W E R N E R V E R T I G O ♦ M A L E ♦ 3 3 ♦ V L A T A V A
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
"You beurocrats are too idiotic to understand diplomatic immunity, but smart enough to know who can get the job done."
How does one describe the rightful ruler of a nation that has been, so to speak, spiritually eradicated by an unhinged genocidal ghost? Well, according to the United States and the International Criminal Court... you would call him a war criminal who has violated the civil rights and liberties of countless individuals in a power grab to claim the former Republic of Vlatava. Werner Vertigo was once a young and eccentric tinkerer looking to reclaim his rightful property with the aid of his vertigo effect. One run in with the Green Arrow and Black Canary, and the rich playboy developed a taste for the dramatic.
Warner Vertigo became a master thief and criminal, before finding himself in a strange position doing subcontracting work for US military intelligence. There came a time when political strife in Vlatava caught the interest of the United States and "Count Vertigo" himself. Vertigo had people to save, and he saved many through the diligent extermination of any who opposed his perfectly reasonable direct lineage to the Vlatavan monarchy. The suits in US intelligence were pleased to bankroll and sponsor yet another violent coup if it weakened a hostile state. When all was said and done, Vlatava was left in ruins and Werner Vertigo took a victory lap trip to the Carribean. The Spectre was appaled by the events in Vlatava, and destroyed the entire country. It didn't take long, then, for the International Community to uncover the horrors of the Vlatavan Civil War and pin those atrocities in a single man. Werner was pissed to find the very government that helped support his efforts were now locking him up in Belle Reeve to try and keep his political affiliations under wraps. He has been given some minor plastic surgery and a new inmate name: "Cecil Zytle." They aren't fooling anyone, though... as there is only one Count Vertigo.
Vertigo Effect: Due to significant modification of cochlear implants in his ears, Vertigo developed a way to use subsonic sound waves to disrupt technology and people in Vertigo's vicinity at will. He can choose what targets to effect and can determine the severity of the vertigo symptoms. As it relates to technology, attempts to target or detect Vertigo directly can be mildly disrupted to prevent a clear read on the Count.
A Duelist, through and through: Vertigo was trained from a young age in martial arts and in fencing as noble pursuits of athleticism. When he grew into a master thief and CIA asset, these skills were refined even further. Werner has a strong distate for guns or any other "uncivilized" weaponry, instead choosing to rely on his body or his fists.
Technologically Gifted: Werner, if he received the proper education and had the desire to do so, would have been a marvelous engineer. Instead, Werner has chosen to dedicate himself to the arts of creating impressive technological wonders. Being a thief and criminal, Werner learned to get his way around security and communication systems as well. Even nobility needs to learn how to roll up their sleeves and design equip.ent to do their job for them.
Magnetic / Levitating Boots: Werner's most useful invention besides his modified implants are his boots, which possess the key features of being Magnetic enough to allow him to walk along metal walls and ceilings... as well as emit a powerful subsonic frequency that can allow him to float and levitate. The batteries for this thing do require him to wear a cape to remain looking stylish while using the boots.
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:
Count Vertigo's primary desire is to be set free at some point so he can eventually try to rebuild his family home in Vlatava. He is incredibly prideful, and sees his parent's flight from Vlatava to avoid political extermination to be a grave sin that he had to absolve. While he's not one to show it, he does feel severe guilt for what he had a hand in. He was a pawn of the rebel forces who got saddled with the responsibility for the aftermath, and Werner now has a desire to make up for what happened. At the end of the day, he wants to either die doing something heroic to clear his name in his own mind, or to eventually be able to retire into obscurity at his family estate.
Vertigo is a great fit to fill a support and utility role on the team when it comes to what he's capable of doing. As for his story, I definitely want to focus on a character arc and growth for Werner as he learns to process what he's been through and learning to let go of his pride in true service of others.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
This iteration of Werner Vertigo leans into and draws from different timeliness and iterations of Werner to create a clearer version of him that incorporates some aspects of his various incarnations. This version of Vertigo is incredibly narcissistic and is only just learning to serve a larger purpose. I've drawn from his time in Checkmate and the canon destruction of Vlatava to reconcile Werner better in the world at large in this RP, and decided to focus more on Werner being in some way technologically gifted in a way the comics gloss over..
The majority of Werner's possessions, including his various personal vehicles, have been repossessed and sold off to fund charities supporting displaced Vlatavans. This version of Count Vertigo has a strong antagonistic relationship with the "Arrow Family" at large due to his criminal activities in Star City. There is a strong possibility Werner could have a preexisting working relationship with figures like Waller as a former government asset.
R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
Short summary of your characters thoughts, feelings and regards for the rest of the cast. Optional and can be added to whenever.