Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Location: Hotel Valhalla
Skills: N/A

Who knew all that was seemingly going to happen. After all, some of the inhabitants of Valhalla hadn't resurrected or anything like that once they died that one day, though personally she wasn't too sure about whether or not it was a bad thing that Helgi wasn't back yet. He could really get on one's nerves after a while, but she didn't very much wish that sort of thing on anyone. Actually, Klara wasn't entirely sure how he had died, just that he had been found dead. Though people staying dead in Valhalla when most of them were already dead anyway was concerning.

She entered the feast hall, and noticed Dalisy sitting off by herself, along with Arnora, Nadia and Runa sitting together. Walking over to the trio, she spoke to them, "Well this is going to be fun, I'll see you guys after this, going to go find a place to sit now," she commented, before she went over and took a seat next to Dalisy, knowing that she was a bit of a loner, "Hey there Dalisy," she said to her, before she looked at what was seemingly going on, waiting to hear more about the situation.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nadia Petrova

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Nadia looked over at Runa and smiled towards her. "Hey there Runa, how are you doing?" She asked her friend as Runa had sat down next to her, as she grabbed herself a plate of food she was pretty hungry right now anyway. The whole news that anyone who ended up dying could be dead for good. She would have to make sure that she would be really careful, especially around some of the more trigger happy Einherjar who enjoyed killing jus for the hell of it. Nadia eyed Dalisy for a second as Klara came over and said hello before going over and sitting down next to her.

One of Astrid's fellow Valkyries came over asking what had happened and why they were summoned here as well to. "Helgi was found dead, though thats not really new, but whats really weird is that he hasn't been resurrected yet or any of the other Einherjar who died doing whatever activity they were actually doing." They told her as they filled up another Einherjar's mug of mead, Baldur took a moment and looked over at Runa and smiled towards her.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

"Hey there Runa." Arnora said to Runa giving her a bit of a wave as she took a sip from her mug of mead while fixing herself up a plate of food. She noticed Lara and waved her over to see if she wanted to join them, as she turned towards the Thane's table it looked like the rest of the Einherjar were all finishing gathering into the Feast Hall now. They were now getting into their seats and were getting some food, though the mood in the room seemed to be a little bit sour she had a feeling why though. Most activities here in Valhalla usually did end up with someone dying or at the very least getting maimed badly by another Einherjar or from whatever activity they were participating in.

Baldur decided to take the initiative to say something, usually it was Helgi's job but sadly he wasn't here anymore, and he wasn't sure if this was a permanent thing or not. "Good morning Einherjar and Valkyries, sorry for calling you all here today and hope it was under better circumstances. Odin, the Thanes and I will be looking into all of this, and urge you all to stay calm as well." Baldur said looking at everyone in the room. "Activities within Valhalla shall continue as normal, however we ask that you refrain from violence. We ask the Valkyries to step in and prevent any violence that gets out of hand. Also report anything suspicous to either me, the Thanes or any of the Valkyries as well." Baldur told them.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Lara smiled and blushed a little when Amora waved her over and she sat down next to her. "Hey Arnora, hey Runa, hey Nadia. So any of you have any idea of what's going on today?" She slid in close and then sighed a bit as she went to get herself some food, but she wasn't feeling very hungry. She took a danish and gently prodded at it with her fork at that point. She wasn't feeling too well about all the news, and everything that was happened. Even when someone offered her mead she passed at that point. She didn't feeling like drinking and celebrating at the moment.

She looked up as Baldur spoke, and frowned at that. She had known that something was wrong, but she didn't imagine that it was this bad. No one was coming back, and it seemed that everything violent would be put on hold. She sighed a bit at that point as she poked more and more at the danish, feeling herself getting sicker at every word. There had to be something really wrong for the hotel not to work the way it was meant to. "So, um... maybe it might be a good idea to stick together into groups for a bit then? Just in case?"

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Astrid frowned as she heard that Helgi was dead, and not only that but other Einherjar were not resurrecting at the end of the day as they should be. She did look up as Baldur spoke and informed them of what was going on. So that was why she had been summoned, to help keep the peace at the hotel and keep everyone from killing one another. She mentally sighed at that as she went to serve up another Einherjar that had summoned her over. She poured the mug full of mead before moving on and wandering over to the Thane's table.

"Excuse me, Hi there, um I don't really ant to bother you but I did wish to ask how long abouts do you think you'll need the Valkyries here to keep the peace? I'm only asking because I do have a life still... outside of the hotel." She didn't want to sound like she was complaining, but she couldn't just hold up in the hotel for weeks, or even months as it would take for them to figure out what was going on. They didn't even know what the main issue was, or what had caused it. She did over hear that some people were considering maybe hunting down the suspicious person themselves, and she was wondering if that might be a good plan.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Feast Hall of the Slain

"Hey, Klara." Dalisy smiled. Klara and she had an odd relationship, that for those not in the know would assume was hostile. Considering it was Dalisy, no one would be surprised if she had a hostile relationship with someone. That was basically a given. It was nice to not be sitting alone though so she was polite with her. She also wasn't in a bad mood.

Though that shifted when Baulder announced that Helgi hadn't come back. That was unheard of. She frowned. How did the Hotel bring people back? She hadn't given it any thought before. "Klara, do you know how the resurrection here works?" Klara had been here longer than her. She also realized that if she died, again, she wouldn't be able to keep an eye on her sister, or the other Dalisys. Her permanate death could mean...serious problems.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Runa's heart sank slightly as Klara went to go sit elsewhere, but she nodded. She just liked having both of her best friends at the table together, but she didn't say anything - it was her problem, not Klara's. Klara could sit wherever she wanted to and Runa could always catch up with her more later. "I'm good," Runa answered Nadia, smiling ever so slightly. "... Just wish there wasn't such a large crowd..." she then admitted. She understood that it was a serious time and everyone had to assemble, but having so many people in this space made the walls feel like they were closing in around her. She nodded at Arnora slightly in response to her greeting, before paying attention as her father started to speak.

They weren't allowed to kill each other - it was such a strange concept, but it made sense. People weren't coming back to life. It might have been limited to those who had died the day before - or maybe it was still a problem. At any rate, the thought made her incredibly nervous. Resurrections were one of the protections of Valhalla and so many people here didn't know how to express themselves without violence. With the statement about reporting suspicious activity, Runa couldn't help but think again as to whether or not this was an intentional attack.... "... Do you think we're going to be okay?" she then asked Nadia.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Location: Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Klara still gave Dalisy a bit of a smile, before she turned her attention to everything that was being said. About people dying and not being brought back once they died, which was not ever a good thing. The idea of not being brought back was a strange one to her, she had just gotten so used to the idea with her centuries of being at the hotel that she had sort of forgotten what it would probably be like to just not return. Though them saying that things could continue normally aside from violence was a bit weird. The whole violence and killing each other was the main thing that happened.

Her attention was drawn away from everything that was going on, and how exactly the whole resurrection thing worked. "Actually I'm not too sure really how it all works. All I know, the resurrection works fairly simple with we get killed by someone while we are here, we come back, of course death is more permanent if we die outside of the hotel and all... But in all my years of being here, I've never heard of something like this before... It is really strange... And more than a little bit concerning..."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nadia Petrova

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

"No, not really honestly it'll be interesting to see some of the others here trying to restrain themselves from killing one another though." Nadia answered Lara as she reached over and grabbed herself a sandwich and started to eat it while listening to Baldur make his announcement before turning to look at Runa. "We could go to your room or something and hangout there if you'd like?" Nadia suggested to Runa, knowing that her friend really did hate being in large groups like the feast all where there was thousands of einherjar around. She took a sip from her mug of mead as she thought about Runa's next question.

Ragnarok was going to happen eventually no matter what happened, it can only be postponed and being in Valhalla where you could die permanently now was really scary. "Everything will be alright and we will be safe." Nadia said trying to reassure her friend gently patting her on the shoulder turning to look at Lara again and nodded liking that idea.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Baldur turned to look up at Astrid as he approached the Thane's table asking about what the Valkyries, and nodded slightly they couldn't be forced to stay they had their own lives unlike the einherjar who had to stay within the halls of Valhalla. "You'll all take shifts a few hours at most, once you finish then you are free to go home and go about your normal duties just let all of the other Valkyries know." Baldur answered her, hopefully that will work for them.

Arnora took a moment to look at Dalisy and Klara where they were sitting before turning her attention over towards Lara suggesting that they should stay as a group and nodded towards her. ]"That would be a good idea, more protection in a group of friends who can trust one another." She said as she wondered if Dalisy would be willing to or not since she didn't like a lot of people other than her and Klara by the looks of it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

"We can discuss groups after our meal if you'd like, but yes, More protection is better, and well, each of us have different skills. I just... worry about this. This is... has this ever happened since you've been here, Arnora?" Arnora and Klara were two of the people she knew off the top of her head that had been at the Hotel the longest. There were others that had been there far longer, but their names were escaping her memory at the moment.

"It might also be a good idea to maybe have sleep overs for a bit? I don't know if that's a good suggestion, but it is something that might help. I mean... I know there is safety in numbers no matter where you go." Lara sighed a bit as she decided she had fully lost her appetite at that point. The food that she had put on her plate were no longer appealing, so she was just going to push it to the side. She did try to drink some water, as she needed to put something into her body. She did have some food in her room if she really needed it later.

"I know you'd probably want to check on Dalisy, and I promise that if... if she behaves I can probably be in a group with her." She knew that while she and Dalisy would never be friends in any sense of the word that Dalisy trusted Arnora and was friends with her.

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

"Thank you Lord Baldur. I was not sure that I could get away with being away from the mortal world for so long." Astrid let out a sigh of relief at that point as she bowed before those at the Thanes table and stepped away. While the hotel was on lock down she wasn't as locked up as the others. She would inform the head Valkyrie of what Lord Baldur had to say, and that she would keep coming on and off shift for the foreseeable future.

With that weight off her chest, she picked up the pitcher of mead that was hers and she went back to serving up the einherjar at that point. She did stop when she came over to the group consisting of Lara, Arnora, Runa, and Nadia. "How are you guys doing?" She could tell that at least Lara looked worried, having recognized that look from out when they were in Neflheim. She couldn't really tell with the others, as she didn't know them as well, but she was going to check up on them in that moment.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Feast Hall of the Slain

Dalisy chewed on her food. She was thinking. If Klara didn't know how the resurrection process worked, maybe Anora did, but Dalisy couldn't think of anyone else she'd be willing to talk to to ask. Ugh, this was going to be annoying. She swallowed some of her drink. Dalisy had to survive to keep an eye on her little sister. So she couldn't start any fights.

A twist of fear hit her stomach, almost making her lose her food. She took another drink to keep it from happening. "Yeah, I don't like this. Dalisy said finally to Klara. She wanted to do something, which usually translated to punching something, but at the moment she couldn't. It was too risky. She started tapping her foot.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Runa shrugged her shoulders slightly. She did very much like the idea of going to her room, it felt like a safe space in this hotel of the undead. However, she didn't want to inconvenience Nadia - she didn't want Nadia to feel like she was some fragile piece of glass that had to be handled gingerly and carefully. As much as she hated the crowds, she could deal with it - the same way she was sure that Nadia had to deal with Runa's own odd and peculiar behaviors. She tried to force a smile as Nadia reassured her that they would be fine, but Runa wasn't convinced. Nadia couldn't know that.

Nothing was guaranteed anymore.

"I think I lost my appetite," Runa said quietly. The crowds really were horrible, especially with the knowledge that if anyone here got angry, they could kill her and... and that would be it. Death would be permanent this time. There would be no resurrections - no second chances. It felt almost like a cosmic joke, throwing her into this bizarre afterlife only to threaten to take it all away. It only helped a little bit to hear Lara more or less echoing the same fear, asking Arnora if this had ever happened before. The sleepover suggestion sounded like a good idea... as long as the group wasn't too large.

Runa's cheeks blushed red as one of the valkyries came over and she pretended to be very interested in her hands, squeaking out a, "fine."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Location: Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

"Sorry I couldn't be more helpful... How the resurrection works isn't exactly something I always really thought about. I just thought that it was mainly magic or something that triggered it, to ensure that we can't die while we are here," she said to Dalisy with a bit of a shrug. She never really thought about that sort of thing, it never really interested her and it was a bit of a mystery. Maybe there was a simple explanation to how it worked. Or maybe it was something so complicated and convoluted that it would go over everyone's heads when it got discussed.

Her mind was still wondering what exactly would have disrupted the resurrection thing. Since now she realized that what Dalisy was probably more of asking was could she think of anything that could break the thing, and truthfully she couldn't think of anything straight off the bat that could have messed with everything. Truthfully she couldn't think of anything, but that's still just because she had no idea how the whole situation worked. "I do agree though, whatever is going on, this isn't good at all..."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nadia Petrova

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Baldur gave Astrid a smile and nod towards her, as he went back to talking to the rest of the Thanes, Nadia nodded slightly towards Runa and Lara loosing your appetite for any kind of food right now. Knowing that they could end up dying here permanently now if they weren't careful enough. She thought for a moment if they should investigate what was happening, looking at Arnora saying that nothing like this has happened before was also troubling to her.

Most activities here were dangerous to in some way shape or form as well to, and there had to be some way that they could have some fun as she looked over at Astrid as she approached their table and shrugged slightly. "I'm alright what about you?" Nadia asked pushing her plate to the side, she wasnt really hungry anymore really either after eating when she heard Baldur speaking again. "You all are free to go now about your day, and please do be careful and cautious as well to. and report anything suspicious as well to." Baldur told all of them.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Arnora looked over at Lara and shook her head slightly, she had been here the longest out of their entire group out of her thousands of years here nothing like this has happened before. "I maybe old but sadly I have no idea if this has happened before or not, but seeing as the gods are stumped it's probably their first time dealing with this." Arnora answered her truthfully, as she looked over towards the table with Dalisy and Klara. "I'll go and ask her." Arnora said as she stood up looking over as Astrid approached and gave her a slight smile. "I'm alright, i'll be right back." Arnora said as she left the table and made her way towards Klara and Dalisy. "Hey you guys whats up?" Arnora asked pulling up a seat next to the two of them.

"So, was wondering if you two wanted to come over and join us?" Arnora asked gesturing towards the rest of the group. "We figured sticking together with a group of people we trust would be better." Arnora suggested, hoping that the two of them would be willing to join them though she knew that Dalisy kind of disliked everyone else in the group except for her and Klara.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

"I'm alright, thank you for asking. How are you holding up?" Lara looked up at Astrid as she came over and spoke to them. She did notice Runa's reaction to the Valkyrie joining them and raised a brow at that. She had to wonder if that meant that Runa had a bit of a crush on Astrid, but she wasn't going to comment on it too much for the moment. Though having a crush on the living was risky, especially since there wasn't a guarantee they would end up here, in Valhalla. She was too painfully aware of that. She had spent so much time in vain looking for Levi, even when she was sure he would never end up there. He was a scholar, and couldn't hurt a fly. Honestly, she just hoped that he had lived a lovely long life without her.

"Honestly? I could be doing better, but at least Baldur said we Valkyries can work in shifts, so I can still go home when I'm not on duty. I'm worried. The Thanes look disturbed and some of the older Einherjar look concerned. Some are saying nothing like this has happened before." Astrid moved to slip in with the rest of the group and sit next to them. She stole a roll off the table and started tugging it apart, needing to do something with her hands. She was sure that she was not the only one that needed to burn off nervous energy, especially with the option of killing one another in training off the table.

"That is what I'm gathering... I asked Arnora earlier and she said she had never seen or heard of anything like this before." Lara sighed a bit as she started poking at the food she had abandoned again, just to have anything else to focus on for the moment than the situation they were in. Maybe once they were safely in their little groups she could pull out one of her puzzle books as well as maybe a few pulp novels she was thinking of rereading. That would help take her mind off of everything for a bit, but she would only do it once she was somewhere safer.

"So do you have a plan for keeping an eye on one another until the whole lack of resurrection has been solved? Astrid was curious to know if any of the Einherjar had started thinking of ways to keep safe. She knew for some of them it wouldn't be easy to stop the whole fighting one another thing. If Astrid was being honest with herself, she had the sinking feeling that there would be a few more Einherjar lost to fighting before anything was solved. It might be some of the older ones, some of the ones that just were lost to the cycle of the Hotel.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Feast Hall of the Slain

Dalisy frowned thinking. If Klara didn't know maybe Anora knew but she doubted it. She sighed, but when Anora walked up to them she smiled at her friend. The offer was tempting, she glanced over and saw Lara was part of the group Anora was collecting. She'd have to keep herself in check. This wasn't like normal times when if she got frustrated she could just start a fight. Could she handle being around Lara who was so much like her sister it hurt?

It would be best to be with a group. Dalisy had made enough enemies over the years that someone might want to take her out while they had the chance. She wasn't the only one like that. There was no way in the hundreds of years that Anora and Klara had been at the Hotel that they too hadn't made enemies. "I haven't made many friends in my time here. I have made many enemies. It would be best for all of us to know those we surround ourselves in this time have no ill intent toward us. Therefore, I promise I shall be on my best behavior for the sake of the group." A part of her wondered if her sister's mother heard her promise and bound her to it. Was that possible? She wasn't Roman or even Greek. But she shared all her human self with her sister. It didn't matter though she did mean it. She would do her best not to antagonize the people she was trusting to have her back.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Location: Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Klara glanced over as Arnora came over and asked what was up with them, and she gave her friend a smile, "We were just talking about everything that was going on, what else?" she said with a bit of a shrug. Yeah, Klara seriously doubted that anyone would be talking about anything else other than their current situation. Especially if things went south, since now people could legitimately murder others if they weren't careful, or that might be what whoever was behind this wanted, chaos and everyone to die.

The next thing that Arnora suggested was them all sticking together in a bit of a group, and Klara thought about it for a moment, before nodding her head, "Sure, perfectly fine with that, works for me," she added a bit happily. Of course, she was trying to look on the bright side with everything with regards to their situation. Hanging around with her friends would definitely make her feel a little better, even if the others all don't necessarily get along. She at least got along with most everyone else.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nadia Petrova

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Nadia gave Astrid a smile as she went and sat down next to them at the table, though she was surprised that none of the other Valkyries had told her to go back to work. Not that she was complaining about having a friend joining them, as she leaned forward slightly thinking what they should actually do. She really did want to go and find out what actually was happening and a part of her wanted to investigate what was going on as well to. Though she wasn't sure if the others wanted to risk it dying for real this time if they did end up investigating it all.

"It's totally up to you guys, but maybe we should investigate whats actually going on?" Nadia suggested looking over at Runa, Astrid and Lara for a moment. "I mean it's totally up to you guys, i'm fine with letting the proper people look into this as well to, i'm also fine with just staying in one room as a group to." Nadia said giving a slight shrug, she didn't mind spending the time in their hotel room just to be safe as well to.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Arnora smiled at Dalisy gently resting an arm over her friend's shoulder she was glad that she agreed to join their little group despite her not liking just about everyone of her friends except for herself and Klara. "I'll keep you in check then." Arnora said teasingly to Dalisy as she looked at Klara and nodded she was glad that her friend wanted to join in as well to. She turned slightly to look at the others seeing Astrid had joined them. Arnora gave a thumbs up gesture towards Nadia which she nodded back towards before turning to look at the two.

It was a smart thing and she certainly did make a few enemies both in life the ones that were allowed in Valhalla anyway and in death as well to during her first few years here. "We can all protect one another then, should we rejoin the others?" Arnora asked, she wasn't really hungry anymore right now.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: Oath Binding

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Lara could feel the familiar tingle of an oath being made in her presence, and she sat up and her eyes lit up for a moment. "The Oath is heard and bound." Even if Dalisy had not meant it to be a binding oath, Lara had heard it and now it was bound. It had been some time since she had even used that skill, since most people didn't make promises around her after learning quickly that they would be held. She did make a silent promise to herself, that since Dalisy was going to be on her good behavior she would be as well. Not that she ever wasn't. She knew that her and Dalisy would never be best friends no matter what Lara did, and she would never know why. However, for the time, she would accept Dalisy's promise.

Astrid was surprised that the captain of the Valkyries had not come over and told her to get back to serving. She wouldn't argue with the fact that she was being allowed to sit with her friends. "It you want, I can help you stay protected while I'm on shift. I can go talk with my captain and get that cleared if you would like?" She didn't want to intrude where she was not wanted, but she wasn't going to argue if they asked for her assistance. Maybe being around some of the Einherjar would keep her calm and focused on her duties.

"I would not be opposed to having Astrid help us out. Again the more people, the better." Lara smiled a bit over to Astrid, as she knew that the Valkyrie was more than capable. She had grown fond of her after their mission together, and she did make sure to say hi and chat with her when the Valkyrie was in the hotel. She looked at the little group that they had gotten together, and she smiled a bit. She had a good feeling about the group, even about Dalisy.

Astrid smiled a bit at that. "If no one opposes, I will go let my captain know what is going on, and then I'll return." She stood up at that point and she went to find her captain. Once she did she made sure to get her attention. "Captain, there is a small group of Einherjar that I would like to protect when I am on duty, is that alright with you?" She didn't want to get in trouble with her captain, or any of the gods there.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Runa did indeed have a crush on the valkyrie, but she wasn't worried about whether or not they could spend eternity together. She was still just a teenager and that sort of commitment sounded scary. She didn't even know if she actually wanted to date the valkyrie - or anyone, really. All she knew was that her heart beat a little faster and she felt more self conscious than usual when Astrid was around, and she hadn't decided yet what she wanted to do about that. She didn't know if she wanted to tell someone or if she just wanted to keep it to herself.

She shrugged slightly when Astrid asked if they had a plan going forward - and then Nadia's suggestion of investigating. Truthfully, Runa would've been happiest hiding out in her room until the entire thing blew over - she had already saved the universe, it was someone else's turn now right? But she also didn't want to have her friends go off and do something dangerous and stupid without her. She'd never forgive herself if Nadia died and stayed dead if she hadn't been there to help. She hesitated for a moment as something strange happened with Lara, before more or less nodding at Nadia to say that the idea sounded fine to her - the valkyrie's presence had made Runa a little tongue tied.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Feast Hall of the Slain

Dalisy winced as she could just hear Lara say the oath was bound. Her heart ached and she wanted to punch something already. Lara didn't know why Dalisy hated her, but that right there was the key reason. It wasn't even the actual Oathbinding that was an issue. It was the fact that her sister could do the same thing. Dalisy had heard her sister a few times say the exact same thing.

She leaned into Anora's arm and gave her a smile. Trying to be as genuine as possible. "Yeah, let's go join them." She stood up and gathered her plate and drink and moved with Anora and Klara over to the others. She couldn't quite keep her smile plastered on. "Uh, hi." She said plopping down into an empty seat. Dalisy didn't think she had to explain herself or that she had promised to be nice, especially since Lara had apparently heard the damn promise and had bound it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Nadia Petrova

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

The Valkyrie captain was tending to some of the other Einherjar who hadn't left yet and were still eating and served them when Astrid approached her, she turned around to face her. A few of the other Valkyries had approached her with the same thought already after Baldur made his announcement and nodded towards her. "That is fine with me, just lend aid if some of the other Einherjar come over and request for any aid from you." She told her as another tapped her on the shoulder asking for some more mead which she obliged and gave some before looking at Astrid. "Is there anything else you need or I can help you with?" She asked.

Nadia decided to grab a long stick of bread and took a bite out of it, one more for the road as she listened to Lara saying something and remembered the whole oath thing that she had. "Hopefully Dalisy doesn't decide to throw a knife in my back or something." Nadia said under her breath slightly as she smiled at Runa and nudged her friend a little bit liking that she was actually onboard surprisingly. Though she would have liked to stay safe in one of their rooms she wasn't sure how long it would take to investigate all of this.

"Hey there Dalisy." Nadia said giving her a slight smile, as long as she was being friendly and nice she would at least do the same as well to, as she leaned forward slightly. "We were going to try and investigate whats going on if you'd like? I think Helgi's office is a good place to start." Nadia suggested.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Arnora looked at Dalisy and smiled towards her friend and gently patted her on the shoulder as she looked towards Klara. "Lets go and check in on the others then." Arnora said getting up shortly after Dalisy did and followed shortly behind her back towards the table that she was sitting a few moments ago. "I'm back with reinforcements." Arnora said taking back her former seat that she was sitting in before, she listened to Nadia as she started to speak and then over towards the others about investigating.

Arnora thought for a moment it was a good idea and she didn't really like the idea of having to wait forever for the Thanes to investigate this whole thing. Though she didnt like the idea of dying again permanently either if they did end up finding a good lead, but it sounded like no one else was going to really investigate. "I'm in." Arnora said giving a slight shrug as she looked towards the others.
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