In the early hours of the evening near the south eastern coast of New California, Spartan Aviza found herself among friends and family, both new and old. The sun was setting in the horizon and its fading golden rays of light created am amber glow upon the clouds that were slowly vanishing in the far distant sky. The scorching heat from the day still lingered around the area though soon the cool, soothing calm of that summer night would take its place. For the first time in many months or even years, Aviza felt at peace, she felt happiness that she was allowed to be on leave to spend time with those she cared for the most, and even someone she had begun to develop feelings for. All was right in her eyes, and the night was only just beginning. The sound of light hearted conversation tailed by sometimes laughter mixed with the music that came from the rear deck of Aviza's personal three hundred and fifty foot yacht she had named the Windrunner. Sitting upon a lounge chair and looking up at the night sky that was now filled with stars, Aviza merely let her mind go blank.
"Aviza!" The voice of a woman could be heard from behind the lounge chair, breaking her state of calm and bringing her back to the conscious world. "
Aviza, let's go grab some racks of ribs and other cuts from the freezers in the kitchen to make on the barbecue." A woman with short black hair was motioning for her fellow spartan friend to join her in helping prepare dinner.
"Sorry sorry, I was caught up with relaxing. People are already hungry though? We just ate three hours ago." said Aviza as she stood, adjusting her civilian cloths once she had. "Yeah, and people need snacks sometimes!" said the woman before Aviza quickly responded, "A full barbecue and smoke out is not a snack, Maya." said Aviza as the two of them walked through the group of gathered friends and family that filled the yacht.
"Yeah and these are mostly Spartans, what do you expect to happen?" The two of them kept talking as they walked through the Windrunner and made their way to the kitchen, discussing how much food and drink a ship of mostly Spartans could put back in a short amount of time. When they arrived, Aviza felt even more uplifted than when the night had begun.
"Tri-Tip, Brisket, Ribs, Tenderloin, Pork Belly, so many to choose from." said Maya with a smile spread across her face,
"Yes well, I say we take a bit of each, that sound like a good idea to you?" Aviza responded with a smirk. The two of them gave a light nod of their heads in approval before grabbing a bit of each type of meat cut, then quickly headed to the large professional grade grill near the rear of the boat.
When they arrived back at the main gathering which had formed near the grill, a few of the more rowdy guests cheered at them and swiftly headed over to help them prepare the food. After a few hours of grilling, all of the meat had been prepared expertly, as well as served to each guest who had wanted some of this early dinner both Aviza and Maya had prepared. Aviza had found herself sitting alongside Maya and a few others who she thought of as her best friends. They had been having a light hearted conversation about all the fun they had over the last few years after the war had ended and they finely found time to do the things they wanted. Maya suddenly stood up and motioned for everyone else to do the same, with her right hand, she raised her glass into the air and said
"Let us all show our appreciation to Aviza here by having a cheers to great friends, great times, and a great retirement that we have all worked and sacrificed so much for. To Aviza, cheers!" said Maya, and the group that had gathered repeated
"To Aviza!" A warm feeling of happy emotions washed over the Spartan who seemed to hold back a blush before her eyes fluttered open.
The warm feeling of happy emotions lingered for a few seconds once she fully awoke but quickly vanished as her mind snapped back into reality, all that had occurred was merely a happy dream of what could have been, something that she wanted.
"Maybe once these missions are over, I will hold that gathering, for everyone involved as well as my family and friends." said Aviza under her breath, a ONI operative sitting next to her tilted her head, her short black hair following the movement of her head.
"You alright Spartan Aviza? Need some water or ... ?" inquired the unnamed woman.
"No I am fine, just had a dream and was commenting on it, how far out are were from Sydney, Australia?" asked Aviza, brushing off the comment.
"We are roughly five out, you should prepare your gear, I mean you should consider checking your gear." said the woman, correcting herself. Aviza nodded her head in agreement, moving to her feet and checking over her gear with an expert eye. Everything was in order, and the Spartan moved to the front of the ONI D81-LRT Condor.
"Spartan Aviza, we are about to land outside of Sydney, Australia. The landing pad is where I was told to drop you off at, once I do so, you are free to do as you see fit apparently. Do you have any questions, comments, or requests?" asked the main pilot. "I do actually, where can I find the rest of my old squad?" inquired Aviza, before the pilot responded,
"One moment please, I am just checking my information and ... alright I have the information you request, I will make the location for you on your data pad." said the pilot before finishing with one more comment,
"Information has been sent, good luck out there Spartan." The ONI D81-LRT Condor touched down upon the landing pad and its rear door opening with a loud hiss. By the time it fully opened, Aviza was already moving, heading down the ramp and out into the fresh air. For a moment, Aviza merely stood and took in her surroundings before checking her data pad for the information she had requested.
"Some of my squad is not far off, I wonder if they would mind if I visited them? Hmmm ... probably not." Within a few short moments, Spartan Aviza had found her way to where Vael and some of the others were located. Approaching the door, she lightly knocked upon it, announcing her arrival.
"This is Spartan Aviza stopping by to greet some friends of mine. Would it be alright if I come in?" inquired Aviza.