For as far back as time ethereal there has been one basic instinct laid dormant within all living creatures; the strive to move forward. Through eons and ages of the galaxy this single drive has manifested in countless ways and facets. But now, in the modern age of the cosmos, this instinct crystalized into a buzzing craze that has enamored the galaxy’s citizens in its grip; the Space Races. Wild, untamed sports that provoke daring, bravado, and most of all, grand prizes for those foolhardy enough to participate in the sport, now reign in the cosmos.
The Space Races are far spread among the star systems inhabiting the sky and with their diversity so too do their quality range as well. From the standard courses of one planet to another, to the more constructed tournaments hosted by collaborated systems, only one true race matters in the grand design: The Cosmic Grand Prix. Hosted on the planet Mevalo by the aptly named Mevalo Corporation, the Cosmic Grand Prix attracts daring pilots from all corners of the stars to win the ultimate, impossible prize; a single wish to grant any desire.
No one knows how exactly they manage it, but time and time again the Cosmic Grand Prix has proven to be a mass success for the Mevalo Corporation. With the dawn of the 45th Grand Prix arriving soon and rumors of a new head sponsor for this year’s tournament, the excitement for Space Races and the Ark Riders who participate in them has never been higher. The time for doubt is over. Let rumors of Mevalo Corporation be dispelled. Let the races begin.
The Space Races are far spread among the star systems inhabiting the sky and with their diversity so too do their quality range as well. From the standard courses of one planet to another, to the more constructed tournaments hosted by collaborated systems, only one true race matters in the grand design: The Cosmic Grand Prix. Hosted on the planet Mevalo by the aptly named Mevalo Corporation, the Cosmic Grand Prix attracts daring pilots from all corners of the stars to win the ultimate, impossible prize; a single wish to grant any desire.
No one knows how exactly they manage it, but time and time again the Cosmic Grand Prix has proven to be a mass success for the Mevalo Corporation. With the dawn of the 45th Grand Prix arriving soon and rumors of a new head sponsor for this year’s tournament, the excitement for Space Races and the Ark Riders who participate in them has never been higher. The time for doubt is over. Let rumors of Mevalo Corporation be dispelled. Let the races begin.
Welcome to Mevalo. City, planet, and host to the Cosmic Grand Prix; all of them are proud labels of the Mevalo Corporation. Long ago they became the pioneers of true Space Races, pushing forward the promotion of Ark Riders from all walks of life and planets. With their funds and resources, they converted their entire planet into one grand monolith devoted to racing in the galaxy. Naught more than race tracks of every variety and stature remain as part of Mevalo’s surface while a sleuth of unseen, working machinations keep the planet stable as a constant race course deep below.
It is here where those who call themselves Ark Riders, ace pilots of every craft, gather to participate in the Cosmic Grand Prix. Every year the tracks get bigger and better with more additions and attractions to win over the audience and its participants. As a result, very few Space Races compare to the weight and budget of the Cosmic Grand Prix. But what makes Mevalo truly special is its end prize for winning the ultimate race. Whoever take’s the winner’s rite and claims victory may have the power to grant any wish of their own desire.
It may sound too good to be true, but Mevalo has continued to remain the top name in Space Races all around the galaxy. All types of species are accepted and encouraged to participate in the races as they dare the differing obstacles faced on each individual track. From foreign jungles and lava fields to rippling high tides and desert storms, all of it is provided by Mevalo to maintain an ever-changing and, more importantly, ever exciting grand prix for audiences each year.
Even the rumors of Mevalo’s new sponsor for the 45th Cosmic Grand Prix has done little to sway people’s interest. If it’s bigger, then it’s better, and everything is certainly the case for the Mevalo Corporation. Take home the glory, fulfill your wish, and become the greatest Ark Rider in the galaxy if you dare to risk life, limb, and pride in the heat of speed.
It is here where those who call themselves Ark Riders, ace pilots of every craft, gather to participate in the Cosmic Grand Prix. Every year the tracks get bigger and better with more additions and attractions to win over the audience and its participants. As a result, very few Space Races compare to the weight and budget of the Cosmic Grand Prix. But what makes Mevalo truly special is its end prize for winning the ultimate race. Whoever take’s the winner’s rite and claims victory may have the power to grant any wish of their own desire.
It may sound too good to be true, but Mevalo has continued to remain the top name in Space Races all around the galaxy. All types of species are accepted and encouraged to participate in the races as they dare the differing obstacles faced on each individual track. From foreign jungles and lava fields to rippling high tides and desert storms, all of it is provided by Mevalo to maintain an ever-changing and, more importantly, ever exciting grand prix for audiences each year.
Even the rumors of Mevalo’s new sponsor for the 45th Cosmic Grand Prix has done little to sway people’s interest. If it’s bigger, then it’s better, and everything is certainly the case for the Mevalo Corporation. Take home the glory, fulfill your wish, and become the greatest Ark Rider in the galaxy if you dare to risk life, limb, and pride in the heat of speed.
There will be a total of three set segments for each race track in the RP. Players are free to describe their movements and actions in each segment; this may include passing other racers, attacking, avoiding obstacles, etc. Within each of these three segments, there will be a post limit of around four posts. Players will need to make their moves within these four posts per segment. This number can be flexible but four is the experimental number for now.
What this means is players can pass other players who haven’t posted in a while, both to get a lead in the race and to prevent anyone waiting on someone else. Those who haven’t posted in a week will be automatically passed. In other words, the slower you are to post in the RP, the slower you are in the actual race and will probably end up in last place. However, this also means players can catch up and even sneak a surprise victory if they post more frequently. Right now, this is experimental so we’ll see how it goes in the actual IC and make adjustments as needed.
If there’s any questions or concerns, feel free to ask.
What this means is players can pass other players who haven’t posted in a while, both to get a lead in the race and to prevent anyone waiting on someone else. Those who haven’t posted in a week will be automatically passed. In other words, the slower you are to post in the RP, the slower you are in the actual race and will probably end up in last place. However, this also means players can catch up and even sneak a surprise victory if they post more frequently. Right now, this is experimental so we’ll see how it goes in the actual IC and make adjustments as needed.
If there’s any questions or concerns, feel free to ask.
• Appearance: Self-explanatory. Please use relatively anime/art images since this is an anime inspired RP. Text descriptions are also fine.
• Name: Self-explanatory.
• Title: Your title among your fellow Ark Riders.
• Species: The Mevalo Corporation accepts all racers.
• Age: Self-explanatory.
• Background: A quick summary of your character thus far and why you became an Ark Rider.
• Ark Gear: The meat of your application into the Cosmic Grand Prix. Ark Gear are the tools used by Ark Riders to traverse in Space Races. While most vehicles and gear are supplied and sponsored by the Mevalo Corporation, third-party Ark Gear are allowed. All details, images, and specs go here.
• Sample Post: Write a brief post about your character's first race. Please place this into a hider. This is the most important factor of acceptance regarding your CS.
• Other: Optional. Anything else not mentioned above that you may wish to add goes here.
• Name: Self-explanatory.
• Title: Your title among your fellow Ark Riders.
• Species: The Mevalo Corporation accepts all racers.
• Age: Self-explanatory.
• Background: A quick summary of your character thus far and why you became an Ark Rider.
• Ark Gear: The meat of your application into the Cosmic Grand Prix. Ark Gear are the tools used by Ark Riders to traverse in Space Races. While most vehicles and gear are supplied and sponsored by the Mevalo Corporation, third-party Ark Gear are allowed. All details, images, and specs go here.
• Sample Post: Write a brief post about your character's first race. Please place this into a hider. This is the most important factor of acceptance regarding your CS.
• Other: Optional. Anything else not mentioned above that you may wish to add goes here.