
"You're my jailor."
And Vincent was gone, using his powers to disappear to, what Julian presumed, was the other end of the fight. His powers let him just do that, and it bugged him. Julian, flabbergasted had a thought up retort in regards to the verbal gutpunch Vincent threw his way. He was gonna tell him how his interest in Vincent was vested in enhancing Vincent's abilities, while he approached Dandelion more like a science project - Hayden's a child Julian had to look after, Julian and Red were both almost born yesterday, yet Vincent was the least mature person in the entire team. He wanted to say things to that extent, yet he didn't have the time.
Instead, he, to a completely empty room, sans the knocked out thug who's muscle mass was shrinking rather rapidly, he yelled.
"Yeah? Well! You're stupid!" The teen genius yelled, only to feel something grab his arm from out of his view.
"Not as stupid as you." The formerly electrocuted thug blurted out, punching Luthor in the face, sending him tumbling to the side. Getting out the steel case from his pocket, he opened it and found six patches inside. He got out four and put them on his wrist, his eyes lit up with a dim green haze as his body regained it's hulking size. He was clearly hurt, but even more importantly, he was really angry.
He charged at Julian, whom clicked his belt buckle, producing a small forcefield around him that kept the hulking man from tearing him limb from limb. The bubble was cracking after a couple of hits from the brute, but it was enough time for Julian to get his suitcase to activate the magnetic mechanism in it, pulling it towards Julian's own wrist. The briefcase came towards him, as the man's fist cracked the bubble and met with Julian's cheek, sending him careening on the floor, his nose broken.
With his still gloved hand, Julian tried to catch the man's fist, in doing so, his shoulder was dislocated and his arm broken in - at least four places. But the electric blast from his glove stunned his assailant, making him stumble backwards and taking even more damage from the electric shock. The suitcase was at Julian's side, but he was laying on the ground, unable to open it properly.
"Protocol Lazarus." Julian spoke, the suitcase popped open as he rolled to his side, inside, a single blue vial with a tiny syringe being lit up by four very powerful strobe lights. The suitcase simulated sunlight. And the serum? It was concocted out of 98% pure, Kryptonian-Hybrid blood. Julian removing his ring would just let him absorb sunlight, he'd start with no batteries and he'd die anyway as soon as the hulking man ahead of him recovered. This was a jumper cable hooked up to the sun, and it was his only chance.
Jamming the serum into his chest, his felt the raw power surge into his bloodstream, his shattered bones in his arm melded together almost instantly, his nose healed and so did the cuts and bruises. But he also felt it fading, fast. The ring on his finger made sure of that. And Julian's glove was covering his hand so he couldn't take it off. The brute ran at him like a steamroller as Julian sat on the ground, on his knee. The thug charged at him, the teen threw his had curled into a fist straight up, the worst performed uppercut in the history of the world. But it hit the man in the jaw, knocking him four inches off the ground, unconscious. Julian felt the power leave him as quickly as it had arrived and he was back on the ground, catching his breath.
About a minute later, he crawled to his feet, examined the thug once more, this time making sure he was out cold. He found the steel case, inside of it, two more patches. He grabbed it, and was about to head down into the hole, as he felt his collarbone hurt. He had broken it when he threw his punch. Great.
Ripping the sleeve off his shirt he created a makeshift sling and headed down the hole, landing right in the mayhem. He didn't have any powers, and the patches? Yeah, they'd do him no good, there was no way he was seeing what venom would do to a depowered kryptonian. That's not to say they were without their uses for his means.
"Hey, Red!" He shouted at Morrow. "Take one!" He continued, throwing the case at Red. Red's metabolism was off the charts. He'd get a power boost and no long term effects from taking one of them as his body would simply burn out the poisonous materials same way they'd let him build muscle mass while eating nothing but hot pockets for an entire week.