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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Hey don't you dare smack talk the Walkman!" Quill snapped at Bethany, more than a little annoyed it would seem with her words. Though it did sound like somewhat that the walkman was fairly important to him.

Mary looked over at Bethany when she more specifically asked what the plan was, "Plan? Well mainly get the hell out of here, that's the first thing we need to do for sure... Afterwards? We might want to see about figuring out what the hell is going on here... Since otherwise we might just get arrested again for no reason... Not safe for us to really be traveling around after escaping prison unless we can prove we didn't do a damn thing and figure out what's really happening."

Hearing Ed's question, she shrugged slightly, I have a better ship, though I didn't see the one you all were traveling in when I showed up, so that one might not even be docked here anymore or something... And the info I've got for you would likely be better spent being told elsewhere," she said, before heading after where Rocket, Groot and Drax were headed. "I'm going to head with them and see about getting the ship or whatever all set for a quick getaway. I'll see if the ship is there, though it is possible that they took all of your things off of the ship and then the ship got towed away or maybe scrapped entirely for spare parts."

"They better not have done that to my ship!" Quill called in that direction.

"What does your ship look like?"

"It's an M-Class that's mainly orange with blue as an accenting color."

"Oh that ugly thing. Yeah it's there, kind of hard to miss it, it is a bit of an eye sore."

"Don't insult my ship."

"Whatever, I'll see you in a little while," she called, before heading off.

"Beyond rude..."

"To be fair, the color scheme could be better," Gamora pointed out.

"Oh come on it is not that bad!"

"Just saying it could be better," she said as she continued down the hallway.

Quill let out a huffy breath and followed along after her, the others who were tagging along (which seemed to be just about everyone) they'd eventually come to the room that Rocket had mention. And sure enough, just as Peter predicted, there were a few guards in the room (only three) and one of them looked like he was holding something and had headphones on. Quill looked beyond pissed off.

"Screw this," he said, before taking the gun he had, before he started firing off the gun into the room, easily taking them out. He raced over and grabbed the headphones and Walkman, looking them over as if trying to determine if anything had been damaged. Popping open the compartment, anyone nearby would be able to notice an old worn out tape cassette that he pulled out, making sure it was alright, before popping it back into the compartment.

Everyone's gear and things from their ship were there, so that was something. Though looked like some of the guards had found Pietro's Twinkie stash as a few wrappers were lying around, but most of it was there. Gamora instantly grabbed her things, before grabbing the objects that belonged to the rest of her group, and Peter did the exact same thing.

Pietro instantly found his stash of food, as well as his normal clothes and he began zipping around, before he was suddenly back into his normal clothes, his goggles propped up on his head and he was eating a Twinkie (though there were more wrappers suddenly on the ground than there had been before). "Thank god I was about to go into sugar withdrawal and just completely collapse from hunger again..."

"Alright, let's get going and meet up with the other group in the hanger and hopefully get out of here."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Bethany Bell

The Kyln
Skills: N/A

Bethany stared at Peter and held her hands up clearly offending him in some way, still she had no idea why it was so important to him unless it had some kind of sentimental value to it then she could understand. "Alright geeze just saying calm down." Bethany said as she started to follow the others, she wanted to get the hell out of these prison clothes as soon as possible. She watched as Quill instantly fired on three guards and him grabbing the old cassette player again, noticing the old tape that was inside of it. But didn't say anything as she made her way over towards where their things were now.

Bethany quickly found her things she didn't want to change in front of everyone else, she just slipped the clothes that she had before getting captured on top of the prison clothes that were provided by the Nova Corps prison guards. Beth noticed all of the used up wrappers and Pietro seemed to have gotten a lot better now after having food in his system. "The sooner we get out of here and leave the better. I hate being forced into another prison cell" Bethany said, she was forced into a prison cell when she had been taken by OMEN when they were a thing after they had attacked Stark Tower way back then.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: N/A

Guin didn't exactly blame Quill for the way he reacted over the guards using his walkman - she would've done something similar, especially as her own walkman had been her father's and the current tape in it had been a gift from Pietro. "Babe, mind helping me out with a costume change?" Guin asked, as she located her things. She opened up the case with her Iron Star armor, giving it a quick once over - luckily, nothing seemed to be damaged. She then shut the case and stood back on up.

"Alright," he said with a slight eye roll, before zipping around and Guin would be in her normal clothes.

"My hero," Guin said, before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"...So now we see about getting off this station right?"

Guin nodded eagerly. "Yeah, fuck this whole place. If we were on Earth, I'd totally use my dad's money to buy it, just so we could burn it to the ground. And I would very much advocate destroying this place on our way out if it wasn't for, you know, all the people that'll still be here. Kinda don't wanna go all Darth Vader with Alderaan." She agreed with Bethany - Guin had hated her brief prison experience here. She had been scared witless at the start and even though the exposure therapy seemed to have worked some, it didn't make her keen on staying very much longer.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Runa was very curious as to how the other group managed to even have a ship with their poor piloting skills - but she was more concerned for Lance. He had fallen silent. They hadn't really spoken throughout this entire ordeal, aside from him chiding her for 'threatening Stark.' Their items appeared to have been unscathed and Runa didn't waste a second, using her magic to quickly change her clothing from the horrible prison garb to her own clothes. She smiled slightly, feeling a bit more herself, especially as she now had all of her possessions on her.

With Gandr's familiar weight in her right hand, Runa then focused on Lance. "Allow me," she said softly, before attempting to do the clothing change spell on him as well - but the magic didn't come together, instead fizzling out sadly like a whimper. Runa's left eye twitched slightly. The gnawing dread that she was losing her powers came back to her - the worry that she was losing her Asgardian nature somehow. Her powers had always been strong, never before had they been so feeble, temperamental, and fragile. However, with a little more focus and concentration she pulled off the simple spell, changing Lance's prison uniform into his own clothes.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 21 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Kyln -- Space
Skills: Pyrotechnic Manipulation

They did run into a bit of trouble but Quill seemed to take care of the guards within the room. She smiled and nodded at Quill but he seemed preoccupied with his walkman. Antoinette walked over to where the others were and found her things. She quickly changed back into her normal clothes, discarding the orange suit. After changing she grabbed her bag and followed the others out.
Antoinette fell into step near Ed. ”How are you doing?” They both had been shot a couple of times but Ed had healed her first. She wasn’t sure how he was doing after he got shot the second time.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Escaping Space Jail

Ed nodded at Klara when she answered his question. Her answer made sense, if she had some sensitive information then it was better that she didn't tell them where it might be recorded. At the thought of recording his chest tightened. Would they be considered criminals forever in space now? If they ever came back after things settled would they get questioned and imprisoned again?

"I'm okay. I will have to spend some time working on healing the wounds later." He gave Annie a reassuring smile. Gathered his items, that hadn't been on his person. He found a place to change and got out of his jumpsuit. It felt good to be in his clothes.

Ed caught that Runa looked upset. Then she was casting magic. He frowned to himself. Was she struggling with her magic? He had considered her stronger than him. Was something wrong?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"I say let's get going, out of here as fast as possible and figure out what the hell is going on." Mary said with a shrug, before heading out of the room, "And Guin, we are not blowing this place up!"

"Runa... Are you alright?" Lance asked her quietly, wondering what exactly was going through her head. He knew that something was up with her, he wasn't entirely sure what it was though.

Quill and Gamora instantly took off back down the hallway, and the others would be able to follow along after them, eventually they'd find their way to where the hanger was. There would be a whole lot of guards scattered around on the ground, some looked to be dead, but most of them seemed to still be breathing. A ship would be very noticeable and the other Guardians would be seen waiting around by the base of it. There was another ship that was in the area, and Klara walked down the ramp of it. "Took you guys long enough, come on let's go we need to move it before more of those goons show up!"

"Yeah, well let's get going then," she commented, before she glanced over at the Guardians. "What are you all going to do now?"

"Actually we might see about trying to figure out some things, after all, nothing says you feel sorry for being an idiot and stealing something than community service to help the people you pissed off right?" Quill said with a shrug.

"Hey, I said I was sorry, but we could have been rich if we hadn't gotten caught!" Rocket protested.

"Well if you actually knew how to wink with the eye not facing the people you were trying to steal from things would have probably ended better."

"Stop it already! Rocket, stealing was idiotic, and I agree with Quill that we might want to figure out what's going on, since this part of the galaxy isn't safe until whatever is going on is dealt with."

"How about keep your long distance communications on the same frequency as ours, that way if anyone figures out what the hell is going on we can tell the other." Klara suggested, "Once we're all out of here, I'll open up the channel so you lot can hear what info I've got, anyway, let's get out of here."

The Guardians boarded their own ship, and Klara led the group onto her ship, instantly racing up and jumping into the pilot's seat. "Alright everyone, buckle up and hold on."

Once everyone was on board, she turned on the engines, out the front window, they'd see the Guardians taking off and flying straight out of the hanger, though there looked to be some gunfire following the ship once it was outside.

"Guessing we might want to hold onto something," Mary commented as Klara sent the ship jolting forwards and straight out of the hanger too. She started maneuvering the ship a bit to avoid the weapons fire heading their way. Eventually though, they'd end up out of range, and Klara slowed down the ship a little bit.

"Well that was fun."

Over by where Guin was, there would be the sound of scratching or something coming from a crate that was sitting in the corner. The box moved before it tipped over and out tumbled a little lemur of sorts who started making sounds and was on it's back, looking up at her. Klara saw the creature and rolled her eyes, "This is what I get for taking a ship that hasn't been used for a while, the little guy must have made this place his home or something."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Bethany Bell

The Kyln -> Klara's Ship
Skills: N/A

Once everyone had their things Bethany quickly followed everyone else towards the hangar looking over towards the Guardians standing by their own ship. Noting all of the bodies that were laid out in the hangar as well looking at them and then over towards the ship that Klara had came in on. "Finally we can get out of here, i'm not going to go to jail again anytime soon." Bethany said as she quickly went up the ramp and took a seat. and strapped herself in like Klara said.

Bethany saw the Guardian's ship flying off out of the hangar noting the canon fire coming out and trying to hit them, they eventually made it out and made some distance between them and the Kyln. Bethany turned hearing some kind of scratching sounds and a crate being knocked down. Seeing a cute little alien creature tumbling out staring at it for a moment and then over at Klara the thing was kind of adorable looking. "Looks like you got a stowaway."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: N/A

"I know that, Mare, that's why I said we couldn't do it," Guin pointed out, rolling her eyes slightly. She wasn't a psychopath - she knew more than a fair number of people who would have been all too happy to blow the place up and kill everyone in the process, but that wasn't her. She had heroism (not heroin) in her veins. She took Pietro's hand and tugged him on out of the place, heading down the hallway and emerging into the hangar. Guin whistled appreciatively at the ship the Guardians were in front of - Klara's wasn't bad, but it lacked presentation. What would you think about getting a ship like that and living in it? Like all the time? Guin asked.

I don't want to stay in space forever thooooough. I like being on solid ground, there isn't enough room to run around in on a spaceship.

Maybe I live in the spaceship then?

No living in a spaceship.

Fine, where do you wanna live then? And don't say the suburbs!

I don't care, just somewhere that is on the solid ground of a planet.

... Does it have to be Earth? Because Mars would be pretty dope.

Preferably on Earth.

Laaaaaame. Maybe Los Angeles. That'd be fun. There'd be plenty of stupid rich people for you to steal from.

Hmm maybe.

Guin gave him a quick kiss, clearly feeling way better as they got onto Klara's ship. It seemed vaguely familiar to her, but she couldn't remember where she had seen something like it before. At least the annoying raccoon was gone - that was a blessing. She hadn't appreciated the threats to her supremacy as the techie/genius of the group. Once on board, Guin strapped herself in, and was super glad for that with the way Klara was flying. "I think your confusing af flying is totally helping!" Guin shouted obnoxiously.

Once things stabilized though, she undid the safety straps - just in time to hear a crate knock over. A small part of her had expected it to somehow be Mr. Dibbles, that Pietro had somehow smuggled the turtle to space. Instead, it was the most adorable little lemur thing she had ever seen. "Awww, what a cutie pie!" She knelt down next to it and the lemur was showing her its belly, clearly wanting pets - so Guin obliged, petting it. "Oh, I love you so so much - just don't tell Pietro, he might get jealous of how adorable you are!" The little guy was rolling around, grabbing onto Guin's hand and definitely wanting more pets.

"...Wow rude Guina, why do you think I'd be jealous of lemur?"

"Shhh, don't listen to him, Amidala," Guin whispered.

"Wow you are so mean to me Guina."

Guin stood up, turned, and gave Pietro a long kiss. "Better?"


Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Runa paused for a moment, considering whether or not to lie to Lance. Unfortunately, lying was second nature to her. "I'm fine, thank you," Runa lied, giving Lance a slight smile. She didn't want to trouble him with her problems - and saying her fears aloud would only give them more power. It would make them more real, something she desperately wanted to avoid. What was a goddess with no magic, with no gifts, no skills? She would be worse than despised and feared - she'd be worthless, useless, a cosmic mistake. Her heart broke slightly as she internalized those ideas and feelings. She was silent as they made their way to the hangar, as Klara welcomed them onto the ship and they said farewell to the Guardians, as Klara flew them out of range of the Kyln's weapons.

On the ship, Runa found a space for herself. She sat on the floor with her legs crossed and took a deep breath. She could start with a small, simple spell as a test for herself, to see how bad the problem with her powers was. It was such a small spell, it didn't need words or anything fancy - the empty space in her hands shimmered and an apple appeared. She decided to take things up a notch, going from conjuration to transfiguration - and she turned the apple into a rabbit (read: raccoon). The 'rabbit' scurried off, headed straight for her cousin Klara.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 21 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Klara’s Ship -- Space

On the safety of a ship again, Antoinette found a spot to sit and slid down. She rested her head against the ship’s wall and sighed. The events of the Kyln were still rattling around her head until she head small noises and a chorus of oos’ and awes’. Antoinette opened her eyes to see a small little creature hanging off of Guin. Antoinette smiled, rummaging around in her bag for paper and a pencil before she started drawing. She would take any excuse she could to forget the Kyln and the gunshots.
Antoinette fell into a bit of a meditative state as she drew and relaxed, listening to the voices of her friends but not really holding onto any information. She was momentarily distracted by a ‘rabbit’ that ran on by and paused a moment to pinch herself and make sure she wasn’t dreaming or still on the Kyln. After she was reassured, Antoinette went back to her drawing.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Klara's ship
Skills: Sympathetic: Healing

Once they settled into Klara's ship and Ed had bucked up. He concentrated on his wounds. Orange light surrounded it and slowly the wounds closed and healed. He sighed relieved. He had been a little concerned that he wouldn't be able to heal himself. It seemed that getting out of the Klyn he had calmed down enough to concentrate.

He smiled at the space lemur that seemed to have made a nest for itself on the ship. "We won't have to jettison it will we?" He asked, concerned. He thought of the stowaway issue. There had been several stories of a stowaway being the harbinger of doom for a crew. They would either have to toss them out of the ship or die because of a shortage of fuel because of the extra weight. Ed hopped that a group as old as the Asgardians had figured out how to fly space ships without that issue.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Klara set the ship on an autopilot now as she glanced back to see what all was going on. She was about to say something with regards to the lemur thing, when she saw the small raccoon heading her way. The creature jumped into her arms rather than running away. "Huh? Where did this rabbit come from?"" she asked, clearly a bit surprised at the raccoon's sudden appearance. "And seems like that one has taken a liking to you, he's your if you want to keep him or whatever, I don't mind." she added to Guin.

Lance smiled slightly at Runa deciding to conjure up a few things, before he turned to look at Guin and her new little lemur looking friend. "Well clearly you claim it as your own since you named it already," he said to her with a slight shrug.

"I mean Pietro does have a pet turtle, would it honestly be super surprising if Guin ended up with a pet too?" Mary commented with a shrug.

"Hey don't be mean to Mr. Dibbles!" Pietro protested a bit, and that caused Mary to just roll her eyes at him in response.

"Anyway Klara... You said you had some info or whatever on what might be going on?"

"Right, give me one second," she said, setting the "rabbit" down before going onto the console and opening up a communications line, "Did say that I'd let you all know what info I had too," she added, and they'd be able to hear the commotion on the other end of the line that clearly indicated that she had gotten into contact with the Guardians again. "You all can hear me right in between your own arguing?"

"Yes we can hear you, ignore the sounds of Rocket and Quill arguing, again," Gamora's voice would sound off, clearly getting annoyed with the pair at this point.

"Cool," she said, before turning to look at the others, "So there is a rumor going around... And it isn't a good one at all... The rumor is that someone is trying to destroy the universe... Well actually let's be more specific, they are trying to destroy other universes, from this one. Now that all sounds insane, I get it... But apparently whatever the hell is being ripped apart, even if it isn't that, it's sending out massive amounts of energy that is resulting in entire ships getting blown apart if they are directly at the center of it. That I'm guessing is why the Nova Corps arrested you or whatever, since anyone whose in the area where there is a massive energy spike is getting thrown behind bars with no other info provided..."

"...Ok, going to be blunt, that kind of sounds a bit crazy. It probably isn't that easy to blow up something like that... Probably a simpler explanation to the large amount of energy or something... But still, if their ships are getting destroyed easily by whatever is going on, then that would explain what's up with them..."

"And would explain why everyone else that we've tried to get a hold of since we got out of the Kyln have been ignoring us. And before you ask, it's not because we're criminals, they know that about that and Rocket's stupidity."

"So, what do you think we should do then?"

"I mean we can't exactly fly around in this ship for very long... Odds are they'll come after us again and then we have to deal with that all again, and going back to prison doesn't exactly sound appealing... So guess we should probably figure out what's going on... Hey Lance, you were flying the ship at the time, do you know what the coordinates were for where we were? So we can go see what's going on there?"

"Uh yeah, I can probably put that into the system on this ship for navigation, why?"

"Since there was that blast of energy that knocked out our systems for a little while remember? And then suddenly the Nova Corps popped up, so my guess is that area had something going on that is involved in all of this."

"Alright, sounds like fun," he commented, before going over and finding the navigation system and putting in the coordinates of where they last were before the Nova Corps showed up.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Bethany Bell

Klara's Ship
Skills: N/A

Bethany started to relax somewhat as she got out of her seat and looked at everyone else for a moment seeing Runa going towards a corner and doing her magic it looks like. Seeing her make an apple and then a racoon and it scurried off towards Klara, when Klara started to fill them all in on whats been going on. None of it sounded good at all really in her opinion she wasn't sure how much it would actually destroy an entire universe but it probably did take a lot to do that before Bethany raised her hand.

"Quick question though, wouldn't the Nova Corps still be there investigating that area if we do end up going back there?" She asked Klara as well as the Guardians if they were able to hear her that is. "Cuz i'd rather not go back to jail again after we just literally broke out of space prison." She said, she didnt really want to go back to jail again so soon.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Guin Stark

Location: Klara's Ship
Skills: Telepathy

"Oh yeah, I'm definitely taking Amidala - I need someone to talk to when Pietro's too busy with the turtle," Guin complained. The little lemur creature was pretty cute as well - far cuter than any Earth based pet options. The only pet on Earth Guin had ever really been interested in had been a tamagotchi - and she was pretty certain her father had spilled whiskey all over her tamagotchi and destroyed it when she was six. The conversation took a darker turn though - to Klara explaining that someone was trying to destroy other realities, and that the Nova Corps was out of their depths.

"Huh, so if the other group are the Guardians of the Galaxy, I guess that would make us the Guardians of Galaxies then?" Guin mused. It was a little hard to wrap her head around something so big, but it definitely sent a chill down her spine. She didn't even know how they'd begin to stop someone like that. That was above their pay grade - maybe even above the Avengers' pay grade. It seemed like more of the Fantastic Four's territory too.

"Guess that's as good a spot as any to start," Guin said, as Lance went to start punching in coordinates. Maybe it was the anxiety and the fear, but an idea came into Guin's head. Pietro was always telling her she needed to practice her telepathy more. And having his full attention right now would feel really nice. So Guin gently reached out with her powers and gave his mind a nudge to focus on her... a nudge that ended up being way stronger than intended.

Sooo how ya feeling babe?

Pietro got a confused look in his eyes for a moment, before staring right at Guin. He pulled her into his arms. Did you do something new to your hair Guina?

Guin blushed, a little surprised at how well that had worked. She had poor impulse control and had just thought she'd give Pietro a little nudge - it was fair, after all, he had used their special mental link on her before. But this was much more than a nudge. From what she could tell, Pietro seemed to only be able to think about her right then. Nope, nothing new - unless you count space shampoo as something extra.

Your hair smells like twinkies! Pietro said adamantly.

Guin couldn't help but giggle - and be at least ever so slightly disturbed. Wait, seriously? Guin asked him. I nudge your brain to focus on me and it decides to make you think I smell like twinkies? Guin explained, smirking ever so slightly.

There is nothing wrong with Twinkies! Pietro protested, ...And you did what?

But why would you want my hair to smell like twinkies? Guin asked, not answering the second bit. She had a sinking feeling in her chest - she hadn't thought this through. She hadn't even thought that it would work. Her telepathy skills were pretty much nonexistent, as she didn't practice because she didn't believe in practicing things. She didn't need to try when it came to math and science, so why should she have to try with anything else?

What did you say you did? he asked again, clearly sounding a bit annoyed now.

...I thought I'd just give you a little nudge to focus on me, Guin admitted. She was looking a little bit pale now. Yeah, she definitely had messed up. Sometimes, she was an expert at self sabotage.

Why would you do that?

The thought just popped into my head and I thought I could give it a try - I like having your attention...

But you also kind of had my attention already! Aside from the talk of the apparently all hell breaking loose thing and all!

....Maybe I wanted all of your attention? Guin admitted sheepishly. Her face had gone from pale to bright red.

But we have other things to deal you know that.

....Maybe I'm a little selfish and self centered? Guin offered. She didn't know how to fix this and was kicking herself repeatedly for being so stupid. She never had gotten a handle on her poor impulse control. And it had seemed so small, so innocent to her at the time - Pietro used the mental link to manipulate her mood all the time... Granted, he used it to calm her down when she was having PTSD flashbacks and whatnot, but still.

Okay now you are being a bit ridiculous in saying that.

Am I? Guin asked somewhat meekly.

Yup, you are.

Guin hesitated for a moment. She would've expected more yelling and shouting if he was really mad at her. Maybe it was all fine. Maybe he wasn't mad at her and she didn't need to kick herself for her poor impulse control. In a good way?


I’m sorry babe... Guin added softly. She really did feel bad. It had seemed like a fun idea at the time - she always loved having Pietro's attention, especially when it came to hugs and cuddles. They went on so many crazy adventures all the time, it was nice to just know that she always had someone fighting in her corner. And she definitely wasn't jealous at all over his love for Mr. Dibbles.

It's okay...

If it makes you feel better you could probably easily do that to me, Guin offered, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

I'd probably do it at a time you wouldn't suspect it if I did.

But now I’ll always be expecting it, Guin argued.

Oh really? You get distracted rather easily.

I do not, I have laser focus! Guin protested. She did have laser focus - just usually on the wrong things. She tended to fixate on things that weren't the main focus of events at times, a behavior that the doctors decided to describe as ADHD, although Guin had never taken medication or anything for it.


Guin then realized she had zero idea what Bethany had just said. She really ought to have been focusing right now, with the sort of deadly odds that they were up against, but her mind kept wanting to drift to other things - Pietro, the lemur, what sort of power core this ship was running on... She wanted to run away.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Klara's Ship
Skills: N/A

Runa frowned ever so slightly, listening from her cross legged position on the floor to what Klara was saying. She didn't know where those rumors might have come from, besides Asgard itself. She didn't think her cousin would have stopped at space stations along the way to hear what gossip was flying around before coming to save her - Klara had always been rushing at things head first her entire life, never pausing to stop and listen. So if people on Asgard were spreading these rumors... how long had these events been going on? And why was the All Father not involved? "What does the All Father say of this?" Runa asked.

She ignored whatever was going on with Guin and Pietro, assuming Klara's presence was just setting them off - she was a love goddess after all, Runa was more or less used to it. "He's not too sure what to make of everything. The massive amounts of energy being released are concerning, and he mainly has been trying to discover what might cause it. Though what he thinks might be causing it if the rumors are true about alternate realities being destroyed well... He has an idea of what it might be, and it isn't good..."

"Spare me the theatrics, cousin," Runa said, sounding harsher than she had intended. She didn't want to be kept in suspense and anticipation. She didn't know why Klara was drawing this out for dramatic effect. "What is it that Odin fears?" she asked, standing up now from where she had been seated on the floor.

"...An infinity stone."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!!!" Guin blurted.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 21 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Klara’s Ship -- Space

Antoinette continued to draw a bit longer until Klara connected their new friends to hear Klara’s news. It took Antoinette a few more seconds to set her drawing aside and get up to join the others. She rested her hands on her arms and listened in. Whatever was happening seemed far more advanced than anything they had taken on before. Galactius was perhaps the closest thing related since that was space as well.
Then the Infinity Stones were mentioned. Antoinette remembered hearing of them back when their realties had switched the first time. It was very brief information though but Antoinette got the sinking feeling in her stomach and that was enough to remind her this was bad. Infinity stones were powerful and clearly one of them was powerful enough to destroy worlds.
”I think we should go back to the site of the power surge. Find a trace of that power to follow maybe. We know the Nova Corps are out there now, we can scan the area maybe before entering for other signs of ships,” Antoinette suggested. She didn’t see another option other than going to Asgard to get more information from the All Father. How were they going to let their people on Earth know what was happening?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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Ed Penior

Location: Klara's ship

Ed had no idea what the group was talking about. First, there was the implication that the multi-verse theory was real. He hadn't ever really thought about it before. He knew that it was a theory, but that was basically as much as he knew. Second, there was something called an infinity stone. He really didn't know what that was. But Guin who had been having a moment with Pietro broke off from that to interject. He resisted jumping.

"Could I get the spark notes on...uh...all of that?" Ed said, raising his hand slightly. He was really confused. "And while I agree with Mary and Annie we should investigate the location we were in, I also agree with Bethany and do not desire to return to space jail." It had been a mixed bag of escaping. Easier than expected, but he had taken some wounds he didn't care to repeat.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Klara looked over at Ed, thinking about how best to give a short explanation as to things. "Well pretty straight forward really... Infinity stones, bad," she said rather bluntly. "Just one would be enough to potentially destroy entire worlds, that's how bad they are. There is space, mind, reality, time, power and soul. No one can easily wield the power of one of them."

"Yeah, they were mentioned at one point after the whole reality shifting thing that Wanda did, vaguely remember hearing about them. Aside from the obvious thing being that they were super not good not sure what else there would be to say about them. Most of our knowledge about them is limited..."

"Well it's not guaranteed that it is an infinity stone though right?" Pietro asked.

"It's just seemingly the most likely theory and has the All-Father rather concerned."

Lance was remaining rather silent, the gears in his head turning as he went back to what he remembered about the whole House of M debacle and the conversation he had there. There was one that stuck out, where the infinity stones were mentioned, namely it was a conversation that involved his father, Hawkeye and both Runa and Klara were there too. Looking back, everyone else who currently was on board of the ship hadn't been there for that conversation, just him and the two Asgardians. Something else was specifically mentioned in that conversation though that he did remember rather specifically. "Wait a minute, we don't have to go back there... The amount of people who could use that amount of power is rather limited. Actually if I remember correctly you have to essentially have a rather strong amount of willpower in order to do it, not to mention physical strength."

"Yup, you are right about that one."

"Well if you are using an infinity stone, and Odin clearly is paying attention and noticing it... Where would be the one place you'd want to use it to try and avoid getting caught? Some place you could sort of hide but maybe not be out of place."

"...Now I'm confused."

"Wait, I think I get it. You'd want to hang out on a place that has magic and such like it, and the use of one stone might not draw as much attention if it puts out little pulses of energy, if there was a rather large pulse that would be one thing... But if you would want to hide something like that, go someplace that it could stay hidden. And I'd probably do it right under Odin's nose... We should head to Asgard, since there it might not stand out as much."

"Not to mention Asgardians can use infinity stones, not easily if it is just the raw stone and not in some sort of containment device or something they could channel that energy through. But Asgardians also know enough or have access to enough knowledge to be able to actually potentially have access to or create some sort of device in order to do it."

"Which would make some sense and all. Plus might help us avoid the Nova Corps too while we're at it."

"...Huh, I never would have thought of that." Klara said, before going over to the controls and punching in a new set of coordinates, "Alright everyone, get ready, off we go to Asgard."

"Wait seriously?"

"Well it's a place to start away from the area since everyone else seems hellbent on not going with any other option that would actually make some sort of sense in most ways," she said with a shrug, clearly a little annoyed that people were questioning everything. Sure, it hadn't been the best idea, but before all of this talk about the infinity stones it kind of had been the only idea they had to at least try and figure some stuff out. But apparently some people didn't want to actually look at the bigger picture overall in the best way to do anything.

Eh, we'd be better off by ourselves without all of them, and who honestly cares if other universes explode, doesn't seem to really be effecting ours so what's the big deal here? the little voice in the back of her head asked her.

Just shut up and go back to being silently angry at existence or something like that. was her slight response to Chrysi. A very small part of her actually kind of agreed with Chrysi about how there wasn't seemingly a point. Actually if they headed towards the danger, and the one responsible like they were about to do, she could just end up getting everyone else killed or something like that.

"To be fair, this ship may be old and not typically used, but it does have a weapon system and everything that works so in my opinion we'd probably be perfectly fine should we run into the Nova Corps or anyone else like that."

Huh, so we get to go to Asgard, this should be fun.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Bethany Bell

Klara's Ship
Skills: N/A

Bethany leaned back in her seat slightly as she started to listen to everyone else starting to talk, she'd ocasionally would look over her shoulder at Guin and Pietro who was holding onto Guin. She wondered what the two of them were doing before turning her attention over towards Runa and Klara, mentioning something called an Infinity Stone. She was about to ask what it was but Ed managed to beat her to it and asked and Klara started to explain what they actually were and they sounded really bad as well to and wondered why no one had tried to destroy them so that way they couldn't be used for something bad.

Bethany was glad that they weren't going back to the same place that ended up causing them to be imprisoned in the first place, letting out a slight sigh. Looks like they were going to Asgard, looking between Runa and Klara she was curious what the place actually did look like as well to. "Sounds good to me then." Bethany said smiling a little bit.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Klara’s Ship -- Space

Antoinette’s head was swimming a little from the various people talking and the sudden conclusion on where they needed to go. Initially, Lance and Mary’s explanation sounded like going to their capture site would be an ideal source. There had been a large burst of energy there after all but then again that’s what the Nova Corps were looking for and that was why they ended up in space jail. Wrong place, wrong time. Antoinette shrugged off her thought process and geared up for going to Asgard.
A place full of real gods, light and colour. New things to discover and maybe they would get to see Thor. Odin too of course. Antoinette found a place to sit and settled in. She wasn’t sure how far they were away from Asgard, even with the capability to travel through space at incredible speeds but she was looking forward to the journey nonetheless.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Klara's Ship
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Runa frowned slightly, considering the argument posed for beginning a search in Asgard. It had a certain amount of logic and reasoning to it, but it was also by no means foolproof. There were strong magical entities across the galaxy, other places where it could be easy to hide an infinity stone - the thought of encountering one sent a chill down her spine. She knew the madness and destruction her uncle, Loki, had caused on Midgard with such a weapon. She didn't want to see what horrors someone else could unleash with one... this disintegration of realities... It was wrong.

But she also couldn't think of anything else that powerful. "Perhaps some Asgardian in clothing for everyone would be in order - mortals are not typically welcomed on Asgard, but a change in dress may make things easier." She then focused, hoping that her magics would behave normally, and she cast a spell. Suddenly, everyone would be in more Asgard appropriate attire - wearing looks that would not be out of place in Odin's court. Runa herself was wearing a black dress, rather similar to what her grandmother, Frigga, might have been seen wearing aside from the color.

Guin Stark

Location: Klara's Ship
Skills: Telepathy

The argument for heading to Asgard was as good as any. "Maybe Odin can do his magic mumbo-jumbo and figure things out even if the asshole isn't hiding there," Guin said with a shrug. "Do you think we'd have a quick time for a photo op on the Rainbow Bridge? Speaking as a bi person, that'd be hella cool for my Twitter profile, although it is a bit late for Pride... Or early, I guess." She was deflecting her own fear of the entire situation with humor and jokes, a time honored coping mechanism in the Stark Family. At Pietro's comment, she replied, Just try not to steal anything, babe. Thor might show up and kick your ass.

Wow, so much faith in me Guina.

When Runa cast her spell, Guin's clothing was changed from an outfit she was comfortable in to an Asgardian purple dress. Guin wrinkled her nose, staring as she picked at the drape like fabric. "Ewww? A fucking dress? What do I look like, a space Barbie?" Guin complained.

I don't think it's that bad, it looks nice, Pietro responded mentally to her.

Guin shot Pietro somewhat of an annoyed glare. I feel like a princess, she grumbled.

And that is wrong because?

I don't want to be a princess - they all just sigh and fall onto couches and wait for people to rescue them. Also, I can't fight in a dress, I'll trip over my feet. It's impractical.


Guin huffed. This was reminding her more of Wanda's world - where Pietro had just wanted her to wear pretty dresses and not do anything that might break a nail. I don't like it.

You'll live, we need to kind of blend in anyway, hopefully.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Klara's ship

Ed nodded at Klara's explanation. He still wasn't quite certain what the Infinity Stones were, but he knew they were real bad news now. He wondered if his family had any information on them. Their records went back ages so they might. It just wasn't anything he had ever come across. He'd have to look if he ever went home. He winced a bit at the thought. Home was empty. The family was dead, there was little need for him to return.

He looked down as his clothing changed, and checked his pockets for his belongings. He had more questions, but they could be answered later. He settled into his seat thinking. Primarily he wondered what the Stones could do, and how someone would use them to destroy large swaths of space. What was the motivation?
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