Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Location: Niflheim, The Cave
Skills: N/A

Location: Niflheim, The Cave
Skills: N/A

"I will be more than happy to offer my assistance. It is my duty to assist where I can." Astrid looked at them and reached over to gently help up Elizabeth and then looked the group over again. This one seemed to have more likely a chance of surviving, they were working well together for one. When the other group had faced trouble, one of them had run away like a coward, and he was the one that was currently becoming a draugr snack. [color=#EDDA7]"As for keeping the ship where it is..."[/color]

"I would say go after the crew... that would be the easiest way, or to go for the ship and try to destroy it, but... given what it is, that might be impossible." Lara sighed at that as everything was pushing them towards going back to the water and to the ship. However, she knew that they had keep the Ship of the Dead from launching. The fate of the world was counting on them.

"Ah, torches... hold on." Astrid reached into her bag and pulled out her cellphone and turned on the flashlight feature. "I know I get poor reception out here, but we can at least use it for light, and to see what we can make the torches out of, am I right?" She offered them a small smile and then started gently waving the little beam around.

"I guess that is a start. I keep forgetting how technology has changed..." Lara gently made sure that Elizabeth could stand on her own before going to find some cloth they could use, as well as large sticks of wood. She made two torches, and paused as she thought of what they could use for fuel. "Do we have anything we can soak the rags in to light them up?"

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nadia Petrova

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

"Really, you never heard of it?" Nadia asked looking at Klara for a moment before forgetting that she was way older then she or Runa were and wasnt to much aware of the times again. "It's a show, about a virus or whatever that brings people back from the dead. And when you get bit you end up turning into one, or if you die without getting bit you somehow end up turning as well to. Unless your brain gets destroyed then you are dead for good." Nadia explained she remembered her cousin Kristin liking it a lot. She slowly crossed the lower span of the bridge while looking up. Occasionally seeing some bits of snow and ice falling off just above them everytime the gatekeeper used it's massive club thing to smite whatever was worthy or not worthy.

As Nadia shimmied her way across the lower span she looked down for a moment, seeing the blackness below wondering what would happen if they ended up falling down there it looked like it would go down forever. She would then be at the other side, and looked around for a moment before seeing a ledge that she could grab onto. She was about to reach out for it, before Nadia ended up slipping, but barely managed to catch herself from falling. "A little help here?" Nadia asked looking back down for a moment panicking slightly.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

Arnora looked around the area some she didnt have anything liquid that could easily catch something on fire, and she had a feeling that anything that was liquid would be frozen by now anyway. This was the coldest place in all of the Nine Realms after all as well to, as Arnora managed to find some rocks, and inspected them slightly and knelt down. She started to smack the two together before a few sparks would come out. Arnora quickly searched around before finding a stick big enough to use as a torch turning to look at Lara for a moment and smiled.

Arnora then used a portion of her shirt and started to tear it off, and wrapped it around the stick and smacked the stones together a few times, until she was able to get a small fire going. She stood up turning to see Astrid holding her phone flashlight out at least it would be pretty useful. "There would be a lot of dragur and giants there, so taking out the crew would be really hard, so we'd have to damage their supplies or sneak onto the ship and damage it from the inside." Arnora explained as she entered the darker part of the cave, noticing that it was a large cavern. She couldnt see or hear anything else in the cavern as she turned to look back at the two of them for a moment it was clear. "Stay close." Arnora said as she entered the cavern.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Runa Johansson

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

Runa listened to Nadia's gruesome depiction of the show - the concept never made much sense to her. It seemed like normal zombies, up until the part about anyone who died turning into a supernatural monster. The show hadn't been her cup of tea at any rate. She liked to watch nature documentaries or sitcoms whenever she was bored and looking for something to watch on TV. Sitcoms were nice - everything was always okay in them, even the obstacles and problems could be solved in twenty minutes or less. They were the opposite of their current situation, as they slowly crossed underneath the bridge.

Nadia seemingly lost her balance, having made the mistake of looking down. Runa carefully reached out and steadied her. "Are you alright?" she asked. She wasn't going to tell Nadia not to look down, Nadia was smart, she already would know that and didn't need it repeated. Rushing wasn't going to get them off of this any safer anyways. They could afford to go a bit slower at a pace that Nadia was comfortable with.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

"Just because I'm a whole lot older then you," Klara muttered with a bit of an eye roll when Nadia seemed surprised that she'd never heard of it. She knew of zombies and the undead, but she knew absolutely nothing really about TV shows or movies unless she really learns about it from more modern people at the hotel. Truthfully any references that Nadia and Runa made were likely going to go over her head unless they were older ones, then she might recognize them only if they were explained to her by someone else. Other then that she didn't really know too much.

She followed along carefully after Nadia, when Nadia looked down for a moment and seemingly lost her balance. Uh oh, that wasn't good, and Klara was about to grab her when Runa steadied her instead. "That was a close one, we need to be more careful, we don't know what'll happen if we fall. And personally, I don't really want to find out... Are you okay though?" she said towards her, the last part of what she said more or less repeating what Runa had asked her about being okay.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Location: Niflheim, The Cave
Skills: N/A

Location: Niflheim, The Cave
Skills: N/A

"Shame we don't have any spirits on us... I believe those would survive the temperature and we could use that for fuel..." Lara paused for a moment as Astrid held her flashlight over to her and Arnora, and blushed a bit at that. "Or that would work. Thank you both." She saw that Arnora had lit up the make shift torches they had made and she looked around the cave and gently looped her arm around Elizabeth to help keep her steady for the moment.

"Sneaking aboard and damaging their supplies might be a good idea... I think if can get out to the open I can help provide the distraction if you want. My partner shouldn't be too far away, and he can always hear me." Astrid smiled as she turned off her phone flashlight and then held up the horn at her side with a grin. "Trust me, I doubt they would be expecting any attacks from above." She chuckled a bit at that as they walked further into the cave.

"They may not but they still outnumber us easily... are you sure it is a good idea to split up, even if you might have the advantage in the air?" Lara was tugging her hair up into a ponytail while she held onto the torch in her hand tighter. They still had some supplies, and the fire did help keep her warm, but they were in the coldest of the Nine Realms, and there was only one place colder and it seemed they were headed that way.

"Well, do we have another option? I mean we can all sneak on, but it is risky either way. One way we have a distraction, the other we just pray they're too busy getting ready to notice us."" Astrid sighed a bit at that, but Lara did have a point. It was four of them, with numerous dragur and giants out there, and they had the advantage. She did make sure to stay close to Arnora as they headed further and further into the cave.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nadia Petrova

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

Nadia looked up at Runa for a moment as she managed to hold a hand for her to grab onto and slowly pulled herself up, sighing slightly she didnt want to know what dying again permanently would actually be like. "I'm okay, thanks for the save Runa." Nadia said to Runa and smiled towards her and nodded towards Klara. "I'm also buying you a gift basket with a bunch of modern stuff then when we finish this." She said teasingly as she looked up and noticed a ladder of sorts not to far from them. It looked a bit old but enough that it looked like it would be able to support their weight one at a time though.

"Theres a ladder, we just need to go one at a time." Nadia said as she started to slowly climb up the ladder, until she was at the top, she stuck her head up slightly seeing the giant standing there blocking or allowing the undead to pass was in front of her. Its back turned towards her as she looked around for some more cover and noticed a large boulder that could be used for cover. She looked down at the others below her, it would be able to allow them to sneak past. "Just stay quiet and we can hopefully pass." Nadia told them, as she climbed up and made a beeline straight towards the cover and she wasnt seen which was good and waited for the others to come up.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

"Well lets just figure out what we want to do after we get out of this cave." Arnora said to both Astrid and Lara as she looked around for a moment there wasnt any sign of the undead still which was a good thing then. As Arnora held up her torch and looked up at it, to see where the flame was heading. There was a slight breeze pointing towards the right that would hopefully lead them out of the cave rather quickly. "This way." Arnora said as she quickly started to head towards where the breeze was heading towards and started to follow it, the cave started to get a bit narrow though as Arnora navigated through it.

Arnora then noticed some light was well to which was a good sign then as she looked over at Lara and Astrid waving her hand towards them as she managed to get out of the cave. She looked around the area as she noticed the wind had been picking up a bit and snow was blowing around everywhere. She couldnt really see much and it looked like the coast was clear as well to which was a good thing then as Arnora waited for the others to come out.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Runa Johansson

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

Runa nodded, watching as Nadia scaled the ladder. She was right behind her so she figured that she would go on up next, since it wouldn't make sense to step out of the way for Klara to go around her to use the ladder. Runa moved a little faster than what would have been recommended, and as a result, she lost her grip on the ladder and fell. Her eyes widened and she screamed, reaching out and trying to grab onto something, anything - by a stroke of luck, she managed to grab onto a rope dangling from the bridge, the rope being the only thing keeping her from falling into the depths below.

Runa closed her eyes tightly, trying not to think about what would happen if she were to just let go - although, a nonzero part of her was tempted to just let herself fall, to let the void below consume her and kill her or whatever it would do. It'd be so much easier to give up. No one could ask her to save the universe if she didn't exist. She'd never have to worry about anything or feel sad - it was so tempting. But that part of her that wanted to give in was smaller than the rest of her, and Runa started trying to use the rope to get back up onto the bridge. It took her two tries before she was able to haul herself back up, and then use the ladder, moving all the way up to the top. She then sprinted as fast and quietly as she could, joining Nadia in the cover behind the boulder.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Location: Helheim
Skills: Perception

"Whatever you say Nadia," she said with an eye roll at Nadia as she watched Nadia head up with Runa following her. Klara's eyes grew wide when Runa seemed to fall down the ladder after losing her grip. She was about to reach to see about helping her, when she seemed to climb right back up and up the ladder. Thankfully she seemed to be okay, and Klara let out a small sigh of relief afterwards, since she was up to the top of the ladder. Okay, well now it was her turn to go up the ladder, and hope that nothing horrible happens. She made sure that Betty was still clinging to her shoulders, before she went to climbing up the ladder after the other two.

She thought that she was being careful when she climbed up and poked her head up, but then she realized that she got spotted, by a freaking giant. Uh oh, this was not good, not good at all. Glancing around quickly, she spotted a hiding spot, a hole of some sort, away from the other two where she wouldn't draw the giant to them. If the monster came after her, at least it would be away from the other two. Klara dove for the hiding spot and managed to nestle down, and all she could really hope to do at this point was that the giant would have lost sight of her.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Location: Niflheim, The Cave
Skills: N/A

Location: Niflheim, The Cave
Skills: N/A

"Sounds good to me." Astrid wasn't about to argue with Arnora at that moment, especially since she was the one with more experience, or so it seemed to her. After all, she was a Valkyrie, she was use to dealing with the dead, and bringing them to Valhalla. She had been out on a few missions like this before, but this one was bigger than any of the other ones it seemed. This one had a heavy price hanging over it. So, they would figure it out once they got out of the cave.

Lara kept mostly quiet, holding the torch in her hand, and looked around as she kept supporting Elizabeth at that point. She could see the light as well and that made her smile, as it seemed they were close to finding a way out. She followed Arnora out of the cave and grinned a bit at that as she felt the wind hit her face, and the snow as well. They had found the way out, the way that would help them figure out where to go next.

"Alright, we're out... we need to figure out what to do next. Do you think that we can freeze the boat in place with your magic, Arnora?" Lara looked at her friend and relaxed a bit, and then to Elizabeth. "You can also maybe help? But only if you feel up to it. It seems that it might be a good idea for you to keep your energy for recovering." She knew that Elizabeth might be doing better, but that didn't mean that she was fully recovered yet.

"Hmm we should figure out a good plan before we charge in... I can summon my horse if you want. However... as you said that might be a bad idea. So what all do we have in terms of strengths and weapons?" Astrid was going to do her best to help them figure out how they could stop the boat from leaving, or if it did leave, they would be on it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nadia Petrova

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

The giant gatekeeper started to turn towards the group, and started to sniff the air around him and started to grin some more as he started to search around. "I told you shouldn't be here daughter of Balder, and it seems you brought some friends with you." He said as he started to actively search around, he had spotted Klara not to long ago but couldnt see her now. Nadia could see where Klara was from where they were, and then looked over towards Runa. "Are you okay Runa?" She whispered to Runa, she didnt know that she had fallen on her way up the ladder.

The giant gatekeeper swung its massive weapon destroying a nearby pillar, causing some debris to fall to the ground some of it nearly hitting Klara. Nadia drew out her sword as she contemplated on attacking, or not she hadn't fought something this huge before really as she tried to figure out what to do. She looked further down the span of the bridge thinking where they should go, there was occasional cover stretched out across the bridge.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

"I'll be okay don't worry about me." Elizabeth said looking over at Lara for a moment and gave her a slight smile as Arnora thought for a moment, she could freeze the ship in place and nodded. "If i'm deep enough under water I could freeze the surrounding water under the ship to prevent it from moving for awhile. You guys just need to watch my back and hold them off while I do that though." Arnora said, she knew that ice bergs were much larger underneath the water.

She looked around there wasnt any sign of the undead right now which was a good thing still as well to. "If your horse can fit all four of us we could use it as our escape route to if that works." Arnora said as she held out her axe for a moment looking at them. "Anything else you think we should do?" Arnora asked them both.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Runa Johansson

Location: Helheim
Skills: Wicca

Runa bit her lip hard, as their situation went from bad to worse. Klara hadn't managed to make it to them without being noticed. And now, apparently, the gatekeeper was able to smell Runa. She hated the way that he called her the daughter of Balder - she had a name, after all - but what could she do about it? She didn't have any special powers. She didn't have a cat who could magically grow to the size of a tiger. She was just Runa. Runa gave Nadia a nod that she was okay, but her mind was scrambling, trying to figure out what to do. Maybe she had some sort of power from Balder, she could use it to help? But she couldn't even remember what Balder was the god of.

"What should we do?" she whispered to Nadia, hoping that Nadia had some sort of a plan. There had to be a way for them to get through this, right? Nadia and Klara had spent years training for situations like this, and that gave Runa hope that there was some foolproof plan they could enact. She just needed to let the experts take charge of the situation and it would all resolve itself. Everything would be fine.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

This was not a good situation, not at all. Currently she was in her own hiding place, separated from the other two by a little bit of distance. Plus the giant had seen her, so that wasn't exactly helping at all. Her mind was racing as she started trying to figure out what exactly she was going to do with the current situation. There were a few different options, just go charging in on foot and use her sword to attack the giant was one option. Another option would be riding in on her cat who could turn into a much larger cat (which she still was getting used to the idea of) and then go on the attack like that.

Of course, her thoughts had to be interrupted by the fact that the gatekeeper decided to destroy a pillar and the debris from it nearly hit her! "Well this is a horrible situation..." she muttered under her breath, glancing slightly back where the other two were. At the moment she was sort of lost as to what to really do. Klara pulled her sword out of it's sheath, looking at the gatekeeper. It likely was not going to be easy, and she wasn't sure what exactly Nadia was planning on doing since she was still a little ways away from the other two. If she spoke up to say something to her, the gatekeeper would know exactly where they were, so hopefully this wouldn't end poorly.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Location: Niflheim, The Cave
Skills: N/A

Location: Niflheim, The Cave
Skills: N/A

Lara nodded at Elizabeth and then smiled a bit. She was glad the other woman was feeling a bit better, she had been worried they were going to lose her, but it seemed that she'd be with them for a while longer. "I can keep an eye on your back while you're underwater, just please do not ask me to join you in it. That is all I ask." She offered Arnora a smile, even as she bit back her fear again. For Arnora, she would jump in deep water to help her, but she didn't want to. She could see the darkness in it, even now, and the fact that there were dragur around still didn't quell her fear at all.

"I don't think my horse could fit four people on it, sadly. He's big, but not that big. Sorry. I can use my cloak to sneak onto the ship maybe, though we've said that's a bad idea, just one of use sneaking on. Though... hmmm..." Astrid paused in thought as she was trying to figure out something. She didn't have the demi-god skills they had, all she had was her own skills. However, she could sneak and fight.

Lara paused as she thought as well as she went through several plans, all of them worse than the last. It was hard enough that it was just the four of them, but of the four, her skills were useless here. Unless she could make dragur make a promise to not hurt them, but that didn't seem to be something that would happen ever. They would have to talk for one, and for two they would have to be given a good reason why they'd stop attacking their query.

"I think we go with your plan, with you freezing the boat and the three of us keeping an eye on your back in the water. Does that work for all of you?" Astrid looked around the group and noticed that Lara was nodding. She nodded as well and went to pull out her spear, and her shield, getting ready just in case anyone decided to attack before Arnora could get under the water.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nadia Petrova

Location: Helheim
Skills: Sword Fighting

Nadia started to think for a moment as she looked over again seeing Klara from where she was or at least the top of her head that is, sighing slightly as she looked over at Runa. "I'll distract the gatekeeper guy, you go and get Runa and i'll catch up to you guys alright?" Nadia suggested, it was the only idea that she could think of right now and they needed to make sure that Klara would be alright as well to. "On three we get out alright?" Nadia said as she made sure she had her sword ready, and started to count down while looking at Runa, when she got down to one Nadia quickly got out and ran forward.

"Hey big ugly!" Nadia yelled as she grabbed a small rock and quickly threw it managing to hit him in the head, the giant quickly turned it's focus on Nadia and grinned at her. She charged forward and swung her sword at the giant's legs, causing the giant to stumble backwards, and tried to swing at her. Nadia managing to roll out of the way just in time, seeing what the thing could do to a pillar she didnt want to get hit by that massive thing. She just hoped that Runa would be able to get to Klara and help her out of her spot and get to where they needed to go.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

"Alright then lets go with my plan then." Arnora said as she started to make her way through the forest, feeling and hearing the snow crunching under her. She didnt mind the cold at all really since she was the daughter of Skadi the cold didnt really bother her to much, though the horse couldnt hold all four of them which was a bit of a bummer. As they started to get a bit closer Arnora could see a large river coming into view as she looked over towards the others.

She had a feeling that it would be closer to a larger body of water. "Lets keep going, we should follow the river." Arnora said as she paused for a moment feeling the ground starting to shake. She looked up and saw a group of giants talking amongst themselves as they were heading down stream as well to luckily they werent spotted yet.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Runa Johansson

Location: Helheim
Skills: Wicca

Runa furrowed her eyebrows, a little bit confused by what Nadia had told her. She assumed at first that she had just misunderstood her, that maybe something had been lost in translation, but that clearly wasn't the case. Before she could ask for Nadia to clarify, Nadia had already jumped out from their spot, shouting at the gatekeeper. Deciding that Nadia must have meant to go to Klara, Runa sprinted over to Klara's hiding spot. She had luckily been able to get over there without the gatekeeper impaling her or anything. Once over at Klara, Runa reached out a hand. "Come on, let's go," Runa whispered.

She didn't really wait for Klara to answer, grabbing Klara and dragging her out from her hiding spot in a mad dash. She felt the ground shake from a boulder impacting just feet away from them, no doubt lobbed by the gatekeeper. She really hoped that he wouldn't pursue them too far. She could see a wooded area up ahead and beyond that, something like a castle. She didn't even have the mental capacity to wonder how living trees could grow in Helheim, given that it was pretty much a realm of the dead.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Location: Helheim
Skills: Super Strength

Klara wasn't really sure what the plan was from the other two. She couldn't really hear anything that they were saying, but she did know that she heard Nadia instantly yell out at the gate keeper. The next minute Runa was by her, telling her that they needed to get going, and more or less dragging her along towards the direction of the gates. This wasn't good, this was not good at all, and she was being dragged along, more or less against her will, and they were leaving Nadia behind. "This isn't good, we can't just leave Nadia behind..." she said to Runa, glancing behind her as a boulder nearly hit them.

She started itching Betty behind the ears, when a thought dawned on her, and she slipped her arm out of Runa's grasp, "I'll be back in a minute," she said, running her finger along the runes on Betty's armor, and activating it as her cat leapt off her shoulders and hit the ground as a large tiger. Klara swung onto the cat's back and took off in a sprint towards where Nadia was. She wasn't even waiting to yell to Nadia about what she was doing as she sprinted behind her and held her hand out, grabbing Nadia by the back of her clothes and easily lifting her off of her feet and set her on the cat behind her. Steering, Klara made a U-turn and turned around, shooting off like a bullet the other way, and when she reached back to where Runa was, she easily lifted her up and got her on board too. Now she was having the cat bolt off in the direction that Runa had been dragging her towards, paying attention to hopefully not get them all nailed by a boulder.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

"Sounds good to me then, let's follow the river then." Astrid smiled at that as she gently summoned her spear, just in case anything happened. It was best to be prepared, rather than unprepared. She followed Arnora as they walked through the forest, and she could feel the cold as well. She tugged her cloak around herself more and more, as she kept her swan cloak mostly in its cloak form. She saw the river as well and then smiled a bit at that as she had a feeling it would connect to a bigger body of water.

"Alright then, following the river then..." Lara trailed off as she felt the ground shake and then saw the giants in front of them and paused at that. It seemed that they were out of luck, as the giants wouldn't be an easy fight. She was trying to think of a plan when Astrid spoke up, well more whispered to the group.

"We could sneak around the group using my cloak, but we would have to be careful. This is a small enough group that we can all hide under it, but it doesn't always muffle all sound." Astrid went to unclasp her cloak from around her shoulders and then looked at the rest of the group. "We will have to huddle together. I hope that is alright with the three of you." She wouldn't attempt to drape her cloak over the four of them until they all agreed to it.

"I'm alright with that. It does mean we'll all be warmer at least." Lara nodded at that as she scooted in closer to the Valkyrie, as well as Elizabeth and Arnora. When she felt her arm brush against Arnora's she blushed a bit at that and then looked off to the side. She wasn't going to say anything else for the moment, but she did gently keep her hand on her necklace. She was ready just in case they needed to attack at a moment's notice.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nadia Petrova

Location: Helheim
Skills: Sword Fighting

Nadia managed to cut the giant gatekeeper's ankle causing the giant to drop down to one knee and howl in pain. Before feeling a hand grabbing her by the back of her clothes, and yelped loudly as she was hauled up onto Betty's back by Klara. She started to panic a bit seeing that Runa wasnt with her until they were at the other end of the bridge and saw Runa as Klara lifted her up onto Betty's back as well to. "Thanks for the ride Klara." Nadia said to Klara she didnt really like the idea of dying permanently today.

Nadia looked around as she could hear something in the trees when something leaped out of them and managed to tackle Klara off of Betty and onto the snow. It was a dragur as it howled at Klara and tried to swing it's sword at her, only to miss as two more jumped out of the trees and both managed to knock Runa and Nadia off as well. "Did I mention that I really hate the undead?" Nadia asked as she could hear some more howls in the distance.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

"I'm fine with hiding under the cloak, i'd rather not become a pancake honestly." Arnora said "Same here as well to." Elizabeth said to Astrid as she used her Swan Cloak on the four of them. She felt something brushing against her hand and looked to see Lara blushing for a moment, as she looked at her and smiled a bit. Arnora closed her eyes as she tried to listen in on what the giants were talking about, but couldnt really understand what the Jotunn's were actually saying.

"So anyone got any plans if we finish this?" Arnora asked looking at the three of them, talking softly just to make some conversation, the giants werent able to hear them as she noticed that the river was slowly getting alot bigger now as well. She could also see what looked to be smoke in the distance now to, they were getting closer to the ship as she noticed more enemies like jotunn's and draugr alike.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
Avatar of Morose

Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Runa Johansson

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

Runa opened her mouth to protest, but Klara was already off and running. Her jaw still dropped as the tiny little cat turned into a gigantic beast, a tiger or a lion essentially, and Klara mounted the cat like it was her noble steed and raced off. She didn't know if Klara was bold, reckless, or insane - or maybe a combination of all three - but she had never seen anyone that brave before in her life. Well, her afterlife really. She was still every now and then just not really internalizing the basic fact that she was dead. It was so easy to forget that and just focus in on every other insane event going on around them.

Klara was like a classic hero, swooping in and rescuing Nadia. Before Runa could react, she had been scooped up too and placed on the back of the giant cat. Things really needed to slow down. It looked like they were in luck, until an undead thing knocked Klara off of the cat, followed by Nadia and Runa. There were howls in the distance that sent a shiver down Runa's spine. She got her staff at the ready, not really sure how the undead could be killed, but ready to defend herself nonetheless. "What's the plan?" she asked.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Location: Niflheim
Skills: Using Swan Cloak

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

"Alright then, everyone under the cloak then." Astrid undid the clasp around her neck and then wrapped it around the four of them, and they seemingly vanished from the sight of anyone else. They could still see one another under the cloak, but that was it. They would still need to be quiet, and not make any loud sounds. She was mostly quiet as she focused on keeping the cloak around them all, and avoiding the sight of the giants at that point.

"If we finish this, and return to the Hotel you mean? If that's what you're asking then I might try to bake some goodies or just relax a bit... what about you?" Lara looked at Arnora and offered her a small smile. She did make sure to speak softly so that only the four of them could hear her as they walked. She noticed the smoke as well and frowned at that. Smoke meant fire, and fire was most likely a campsite for the dragur and jotunn they were trying to avoid.

Astrid mostly frowned a bit, as she knew her plans would be different as she was still living, compared to the other girls with her. She probably would go home, make up some excuse for missing school and try to go on with life. There were some days it was easier to keep up the dual life but sometimes it was harder. This was going to be one of the harder days, as she knew if she died here, there wouldn't be anyone to welcome her to Valhalla.

"The river is getting wider. Where do you want to go in Arnora?" Lara spoke softly as she noticed that the river was getting wide and wider as it lead out into the sea more. She knew that Arnora would dive in soon, and they needed to figure out what the three of them above the water would be doing. Probably keep defending the spot Arnora went in, as she would most likely come back to it when she was done.
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