Age and Date of Birth:
April 20th, 2185Gender:
Male Species: (Human, Ghoul, Mutant, Etc.)
Super MutantProfession:
Doctor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Motivations and Outlook:
Ahab is a kind person not much of the backstabber type and will let you know if he has an issue with you up front. A great reader of books and literature he loves reading and quoting certain lines from his favorite books. A thoughtful and empathetic mutant that does not mind helping out a person or people in need. Although his kindness is not usually returned which saddens him. Bringing him great pain when he is mistreated or shunned because of his kindness and even his mutation. He is kind and friendly to all who listens or does not shoot him on sight. A mutant that loves to have deep thoughts about many subjects and is always looking for a person to stimulate his intellectual mind. Caring about animals and plant life. However if an animal was to try to take his life he would defend himself if needed. The same can be said with human life. Being curious as well loving to tinker and creating weapons, ammunition, and even strange inventions.Backstory:
Ahab has no memory of his past. And only remembered waking up in a prison cell with tattered clothing. From what he could tell he was taken as a human and dipped into a FEV tank and mutated into a super mutant. While he was in the cell which was outfitted as a quarter. The mutants invitingly activated the prison’s security system. Ahab had only a photo in his pocket of some humans whom he assumed was a group he was a part of. Assuming that he was the only survivor. Seeing the dead mutants being dragged away to presumably be burnt and disposed of. For the next six years he was treated as a prisoner. His only solace was a friendly Mr.Handy named Herman. Herman gave Ahab books to read and even read to him. The robot gave the super mutant the name of “Ahab” from the mutant’s favorite book “Moby Dick”. Herman, being different from the other robots, was Ahab’s only friend. Later helping him with the mutant’s escape plan.
On the day of his escape, Herman opened the door to his cell and gave him a harpoon gun and anchor from a salvaged boat. During the escape Herman was shot down by the other robots, heartbroken the super mutant escaped the prison in the dead of night. Taking a small but dense paperback copy of Moby Dick. For the next couple of years he explored the land making caps in the local towns that would accept him and let him work.
Working by helping communities with medical issues, or even performing surgeries on people in need. During this time he befriended two feral dogs naming one Ishmael and the other Queequeg. The two dogs were his companions and when Ishmael was killed during a fight against raiders he was heartbroken and angry. Killing the raiders by tearing them apart with his bare hands. Queequeg died of old age while Ahab was also saddened but glad the dog was given a full happy life. Now alone again he travels the wasteland looking for work and place to belong. Flaws:
-Quick To Anger
-No Sense Of Boundaries
-JudgementalRelationships and Reputation:
Ahab’s reputation as a super mutant has caused a lot of negative feelings to surface with the common wastelander. On the rare occasion he was given the chance to help someone, his reputation was acceptable enough. However because of his good reputation in these small towns, his reputation with larger cities and Californian towns in general would be negative. Opinions on Team:
-Melee Weapons
-Unarmed Weapons:
- Primary: Harpoon Gun
- Secondary: .45 Auto pistol
- Melee: Super sledge Armor/Clothes:
Wearing a large fitted prison overalls. The outfit itself is dark blue in color. With the name of the prison in large yellow print. His prison number sewn into the left said of the upper part of the overalls. Wearing black combat boots that seemed quite worn but are usable for the mutant. His overalls were worn as well and when he left he acquired a very large duster jacket that covers most of his body.Personal belongings:
-Photo of a group of humans including himself.
-A paperback copy of Moby Dick.
-Caravan Deck.Misc: