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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yue Nara"Stop... being alive. It's embarrassing."
Yue's cheeks burned. It sounded like the whole mission was going sideways. Hideo even said that the odds of "the genin's survival is lower" as a "net positive". So she was right the first time, they were Team Trash. They were the ones that it was okay if they died. That's probably why they were only led by Hideo, a man that nobody trusted, and a clone of Mizuraki-sensei. The others were already fighting over leadership, but what did it matter who led them into death? Yue imagined the six of them going into the caves and running into... probably a whole shinobi team. They were detected, right? That meant that they'd reinforce the tunnels and they'd have to fight their way through... But they weren't a fighting force. In her mind, she could see that Kumo girl getting a katana through her chest from the darkness. She wouldn't know right away, she may not even know that she'd died. She could see Bakuto fighting, catching a kunai in his arm, one of the sinister enemies blowing fire at him at close range, could imagine him burning and melting into ash. Would she tell Natsuo to run? Would he listen? Of course he wouldn't... He'd... let his bugs attack and in such a confined space, even Yue could imagine them doing some real damage... But there was no way that it'd last. If even one knew Earth Release, they'd bury him in rock and slate, maybe they'd make a stalactite fall through his head. She could practically see his blood stained eyes staring at nothing anymore and never again...

And what about Mizuraki and Hideo? The mission comes first, right? With all the strongest in the cave, she imagined he'd just cave in the tunnels and she and him would be crushed to death together under ten thousand tons of rock and water. Something about this struck her as concordant, in a sense, and her mind extrapolated that for some, maybe death was welcome. She narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. Her hands clenched in her pocket.

There was nothing she could do about it now.

"We can't beat fully trained shinobi", she murmured, "We have to think of something else."

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Shiori Spiga"Once you’re devoured, it doesn’t matter who you were before."

Shiori suppressed a snarl as Burai blatantly insulted her intelligence, severing her webbing and talking to her as if she was an errant child. She wasn’t the only recipient of his sudden outburst, as his tirade continued to peck at Kenshiro, and then to their teacher’s intelligence, and then to all of them, and then…

“We're a team, no matter how much some of us may dislike it.” Burai continued, oblivious to the Hyuuga’s attempts to interrupt. “Moreover, I am proud to consider you both my friends, I do not wish to see something so trivial pull us apart so soon; Regardless, it should be obvious to individuals so canny as yourselves that this is a test."

And then it smiled, like it hadn’t just said the stupidest thing Shiori had ever heard in her whole life. And it thought *she* was the stupid one? She could scarcely believe it. Her face was a mask of calm, but her eyes blazed with killing intent.

Burai, meanwhile, seemed to be working himself up the longer he talked, rather than winding down.

“I believe I will take you up on this challenge!” He crowed to their sensei. “An opportunity to test my growth is... most desirable. Of course, I'd be honored if my teammates would help me, as a Jounin is a formidable foe to say the least.”

Shiori pursed her lips, mortified. Burai had gone from the quiet classmate to a loud buffoon, making statements that sounded more appropriate to a little children’s sentai show than a ninja-in-training. She supposed it was better to find out how immature it really was on the first day of training than months down the line, when she may have needed to rely on it for something serious.

She looked away, half in secondhand embarrassment and half in disgust. She’d already decided to walk away the moment Burai pulled his little web-snapping stunt, and if the Hyuuga wouldn’t join her, she was perfectly happy leaving alone. She wasn’t about to sit around and let herself be embarrassed in public for the hundredth time today

She didn’t have to. Kenshiro took the lead, much to her relief. The Hyuuga compared Burai to that idiot crab Jin Kani, noted the idiocy of their jounin, and declared it's departure, all things Shiori approved of immensely. She didn’t even look at Burai as she turned to follow Kenshiro. Being ignored may not sting as much when one hasn’t the eyes to see it, thought Shiori, but she didn’t know the extent of it’s sensory abilities. It occurred to her that perhaps, even within it’s own mysteriously blind clan, Burai was exceptionally oblivious or defected in some way.

But as she began following after Kenshiro, she felt a presence behind her. Not Burai. Something else.


That idiot teacher! Was she trying to kill them? Shiori leapt out of the way and tumbled near Kenshiro as a wave of red energy came crashing towards them, obliterating a path through the trees.

Shiori gritted her teeth. Now that she’d been attacked, she couldn’t leave. Her mother wouldn’t allow her to return home in disgrace. She’d have to either kill Kuree or her teammates. She supposed killing her teammates was more possible than taking out their teacher, but that left Shiori to be Kuree’s sole student, which she had no desire to be. They’d have to kill Kuree. Or at least, make sure Shiori died last.

She got her footing and looked back over her teammates, seeing that none had been caught in the blast. But Kuree could have killed them if she’d wanted to - as much of an idiot as their jounin was, she was powerful enough not to miss. The laser was a warning shot.

For the first time today, Shiori felt afraid. The woman was powerful, and likely crazy. Their best chance at subduing her would be her spiders, unless the boys had something better than paralytic poison to rely on (she doubted it.) She looked at the two and surmised which would make a better distraction for her while she deployed her spiders. Even accounting for the possibility that Kuree was some kind of freak mountain woman and resisted her spider’s paralytic poison, the swarm would still slow her down. Even crazy humans didn’t like to be covered in biting spiders.

“I need a distraction.” She announced firmly, her mind made up. With a serious expression she looked to Kenshiro and and then Burai. Of the two, she expected the Kasei to do something first. He seemed foolhardy and unpredictable, and she would use that to their advantage. As dumb as it was, it could help them survive.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dr Insano12
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Dr Insano12

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Clone with Hideo. Mizuraki Senju's clone
The clone of Mizuraki’s face immediately scrunched up in irritation once Hideo opened his mouth. In a fashion that seemed to be typical for this unprofessional shinobi he started casually berating her as if it were nothing. “Better than you’d hoped!?” She shouted out now no longer attempting to be professional at all. If he wasn’t going to keep provoking her why the hell should she sit here and take it? Ichika wasn’t here to reign her in so as far as she was concerned it was open season. “What the hell is wrong with you!? A lower chance of survival has no reason to ever be celebrated!” It was taking everything Mizuraki had not to cave this smug bastard’s head in with her fist. “Your mission depends on their survival. Because if any of them die on your watch? I’ll kill you myself.” she said with complete coldness in her voice. “We’re all going to make it out of this.

Mizuraki began to head towards the covered up entrance to the cave. Going through the path in her head as she remembered it. The ninja looked over her shoulder while Bakuto and Arisu seemed to be caught up in a dispute of sorts. “It doesn’t matter who the “Leader” is.” she snapped out abruptly. “Now’s not the time to issue challenges, Bakuto. Both of you need to work together. That goes for all of you.” She flashed a glare back towards Hideo as well. “All. Of. You.” she repeated for emphasis. “There’s nothing you can’t accomplish if you all fight together. We chose all of you genin because you were the best in close quarters. Individually you stand no chance against ninja of the enemies caliber but together? They don’t stand a chance. Just make sure to watch each other, back each other up and don’t for ONE single second let your guard down. Me and Hideo will be with you the entire time, you’ll all make it through this.

Without any further pausing Mizuraki headed back into the cave and waited to be followed by the rest of the members of her ragtag group of ninja. Retracing her steps in the cave was fairly easy; the wood clones fed each other information the same way that Mizuraki was fed information. It was thankfully uneventful until they reached the cave-in that was caused when the clones were discovered. Mizuraki channeled chakra into her arm and placed her hand as close to the base of the rubble as she could. Her arm began to sprout exceptionally sized wooden branches and she lifted with all of her might. Mizuraki began moving an entire section of the rubble with this method. “If...Anyone else is able to deal with the debris. Now would be the time.” The Senju clone spoke while her voice strained under the weight of the rocks she was moving.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DoomFlavored
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Rashiku Karata __________________


Every night of my life
I watch angels fall from the sky
Every time that the sun still sets
I pray they don't take mine
I'm on the front line
Don't worry I'll be fine
The story is just beginning
I say goodbye to my weakness
So long to my regret
And now I know that I'm alive
Nothing else in the room mattered. Rashiku's eyes burned bright with power and fury as he followed Taka's every movement. Every, one. Their jounin's speed spiked to levels that were higher than anything Rashiku had witnessed before, and though he could see almost everything, the man moved faster than his eyes could turn to follow, and trying to catch him with the blade appeared an impossible task. Yet that didn't stop the boy from trying. As Taka was back infront of him, the smallest movements that Rashiku was capable of making in that time were still trying to angle the point and edge towards him, to even so much as graze with the blades. One of his hands barely managed it, but was beginning to let go of his hilt, fingers beginning to extend and sparking, electrified chakra crawling down from his shoulder towards the hand holding his weapon. Even the lightest cut could still stun him just long enough to finish it!

When Mekakushi was back infront of the boy, his eyes were back to locked right onto him, the killing intent not having faded in the least. Even with Ami out of the way, even with something having happened to Akira's wood jutsu, even their difference in speed hadn't changed Rashiku's course. At first he tried to resist being disarmed, until against such a fast movement, even with Taka being careful, a sharp pain shot up through his forearm, and he had to cooperate long enough to prevent a fracture. His weapon was gone, taken away and sheathed. Takayuki's actions were confusing, but partially made sense. It would be easier to dispatch all three of them by taking away their attacking options. Though why not just kill Ami then? It wasn't clear, but it didn't matter! As Rashiku lurched forward into the 'embrace' he charged up his same hand with the coursing electricity, about to slam his crackling palm into the very close stomach of the man infront of him, with Taka able to see his eyes still filled with contained anger. Just before Rashiku's attack connected, the more experienced shinobi grabbed his hand held it up to still embrace him, but keeping the hostile chakra away from making contact.

And then things were diffused. Takayuki explained his intentions, his actions, and of how they'd all exceeded his expectations. As Rashiku was let go, anger still lingered, but the intensity and killing intent slowly faded. The suspicion that Taka had held was understandable, as it took Rashiku some time even after being betrayed by his village to accept the Leaf as anything besides an enemy. Now, he found them occasionally pleasant, but always strange. "Welcome Home" still rang a bit hollow. Not in that he was unwelcome, rather that he felt still so unfamiliar. Despite that being understandable, the things he'd called Ami, even as a ruse, kept the ember of anger lit in his eyes.

Akira had accepted things readily, obviously enjoying the praise, and eagerly begged to be taught the secrets of Taka-sensei's speed. Admittedly it was impressive, and would be very valuable to be even close to it, but parts of the lesson didn't feel right to the boy. He looked over to the teammate he'd tried to save before, and as the older man asked for questions, Rashiku finally spoke, having been silent through everything before.
"If I suspected you were lying, what benefit could there have been in not removing you as a threat? Being incorrect would mean we all die. If someone threatens us, why not kill them and be sure?"

One push is all you'll need
A fist-first philosophy
We watch with wounded eyes
So I hope you recognize
I'm on the front line
Don't worry I'll be fine
The story is just beginning
I say goodbye to my weakness
So long to the regret
And now I see the world through diamond eyes

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hideo Sarutobi"Compromise is a lie told to abdicate duty."
Hideo crossed his arms and indicated towards the genin, "If none of you have Earth release, I can attempt a controlled-"

"I'll do it", Ari interrupted, tapping her bicep with her other hand, "A few rocks aren't anything for an Ayaname."

Hideo smirked vacantly and indicated the cave-in with his head. Ari rubbed her hands together, made a short series of hand seals, and placed them on the rock wall. Very quickly, they started to become deep glowing red and began to melt. Hideo took a breath and nearly choked. By that point, the team was far underground, but the air was so dank and moist that you could taste the sulfur, the soil, the sea... If there was sulfur, then there was natural gas or volcanic fumes. Dangerous. Not that he was going to stop the girl from melting those rocks. In truth, Hideo could have dealt with the rocks with ease, but he'd assessed that it was more important that his skills remain hidden than for any of them to remain alive, himself included, and that was that.

"That was a nice little speech you gave to the children. Have you thought about retiring and having children of your own", Hideo mused off-handedly, "You only have one life to do what you were actually meant for...", he trailed off at the end and his face fell a little, as if he was a wind up toy that had run out of steam, "I'll bet your children would be...", and then fell asleep completely, leaning against part of the cave wall, arms still crossed.

"We're through", chimed Ari excitedly, "Piece of cake!"

Hideo emerged from sleep as if he hadn't been asleep in the first place with a wide grin on his face, "Great! Let's goooo....!"

He stopped in his tracks. In front of him was a trio of shinobi who, by Hideo's estimation, should have been easy to kill, but would still be far stronger than any of the genin. For one, none of them were twelve. They were all solidly teenagers. That Botan had mentioned that most of the hired help was of C rank. These seemed to fit that perception. He fell back and whispered to Mizuraki, "Hypothetically, how long would it take you to defeat these three on your own? I can take the children past them, if you distract them... Teamwork."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DirtyDingo
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DirtyDingo Brotality

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ichika Uchiha“Peace earned through communication is just and true, but without the strong to protect those who would shepherd in such an age... Everything will be lost. Power is absolute.”
"Incoming!" Ichika bellowed as she noticed the falling egg shaped stones. Tomoyuki had been incredibly observant and had managed to intercept the first with his power to manipulate sand, granted to him by means of being the one-tails' Jinchuriki. However, this great feat had cost him, as the force of the impact colliding with his sand shield shoved him into the water; where he had begun to helplessly sink. "Shit. There's no way that boy knows how to swim, he's lived in a damn desert his whole life. the Uchiha thought to herself, concerned for the boy but not so much as to succumb to panic as her Sharingan whirled to life. Instantly, she planted her feet and crossed her fingers.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Ichika had growled, before a trio of thick puffs of smoke materialised behind her, revealing the creation of three shadow clones. Without a word, one of the conjured beings dived into the water after Tomoyuki, not to be seen again for quite some time. The next had broken into sprint towards the cliff, but abruptly stopped and turned to face the other copy and the original Ichika. Cover me! barked all three remaining versions of Ichika simultaneously, as the one whom had run off to the side of Katsuyu's back dropped her stance and cupped both of her hands, planting her feet before giving a brief smile. Immediately and without further warning, the final unoccupied clone entered a full sprint towards the other, and at the last second leapt at it's doppelganger; the stationary clone's palms rose to meet the foot of the one now in slight flight, and it in turn pressed it's feet down into the hands of the other. With a mighty roar from both the clone was launched into the air, and the real Ichika soon followed.

As she made a break towards her clone to perform the same action, she swiftly drew and tossed her kunai towards Mizuraki, and the world seemed to slow around her as she broke into her full speed and focused her Sharingan on the movements of her airborne clone. With the angle at which it was rising, she knew that this would have to be done perfectly. Focusing chakra into the balls of her feet, Ichika prepared herself for a nin-jump and with a hop and skip; Ichika was thrusted into the air, the angle of her flight flawlessly intercepting the airborne clone as the two locked hands for a moment in mid-air, before the clone used all of it's might to launch the real Ichika even higher, propelling her to greater speeds and allowing her to land safely with her feet finding purchase on the side of the cliff, roughly halfway up its face. Moments later, the two clones which had aided in this manoeuvre disappeared into two thin plumes of black smoke, but not before the one still upon the back of Katsuyu told the others not to wait for her. The smoke then drifted towards the clones' conjurer, who was standing horizontally upon the face of the cliff.

After taking a brief moment to revel in the success of her action, and to regain her breath Ichika rapidly shifted her chakra to the Earth tenketsu point, and her gloved hands began to swiftly weave seals. Tiger, Hare, Boar, Dog. "Earth style: Earth Wall Jutsu!" she called after completing the dog sign, planting her open hands face down onto the jagged surface of the cliffside. For a moment, it seemed that the jutsu had taken no effect as another of the egg shaped things fell, but as it closed in towards Katsuyu and the team of Shinobi upon her back, Ichika's mighty wall of earth burst forth from the cliffside; ramming the egg off course and out of harm's way, whilst simultaneously creating a roof of earth and stone overhead of the great beast. Providing it and the crew cover as the slug swam. With a sigh of relief, Ichika adjusted her footing and began to walk across the back of her wall, now standing completely upside down, her long mane of black hair dragging almost three feet below her head as she strode to the edge of the 'roof' she had made, before adjusting her position and arcing her way to the wall's face, beginning her ascent to the cliff's peak.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by The Warted One
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The Warted One

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location: Training ground 31Gorudo Hikigae
Gorudo had been making good time, everything had been going according to plan, as far as he knew, Gorudo was trying to get into position to spray mist but paused hearing their teacher call to them "Don't think the approach will be easy!" and in an instant a wave of kunai were flying through the forest, causing an onslaught of noise, the visual and auditorial mess that was sent in front of him caused him to freeze in place for a moment as his brain was processing all the information at once, the sounds of the kunai echoed in his mind rapidly and his brain would force him to see it all replay over and over, Gorudo closed his eyes and covered his ears trying to shut it out. Gamaboro peaked out of Gorudo's pocket sensing something was wrong and before he could do anything a dog came flying through the trees and tackled Gorudo down onto the tree branch.

Gorudo felt himself get pushed down, he also felt a slight pinch on his right shoulder, he wasn't sure what just happened but he had hoped when he opened his eye he wasn't impaled by anything, opening his eyes he saw Nijira's dog on his chest... Komi he remembers hearing Nijira say to himself when referring to his dog at school "Thanks Komi" Gorudo whispered with a smile, he then turned his head to find a kunai cut through his vest and into his shoulder, Gorudo's face scrunched up as he started to really feel the cut now that he could see it eeeeehh could be worse Gorudo thought to himself as he tried to power through it, Gorudo gave Komi a nod of thanks, Gorudo looked out at the barrier of kunai still blocking his path, Gorudo closed his eye and shook his head trying to focus, doing his best to tune out the noise, this was not a difficulty Gorudo thought he would have to deal with today. Taking a deep breath Gorudo opened his eyes determined to focus on what is directly in front of him, he didn't have much farther to go, he hoped once he obscured Koji sensei's vision he would stop throwing so wildly

Carefully making his way through the trees like he was before, avoiding further kunai projectiles, now in position Gorudo performed the Hikigae skilled mist technique focusing to make it as non-acidic possible, and within moments a thick fog started to fill the area around the scroll and their teacher, Gorudo Quickly got into position and holding a serpent hand seal Gorudo's neck widened like a toad and a long tongue quickly shot out from his mouth toward the scroll, like a toad catching its next meal, he just hopped it found its mark. by himself, he was more than sure this attempt would fail. He prayed Naruko and Nijira were right behind him with support.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Tenshi Hokori

With all the intention of going with the group to the island by the water, Tenshi hadnt begun to think of how they would get their originally, he had assumed someone else would deal with it. Then they did, and Tenshi's eyes went wide as he stared at the gigantic monster that was this summons his first words.

"It's...a slug...", he trails off as he started at the giant slimy slug his thoughts were ran rampant with the same thought over and over again, Why did it have to be slugs? He stared as he tried to get the nerve to climb up onto the giant Katsuyu. Almost on instinct he looked into a bag to see if he had any salt, which he did not. The slug nearly left without Tenshi but he quickly snapped out of his thoughts and jumped onto the slug as it started to leave.

For the start of the trip over he stood there silently never moved an inch from where he stood. He looked that he could concentrate hard on the mission but he was just stood there just zoned out trying to think of being anywhere else but on a giant slug. When Botan spoke he snapped him out he could make a mist to hide them, then the rock came out of nowhere to. The sand kid stopped the rock but the chaos continued quickly as the kid was forced into the water. This was not good, Tenshi didnt know if the kid could swim or not, but it seemed the Uchiha jounin lady was quick to act. With a group of shadow clones, Tenshi took of the seriousness of the situation and shifted quickly.

He turns to Botan, "Botan, create that mist! They already see us coming, it would be better if they had a harder time finding their target. Although not sure if a mist would help since this this thing isnt that hard to miss mist or no mist. Prepare some sort of defensive measures, think of a tactic and use it."

He spoke quickly and tried to get straight to his point, despite the seriousness of the situation Tenshi got himself into a position and sat down onto the slugs head and formed a single hand sign he then said, "Going to try and build up as much chakra as I can, mine might not be as complete as Moth....Lady Raikage's but if I can get enough time to focus my chakra hopefully my armor will be enough to help."

Tenshi did his best to try and come up with a way he could help, but he didnt have any long range techniques that could help. He did have one trump card he could use but his inexperience and the incomplete version of his strongest technique the Lightning chakra armor technique. This was why he needed this time to build up his chakra to give his jutsu the best chance of working. Normally he could only use a partial usage of the lightning armor, it is a horrible comparison to his mothers as hers could at least cover the entire body every time she used it Tenshi's barely covers where he focuses his chakra. His hope was if he could focus and build up the proper amount of chakra that he could pull off the jutsu better than he normally could. His body started to amass his chakra quickly he needed to build up everything that he could, the process he didnt think would take long, but depending how much time he could get before real combat with the enemy shinobi every second could be another bit that could aid them to victory.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DoomFlavored
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

White Reaper __________________


I walked the path that led me to the end
I'm caught beneath with nothing left to give, forever
Grey skies will chase the light away
No longer
I fought the fight now only dark remains
Divided I will stand
And I will let this end
Resolved footsteps echoed through a stone hallway, a masked man entering a large, open room, that had a rather low ceiling. Just high enough for tall people to not be bumping their heads, but only a couple of feet more. A long table made of marble, masterfully crafted but showing cracks and chips from age sat in the middle surrounded by spacious stone seats. Furthest from the entrance an old man sat with a cleared plate in front of him with specks of rice decorating it, and beside it a steaming cup of very dark tea. His shackled arms were wrapped in bandages down to his fingertips, his legs thin with the skin hugging his bones. Partially matted, frizzled black hair draped all the way down his gaunt, chapped face and loomed onto his shoulders. And yet, this desiccated husk seemed to be regaining color in his skin. Lifting the cup to his lips caused his thin, bandaged arm to tremble slightly, the chains on the shackles rattling, but ever the less the more movement he made.

From the darkest corner another masked figure walked into view towards the one entering, the two being completely identical. The one who'd entered began to speak, his words direct, while his voice was smooth and confident. "It seems someone must have gotten wind of the operation. Both the beach and the caves are being stormed now. It seems to be at least three full teams that are invading." The other mask nodded and gave a light sigh, before speaking in a quieter, but equal voice to the other. "Damn... You've had more time to think. What do you suggest?" "Contingency D. With moving to A if our forces falter, and then B if that is not doable." With the plan told, the second mask nodded firmly. "I'll take care of this then. Get back out there and continue to monitor. Remember, you're more fragile than you're used to."

Swiftly, the man who'd entered left the same way, while the second mask strode over to the old man and ordered him sternly. "Meal time's over. You get a couple swallows, then get up." From under his disheveled black mane, the old man glared at the mask, but complied, taking a couple of larger gulps than normally comfortable for the tea's temperature. The masked figure grabbed the collection of chains on the old man's back which had been loosened for his meal, pulling them tight to pin his arms against his body leaving very little movement. "Move. Now." Still holding the chains he pushed the prisoner forward, leading him elsewhere.

The sun begins to rise
And wash away the sky
The turning of the tide
Don't leave it all behind
And I will never say goodbye
When angels fall with broken wings
I can't give up, I can't give in
When all is lost and daylight ends
I'll carry you and we will live forever

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DirtyDingo
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DirtyDingo Brotality

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ichika Uchiha“Peace earned through communication is just and true, but without the strong to protect those who would shepherd in such an age... Everything will be lost. Power is absolute.”

The gambit had paid off, Ichika's counter offensive manoeuvres had seemingly ceased the peculiar bombardment...for now. Never one to leave anything to chance, the Uchiha strode vertically onwards towards the cliff's peak with her hands at the ready, hoping to viciously assault the sea-team's assailants and buy enough time for the crew to escape. She knew her skills, and was highly confident in her own abilities, there was not a shadow of a doubt in the ebon-haired woman's mind as to whether she would be able to accomplish that; and she knew that rendezvousing with them would be effortless. She just had to conserve her chakra.

But as Ichika neared the cliff's peak, a huge silhouette suddenly appeared. Primed and ready with some kind of jutsu, the bird hand seal woven and held as they inhaled. She had to think fast, or she was going to be slammed into her own earthen construct at best; and at worst she could be sliced in half! With no time to waste, and a large portion of chakra still focused at the core of her earth tenketsu Ichika rapidly weaved seals, barely completing them in time as her adversary's jutsu fired. Causing an enormous blade of wind to rocket towards its target. "Earth Style: Hidden in the Earth Jutsu!" she bellowed as her body was sucked into the cliff face, narrowly avoiding the blade of wind as it proceeded to slam into the earthen protection she had formed for her allies below. The impact caused multiple enormous cracks in the constructs surface, but it remained otherwise stalwart in the face of the beating.

As always, whilst under the effects of the Hidden in the Earth jutsu Ichika felt...odd. Although with the adrenaline of intense combat flowing through her, the Jōnin's mind was comparatively at peace with the sensation. Movement felt bizarre, she paddled with her feet as though she were swimming through the air despite being essentially encased in stone and mud. Before long, she had entered deep enough into the cliffside that she was certain, her sensory skills were slim to none; but Ichika knew that she would emerge just behind her target if she rose at that point. So she did, gliding through the earth as she ascended, the Uchiha eventually emerged like a crocodile in a swamp, stalking it's prey through the reeds. Once fully above ground once more, she whispered "Release." and reached for her wakizashi as the enemy looked over the cliff's edge. "Looking for someone?!" Ichika snarled as she drew her blade with her right hand, attempting to slash at the tricep of the hulking man's right arm.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Rokumaru the Crusher

As a Missing Nin, Rokumaru of the Hidden Stone had been in some tricky situations in his short life; from barely outrunning Hunter Nin to finding himself on the receiving end of one of his brothers' tempers, the bokken he'd stolen all those years ago had certainly landed him in hot water more than once. Rarely, however, had those situations left him in as much anticipation as this. Earthtongue was almost shaking in his hand as he held it to the earth, as it had been from the moment he'd collapsed the entrance.

Those clones had left them both unsatisfied.

Truly, he was glad he'd accepted this job. Sure, the circumstances were shady, but the pay was good enough to leave him comfortable for at least a month, and the fights it looked as though he'd be getting were worth it in themselves! Helped that the other Chuunin he was stuck with were decent company: Both of them were decently attractive (although one of them was... creepy) and they were good to needle. Not now, of course! They were up against Jounin! 'Won't be easy to kill, that's for sure.' He rolled his current twig between his teeth and grinned.

He was already quivering with excitement.

He was broken from his thoughts, however, by a tremor in the earth. The seal-inscribed Bokken in his hand quivered, and he quickly ran some chakra into it, feeling the earth nearby. The entrance!

"Oy, you two!" He spat out his twig and moved to a more ready stance as he addressed the others, smirking viciously. His eyes narrowed. "We've got company!"

Discreetly, he tapped Earthtongue to the ground once, twice, then three times, feeling the lay of the rocks beneath him as the collapsed entrance began to glow hot and fall away. Almost too soon, it was gone, and for a moment, things were still. A stand-off. One of the adults turned to the other to speak, (he didn't bother to listen), while the kids around them got themselves ready to fight.

"Genin," he muttered, still grinning viciously. "This'll be more fun than I thought!"

He looked to the other two, casting them a warning look, before deciding it was time to break through the no-man's land between them. With a yell, and a pulse of chakra, he slammed his Bokken into the ground beneath him. Rocks burst upwards in response, seeming to hover for a moment as he lined up another swing.

"Sixth Brother Technique: Storm of Shrapnel!"

With practiced precision, he swung the chakra weapon in a great arc, his off-hand pressed to his moving arm in a series of one-handed seals. It slammed into each of the stones as they began to fall, and with a pulse of earth chakra they exploded outwards, towards the enemy, in a wave of sharp, fast-moving fragments.

"Bring it on, ya fucks!"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Burai Kasei

For the first time that day, Burai found himself at a loss for words.

"I-" Kenshiro's retort was as efficient as it was effectively cutting, each word chosen far more carefully than his own had been, and he had to admit, if begrudgingly, that the boy had a point. He bristled, his hackles raising indignantly.

"I didn't-!" Who did this Hyuuga think he was, telling him how to use his own bloodline?! How could he possibly deign to understand the work he’d put into mastering that technique?! The nerve!

“You-!” How dare he? It wasn’t Burai’s fault that his teammates seemed so determined to fail this test! His reasoning was rock solid! Had he been too insistent? No, that couldn’t be it, his clan-mates had never reacted so poorly to his more forward outbursts-

"Oh." The realisation was as sudden as it was unpleasant. ‘These people aren’t family.’ How could he have been so stupid? Hadn’t his cousins warned him of the way the Kasei were seen? Hadn’t he worked for his entire academy career to cultivate an image of competence and wit? He’d been so caught up in thoughts of friendship and teamwork that he’d forgotten how little he actually knew these people and made an utter fool of himself as a result! His face contorted angrily.

For a moment, his thoughts whirled like a hurricane before he drew his focus back onto his surroundings. Kenshiro's chakra was swirling angrily as Burai’s, matching the frustration in his tone, and Shiori... Shiori seemed almost mocking. Words swirled at the tip of his tongue, retorts and explanations both. By the time Kenshiro had announced he was leaving, the only words Burai could form were "Did I really sound like Jin?" He watched the boy set off, followed shortly after by Shiori whose chakra was stained with outwardly malicious disdain.

Oh, and wasn't she her own kettle of fish? He cursed himself for his stubbornness; The girl was clearly beyond his reach. She had turned to leave without so much as looking at him. 'She never intended to trust me, did she?' Anger roiled again, hot and focused: His whole life had been leading him here, and she deigned herself as being above that?! Part of him tensed instinctively, his own chakra flowing erratically as, for a moment, he considered going after her. He was snapped out of it, however, by his teacher speaking up. He missed what was said, but turned around to give her his proper attention. Only, she wasn’t-


He cried out, a sharp pain overwhelming him as a flare of blinding chakra overpowered his mind momentarily. He doubled over, clutching his head in an attempt to cope with the sudden onslaught of sensation. A wave killer intent assaulted him, suddenly, like nothing he’d felt before. Through the haze, he could make out Suto-sensei behind the others. Was she-?


“Kenshiro, look out!”

Panicked, it was all he could force from his lungs as he searched frantically for a chakra signature. The buckets!


A puff of smoke heralded his sudden replacement with a bucket of water, moments before the tail-end of a lance of energy flashed past. Shuddering, he tensed his body, tenketsu straining as he forced his chakra skin to its absolute thickest. Almost an inch of syrup-like purple aura crawled over him, and in the second it took for his brain to reboot itself, he took comfort in its warmth.

“What… What is happening?” Had… had he been wrong? But he couldn’t have been! He knew the procedures! He knew how this worked! And yet-

Another wave of killing intent hit him like a battering ram, and he heaved, bile and the remains of his breakfast spilling onto the ground beneath him. Was… was she really going to kill them?! Then, was she a spy? Some kind of rogue?! And what about the others?! Hurriedly, he formed his hands into the Kasei seal and flared a bubble of chakra, tagging the others. It seemed Shio- Spiga-san and Kenshiro had escaped the blast, which was… relieving.

“What the hell is going on?!” The question tore from his throat unbidden, rasping and painful from vomiting. This was… far beyond him. Beyond his reach. He was going to die here, wasn’t he? All three of them were.

Uncle Jou would be so disappointed.

For a second time, his brain crashed, and he vacantly observed as, lazily, a single fat fly alighted onto the contents of his remaining bucket for a drink and-

“What?” It died! But then-?

“This water… is caustic?” The realisation struck him suddenly, followed shortly by a wave of surging, frantic energy. “Water style… is within my reach!” A manic smile pulled itself onto his lips and stuck fast. It wasn’t over until it was over, was it? At that moment, he could’ve hit himself. “Mum and Dad wouldn’t have gone down like this, would they Burai?” He flashed his hands through his Water Style practise seals before plunging his right into the bucket. The water, as if pulled towards its origin, snaked up his arm, small rivulets peeling away and dropping to the floor. “They went down fighting, and so will you.”

A manic tear rolled down his cheek.

A laugh tore from his throat, wild and painful.

“Burai Kasei never backs down from a challenge!”

With a yell, he charged back towards the others, a disintegrating lance forming at his side. Water droplets streamed behind him. He'd go for the arm. A disabling strike, after all, would be his best chance at survival against so vastly superior an opponent.

“You two! Get out of here! I’m going to put this right!”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Bakuto Uchiha

Getting scolded for his actions towards the Kumo shinobi, he looked at Mizuraki then said, "I agree now isnt the right time, that's why I said, 'After this' sensei. I have no intentions of putting this mission at risk. I'll work this team to the best of my ability sensei." He spoke plainly and with barely any emotion, but one could tell he didnt take this scolding well. He didnt care about whatever was between Hideo sensei and Mizuraki sensei. He saw both of their points as valid. The chances of survival of the genin were not great. He did hear what the Nara girl said that they couldnt beat fully trained shinobi. Most of his team were just freshly made genin that included himself even though he was much older then most fresh genin he was still very new at being one.

Bakuto didnt have time to make his further comments about this situation as things kicked off rather quickly. First there was a loud sound then he heard the enemy shinobi who yelled down the tunnels and gave away his position. He attacked with what appeared with some sort of rock attack. Bakuto didnt even think he just moved as he ducked down low and in a split second pulled out a kunai from those he prepared before when he entered the cave.

He aimed low then threw the kunai purposely aiming underneath the incoming attack as he got as low to the ground as possible. If the incoming jutsu was for those in the lead then it would be for the jounin who were much taller then he was and he kept himself low to the ground to duck the attack and get his attack under the enemies. As the kunai soar through the air it appeared Bakuto didnt throw it hard enough and it slide across the ground. Though it would most likely stop just short of the opponent as it slide flat on the ground, that the young Uchiha threw.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dr Insano12
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Dr Insano12

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Training ground 31Naruko Uzumaki
The approach was relatively quiet...In fact it was eerily quiet, she had expected their sensei to make himself known much earlier or try to impede their progress somehow but the attack or trap that Naruko kept expecting never seemed to rear its head, it was actually quite unsettling the more she thought about it. Naruko’s clones continued to make their way further into the forest. One was still intent on trying to track down Nijira and his dog to make sure that nothing bad was going to happen to them while she hand Gorudo enacted their plan. Finally the clone managed to catch sight of Nijira and was about to call out to him...Only to hear Koji’s voice suddenly ring out through the area. “Wha-” the sound of hollow earth beneath their feet caused the clone to just stare down at the ground in genuine surprise before hearing the metallic clanking of what she assumed to be projectiles of some sort. Once again the dog boy was running off which caused the clone to puff out her cheeks in sheer frustration. He was running off again!!!

The clone recognized that Nijira was clearly heading off towards the forest to rejoin them. “Right. Time for my real plan!” she said while running her finger underneath her nose. The clone that was assigned to tail Nijira broke off from her assigned task and headed deeper into the forest now, careful to avoid the assault of projectiles, not taking care to mask her footsteps considering it would be impossible at this point. The three clones now hidden within the trees awaited for the real Naruko and the rest of the team to appear. The plan was almost ready.

Back with Naruko and Gorudo she suddenly heard the sound of the hollowed earth from beneath as well as the metallic projectiles, before seeing a hail of wildly fired kunai heading in their direction and bouncing all around. While the nervousness began to set in Naruko’s stomach like a boulder, she quickly shook it off and smirked a bit. “You’re gonna have to try harder than that, Sensei!” The orange-clad Kunoichi reached onto her back and hefted up her Fuma Shuriken and began to funnel her chakra into the large weapon. “Wind CU-” she was cut off abruptly once Nijira appeared from seemingly nowhere and slammed into her body. “EEP!!!” she squealed out before hitting the ground with a rather audible thud, no thanks to the hollow ground.

Naruko’s irritation had reached a level she had not thought possible. She totally had that! She could’ve handled all of those! Was he trying to show her up? Was he trying to make her look bad in front of Gorudo and Koji!? The furious thoughts built up inside of Naruko’s head but before she could start yelling at the Inuzuka who had tackled her to the ground...She finally realized just how close the two of them were, and how admittedly attractive he was this close. “O-Oh…” she murmured under her breath as her cheeks became encased in red. “You. Um.” The poor blonde just blinked rapidly before finally remembering just WHAT they were doing out here in the first place! “Right! Move!” she shouted before pulling herself out from underneath Nijira and following after Gorudo. “W-We’ll talk about this later!

The knuckle-headed ninja followed after her friend with the lingering blush still on her face from what just happened. She just did her best to forget about it for now and focus on the mission, it was time to wow everyone! This was her plan ever since Gorudo had suggested his own, now it was approaching the time to execute it, she was gonna show sensei that there was no way in hell she was getting sent back to the academy! Naruko hopped through the trees and positioned herself nearby Gorudo while he used his mist technique to obscure their sensei’s vision. Once the toad ninja had made his move for the scroll, that's when a huge grin appeared on Naruko’s face. “NOW!” after her shout the three shadow clones emerged from the trees and all headed down towards Koji, making sure that they weren’t obscured by Gorudo’s mist before they all created a singular handsign. All three of them announced in unison. “SEXY JUTSU!” the three twelve year old girls suddenly vanished in a puff of smoke and re-appeared as very voluptuous adults, completely naked and exposed save for the tasteful remnants of smoke covering their bodies. “Oooouuuu~ Koji-Sama~” they all cooed out while reaching for him. This was sure to distract him!
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SecretSinner91
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ami UzumakiThe Two-Tailed Jinchuuriki
The bubbles were helping, Ami thought. The blonde was thinking her plan was working when Rashiku had suddenly apologized. Ami looked to see Rashiku gripping his blade before rushing at them, preparing to stab her. Ami's eyes went wide, seeing this, yet she prepared herself for the pain. Will it hurt? Will her death be swift? Ami was about to close her eyes when Mekakushi-sensei had released her to do a jutsu. The next thing Ami knew, she was placed on the couch with a blanket around her. The girl blinked twice as Memakushi had stopped Rashiku's attacks. Though, Ami gulped as she could feel Rashiku's killing intent from where she was. He was scary. Even with Mekakushi-sensei restraining him, Rashiku was doing all he could to kill him.

Ami was sitting there, attempting to process everything as Mekakushi said the test had ended, and they all passed. The small girl sat there as her sensei sat next to her, smiling kindly as he explained that he was proud of her for fighting back. Ami looked at Mekakushi for a moment, as adrenaline was still racing though her body. She managed to return the smile before she sat there, attempting to calm herself down, her body shaking from the ordeal. He had also congratulated Akira and Rashikufor their efforts. Theyy all passed his test with flying colors, as Ami let out a shaky breath and was happy. She had been so worried of failing. Ami was quiet as she listened to what Mekakushi-sensei explained. Nothing is always black and white, and they had to be more observant to see the truth hidden. Trusting teammates was another topic that came up as Ami gripped the blanket. She was told to keep Matatabi a secret from everyone. Kimi was the first person she had ever spoken to about. Yet, she glanced over at Akira, who was wanting to save her.

She glanced over to Rashiku who had been silent the whole time. He tried to stab her. She wasn't sure if he was meaning to actually kill her or if he was attempting to save her by stabbing her and in the process, killing their sensei. Whatever it meant, Rashiku was trying to save her in his own way. The blonde had to trust in the two of them. They are a team after all. Rashiku had suddenly asked why not kill the enemy if they threatened the life of a teammate. Ami blinked at this, before the blonde thought for a moment. "M.... M-Maybe they a-are d-desperate? O-Or have n-no ch-choice? T-There are r-rare circumstances l-like that... r-right?" Ami asked, a bit hesitantly.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dr Insano12
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Dr Insano12

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The pay was irrelevant, and in all honesty so was the job’s specifics. The pale and snake-like woman didn’t care one iota if these intruders succeeded or failed in whatever it was they set out to do. The only thing that Hebishiro cared for was the hunt, the only reason she agreed to this affair was to search for...Appropriate donors to her power. Ever since she had been grouped with these other two she had kept a close eye upon the other female in the group. Out of the entire group, including those on the island that she had met briefly. She seemed to be the most compatible but the circumstances hadn’t occurred for her to make her move. Hebishiro was nothing if not patient, all she needed to do was wait for the right moment to present itself.

The entrance having been collapsed was mildly intriguing...She wondered if the interlopers had the means to move it themselves, if they did maybe they would merit her attention after all. Maybe she could even find a SECOND donor? The thought sent a jolt of pleasure up and down her spine. Once the rocks had been taken care of and the intruders made themselves known she couldn’t help but smirk, much like a cat that had found a nice mouse to corner and toy with. They were just children, just little genin who were way in over their heads from the looks of things. The jounin would of course be the ones to truly look out for. The genin merited no concern, although admittedly the one who managed to melt rocks as if they were nothing but paper...That one caught the intrigue of the snake.

Of course we do.” she said rather simply to Rokumaru’s observation about their guests. The snake woman didn’t seem to make any moves oddly enough. In fact it was probably a shock to everyone present to see that she wasn’t getting involved, she wasn’t attempting to help Rokumaru’s attack, nor was she moving from her position. She simply stood where she was. Raising her hand to her mouth and resting her elbow upon her other arm. Simply observing how the ninja would deal with Rokumaru’s attack. Her snake-like tongue wiped its way across her lips before quickly retreating back into her mouth. Her eyes remained fixated upon the genin, observing them intently. Especially the one who had melted the rocks from before.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mai Edano"Death before dishonor."
"Wait Roku-san, they have brought children", said Mai, unsheathing her twin katana and brandishing them at the intruders, "Turn back now or I shall be forced to kill you and will have sullied my blades with the blood of babes. I have pledged that you shall not cross this room alive."

As if in response, one of the genin threw a kunai that landed limply at her feet. Mai was willing to look past that. She wouldn't punish a child for youthful indiscretion. She cut the kunai in half anyway and with a single swift cut. She knew all too well that the mistakes of a child could carry just as much weight as the learned decisions of a sage. She could only hope that her compatriots would allow cooler heads to prevail... Though she wasn't certain that would come to pass. She wasn't as naïve as that. Not anymore. She knew that this mission could involve killing and she'd pledged her name to it. That was enough, wasn't it?

But the others, her fellows also employed on this mission weren't your usual sort either. Such a strange collection, she could not tell what the intention really was. And the way that that girl... The white snake... The way she looked at her... No. No. She was samurai, ronin perhaps, but samurai. And she would be samurai regardless of whether she found herself among ninjas, thieves, or other underhanded dishonorable people. And yet even as she held up her sword, she was uneasy.

"Leave now. You will not get another chance."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DoomFlavored
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Koji Takuma
"Do you really want to die?"
There they were... The kids didn't even seem to be bothering to reduce their noise level. Or... No. Just one of them. Multiple instances of the same steps were approaching from multiple directions. Koji didn't know exactly which of them it was, but he'd guessed it was Naruko with her known use of the Shadow Clone technique. And then some... thudding and clothes shuffling off to the side? Koji's eyebrow raised as he continued hurling the scattered projectiles in the general direction of where he was hearing. 'What are they doing over there? Weird time to be rolling around in the dirt.' Soon both the steps and shuffling stopped, the forest going quiet. A final few clangs echoed as Koji stopped throwing his kunai, and a fog started settling in the trees.

With a change of his stance, Koji pulled on a ring inside his sleeve, bringing up a wire that followed the back of his arms and lined them with loose kunai attached with small snapping buttons that looked cheap and easy to separate, along with a couple in each hand ready to be thrown. 'Time for them to start... Hidden in the Mist jutsu? That's a surprise.' Something was different however as the mist settled in and got thicker. The smell was acrid, and the mist had a different consistency than what Koji had seen before. 'Not bad... I don't want to be in this for long if it changes.'

And then there was movement. Figures coming out of the mist towards him, and a triumphant battle cry from the girl in orange. As soon as they came out of the mist one of them caught a kunai right into her leg that had ricocheted upwards off the ground, dispersing her with a short "Yeeep!!" Immediately Koji turned towards the other two intent on doing the same to them, but instead he stopped in place, stunned with his mouth slightly agape. "Oooouuuu~ Koji-Sama~!"

Koji was a reasonably disciplined man. One who was very skilled at keeping his composure. And here it served him well... But he was not immune to the powerful technique being thrust upon him! For a brief moment the approaching women had his full attention, his guarded stance half dropping, and Gorudo's tongue met no resistance as it slung through the air to grab the scroll. The clones of Naruko got closer, and almost were able to get their hands on their target before he was able to snap out of it, and with a swift and hard kick, he slammed one into the other and dispersed them both. A small hint of red was under one nostril, but he was no longer slowed down. "Now I know who's first..."

In a blur of movement, Koji launched directly towards Gorudo just as he'd gotten the scroll. In nearly the same instant as Koji had appeared infront of the boy, two kunai were launched with one swing of his arm, sinking right into his previously-wounded shoulder and his opposite thigh. And yet, the movement didn't stop. A hand went to Gorudo's collar and grabbed with force, pulling him into a lock with Koji behind him brandishing a Kunai at his throat. "And now you're captured... You two stay back!!! Or I'll kill him and you both next." He glared down at the boy, and gave him a final ultimatum. "Escape this yourself. Prove you're worthy. Before I decide you're not and end it." The point of the blade pointed towards Gorudo's skin, so close to being able to cut him in an instant.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nijira Inuzuka
"Don't you dare think that this is over! I won't just feed on the scraps of your glory! I'll beat you, and even then I'll keep pushing! I'll beat every single shinobi in the world! I won't stop until everyone acknowledges me!"
W-We’ll talk about this later!

The words hit like a cannon. He blanched and crab-crawled a few feet away. Th... that BITCH! W-where did SHE get off saying something like that?!? He was trying to... to save her from her own reckless stupidity, n-not cop a... cop a... HE WASN'T FEELING HER UP! He wasn't some homewrecker! A-and besides, he sniffed twice, she stank so badly of insta-ramen, who would ever be attracted to her except a guy that smelled like a swamp's asshole?!? UGH! AND NOW HE WAS COVERED IN IT TOO! He got to his feet as his anger reached a boiling point and he ran after her.

Meanwhile, Komi licked Gorudo's face when he thanked him and then wobbled after him, shaking his tail along the way. He knew Jira would be alright. He was easy to find now that that tasty instant soup lady had marked him with her scent, and he was sure to stay close by! He bounced happily along occasionally sniffing the air and pricking an ear up. The sounds of the forest had changed. The animals were moving away from this place and it was easy to understand why. With all the split trees and the whizzing kunai, anyone who wasn't as brave as he and Jira-tan would have run away! But not them!

Gorudo made some hand seals and raised bunch of mist, which would make it hard for people to see... but not Komi! Komi had a sniffing nose and Gorudo had such a nice watery muddy scent, like he'd be fun to jump on (and he had been), that he could stay near even in the mist! Though... the mist had a really strong smell too... just like Gorudo smelled... And... Oh no! He lost him! He sniffed a few times to find Jira and soup lady, and Komi whimpered a bit. Jira-tan was really agitated, but Komi didn't know why... He didn't smell like he was in danger... more like something... else...? He ran to meet him only to find him collapsed on the ground! Oh no! He had been a bad dog! He should have stayed with Jira-tan!

It took very little time for Jira to catch up with Naruko, but by the time he did, she was already at the clearing where he (and he supposed his teammates also) presumed the scroll to be. That idiot! She was right in the open, exposed and ready to get hit with a kunai! Was no one gonna try to plan?!? He reached out and grabbed her arm to try to pull her back behind a tree, though judging by what other thrown kunai had done, he couldn't imagine that it would be as much cover as one would normally think. His hand hit air, however, and in a puff of smoke, Naruko was... n... n... n...


With her clothing off, the smell of insta-ramen wafted off of her like a wave and struck Jira's nose with the force of an invading army. He quickly passed out from blood loss, collapsing next to Naruko with an outstretched arm in a pool of his own blood, the smell of insta-ramen and the sight of Naruko's barely covered body the last thing engraved in his quickly fading mind.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Warted One
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The Warted One

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location: Training ground 5Kuree Suto
"remember Kuree, they can't learn if their dead" Kuree thought of someone saying to her, she wasn't sure if she was just imagining it or if someone has actually said it to her before. Kuree didn't continue to keep her mind busy with thoughts of speculation, she needed to keep her composure so that Burai could still feel her anger, she wasn't really angry at them, frustrated, maybe a little, but she was using a technique she learned where you project your feelings about other people and things and form it to fit the situation. With her stern face she holds the horse seal and two more Kuree appear next to her, she looks at them and gives them a nod, and they vanish from her side, circling the clearing in a triangle formation, simultaneously each Kuree places their pointed hand to a trunk of a tree and like a flash of lightning their fists collide with the trees, the trees bend in half like a person getting punched in the stomach, the roots effortlessly escaping the earth, the speed, and momentum of her fist still being fast enough to send these folded trees towards the clearing where her students still stood.

it would take a few seconds for the trees to make it to the clearing, sounding like a large charging animal making its way through the forest as the tree smashed and ground against its fellow flora. Kuree used her one-inch punch for accuracy, her students had a few seconds before the trees would meet in the clearing, smashing against each other at the same time, blasting into splinters and pieces. The three Kuree would then continue to kick, punch and throw trees at the clearing at random, volleying her students with the surrounding nature. giving them time to make some kind of plan before she starts to make more direct attacks, and if they failed to come up with anything before she was ready, then perhaps she would need to prepare another lesson on how to act under pressure.
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