, he offered a kind smile. "I'm so sorry for scaring you like that, Uzumaki-san, truly I am, but you responded brilliantly! I wasn't sure you were cut out for this lifestyle, but you proved me wrong." His tone had softened for a moment, but brightened again as he addressed Akira.

"A wonderful display of resourcefulness there, Akira!" He pointed to the mound of ash where the vase and wooden shell had sat. "The vase was filled with dud tags, so we were in no danger, but you assessed the situation flawlessly and moved to neutralise the threat. Full marks!" His energy dulled, then, and he looked, with some remorse, to Rashiku.

"Rashiku, I will admit I didn't trust you when you first arrived. I have something of a problem with foreign nin." He scratched his head sheepishly. "I decided I needed to be sure that you were who you said you were; that I could let you onto this team, let you into mine and the other's hearts safely." He levelled an earnest gaze at Rashiku, his smile soft, now. "I'm sorry I ever doubted you. Seeing that sword aimed at my heart made me prouder than I think I've ever been. Welcome home."

He stood, and addressed the team. "As my sudden change in demeanour may have suggested, I wasn't ever planning to kill Ami-chan. Nor was I ever going to blow us all up. This, students, was the true Genin test, and you all aced it with flying colours. There are, however, two lessons I would like you all to remember. Consider them the first thing I'll teach you as your captain: Always look underneath the underneath. Motivations are complex, and no-one's intentions are ever straightforward in this world of ours. Had any of you stopped to think, you may well have realised that things weren't what they seemed to be." He paused, and regarded each Genin in turn.

"Secondly, is that above anyone - your families, your friends, even the Hokage - you must always trust in your teammates. I meant what I said a moment ago. There must not be any secrets between a team for it to function healthily. In combat and in life, you'll be relying on each other to survive, so extend that same trust to each other as the others extend to you." He sighed, a wistful glimmer in his eyes. "I understand that you all will be hesitant to trust me after what I just put you through, but I hope, dearly, that one day you'll be able to put that very same faith in me as well.

"I have your schedules for the next week ready to go, but before that, if any one of you feels the need to get something off your chest - If you have even the silliest, most inconsequential question, please, please ask me now."
He sat back down in his armchair, then, and reached into the pocket of his uniform jacket, pulling out three wooden medals that he threw to the Genin. Each one was engraved with the kanji of their names. "I engraved those this morning for you as graduation presents. Consider them my first step towards making up to the three of you." His smile settled, finally: a small, reminiscent, but decidedly hopeful thing.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Posted twice for some reason. Delete!
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Arisu Ayaname"Who do you think you are, picking a fight with an Ayaname!"
Unbelievable! Before they could even fool the weird kid in the hat and glasses, that weird guy from the Leaf popped out of the jounin meeting to inform them all that she, hat and stars, and some other dopes were headed with him. Ari rolled her eyes, put her hands on her hips, and put a foot on the rock she'd been using as a chair (which, due to its size and her relative lack of size was a testament to her flexibility).

"Well, it looks like we're splitting up, gang", she said loudly to her other two teammates. Maka crossed a pair of arms, put another on the stump table, and rubbed her head while stroking her chin with the last pair. Kamui looked up with sad looking serious eyes and nodded once. But Ari wasn't finished, "You'd better take care. I won't be there to save you, this time", and she used her leg up to hop farther away, landing in a closed-leg squat, "Oh, and hat and stars", she said without looking behind her, "Don't worry. I'm gonna keep you alive. You still owe us a game."

She never looked back and didn't see Maka raise an eyebrow as she sped away, but it was doubtful whether she'd have cared if she had. She left shortly after the one that the spear man had called "Yue-chan" did and just followed behind her. She never even noticed the odd paintings, so single-minded was she in her pursuit, and by the time she reached the entrance to the cave with the rest of the group, she was almost surprised that there wasn't more running. That was pretty characteristic of Ari, she could be very singularly focused and even lose track of just how long she'd been doing something. She was tireless, in that way, up until the point that she passed out completely. It was usually Kamui or Maka that shook her out of her temporary obsessions... until the next one.

When offered gummy stars, Ari took a hand full and would later claim she never got any.


"Yes, I suspected something like this would happen if you were on the mission, but this has gone better than I’d hoped. With the enemy on high alert, my mission becomes easier. Though the odds of the genin’s survival is lower, in the end it is a net positive. Thank you", said the man Ari came to find was named Hideo. He was talking to that Mizuraki jounin and apparently, something had happened in the tunnels with the clones. He continued, "I would not stop you from accompanying us. You are the only one who knows how to navigate most of these tunnels, if you can still remember where you just were."

By then, however, Ari wasn't paying attention. She'd decided that this was an opportunity, "It sounds like we're gonna be going into the caves soon! So, just remember that I'm the leader and we'll get through this just fine! Since I'm obviously the biggest and strongest", she puffed out her tiny chest, "It's just natural that the strong would lead the weak!"

She kissed her miniscule bicep and then grabbed her shoulder and rotated her arm like she was about to punch someone.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DoomFlavored
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Koji Takuma
"Do you really want to die?"

It wouldn't be long now. The kids would be showing up with whatever they'd prepared, along with the absence of what they hadn't. While the students were likely expecting some sort of traps having been set up through the area, there was a distinct lack of any sort. No tags, pitfalls, not even so much as a wire. Their jounin simply stood infront of the scroll, taking a couple of steps away from it. 'Which one will be first I wonder... Probably the Inuzuka. That, or the Uzumaki. The Hiki kid will probably be the last one. Let's get them making more noise.' With a look back to another man behind him, Koji gave a nod, and the copy of himself jumped up into the nearest tree and looked out to observe. Keeping his eyes out, Koji leaned down and placed his hand on the ground, pouring his chakra in. "Shifting Tides..."

Under all of the genin, despite their distance, the ground shifted ever so slightly, its shape staying the same, but under the foliage and moss the soft dirt began to harden, soon becoming as hard as stone. Every footstep any would make clapped against rock that echoed through the trees as if the earth were hollow within. "Don't think the approach will be easy!" He called out into the forest, and pulled out a much larger scroll, this one not blank, unfurling into many, many individual sealed objects. Running his hand along it, Koji pulled out bundles of Kunai at a time, and furiously threw them into the forest at random. The man seemed to have no target as of yet, but against the trees and the hardened ground the weapons ricocheted all over! Both in the directions of where the students were going, and everywhere else. They were met with a hail of blades bouncing and sticking into the trees all around.

'And now we see who comes first, and how the plan changes...'
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DirtyDingo
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DirtyDingo Brotality

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ichika Uchiha“Peace earned through communication is just and true, but without the strong to protect those who would shepherd in such an age... Everything will be lost. Power is absolute.”
Ichika was never able to get over the sheer scale of Katsuyu any time she was summoned at Mizuraki's will. For her existence as what essentially amounted to a gargantuan slug, there was a something regal about her, perhaps it was the white-blue colour palette. Ichika couldn't be sure, but what she was absolutely sure of was the awe the creature left her in. Which was plain to see on her face as she watched her friend perform what could only be described as a hug, or as close to one as was possible given the disparity in size between the two. The first time the Uchiha woman had seen Katsuyu was during the Nine-Tails' rampage throughout Konoha, and she was no less majesty now than she was then.

Once she had returned entirely to her senses and successfully averted her gaze from Katsuyu, Ichika turned to face the assembled shinobi; which mostly consisted of the genin from Team 7. For some reason she had a good feeling sat within the depths of her gut, but she could not place why. Nor could she trust it. For this mission to be a success, and in turn her own objective; nobody should be left in the dark.

At least, for the most part.

After a brief contemplative pause, the crew remained mostly silent with the exception of a few seemingly involuntary stirs. With nothing else to be said, the assembled Konoha and Kumo-nin mounted the great slug-like beast and began their journey. Marking the beginning of the assault.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Warted One
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The Warted One

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location: Training ground 5Kuree Suto
Ja nae Kenshiro's handwaveing away of her test and her challege to him struck Kuree deep and true to the dephs of her soul, she never thought that she could fail to motivate a shinobi so handely till now, it took enormus mental strength for her not to break, as it felt like all her fears and doubts seemed to get ripped to the surface, but the mountain stood firm.

Seeing Shiori prevent Kenshiro from leaving was another surprise to her, but this one she welcomed, she did not appreciate her test being called stupid but she can get over that, and it was during Burai's emploring to his teammates to fight with him that she realized what she needed to do. "..wow, I never thought so soon in my career as a jounin, that I would need to pull a Koji...I hope it works" Kuree said mentally to herself, After Burai finished talking Kuree now knew exactly what she needed to do.

Kuree gripped the power rock, her students could then hear sounds like a bone cracking as it slowly crumbled in her hand, her eyes staring emptily at her students "Okay... new rule... whoever lives, gets to be my student" after saying that Kuree opened her hand and let the powdered rock drip to the ground and with the last grain landing on the ground Kuree vanished before them, and reappeared some distance behind Kenshiro, because she knew if she was any closer this next move could very, well, kill them! and she only wants them to think she is trying to kill them, and what better way than-"sutooOOOOO" her fist starts to glow with a red aura, as the earth and lightning chakra builds up inside her right arm, swirling and crunching, combining, and faster then she would like "Fist!" it literally explodes out of her arm, a wave of red energy combusts out of her fist, eviscerating everything in its path, consuming the trees and brush in its way, Kuree aimed her shot a little low so it would be easier to for them to jump out of the way, she tried to telegraph it as much as she could without it looking obvious that she doesn't actually want them to die.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nijira Inuzuka
"Don't you dare think that this is over! I won't just feed on the scraps of your glory! I'll beat you, and even then I'll keep pushing! I'll beat every single shinobi in the world! I won't stop until everyone acknowledges me!"
Whatever it was that blew a hole in that tree was just a warning shot and Nijira had no answer for it. So, it looked like sensei was playing hard... at least he wanted them to think he was. That was the only explanation for it! Fine, then! If that was the way that he wanted to play it, then... Then he'd better be ready to kill, because Jira wasn't going to stop, just because sensei was obviously stronger than him. If he did, he might just as well die, anyway! He growled and began to strafe the woods. He knew where sensei was. He could smell him, and it looked like he wasn't doing anything to hide that.

Komi followed along and whined a little, drawing Jira's attention back to his teammates.

"Keh! If they want to go rushing into the forest, who cares? Sensei's gonna take them out anyway", he said coldly. Komi didn't seem to like this response very much and rooed at him sadly about it.

"I-it's not my problem! They're the ones that decided not to follow their only tracker", he replied a little more pleadingly than he meant. Komi gave two quiet barks and held his face away, as if they were playing tug of war, which they were, in a way. But there wasn't time for the two of them to settle the argument. A strange sound caught their attention and both at once perceived at that it was an echoing coming from the ground, from their footsteps perhaps... Jira tapped the ground with his foot and Komi scratched at it, puzzled. It was as if... the ground itself were... h-hollow and hard... And then they heard other echoes, farther away... coming from... They were centered around just where sensei was and... Th-that sound was like metal against rock! DAMN!

Eyes wide and teeth grit, he and Komi barreled towards the forest, to where he smelled Naruko's ramen breath and Gorudo's swampy smell. He knew Naruko must have made clones, because the pungent smell of instant ramen was everywhere and he could hear her tromping around the forest, as quiet as an elephant, but he also knew that she wasn't about to leave Gorudo's side any time soon. Jira'd seen them at school together and Jira, like everyone, just assumed they were dating. It was just his luck he got stuck with the smelliest couple in school. He supposed it was good luck, at the moment. They were so easy to track, he could have found them with his eyes closed!

He was running as fast as he could, but he could already hear the sound of metal whizzing past and more clanking against the ground. As soon as they were in sight, Jira threw his whole body against Naruko and Komi attempted the same to Gorudo. If they could just get them to the ground... Damnit! Why were they so reckless?!?
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DirtyDingo
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DirtyDingo Brotality

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Akira Senju“I'm gonna be the greatest Hokage ever! Just like Grandpa Hashirama!”

What on earth had just occurred?! Akira was left absolutely stunned, confused and in utter shock as his sensei had 'blurred' accross the room as he still held his hands clasped together in the final seal for the wood prison. That was the only way the Senju boy could describe the way Takayuki-sama had moved, as a blur of chakra; although he did not recognise the nature. Within a second of the Jōnin's analysis of the newly assembled team two, Akira's shocked expression turned to one of pure joy as his sensei had expressed his own praise of the ashen-haired Senju. A childish, almost idiotic grin spreading across his face as his red eyes turned to a squint.

"Hehe, you kinda scared me at first. But I wanted to protect my team! I considered trying to trap you but I see I made the right choice! You'd have never been caught up by my wood style! It's so cool! You have to teach me how to move that fast, please? Please?!" Akira said, accepting the gift of the medal and pinning it to one of the lapel of his cloak as he closed in on his sensei with beady eyes of wonder and longing.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Admiral Char
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Admiral Char

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Natsuo Aburame"Everyone talks big till there’s a bug in their mouth. Then they can’t talk at all, cause of the bug in their mouth!"

Waiting at the cave’s entrance with the rest of the group, Natsuo looked up at the clouds and rolled his head from side to side while he turned his new nickname over in his mind. He smiled. He liked it! “Hat and Stars” sounded like a children’s game, something you’d play with a handful of paper stars and a wooden cup. That sounded like a fun game to him. It also sounded a bit like an exclamation. “Oh, my hat and stars!” He raised his eyebrows, thinking the exclamation out across his face.

He supposed Ari herself was the sort of person who exclaimed a lot. He perched himself on one foot, gently wobbling side to side as he peered at their self-declared team leader’s display of muscle. It reminded him of a rooster he’d seen on a farm, posturing and crowing to keep the hens in line. She was certainly being rather loud.

Natsuo frowned and put a finger to his chin, which, as he was still standing on one leg, put him in a strange tilted position, like a cactus growing diagonally. He didn’t think Ari was as stupid as she looked. Posturing was a useful strategy in the animal kingdom, especially if you were small. The best defense against a bear is to flap your arms around and act big, and none of them were bigger than a bear. Perhaps Ari knew what was coming. If she wanted to be leader, it suited him fine.

Natsuo relaxed his legs and stood upright. He was glad he’d made a good impression on Ari, even if it was partly based on his potential pocket money. And with her on the team, Natsuo had some idea of the strategy they’d be using down in the caves. His Kikiachu and Yue’s shadows made a deadly combination, in darkness or light, while the other two seemed the assassin or brawler type. He folded his arms and looked over at Bakuto. It was good for an assassin to be scrawny and/or battle damaged. They’d have to be quick, because the consequences of failure were always right there where an arm used to be. He nodded to himself. Reminders were helpful.

Then again, Natsuo had no idea how the other boy had lost his arm. He’d never asked. For all he knew, Bakuto could have lost his arm in a freak farming accident,leaving him with nothing but a longstanding fear of chicken coops. Natsuo peered sideways at him, hiding his stare behind his sunglasses. Bakuto seemed annoyed, and he furrowed his brows in empathy. He supposed Bakuto could have just been born without an arm.

It occured to Natsuo that he could just re-introduce himself to this new team and see how it went. Maybe he could show them his kikaichu. But the air felt different now than it had back at the card stump. He felt timid before the yawning cave and the odd, puppet-like man who’d chosen them.

Natsuo accepted a handful of gummy stars and put them into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DoomFlavored
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kenshiro Hyuuga
Location: Training Ground 5
Company: Burai, Shiori, Kuree
Injuries: None
Chakra: 95%

What a pain the ass. Ken had been taken completely by surprise by Shiori grabbing him with webbing, his thoughts having been occupied with the delicious memory of gyoza back at home. And then he'd been dragged onto his rear end with the ground, Shiori chiding him about how he was staying whether he liked it or not! Confused, he craned his head back to look up at her from a somewhat strange angle, but it worked well enough despite her face being upside down. "But... Why? What exactly are we supposed to be doing together? She's said she only wants..." Suddenly he was cut off by some kind of dissolving chakra going right behind him and cutting through Shiori's web, way too close for comfort! 'Hey watch it!' Shouted through Ken's head as he rolled out of the way and stood up, halfway in a battle stance out of instinct. "Oi what the hell!" He directed towards Burai the moment he was up, wondering what he possibly was thinking sending a wave of energy so close between them.

At first, Kenshiro looked partially dumbfounded with Burai's start of what he exclaimed, taking umbrage with Shiori bringing Ken into her web. But then his look became one of annoyance as Burai continued to run his mouth and insult them both. "I'm afraid to say she's played you like a fiddle." Ken's arms folded over the bottom of his chest, his brow furrowing downwards. "Says wh-" But Burai wouldn't let up, continuing on and on, and soon Ken was comparing him to the crab in his head who ran his mouth endlessly with something to prove to everyone. "Frankly, I had thought you more insightful, Hyuuga that you are." "And how would y-" Burai didn't stop. He'd turned away from them to suddenly spout about them being a team, while also insulting Ken and Shiori's intelligence in the most backhanded 'compliment' he'd ever heard. After Burai had spouted off at Kuree, calling out her 'bluff', and still insisting on them being a team, Ken stayed silent for a brief moment. Seemingly having stopped listening, and merely waited until the other boy shut his yap.
"Done talking like a crab Burai? I don't know why you're claiming that we're idiots while you're just guessing too. Of course we knew that we were going to be a squad of three, but how do you know SHE got the memo? All we've been doing is running around with buckets and then told to chase a rock! If physical strength is all that matters to her and her clan, then I'd wager not thinking ahead isn't that much of a stretch!"

While the students below were starting what was sure to be an argument, Kuree's plan was changing, with the rock in her hand being reduced to crumbled dust and gravel. "Screw this! I'm out of here." Ken was starting to leave for a second time, far more annoyed than the first attempt, when suddenly the Mountain had appeared behind him, with a large fluctuation of chakra charging into her first and ready to blast any second. "sutooOOOOO" 'Ah hell!' Ken didn't know what it was about to do, but being anywhere near the vicinity of where that was going was the last place he wanted to be! As quickly as he could, he leaped to the side and rebounded off the ground in a backwards somersault, getting far out of the way as Kuree blasted the energy forward like a beam.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Team Botan NakanoKamui Kaiyou | Makaira Kumonga

They were close enough to the cliffs now and Botan had only just gotten used to standing on what felt like a giant slimy marshmallow. It was nothing against the slug itself, for Katsuyu-sama had been an exceedingly gracious host, but it was difficult to be completely at ease if one wished to avoid getting mucus on their clothing. Kamui and Maka had adapted just fine, though Maka seemed to have made a game out of kind of surfing on the creature's back, which Botan wasn't completely sure was polite. He sighed and looked up. The sheer rock face gave him an ominous feeling and he could feel a stirring like a premonition... or maybe just an upset stomach. He hadn't noticed he'd been so tense. He looked back to Maka as she slid seriously over the creature's back and turned his thoughts to Arisu... He could only hope she was alright. She was reckless, but... The Leaf wouldn't risk an incident. Not now. No... She was safe... right? He sighed again, this time a bit deeper, and hung his head.

He wanted to trust the Leaf nin. They seemed... Mostly nice i-if somewhat strange. But then, perhaps he must have seemed very strange to them too. He certainly seemed strange to himself. It was another reason he admired his brother so much. He couldn't imagine that he was ever so uncertain. He didn't hesitate. He was very brave. Once he made a decision, there was no stopping him. Botan knew he could never be like that, but he could... at least try his best to not look away.

"We are getting closer. I can create cover, a mist, if you like... Though it may give away our inten-"

At that moment, a gigantic round and oblong boulder fell from the top of the cliffs barely missing the great slug and crashing into the sea! They were under attack already! Of course they would have a look out on the cliffs and what better a scout from there than Ondori. The echoes of a great crowing echoed from the man throwing down the... stone eggs. And a full dozen gargantuan stone eggs barreled towards the shinobi. Botan braced for impact...

But the impact never came. Tomoyuki, that sand-nin that had traveled with the Leaf summoned a ceiling of sand to take the impact, but the effort and impact knocked him off the slug and into the water and there was surely more to come...
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Bakuto Uchiha

The tunnel team, things didnt seem to be going right. The clones of the two jounin leaders went into the cave first, Bakuto had declined the gummy stars instead he got into a position and starts to appear to be cleaning and check out his kunai's At first glance it would have appeared he was examining the grip and tightening up something around it. When Bakuto was really started to wrap paper bombs on the ends of his kunai around the grips. As tightly he wrapped them they almost looked just like some sort of grip rather then paper bombs.

Bakuto didnt know what to expect from this he wanted to be prepared for anything. His arm was his trump card should he have to really fight, but he felt better having other weapons and strategies planned up before anything goes wrong. If the clones were caught and defeated the eventuality of conflict was sure to approach quickly.

Bakuto kept his ears active when listening but the cloud genin said something about being the leader which provoked the first response from Bakuto to address a member from the other village's team he speaks bluntly, "Biggest doesnt always mean the strongest, it just means you are the one that stands out first. A blade of grass that stands out is normally the first to get cut down." He doesnt even look up away from his kunai he just kept working on his tools then says once again without lookin away, "We shouldn't be concerned about a cave in, since the enemy will most likely be here soon, with any element of surprise we might have being thrown out the window. So we might want to be ready for a fight."

With the last words he spoke he put the last prepared kunai into his bag. Then stood firm on the ground. His right hand clenched into a fist then said, "If you want to prove something after this, then maybe we can see who's fist is stronger yours or mine if you want to try and back up your claim of being the strongest." His words as his right arm his bandaged puppet arm.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dr Insano12
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Dr Insano12

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Training ground 17 Rina Uchiha/Lumika Suto
Lumika was right about one thing: The only thing that was coursing through Rina’s body right now was white hot rage. She felt like this idiot was making a fool out of her! Mocking her by standing in her way and insisting on getting involved, she should’ve just been smart and stayed out of her damn way but now it was far too late for that. That taunting gesture only stoked the flames and caused Rina to grit her teeth in obvious irritation. “You’re going to beg me to stop.” she quickly jumped off of the ground and headed straight towards Lumika with absolutely no attempts to raise her defense or check if Kimi was around to intercept. None of that mattered now. NOTHING mattered now except kicking this upstart’s ass!

As Rina began to close in she reeled back with her fist attempting to punch straight into Lumika’s face to send her reeling backwards, but while she prepared her strike she saw Lumika abruptly step to the side...Time began to slow for a moment while the Sharingan focused upon Lumika’s movements and saw Lumika preparing her own punch. “Tch!” Rina spat out in frustration before breaking off her attack. Quickly jumping backwards toward the ground, she caught herself with her hand and spun her leg towards the side of Lumika’s head. Almost as if she knew the punch was coming.

Lumika’s eyes widened, but...I picked my moment! Lumika thought to herself as Rina’s leg collided with Lumika’s head this must be the power of the uchiha’s sharingan, she knew what i was gonna do before I even started doing it! Lumika continued to think as she lay fallen on the ground how am I going to fight someone who can see what i'm doing before i do it? Is...is it pointless?-no! I can’t defeat myself before this battle is over! I can win! I WILL WIN! Lumika though as she picked herself up off the ground and punched the ground with her burnt right arm, the pain coursed through her whole body, but it only managed to make her angrier, she knew what she needed to do.

Lumika charged at Rina, she would start to unleash a flurry of quick and strong punches, fighting with every muscle in her body, fighting with as much speed as she could muster, Lumika would perform various rapid sweeping kicks across the ground, causing the sand and dust to muster up into the air trying to surround them in a cloud of dirt, her firsts acting like egg beaters while her leg sweeps are the spatulas digging the dirt and dust into the air.

Rina put herself back upright and donned a smirk upon her face. It seemed like the Sand nin was finally starting to realize just how screwed she actually was. Good maybe she’d finally recognize what she’s been trying to tell her this entire time. “If you know what’s good for you stay down there. It’s where you belong anyway.” Rina’s face scrunched up in irritation when the blonde picked herself back up and started running at her again. This moron just wasn’t taking the hint! Fine. The only way to win was to make sure she’d never walk again...Fine by her.

The Uchiha’s eyes once again fixated upon their target and time started to slow while Lumika’s movements were laid bare before her. Each movement of her fist, each kick that was leveled towards her. Rina bobbed and weaved between each movement with the grace of a dancer, a grace that seemed almost alien considering her attitude and general demeanour. Nothing even came close to hitting as she continued her demented dance around Lumika before finally deciding that she had, had enough of this game. Rina quickly jumped through the latest punch and found herself directly in front of Lumika before crashing a pointed elbow into her chest and trying to knock her back. “You’re NOTHING! I am better than you! You understand me!?

Rina’s elbow found its mark, but Lumika stood firm, her only response to Rina was coughing up blood onto Rina’s arm as it was in her chest, Lumika pushed her arm off her chest and continued her barrage of punches and kicks that she knew couldn't find their mark… yet, the dust and dirt around them continued to build and build, Lumika gritting her teeth and pushing forward, the pain she felt just fueled her ambition, she had a fighters tunnel vision, everything else didn't matter. This has been the only time in her life where she has been able to go all out, and she was going to be fighting in the real world soon, real enemy’s aren't gonna time out, real opponents are not gonna show mercy, Lumika found her real opponent, and she wasn’t gonna stop until her body was too broken to continue and that smug face of hers lay in the ground.

The dust and dirt started to go from a fog to a cloud, as if it weren't for Lumika’s ruthless aggression they would be completely obscured from each other, ever since they met Lumika could see that Rina seems to put herself on a high ground above everyone else, thinking she can see more clearly than everyone else because of her superior advantages, well this next move she hopes she gets two eyeballs full. With one fluid motion Lumika ceased her attacked getting enveloped in dust and dirt and in an instant like the crack of a whip Flash kick! lightning chakra streaked across Rina’s face from Lumika’s foot.

This was it after all her work Lumika finally made her opening, after finishing her kick Lumika landed in a crouched position, everything she did at this point was as fast as she could and as strong as she could muster with her whole body, Lumika punches both arms onto the ground and like earlier, the earth crawls up her arm to make a ring of earth around each arms, and with her two open palms Lumika bursts at Rina and uppercuts her straight into center mass, lifting her up, and just as her fist was made the ring on her left arm release and hit Rina in the same location sending her up into the air, Lumika then jumped up in the air "Suto!" Lumika shouted as her fist connected with the side of Rina’s face, pushing every ouch of her strength into it, "PUUUUUUUUUUUUUNCH!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, the earth around her arm releasing and doubling the force of her punch straight towards the ground, she knew this wasn’t a real Suto punch but she wanted it to hurt like one.

The hits were pathetically easy to dodge, though she knew if she were actually hit by any of these wild strikes they surely wouldn’t tickle, she had to give the idiotic blonde SOME amount of respect...There was real power behind her strikes but she wouldn’t have to worry much about it. This fool wouldn’t be able to hit her as long as she was within sight. “You’re wasting my time.” she continued to relentlessly taunt while she weaved in and out of her wild and aimless strikes. In fact it was starting to become obvious that rage had overtaken her opponent as well, it was like she wasn’t even TRYING to hit her...Wait...Rina started to notice, though it was already too late. The dust was obscuring her vision! Rina grit her teeth at the fact that she hadn’t been paying attention. The words of her father were starting to echo in her head, chastising her, berating her for failure.

The Uchiha did her best to keep her eyes wide open while the dust and dirt flew around the two of them. Lumika had vanished within the cloud she had created which only added further to the young girl’s frustration...At the fight and at herself for allowing this situation to even happen. Finally Rina saw something emerging from the dust, the sharingan focused and began to show her the movement, but while it was predicting Lumika’s movements a sudden flash of pure lightning appeared in front of her and caused Rina to shut her eyes. Temporarily blinded from the light that had just occurred. This was her plan? Blinding her? Dammit, dammit, dammit!!! Suddenly Rina felt two fists crashing into her body causing her to cough out a spurt of blood from the abrupt but powerful strike. Her body was flung into the air and abruptly met the waiting fist of Lumika, with impressive and powerful force sending her back down towards the ground, causing her to spit up blood once again as she landed upon the ground.

Rina rubbed the side of her jaw and panted softly while blood trickled down her mouth. She had been in this position before, in fact she was ALL too familiar with this position, being driven down, being too weak to take a simple hit, being worthless...The young Uchiha picked herself up slowly, her knees wobbling and still trying to adjust from the sheer shock of impact that she had just experienced. The young Uchiha grit her teeth in pure rage and glared towards Lumika while she did her best to regain her composure. “That’s the last time. You’re ever going to touch me.” her body finally stopped shaking through sheer force of will as Rina wiped some blood from her lips. A small smirk appearing on her face now...She smelled blood in the water. Lumika had exhausted herself, it took everything she had to land those hits. And while they hurt like hell...Rina was still up, Rina could still fight. The Uchiha suddenly vanished from view before appearing directly in front of Lumika. Rina remembered the movements of that kick, at least before it blinded her. Suddenly Rina lashed out with a kick that was coated in flaming chakra mimicking Lumika’s flash kick almost perfectly but actually landing the kick straight into Lumika’s chin and sending her skyward. The Uchiha quickly jumped into the air after Lumika, uppercutting her in the chin, before kicking her further into the air. She landed blow after blow, punches and kicks all leveled towards Lumika in an attempt to keep sending her skyward. “Phoenix Rising!” she shouted out as her blows continued to push Lumika up into the air, until finally Rina grabbed onto the blonde’s face and pushed her back down towards the ground. They landed upon the ground with quite a loud and sickening thud.

The Uchiha looked down upon her opponent before turning her back upon the battered opponent that she had left in her wake. “You’re nothing. Now stay where you belong. And never get in my way again.” she spat coldly. This fight was over and Rina had made her point.
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