Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
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@Gunther Being from Georgia and how much they liked to pound the Confederacy history in back in my schooling days, you'd think I'd remember more than the vague recognition. 😆
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

@AalakrysWhen I was in the Infantry Officer Advanced Course at Ft. Benning, GA, I had a friend in the class with me who was from Georgia. We had a conversation about the Civil War one day. He said, "To you, the war ended 127 years ago, but for me, it ended yesterday." That was 1992. I am from Massachusetts and have been inside the Hooker school.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
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@Gunther Oh, yeah, half the people here still have that struggle - or, I guess, a little less than half now. Ha. I liked history growing up, remember liking Pickett in the novelization of the war called Killer Angels, but it was just that - history. Stories. The past. It turns out, a foundation for all the problems we still have today because no one wants to admit the house has been dilapidated for so long, and sorely in need of work. I'm a fan of using history like Firefly did - creatively - and using it to move forward. Wish others did as well, but~ that's a bit further in depth than I usually go, so I'll stop here.

I am working on a post with Cap'n Cal between baby and work. Not much headway was made today because of said baby and work, but here's to tomorrow and what I can write up tonight. ^^
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by wanderingwolf
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wanderingwolf Shiny

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Just wanted to let everyone know we've got two JP's in the wings that will be brought to bear in the near future! Things are moving along nicely before Badger's men bring the shipment by the China Doll at nightfall!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by sail3695
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sail3695 If you do, I'ma do too.

Member Seen 1 day ago

Happy Thursday. Here's how it is:

China Doll has her full crew.

Captain - Cal Strand
First Mate - Rex Black
Pilot - Penelope Randall
Mechanic - Murphy "Murph" Gallagher
Medic - Alana Lysanger
Deckhand #1 - Joseph "Hook" Hooker
Deckhand #2 - Abby Travis

NOTE: If you're thinking about joining our crew but haven't settled just yet, don't despair! There are plenty of character types out there. Wolf and I will be happy to help you brainstorm.

Cal's out and about, rounding up supplies and one or two of our crew. Abby's sitting in a lawn chair at the foot of the cargo ramp, clipboard in hand as she tries to drum up some trade or a few more crew slots. Hook got himself squared away and went to the cargo bay to help lock down any cargo we book. We'll be receiving Baddger's mysterious crates after dark, along with the passenger he contracted with Cal. If the boat's in one piece and Cal didn't leave his keys in the saloon, word is we might just be pushin' off right quick.

Wolf and I are both working a couple JP's with new folks. If you haven't moved your CS to the Characters tab, now would be a great time. Also, feel free to get some posting in. Persephone and the Eavesdown docks are colorful places, and ain't none of you lacking in colorful ways to describe what your folk are up to. Have fun with it!
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

I have set up a Google Chat for us to use. I have invited @sail3695 and @wanderingwolf. I only need an email address and I can invite the rest of you. Send it to me in a PM and I will send you an invitation.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Ooh, someone set up one for us that I'm already in. Maybe that's you? I'm Butterfly in that one.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by sail3695
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sail3695 If you do, I'ma do too.

Member Seen 1 day ago

Happy Friday from the cargo deck!

Last night, I got a real kick from JP'ing with Psych0pomp. Rex and Abby were a terrific pairing, and Rex's introduction was simply terrific.

Psych0pomp did a couple things when he posted the collab. I wanted to call everyone's attention to them, and raise a question or 2.

First, the banner art for Rex Black: Timing on this was perfect, as Wolf and I were discussing the possibility of posting banners which might include thumbnails of each character involved in the post. Speaking as one who is graphically challenged, I wanted to get your opinions. Would participant character thumbnails be helpful to your posting or follow up?

Second, Psych0pommp added a link to an audio track for mood music. This started me thinking about some of the music that my FF writing experiences have been inspired by. Wolf and I have bounced tracks to and fro over the past couple years. Maybe it's time that we create a playlist for the crew?

These are fun thoughts to be thinking. I told Wolf last night that exposure to your characters and the sudden upheaval of her world has Abby changing before my eyes. I love these changes when they come.

Keep flying.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
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I loved reading you guys' work! You both write so well together. It flows like one. <3

As far as the banner goes... yours rocks, Psy. I am not tech-challenged, just a little tech-dated. I discovered Canva for my job and life has changed, so I'd love to learn. ^^

My old GM who is pretty incredible always gave us mood songs, session songs, epic moment songs, and character songs. I have one in mind for Pen, since I tend to think about it now a lot, so I'm glad we are doing this. Let me give it a listen and I'll see if it works before I commit to it. xD
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by wanderingwolf
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wanderingwolf Shiny

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

I'd also like to learn. I found a tutorial on this site, but it doesn't quite capture the finesse with which Psy wields the tools!

The JP was truly a pleasure to read. And the mood song is a fantastic idea, imho.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

I just read @psych0pomp. Very well written. Interesting character. More flamboyant than Hook cares for. But a good read, nonetheless. I'm sure we will collaborate on a post eventually.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

I received Wandergwolf's invitation to Gchat. I completed all the necessary clicking and got this screen below. Which is where it stops and goes no further.

Meanwhile my discord channel remains in working order and unused.

EDIT: And if by magic, it worked.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
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Member Seen 5 days ago

You haven't missed much - mostly me being way too excited about everything in general. xD

But, hooray! It works!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

although when I open it, I see nothing and I cannot click anything. I assume you all have been writing there :( ...

yet, my discord channel remains unused and working fine.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by sail3695
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sail3695 If you do, I'ma do too.

Member Seen 1 day ago

Excitement is cool, and very underrated. Not to sound like "that guy," (wait, I would love to say "I am that guy"...) but this past week has been really exciting. Getting to know all of you and your characters is is something I've missed doing for about a year now. I told Aalakrys that Abby's really begun to talk to me. She wants more back and forth with Rex, and she's keenly interested in comparing her long rifle to Hook's.

Thanks in advance for putting up with me.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

I get a brief glimpse at the dialogue lasting 1 second and then this...

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by wanderingwolf
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wanderingwolf Shiny

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

@Gunther Just sent you a message in GChat. Could you see it?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by sail3695
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sail3695 If you do, I'ma do too.

Member Seen 1 day ago

Happy Sunday from the cargo bay!

So we've seen lots 'o' crew come aboard. Cal done got us a pilot and a doc. Abby's takin' names at the ramp. Hook's squarin' away what cargo as gets paid to haul, and Rex is moppin' up a bloody nose.

Hear tell we got us a mechanic, but she ain't showed yet.

Sun's goin' down. We's lookin' fer Badger's crates an' his passenger lady. Soon's they're aboard we're gonna blow this pop stand, so if'n ya got business in town, now's the time tah get 'er done. If not, Cap'n Cal invites yah to gitcher ass in gear and get aboard...cuz when Penelope touches throttles we ain't lookin' back.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

I will pay attention to the Roleplay. Read when I can. Yes, I behind by a few posts. I think I am in the middle of Alakrys' post. I do have a busy life; four children aged 11 to 16. Although my 16 year old is working at a summer camp. I drove her there this morning. A Hurricane passed through on Friday. I had to go pick up on THursday. The camp evacuated for the storm. I should catch up today. I am at a swimming pool with two of my daughters. They're swimming and I am reading Firefly 2nd Verse.

EDIT: Moving on to Xandrya's Post.
Nice how Peneleope and Cal met each other by coincidence while haggling over a part for the China Doll. Nice technique.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by sail3695
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sail3695 If you do, I'ma do too.

Member Seen 1 day ago

No worries, Gunther. Kids always take precedent.

I'm just N of ATL. All that we received from Elsa were the rain bands she kicked to the North on her way toward SC, which put a real cramp in some outdoor painting I've been trying to finish.
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