Well what better to follow up a half-demon than an angel, right?
Name: Pit
Game Origin: Kid Icarus

Personality: As a servant of the Goddess of Light, Lady Palutena, Pit is dedicated and righteous. He has unshakable faith in Palutena and in himself when he acts in her service. He may complain about the difficult assignments he's given, but he always gets the job done. He is confident and fearless most of the time, and takes his duties as Captain of the Royal Guard seriously. He has absolutely no tolerance for evil, but to his friends and allies he is cheerful, talkative and playful - plus he's got a great sense of humor (or so he claims). He always stands up for what is right.
...that said, anyone who talks with Pit for an extended period of time will quickly learn that although he is a competent soldier and an experienced combatant, like his appearance suggests he has some childish qualities as well. He is stubborn, defensive, and more than a little naive. If one were to tell him the world gullible was written on the ceiling, he wouldn't hesitate to look. Plus, having relied on his Lady's guidance for so long, he can become nervous and self-conscious when he's on his own, though he's working to correct that. Sometimes he can get a little star-struck as well, but despite all these qualities he's still a model angel.
Background: The world that Pit hails from is called "Angel Land," a realm consisting of three major areas: Underworld, Overworld (also called Earth), and Skyworld. In Skyworld, the Goddess of Light Palutena reigns and looks over the humans living in Overworld with her angelic army. The most accomplished of these angels, and the captain of Palutena's bodyguards, is of course Pit himself.
Pit is also the only angel that does not possess the ability to fly on his own, despite sporting a pair of wings. Because of this, when the Goddess of Darkness Medusa mustered her forces and razed Angel Land, turning Palutena and her army to stone, Pit alone was underestimated and spared. He was imprisoned in the Underworld while Medusa wrecked havoc, but with the last of her power Palutena granted Pit her bow and arrows to break free and save Angel Land. That is exactly what he did - fighting his way through the three world areas, defeating Medusa's Underworld commanders, collecting the Three Sacred Treasures along the way, before finally facing off against the Goddess of Darkness herself and winning.
For a long time after that Angel Land was peaceful, excepting the regular human wars that went on of course. Suddenly and mysteriously Medusa was revived two decades later, and she was intent on getting revenge. Again she called up an army of Underworld monsters, her former commanders also rising from the dead, and set off to destroy Skyworld. After thoroughly defeating her a second time, Pit and Palutena discovered that the true master of the Underworld, Hades, was behind Medusa's revival... and that said revival was a ploy to distract them while Hades put his own plan into motion: mass killings in order to gain souls to convert into power. The battle with Hades exploded, dragging out over a period of years and involving several other gods, ancient destructive beings, and even alien forces. During the struggle, Pit and Palutena made some unlikely allies, and finally after a bitter battle Hades was defeated and the good guys won.
In between adventures to save Angel Land, Pit has had some invitations to Smash Brothers tournaments as well. The first being between one appearance of Medusa and the other, where he was sent to fight against the Subspace Army. The most recent invitation saw him greet the now familiar characters of the Smash family and stand together with them in an attempt to overcome the twisted light of Galeem. Needless to say, things didn't quite go as planned, and Pit was among those first to taste Galeem's mind shattering force on that lonely cliff.
Specialty: Assault Specialist
Level: 1
Experience: 0/10
Kindred Spirits:
Game Origin: Kid Icarus

Personality: As a servant of the Goddess of Light, Lady Palutena, Pit is dedicated and righteous. He has unshakable faith in Palutena and in himself when he acts in her service. He may complain about the difficult assignments he's given, but he always gets the job done. He is confident and fearless most of the time, and takes his duties as Captain of the Royal Guard seriously. He has absolutely no tolerance for evil, but to his friends and allies he is cheerful, talkative and playful - plus he's got a great sense of humor (or so he claims). He always stands up for what is right.
...that said, anyone who talks with Pit for an extended period of time will quickly learn that although he is a competent soldier and an experienced combatant, like his appearance suggests he has some childish qualities as well. He is stubborn, defensive, and more than a little naive. If one were to tell him the world gullible was written on the ceiling, he wouldn't hesitate to look. Plus, having relied on his Lady's guidance for so long, he can become nervous and self-conscious when he's on his own, though he's working to correct that. Sometimes he can get a little star-struck as well, but despite all these qualities he's still a model angel.
Background: The world that Pit hails from is called "Angel Land," a realm consisting of three major areas: Underworld, Overworld (also called Earth), and Skyworld. In Skyworld, the Goddess of Light Palutena reigns and looks over the humans living in Overworld with her angelic army. The most accomplished of these angels, and the captain of Palutena's bodyguards, is of course Pit himself.
Pit is also the only angel that does not possess the ability to fly on his own, despite sporting a pair of wings. Because of this, when the Goddess of Darkness Medusa mustered her forces and razed Angel Land, turning Palutena and her army to stone, Pit alone was underestimated and spared. He was imprisoned in the Underworld while Medusa wrecked havoc, but with the last of her power Palutena granted Pit her bow and arrows to break free and save Angel Land. That is exactly what he did - fighting his way through the three world areas, defeating Medusa's Underworld commanders, collecting the Three Sacred Treasures along the way, before finally facing off against the Goddess of Darkness herself and winning.
For a long time after that Angel Land was peaceful, excepting the regular human wars that went on of course. Suddenly and mysteriously Medusa was revived two decades later, and she was intent on getting revenge. Again she called up an army of Underworld monsters, her former commanders also rising from the dead, and set off to destroy Skyworld. After thoroughly defeating her a second time, Pit and Palutena discovered that the true master of the Underworld, Hades, was behind Medusa's revival... and that said revival was a ploy to distract them while Hades put his own plan into motion: mass killings in order to gain souls to convert into power. The battle with Hades exploded, dragging out over a period of years and involving several other gods, ancient destructive beings, and even alien forces. During the struggle, Pit and Palutena made some unlikely allies, and finally after a bitter battle Hades was defeated and the good guys won.
In between adventures to save Angel Land, Pit has had some invitations to Smash Brothers tournaments as well. The first being between one appearance of Medusa and the other, where he was sent to fight against the Subspace Army. The most recent invitation saw him greet the now familiar characters of the Smash family and stand together with them in an attempt to overcome the twisted light of Galeem. Needless to say, things didn't quite go as planned, and Pit was among those first to taste Galeem's mind shattering force on that lonely cliff.
Specialty: Assault Specialist
- Pit is a battle master that specializes in raids and frontal attacks; quick and powerful burst damage.
Level: 1
Experience: 0/10
- Light Arrows
- Used in conjunction with the Palutena Bow, it's special training needed to wield the weapon. The ability to use the light arrows manifests as two golden halos of light that encircle the archer's firing arm, letting them shoot arrows of energy. The arrows' path can be directed somewhat, but the trade off is that one arrow doesn't do much damage on it's own. The arrows gain speed over a distance though.
- Plucky
- Pit is brave and determined, even in the face of danger - maybe even because of the perils he regularly faces. He's very hard to break his spirit.
- Winged
- Despite not being able to actually fly, having a pair of wings comes with advantages. He can flap them to 'jump' higher a couple times in a row, use them to slow his falls, and if the wind is good he can glide down from places.
- Hardy
- Pit is tough even for an angel. He spends most of his missions "getting shot at," but manages to make it through okay. Plus he can eat food from from the ground with no ill effects - perhaps he has an iron stomach too?
- No Natural Flight
- Although Pit has a healthy set of wings on his back, for reasons unknown he can't actually fly on his own. While the wings can help with other things, without outside help he is flightless.
- Lightweight
- In a trade off for being a bit quicker, being light means the Pit takes more damage when he is hit and gets knocked back much farther as well. He's easy to send flying.
- Illiterate
- He straight up can't read. Maybe he's been too busy with his angelic duties to learn.
- N/A
Kindred Spirits:
- Pittoo (Kid Icarus) - Actually hates being called "Pittoo," Dark Pit is a "failed" clone of Pit, created by the Mirror of Truth. In a way, they are like twins with a complicated relationship. They may not always get along, but they are tied to each other regardless.
- Lute (Monster Hunter Stories) - A courageous boy that traveled across his continent to protect his home and friends. Being a human, he also gets some help flying from his partner, Ratha.
- Samus Aran (Metroid) - Kid Icarus and Metroid are sister series of sorts, with the titular aliens of the later somehow finding their way to Angel Land. Actually, Pit is just a big fan of Samus.
- The Palutena Bow - The weapon the Goddess granted to Pit, and his favored weapon in Smash. While it's primary form is a bow, it is capable of taking the shape of a single sword with reversed blades, or two short swords.
- His credit card - yup, it's a credit card. Don't worry, it's not maxed out yet.