Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Relics of the First Age

The lands of Geilnor used to be abundant with Magic. A being named Kheris ruled the lands with an iron fist, to all his subjects he was revered as a God. His reign was as long as it was cruel, starting hundreds of years before any recorded history. Though like all good tales eventually a group of heroes rose up to meet Kheris and his forces. The Order of the Third Moon tricked sorcerors into imbuing objects with their powers, objects that would bond with the host and grant them incredible power. Using these objects the Order of the Third Moon managed to wage war against Kheris and his forces. Kheris' death marked the start of the second age.

The Order of the Third Moon recognised this power they now held, these objects bonded with an individual for life and separation of the object from its host resulted in death for the wielder. In a stunning fit of cruelty, the Order turned against the wielders who had saved them from the oppression of Kheris and destroyed the objects so that magic could never once again threaten Geilnor.

I wish I could say there had been peace, but a power vacuum spread across the continent of Geilnor as old rivalries and feuds resurfaced, previously quelled by Kheris' absolute control of the lands. Kingdoms formed and lines were drawn. The only constant was that of the Order of the Third Moon, they were in every corner of every kingdom ensuring that magic would not resurface once more. The Order of the Third Moon began a new religion, detailing their former leader Tyron a messiah sent to Geilnor from the One True God. In the absence of Kheris new literature was 'found' at archaeological sites all over the continent and even on some of the isles to the North.

As we move into the Third Age relics still exist, however with increased rarity. The Order of the Third Moon mainly fulfils a religious role within many of the Kingdoms. Tales of the Great One who stood up against Kheris and his Pantheon when no-one else would on behalf of the One True God. However, as the coronation of the new King of Etrid, the most prosperous kingdom in all of Geilnor is to take place, forces stir int he dark that has not stirred in an age, as the Relics of the First Age return.

Hey everybody! So having been binge-watching Merlin now it's on PrimeVideo I've repurposed an old idea that I previously worked on with Ellri, from a Roleplay that we had both joined before the GM sadly left. Expect a little bit of freedom to WorldBuild as we create our characters, who are then forced on a quest that could determine the very fate of Geilnor. Some of you may have to work together, while others are cast out and ostracised needing to go your own way.

The world is yours to save, in your own way. Just be wary, as we trifle with forces that few comprehend.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Sep Tentative interest, I'm way better in a medieval type rp. Count me in.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Cool. I'm going to be working on stuff behind the scenes, but my work week is about to Start so at the very earliest it'll be into Next Week, but that lets us check out what other interest we have.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Sep Nice, can't wait to see this get going.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

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Gonna slip some interest in here
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

I'm into it and I'm desperate for original worlds, characters, and stories.

A couple questions:

Does magic exist? If so, in what capacity? Who, if anyone, wields it, and what does it require from the individual to do so?

What races and species exist in the world? Is this low-fantasy, with humans and animals, or high-fantasy, with the classic elves/dwarves/humans, or dark-fantasy, with all kinds of shivering horrors?

Is there a driving plot, or is this more of a sandbox in which to tell our stories? How big is the world? How much leeway do we have in character history to establish our own unique settings, cultures, and identifiers?

I'm likely in this regardless of how these questions are answered, but that doesn't mean I'm not curious.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

I'm into it and I'm desperate for original worlds, characters, and stories.

A couple questions:

Does magic exist? If so, in what capacity? Who, if anyone, wields it, and what does it require from the individual to do so?

What races and species exist in the world? Is this low-fantasy, with humans and animals, or high-fantasy, with the classic elves/dwarves/humans, or dark-fantasy, with all kinds of shivering horrors?

Is there a driving plot, or is this more of a sandbox in which to tell our stories? How big is the world? How much leeway do we have in character history to establish our own unique settings, cultures, and identifiers?

I'm likely in this regardless of how these questions are answered, but that doesn't mean I'm not curious.

1) Magic exists mainly in the form of Relics which are still kicking around. The power of the relic varies, but are generally limited to one 'field' of magic. Such as fire manipulation or transfiguration. The Old Magic has more or less died out, though it's possible some skulk in the shadows hidden away from the Order of the Third Moon, though their grasp on magic will be basic and won't be easy on their bodies, physically.

2) Somewhere between the three. Humans are the main backbone, dwarves exist but rarely leave their holds. Elves have more or less been hunted to extinction from the Order of the Third Moon as they were the most prolific magic users. Horrors exist, and other than spreading their religion protecting the masses from these horrors has been their main mission statement.

3) There will be a driving story that everyone will get involved in, but that doesn't mean everyone will be in the same place or even cross paths, if that makes sense. Think of it like LOTR after the fellowship breaks up, they're all striving for the same goal but their paths don't cross. While I'm setting up the world there's a lot of room for players to influence/shape the world as they make their sheets. I always find it more enjoyable if people bring their own little elements to what's going on.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I dont know how big of a group you want to make so I would like to bookmark this and ask you to pencil me in.

that being said, do you have any aversion to a Half elf? Some very small latent magic in his blood? Perhaps the un knowing holder of a relic passed down generations of humans from the elven ancestor and they forgot that the simple heirloom was actually a relic?

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by sly13
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Member Seen 18 days ago

this seems like it could be cool.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

I dont know how big of a group you want to make so I would like to bookmark this and ask you to pencil me in.

that being said, do you have any aversion to a Half elf? Some very small latent magic in his blood? Perhaps the un knowing holder of a relic passed down generations of humans from the elven ancestor and they forgot that the simple heirloom was actually a relic?

Relics still exist in the current age, I'll go more into this in the OP once I get there but I need to solidify some stuff and don't wanna potentially offer up any spoilers.

Half elfs are okay, but just be aware that if anyone suspects his true heritage the Order of the Third Moon are going to get all murdery.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rapid Reader
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Rapid Reader

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High interest on my part!
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Writing up some notes while at work for me to get typed up on Tuesday.

With the downtime I have at work I hope to have most the stuff I need sorted to be done, and just need typing up
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DraconiWarlord
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DraconiWarlord Broke The Infinity +1 Sword

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Seems very interesting to me, expect a CS over the weekend or on Monday!
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DraconiWarlord
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DraconiWarlord Broke The Infinity +1 Sword

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Well once we have a template- expect a CS 2-3 days after we have a template
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kenshi
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Was making sure this was casual, and not advanced.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Was making sure this was casual, and not advanced.

It is indeed Casual sir, though I'll take the thought it might have been advanced as a compliment.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Got some of the main powerhouses typed up today, just need to sort out two more of the main Nation States/Areas, some race descriptions, how relics work and a couple of beasties to get the ball rolling. As previously discussed I am willing to let you also worldbuild yourself, think of it as I'm building the outside of the puzzle and you guys can help me fill it in.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Omni5876>

Relics still exist in the current age, I'll go more into this in the OP once I get there but I need to solidify some stuff and don't wanna potentially offer up any spoilers.

Half elfs are okay, but just be aware that if anyone suspects his true heritage the Order of the Third Moon are going to get all murdery.

Im still willing to play a half elf. His heritage could be a plot point and would create some tension between interactions with NPCs and maybe even the party members. Do you have some sort of CS we can start working on?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 1 day ago

My plan at the moment is playing a martial artist who comes from a group that worshipped Kheris but a load of 'em got wiped out by The Order and now he's trying to lay low.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Sep>

Im still willing to play a half elf. His heritage could be a plot point and would create some tension between interactions with NPCs and maybe even the party members. Do you have some sort of CS we can start working on?

Not yet I don't like putting a sheet out before I have the groundwork. Prevents potential clashes.

My plan at the moment is playing a martial artist who comes from a group that worshipped Kheris but a load of 'em got wiped out by The Order and now he's trying to lay low.

That idea I really like the idea that people still may Worship after all this time its certainly an interesting take I never considered.
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