_______________________________________ N A M E
Malina Leilani Vass ∞ Malu, Mad Malu, Maliboo (only a select few can get away with it) A L I A S E S
Malu Vass Offical
@MadMalu A G E
16 || February 16th G E N D E R
Cisgender female S E X U A L I T Y
Bisexual (slight female lean) - Malu isn't against dating boys, but boys are dumb and she likes the gentle touch some girls bring to the table. C U R R E N T C I T Y
High school is set in the LA School District, so.. the choice is yours as long as it fits in that area! E T H N I C I T Y
Native Hawaiian, ScotIrish, Chinese, and Japanese
_______________________________________ A P P E R A N C E
- Height: 5’5”
- Weight: 130lbs/59kg
- Hair: Dark Brown || silky to the touch, mid-back length
- Eyes: Dark Brown
- Body Type: Petite
- Body Marks: She has several piercings along her head: earlobe, nose, eyebrows, and tongue
- Clothing Style: Like her brother, Malu is a creature of comfort. Baggy clothes from oversized jeans, windbreaker jackets and pants to oversized sweatshirts and shirts, Malu embodies everything one might expect from a SoCal skater girl. She prefers vans over all other skater shoe brands. She typically has a plethora of hats as well: knit caps, actual hats, bandanas tied over her head. She also fashions herself a fan of big loop earrings and piercings as she has several. She usually fashions her hair naturally and tied up with anything really: clips, hairties, etc.
_______________________________________ R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S
Recently Single (long story)- Crushes
. . . - Flings
. . . - Past Relationships
. . .
father: ∞ Akoni Kahale Vass || 55 || Retired Surfer/Owner of VassWear, a successful surfing apparel and equipment brand || FC: Keanu Reevesmother: ∞ Mitsuki "Suki" Vass (nee. Watanabe) || 54 || Retired Skater; now a consultant for skating games such as Skate and Skater XL || FC: Tomita Tamlynolder brother: ∞ Skylar Aolani Vass || 17|| Senior at Delbrook Academy; ametuer surfer and full-time dumbass || FC: Booboo Stewart P E T S
∞ Rocky (4 years old male) - Male Black Lab || Lola (4 and a half years old ) - Female White Lab ∞ Hawk (3 years old) - Male Saint Benard _______________________________________ H O M E S W E E T H O M E
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✔ Going to any skatepark to unwind. ✔ #winning - Like her older brother, Malu loves to win, but her version of winning is more about acing her tests and getting the top marks and, during decathelon season, when the Delbrook team wins, she feels vindicated beyond belief ✔ Bizarre food combos - the odder the better. Malu's tastebuds aren't like most, so naturally things like peanut butter ramen and flaming hot cheetos-crusted grilled cheese hits the spot ✔ When she’s trying to focus, Malu puts her beats headphones on and blasts some hardcore gangsta rap. Anything from Pac, Biggie, P-Diddy, and NWA focuses her mind.. ✔ Malu's a nerd and she isn't shy about it (but doesn't broadcast it), so naturally she watches a lot of anime and superhero fiction, reads comicbooks, and, though video games aren't always her forte, sometimes you can catch her playing Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts with the occasional MOBA if she has the time D I S L I K E S
✘ #losing - like her brother, Malu doesn’t like losing, either. It infuriates her to no end. ✘ Being late to school. Her perfect attendance record is kind of important to her and usually whenever her brother has it in his hands, she grows increasingly annoyed with him. ✘ Limes - from the color to its sour taste, Malu just doesn’t vibe with it. She much prefers the tanginess of a grapefruit or a lemon vs gross limes. ✘ Her brother’s annoying habits of “going witht he flow”. As someone who is pretty anal about punctuionality, Malu can’t handle it sometimes. ✘ Know-it-alls who don’t actually know it all. Malu knows her shit but she doesn’t brag; she shows it. Those who brag probably are compensating for something. ____________________________________________________________________________ P E R S O N A L I T Y
Intelligent → observant → analytical → passionate → ambitious/ambitchous → arrogant → self-critical → stubborn → has a volcanic temper
____________________________________________________________________________ Malu is the exact opposite of her brother. While both are loud in their own right and have a certain energy to them that makes it undoubtable they are related, Malu's energy is less chaotic than Kyle's; she has a focus. She is an amateur skater, but that is not what she devotes most of her time to. Even though part of her heart is with it, academics is where she feels her soul pulling her towards. She has a bright mind and using that, she has devoted herself to her studies. She's observant and has comprehension skills that far outclass most of the members of her family. With AP classes making up most of her class schedule, she proves that she has the drive to succeed.
But sometimes this means Malu is too driven. She has the tendency to never give up and while that's normally a positive thing, she does it obsessively and may even put everything in her rear-view mirror as she tries to accomplish whatever her mind has convinced to put her all into.
Malu is someone who will also go to bat for those closest to her. Unlike her brother who tries to go more diplomatic or get everyone to chill, Malu is a fighter. If she has a problem with you or you cause one for her, she won't hesitate to show you why they dub her "Mad Malu". And as a lover, she's equally as passionate, but she gets jealous easy. Or at least it is assumed. Truth be told, Malu hasn't actually had a girlfriend or boyfriend mainly due to her obsessive nature of devoting everything to her schoolwork. ____________________________________________________________________________ B I O G R A P H Y
There is a love story that holds a lot of importance in the Skating and Surfing worlds. Two cultures that have often been associated with each other, yet both have significantly different vibes (as the kids say). Surfers are laid back and relaxed. They are very much “go with the flow”, as is the requirement of their sport.
Meanwhile, skaters are rowdier. They live by a “live free or die trying” creed. They are rebellious and not always law-abiding. They are rough around the edges and usually come from broken homes. Their aggression takes form in the music often associated with them. And their tricks are flashy. Very much a “high risk and high reward” style.
And yet if you really think about it, they aren’t all that different.
That’s what brings us to how these two collide and why it is so relevant to Skyler and Malina Vass. IT is because their parents comes from both worlds. And much like their parents, they followed in the same footsteps. In the shadow of Akoni Vass, Skyler found a love in the freedom and the relaxed vibes that the ocean gave him, while Malina, who was very much like her mother, Mitsuki Watanabe. Aggressive, graceful, and full of attitude.
And the story of how Akoni and Mitsuki met is something of a romantic tale that goes back nearly thirty years.
Akoni, a native to the Island of Oahu, Hawaii, came from a long line of Big Wave Surfers. And he was a gifted one at that. At just twenty years old, he was in the surfing finals in 1985. It was him and an Australian by the name of Jason Dust (clearly not his real name but that’s what everyone called him). He got the name in how he always left everyone in his dust and won every competition he paritipated in.
And this one was no different.
While he lost in the competition, it was after that a nineteen year old Japanese girl came up to him. She introduced herself as Suki. They talked for ten minutes about how close he came and how hse was rooting for him. She said she had been following his career for a few months and how she admired his talents. And then at the luau, they talked some more. They’d spend the entire night off on their own, talking about anything and everything: their hobbies, interests, what kind of music they liked, what kind they hated, their favorite food, least favorite, and pretty much everything came up.
It’s funny. They were two people who met by chance. She was visiting her grandfather who lived on the island and there she met the boy who would become the love of her life - only it wasn't at that moment. It wouldn’t be until twelve years later at the 1997 Summer X-Games that were being hosted in San Diego where he’d see Suki again. It didn’t matter that he received international success as a multiple award-winning surfer and had made a name for himself, or that so much time had gone by since he last saw her, Akoni knew her face almost immediately.
And when she took gold in the Vert event by landing a 720 tailgrab and she was getting honored, he thought about all the time wasted and he rushed to the podium. Of course, security recognize dhim and in a rare moment, they let him go on stage. After several moments of letting the audience realize that Akoni Vass was in the crowd, he went straight to Suki, knowing full well she knew who he was (or so he hoped) and he stumbled through his words only to say “frick it” into the microphone and got down on one knee.
“We haven’t seen each other in so many years, but I never forgot you. Suki, marry me babe!”
And she didn’t hesitate to say yes. On the day where, until five minutes before seeing Akoni, her biggest thought was how happy she was about all of her hard work paying off. But after it all, now she was engaged to the person she’d spend the following 20+ years with and have two amazing children with. And no matter how many times the story gets told in their household, both Kyle and Malu never seem to be able to fake their smile. It is more than just a nice, romantic tale about how two people who didn’t think they’d ever see each other again end up not only finding their way back to each other, but carpe diem life. It’s about how all the success in the world never fill the void of true happiness.
But one big takeaway they both have (albeit for very different reasons) is how their parents’ story, much like the old tradition, is also their legacy.
But for Malu, the impact the story had on her isn't as important as what her mother did in her day. She proved everybody wrong that being a champion at the X Games wasn't just a boys club. That was something that Malu always clung to. She knew most girls her age, especially when they heard of their parents' grand love story, would hone in on the romantic aspect of her father proposing after they hadn't seen each other for so long. And yeah, maybe Malu thought that at first, but the older she grew up and more confident and sure about what she wanted out of life, the more she came to look up to her mother's groundbreaking achievements and wanting to do the same. She didn't want to be another pretty face nor did she want to be the person who would have the tagline "just like her mother did before her".
She wanted to stand on her own.
Yet, Malu isn't at the point yet that she knows exactly what she wants. Despite her desires, her love the sport that her mother brought up in is there. Her mother's influence is all around her in more ways than she probably realizes. She feels a pull towards the sport, but she also wants to stand on her own two feet, separated from her parents' accomplishments. She just doesn't know what she wants to do. ____________________________________________________________________________ S C H O O L I N F O
G R A D E Y E A R11th - Junior G P A & A V E R A G E3.9 || B+ and A- average - 90/92% average E L E C T I V E C L A S S E STrig & Physics E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R∞ Academic Decathelon Team ∞ Occasionally tudors T R A N S P O R T A T I O NWhen she isn't dragged around by her idiot older brother, Malu gets around with her board P L A N S A F T E R G R A D U A T I O NHard to say. Malu has her heart set on Harvard or Yale. Those are her dream schools, but selection is hard and acceptances are even more difficult. It's why she's putting in as many AP courses that she can get. And why she's tutoring so she can beef up her application.
But then there's her skating. God only knows that if she wanted to, Malu could make it big. She has the talent, but she doesn't want to be just known for that. What should she do? Forget about getting a degree that could set her up for life so she can just be referred to as Suki 2.0? Is that really something she'd be okay with? ____________________________________________________________________________ A F T E R - S C H O O L I N F O
E M P L O Y M E N TWhen she was a preteen, she made a good amount of money from skating competitions that she saved. Her current income is from her tutoring. Rich parents want their dumb kids to barely pass and that's where Malu comes in. F A V O R I T E P L A C E S∞ Houghton Skatepark ∞ Long Beach Towne Center ∞ Any comic book store, especially when the new Saga and Wonder Woman is due and Comic Con when it's Comic Con season R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S∞ Making sure she’s the top of her class, which given she’s thrown in with the seniors, it’s a lot. And Malu likes the challenge that brings. ∞ Making sure her spot on the Academic Decathelon team stays hers. ∞ Not ruining her perfect attendance, which given her main mode of transportation is her idiot brother, that proves to be more difficult than it should be. ∞ Tutoring the occasional dumbass ____________________________________________________________________________ O T H E R
My favorite show of July/August was CRiminal Minds - Growing up, in addition to her mother, Malu had always looked up to women who were icons like Rosa Parks, Joan Jett, Hayley Williams
- This isn't just limited to real life. Malu took a liking to powerful women in fiction like Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Katness Everdeen, etc
- An unashamed guilty pleasure of Malu's are daytime soap operas. Don't judge her, but Days of Our Lives is her favorite and has been ever since 2009.
- She will fight anyone that Marlena's possession storyline was actually pretty iconic.
- Malu isn't picky on who she tutors, but if they're a lost cause, she'll tell the parents - almost brutally
- When it comes to the decathlon team, she normally assumes the role of captain until someone either officially declares her the team captain or someone more qualified comes forward.
- She hates any kind of vinegar: distilled, red wine, balsamic -- whatever it is, she doesn't like it.
- Hates her full name and punches anyone who dares to call her Malina.
T H E M E S O N GGot Her Own - Ariana Grande (feat. Victoria Monet)Face Claim: Fivel Stewart - | #dc413c/Crimson
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