H A N A H A Z Z A R D ♦ F E M A L E ♦ 1 8 ♦ H U B C I T Y

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
"Are you done talking? Because in my head I've already punched you three times. Four, now."
Say hello to Hana Hazzard, a child that suffered from not only a lack of parental supervision but also had Hub City to call her backyard. A city where you should be worried about being eaten by the sharks of corruption, and depending on the day, literal sharks. She was the only daughter and youngest child in the slew of boys with similar names and similar shit-eating grins. So, it was fair to say that her life was a series of dares that always escalated into a game of "chicken." Hana had it ingrained into her very soul to never back down. This would follow her well into her early teens and her rise into adulthood. But maybe we're getting ahead of ourselves. You may ask yourself how does one such as Hana end up a hero? End up a Green Lantern, for that matter? You might assume that the Guardians of the Universe pissed in some all-powerful cosmic entity's cereal, but that wasn't the case. Or maybe they did, but that's their own business.
Hana grew up barely above the poverty line, but her family was never without they just didn't have excess. This meant her childhood was spent rifling through the local junkyard with her brothers to find things that their father could use in his garage. It'd also lead to a lot of daring adventures across piles of junk, dangerous slopes of refuse, and so much tetanus. She attended public school and learned the hard way that her trajectory was never upward bound. Her grades barely surfed above passing, and she didn't have the money or the time to join any sports. Outside of class, she'd pick fights with upperclassmen when they talked shit about her wardrobe being a hodgepodge of hand-me-downs from her brothers. While many didn't think her terrifying, they'd learn quickly that Hana never stayed down. She'd curse at them with her sub-par insults but punch them with above-par fists. Her parents tried—they really did. They couldn't help it that the economic handholds in this city were as slippery as an oiled tarp. This would lead to disciplinary action, which would in turn, lead to her being forced into a school function of some sort. The one that cost the least was theater. In a little under a year, Hana was the lead in their very pathetic rendition of CATS. But she loved it.
Now there was an outlet for Hana's passion and attitude. She had quite the voice and a look that would easily slide her into any punk rock garage band. She formed a group with a few of her classmates called Shiva's Four-Armed Shredders. While she never wrote a single lyric, she belted out the songs of oppression and rage with the best of them. Unfortunately, this promising blip in her life would only be that... a blip.
On the eve of her high school graduation, Hana turned eighteen, which meant it was time to be reckless. A tongue and nose piercing later, she and the band had found a comfy half-disposed-of car in her childhood junkyard. They'd pilfered some malt liquor from a corner store and were getting drunk. Hub City, unfortunately, decided to rear its ugly head that night. They had accidentally ended right in the middle of an intergalactic weapons deal. The shitstorm started with an explosion that sent Hana careening down a pile of junk and landing squarely on her back—her vision going white before swimming. The screams came next. Adrenaline forced Hana up despite her head injury, but she didn't run for her life. She ran right into danger. She had nothing to fear. She'd fought her brothers. She'd fought kids older than her. She'd lived on the streets of Hub City all her life. If she was going to die, this would be a cool fucking way to go. The teenager barely saw the alien she plowed into as it loomed over her bassist. All she knew was that she connected, they went tumbling, and were a tangle of arms and fists. She barely remembered yelling "RUN!", but apparently she did because her friends scattered. That led to a stand-off with aliens who were prepared to crush her under their thumb while she gave them the bird. Unfortunately for the aliens, one of their "illegal weapons" happened to be a restrained power ring that didn't stay restrained long in Hana's presence. I would go on, but you know how this story goes... kid gets powers, kid tries to kick ass, kid gets nose broken a few times, and then kid needs help—a lot of help. It shouldn't have been a surprise that a senior Sector 2814 Lantern was there to intervene. They were space cops, after all.
After Hana's scrape with the aliens and earning a power ring, she contributed to the Corps for maybe a weekend. Who would have thought that a scrappy punk rocker would hate a rigid system based on procedural space hierarchy? Everyone? Everyone. She decided to go rogue, tired of the continued attempts to place training wheels (metaphorical or manifested) on her. But she learned quickly, very quickly, she couldn't take on the many villains Earth shat out like the aftermath of taco night by herself. This was doubly compounded by the lingering head injury breaking her focus. So, she decided to join the Renegades. They could always use a Green Lantern, and she could always use an excuse not to return to the Corps.
"I'm only fifty-seven percent sure you're breaking some Space Law. But you're one-hundred percent pissing me off."
ɢʀᴇᴇɴ ʟᴀɴᴛᴇʀɴ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀ ʀɪɴɢEnergy Projection: Probably Hana's go-to move, as it's simply a blast of energy from her ring. It's based on her force of will, and as such is intense but unfocused. It is far from deadly, obviously, but it can knock her opponent (and anyone else caught in it) on their ass.
Force Field: "Unstoppable force meet immovable object," is more or less the motto for this application of her ring. It is capable of creating a damage blocking, environment controlled, and life support enabled shield around her. Hana's need for self-preservation kicks this on when she's faced with something that can't be taken down with punching alone. Which, let's be honest, are most things.
Flight: She can fly, in space or otherwise. It's as simple as that, and she abuses it any time she gets a chance to. Why walk on the cold floor in winter when you can hover?
Energy Constructs: Here's where it's obvious Hana needs more time in the Corps. The ring can create weapons and other handy objects for a Lantern to use, right? Well, she's never been one to think concisely on the fly. Projectile? She tries to manifest a gun, but always remembers how intimidating it was to watch Mister Peterson, the neighborhood homeless man, drunkenly fling an alley cat. Next thing she knows, she's wielding a green, life-like cat that she can only hurl. Weapon? She visualizes a chainsaw, but what springs to mind right after is how nice it is to hold a microphone pole. At least it's somewhat useful. Armor? Brick Stevenson, her ex-boyfriend, wouldn't go anywhere near her in that taffeta nightmare of a prom dress. And so on...
ɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛɪᴇsAthletic & Acrobatic: Hana spent most of her childhood in a junkyard digging through piles of garbage to locate things of worth. She has scratches and scars to show off that part of her life along with the muscle tone and hand-eye coordination to match.
Scrappy: I'm not going to say that Hana is the best in a fight, but she can hold her own. This is mostly achieved through dirty tricks like throwing sand or punching someone in the crotch. Years of quarreling with her brothers has made her adept at head butting and right hooks.
Vocalist: Hana can sing, and she can sing quite well. Does it matter in a fight? Not really. Unless her opponent is a fan of punk-rock or show-tunes.
ᴡᴇᴀᴋɴᴇssᴇsLack of Training: Hana's time under the guiding wing of the Corps was short, and it shows. She's not able to wield her ring with the efficacy of other Lanterns. She's trying, but her bull-headedness keeps her from accepting help.
Too Much Bravado: Yes, her willpower and fearlessness may come in handy as a Green Lantern, but it also means that she doesn't know how to back down. She'll fight until it's stupid to continue. She'll rush into a situation that needs more assessment. And she'll snap back when she's told to do something that she doesn't want to do. Hana's a firecracker in the worst way.
Inefficient Battery Life: While this definitely falls under the first point, it's a bitch to deal with. Hana's reason she fails to charge the battery on her ring as often is a mystery. It can take her out of a fight with a snap of a finger.
Hello Concussion, My Old...: That head injury she sustained on that fateful night was never looked after. And as such, she can lose focus easily to the detriment of her teammates. It may manifest simply as losing connection to her ring. It may also manifest in creating constructs that bear no correlation to the situation at hand. Her most go-to one is the spokesperson for men's deodorant smiling and holding a duck in only a bath towel. Yes, both of them are in a bath towel.
Normal Girl: Strip her of her ring, and she'll try her best. But she has no powers outside of it.
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:
"How many liters of blood is too many liters to vomit up? Asking for a friend."
Personally, I love the Green Lantern mythos and when it focuses on characters that aren't the perfect hero. Every hero has flaws, but I enjoy the ones that aren't a paradigm while fundamentally worthy of their abilities. That's what Hana is for me. By the "rules as written," she qualifies as a Green Lantern, but she's such a far cry from what it means to be in the Corps. This is the sort of arc that I imagine would be interesting to create. One where she has to be broken down to be built up into something suitable for her power and station. Hana's personal goals are far more simplistic. She basically wants to prove that she's worthy of the ring without anyone's help. She wants to rise above her previous, real shitty, station and be the beacon she never had in life. Basically, she's here to pull herself up by her own green bootstraps and make a career out of this.
Hana is definitely a bruiser that lacks the useful utility-based nature of the Lanterns. This is something both the character and I want to develop, the ability to be more diverse in situations. For now, though, she's a "punch now and ask questions never" kind of girl.
Oh, and to definitely bump her scores up on the ACTs. They're bad. Real bad.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
"Of course this is a real Green Lantern Ring. Wait. Do you know something I don't know?"
Hana Hazzard stands at 5'2" bearing the musculature of someone you shouldn't fuck with. She's a mean green bean. Her nose, tongue, and ears are pierced, and her hair is usually a flavor-of-the-week color. There's a nasty scar across her eyebrow and into her hairline from her head injury. How does Hana pick clothes to wear? She performs the sniff check. Usually, she's in a tank-top, ripped jeans, boots, and a variation of whatever jewelry and makeup she felt like wearing. Anyone with any sort of aesthetic nature should run from her... far away.
Hana's only gear is her power ring. That being said, her suit bucks the usual trend without going too far out of the way. For one, she's manifested a jacket over the suit. It breaks up the glare-inducing snug nature of the outfit. There's also a lot more white and black to the usual pattern. Most notably her mask is entirely white and covers most of her face.
Does Hana know anyone of importance in the superhero world? She definitely knows the Lantern of Sector 2814 that saved her and tried to train her. I leave this up to the GM to decide who exactly she'd have interacted with as I don't want to buck against any previously established lore. I'll edit this when/if things are finalized.
R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
"There's only hot people on this list. And by that, I mean everyone. We're all hot in our own way."
Short summary of your character's thoughts, feelings, and regards for the rest of the cast. Optional and can be added whenever.