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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Pennsylvania Avenue: Washington D.C.

Niah's hand went to her neck. She had put a new necklace on. It wasn't the same as the one that had once held her ashes. But she was happy that her sister was alive. She'd rather have that than the small comfort the necklace had once given her. She could only watch the screens and alert the group if anyone was coming near the Oval office.

She saw the Vice President, Ricky Goldsmith, walking with several Secret Service agents. She watched him for a little bit. They didn't move. Stood there chatting. They were the closest to the Oval Office. If they heard anything and were alerted the Agents might head back to the office and that'd ruin the whole mission.

Location: Inside the White House: Washington D.C.
Skills: Hand-to-Hand; Paralysis Inducement

His guard went down and wasn't get back up. And wasn't turning green. Hopefully, Matt hadn't just killed a human. He knelt down to check if the guy had a pulse. Matt knew he wouldn't feel bad for taking out a Skrull, but if this was just some poor Secret Service guy who didn't know his President had been kidnapped by aliens Matt would feel bad about killing the dude. He had a pulse. Matt sighed a little relieved. "This guy is still alive. Keep an eye on him till we can tie him up." Matt informed the rest of the group

There were other issues to attend to. Like the giant Skrull that was covered in electricity. They needed both of these guys down and out for the count right away. Matt moved, Cass had the guy's attention. If she kept it he could get a punch in, and as long as it landed on skin he could let out his paralytic, and if that worked he'd get a nasty shock for his efforts but he might take the Skrull down.

Matt stepped up and punched. The lighting hit him harder than he expected. He let out a big of a yelp and pulled back. He had touched the guy but hadn't gotten a decent blast of his paralytic off. The second swing was caught by the giant Skrull. Matt winced. He would have preferred to be fighting with a gun. He was better with a gun. But the giant was holding him, touching his skin. Matt grinned. And let out more paralytic. But the Skrull didn't drop, didn't even relax his grip. He couldn't pull his hand free either. Shit.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: The White House
]Skills: N/A

Well, all hell seemed to be breaking loose, which was probably a good thing. He was pretty sure of that anyway. Alex wasn't probably setup to be part of this sort of combat, especially since these were clearly super powered aliens, and he was just him with nothing really special about his combat abilities. He was better when it came to dealing with long distance threats, actually currently the idea of dealing with another demon possession was actually looking really appealing to him, since he was way out of his depth here, especially since firing off a gun might not be the best idea since it would likely draw more attention than they already were calling to them.

"I mean to be fair, that inflight movie was horrible, plus your pilot was horrible and really needed to learn how to fly a ship without it crashing," Jakobsen said with a bit of a laugh as everything started speeding up and going a lot more quickly. He did feel bad for the secret service agent that Matt had knocked down, mentally making a note to see if he could get him a pay raise or something for putting up with that and as an apology. Alex did notice the gun that the agent had been carrying and went over picking it up, more then prepared to fire it off if the Skrulls came towards him. Right now, he didn't want to get in the way of everyone else who were probably better equipped to deal with this than he was.

Location: The Van
Skills: N/A

"I mean to be fair, pretty certain most people probably would have done the same thing... Not to mention they had to start this entire thing somehow. What did they expect to do? Stand around and do nothing all day and be wallflowers just watching?" Sparky commented to Niah with a bit of a laugh as she sat back and watched everything that started happening on the screens, things speeding up rather quickly. Her attention was briefly diverted when she, like Niah, she saw the Vice President outside of the White House. They'd need to ensure that they didn't go back into the building, at least temporarily anyway.

Glancing back at the screen, she saw what was going on with the Skrull that was channeling electricity and swore under her breath, now definitely wishing that she was there. But since she wasn't and all she could do was sit back and watch, she tried to think of something, anything really, that she could say to help with their situation. An idea crossed her mind though, and she figured the person best suited to understand what she was referencing was Amelia. "Hey Amelia," she said over the comms, "You've mentioned and made references to Avatar the Last Airbender, and since that's the easiest way to explain this going to use that as an example. You know what Iroh can do with redirecting lightning? Take that same sort of principle. Just stay calm, and think about what he said when explaining how he does it. You can use your powers to help channel it and redirect the attacks back at him so that theoretically you don't end up getting hurt."

Location: Skrull Ship
Skills: Fire Manipulation

Flynn had to stop himself from rolling his eyes at Maria's words towards him. It wasn't exactly his fault that he wasn't exactly the best for dealing with this sort of situation, he never expected to need to have skills useful for dealing with a crashing alien spaceship. That was never something he expected to have to deal with in his liftetime, since when he was younger, he had never even imagined encountering aliens (or anything weird really) in his life, so how was he supposed to prepare for this sort of thing?

"Right, so wear these and maybe go outside and be a glorified engine, got it thanks," he said as he put the boots on and headed out of the area and outside, glad that the boots were magnetic so he wouldn't go flying off or something as he lit himself on fire and did as he was told. He was doing the best that he could with creating heat with enough force to be an engine of sorts. Was he sure it was a good idea and that this would work out entirely in the long run? No, he wasn't sure, he was just following orders since in this situation that was all he could do.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Location: White House, Oval Office
Skills: Molecular Oscillation

As the fight began to turn, and Captain America was turned back into a Capsicle once more, Oli was at a crossroads. He could directly engage in the fight, but he wasn't confident in how many times he could hit the electric Skrull before passing out, or he could try a crazy idea. He knew that he was able to vibrate his and other people's molecules to phase through things, and that was something he'd gotten pretty good at, but looking at the flash-frozen Captain America, he suddenly thought of a brave new way for him to use this ability. Something being temperature was just the average kinetic energy of a system, so maybe he could infuse some into the Star Spangled Man.

Placing both hands on either of the Avenger's shoulders, Oliver concentrated, and tried vibrating the two of them at a new frequency. One that wouldn't send the two of them through the floor, but one that would, hopefully, get Cap heated up enough to unfreeze him without also cooking him. After a few moments, the thin sheets of ice adorning Captain America had broken away, falling and turning to faint water stains at their feet. Steve Rogers was now free, and back in the fight. Stepping away, Oliver started paying attention to the fight again, but not before saying, "I sure am glad that didn't kill you..." under his breath.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Skrull Prison Ship

Sometimes, even the best of plans aren't enough.

Sometimes, our heroes fail and innocents suffer for it.

They managed to slow down the craft, but they couldn't stop it from hitting the ocean near the shore of Montevideo. Everyone who was on the outside of the ship would find themselves plunged underneath the water, with the massive craft preventing them from easily surfacing. They'd have to swim out away from the craft in order to get above the water. And all the meanwhile, the massive ship hitting the water created essentially an artificial tsunami...

The Invisible Woman's shields held for a moment, but even she couldn't battle a force of nature. The tsunami broke through and swept over Montevideo...

A city with 1.3 million people...

Washed away...

Pennsylvania Avenue: Washington D.C.: 12:20 P.M.

Bonnie tilted her head slightly, wondering what to make of Kwassi's comment. Her ego told herself that it was only natural, she really was a gifted fighter - for a human. She couldn't throw buildings with her mind or burst into flames like her friends. Not too long ago, that had been the norm for SHIELD agents - no one had powers. She supposed even now her viewpoint was skewed, as the Secret Warriors were only a small part of SHIELD's arsenal - and a highly classified one at that. They weren't sent on ordinary missions - only extraordinary ones.

Amelia was panting, and she was barely standing straight as she gave Cass a thumbs up. "Oh, I'm bloody brilliant, thanks mate," Amelia said, before coughing slightly. "Hey, you ever wonder what happens when a toad gets struck by lightning? Heard that question posed to one of the X-Men once - the OG ones, not the little kids in tights that they got running around now. Was such a posh look Storm had in the interview though, it was so lit, like legs for days and days."

Raynor wasn't quite as loquacious as Amelia. "This is why no one liked Thor at parties," he muttered. In his world, Thor was very much dead - and had been for some time. Thor died with the rest of the most famous Asgardians during Ragnarok. And while the prophecies claimed Baldur was supposed to be resurrected and return to rule, that never happened. They had been left with a desolated planet and fled to Earth, conquering what had been Norway and turning it into their home. A chill went down Raynor's spine as he remembered the Queen of New Asgard.

From Niah and Sparky's monitors, they could see that VP Ricky Goldsworth wasn't headed towards the Oval Office... but the pack of children were.

Amelia's eyes widened as Sparky described a strategy to her over the comms. "Uh, but I'm not the Avatar - or a fire bender, I don't think Katara or Toph could've done that!" Amelia squeaked. She was happy to see that Captain America was no longer an ice cube, but they still had a huge issue with the giant skrull. The skrull tossed Matt roughly to the side of the room, sending Matt slamming into a wall.

"Keep the skrull busy, I have a plan," Bonnie said suddenly, before sprinting towards the President's desk with no further explanation.

Amelia didn't need the science-type to say anything else. She figured whatever plan Bonnie had come up with would be more than good enough. Instead, she decided to take another trick from Avatar and find a way to distract the giant skrull as much as possible. Amelia hopped up and nearly fell, but managed to catch herself on a rapidly spinning ball of air - an air scooter. She started zipping around the Oval Office in random directions. "Oi, fugly, bet ya can't catch me!"

Captain America sized up the situation, and threw his mighty shield, aiming for the giant's eyes. His mark was true and he hit the giant dead on, causing the skrull to scream out in pain and reach up, grabbing for his eyes. For a moment, he was more or less blinded. Raynor darted in, intent on stabbing the giant, but the giant flailed its limbs down, hitting Raynor so hard he flew out the glass windows and hit the lawn, knocked out cold. The blow would've killed an ordinary human.

Bonnie finished looking through the desk. She found a few things of interest - a baseball and a pair of rubber gloves. Bonnie snapped on the gloves and held the baseball, and chucked it at the giant skrull, hitting the skrull in the back of the head. The skrull turned around. "Stupid girl," the skrull taunted. "You terrans can't win against us," he said, before throwing lightning at Bonnie. Bonnie held out her hands, as if she could catch the lightning...

... And nothing happened. She was totally uninjured. "Rubber doesn't conduct electricity," she told the skrull, before throwing her knives. She aimed for the neck, going for the jugular. And as if Athena guided her hand, Bonnie's mark was true. The skrull pulled the knives, not realizing the danger, and blood began gushing rapidly, thick and green... until the giant fell, and the ground shook.

"... Nice work, agent," Captain America complimented.

"Thanks. My anatomy studies have new applications each and every day, it seems."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Pennsylvania Avenue: Washington D.C.

"Shit. Niah said as she saw the group of kids getting closer to the Oval Office. She didn't know if that was part of the tour or not, but the group needed to clean up and get into position before the kids got into the room. "Good job getting those Skrulls down, but that group of school kids look like they are headed your way. You've got to cover the broken window and get those Skrulls out of the room."

With both Skrulls dead, and the human that Matt had fought knocked out the fight was over. But Ryanor had been knocked out the window and now there was a giant mess. The flag was destroyed and there were two very alien dead bodies in the room. If those kids tour brought them into the room they'd be doomed. "Some of you have to get back outside the doors and delay the group." She added which cardinal direction the group was coming from.

Location: Inside the White House: Washington D.C.

Matt had been released and he shook his hand. The tingly feeling in his tongue took a little longer to disappear. He was impressed with Bonnie's quick thinking. Niah was warning them that there was a group of kids coming toward the Oval Office. "I'll take a door." He moved to the door that Niah had said the kids were close to.

"Someone should get Raynor." He looked at Captain America. "You might have to pretend you had a fight with us and cover the broken window as you running or something." Captain America was already being looked for by the government. It could be cleared up and forgiven by Alex later. He then stepped out and dusted his suit and stood at the door. If the group of kids tried to come in through here he could delay them.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Cassandra Reed

Location: The White House - Outside the Oval Office -> Outside the South Lawn
Skills: N/A

Cassandra gave Amelia a slight nod glad to see that she was alright just as Captain America was freed from his frozen prison and threw his shield at the giant skrull. She winced as he managed to hit Raynor sending him flying out and onto the South Lawn of the White House, she was about to get into another fighting stance just as Bonnie headed towards the desk. And putting on a pair of rubber gloves, managing to block the shock like Yoda in Star Wars did against Force Lightening. Bonnie then threw her knives hitting the giant skrull in the throat, watching the alien pull them out and started to bleed out rather quickly hitting the ground. She was glad to see that Matt was alright as he managed to get back up.

"Remind me to not piss you off Bonnie." Cass said to Bonnie jokingly as she heard Niah warning them about the kid's tour heading for the Oval Office. "I'm going to get Raynor." Cassandra said as she quickly jumped out of the broken window and quickly made her way towards Raynor seeing him laying unconcious on the South Lawn, and quickly helped him back up. She noticed that there were three Secret Service Agents were on the South Lawn right now. "Wake up Raynor." She told him as she tried to wake him up.

Evelyn Holder

Location: The White House - Outside the Oval Office
Skills: N/A

The Giant Skrull seemed to have been dealt with thanks to Bonnie as she threw her knives at him, feeling the ground shaking slightly as he fell. Evelyn listened to Niah on the radio and nodded as she watched Matt going out and to try and intercept the kid's tour, using the radio to contact Niah and Sparky. "See if you guys can try and divert the tour, if not we will handle it." Evelyn said as she headed out of the Oval Office with Matt. "I'm coming with you." Evelyn said.

Evelyn closed the door behind her so that the others could try and see if they could cover up the mess that they had made in the Oval Office. She stood on the other side of the door next to Matt, and hoped that there weren't any other secret service agents either coming over towards them. "Are you alright?" Evelyn asked him as she turned her attention towards the hallway as well.

Maria Novikova

Location: Skrull Prison Ship - Bridge
Skills: Power Absorption (Captain Marvel's Flight & Superhuman Strength

Maria was trying her best to try and use the powers that she had borrowed from Captain Marvel, but seeing the ground coming up on them was coming way to fast now. She ended up letting go at the last minute before hitting the water, closing her eyes and took a deep breathe just as her body impacted the water. Doing her best Maria held her breath, opening her eyes, she was under several feet of water Maria started to swim as fast as she could trying to get as far from the ship as she could. The downward current would end up dragging her deeper due to the ship sinking.

Once she was a good distance away Maria started to swim upward, feeling herself starting to loose air the current was to strong as Maria kept swimming getting closer to the surface. Maria eventually surface finally taking in a few deep breathes as Maria looked around seeing the various bits of debris floating from the impact. She started to look around for the others who were holding up the ship hoping that they were okay.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Kwassi Asokho

Location: Outside Med-Bay
Skills: Photographic Memory : 16,

Kwassi listened to the idea of redirecting lightning, a grin spreading across his face as he thought of the notion. His eyes were fixated on Amelia, only glancing sparingly towards the large brute, to see if she could pull it off. Unfortunately she didn't even try. Sure she wasn't a firebender, but the technique was created from studying water benders and using their fluidity to allow for a defense against the attack. The stance itself was wide and grounded melding earth and water techniques. Granted it was a fictional world that had no bearings in science so all of this was a moot unless they studied it in a lab or field tested it.

He was ready to put the theory to the test when Bonnie hatched a plan and went to act on it. Kwassi twirled his staff once more, clanging it against the ground to try and get the Skrulls attention but he seemed to be following Bonnie instead. She pulled out a pair of rubber gloves and immediately Kwassi understood what she aimed to do. Who needed bending techniques when you had science on your side? As swiftly as she came up with the idea she dispatched the skrull, allowing Kwassi to relax and look at the dying Skrull. "Like I said, I've fought more adept warriors."

He pressed his finger against the staff, causing it to retract so that he may place it back onto the small of his back. Looking towards the group, a bit wide eyed, he simply said. "I...I have no training on how to deal with a group of children. And anything to erode the bodies would take too much time. Bonnie, what's your call?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: The White House
]Skills: N/A

Well things had ended in the blink of an eye it would seem. Both Skrulls were down for the count, which was a good thing, and Alex set the gun that was in his hand on the desk as he went over to the Skrull wo had pretended to be him and started going through his pockets, before finding his cellphone from it. He wanted to use it to call Jade, but now wasn't the time for that, no. Right now there were bigger things to be concerned about. "Right, the window breaking is going to draw attention, so might as well jump ahead of this. Be prepared in case we get attacked by more Skrulls because of what I'm about to do, I have an idea but there is some logic behind everything.... And we don't have to pretend about anything, since all you've got to do is somewhat stretch the truth, tell enough to not be lying, but not enough to reveal the full story."

Unlocking the phone and flipping through his contacts, he eventually found the one that he was looking for, Ricky. Of course there were Secret Service agent walkie talkies in the area, but calling one person as opposed to alerting a whole bunch was probably the better choice. "Hey Ricky it's me, listen very carefully okay? There was a bit of an incident, don't worry it's been dealt with, but I need you to very calmly come back to the office, there is some stuff we need to discuss. Can you do that?"

"... I swear to god Alex, if you're going to throw a pie in my face again, I'll hit you."

"No I am dead serious. You heard the glass breaking or whatever I'm sure. And sure if that happens feel free you'd earn it. Reason you need to be as calm as possible is because there is a group of kids nearby, and I don't want to freak them out if they see people scrambling and racing around."

"....Fine," Ricky huffed. "I'm on my way."

"Great, just remember, remain calm, don't alert anyone, and meet me right outside the office," he said as he hung up the phone and looked at the others. "And since the rest of you don't know what to do with kids, let me," he continued, before he made sure his clothes weren't obviously out of place to hopefully not arouse suspicion, and he simply walked out the door and closed it somewhat quickly behind him, and he headed straight for the group of kids. "Well what do we have here? Looks like you all are having fun," he said, giving them a bit of a smile.

Location: The Van
Skills: N/A

"Doesn't matter, you could have applied the same principles in theory to manipulating and messing with the air currents and such around you, just saying," Sparky responded to Amelia, a little annoyed that she didn't seem to pick up on what she had been suggesting really. Of course now it didn't really matter, since Bonnie had taken out the last Skrull rather quickly, so that was a good thing. Of course the problem was still there that the kids were still heading their way, and currently no one was actively heading to cross paths with them, only going to block the doors which would arouse more suspicion.

"Someone really should block the kids..." she said to Niah, watching everything on the cameras. Including the fact that the president was apparently doing, which was talking on the phone to someone. And him also heading out of the office and going to interact with the kids himself since no one else seemingly did. "Well at least someone had the brains to maybe do something, no one else would... And really Kwassi? Saying you have "no training"? That is the dumbest way to say you suck at interacting with kids..." she said specifically to Niah and not on the comms so no one else could hear her.

Location: Skrull Ship
Skills: Fire Manipulation

This was bad, this was really really really bad. One minute he was on the side of the ship, on fire and trying to be a makeshift spaceship engine, the next thing he knew he was thrown off in the commotion and directly into the water, with the flames being put out as he was shoved into the ocean. It didn't take too long for him to reach the surface of the water. It helped that he was fairly strong, and he kept kicking upwards to try and reach the surface. Eventually he managed to, and that's when he saw the carnage all around him that they had caused.

Now came thee concern of trying to find everyone else, and get onto a surface that might be useful so he was at least out of the water. The first thing that he came across that could float was a Skrull corpse, so not very useful. The next thing though, that was useful, as he found a small lifeboat that was floating in the water, and he pulled himself onboard. Using his arms to steer, he started going through the water trying to find anyone else, and managed to eventually find Sue. She was one of the two people he was most concerned about with how things were going. Her since she was pregnant, or Anelle since she probably wasn't used to this sort of thing. Managing to pull Sue out of the water, he started looking around. "Are you okay?" he asked her as he glanced out at the waves, "We need to find the others or anyone really... Let's try to find anyone we can."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Location: White House, Oval Office
Skills: N/A

Oliver was happy to see his plan of "Unfreeze the Avenger and hope they can deal with this better than I can" seemed to be working swimmingly, or at least, it seemed to be as Captain America slammed that legendary shield in the giant Skrull's face. His mood quickly damped though, as Raynor took a bad hit and fell onto the ground. He knew Asgardians were tougher by nature, but he still was worried. Starting to inch closer to Raynor to extricate him from the heart of the battle field, a lightning bolt arced through the air, directly at Bonnie. Stunned as he saw her catch it, and then subsequently end the giant, he allowed himself a smile.

Back to work, while Oli was stunned, Cass had swept in and started tending to Raynor's care. In the worst case, he thought Mar-Vell might be able to help, but this could mean Raynor would be out of commission for Geneva, which would be less than idea when talking about the possible end of the world. Oli was happy to have Alex go and try to deal with the kids, he wasn't terrible around them by any means, but Oliver hadn't exactly specced into charisma. Straightening himself out, he followed silently after Alex, acting as if he was just a secret service member at attention, keeping the president safe.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Skrull Prison Ship

Maria would spot Captain Marvel nearby, slowly drifting further and further underneath the water - she was unconscious and drowning. Also nearby was... a dolphin? A dolphin with strangely intelligent eyes staring at her? The dolphin prodded her slightly with its nose, as if trying to get Maria to understand something, before diving after the drowning Avenger. There wasn't any sign of anyone else, but the ship was massive - everyone could easily be scattered.

Meanwhile, for a pregnant woman Sue was in remarkably good shape after the crash. She was treading the water just fine, but was very thankful for Flynn fishing her out - and a little curious as to where he had found the lifeboat. "I'm fine, thanks," she reassured him. Not too far from their boat, they'd spot another drowning Avenger - an unconscious Tony Stark.

Pennsylvania Avenue: Washington D.C.: 12:30 P.M.

In the van, Niah and Sparky would begin seeing breaking news alerts - a massive alien spaceship had crashed off the coast of Montevideo in Uruguay. The Avengers were on route to the tragedy, but the death toll was already expected to be in the hundreds of thousands, if not more. On one channel, Tony Stark was giving an interview about the situation while traveling to Uruguay, anticipating that they would be there in one hour's time - a travel time that everyone knew wasn't fast enough.

Captain America nodded at Matt. "You might not hear from me for a while - but I'll be with you in spirit. Carry on, soldier," he said, extending his hand for Matt to shake if he so chose. Captain America then jumped out the window, using his shield to make it look like his shield had broken the glass. He then threw his shield at Cass, hitting her in the left arm and leaving a nasty bruise, knocking her to the ground.

The Secret Service Agents on the lawn assumed the most logical course of events - Captain America was now public enemy number one and had attacked the White House, with Cass and Raynor being just two agents he had hurt. The agents opened fire on Captain America, whether they were skrulls or not was unclear, and Cap held his shield in front of him, blocking their fire. Raynor wasn't waking up - he was out cold.

Inside the Oval Office, Bonnie arched a slight eyebrow at Kwassi's comment. "None of us have training on working with children - except for those who are parents," she pointed out. The only parent in the group, that she was aware of, was the President. Maria had a kid, but she wasn't present at the moment. And Bonnie herself definitely didn't have a child. The only thing she had in common with children was an adoration for the animation style used in Tim Burton movies. She had wanted to be an animator before she ended up becoming a medical examiner for SHIELD.

Amelia didn't ever want kids herself - but she felt that kids were fine. They were just like small, mini adults. And in small doses, they could be really cute. It was the prolonged contact with children that got annoying, as they could just be a looot (which was saying something, coming from someone else who was very much a lot). "So uh, do we call someone to report Captain America tried to kill the President? Oooor are we the ones that get called for that? Like, who does the Secret Service tell things went wrong to? Do we tell the President? But like, he already knows? The Vice President? Is there a 911 sorta line for this?" Amelia rambled. She knew a little bit about American politics, but had very little idea as to the emergency protocol they were supposed to follow.

Bonnie thought for a moment. "The President should tell the Vice President, and ideally from there it'll go through whatever the proper protocols are. Or - Niah, Sparky, could you look up what we're supposed to do from here?" Bonnie inquired. "Deviating slightly from proper protocol may be okay, the skrulls might not be as detail oriented as real Secret Service."

In the hallway outside, the kids didn't really seem to recognize Alex as being the President - since they were children and pretty much all white men in suits look roughly the same. "Who are you supposed to be?" one child asked rudely, with the tour guide's jaw dropping slightly. Ricky stood behind the group with his arms crossed, staring at Alex.

"That's President Jakobsen," Ricky explained. "Now kids, I need a moment with the President alone. How about you all go to the cafe and get a treat?" he suggested strongly, locking eyes with the tour guide who nodded and started ushering the kids away.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Cassandra Reed

Location: The White House - Outside the South Lawn -> The Oval Office
Skills: N/A

Cassandra started to help Raynor back up, he was still very much out cold still whatever the skrull had hit him pretty hard and knocked the Asgardian out with ease pretty much. When she turned to see Captain America jumping out of the shattered window, feeling a sharp pain going through her left arm. She hit the ground again dropping Raynor, letting out a slight groan as Cass started to slowly sit up and looked down at her arm, seeing a rather nasty bruise starting to form. Then some more gunfire going off as the Secret Service Agents who were out on the South Lawn had turned their attention on Captain America.

She wasn't sure what had happened as she went back to lifting up Raynor, and started to make her way back inside of the White House. She stopped just by the corner where the tour of kids were. Knowing that they probably would freak out seeing her holding up an injured agent and stopped before turning overhearing Ricky talking to the kids and the tour guide to take them to a nearby cafe. Once the kids were ushered away Cass turned the corner looking over at Alex, and Rickey as well to.

Evelyn Holder

Location: The White House - Outside the Oval Office
Skills: N/A

Evelyn stood by Alex as an escort as well to, seeing him approaching the group of kids, and one of them rudely asking who he was made her smirk slightly and shook her head slightly. Finding it a little bit funny that they didnt recognize who their president was, she watched as Ricky came over and told them that he was the president and then asked the tour guide to escort them away.

Which was probably a good idea since there were two skrull in the room still. Evelyn eyed Rickey for a moment, and hoped that he wasn't replaced as a skrull either but she didn't say anything as she let Alex talk to his VP. She didnt make a move to open the door to the Oval Office just yet since the dead skrulls were still in the room and the kids were still there as well to. Once the kids were ushered away Evelyn noticed Cass and held the door open for them to enter.

Maria Novikova

Location: Skrull Prison Ship - Bridge
Skills: Power Absorption (Captain Marvel's Flight & Superhuman Strength

Maria turned around trying to find the others which started to make her worry the ship was really massive, and she wasn't sure if the others were still inside the sinking ship, or they managed to get out at the last minute. When she felt something prodding her Maria turned around coming face to face with a rather intelligent looking dolphin. And spotted Captain Marvel's body, and noticed she was starting to sink. Maria closed her eyes and took a deep breath before diving under the water and started to swim to try and catch up to the Avenger, as she started to swim deeper.

Maria managed to catch up to Captain Marvel and grabbed onto her, and started to swim back towards the surface though she wasn't paying attention, as a piece of sinking debris hit her in the head. She started to gasp for air, but managed to quickly swim back up to the surface with Captain Marvel in her arms. She leaned back slightly so that Captain Marvel wouldn't drown again, as she tried to find something to float on while looking around for her dolphin friend who had found her.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Pennsylvania Avenue: Washington D.C.

Niah watched the news aghast for a moment. It distracted her enough that she almost missed what happened next, but Bonnie pulled her back to attention by saying her name and asking her to look something up. Niah seriously doubted she would be able to find anything on Google that told what the Secret Service would do in case of Captain America attacking the President. She considered telling Bonnie that she was definitely not the person to be looking for this information. She glanced at Sparky.

"Pft, yeah unless Google has the Secret Service handbook accessible I'm not finding it. Think you've got the hacking?" She asked. Turning back to the screens. The VP had intercepted the group of kids with Alex and the kids were being sent off in a different direction. She let out a small sigh of relief. She hoped Alex could keep the VP from going back into the Oval Office until the all-clear was given.

Location: Inside the White House: Washington D.C.

Matt had, of course, shaken Captain America's hand. It'd be insane to not. Evelyn had joined him outside the Oval Office and asked how he was doing. He smiled and said "I"ve had better days." Alex came out of the room and got in front of the group of kids. The VP helped the situation. Matt kept a grin under control at the idea that the kids visiting the White House hadn't at least been shown a picture of the president.

He winced when Cass showed up carrying an unconscious Raynor and stepped over to take Raynor's other side and help Cass carrying the unconscious Agent back into the Oval Office. There was no way that the VP was going to let that slide. He was going to be interested in a couple of "secret service' agents carrying a third unconscious one. And if the VP paid close attention to which Secret Service agents had just been in the Oval Office he would easily catch that things had gone sideways.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Kwassi Asokho

Location: Outside Med-Bay
Skills: Photographic Memory : 16,

Kwassi was a bit stunned to see The President rifling through the skrulls pockets in search of something. It was made a bit clearer once he saw the cellphone, yet he felt as though there were more pressing matters at hand than making a phone call. He watched Cap say goodbye, jumping out of the window, only to be succeeded by a cacophony of gun shots against vibranium. He moved a bit closer towards the window, watching Cap flee and wishing he had some way to help.

After a moment Kwassi came back to see that Alex had finished his call, talking to someone named Ricky who he could only assume worked some form of security detail based on the help that Alex was asking for from his end. When the subject on how to proceed came up, Kwassi wished that the only human guard hadn't been knocked out. They could've used the information he had in order to help out as he doubted that the Secret Service manual was just laying about on the internet for all to read. "Right well it appears that The President has the children handled. Now it's simply a matter of figuring out how to explain this mess. I know he would have us bend the truth, but I'm not quite certain of the story he wishes for us to tell."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: The White House
]Skills: N/A

He couldn't help but chuckle slightly when the kids didn't seem to recognize him. Actually, it was kind of nice, it meant that he might be able to wander around more easily without people knowing what's going on. Alex was going to tell them who he was, when Ricky showed up to tell them who he was himself. Giving Ricky a bit of a smile, which honestly he was really glad to see Ricky, well see Ricky in the instance of him actually knowing that he is him and all. "A leader only is as good as the people who put in the effort to create their vision. Alright Ricky, let's go," he said, before waving goodbye to the kids, then grabbing Ricky's arm and dragging him over to the office door, before opening it again and dragging him inside. "So Ricky, crazy day, but let's start with the introductions. Everyone, this is my second in command of sorts Ricky Goldsworth, Ricky, these are a few SHIELD agents I've met in the past few days, oh, and don't mind the alien bodies lying on the floor.

"....What?" Ricky hissed. "Alex, what the hell is going on?!?!"

"...What's going on more specifically around here? I don't know, I actually got kidnapped by a shapeshifting alien a few days ago and crashed their ship instead, and currently don't know where my wife and kid are since they clearly aren't here. Currently any info that I tell you, you can't tell a single person outside of the group in this room, got it? This is a very serious situation..."

"....Uhh.,... How do I know you're not an alien? Or HYDRA?"

"I mean, fair point. But apparently there are alien cats that can detect them and one became my friend somehow... And to be fair, I don't know that you're not one, of by the way, they are called Skrulls and have been invading Earth and replacing various people around the world, including world leaders, since they're wanting to just, take over the world, so that's fun."

".... And... you aren't high right now?"

"Hell no I'm not! Anyway we're going to see about stopping the alien invasion... Also seriously is this really the craziest thing you've ever seen or heard? Let's be honest, we've seen some crazy things that most people wouldn't believe."

"....I.... This is just a lot to process, Alex...." Ricky said quietly, looking a bit pale - he had serious PTSD from his encounter with Hel.

"Hey, it's okay Ricky," he said before dragging Ricky over to a chair that was still around and made Ricky sit in it. "I know it's crazy and chaos and a lot to take in, considering all of the insane things that have happened in our lives since I met you, but it isn't outside of the realm of possibility... Just take a few deep breaths alright?" He knew where Ricky's mind was likely going. Hell his brain went straight into survival mode when he woke up on that Skrull ship, and his brain also had flashback moments to that day back at OMEN HQ, which also was really the day that Alex had actually met Ricky. Getting his head out of the clouds he walked back over to the others, "He'll be fine, just needs a little time to process everything... So now what?"

Location: The Van
Skills: N/A

It was really only at this moment that Sparky truly realized something, namely the fact that Raynor had been blasted out of the office. She'd been trying to keep from acknowledging that fact. Denying that he might have gotten himself seriously injured, but it was lingering in the back of her mind and not disappearing or going away anytime soon. Now her brain was starting to go a bit into overdrive as she mentally started freaking out. "Is Ray okay?" she said instantly over the comms, clearly super concerned about him now, and to Niah it would be obvious she was trying to not freak out.

When she heard Bonnie's words about trying to figure out what they could do to blend in with the rest of the Secret Service agents in the building. Sparky started tapping away at a keyboard in the van, before she eventually found something that they would need to probably do. "Alright, if you don't want to draw attention and follow protocol, you need to radio to alert the other agents in the building, and if I had to guess mention that there is a group of agents in the office itself and that it is secure. Then put the entire White House on lockdown because of the incident."

Location: Skrull Ship
Skills: N/A

"Alright, that's a good thing," he said, nodding his head slightly at her as he started glancing around the water, trying to find anyone else. His eyes eventually settled on a figure that he saw unconscious in the water, and he started moving the boat a little closer, eventually seeing that it was Tony Stark, who clearly seemed to be drowning. "Okay, I'll be back in a minute, since I'm about to go diving for someone, be back in a minute or so, try to keep the boat at least in this general area, okay?"

Flynn instantly dove into the water, before he swam for where Tony was sinking. It didn't take him long to catch up to him, and he managed to grab him by the arm, and he started swimming back up to the surface. Flynn was definitely glad that he had a lot of upper body strength considering he was pulling what was essentially dead weight up to the surface of the water that was also trying to push him back down to sink. Breaking the surface of the water, he fought to keep Stark's head above the water and managed to drag him over to the small boat and toss him up and over into the boat, before he managed to drag himself in as well. This was definitely fun, being soaking wet and all, drifting in the middle of the ocean.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Location: White House, Oval Office
Skills: N/A

Oli didn't like the info dumping Alex was doing right now. They couldn't know who was or wasn't a skrull, and there quite simply wasn't any room for hoping that their previous confidants has been unaffected by the invading forces powers. If Oil had done that and told the team as soon as he had an inkling of the skrull attack, it could have been him replaced instead of Raynor, and that would have caused the situation to look drastically different than it did right now. As they approached the final stages of dealing with the skrulls, they just couldn't afford to make such careless moves.

Not that Oli was about to say any of those thoughts to the president of the United States of course. That would be suicide, especially for somebody like him that was literally an illegal alien. Being deported out of the country at best, or to the moon at worst did not sound particularly fun. He'd rather stay on the planet if he had a say in it, so he kept his mouth shut like the good secret service agent he was pretending to be.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Skrull Prison Ship

The dolphin reappeared by Maria, staring at her as if trying to communicate a very important message, before swimming off in the hopes that Maria would follow. If Maria did choose to follow the dolphin, she'd find a small lifeboat with Flynn, the Invisible Woman, and Tony Stark. Tony was coughing up water, barely managing to clear his airways, and his arc reactor was struggling to keep on going. "Well, that went somehow even worse than I had expected," he commented.

"Also, what's with the dolphin? I'm not Doctor Doolittle."

Sue Storm rolled her eyes slightly. "We need to focus on finding the others, not making jokes," she scolded Tony. Unfortunately with the baby and the fall she had taken, it wasn't really safe for her to jump into the water to do search and rescue - Tony had a similar medical ailment that eliminated him.

Worryingly though, Captain Marvel wasn't breathing...

Pennsylvania Avenue: Washington D.C.: 12:40 P.M.

Raynor groaned, slowly coming back to consciousness inside of the Oval Office. His eyes were a little bit crossed and he looked incredibly out of it. Asgardians didn't normally look like that - they tended to be incredibly strong, able to take a good punch or two. For Raynor to be in this condition, either the skrulls were incredibly strong (true) or Raynor still hadn't fully recovered from his near death experience (also true). "Pappa..." Raynor murmured, his eyes not really interpreting reality correctly as he gazed at the electric light fixtures.

Those close to Raynor would know that him saying pappa likely was an indicator of a concussion - or something worse. His father was dead. He had blown up at the Christmas Party over it, still bearing a grudge towards the Norns as they had promised his father would be restored to life after Ragnarok, that Baldur would come back to the land of the living and rule Asgard in a new age... but that never happened. His father remained dead. And Asgard (a people, not a place) was transformed into something else entirely.

Fortunately, Bonnie's medical expertise meant she recognized a nasty concussion - even when her patient wasn't human. The President returned with the Vice President, and the hair on the back of her neck stood up. She didn't like having more unknown variables - and somehow, it unnerved her even more, seeing the VP be quietly taken to the back of the room while having a panic attack. She couldn't help but wonder how much of it was real - and how much was just an act.

"I've got him," Bonnie said, heading over to Cass and Matt. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, switching on the flashlight mode. "Raynor, I'm going to check your pupillary light reflex. Focus on my nose, okay?" she instructed, before shining the flashlight into Raynor's eyes. She moved the light back and forth, noting his response. "You have a grade 4 concussion. If you were human, you'd have to take a leave of absence for a few weeks... But I'm sure as an Asgardian that time might actually be shorter."

Raynor didn't seem to really focus too much, before suddenly leaning forward and vomiting onto the carpet, narrowly missing Bonnie's feet.

Amelia had to quickly look away - she was one of those people who vomited when she saw others vomit. But she couldn't help herself - she rushed forward to the trash can and promptly threw up. "Oh, god, so sorry about that - it's just a thing, when I see other people get sick, I tend to get sick," she apologized, her cheeks bright red from embarrassment. She hadn't wanted to puke in the Oval Office - although the room looked like it had seen better days, with all the chaos that had gone on. "We, uh, we gotta get rid of them right?" Amelia asked, gesturing at the skrulls on the ground.

Bonnie nodded. "Thanks Sparks," she said over the comms. "Oliver, do you mind using your speed to stash these bodies elsewhere?" Bonnie requested.

"I can do the radioing?" Amelia offered.

"No offense, Baptiste, but I think your voice is too cheery for a Secret Service agent who just watched Captain America attack the President," Bonnie pointed out. Amelia's smile faded slightly - she had just wanted to contribute.

"... Do you have a plan, Alex?" Ricky asked, still shaking and looking incredibly pale.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Cassandra Reed

Location: The White House - The Oval Office
Skills: N/A

Cassandra looked at Matt and smiled towards him grateful for the help as he helped her back into the Oval Office, when Bonnie came over to take care of Raynor. She would have helped but she wasn't a medical professional really as she watched Alex escort Ricky into the room and waved towards him. It was good to see him again, though she hoped that he wasn't secretly a skrull but seeing his reaction seemed to be genuine. That or he was a skrull and a really good actor she gently gave her boyfriend a pat on the shoulder and looked at him, as she listened to the radio as Sparky brought up the proper protocol for something like this. "I got it." Cassandra said to Bonnie and Amelia seeing that she really wanted to. "If Alex lets you, you could fly Air Force One to Geneva." She said while looking over at Alex and Ricky.

"We secure the White House make sure that there aren't any other Skrulls around, and once everything is all clear we can head over to the Geneva Convention afterwards." Cassandra told him as he took a step away and started to switch the radio channels. "The Oval Office is clear and the president is secure, lock down the White House." Cass radioed in looking over towards the others watching while Bonnie tended to Raynor.

Evelyn Holder

Location: The White House - Outside the Oval Office
Skills: N/A

"Good to hear that." Evelyn said to Matt and smiled towards him as she went over and stood by Ricky as Alex escorted him into the room and started to debrief the VP on what was going on right now. "Though i'm not really a SHIELD agent I work for Serval Industries." Evelyn pointed out, she wasn't going to leave Ricky's side until he was cleared on not being a skrull.

She watched as the team's doctor going over and taking over to tend to Raynor it looked like he did have a concussion seeing him vomiting onto the floor. She listened to Cass as she told them the plan was, she wasn't sure how long it would take to secure the White House, and then get to Geneva on time before the aliens could finish their invasion.

Maria Novikova

Location: Skrull Prison Ship - Bridge
Skills: Power Absorption (Captain Marvel's Flight & Superhuman Strength

Maria watched as the dolphin started to try and get her to follow, and started to awkwardly swim while keeping both herself and Carol from drowning. She was breathing heavily as she managed to somehow find a life raft, seeing both Flynn, Sue and Tony there on it. "Glad to see the three of you are alright." Maria said giving them a slight smile as she started to pull herself and Carol onto the life raft rolling on to her back breathing heavily glad to not be swimming for now. She looked around and couldn't see the others which wasn't a good sign at all really.

When she turned to see that Carol wasn't breathing, she quickly sat up, going over resting her head on her chest still hearing a weak pulse. She had never done CPR before, only ever watched it in the movies and TV shows, she started to do the chest compressions a few times, then tilted Carol's head back slightly and pinched her nose doing mouth to mouth. She kept doing this until she was able to revive her, turning to Flynn. Sue didn't look like she would be able to help, and Tony was having problems with his arc reactor leaving only her and Flynn to try and find the others. "I'm going to try and find the others." Maria said before jumping back into the water looking at her dolphin friend hoping that it would help some more as she reached over and gently patted the creature on the nose. "Mind helping us find our other friends?" Maria asked it.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Pennsylvania Avenue: Washington D.C.

Niah reached over in their small space and gave Sparky's shoulder a bit of a squeeze. "He's been through worse I'm sure he is fine." She said reassuringly. And then Bonnie and Matt confirmed that he was. She resisted letting out a sigh of relief. For as much as she had not liked Raynor to being with he had grown on her a bit, and he meant a lot to Sparky.

"Not to rain on anyone's parade though, there was an alien ship that crashed into the sea off the coast of Montevideo in Uruguay a bit ago. The Avengers are on their way there now. It looks bad. Alex might have to be doing some sort of response to that in a few." The news coverage was grim, and Niah knew thousands were going to die. Also, the fact that it was an alien ship at this time was not lost on her.

Location: Inside the White House: Washington D.C.

Alex was word vomiting. Matt really hoped Ricky was good and not a Skrull, that'd make things really awkward. Matt was relieved when Bonnie said Raynor only had a concussion. "Sparky, he'll be fine." He said over their private coms, then added to what Cass had just reported over the Secret Service coms. Matt smiled back at Cass.

"The attacker was Captain America." He hated saying it. "He has fled through the window. Keep an eye out for him. He is to be considered armed and dangerous. Do not engage." That was the best he could offer Captain America as he fled. If the Secret Service didn't try to stop him he could at least get back to Barton's farm to safety.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Kwassi Asokho

Location: Outside Med-Bay
Skills: Photographic Memory : 16,

Kwassi quieted up as soon as the doors opened once more. The President came in along with another, Ricky. He fell into attention as if still on duty, one hand gently clasping against the metallic rod hidden under his uniform. They didn't know if Ricky was safe or not, they hadn't vetted him and the one lie detector they were supposed to be able to trust was currently laying on the ground asking for his father. He didn't like the situation one bit, but he wasn't about to go ahead and say it just yet. He'd rather gather a bit more before speaking.

Kwassi adjusted himself in the room, taking into account every motion Ricky made as he reacted to the news The President was giving him. He wasn't trained in any form of art that dealt with micro expressions or the like, but he liked to believe himself good at reading people. He gave it a moment, then two, and decided that Ricky was being genuine with his reactions. "Sir, with all due respect should we consider bringing in our alien friend to ensure he's properly vetted beforehand?" His attention was cut short as they were informed of the crashing ship along with the Avengers. How many of them were real and how many weren't? Kwassi wanted to get this invasion over with.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: The White House
]Skills: N/A

Alex was partially annoyed with everyone else who seemed hellbent on painting Captain America in a bad light, which was literally the exact opposite of what he had been planning on saying. Like, the complete and total opposite, since now there was another problem. That if he was going to pardon Captain America later, and they likely couldn't just bluntly tell people the truth, how were they supposed to get people to believe that he got pardoned even though he clearly is going to be labeled as a major criminal and everything for that.

Things were not going to end well with regards to that in the long run at all, but whatever, if the others were wanting to blame Captain America, then so be it, he kind of figured that trying to convince more people of that and lie flat out was a worse way to go about things.

He turned to look at Evelyn and shrugged, "Yeah, I know, but it was a little easier to introduce everyone at once as just SHIELD, so no offense to you or anything with regards to it." Alex turned his attention to Ricky when he asked if there was a plan, and he glanced over at the others now. "There is a bit of a plan, is it the best plan in the world? Probably not, but we'll see what happens." The comment from Kwassi made him raise his eyebrow a bit. So wait, now Kwassi was actually being more respectful to him and not just blatantly being rude or an arrogant idiot who thinks he knows everything? Weird. "Wow, you actually are being somewhat nice and not flat out rude or anything like that to me. But yeah, that's probably a good idea."

Location: The Van
Skills: N/A

Sparky didn't respond or anything to what Niah said, more or less just waiting to hear from someone who actually was there with Raynor to tell her how he was doing. She watched on the cameras as Bonnie went over and started giving Raynor the once over. She waited to hear what exactly was wrong with him, and let out a slight sigh of relief when they mentioned to her that he was going to be fine. "Good, cause otherwise I would have killed him..." she muttered under her breath now.

The words everyone was saying as she stayed in the van with Niah were interesting, as they went over what had happened (or at least what the story was) with everything. The next words that she paid attention to were what Niah said, about the "Avengers" going to see what was going on with an alien spaceship. From what she figured, it was probably a Skrull ship. But one thing stuck out in her mind, what made that ship fall? From what the others had told her, the last Skrull ship that had crashed had been caused by the president taking it down by himself. What caused this one to fall from the sky?

Location: Skrull Ship
Skills: N/A

Others were starting to come over to the group, Maria with Captain Marvel in tow were the obvious thing, and apparently her new best friend the dolphin, which was a bit strange, but eh, wasn't the weirdest thing he'd seen in his life. He instantly started searching the water, before eventually he spotted 3 people not too far away from where they currently were. He glanced at the others and shrugged, "I'll be back in a few minutes," he said, before he dove into the water, heading for the first person he came across.

That person being Black Widow, and he rather easily managed to grab her and pull her back up to the surface and into the little boat, and he dove back down again. This time, he swam back up to the surface with Hill, and got her into the boat, and he was gone another second. The last person he had seen, and managed to drag back up to the surface and to the boat, was Reed Richards. "Well, guess we found something that I am good at aside from lighting things on fire. If the SHIELD thing doesn't work out I'd probably be a decent lifeguard," he said with a laugh as he got Mr. Fantastic into the boat, before he just held onto the edge not climbing back in in case he needed to go diving for others again.
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