Fifteen years ago, an alien known as Lobo came to our planet. He attacked Washington D.C and a took the president hostage. It became an international incident and the revelation of alien life on the planet. Despite man's best efforts, the military was hopeless at stopping Lobo, and what would eventually save President Calvin Ellis, was the unlikely trio of the last son of Krypton, the dark defender of Gotham and the exiled warrior-princess of Themyscira. Together they defeated Lobo and sent him back into space where he came from, motorcycle and all. Shortly after, they founded the Justice League and used the previously defunct Hall of Justice, that had been used by the Justice Society of America back during the War. With the hall their base of operations, the three would recruit other dignified heroes and soon their ranks grew.
The world relished in not just having heroes, but a league of their own? It was incredible. The golden age of heroes began anew, and together the Justice League has fought countless enemies. In the decade and a half that followed, their numbers have increased many times over and their influence has grown past their own ranks. Their protegés formed their own team, the Teen Titans. Teenagers who took after the heroes and carved their own path in the world. Some of them are even third generation legacies by now.
But this story isn't about the Justice League, or the Titans.
This story is about those that grew into the hero business without official means. Those that didn't get raised into being a hero by a eccentric billionaire, weren't sent here with great destiny or came from royalte. This story is about the heroes who won't give an inch. Won't care about the optics and won't let the boot of conformity step on their necks.
They're heroes in their own rights, but above all they're Renegades...
In a world where the battle between the renowned Justice League and The Light has made it's mark on the path of society for the past decade, order versus chaos is at an all time high. Polarization's everywhere, from die hard hero fans to those that belive the League requires regulation and oversight. Those that believe in truth and justice, and those that believe in personal gain. A battle between good and evil, that frankly has gone on far longer than the League or The Light has been around. It's been the cause of almost every major conflict on the planet for the past decade.
Inbetween these two giants shall now a third force grow. In young heroes who believe in their own justice. The kind not made with politics or larger-than-life heroics. The kind you get with heart and effort. The kind only true believers can get. They are Renegades, young heroes who haven't been poisoned by the world.
The team were all recruited and housed by the leader, Julian for the purpose of standing up to the League and The Light. Most of the team would know almost nothing about the existence of the light, but rather know it's individual members and their villainous deeds.
The team was founded recently by the start of the IC, we'll get started on our first real mission and will therefor not know each other particularly well, but it's encouraged for characters to have prior relationship, hence the use of the relationship sheet.
The team operates out of Seattle, Washington. Out of a penthouse belonging to the real estate mogul and frankly, bad guy Morgan Edge. The team all share the penthouse with their own living quarters in the three floor apartment. There's a well stocked kitchen and a regular gym. The Renegades lacks the resources of either the League or The Light and therefor equipment is scarce and we cannot do as much incredible stuff as either of the other two factions could.
Info's a WIP and will be added to as we build the world with our character sheets.