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Sep Lord of All Creation

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"You call yourself the Flash, you wear his colours. Yet you aren't him, the lightning bolt was never meant for you. You are nothing, the history books won't even know your name. Now tell me, where is The Flash?"

Lightning coursed through her veins, wind through her hair. The speed made her free, her feet making contact with the ground for mere fractions of a second before they pushed off again. Iris West was the fastest woman alive, and her head was devoted entirely to the moment. Images coursed through her brain far faster than any normal individual could process them. Stumbling slightly as the image of Eobard Thawne appeared, a familiar pull of fear at his face. Terror at his voice and the pain of what it cost to bring him to justice. It cost her more than she ever could imagine, and yet she still felt as if Thawne had won, in the end. Shaking her head, regaining her footing a sonic boom rumbled through the Sahara Desert as she once again picked up speed.

“We can use your abilities to better everyone.

A pang of guilt, as the voice of her first mentor, appeared. Harrison Wells was the first person to truly understand what had happened to her, or at least the first one to figure out pieces to the puzzle. She couldn’t help wondering if he was right. Her body seemed to generate limitless energy, her body could heal in minutes what it took others days and that was to speak little of her metabolism. If they could somehow find a way to replicate her abilities, she could help millions of people all over the world, perhaps even billions. Yet something stopped her.

“Really, you’re the Flash? No. Come on, where is he. Where’s the Flash?”

Doubt. Self-doubt and the doubt forced upon her by others, as the ocean spray peppered her face she could faintly remember the memories from the other life Barry had shown her. One where he had become the Flash, the same one that Thawne had come back from the future expecting to see. Now that future was gone, and all that was left was her, and the destiny she chose for herself.

“The thing is, I’ve felt it every time you’ve been in trouble. I have a sense for these things, this force that helps us run it connects us and you, you have the potential to be far faster than I ever was.”

A strange sense of pride swelled within her, and she could almost feel Jay Garrick running alongside her. The Original Flash, having served the United States and her allies during the second world war, while she had lost everything else she had gained Jay and his insights into not just how to be a hero but where her powers came from, and what it meant to be a good person. Her footing steadied and paced increased as she hit the beaches of Italy, powering through the country scenes in Syracuse.


As Iris felt the heat of the sun bearing down upon her, she could remember how the sun looked in the upper atmosphere as the Silver Surfer raised her up into the atmosphere. She may have decided to take the heroes path but something out there had decided she was a threat or a potential prize and she wasn’t sure what scared her more. With the power that the Surfer wielded all she knew was that she was going to have to be ready.


It was funny really. Eobard Thawne wanted nothing more than for her to die, to not become the Flash and yet his insistence on trying to stop her only drove her further to accept the title, the name and the responsibility. While his outfit was modelled after the Flash of his time, the emblem on her chest was designed to specifically be the opposite of his. Iris was everything that he was not, everything that he couldn’t possibly become. He had made her doubt herself, yet she had taken back her right. The edges of her reality started to blur as she passed through the English countryside in the blink of an eye.

“Get help. Don’t do it alone.”

Alone was how she felt, alone was how she was. As she tore through the snowy plateau in Greenland the cold started to bite at her skin. Nipping at her, bringing her back into the moment. Yet in the back of the head she knew, she had no choice but to be alone. Trying to fit in, trying to interact with people in their normal perception of time wasn’t always easy and quite often required focus. How could she not be alone?

“You really need to get that Eobard Thawne out of your head.

Even with him dead and gone, or gone from this point in the timeline or whatever else had happened to him. Iris couldn’t but help but feel weight down upon her as she powered through the Russian wastes. As much as Iris realised her purpose, and in her heart she knew that being the Flash was her destiny, Thawnes tendrils still clawed at her.

“Listen. I’m the Flash, I’m the Fastest Woman alive, not that any man comes close. It doesn’t matter how I gained my powers anymore, what matters is that I bear the mantle. A mantle you created, and a legacy I intend to live up to.”

“Lightning flashes, sparks shower; in one blink of an eye, you have missed seeing."

Thunder sounded in the distance, lightning flashed and she opened her eyes panting. Eyes frantically looking around her surroundings for anything that she could recognise through the dark. Breathing out she could see her breath which was when she began to realise how completely and utterly cold it was. What the hell was going on?

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Darth Sidious had everything planned, with the war spreading throughout the Galaxy and Anakin Skywalkers progression towards the Darkside nearing completion a daring move was planned. He ordered his apprentice, Count Dooku to invade Coruscant with a massive Separatist Fleet. Sidious plan was to have Anakin face off against Count Dooku, furthering Anakins fall to the Darkside and putting him into a place where he could become Sidious' new Apprentice.

Count Dooku was smarter than that, without hesitation, once Darth Sidious was in position, locked in a chair on the Observation deck of the Invisible Hand then without ceremony Count Dooku struck his master down with his Lightsaber. With Palpatine dead the Republic Fractured and the Confederacy took more territory than before, a cease-fire was declared as the Grand Republic fractured. Conceding to release territory and captured combatants.

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Relics of the First Age

The lands of Geilnor used to be abundant with Magic. A being named Kheris ruled the lands with an iron fist, to all his subjects he was revered as a God. His reign was as long as it was cruel, starting hundreds of years before any recorded history. Though like all good tales eventually a group of heroes rose up to meet Kheris and his forces. The Order of the Third Moon tricked sorcerors into imbuing objects with their powers, objects that would bond with the host and grant them incredible power. Using these objects the Order of the Third Moon managed to wage war against Kheris and his forces. Kheris' death marked the start of the second age.

The Order of the Third Moon recognised this power they now held, these objects bonded with an individual for life and separation of the object from its host resulted in death for the wielder. In a stunning fit of cruelty, the Order turned against the wielders who had saved them from the oppression of Kheris and destroyed the objects so that magic could never once again threaten Geilnor.

I wish I could say there had been peace, but a power vacuum spread across the continent of Geilnor as old rivalries and feuds resurfaced, previously quelled by Kheris' absolute control of the lands. Kingdoms formed and lines were drawn. The only constant was that of the Order of the Third Moon, they were in every corner of every kingdom ensuring that magic would not resurface once more. The Order of the Third Moon began a new religion, detailing their former leader Tyron a messiah sent to Geilnor from the One True God. In the absence of Kheris new literature was 'found' at archaeological sites all over the continent and even on some of the isles to the North.

As we move into the Third Age relics still exist, however with increased rarity. The Order of the Third Moon mainly fulfils a religious role within many of the Kingdoms. Tales of the Great One who stood up against Kheris and his Pantheon when no-one else would on behalf of the One True God. However, as the coronation of the new King of Etrid, the most prosperous kingdom in all of Geilnor is to take place, forces stir int he dark that has not stirred in an age, as the Relics of the First Age return.

Hey everybody! So having been binge-watching Merlin now it's on PrimeVideo I've repurposed an old idea that I previously worked on with Ellri, from a Roleplay that we had both joined before the GM sadly left. Expect a little bit of freedom to WorldBuild as we create our characters, who are then forced on a quest that could determine the very fate of Geilnor. Some of you may have to work together, while others are cast out and ostracised needing to go your own way.

The world is yours to save, in your own way. Just be wary, as we trifle with forces that few comprehend.
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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[hider=The First Age]

Nobody is entirely sure how long the reign of Kheris truly lasted, several revolutions started but the embers never became flame. He installed himself as a God, gifting power to various other individuals who he installed as subdieties throughout the land of Gielnor as extensions of his power. It wasn't until an individual known as Tyron rose up to fight back, forming the underground movement of The ORder of the Third Moon that the revolution truly started to catch movement.

[hider=The Second Age]

[hider=The Third Age]

[hider=The Fourth Age]
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| Character Identity |

| Age |

| Character Differences |
What, if anything, makes this character different and/or unique from most canon interpretations. Note any major changes that stand out from mainstream counterparts, power and skillset alterations, altered public or secret persona, etc.

| Brief World Background |
Just a brief blurb, a few paragraphs at most, on what about this reality makes it different than others. What changes in mainstream comic or real-world established history, what major events did or did not occur, what the current hero landscape looks like, etc. Please also include whether or not this is a universe comprised of solely Marvel or DC property, or a blended world. If they are an alien, while you may note changes to both worlds, I would primarily want to know about their Earth.

| Brief Character Background |
Similar to the above section, just a few paragraphs at most on the character's personal history. Note their experiences, any life-defining events, and where/what they were doing the moment they were abducted. This will have been during a moment where they were distracted or unawares, and alone/unseen. Whether sleeping, during a major conflict, after an exhausting battle, etc. If your character isn't originally from Earth, make sure they were present on Earth during their abduction and for several weeks beforehand. Likewise, if you could include a sentence or two on their experience since their captivity. For these characters, they would have been slaves anywhere from a few days with no experience in death games to a few months with a handful of experiences. Do not hesitate to ask questions if you need more details.
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Conors Room / Edge Tower / Seattle
19:00HRS Local Time

Conor had cursed as the lights had went out, grabbing a nearby candle he ran his hand up it. His fingers crossing over a number of symbols as the room lit up in a way far brighter than a candle had any right to be. He turned to look back at the mirror and recoiled in disgust. The face he had been wearing beforehand had become all warped, his nose had become waxy and began to melt as his cheeks dropped. His mouth was half in a smile and a thrown as his eyes seemed to be slowly enroaching on what was formerly forehead territory though now looked more like raw scalp. Lord knows where his ears had gotten too. He sighed as he reached beneath his shirt to a collar he was wearing around his neck, pressing two symbols near his collarbone. The fake face melted away collapsing into the collar revealing his true face. Reasonably charming, if he said so himself. He sighed as he looked into his own eyes.

She always loved your eyes.

He chastised himself for the stray thought and returned to his desk, unclipping the collar and returning it to the desk. Something was going wrong, the image held for the first couple of minutes but then after that it just seemed to fail. He pulled on his glasses, pulling the loupe down to get a closer look at the runes, looking between them and the ones on scrolls and his notes. He cursed as he noticed a few minor imperfections. It was entirely possible that they were the cause of the problems, as by all other counts the facade should be holding up perfectly. Leaning back in the chair he pushed his hands up over his eyes covering the, pushing his glasses up onto his hair. As his back stretched he let out a groan in frustration.

Working on the facade for weeks, the espionage capabilities aside they would lessen the worry of his photo being taken whenever one of their subtle tasks became less so. As if his photo was taken then it wouldn't be his face plastered everywhere but one of his own fabrication. Picking up the collar he opened one of the many drawers on his desk and threw it in. Standing up he stamped his foot near the front of his desk, kicking a symbol and the candle raised into the air. Following him over his left shoulder as he walked around the room. Other people had entertainment centres, tvs and sofas. Meanwhile Conor had a miniature library full of old tomes, a couple of sophisticated chairs and his desk. Almost every tome in here was older than he was, with the exception of his own notes and the couple of books he bought for CeCe so she had something to read during her visits.

Running hands over the spines of the books some were paperbound, others leather or cloth, some were stranger materials like wood and even one of stone. Recoiling slightly as the lights came back on as suddenly as they had went out, he flicked the bottom of the candle and it returned to its resting space on his desk. No smaller than it had been before. His phone vibrated in his pocket, pulling it out he stuck his thumb between the two halfs and flipped it open revealing the text.

[I've found someone with a copy of what you want. Will give you an update when I have more.]

Smiling as he walked out into the hall, he worked his way to the kitchen. Each room may have its own kitchenette however there was always good odds that Eilidh had a pot of tea on the go. Walking into the kitchen he smiled as he saw her working away with the kettle.

"What's the craic Eilidh?" He slid onto a stool at the breakfast bar. Grabbing a mug he slid it over to her as he grabbed himself a cookie, taking a bite off it as he allowed her to fill his mug just the way he liked it.
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Seattle PD // West Precint
810 Virgina Street // Seattle

A police car tumbled through the air, end over end. As it collided with the ground the siren died down in a very cliché 'awoowoooooowoooowooooooooo'. Chaos reigned as fires burned, the grey clouds above threatened to release rain down to complicate things further. A masked man near the police station laughed as he picked up various objects throwing them through windows into the building, he stumbled slightly before pulling a patch from his pocket. Slapping it into his arm he renewed his assault with increased vigor. Whenever an officers head appeared in a window, that window was instantly filled with some object being thrown. None of the windows were particularly window shaped anymore, as so much had been done. The entire glass front of the building at the door was cracked and broken with a swat van lodged firmly in the lobby.

Behind him, taking cover, were a group of men dressed in similar clothes. Instead of excess muscle they carried assault rifles, scanning the area away from the police station. Whenever an officer attempted to enroach on their 'territory' of the precint they were unceremoniously shot from one of the rifles.

If the front of the precint was chaos. The rear was utter mayhem. The masked man had built himself a nest with police cruisers and various vehicles shielding him from the outside, the four of the henchmen with him focused on the building taking pot shots as people popped their heads out meanwhile two sat atop the makeshift barrier taking shots at anyone brave, or foolish, enough to try and push up to try and retake the building from the rear. The masked man at the rear laughed as he ripped off a wheel from a cruiser and launched it into the station. "Beats studying for finals!" He lobbed it into the building, laughing as he heard several screams echoing from within the building.
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Years have passed since the fall of Darth Sidious, the fractured Empire and the New Republics war continued to rage across the Galaxy until the Battle of Jakku where the Empire was finally defeated and most of the remaining holdouts surrendered to the new galactic power. As the galaxy stabilized with the New Republic becoming the dominant power in the Galaxy.

The JEDI ORDER, lead by the famous LUKE SKYWALKER travels across the galaxy, fulfilling their purpose of old. Helping to bring peace to troubled systems, as LEIA ORGANA works to assist them with her NEW REPUBLIC RANGERS and her diplomatic contacts. Despite the peace that exists across the Galaxy, something stirs in the shadow. A threat unlike any that the Galaxy has seen in thousands of years.

Welcome to Rise of Crusade! A Star Wars AU Roleplay set within the time period of the sequels. The Galaxy is in a relative period of peace, the New Republic is the Galactic Superpower with several other small groups seeing their chance and growing in the void of the long lost Empire. Aging heroes stepping aside to let the next generation rise and take their steps into a galaxy of their own making, but something sinister is growing in the edges of the Galaxy.

We will be using a mix of EU and Disney Canon, this is mainly so that there will be familiar elements for players rather than doing something wholly unique, it also means that we have the capability to just look things we may need up on the Wikia.

So step up, step forth and take your space and make your mark. My aim is to create a truly immersive Star Wars story. There's going to be some freedom/sandbox elements however I will also be pushing forward a central plot, as an untold evil casts its shadow over the Stars (Something OC, it's not the Yuuzhan Vong or Palpatine). From the lowliest smuggler, to the mightiest Jedi everyone has a place in this story.


Character Sheet:

This sheet can be tweaked to your personal tastes, categories can be removed or added. The important ones that need to be kept are Name, Species, Appearance, Skills, Weaknesses and History. As stated above in terms of Canon we're using Disney Canon for the most part, with the exceptions of what I've changed. If you're not sure about something just ask.

For Force Users

[b]Abilities(For Force Users): Balance it out, and detail how skilled they are.

Faction Sheet:

If you want to run a faction that affects the lives of more than 30,000 people you need to apply by filling out a sheet. You can add things to the sheet, however you can't remove things.

[b]Faction Logo(If applicable):[/b]
[b]Faction Name:[/b]
[b]Faction Classification:[/b] Liberation Movement, Imperial Warlord, Slave Traders, Mercenary Group, Pirate Band etc.
[b]Faction Leader:[/b]
[b]Faction Members(Players):[/b]
[b]Important NPCs:[/b]
[b]Faction Assets:[/b] (Ships, strongholds, manpower, credits, access to weaponry. Last three can be rough estimates)
[b]Timeline of Factions History:[/b]

1. While I am open to Input, like many RP's GMs word is law.
2. No killing off other player characters/Important NPCs with just one hit. Discussion needs to happen OOC and agreements need to be made that said...
3. If you do something incredibly stupid, such as putting your character right in the way of a turbolaster blast. They're probably going to die, while I want to avoid having anyones chars/npcs die when they don't want them too, try to act logically with them to preserve their life.
4. Please keep faction growth realistic, if you are in charge of a faction.
5. No Metagaming/Powergaming.
6. This Roleplay is going to contain some slightly more mature themes, blood, gore and swearing is allowed however should be kept tasteful (no doing it just for the sake of doing it). Anything in regards to what you are doing to that alien hooker, we don't need to know.
7. In your character history mention some form of dealing with a Drunk Dug with a Gambling Problem at least once, it doesn't need to be elaborate just to make me know you've read the rules (in a non obvious manner).
8. Initial Maximum of Two PCs per player, further can be discussed after at least four good quality posts in two weeks.
9. Respect eachother.
10. Have fun.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Have fun everyone.

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Name: Koren Omi-Ren

Species: Human

Age: 29

Faction: Jedi Order


Lightsaber: The Kyber Crystal gives the blade a light blue hue.

The Nightfury: ILH-KK Citadel Class Cruiser retrofit to modern specifications. It has a standard complement of 1x Delta-7B Aethsprite Light Interceptor which is painted black as his personal starfighter.


Basic Telekinetic Abilities: Like most Jedi he learnt how to control the Force by using telekinesis, pushing, pulling, levitating. He has grown quite proficient at it, able to use it to jump higher and farther than most un-augmented organics.

Basic Precognition: Some call a Jedi Lucky, but a true Jedi knows that the Force is what guides them. He's no Seer however, and his precognition is limited to helping him anticipate what's going to happen next in combat.

Plant Surge: Koren has the ability to interact with the Force that resides within plants, encouraging them to grow, or gather information from them. It gives him a unique advantage while he is on a planet with dense vegetation.

Alter Environment: Much in a similar way to how he learnt how to interact with plants Koren can interact with the molecules in the air to adjust the local environment. The larger the area he attempts to alter, the more taxing it is and the less time he can keep it up for. However he can create localised storms with some success.

Animal Friendship: Being a natural empath he fuels this with the Force allowing him to connect more easily with wildlife, able to calm them or convince them to aide him if the need arises.


Tracker: Spending plenty of time out in the wilds he's a skilled tracker, be it at tracking game or at tracking people.

Studious: Koren has spent much of his time researching

Lightsaber Use: Koren is most proficient in Form II, though like most Jedi he has some skill in form III.

Fair Pilot: While he's no Jedi Ace the likes of those in the Old Republic, he can hold his own while in the cockpit.

Cook: He can cook a stew on just about any planet, with any list of ingredients.


Combat: He's more of a duelist than an actual fighter. He can handle himself against your average fighter, but against more seasoned fighters he's in for a struggle.

Urban Agoraphobia: His upbringing and most of his skills put him at his best in more rural environments. While he can work in urban environments he is certainly uncomfortable, in environments such as cities without much nature much of his metaphorical toolbox is useless.

Sheltered: He's been with the Jedi Order since he was a child, scouted at a very young age. As such he has little real-world experience outwith the order.

History: Koren was born to Corellian parents Tyrell and Myra Omi-Ren, shipwrights in the outer districts of Coronet City. Little did young Koren know that the Omi-Rens had a long-standing history of producing Jedi younglings. During the reign of the Empire that specific part of their history was locked up tight to prevent the Empire from snooping too much on any children they might have, questioning their loyalty or just outright killing them to prevent any chance of the Omi-Rens producing more Jedi.

Their family history was only revealed to Tyrell by his father after the battle of Endor, and the death of the Emperor. When the Empire fractured into hundreds of different pieces. The history of their people was restored, ready to be passed down once more from generation to generation.

Like many children throughout the Galaxy as Lukes Jedi Order grew in status and in legend, Koren was tested for Force Sensitivity, once it was discovered he had the ability to control the Force he was sent to Ahch-To to be trained in the ways of the Force. He remembers what little his parents told him about his family legacy before he left, determined to make his mark and bring back the Omi-Ren name into the pages of Jedi History.

A night that sticks in his mind is the night Luke Skywalker sat with him in the mess hall, asking him questions about his families legacy, what little pieces of information parents of Jedi long past had managed to glean from the holonet after their children were given and committed and given to the Order. It struck Koren then how Luke kept his head down, and didn't overestimate his place, nor ignoring the lessons history or legacy taught them. Something he understood even more once Lukes parentage was revealed.

Korens skillset was something of an oddity among his peers, he discovered them seemingly at random. Finding that he had a stronger connection the plant and animal life than his peers. Honing these abilities and skills, using lessons from the Jedi Library and his families history to piece together who he was and what was he capable off. Despite growing up in the city, as he had left at such a young age he found himself thriving out in the wilds. He took every outdoor survival class he could, speaking to Rangers whenever they landed on the planet.

A Padawan during the Daala crisis he was one of five that were in Separatist Space at the time, he refused point blank to open fire on a Separatist Blockade (Which turned out to be the right decision to make). Once Daala emerged the five of them worked together with the Separatists to orchestrate their counter-attack in what would become the Galactic Alliance.

Since becoming a Jedi Knight Koren has focused his attentions on travelling to rural worlds that are having problems with crops or environmental issues (issues that are common place after how the Empire strip-mined and polluted planets), after several years in the field he visited home where his parents gifted him with his new ship, in which he now returns to the Jedi Temple for re-assignment.
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Nation Name: Lorne Administration

Government Form:
Corporate Republic - It is run by an administrative CEO, who answers to a board of directors. Various administrators and division heads operate through various levels of society.

Humans are the majority, though there is a large reliance on the use of robotics to augment the human workforce.

  • 250 Million - Human. Small population due to the fact it wasn't meant to be a self sufficient colony.
  • 4 Billion Robotic Workers


Planet Name and Description: Delta-4: Delta-4 was originally a world slated for colonisation as a large continental world. The Lorne Administration built a station in orbit and set the groundwork on Delta-4 and throughout the system for colonization.

Since the gate closed without the colony ship coming through they have just continued their efforts. The station above the planet has turned into an orbital ring, as mines span moons and planets throughout the system. Meanwhile several cities, reserves and farmsteads have been established on the planet. Ready for colonisation.

  • Gateway Activation: Pre-Colonisation the Lorne Corporation was sent in to set things up ahead of the Colony Ship Endurance.
  • Year 1: Groundwork is laid down for Capital City, convoy lines, and mines established on Delta-4A and 4B.
  • Year 2: Gateway doesn't activate to produce a Colony Ship as expected. The decision is made to continue work as normal.
  • Year 3: Habitat-1 is expanded in space to accommodate for lack of supplies, farms are established in orbit.
  • Year 15: Capital City is completed and ready to move in. Ground is broken on City-2 and City-3.
  • Year 31: Accommodations are made to prevent workers' uprising. Entertainment, promotion opportunities are all created.
  • Year 35: Vote on whether or not to continue operating as a company goes throughout the people. The vote passes in favour of remaining a company.
  • Year 95: Mines are established on Delta-3,3a,3b and 3c. With a refinery on Delta-3.
  • Year 96: Human manual labour is now mostly regarded as obselete.
  • Year 192: Habitat-1 becomes The Ring as it extends right the way around the planet. Various objects in storage for when the colony finally arrives (if it ever does) as well as backup supplies for themselves.
  • Year 200: Creation of the Central Control Hub, hubs effectively control the robotic units under their purview. One exists on all Delta, as well as one on the Ring.
  • Year 221: The robotic worker numbers now number over 3 billion.
  • Year 251: Construction of Gas extraction facility in the upper atmosphere of Delta-1. Delta-1b and 1d also gain mines.
  • Year 266: Delta-1a and 1c gain their respecitve facilities.
  • Gateway reactivates: The few ancient warships that the Administration possesses are recommissioned back into service.

Culture and Society: Very similar to a modern-day Earth. The only exception is that all social services are free such as education and healthcare. People who retire at the age of 65 are all treated very pleasantly in a specially constructed retirement habitat on the Ring that has a domed roof to look down on the forests of Delta-4.

There have been several moments in time where they have considered settlement on the planet, but have not wanted to violate their contract.


Governance and Politics: (Like the government form field, but more room for detail. If your Colony has changed in such a way that it doesn't even have a government or politics anymore, this is also a good place to talk about that.)

Technology Overview: (What have your people invented? Or have they forgotten anything?)

Military Overview: (This is the space to talk about any offensive capabilities you have. Given that most of these Colonies have been essentially stranded by themselves for three centuries, I don't imagine anyone has a large "conquer other planets" level fleet yet. But maybe your Colony has been in civil war for a hundred years, and has built up an impressive military in that time. Or maybe they even had to fend off a genuine alien invasion.)


Additional Info: (Anything else you want to include that there isn't a spot for up there.)
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C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Witty Quote"

This is where you outline your vision for the character including any notable changes or differences from the regularly accepted canon. This should be a short summary that provides insight into where the character is in terms of their overall progress and development. You could also include any notable differences from the standard canon you've added to your character.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):

Why do you want to play this character, what is the driving motivation behind both this desire and the character themselves. What do you hope to accomplish and where do you want the character's story/stories to go? For a driving character, there should be enough of an outline present to interest other players along with specifications towards how many players you're looking to involve or available roles. For supporting characters, this should indicate either a plot you've arranged to be part of or the type of plot you're looking to be involved in. Roaming characters have the privilege of doing either or simply stating a roadmap for the character to exemplify how you'd ideally like them to move between plots.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Any additional notes you want to put either for yourself, the GM's or other players to help clarify your vision or continuity.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.

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Name: Weron Kells
Species: Human
Age: 49
Faction: Galactic Alliance Rangers - Separatist Union Aligned.
  • Combat Trained: Having been the son of a CIS intelligence officer and a Rebel Operative, he is proficient in short/mid range combat and hand to hand.
  • Intelligence Gathering: With the fall of the CIS and the formation of the Empire, Weron used the skills taught to him by his father to destabilise the efforts of the Empire and assist the Rebellion. When the Empire fell he joined the New Separatist Union. Working as an agent throughout the Daala Crisis. Once the Crisis ended he was re-assigned to the Alliance Rangers where he now serves as a Ranger Sergeant aboard the Milky Way.
  • Technologically minded: He has grown up around droids. Working on them, maintaining and modifying them. He can repair a B1 Battledroid and have it combat operational in virtually no-time at all. Slicing his way into various systems, while he may be older now his mind is as sharp as ever.
  • Psychological Student: Before he went on to become an Intelligence Officer he studied at Reena University and left with a degree in forensic psychology.

  • Age: Other species can get to his age and still be children. Humanity doesn't offer such luxuries. He's getting old, and slow and he hurts.
  • Isolated: There aren't many Separatist Rangers, and there are still some hard feelings between the member states of the Galactic Alliance.
  • Poor Social Skills: He's worked as a special forces agent all his life. Mostly with droids. While he understands psychology, it doesn't mean he's good at making friends.

History: Weron was born towards the end of the Clone Wars. His father, a Separatist General aided several of the remaining holdouts who refused to surrender after the Clone Wars came to an end. Weron grew up around conflict and droids. Eventually he would follow in his fathers footsteps, joining one of the many rebel cells that sprung up across the Galaxy.

As a Rebel Agent he specialised in hacking and slicing as well as droid repair, he hunted down crashed Separatist Ships, abandoned factories looking for anything not tidied up by the Galactic Empire. He found himself on Bracca several times scouring old Separatist Ships for any signs of leftover droids. He never quite formed enough to make a substantial army but he used them to great effect for hit and run operations, distractions or simply to harass the Galactic Empire.

He continued on in this role throughout the Galactic Civil War, as his cell joined the Rebel Alliance. Once the New Republic formed, and the Government seemed to be harbouring back to the way it had been before the Clone Wars the New Separatist Union formed and he rejoined his own people. He was active up through the Daala campaign and since the formation of the Galactic Alliance he has become a First Class Lieutenant within the Alliance Rangers. His most recent deployment is aboard the Milky Wy in charge of the Rangers that act as its infantry.
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