Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 17 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Location: Homestead, entrance -> Quinjet, Medbay
Skills: N/A

As Mar-vell spoke about the Flerken, he started to be in awe of them. Growing that fast and being as terrifying as they were, he was surprised the universe wasn't run by the adorable monsters. He was glad they had a space doctor to help with the birthing process, maybe they could get through this without making too much of a mess. As the president walked in and grabbed salt, and ran back out, his head turned. He had no idea what that was for, but he didn't get this far in life by ignoring patently weird things such as that, so he joined the growing crowd, and heading into the Quinjet.

Entering the Medbay, he inspected the scene in front of him and gave an incredibly concerned look towards Niah, before hearing a flurry of things. Firstly, that Niah's leg was getting worse and that she was possessed?. On any other day, he wouldn't have believed it, but having just fought a demon bear, he made the connection well enough. Additionally, she wanted the room clear, and he was willing to leave, but he piped up, standing just at the edge of the bay. He was about to offer some form of assistance, before the exorcism commenced. He started to step out, but paused, and listened to the words. He couldn't get all of them, but he was pretty sure he could do half an exorcism now. Still, this wasn't anywhere he wanted to be at the moment, and he waited quietly outside as the literal demon was dealt with.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Skrull Prison Ship

Anelle shook her head slightly. "There is no need to apologize for that," she said softly. "I welcome the contact," she admitted. She had been exiled, forced to live in a cell, kept from her lover and her child. The guards never beat her or anything, as she was still a princess - but no one ever embraced her or anything anymore. She felt a little touch starved at times. She looked a little sad as Maria said she was going to stand watch, but went inside the training room with Flynn.

"I understand," she told him, before shapeshifting into Flynn. She then punched the bag. It moved a little less than it had when Flynn hit it, mostly as Anelle didn't have the proper techniques. She had only taken on his shape, not his memories and skills.

Outside of the training room, two skrulls started walking down towards the training room, holding what looked like gym bags. They seemed basically like two bros who were going for a workout. They frowned when they saw Maria. "What are you doing?" one asked. "Either get in the gym or get out," the other grunted.

May 18th, 2021

Clint Barton's Homestead - Missouri: 10:30 A.M.

Bonnie nodded at Niah's request - if Niah wanted privacy, then she deserved to have that honored. "Alright, if you aren't the President, myself, Sparky, or Niah - scram," Bonnie said authoritatively. "Niah has a right to some bloody privacy right now." She wasn't usually one for swears, but the situation was tense and she figured a bit of cursing might help get people to leave. A small portion of her mind was wondering if Flynn would have known what to do here - or if he had just been a grunt at O.M.E.N. They never really talked much about his previous job, just as they also didn't talk much about Bonnie's deceased husband or the time she had spent in the asylum.

"Oh, right, my bad. Feel better, Niah!" Amelia wished, before walking backwards, thinking better of it and turning around, and then walking off of the quinjet.

"If you want, I can pose for a picture of you with the hospital bed for your insta," Spider-Man offered. "I do it all the time for the kids in the cancer ward in Queens," he added. Bonnie shot him a look and Spider-Man followed Amelia off the quinjet and out of the way.

Raynor wasn't thrilled at the idea of Sparky being in here as they battled a demon without any back up. Unfortunately, he didn't have any power or knowledge that would deem him essential. He locked eyes with Sparky for a second. "You need anything, I'll be right outside," he told her, before leaving the medical ward and leaning up against one of the inner walls of the quinjet, out of sight but still within earshot, so that way he could run back in if anything went wrong.

Bonnie wished that they had given Niah the sedative as the President performed the exorcism. She fought to keep her expression neutral, to not grimace as Niah foamed at the mouth like she had rabbies, or the way her eyes turned black and she began to hiss. It sent a chill down her spine. She could feel it in the air - the 'bad vibes' more or less that the demon was putting off. It felt like depression, anxiety, grief, and rage all wrapped up into one horrible, all consuming wave of darkness. She winced as a cloud of dark smoke was more or less projectile vomited out of Niah.

"What do we do now? We can't leave her alone like that, she needs medical attention," Bonnie stressed. Her mind was going rampant with all of the possible injuries Niah could have sustained, but truthfully she just didn't know - she'd never seen an exorcism before. The smoke had taken the form of a demonic bear and was continually slamming itself up against an invisible barrier, the salt being the only thing keeping it from breaking through.

Outside of the med bay, Raynor glanced at Oliver. Amelia had gone outside entirely, probably off to squeal over the baby flerkens that were being born, and Spider-Man had gone with her. "That doesn't sound good," he muttered, hearing the echoes carry Niah's screams.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: Hawkeye's Homestead - Missouri - Quinjet (Medical bay)

For a moment Niah didn't know what the outcome of this was going to be. She could only hope that the demon wouldn't win and take over her (or someone else over) and kill everyone she cared about. Any other outcome would be a better win for her, even if she died in the process. And while the President of the United States who used to run an organization that would have happily killed her was performing the exorcism it felt like she might die. Weirdly she was still okay with that though she knew it would make Bonnie sad and she didn't want to make Bonnie sad. Because yeah lacking the fear of death was the weird part of this day.

"I'm alive. I'm me." She said, wanting to move, sort of wanting to vomit from the pain. She thought of how Zoya had looked being aged preternaturally in front of her eyes. She thought of how someone who didn't exist anymore had had his heart ripped out in front of her. She thought of how Bonnie had stood between Niah and death and Niah had written reality so Bonnie hadn't died. She thought of Antoine and how he had convinced Niah to join Phase III but had died in the process. Yeah, she was still her. Head full of different realities with faces and names and deaths no one but her remembered. But she was still herself not some demon bear. She spit out some bile.

"Is there anything I can do?" Niah asked her voice raw. She didn't think there was much she could do since Spider-man had webbed her down to the table. God, she was tired.

Location: Missouri - Hawkeye's Homestead

Matt quickly stepped out when Bonnie told them to, he had been about to anyway, but he had to be honest with himself it was interesting to watch an actual exorcism be performed. He stood awkwardly outside the med-bay with the others. "We could go check on the flerkens." He suggested.

As much as Matt didn't particularly care for Niah hearing her scream like that was unsettling. But the screaming stopped and he hoped it was okay. He hoped Niah was okay. He didn't know her like the others since she hadn't been with the team when he had joined and he hadn't gone off to fight a demon bear with Oliver and her. What he did know about her was her devotion to her criminal sister and that was why he didn't like Niah. But if his own sibling turned out to be a criminal wouldn't he want to protect them too?

He walked out of the Quinjet and took a long deep breath of air. Matt had some idea of what Niah had been put through before he joined the team because of Cass, but he hadn't ever talked to Niah about it and he suddenly felt bad for judging her without getting to know her. Cass and her were friends he owed her at least to try to understand.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Kwassi Asokho

Location: Outside Med-Bay
Skills: Photographic Memory : 16

Given that The President had mentioned he was rusty, Kwassi figured he may need the phone at some point to help jog his memory. Either that or hearing the beginning could set off a mental trigger to allow him to recall it without any issue. In the event it was the former, Kwassi began to read as much of the text as he could. Trying to memorize as much as would be helpful before everything began. However as he was almost halfway through, Jakobsen snatched the phone out of his hand and immediately began to perform the exorcism. Kwassi tried to listen intently, hearing the pronunciation of the words he'd just read while Sparky began to chatter off to help fill others in.

The constant talking began to muddle into the Latin phrases, not to mention the sounds coming from Niah didn't help any. He wasn't able to recall half of what he'd heard, when Bonnie officially kicked most everyone out of the room save for a few. Kwassi put his hands up as if to say he was going, leaving just the Med-Bay and heading into the adjoining room along with Raynor and Oli. He couldn't help but notice that Oli was listening in, either out of concern, some sheer sadistic want to hear someone scream, or curiosity. "No. It does not. Do you mind if I ask you what you are listening for my friend?" Kwassi asked, turning to face Oli.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: Quinjet, Medical Area
Skills: N/A

Cassandra looked towards Bonnie and then Niah for a moment gently resting a hand on Niah's shoulder in a comforting way. "You'll be alright Niah." Cass said reassuring her friend as she went over towards Bonnie. "I'll be right outside if you need me to help." Cass told her friend as Bonnie ordered anyone that she didnt need out of the medical bay. As soon as everyone was out Cassandra closed the door behind her and went over towards Matt and gave him a hug. "How did the alien cat hunt go?" She asked him, wanting to change the whole subject of Niah being possessed.

Her eye would ocasionally look over towards the medical bay where Niah, Bonnie, Sparky and Alex all were trying to get the demon out of Niah she hoped that her friend would be alright. "I got some upgrades for my new eye once Sparky gets to work on that." Cass told him, they would certainly become very useful once it's made and could help out in future missions.

Evelyn Holder

Location: Missouri - Barton Homestead
Skills: N/A

Evelyn nodded towards Bonnie this wasnt really her area of expertise anyway and she didnt really know any of these people all that well really either as she headed out of the medical bay and over towards the homestead itself. "I'll be in the homestead if you all need me." Evelyn told the others as she left the Quinjet and walked over towards the house. And she wanted to see what the baby Flerkens actually did look like and to see if they needed help from her.

Evelyn followed Amelia towards the area set up for the Flerekens and looked over at those who were there. "Is there anything I can do to help out here?" Evelyn couldn't help but ask looking over at Mar-Velle and Hawkeye's wife to see if she could be of any sort of use here for them hearing all of the cats yowling.

Maria Novikova

Location: Training Area
Skills: Power Absorption (Skrull Shapeshifting)

Maria leaned herself up against the wall just outside of the training area and messed with her fingernails, it was really weird having the appearance of an alien. Her attention turned to the two skrulls carrying some gym bags with themselves to the training area, as she took a quick glance over at the princess and Flynn who were training. "Sorry about that guys." Maria said as she headed back into the training room and glanced at Flynn and the Princess.

"We got a bit of a problem." Maria whispered gesturing towards the two skrull bros by the door she hoped that they wouldn't approach the three of them and that they could all share the training space without much of an issue really. "Just continue like it's normal." Maria suggested as she looked at Anelle and then approached her. "You need to work on a stance, bend your knees a little bit and bring your hands up like this." Maria said getting into a boxing stance.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 17 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Location: Outside Medbay
Skills: N/A

Oliver frowned at the noises coming from the room, before exhaling, and noticing that Kwassi was talking to him. Oliver felt bad for what was going on, like it was his fault in a way. He was there when Niah's leg was mangled, and all the superpowers in the world didn't stop it from happening. Maybe if he weren't an emotional wreck at the time, or if he was just better at acting like a regular human in general, he could have prevented this from happening. But instead of expositing his complex feelings on the matter to Kwassi, he shrugged and said, "I'd rather the next time a demon comes after us, I can get rid of it myself, so... trying to pick up on the words to facilitate that." before smiling at him and adding, "And I wanna make sure Niah's okay, she's a part of the team after all, right?"

If there was one thing Oliver hated, it was not knowing what was going to happen next. Not being able to physically intervene and stop things from happening? He was used to that. That was most of his life before he turned out to be the son of an intergalactic space tyrant, but the feeling of knowing that something bad was happening and not knowing where to go next, that was hell. He felt that a bit with the skrull invasion, but he at least had been taking steps to understand and prepare for the coming threat. Here, unless he could become a master of demonology and medicine within the hour, there wasn't much he could do. Or at least, nothing he could do besides waiting and hoping. Turning his head towards Raynor, a small part of him realized that he couldn't remember ever saying anything to a Raynor that wasn't a skrull, or at least, he didn't know when Raynor was replaced, so for all he knew, they'd never spoken, and so he asked,"Soooooo.... They got demons on Asgard?" That felt like a better conversation starter than "Hey, I almost killed your girlfriend and mother to your unborn child while you were gone, neat, huh?" so it was what he went with in the face of having no idea what to say.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Location: Quinjet
Skills: Language (Latin)

Sparky was sort of glad that a lot of people got more or less kicked out of the room by Bonnie. Then again, she couldn't help but roll her eyes slightly at Raynor with his comment to her, "Fun fact, not the first demon I've dealt with this week, so don't worry, besides, only needed in case someone needs a jolt to get their heart going this time though so it'll be fine," she said to him with a bit of a smile as he left the room with everyone else, and her attention turned to what exactly seemed to be going on with the demon that was there now.

Alex was just watching the demon that was taking shape, and he looked at the creature, unsure really fully of what to do for a brief moment. This sort of thing was something he hadn't done for a while, and now he found himself thrown back into the fray. Yeah, this whole situation was fun, but he'd see what could be done, and currently getting the demon to go back to hell as opposed to getting free was a good idea. Now if only he could remember the rest since the exorcism itself didn't seem to be able to finish it off quite yet...

Of course, then the demon found a way to break the circle. Whether it was from a slight breeze or something that happened, but the salt line broke, and the bear charged right at him. Thinking for a split second, he decided to go with the first phrase in Latin that he could think of, "Ire in gehennam!" he said, which quite literally meant go to hell. The demon disappeared, but it had come within inches of him, so that was fun. "Gotta love exorcisms... And possessions are not fun, so are you okay from that? Just wanting to make sure," he said, turning to look at Niah now.

She was glad that Niah had spoken once the demon was more or less out of her body, which meant that she was alive (and also that Sparky's own powers weren't needed to restart her heart or anything) which definitely was a good thing. Of course demon nearly going on the attack towards the rest of them was not a good thing, but there wasn't much that they could do now, the demon was gone, and so Sparky went over to look at Niah before walking over to her. "How about we get you out of that webbing and then look over to make sure fully that you are okay..." she suggested, looking over at Bonnie now since she could take the lead on making sure that Niah was okay. Once Sparky was sure that there wasn't any permanent damage or anything to Niah (or at least anything new) she was planning on getting back to work on all of the gadgets that they'd need for their mission to the White House.

Location: Skrull Ship
Skills: N/A

Flynn had to catch himself to stop from laughing when the princess literally shifted to look like him before punching the punching bag. That wasn't expected, but in all honesty he probably should have expected that sort of thing. Maybe he should have been a bit clearer with everything and specified to have her not actually do exactly what he did, but then again, most people probably wouldn't have taken that quite so literally in this sort of instance. "To be honest didn't expect you to shift into me, just sort of expected you to punch the bag normally but okay then."

His attention was drawn away from what was going on by Maria stepping back into the room mentioning a problem. Act like this was normal? Currently there were two of him, one was actually him, and the other was him in a bit of a dress, which was beyond weird but even he couldn't help but kind of laugh at that sort of thing himself. Now though was the idea of making everything seem normal despite what was going on currently, so when Maria came over to give some suggestions, he stepped back a few steps to let her more or less show Anelle what she should do now.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Skrull Prison Ship

"Entering Earth's atmosphere in three... two... one..." Captain Marvel announced, as they began the re-entry sequence. From the bridge, everyone could see brilliant flames more or less surrounding the ship, as they plummeted towards the surface of the planet. The panels didn't indicate that anything was going wrong - the ship was higher quality than almost anything that could be found on Earth, with the exception of Wakanda and the Avengers.

Then, suddenly, all of the alarms started blaring at once. Red lights were flashing all over the place. There had been a gigantic BOOM and a shake like an earthquake rippled through the ship. "Ah, shit. Who jinxed us? Come on, fess up!" Iron Man complained. "Was it you, Hulkie? Did you rig the engine core to break off?!" He didn't seem to be being super serious, but he was correct in what had happened - the engine core had just... detached.

Meaning that now, they were plummeting to the surface with no mechanism to slow down. They were gaining speed rather than losing it, so unless someone came up with a bright idea, they'd all be very dead - very soon.

Pennsylvania Avenue: Washington D.C. - Missouri: 11:50 A.M.

It was the day before the UN Summit in Geneva, so the Secret Warriors needed to act quickly. They were the only ones who could properly go undercover as Secret Service agents, as the Avengers and whatnot were just too recognizable. The plan was for one team, disguised as Secret Service, to go into the White House while Captain America went to meet with the "President." Once inside the Oval Office, they'd have to take out the real Secret Service and the skrull President, and replace the skrull with the real President before anything was obviously amiss. They'd have to maintain their cover as well, that way they could escort the real Jakobsen to Geneva, where the Avengers and all would be waiting with some flerken allies.

Was it a great plan? No. Was it the best plan? Also, no. But it was the plan they had - and it would have to make do.

In a van parked on Pennsylvania Avenue, Niah and Sparky were in charge of all surveillance monitoring. They were able to listen to everyone's comm devices and ideally, they'd be able to hack into White House security in order to get a visual on everything that was going on. At the moment, they'd see on their monitors that there was a school tour of sorts going through the White House. There wasn't any sign of the First Lady or baby Alcie. In the Oval Office, the Vice President (Ricky Goldsworth) was currently chatting with "President Jakobsen." Captain America was entering the White House now, speaking with one of the "President's Aids."

Inside the White House, Bonnie had her hair pulled back into a tight bun and she was wearing dark shades. She was positioned outside of the Oval Office with Cass, having been in the first group to slowly infiltrate the White House. Across the hallway from them was Oliver, Raynor, and Matt. Escorting Captain America himself was Kwassi and Jakobsen, with Evelyn and Amelia doing a loose follow.

"Mr. President, sir, it's good to finally have a chance to speak to you about Hill's unjust regulations of superpowered individuals," Captain America said, as Bonnie opened the door to the Oval Office for him.

Amelia was trying not to squeal from anticipation. She was looking forward to this sort of fight. It seemed like the sort of epic behavior people got up to in the movies.

Raynor was dead silent, his eyes on the prize more or less.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: Pennsylvania Avenue: Washington D.C.

Niah was irritated at being sidelined, but she suspected so was Sparky. She got it, though. She still couldn't walk unassisted. It turns out having your leg removed took time to heal from. Especially if you were already touch-sensitive. At least she was possessed any more. It was a lot to process.

She watched as the group of kids wandering the White House for the tour. Wander might not be the best word since they were being guided. She hoped that with whatever happened, the kids would be safe. She glanced at Sparky. "We should warn the team about the kids. Don't want them to accidentally cause an incident." There would definitely be an incident, but having the kids caught in the crossfire would be really bad. She also wondered where Jade was. She didn't like the First Lady apparently being MIA, even if she didn't like her.

Location: Inside the White House: Washington D.C.

Matt's face was set into a frown. He kept careful watch as anyone passed him. It was easy to fall into the ruse for him. While he hadn't been a spy, he had been trained in reconnaissance. This wasn't far off from what he had done with the SBS. Minus the ship. He had never anticipated being a spy inside the White House, with the mission of bringing down an imposter President. His choice to join SHIELD continues to give him more surprises. As he stood there, he had to resist the urge to smile at Cass, hence the frown.

He watched Captain America step into the Oval Office. He had been in agreement with some of Hill's Laws. He had been fighting with the Skrulls against Captain America. And now he had flipped sides. Proof that mankind was fallible. But hopefully, they could appear just incompetent enough that they didn't become a threat while expelling the Skrull threat. How they weren't already considered a threat was a bit funny considering the fight with Thanos, but that had appeared to be a failure if someone was looking from the outside. Thanos had come to kill Oliver and as far as Thanos was concerned he had succeeded. That was probably how they maintained the 'non-threat' status. If things continued in this way though, Matt wondered, how much longer they could keep that.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: The White House - Outside the Oval Office
Skills: N/A

Cassandra stood outside of the Oval Office she had fixed her hair up into a pony tail, with a set of sunglasses over her eyes, along with a black suit like a normal Secret Service Agent had, luckily Sparky and her were able to get her prosthetic eye installed. It felt a bit weird having a a robotic eye now but she was able to see much better now then she had been before. She would look over at Matt and gave him a slight nod as she noticed Captain America and the rest of the team slowly coming down the hallway to meet with the "Fake President" now.

So far things looked normal for the most part as Bonnie opened the door to let Captain America through into the Oval Office. Cassandra entered shortly after Captain America did standing by the door on the inside as she scanned the room, everything seemed to be clear for now. She remained still and calm and took a regular stance like any other Secret Service agent did while guarding the president, she just hoped that the plan would work perfectly.

Evelyn Holder

Location: The White House - Outside the Oval Office
Skills: N/A

Evelyn was bringing up the rear as she walked behind Captain America into the Oval Office, she looked towards the other members of the team and gave a subtle nod, her hair was tied up into a pony tail along with a set of sunglasses and a suit. She entered the Oval Office as well and headed to the other side of the room taking up guard. She took a neutral stance as she also looked out the room for anything that was unusual or out of normal as Captain America then spoke to the fake president.

Evelyn hoped that they could do this plan quick and easily, she didnt want to kill any of the other secret service agents who could be normal humans as well. There was no clue which of them were actually skrulls or not which would make things a bit more difficult for all of them to.

Maria Novikova

Location: Skrull Prison Ship - Bridge
Skills: N/A

Maria stood on the bridge with everyone else as she looked over at the Princess for a moment, hopefully their training would actually be able to help defend herself in a fight. Maria was looking forward to getting home actually and hoped that her wife and unborn child were doing okay and what was her skrull counterpart was actually up to as well. She took a seat nearby as the ground started to shake a bit as they started to reenter the atmosphere. Then the ground shook violently and a large boom had gone off which didnt sound good at all as Maria turned to look at Iron Man when he said that the core was somehow ejected.

"Where are we crash landing at exactly?" Maria asked she hoped that they would land somewhere that wasnt populated at all and she also hoped that there were escape pods somewhere on the ship as well. "Are there any escape pods on this thing so we can get out of here?" She asked. They probably didnt have much time to find out who sabotaged the ship to crash land somewhere and confront the one responsible for it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 17 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Location: White House
Skills: N/A

Oliver's number one focus besides the impending confrontation that they'd have to go through was to keep his damn mouth shut. He couldn't do an American accent for the life of him, and the paranoid part of his brain was convinced that a Welsh in the White House would raise too many eyebrows. The security part of his brain though, was considering writing up a report later to submit the government on how to prevent people with less pure intentions from pulling this off, but he wasn't convinced that they wouldn't lock him up for the sheer audacity, given the fact that they may at this point be rabid to get rid of him in one way or another.

As Captain Rogers approached and entered the Oval Office, Oliver was ready to move. The last fight with the Skrulls he used tricks he couldn't rely on here and once they were in the Oval, he'd need to stay there, no floor phasing parlor tricks. In truth, he was a little worried about getting through this unscathed, close up combat wasn't something he knew too much about, he was dependent on disorienting his targets and finishing things quickly, something he didn't think could be pulled off here. In short, Oliver was nervous, but ready to finally start to get this Skrull invasion over with, hoping to find some form of catharsis in the ensuing bloodshed.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Skrull Prison Ship

This time, Mister Fantastic had the answer for Maria. He was monitoring their position, contorting and twisting his body as his neck stretched between rows of monitors and maps all at once. "Our current trajectory will put us down along the cost of Uruguay, not too far from Montevideo," Richards answered. "Setting a craft of this size down in the South Atlantic that close to a city may cause large waves to crash down on Montevideo. We need a way to either minimize our impact or to adjust our course to be at a safe distance away, which will be difficult without the engine core."

"Captain Marvel, can you lift a ship this size and steer us?" Maria Hill proposed, her arms crossed as she was thinking through their options. "Maybe the Torch can assist?" Iron Man didn't have his armor either and they didn't have many flyers. Hill wasn't even certain how much help Johnny Storm would be, he wasn't exactly known for super strength - at least, not that her records had indicated. And the Wasp was going to be too puny to really change things.

"Maybe parts of it," Captain Marvel admitted. "I'd need more than just one extra hand. Too bad you can't fly, She-Hulk," Captain Marvel sighed.

"I'll see if I can make some makeshift jet packs or repulsors, Hulk sized," Tony volunteered. There was tons of random tech on the ship - maybe he could improvise something to help.

Maria Hill nodded. "Agent Reed, see if you can absorb Marvel's powers and help her. Agent Flynn - I can't recall from your files, are you able to assist here?" she asked. As far as she remembered, he was more or less just like the Human Torch.

Roman, someone who could be very useful with their current situation, was bizarrely quiet and unhelpful. Escape pods, unfortunately, wouldn't help save those in the city either.

Pennsylvania Avenue: Washington D.C.: 12:00 P.M.

Inside the Oval Office, VP Ricky Goldsworth (who bore an uncanny resemblance to the older Pietro Maximoff) looked surprised to see Captain America there. President "Jakobsen" however did not, instead smiling charmingly and holding out a hand to Rogers, who shook his in turn. Jakobsen clasped his left hand over the handshake as well, clearly happy to see the Captain. "Rogers! I'm so glad you've come. I've honestly been feeling a little lost with this entire situation and I'd love your input... Ricky, give Marcus my best, okay?"

Ricky hesitated for a moment. "Sure, Alex," he said. "You know one of these days, you'll have to come over for dinner and video games like we've been talking about."

"When?" Jakobsen laughed. "Between the crisis in the Middle East and negotiations with Genosha, when exactly am I supposed to have the time? I haven't even been able to teach Alcie to shoot a BB gun yet."

"Isn't she a little young?" Ricky asked, shaking his head slightly.

"Never too young," Jakobsen said, pointing a finger at his VP. Ricky rolled his eyes, before leaving the Oval Office, his own Secret Service attachment following him on out. It was a more of less convenient set up. Excluding the undercover Secret Warriors, there were only two other Secret Service agents in the room, standing behind the desk.

"So, Captain - I'm all ears," Jakobsen said, sitting down on the couch. "Please, take a seat."

Cap knew that the real Jakobsen hadn't entered the room yet, so he nodded, sitting down on the couch. They couldn't make their move yet until everyone was inside and they could seal off the room. "It's a matter of civil liberties, sir. This registration is going to put lives in danger - good people's lives. It's just a thinly veiled repeat of the mutant registration act and in my experience, when you start putting people who are different on lists, it can't end well."

Bonnie had moved into the Oval Office already, standing near the door. She winced slightly hearing Captain America's argument - it reminded her of the rule of the internet that anyone who invoked Hitler in an argument would surely lose. Captain America was comparing the registration act to what had happened during the Holocaust. Bonnie knew that Hill had been a skrull and it hadn't been real - but it didn't mean she didn't believe that more regulation would be a good thing. Every day, she read stories about incidents from people with powers who didn't know how to fight and they ended up getting hurt - innocent people were hurt.

To her, there was a difference between registering people because they were different and regulating those who wanted to act as vigilantes. In general, super heroes shouldn't have existed. They made decisions without any legal authority or backing. And she couldn't help but believe that any hero who didn't want their identity to be known had something they were hiding, some dark secret in their closet.

"What's wrong with oversight? Not every person with powers is going to be Captain America - they won't have your training, experience, or moral compass," Jakobsen argued. "Look, Steve, I'm trying to do what's best for everyone - you have to believe me."

Amelia was standing right outside the doorway, just waiting for a chance to seamlessly enter and blend in. That was one of the problems they had to contend with - they couldn't just all waltz inside of the Oval Office without making a scene. A large group of Secret Service doing that was bound to attract attention. No, it was easier to fade in slowly, all at once. She was feeling a little giddy though, just wanting to skip past the boring waiting and move onto the action.

Raynor glanced at Oliver and Matt, before giving them a slight nod. There were multiple entrances to the Oval Office. They had poured over and studied the maps, so Raynor began to move into his next position, heading down a hallway and then standing outside of the side entrance. The plan was the instant they heard conflict going on, they could sneak inside and support the others - and ideally, prevent anyone else from coming in and getting suspicious.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Kwassi Asokho

Location: Outside Med-Bay
Skills: Photographic Memory : 16

So far the plan seemed to be going off without a hitch. Kwassi saw his fellow operatives as he kept his pace behind Captain America on his left. He had black sunglasses folded into his coat pocket, a blue pocket square poking out from behind them as it was tucked inside of a black two piece suit. He followed along, keeping his eyes trained on his surroundings, looking for viable threats not only to the Super Soldier, but also to their mission. Luckily that was what his job was supposed to be at this moment, as he played the part of a Secret Service Agent, protecting Cap as they made their way towards the Oval Office.

Cap was doing his part, keeping conversation going while stalling them for time. Kwassi figured the team would be beginning to move into position soon, so he kept his facade up unperturbed by the time it was taking. He moved his way alongside Captain America. Stopping on the wall behind the chair that he had taken, noting the other two agents in the room with them. The Vice President and President exchanged a few words, and Kwassi wondered if there was some code embedded into the conversation. Unfortunately that wasn't his field of expertise, and he only hoped the other Agents in the room would be able to pick it up if it was.

As he stood there, in the same stance all the Secret Service Agents were in, Kwassi couldn't help but run through things in his head. The Skrulls that had been captured were taken back to S.H.E.I.L.D. which had a Skrull Director. He wished they had access to them, just a couple vials of their blood to run tests and try to create a toxin that worked better than what he currently had at hand. His earlier fights with the Skrulls showed him their bodies were capable of adapting to the paralytic he'd created. But he couldn't make anything stick without more information on their genetics. His mind kept running through scenarios for when this ambush would happen. It would have to be quick, and it would have to be quiet. They couldn't alert the other security details about what was going on. That meant silencing The President, and his two Secret Service Agents all at the same time so that no one could radio for backup.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Location: The White House
]Skills: N/A

Jakobsen wasn't too sure about this sort of thing, or at least the fact that he was going to just super easily walk into the White House without anyone noticing him. Of course, the wonders a pair of shades and a simple hat could do to conceal your face, which is what he was wearing aside from a secret service suit and all of course. At least he wasn't still in the outfit he had been wearing when that ship had crash landed with him still in it. That would have stuck out like a sore thumb, so that was at least something, and he just walked in with Captain America, essentially breaking into the Oval Office now.

The words that the Skrull said made his head hurt, and seriously what idiot comments about teaching a baby to shoot a weapon? Numerous things were wrong with that statement, not even counting on the fact that Jade probably would have shot him if he tried to do that. That was the other thing, where was Jade and Alcie? He wanted to know, he really did, that was important, and he was getting a bit concerned. However, now he had to think about everything else, like the world for instance. Of course no one else seemed to be doing anything, so Alex decided screw all of the waiting. They snuck in and the "backup" that might show up from chaos was just going to be more SHIELD agents, so there was that.

He thought nothing of it as he walked up and sucker punched the Skrull version of him straight across the face, managing to knock out his front teeth, and for a split second his skin went green, but was normal after a moment. "You aren't me, so how about you shut your mouth?"

Location: The Van
Skills: N/A

Sparky glanced over at Niah as they sat in the van literally doing nothing while everyone else got to do the actual fighting and mission. She wasn't too thrilled about everything, namely being left out, and a few other things were bugging her (like Kwassi's continued existence since the guy was an idiot in her mind), but now they had to focus on the mission at hand. "You warn them, I'm going to see about hacking into the cameras so that we can see what's actually going on inside of that place for better warnings. Though if all goes well, those kids shouldn't notice anything..."

After she spoke, she instantly started messing with the computer in the van, seeing if she could hack into the surveillance video feed. Hacking was not her strong suit, she excelled more in the robotics and engineering categories (which also added towards her dislike of Kwassi, since he seemed to be nudging into her territory in that regard), so she wasn't too sure how successful she was going to be. However luck was on her side it would seem, as she managed to hack into the feed, being able to pull up the hallway outside of the main office as well, which she switches to just in time to see Alex deck his counterpart across the face.

"Showtime it seems," she said to Niah, before switching on the comms to talk to everyone else, "So, it's time to go, the President just seemingly punched himself, since you know, Skrull shapeshifters and all, so you might want to hurry a little bit to strike."

Location: Skrull Ship
Skills: N/A

Well, to say that things had been going a bit too smoothly in his opinion was a bit of an understatement. He was just waiting for something to go horribly wrong, and low and behold, something decided to blow up that apparently was fairly important for the whole not crashing into the ground function of the ship, which was not a good thing. So now apparently they were scrambling for a plan that hopefully didn't result in them dying in a big ball of fire, which was definitely not a way that he wanted to die. There had to be way better ways to die than that right?

His attention turned to Hill as she asked if there was really anything that he could do, and he shook his head. "Well I can't fly and am mainly just good at burning things. Unless you need that, something blown up since I tend to deal with explosives, or something memorized this is the sort of situation that I can't really help in, so sorry about that... Unless any of those options seems like something we need right now, but based on what's going on currently, I seriously doubt it." His skill set wasn't exactly helpful in this sort of situation, since he typically caused damage, not repair it in any way.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: Pennsylvania Avenue: Washington D.C.

"Unsurprisingly there is a tour group of kids. We'll keep you apprised of their location." Niah warned the group. She watched the screens that Sparky had pulled up. And grinned as Alex hit his Skrull counterpart. She understood the desire to punch the interlopers.

"Not subtle that one." She said to Sparky. In her gut, she didn't like Alex, but she was starting to warm up to him. It helped that he had literally saved her life. Without his background that was the reason she didn't like him, she'd be possessed by a demon bear. Sometimes you had to accept that enemies could become allies. The reverse was certainly true.

Niah watched Oliver nervously. His skills weren't ideal for this part of the mission. In her opinion, he should have been out here with Sparky and her. He wasn't a fighter, though he had proved capable of surviving some truly terrible situations. Hopefully, he would be alright. There was something reassuring about him though. After the events at the hospital, she trusted him more than anyone else. He had risked giving up on his mom for her.

Location: Inside the White House: Washington D.C.
Skills: Hand-to-Hand

Matt caught Raynor's nod and started toward one of the entrances into the Oval Office. Just as he was about to enter the room he heard Sparky over the radio let them know Alex had taken the initiative. He stepped in and moved toward one of the probably Skrull secret agents. Matt was better with a gun but didn't want the risk that came with shooting a gun in the White House. If he hadn't known better he would think he had been designed to be a gun user.

The guard must have been on high alert for the type of thing though. Matt had hoped that Alex's distraction of punching himself would have given him a bit of an edge. But as he went in for a swing the guard blocked it. Then used an opening to try to punch Matt. He was able to block that thankfully.

Matt pulled back for another punch. This time landing it and the guard collapsed to the ground unconscious. He blinked. That was unexpected, but not unwelcome.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: The White House - Outside the Oval Office
Skills: Hand to Hand Combat

Cassandra held up her hand to the earpiece hearing Niah and Sparky mentioning some kids within the White House and nodded, hopefully they won't be anywhere near the Oval Office. Her attention quickly turned towards Alex as he decked his fake clone, and looked over towards Evelyn for a moment. "Make sure no one else gets in other than us." Cass told her as Evelyn nodded at the order, Cassandra then quickly ran forward towards the couch that Skrull Alex was sitting on.

She attempted to land a punch on him, only for her to miss the hit and the skrull tried to punch her, stepping to the side as quickly as she could. She turned to look at the president for a moment, it was kind of funny that they were fighting alongside each other again, remembering meeting him in the House of M reality as well. "Kind of like the time we were in Wanda's little world right?" She said towards him.

Evelyn Holder

Location: The White House - Outside the Oval Office
Skills: N/A

Evelyn listened to Captain America and Fake President talking amongst themselves for a moment she didnt really get the whole registration thing. But then again she didnt really pay to much attention when it came to things with SHIELD, as the real president came into the room, and went over and decked the guy right away. Evelyn looked over at Cassandra, and gave her a nod she didnt mind blocking off any secret service agents from coming into the room uninvited.

Evelyn made her way towards one of the doors that the others werent coming in and quickly closed it behind them, as she looked over her shoulder as Cass attempted to punch the fake president, seeing her missing the hit, and then Cass quickly dodging out of the way from getting hit back.

Maria Novikova

Location: Skrull Prison Ship - Bridge
Skills: Power Absorption

Maria listened to Director Hill and raised her hand slightly to correct her. "Yeah kinda got the wrong name it's Novikova now not Reed. But yeah if Captain Marvel is alright with me snagging her powers I can help with that." Maria said as she took off her glove for a moment as she looked at Captain Marvel for a moment. "Sorry if you feel a bit sick or woozy afterwards." Maria warned her as she gently took Carol's hand in hers, and started to feel her powers coursing through her now before letting go putting the glove back on.

Maria eyed Invisible Woman for a moment wondering if she could help. "Could you try and make a shield around the ship or something to try and lessen the impact on the water?" Maria asked as she stared at Roman who was sitting there quietly and rolled her eyes slightly wondering how he even got onto the team in the first place as she went over and flicked his ear a bit. "Hey might need your techie powers would be useful here right now."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 17 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Location: White House, Oval Office
Skills: N/A

Taking the nod from Raynor, Oli broke with Matt, and took an opposite side entrance to Matt. He didn't know much about tactics, but it certainly made sense to him that they didn't wanna all funnel in through the same spot. Looking about the room, he watched Alex punch himself, and pursed his lips. He wasn't gonna be too effective at traditional attacks here, so instead, he ran over and grabbed a flag, deciding to try to wrap the skrull up in it, hoping to immobilize him so the others could take him out. Stepping into super speed, he ran a tight circle around Skrull-Alex, entangling the skrull.

Feeling proud of himself for a moment, his face fell as the flag was torn to shreds, not for the symbolism of the flag being tarnished, but because his plan failed. Luck for Oli though, he was smart enough to have contingencies. Taking the poll the flag was on, he swung it wide, right into the fake president, knocking him on his ass. Stepping back, he then put distance between the two of them. He didn't think he'd be able to finish him off, and he'd rather be able to jump in and out of engagement that stay close and risk getting his head ripped off.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Skrull Prison Ship

Mister Fantastic stretched his neck out across the room, staring at Flynn dead in the face. "On the contrary, that may be exactly what is needed. As long as we have a means to anchor you to us, you can produce fire and aid in the propulsion of the ship," Fantastic theorized. "Stark, perhaps some magnetic --"

A pair of what looked like clip on booties hit Richards in the face and Mister Fantastic groaned in annoyance. "Already done, old man," Tony said with a smirk. "These shoes'll grip the side of the ship, allowing you to basically turn yourself into an engine to help out Marvel and Torch and all."

Captain Marvel had a haunted look in her face as Maria absorbed some of her powers. She had consented to it, yes, but she clearly wasn't thrilled. If anything, she couldn't even bring herself to look Maria in the eye right now. "This better work," she warned, before Captain Marvel went out of the bridge, heading for the nearest access point to the outer hull of the ship.

Roman jumped as Maria flicked his ear. "What? Oh. Uh, I don't really work with big picture stuff like this... I can make a drone fly, maybe drive a car, but anything bigger than that... doesn't work..." he admitted. He was the world's most useless technopath for several reasons apparently.

Tony was quickly throwing together a huge jetpack basically for She-Hulk, although it looked like it would take him a bit more time than the magnetic shoes he had made for Flynn. The Invisible Woman was trying to make a gigantic shield around the ship, but she was having trouble as her pregnancy was making her feel completely sick at the moment.

Impact - next round

Pennsylvania Avenue: Washington D.C.: 12:10 P.M.

The skrull!Jakobsen looked visibly nervous for a brief secondary after Jakobsen punched him, before smirking slightly. "I take it someone skipped out on their flight," skrull!Jakobsen quipped. He nimbly dodged Cass' attempt to punch him, before throwing a punch of his own that missed. He was able to break free from Oliver's flag, thanks to his super-strength, only to then be knocked to the ground by a poll.

The guard Matt had taken out didn't appear to shift into becoming a skrull. Maybe he was human. It wasn't entirely impossible for the skrulls to have left some of the human security forces in place. One of the guards was down, the other one and Skrull!Jakobsen was still at large.

The other guard went to use the radio he had attached to him, in order to call for back-up - but he didn't move fast enough. In the blink of an eye, Raynor threw his dagger, Lyting, and skewered the radio. It wasn't usable. The guard let out a frustrated growl, before revealing his true form - a gigantic, towering skrull, easily ten feet tall. He was much larger than any other skrull they had seen before. And to make matters worse, electricity was arcing around his body in waves.

"For fuck sake," Raynor cursed under his breath. He hadn't expected things to be easy, but he also hadn't anticipated that they would be fighting a giant with lightning powers. He almost wished that Sparky was inside with them, rather than outside in the van. She would've been able to stop this. But she wasn't here, so Raynor steeled himself and swung his fist in an uppercut, aiming at the giant skrull's family jewels - only for the skrull to catch his hand. The skrull's electricity was drawn to Raynor's body. If it hadn't been for all the times Sparky zapped him when annoyed, he would've passed out instantly.

Raynor tried to free himself from the skrull's grip, but he couldn't do so. He opened up his free hand, calling his dagger to himself, enduring the immense and prolonged pain. But even as the dagger hit his hand, he was still helpless in the skrull's grasp.

That was, of course, until someone stepped in. Amelia took in a deep breath and then blew as hard as she could, amplifying the air currents she was moving until a gigantic gale of wind slammed into the giant skrull. The giant skrull toppled backwards, taking a few steps and releasing Raynor in the process, blood having trickled from his eyes, ears, and nose. "Oi, wanker, how about you pick on someone else who is still not your size!" Amelia jeered.

The skrull obliged, rushing at Amelia, grabbing her and slamming her up against the wall. Electricity arced through his body and into hers, causing Amelia to convulse painfully. She barely managed to summon up a ball of air in her hand and throw it at the giant to break free. As she hit the ground, Amelia felt like she had been frying for a thousand years, even though it had barely been any time at all.

Bonnie, meanwhile, knew that she wasn't going to be the most help when it came to these super-powered fights. She still didn't fully understand what she was capable of. She had heard from Sparky and Niah that there were apparently children in the building, and secrecy was of the utmost importance, so as the fighting raged on Bonnie went around the Oval Office quietly, locking up every door that she came across, and pulling the curtains closed.

"You might want to stand down, son," Captain America recommended to Jakobsen.

"I don't think I do," the skrull said, before breathing ice and freezing Captain America where he stood, turning him once more into a living popsicle.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Kwassi Asokho

Location: Outside Med-Bay
Skills: Photographic Memory : 16, MMA, Acrobatics, Anatomy, Bo Staff

Kwassi tensed as he saw Jacokbsen walking up towards his imposter. His eyes scanned the room, no one was in position and here was this man just throwing it all out and for what? He watched as The President punched his skull self, Sparky coming onto the radio to let everyone know it's go time and in those mere moments it felt as if all hell broke loose. Oli wrapped up the Skrull before them in a flag and the enemy easily tore out of it, while Raynor stopped one guard from radioing for help and Matt knocked out the other. There were only two threats left and one turned into a 10 ft tall beast with electricity crackling off him and the scent of ozone filling the air.

Kwassi figured that if the skull had electric powers then his tech wouldn't do much good against him, so he turned his attention towards Skrull Alex who had just frozen Cap and taken him out of the fight. If he did that to anyone else they'd be up a creek. Kwassi dipped his hands into his pockets and slid on his electric brass knuckles, static crackling at the tips of his knuckles as he put his hands up defensively. The idea was simple enough, disorient the Skrull with a few electric punches before damaging his windpipe so that he couldn't call for help or even use his breath attack.

Kwassi took to the enemy running, throwing his first punch and cracking him square in the jaw. Hoping that the electrical blast would cause his mouth to tense up and offer him a few moments before the next breath. His second hit followed through beautifully, quickly knocking the Skrulls head back and exposing the neck as he uppercut him on the chin. As his left hand was finishing the blow, Kwassi's right hand pulled out his staff from his lower back and extended it. He gave the weapon a flourish before jabbing it into the exposed throat and sending bolts of electricity down the shaft. There was a snap and the Skrull fell down dead.

Kwassi didn't have much time to process what he'd just done, knowing there was still another threat on the table. He gave his staff another flourish before holding it behind his back and looking towards the large Skrull. "I've already paired off with an extraordinary fighter, so beating you should be a piece of cake." He said nodding towards Bonnie as he tried to taunt the Skrull towards him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: The White House - Outside the Oval Office
Skills: Hand to Hand Combat, Enhanced Condition

Cassandra turned her attention towards the largest skrull seeing that Raynor and Amelia were having a harder time dealing with, she looked at Captain America and Kwassi they seemed to have Imposter President occupied for the time being. She ran forward towards the large Skrull just as he grabbed and shocked Amelia. Cass tried to punch him but missed, seeing the skrull now had it's attention towards her now, it attempted to try and grab her as well and shock her.

Cassandra managed to roll out of the way from being grabbed and zapped, she went to the side of him and landed a punch, but it didnt phase him really. Cassandra then went in and punched him once again, causing the giant skrull to grunt in pain and stumble backwards from the punch looking over towards Raynor and Amelia for a moment. "Are you guys alright?" She asked the two of them.

Evelyn Holder

Location: The White House - Outside the Oval Office
Skills: N/A

Evelyn looked around seeing that everyone else was occupied for the time being, they were dealing with the imposter president and some of the others were dealing with the giant skrull. Evelyn turned to look at the other doors within the Oval office and windows as well, following the same idea as Bonnie was and started to close them and made sure that they were locked as well.

That way there wouldn't be any more skrulls or other secret service agents coming into the room. Evelyn looked around as the rest of the room was secured as her eyes scanning the other remaining men in the room as she turned to look at the giant skrull Cassandra went in and started to help Raynor and Amelia with the massive skrull Kwassi seemed to have taken the the skrull imposter down now which was a good thing then.

Maria Novikova

Location: Skrull Prison Ship - Bridge
Skills: Power Absorption (Captain Marvel's Flight & Superhuman Strength

"Well go find something to do then, theres a lot consoles here you can fiddle with, maybe find out who ejected the core make your ass useful." Maria said sounding a bit annoyed, as she looked over at Tony and Reed as Tony produced some sort of magnetic shoes or something for Flynn. "Meet you guys outside then while the egg heads have fun in here while we do the heavy lifting." Maria said following shortly behind Captain Marvel out to the nearest airlock. Maria opened the door and looked down seeing the water starting to come up rather quickly, she looked towards Captain Marvel and gave her a slight nod before jumping off.

It took her a moment to adjust to the new powers before she was able to fly more easily and moved towards what looked to be more like the center part of the ship and started to use her new strength and started to lift up the ship. Groaning as she started to adjust and tried her best to lift the ship upwards to slow down the impact.
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