Jakarta, once the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, has been turned into a lawless hellscape after the collapse of the Republic of Indonesia. One by one, skyscrapers in the former downtown area collapses . Poverty, Murder, and Looting is becoming a every day view. Every day, faction fight with each other for control of this once beautiful city. But will the situation ever changed? Will this city can retake it's former glory? Or will this city becoming worse than it is right now. You have been chosen to saves this Paradise in Chaos
Welcome to Paradise in Chaos, a game about what will happen if Indonesia suffer a Political Collapse after it's defeat in 2075. You will choose one of the Faction that fighting for Control in Jakarta. You will play as one of the individuals that are thrust into the machination of this dynamic city. You will determined the future of Jakarta, Indonesia, and maybe perhaps the direction of the world. So good luck, and May God Saves Jakarta, Because No One Else Can
This Game was run by myself and my co-gm @Kumbaris
And lastly, have fun!!!
1. FPI : an Indonesian Hardline Islamic Organization founded in 1998 by Muhammad Rizieq Shihab, an Indonesian hardline Islamist Scholar. This Organization was known of his vigilante activities and illegal raids against any activity that perceived to be disrespectful to Islam, such as Alcohol store, Night Clubs and many more. Allegedly, FPI also taken illegal tax from company and factory and also asking money for protection in several Night Clubs in Jakarta. Leaded by Rizieq Shihab until his arrest in 2021, the organization was succeeded by his right hand, Ahmad Shabri Lubis. During the collapse of Indonesian Goverment, FPI managed to released Muhammad Rizieq Shihab from custody. From his base in Petamburan, Rizieq declares the formation of Islamic Republic of Indonesia. FPI was funded by extortion, Alcohol sale, and illegal raids. Their unity relies heavily on the leadership of Muhammad Rizieq Shihab, frequently in conflict with the Cobras. Only time tell whether Rizieq will managed to unite Jakarta before his death or no
2. Halim Defense Forces: After the collapse of Indonesian Goverment, almost all Air Forces Assets were evacuated into the newly established capital in Kalimantan. Some remaining members of the Air Force though, decided to stay and defend the Halim Air Base, the only major Airbase in the city. After successfully defending the base from mobs, Chinese incursion, and Cobra attacks, the remaining staff foounded the Halim Defense Forces, formed in order to protect and govern the territory of Halim and It’s surrounding areas. They are funded mostly by smuggling and sometimes by transporting passengers who wants to be evacuated from Jakarta. The only Indonesian Faction that have access to planes, they will play a vital role should a reunification campaign commences.
3. The Jakartan Salvation Goverment: After the Collapse of the Indonesian Goverment, the Governor of Jakarta immediately declared himself free from obligation of Loyalty to the Indonesian Goverment and declaring Martial Law thorough Jakarta region. Very ruthless and tyrannical, the governor is gaining a lot of enemies, especially inside of his administration. To secure his power, he makes two crucial alliances, one with the FPI, and secondly with the Chinese expeditionary forces. Governing the north of the city, essentially the only part of the city that has been spared from any form of destruction and underdevelopment. Time will tell if the governor’s tyrannical rule will last.
4. United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Jakarta: A UN task Force lead by a British General, it was formed in the year of 2076. Due to US Economic Recession and NATO Collapse, the Mission now only consisted of the UK, Brazil, Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland, and South Korea. Due to the instability of Jakarta region, the Task Force was only able to secure two areas, Soekarno Hatta International Airport, and the port of Sunda Kelapa. Physically separated into two regions, and with only limited funding, many doubted the task forces’ ability to secure the region
5. The Cobras: After the Collapse, many criminal gangs fought each other for control of the streets of Jakarta. To end the bloodbath, all gang leaders decided to pool their resources and choose a leader that will coordinate operations, ensuring minimal intergang violence. All gang leaders agreed to choose Husein, an ex Kalijodo mobster turned Coffee Shop owner. Once elected, Husein quickly concentrated it's power in Kalijodo. Kalijodo, once a demolished village, now quickly becoming one of the biggest gambling and prostitution hubs in Asia. Also turning Kalijodo into Asia’s Number 1 Drug Facility. Should his reign go unchecked, many agreed that the Cobras will become one of the strongest Faction in Jakarta. If they are able to reunify the city, the citizens of Jakarta will experience hell like never before.
6. Emergency Goverment of Jakarta: Consisted of member of the National Police Headquarters and the Jakarta Regional Police Headquarters member who doesn't get evacuated in time by the goverment, they are acted as the temporary goverment of Jakarta after the Governor betrayal. Supported by the Indonesian Goverment and the UN, making them one of the most viable contenders in the unification of Jakarta. Right now they are busy on keeping order in their territory, due to the rise of criminal activity by armed gang, the Cobras, and the FPI.
7. Chinese Expeditionary Forces: After the Collapse, the Chinese Goverment rapidly capitalizes it’s gains, seeing a good opportunity to establish a friendly government over Indonesia. At first, momentum was on their side, securing large amounts of territory over Indonesia. But, like what happen to the UN task forces, the Expeditionary Forces cannot secure more region and got stuck, forcing themselves to ally with the Governor of Jakarta in the meantime. They are receiving funding from the Chinese Goverment, although there are rumours saying that China is in a verge of Civil War. Hated by the locals, due to their ruthlessness and their incompetence on keeping peace in the region, only time tell whether they would succeed on their mission or not.
8. The Student Council: In the midst of collapse of the goverment, the Student Council from all Universities in Jakarta decided to formed a temporary Goverment in order to restore authority in Jakarta until the Government’s return. They are scattered across Jakarta, making coordination really hard. They are receiving aid from the UN and the government. Scientifically the most advanced Faction in Jakarta, what will happen if they managed to unite Jakarta?
9. Embassy Protection Force: After the Collapse, most of Western expatriate evacuate themselves from Jakarta. But due to the US Economic recession, most of US expatriate doesn't get evacuated by US government. So they teamed up with the few remaining expatriate and forming the Embassy Protection Force, based on the US and UK embassy. Heavily relied on UN aid, and the only real faction that can contact Washington DC, their only objective is to seek a way home, AT ANY COST
10. Armed Forces Movement: During the riot prior the collapse, the succesor of the late president tasked General Subagyo to restoring order in Jakarta region. But, he has other plan in his mind. Contacted by Chinese Agent from the MSS, Subagyo agreed to rebel against the government and restore order under the Chinese Command in exchange of money. Then, he declared a motion of disloyalty against the government. His troops quickly attacked remaining soldiers that are still loyal to the government. Than, in a unexpected turn of events, the Chinese sent a drone to eliminate him, only to kill his wife and children. In revenge, he order to put all Chinese Indonesians into Prison and Labour Camps. Currently the strongest Faction in terms of military capability, and the only real rival to the Chinese Expeditionary forces. Only God knows what will happen to the Chinese Indonesians in Jakarta should he be successful.
11. Islamic States of Java and Sumatra: After the Collapse, many jihadist seen Indonesia as a new Jihad Ground after the destruction of ISIS and Abu Sayyaf. Their base usually located on the abandoned skyscraper where no one would bother to find them. They are funded by Narcotics, Human Trafficking and illegal taxes. They are gaining new recruits every day due to the massive propaganda in social media. Determined to cleanse and unite Jakarta under the name of Allah, will they achieved what Baghdadi cannot do?
2. Halim Defense Forces: After the collapse of Indonesian Goverment, almost all Air Forces Assets were evacuated into the newly established capital in Kalimantan. Some remaining members of the Air Force though, decided to stay and defend the Halim Air Base, the only major Airbase in the city. After successfully defending the base from mobs, Chinese incursion, and Cobra attacks, the remaining staff foounded the Halim Defense Forces, formed in order to protect and govern the territory of Halim and It’s surrounding areas. They are funded mostly by smuggling and sometimes by transporting passengers who wants to be evacuated from Jakarta. The only Indonesian Faction that have access to planes, they will play a vital role should a reunification campaign commences.
3. The Jakartan Salvation Goverment: After the Collapse of the Indonesian Goverment, the Governor of Jakarta immediately declared himself free from obligation of Loyalty to the Indonesian Goverment and declaring Martial Law thorough Jakarta region. Very ruthless and tyrannical, the governor is gaining a lot of enemies, especially inside of his administration. To secure his power, he makes two crucial alliances, one with the FPI, and secondly with the Chinese expeditionary forces. Governing the north of the city, essentially the only part of the city that has been spared from any form of destruction and underdevelopment. Time will tell if the governor’s tyrannical rule will last.
4. United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Jakarta: A UN task Force lead by a British General, it was formed in the year of 2076. Due to US Economic Recession and NATO Collapse, the Mission now only consisted of the UK, Brazil, Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland, and South Korea. Due to the instability of Jakarta region, the Task Force was only able to secure two areas, Soekarno Hatta International Airport, and the port of Sunda Kelapa. Physically separated into two regions, and with only limited funding, many doubted the task forces’ ability to secure the region
5. The Cobras: After the Collapse, many criminal gangs fought each other for control of the streets of Jakarta. To end the bloodbath, all gang leaders decided to pool their resources and choose a leader that will coordinate operations, ensuring minimal intergang violence. All gang leaders agreed to choose Husein, an ex Kalijodo mobster turned Coffee Shop owner. Once elected, Husein quickly concentrated it's power in Kalijodo. Kalijodo, once a demolished village, now quickly becoming one of the biggest gambling and prostitution hubs in Asia. Also turning Kalijodo into Asia’s Number 1 Drug Facility. Should his reign go unchecked, many agreed that the Cobras will become one of the strongest Faction in Jakarta. If they are able to reunify the city, the citizens of Jakarta will experience hell like never before.
6. Emergency Goverment of Jakarta: Consisted of member of the National Police Headquarters and the Jakarta Regional Police Headquarters member who doesn't get evacuated in time by the goverment, they are acted as the temporary goverment of Jakarta after the Governor betrayal. Supported by the Indonesian Goverment and the UN, making them one of the most viable contenders in the unification of Jakarta. Right now they are busy on keeping order in their territory, due to the rise of criminal activity by armed gang, the Cobras, and the FPI.
7. Chinese Expeditionary Forces: After the Collapse, the Chinese Goverment rapidly capitalizes it’s gains, seeing a good opportunity to establish a friendly government over Indonesia. At first, momentum was on their side, securing large amounts of territory over Indonesia. But, like what happen to the UN task forces, the Expeditionary Forces cannot secure more region and got stuck, forcing themselves to ally with the Governor of Jakarta in the meantime. They are receiving funding from the Chinese Goverment, although there are rumours saying that China is in a verge of Civil War. Hated by the locals, due to their ruthlessness and their incompetence on keeping peace in the region, only time tell whether they would succeed on their mission or not.
8. The Student Council: In the midst of collapse of the goverment, the Student Council from all Universities in Jakarta decided to formed a temporary Goverment in order to restore authority in Jakarta until the Government’s return. They are scattered across Jakarta, making coordination really hard. They are receiving aid from the UN and the government. Scientifically the most advanced Faction in Jakarta, what will happen if they managed to unite Jakarta?
9. Embassy Protection Force: After the Collapse, most of Western expatriate evacuate themselves from Jakarta. But due to the US Economic recession, most of US expatriate doesn't get evacuated by US government. So they teamed up with the few remaining expatriate and forming the Embassy Protection Force, based on the US and UK embassy. Heavily relied on UN aid, and the only real faction that can contact Washington DC, their only objective is to seek a way home, AT ANY COST
10. Armed Forces Movement: During the riot prior the collapse, the succesor of the late president tasked General Subagyo to restoring order in Jakarta region. But, he has other plan in his mind. Contacted by Chinese Agent from the MSS, Subagyo agreed to rebel against the government and restore order under the Chinese Command in exchange of money. Then, he declared a motion of disloyalty against the government. His troops quickly attacked remaining soldiers that are still loyal to the government. Than, in a unexpected turn of events, the Chinese sent a drone to eliminate him, only to kill his wife and children. In revenge, he order to put all Chinese Indonesians into Prison and Labour Camps. Currently the strongest Faction in terms of military capability, and the only real rival to the Chinese Expeditionary forces. Only God knows what will happen to the Chinese Indonesians in Jakarta should he be successful.
11. Islamic States of Java and Sumatra: After the Collapse, many jihadist seen Indonesia as a new Jihad Ground after the destruction of ISIS and Abu Sayyaf. Their base usually located on the abandoned skyscraper where no one would bother to find them. They are funded by Narcotics, Human Trafficking and illegal taxes. They are gaining new recruits every day due to the massive propaganda in social media. Determined to cleanse and unite Jakarta under the name of Allah, will they achieved what Baghdadi cannot do?
Gender: (It can be Non Binary, but for some Faction like the Islamic States and the FPI, you cannot be Non Binary)
Affiliations: (It can be none)
Background: ( Tell us a little bit about your character background )
(You can also inserted picture of your characther)
Gender: (It can be Non Binary, but for some Faction like the Islamic States and the FPI, you cannot be Non Binary)
Affiliations: (It can be none)
Background: ( Tell us a little bit about your character background )
(You can also inserted picture of your characther)