For as far back as time ethereal there has been one basic instinct laid dormant within all living creatures; the strive to move forward. Through eons and ages of the galaxy this single drive has manifested in countless ways and facets. But now, in the modern age of the cosmos, this instinct crystalized into a buzzing craze that has enamored the galaxy’s citizens in its grip; the Space Races. Wild, untamed sports that provoke daring, bravado, and most of all, grand prizes for those foolhardy enough to participate in the sport, now reign in the cosmos.
The Space Races are far spread among the star systems inhabiting the sky and with their diversity so too do their quality range as well. From the standard courses of one planet to another, to the more constructed tournaments hosted by collaborated systems, only one true race matters in the grand design: The Cosmic Grand Prix. Hosted on the planet Mevalo by the aptly named Mevalo Corporation, the Cosmic Grand Prix attracts daring pilots from all corners of the stars to win the ultimate, impossible prize; a single wish to grant any desire.
No one knows how exactly they manage it, but time and time again the Cosmic Grand Prix has proven to be a mass success for the Mevalo Corporation. With the dawn of the 45th Grand Prix arriving soon and rumors of a new head sponsor for this year’s tournament, the excitement for Space Races and the Ark Riders who participate in them has never been higher. The time for doubt is over. Let rumors of Mevalo Corporation be dispelled. Let the races begin.
The Space Races are far spread among the star systems inhabiting the sky and with their diversity so too do their quality range as well. From the standard courses of one planet to another, to the more constructed tournaments hosted by collaborated systems, only one true race matters in the grand design: The Cosmic Grand Prix. Hosted on the planet Mevalo by the aptly named Mevalo Corporation, the Cosmic Grand Prix attracts daring pilots from all corners of the stars to win the ultimate, impossible prize; a single wish to grant any desire.
No one knows how exactly they manage it, but time and time again the Cosmic Grand Prix has proven to be a mass success for the Mevalo Corporation. With the dawn of the 45th Grand Prix arriving soon and rumors of a new head sponsor for this year’s tournament, the excitement for Space Races and the Ark Riders who participate in them has never been higher. The time for doubt is over. Let rumors of Mevalo Corporation be dispelled. Let the races begin.