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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ed Penior

Location: Space Jail
Skills: Thamaturgy: Shield, force

A feeling washed through Ed that irritated him just a bit. He was worried about Annie. Needed to protect her. A part of him sighed and resigned. He had failed and gotten attached to people. If something were to happen to any of the group he would feel their loss. None, as much as his sister's, but it would hurt still. He didn't shrug away from Annie, instead, he let her press against him. She trembled. And if Ed had a child of his own he would consider the feeling of protectiveness he had toward Annie the same as it would for his child.

He kept his shield up, shoveling people to the side as best as he could as they made their way up to the next destination. He sent out flicks of force energy hitting guns out of guards' hands. It wasn't perfect, but there were eight fewer guns being pointed in the direction of his allies. He much preferred the guns removed from their hands. Though there was no telling who would pick them up now that they weren't attached to a guard.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Things were getting hectic, but the group really needed to get moving. At least upstairs things were starting to look a bit up for the group upstairs at least. The other two were clearly stating that they needed to get moving, and Mary, despite her head injury at this point, was happy to obliged. "One pathway coming up, hopefully anyway," she commented, before she held out the tree branch that she still had. Vines immediately shot out and started throwing and shoving the guards out of the way, allowing there to be some access to the door farther ahead.

"We need to be careful, since who knows what's on the other side. We might want to wait for the others, but at least this way you can see about getting the door open or something I suppose..." Yeah, who knew what was waiting for the group on the other side of that door. There probably was going to be chaos, well more chaos, then before. At least they weren't getting shot or whatever anymore. Between Bethany's shield that she had created and the guards back to shooting as if they were Storm Troopers again, they were doing alright.

For the group downstairs, they'd be able to make it to the next landing fairly easily, and just one more flight of stairs before they'd reach where the other group was. Rocket was currently just shooting a bunch of guards, and proving to be a fairly accurate shot as several guards went down with just a few shots from his weapon. Probably helped that the raccoon was perched on the tree so he could shoot above everyone and not have problems with friendly fire or anything like that.

Guina why were you shot? Do I need to race up there and help out or something? Are you okay? Pietro was bombarding Guin with a bunch of questions all at once, but it was definitely clear that Pietro was concerned about Guin getting hurt. Though it was still obvious that he was tired and exhausted, and probably would pass out again if he went racing off at super speed at the moment.

Lance was currently throwing more prisoners and guards around, and at this point there were a lot of holes in various walls from where people collided and were sent through. Klara was mainly keeping up with the group, more of just keeping on the defensive as opposed to actually striking out at the guards and prisoners.

Of course, there was the instance of the rest of the guards near them. Ed's shield definitely helped out with this, as many of the shots that were fired their way just harmlessly bounced off of it. However, there was something that wasn't the best, and that was when two bullets punched through Ed's shield to slam into people within it's boundaries. One of the two unlucky recipients was Ed himself, as a shot would slam into his side, leaving a bit of a burn and causing him to stumble. That wasn't the only thing it did though, as Ed would lose his concentration, and the shield would fall.

The other shot would find it's way to Annie, but unlike the shot that had hit Ed, this one wasn't too bad as it only hit her in the shoulder. All other shots fired off by the guards either went wide, or bounced off the shield while it was still there. Oh the problems with everything, and now people were actually getting injured, but they were almost to their destination at least.

"These guys have horrid aim don't they? I thought that they were supposed to be good at this sort of thing... Stopping riots, or even just shooting to kill and actually hitting their target. Like this is beyond bad," Klara commented, and she decided that in this instance she was going to send a wave of water swirling about and did decided to hit a few of the guards on the last staircase blocking their way, now they should be able to reach the top landing, in theory anyway provided nothing horrible happens.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Bethany Bell

The Kyln
Skills: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Solidification

Bethany limped her way along towards the door and leaned herself up against it slightly while holding and maintaining the shield of sorts that she had made. Her leg and shoulder were in a lot of pain as she tried to keep as much weight off of her bad knee as much as possible while looking at Guin and Mary. "Maybe we should get Professor X to make bullet proof and blaster proof suits next time we get back or something." She said sarcastically as she watched Runa coming up and landing near them she gave her friend a smile and nodded towards her.

"How are the others doing?" Bethany asked Runa, since the group wasnt up yet they should be close by now and hoped that the rest of their friends would be able to make it safely up to where they were. "Once the others get up here Guin could you R2D2 open the door?" She asked teasingly.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 20 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Kyln -- Space
Skills: Pyrotechnic Manipulation

With Ed’s shield protecting them, the group moved quickly and Antoniette felt a growing comfort as they walked. She was feeling ready to start using her power without the risk of hitting one of their own when Ed’s shield dropped. Antoinette heard gunfire and then felt the initial searing pain of being shot course through her. She was half distracted though at having seen Ed get shot worse than her. She dropped down to him, her own wound faded to a sting. Antoinette blocked most of him to prevent from getting shot again and she looked back at Klara.

”Klara, could you use your water to help with Ed’s burn?”

Guards were still coming after them and Antoinette could see them from her vantage point. She glared, feeling anger at being shot and her friend getting shot. She raised up, holding her hands out and threw a concentrated blast of fireworks towards the guards and knocked three of them off their path. She returned her attention to Ed and moved to help him so they could keep moving. They were close now.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Telepathy, Electronics and Computers, Engineering Design, Problem Solving, Perception

Guin rolled her eyes. "And hear I thought my brunette hair and this gun would have me pegged for Princess Leia, but I won't complain about being R2. That little droid carried the franchise on his back," Guin said. That was the truth as well - she loved R2D2, he was easily one of the greatest characters in the franchise. Rather than naming it the Skywalker Saga, it should've been called the Adventures of R2D2 in a Galaxy Far, Far Away. I was shot because these guards want us dead or back in cages? Guin whispered to Pietro mentally. And yes I would very much like you to be here but I thought you were too weak for that right now.

I'm just tired, it's fine. Probably. Pietro responded, not sounding all too convincing with it.

Well then, Threepio, come on up here, Guin suggested. Her tongue was sticking out slightly from the side between her teeth as she concentrated on the door panel. It wasn't too hard to figure it out, especially as she was getting some practice with Nova Corps tech - the hardest thing was just figuring out what the varying letters and symbols meant. It wasn't too long though until she had gotten it right where she wanted it, where with the single press of a button the door would open.

Give me a minute.

"Door is ready, just say the word and I'll open it," Guin said to the others, more or less holding her finger over the button. Okay. Love you.

Love you too.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Darkness Manipulation

Runa thought for a moment. "They are faring well. Their ancestors would be very proud," Runa answered. Truthfully, the guards hadn't seemed to be much of a match for them. Runa knew that the X-Men were not weak by any means, but she still expected that the Nova Corps would have been more of a threat, especially considering how easily they had been subdued on the ship. Yet much like her uncle Loki, it hadn't been an honest fight then - the Nova Corps had relied on deception and trickery to subdue them.

She frowned for a moment, hoping that her uncle was enjoying his prison cell. She was feeling some anxiety over the lack of reliability of her primary power, so Runa decided instead to bend darkness to her will, intending to craft an added layer of protection. Yet as she reached her fingers out, preparing to weave the darkness, nothing happened. Her stomach dropped. What in Odin's name is happening to me? Runa panicked. She tried again and made a shield, but it didn't do much to ease her anxiety. Was she losing her powers? Was she becoming mortal?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ed Penior

Location: Space Jail
Skills: Sympathetic: Healing

Ed hissed as he was shot. His shield dropped as he was unable to maintain concentration on it. Shit. He mentally cursed. Annie had been shot too and she was half carrying him. He needed to heal both of them, but it would be easier when they weren't being shot at.

"Are you okay?" He asked feeling bad for using her to steady himself. On the plus side, the contact with her would make healing her easier, if he could concentrate enough for it. He pulled his magic up, it was a struggle. The magic was distant and weak. There was no way he'd be able to heal both of them.

Ed let the magic flow from his fingers into Annie. Not even directing it at her wound specifically, just into her. His side ached. And when the magic stopped he worried for a moment that he had reached too far. Pushed himself just enough to break whatever part of his x-gene that gave him his magic. He wanted to be upset about that, but the pain was enough that he couldn't be bothered. He'd worry about it later. When he wasn't being shot at.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Klara turned to look at Annie when she asked her question, almost like she was thinking or hesitating for a brief moment, "Oh of course, sorry," she responded, before water swirled around her hand, and though she didn't really manage to heal his injury fully, she did manage to relieve the pain that the injury caused for the moment.

The group on the lower levels were having luck though, and manage to get upstairs to where the others were. Pietro had raced over and was up by Guin now though, easily beating everyone else upstairs for the most part, though he still looked really pale though. [color=7ea7d8][i]Well this is fun and all right? Escaping from inter galactic prison is something I can definitely cross off a list of things I thought would be kind of cool.[i][/color]

The Nova Corps guards at this point were just shooting wildly. Trying to cause as much chaos and hit as many people as possible. Klara deflected one of the shots that had been heading straight for her with her sword, thinking nothing of it. The shots didn't really hit too many people, Ed got hit with another one, but it wasn't really painful and was more or less just something super minor. Another shot managed to hit Bethany up, and another one hit Annie. Though once again, those injuries were super minor and didn't seem to really do much.

Lance meanwhile when they got up there ended up shifting back to normal, which was great, aside from the fact that he didn't have a spare shirt, so that was a bit annoying for him. Klara however decided to use her magic and fixed that issue, seemingly making a plain one out of nowhere and tossed it over to him. "Thank you," he commented, pulling the shirt on quickly.

"Nooooo problem."

Rocket meanwhile headed straight for the door, complete with the armband (with the arm attached) still in his hand. "Alright let's do this," he said to her, and when Guin opened the door, they'd find that there were around 10 guards inside of it, not just counting the guards outside that were currently trying to stop them still. "Alright, next thing, we clear them out, the armband is how we gain access to the instruments on the panel, which should let us take out any sort of other security measures that they have in this place, and mess with a few things so that hopefully we don't have too much resistance."

"I am Groot."

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know our plans don't usually work out, spare me the details," Rocket responded, before he instantly shot one of the guards that was in the room, managing to take him out, bringing the total in the watch tower to 9 left.

Mary was using her powers to more or less keep the other guards back, but currently that was all she was really managing to do. The other Guardians were currently dealing with some of them too, taking out some of the guards as they got closer to the group. They were all definitely still outnumbered, but that was hopefully going to be dealt with when they eventually hopefully ran away completely from this prison.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Bethany Bell

The Kyln
Skills: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Solidification

"You just need the doughnut bun hairdo then you'll look exactly like Leia." Bethany said jokingly as she looked over her shoulder as the others started to catch up to them seeing Klara was with them. "Hey there Klara its good to see you again." Bethany said to her. She winced slightly as she was shot at again, looking over where she had been shot it looked like it was just a minor injury. She was more worried about the injury to her knee she was doing her best to keep standing without aggravating it, she noticed that Pietro was looking a bit pale right now. "Maybe we should give you that arm so you can eat?" Beth said to him, though that would be really nasty cannibalism was really nasty and wrong.

"Welcome to the party Lance." Beth said as Lance came up as he started to shift back to his normal self again and Klara giving him a shirt she managed to summon somehow. As soon as Guin opened up the door, she saw that there were about ten or so guards there now and they started to open fire on them.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 20 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Kyln -- Space
Skills: Pyrotechnic Manipulation

Antoinette remained patient while she waited for Klara’s answer. The hesitation didn’t really bother her and smiled as Ed checked in with her. ”I am alright,” she assured him. Her injury was nothing compared to his but she felt a magic course through her body and ease the pain. She was about to protest when Klara agreed and healed up Ed to the point where he wasn’t in as much pain.
”Bless you Klara,” Antoinette thanked before she hurried up the stairs with Ed. They just made it when the two of them got shot again but both injuries were minor. Still, Antoinette sucked in a breath from the initial shock and sting from the shot. She wasn’t enjoying the use of these weapons against her. Antoinette wished she could manipulate the weapons somehow. Instead, she reached out with her own fire power to blast the guards behind her back. Hopefully, a few would fall down the stairs and knock themselves out.
Antoinette managed to knock half of the guards behind them back. Antoinette relaxed and turned to face the front and see how they were managing.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Telepathy, Pistol

Guin thought about it for a moment. The day before, she would have given him a firm no on this being any sort of fun at all - her fear of prison had been debilitating. It was only through this horrific form of exposure therapy that she was beginning to see the other side of it. She was still scared, but no more scared than she was on any other seemingly impossible mission that they had embarked on under Professor X's banner. A small part of her couldn't help but be slightly irritated. He was the only leader of a team she knew who didn't actually go on missions, instead remaining behind in idle comfort and luxury.

He was probably just too posh to get his hands dirty - and she supposed the wheelchair was as good of an excuse as any...

I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, honey, Guin replied somewhat sarcastically, before opening up the door. Wow so nice Guina. Shh, I need to concentrate if I'm ever going to pull off a convincing Bastila Shan LARP, Guin replied, teasing her husband slightly. She concentrated, taking a minute to try to feel all of the minds around her. To her, it was like everyone was a Wii remote, and she was just trying to get them all connected to the Wii (herself) at once. She was able to bring them all telepathically together, causing everyone to fight a little better and work together a little more - in other words, battle meditation.

But Guin didn't like being a passive support player. She - Ruuuuuude Pietro's voice interjected. Guin rolled her eyes slightly, opening fire with the gun and taking out five guards. She was an excellent shot. She had been a SHIELD agent after all and her Aunt Nat had been the one to teach her how to use firearms. Guin was fairly certain Nat had tried to give her a gun as a wedding present. You make it so hard to concentrate sometimes, babe. I mean, not my fault?

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Darkness Manipulation, Daggers, Darkness Constructs

Runa hated feeling powerless.

Perhaps someone else in her position would have been glad to be rid of her powers - but her powers were part of her. The scathing words and remarks from her fellow Asgardians, their judgmental stares, it had been enough to drive her towards self-harm and suicidal thoughts... but never to give up her abilities. It would be like giving up her very soul. She would rather die as she was than live as someone she was not. So now, with her powers working unreliably, all of Runa's most negative emotions were bubbling up to the surface. Instead of the guards, she saw every Asgardian who had shouted at her, who had lobbed rotten fruit at her, who had demanded that the All-Father banish her before another Loki could brew...

She curled her hands around daggers made out of pure darkness, Gandr temporarily reduced in size so as to be out of the way. Runa dashed into the room and moved like a leaf in the wind, slicing through guard upon guard. She didn't mean to take any prisoners or leave any survivors. All she heard was the beating of her own heartbeat and all she saw was the blood of the guards spilling, as she mutilated guard after guard, until the room they had entered stood empty, void of life. But she didn't let her rage end there. No, she dwelled more on her anger and frustration, killing guards from the outside as well, until she had slain fourteen souls - souls who could now be judged as to whether they were worthy to enter Valhalla or Freya's court.

Guin whistled slightly. "That was hella emo."

Runa shot her a warning glare, raising a dagger and pointing it at Guin without saying another word.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ed Penior

Location: Space Jail
Skills: Sympathetic: Healing

Ed appreciated Klara's efforts at healing him. He nodded to her, not entirely trusting himself to speak still. At least he didn't feel like he was going to collapse. He and Annie continued making their way up when he was shot again. This time it was a less serious wound, but it still hurt. He was working on pulling his shield back up, it would be good to have himself protected again.

The current goal post though was filled with guards. Ed was deciding how he wanted to deal with them when Runa took all of them out. Quite impressively. He entered the room, considered moving bodies, and decided against it. He needed to heal himself first and foremost. He would be of no use wounded. And while Klara had reduced the pain he was still hurt.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Alright losers, everyone in," Rocket said instantly as the room in front of them got cleared out and killed by a few of the others. Ed's attempts at healing himself weren't really working at all, as in his magic fizzled out and didn't work. His shield however did, and he'd be able to create one around the entrance to the watch tower where everyone was.

Bethany's own attempts at dealing with a few of the Nova Corps guards and all was actually fairly successful. The ropes would be created from her shadows, and she ended up ensnaring a group of 8 guards! She'd be able to trip them and cause the entire group to run into each other and get knocked out entirely.

Klara just gave Annie a bit of a nod of recognition. "Let's go though, this will be fun now won't it? I can explain what I know in a little while. It seems the rabbit continues to wish for us to follow him, so we might want to," Klara mused, before she headed into the watch tower room.

"This is going to work right?" Quill asked Rocket as he ran into the room.

"Well yeah, only like a 12% chance that something decides to blow up and we all get exposed to the emptiness of space and die a horrible death," Rocket responded with a bit of a shrug as he started messing with a console. "Everyone get in now!"

Lance looked over at Runa as she more or less decided to threaten Guin, he couldn't help but roll his eyes at her before walking over and putting a hand on her arm, "No fighting each other over anything at the moment, we've got bigger things to worry about," he said to her calmly.

Once everyone entered the room, Rocket started pushing a few buttons on the console, before he waved the armband (with the arm still attached) over a sensor on a wall, and the room sealed up. "You would have thought they'd have done that, but that's what happens when the Nova Corps hires a bunch of idiots. They can't even keep other idiots locked up!"

"You really need to work on your insults."

"Would you two stop it!" Gamora snapped at them both.

"I am Groot."

"Yeah no one asked you!" Rocket responded as he sealed up the room entirely, and pushed a few more things on the console rather quickly. Surprisingly fast when some of the buttons were bigger than his hands (paws? Who knows, he doesn't admit that he's a raccoon). Suddenly outside of the windows of the watch tower, the group would be able to see tables and such shooting straight up? And what looked to be a bunch of people (both guards and prisoners) flailing their arms wildly in the air, as the entire area seemingly had no gravity outside of the room.

"Well I guess that's one way to fix that problem... So now exactly how are we supposed to go anywhere?"

"Hm? Oh that's the easy part! Just watch. This entire central area got destroyed a while back... So they rebuilt this entire central column and other parts of the prison, of course most areas are the exact same, with a few key differences. The idea of getting rid of the gravity was something we've done before, since it slows their reaction time down, since a riot draws most of their forces in here. So a lot less resistance as we make our grand escape. Oh, and here's a nifty thing that they added to this area." With another flip of a switch, there was a loud crack, and the room seemingly shifted. A joystick control of sorts popped up on the console, and once more Rocket waved the armband over it to gain access to it. "Little mini elevator ship thing that can get us out to one of the non-main prison parts of this area. Just got to go straight up temporarily."

"You sure you know how to fly this?"

"How hard could it be?" he responded, before pushing forward on the joystick. The room instantly shifted and started going straight down to the point where everyone if they didn't grab onto something rather quickly would have gone flying into the windows as they had a lovely view of the ground that they were heading straight for now.

"YOU WERE SAYING ABOUT THIS BEING EASY???" Quill yelled at Rocket as they were still going for the ground.

"What you wanna try it?" Rocket called, as he was holding onto the console now and not really trying to level them out.

Mary managed to use vines to hold on and get to the joystick before pulling back on the stick managing to level out the small little craft before it crashed into the ground, "Airplane controls, you pull back to go up, not push forward," she said to Rocket, sounding a little annoyed. Her head was pounding a bit from her own head injury, so she glanced back at the others. "Guessing we want to go up, who wants to steer? I don't trust the raccoon to do it."

"I can do it! And I am not a raccoon!"

"Really? Since we almost went straight down into the ground when figuring we want to go up yeah?"

"One mistake and people hold that against you... Well here's something useful," he added, pushing another button, "The opening this typically goes through wasn't opened up yet anyway, so we probably would have crashed no matter who was flying."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Bethany Bell

The Kyln
Skills: N/A

Bethany was satisfied that she was able to take out eight of the guards within the guard tower of sorts, she quickly headed inside of the room without much of a thought once all of the armed guards were taken care of. She looked around as the others all started to file into the room of sorts as Rocket went over to use the severed arm to close the door behind them all. She watched through the windows as the guards and prisoners and tables were now all floating in Zero G. "Thats kinda cool they need to invest in some mag boots or something like that honestly." Bethany said seeing the people flailing their arms, in a show she watched called The Expanse the ships didnt even have gravity so everyone would have to wear magnetic boots a lot of the time to get around the ship without having to float around constantly.

Beth quickly went to hold onto something tightly as Rocket the Raccoon couldn't even control the ship, and decided that they would all end up dying if he tried to control the thing. "I'll help." Bethany said as soon as the ship was stabilized she quickly went over towards the steering control and tried to keep it steady. Her eyes going wide as she made the thing turn into a nose dive again, and tried to steady the thing again, but she wasn't even able to even on her third try to get the thing to go straight.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Telepathy

Geez, they fight more than our group does, Guin commented. She would've said it was the raccoon's raging testosterone, but she wasn't sure what sort of hormones were in talking male raccoons - at least, she assumed Rocket was male. She wasn't actually quite sure. It was also possible he wasn't actually a raccoon and was instead some sort of alien being, beyond their human conceptions of gender. She always thought it was highly unlikely that aliens would have the same ideas of gender that they did on Earth. It was still a little weird to her how close their society was to Asgard at times.

Unfortunately, everyone seemed to be horrible at piloting their getaway vehicle. Guin rolled her eyes and cracked her knuckles. "Move over, let a pro-gamer deal with this, I've got better hand eye coordination," she bragged. Both Bethany and the raccoon had more or less tried to kill them after all, and they were currently plunging towards the bottom. Guin shoved her way up to the controls, not really caring who she had to move past to get there, and she grabbed the control stick from Bethany. She managed to level things out and she smirked slightly, as if to say - I told you so. She then gently pulled back, giving them a smooth and controlled ascent.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: N/A

Runa had only nodded simply at Lance. She hadn't actually planned on hurting Stark - it was more of a warning if anything else. On Asgard, sometimes that was what required to get people to take you seriously. She didn't like using a show of force, but it seemed to have been effective, as the young Stark was more or less leaving her alone. Runa gripped tightly onto the wall with her hands though with the raccoon and Bethany's driving, as both left much to be desired. She didn't imagine she would die from such a fall, but with her powers flickering in and out, she had to wonder if her durability may have been decreased as well.

At least Stark seemed to have things under control, moving them towards the opening. Runa relaxed slightly. "Do most of you have no experience when it comes to piloting ships?" she asked, looking towards Quill and the raccoon. She had to assume that was the case with how poor the raccoon's flight skills had been. Bethany's struggles could be excused - she had never flown a spaceship before. Runa had to assume the same was true for Quill and Rocket then.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ed Penior

Location: Escaping Space Jail
Skills: Thamaturgy: Shield

Ed felt like a sack of potatoes as Rocket and then Bethany failed to figure out how to fly the ship they were trying to escape in. "Please explain how part of your plan was getting into something you didn't know how to control?" Ed asked, his face looking pale and pained. His healing magic was working. If Klara hadn't relieved some of the pain earlier he was pretty certain he would have passed out by now. He definitely wouldn't be able to keep the shield up around their "escape pod".

At least Guin seemed to have a handle on the controls. He sank down onto the floor letting go of Annie. If he hadn't been using her to steady himself he would have certainly fallen over during Rocket and Bethany's attempts to fly. He looked up at Runa, "You'd think the group of space faring people who have previously broken out of the space prison would know how to fly the ship.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Usually Rocket isn't the one flying anything!"

"Hey! This has different controls from our ship anyway so cut me some slack! Not to mention anyone could have done that by accident so just shut up!"

"Make me! You forgot to open the thing originally so we could even leave!"

"Shut up!"

"I am Groot."

"Agreed, they are both children." Gamora responded.

"This group is so much more dysfunctional than we are at times it is actually amazing to see... Since that's kind of been our department most of the time," Mary couldn't help but comment.

"I know what I'm doing!" Rocket protested again.

"No you don't, since we almost crashed."

"She almost made us crash too!" Rocket added, pointing towards Bethany.

"She's also not the one who initially grabbed the controls Rocket."

"You are a strange one aren't you? Well all of you are a bit strange to me, but watching you all argue without at least throwing one punch is intriguing." Klara mused.

"Now might not be the best time to be talking about hopefully not throwing punches or anything like that Klara," Lance responded, shaking his head as he looked at the group they were with. Everything was going horribly wrong, but then again what was he supposed to expect from them escaping from a galactic prison.

Guin would manage to actually somewhat fly the little pod up through the opening in the roof that Rocket had created with a few button presses. They'd end up outside in space! But after a little bit longer (with Rocket giving some direction and pointing) they'd dock by another part of the station. This portion still had it's gravity and everything, as Rocket only had switched it off in the one area. They'd be able to get out of the small ship, and into a different hallway, and there didn't seem to be any guards around.

"Number one reason for causing chaos, less guards out here. If you've got gear from your ship they likely took it and placed it in a room not too far from here, down the left hallway. The hangar bay is to the right all the way down, so if you have nothing to get, feel free to head that way." Rocket said, before he instantly headed straight for the right hallway towards the hangar.

"Well at least I get to get away from you for a while," Quill said, heading to the left. "Have to get my helmet, a better gun and how much do you want to bet one of those guards are messing with my walkman again?"" he said, racing down that way now.

"I will go with Rocket," Drax said, before following Rocket, with Groot not far behind.

"Guess I get to babysit the big child," Gamora commented, before taking off after Peter.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Bethany Bell

The Kyln
Skills: N/A

]"Wow so incredibly rude." Bethany said as Guin more or less shoved her out of the way from the control and walked over towards the closest wall and gave Rocket a rather annoyed look. "Don't make me shadow travel you out into space. Or better yet shadow travel you to the closest furry convention, i'm sure they'll have a blast with you." Beth said sounding really annoyed and gave Rocket the middle finger she was listening to the group of convicts that they had escaped with were arguing between each other. She had to agree with Mary this group constantly argued a hell of a lot more than they did actually and it made things at least somewhat entertaining.

Seeing that they were heading over towards another part of the station and landing in a hangar of sorts, she turned to look at Quill for a moment mentioning a walkman. "Who the hell even uses a walkman anymore? They are like super old, and crappy you need a serious upgrade." She said personally she always had music on her phone and played music off of it constantly. Turning to look over at the others, they just needed to get out of here as soon as possible. "So, whats the plan now anyway?" Beth asked Mary.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 20 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Kyln -- Space
Skills: Pyrotechnic Manipulation

After they managed to get into the room, Antoinette relaxed somewhat. She saw the people outside starting to float around and she giggled a little until the room dropped dramatically. Antoinette grabbed tightly onto something to keep from being flung around a room. She had never been to an amusement park before but she assumed that’s what those rides were kind of like. It made her stomach do flips but it quickly leveled out and eventually Guin took control.
Their ride in the room was sort but they were closer to leaving now. Antoinette walked out with the others and opted to head to the room where their items would be. She was hoping they would have their clothes so she could change. There wasn’t much else Antoinette carried on herself. She followed behind Quill and Gamora, hoping they wouldn’t run into too much trouble.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ed Penior

Location: Escaping Space Jail

"Klara, you said you had something to help us. What is it?" Ed asked. He was thankful they'd be able to get their stuff. Maybe their ship was still in functioning order and they'd be able to get back to their mission. Or, he supposed, deal with whatever made the Nova Corp lose their collective mind. If they could fix that they'd be able to get back to their mission without looking over their shoulder.

He hadn't had any luck healing himself. Thankfully, he was doing okay. He stood up. "I'd like to get my stuff too." At least he had everyone's hair so he had been able to track and heal them. He knew it had been a good idea to get some from everyone. Even though at the time it had seemed...creepy.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Telepathy

Guin smirked slightly with pride at her expert pilot skills. She really ought to have been the one flying their actual ship too. Maybe she’d use some of her dad’s money and build a ship when they got back to Earth - she and Pietro could visit the moon, it’d be romantic and epic! For a brief moment, her ADHD addled brain started thinking about all the possible names she could give her ship, liking the Anakin Solo the best for obvious reasons. The Ebon Hawk was a close runner up. ”Yeah, I’d like to grab my shit. No one else gets to have my stuff but me you know?”

The idea that someone else could just keep her things felt a little weird. She had grown up in extreme wealth - her things were always hers, the only times they weren’t were when Pietro would steal them from her, but they were married so it hardly counted. Besides, they needed to grab Pietro’s food supply or he was going to be totally dragging the entire time. He was still looking way too pale for her liking.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: N/A

Runa nodded, in complete agreement with Edus’ assessment. These people really should’ve known how to pilot a craft. On Asgard, it was more or less considered a life skill - like how those on Midgard ensured that everyone knew how to operate a car (although come to think about it, she wasn’t actually sure if Lance even knew). She made a mental note to speak to him about it. Perhaps they could take lessons together - her heart fluttered slightly at the thought. She enjoyed spending time with him on this mission, but they scarcely had any time alone to get to know each other… There was always someone else present on the small ship - and now in this gigantic prison complex.

Runa was slightly surprised that Stark didn’t crash and that they managed to make it to the next zone with ease. She very much had items that she wished to retrieve. ”As would I. If I have to spend another minute in these flimsy prison garbs, I may suffocate.” She hadn’t been wearing Asgardian armor, of course, but she did really like the clothes she had acquired on Midgard. Hot Topic had quickly become her favorite seamstress to visit.

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