
 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Location: Lockwood Residence → Outside Interactions: Gavin Lockwood, Momma Lockwood, & Eretria Simmons ______________________________________________________________________________________ |
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Soy. Sawyer! ..come on, man, get up."With a sharp inhale, Sawyer sat upright in bed and slapped the hands on his shoulders away. Slowly forced his eyes open to then rub the sleep from them, glaring up at his brother.
"Dude, what? I have a fuckin alarm set, what do you-""Clearly you snoozed it. A few times. You definitely won't have time to shower, sis. Get your ass up, I'm leaving in 10."Sawyer watched as his brother walked out of his bedroom and snatched his phone from off his nightstand, checking the time to be sure that Gavin wasn't just fucking with him on their first day of senior year. Nope. It was 6:27.
He could run through a quick shower and still have time. No sweat.
Plugging his phone into the charger before heading into the shower, he made it out with three minutes to spare, quickly toweling off and tugging on his jeans, black Vessi's, and lacrosse jersey. Snagging his
hat and house keys off his nightstand, he tossed his keys into his backpack with his hydro flask and school I.D. already in it before swinging the strap over his shoulder. Sawyer stopped in his doorway and turned back into his room to dart back for his phone pulling it from the charger to stash into his pocket. Soy snagged his cologne off of his dresser and sprayed some on over the front of his body as he walked, tossing the container back onto his bed as he peeled around the door jam and ran downstairs shaking out his damp hair.
Fucker better not have left without me, he thought to himself, waving to his mother who was enjoying a cup of coffee in the kitchen as he attempted to slip out the front door, but his mother's voice caught his ear just before shutting the door behind him.
"Wait a minute! Can't I get a picture of you boys on your first day of your last year of high school?"Sawyer groaned softly to himself and ran a hand through his hair, stepping back through the threshold and closed the door behind him before heading into the kitchen. Gavin was standing at the other end searching through the cabinet, probably for a granola bar.
"Oh come on, you two. Stand together and let me get a snap of you."Sawyer clenched his jaw lightly and did as his mom asked, sighing heavily. If there was one thing he couldn't refuse, it was doing things to make his mother happy. After the photo was taken, both the boys laughed and shoved at each other before making their way out the front door with their mother trailing them right on their heels to the garage.
While Sawyer walked he was looking over his shoulder trying to listen to the small talk his twin and mother were having, causing him to run directly into something. His arm immediately shot out to balance the thing - now facing said
thing he'd knocked into, he realized it was his good friend and neighbor, Eretria Simmons - a soft apologetic smile spread across his face as his hand dropped away from her.
"Sorry. Hey Trey.. what are yo-" Before he could get another word in, his mother came up beside the two of them and wrapped her arms around the girl.
"Oh, sweetheart, hello! And good morning." Mrs. Lockwood gently let Eretria go, smiling at the girl.
"You and the boys share any classes this year? They haven't told me a thing about their schedules." She eyed both her boys with narrowed eyes teasingly.
"So far, mom, the only class I know that we - well, I - share with Tria is homeroom. Gavin got stuck in Ms. Stoldt's class for his," Sawyer chuckled softly, knowing all too well Gavin had never liked her when he had her sophomore year for Earth Science.

 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Location: Outside the Lockwood Residence Interactions: Sawyer, Gavin and Carol Lockwood ______________________________________________________________________________________ |
That was the only way she could think to describe the morning thus far without delving further into the rabbit hole that was the English language. And it was, indeed, such a deep and confusing place to be. Especially when it was still early like this. Bottom line was, it was the perfect day for them to be going back for their senior year at Delbrook. And, if tradition held strong - which she was pretty damn sure it would - Sawyer would be running late. Again. Letting out a sigh, content, Eretria shifted slightly in her position. Resting comfortably back against the seat of her motorbike as she waited for her best friend to make his appearance. Though she had a feeling she wasn't going to be left waiting for too much longer. A theory that was proven correct only a few moments later when he came bustling out of the front door, mom and brother in tow, only to then collide against her.
Shooting her best friend a smile that only grew at the warm embrace of his mother; she wrapped her arms lovingly around the older woman. Returning the gesture as she stood herself up to her full and normal height,
"..mama Lockwood- good morning..!"Head turning lightly to the side, she pressed a soft kiss against the woman's cheek before stepping back. Stepping across to give Gavin the same - a warm hug, and a kiss on the cheek in greeting - before she stepped back. Once more resting against her bike with a bright smile dancing across her naturally pouted lips,
"Well... I'm not sure what classes I share with these two yet, if any, aside from homeroom with Soy; but you know me, I'll be sure to keep them in line for you. You have my word."▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅
 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Location: Lockwood Residence → Delbrook Academy; Senior Parking Lot → Girls Locker Room Interactions: Eachother; Classmates, Ruby Johnson @alexfangtalon & Danny Murphy ______________________________________________________________________________________ |
________________________________________________________________________________________________ "YoU hAvE mY wOrD." Sawyer rolled his eyes with a bit of a smirk, noticing the helmet she'd gotten specifically for him when he rode with her on her motorbike. His eyes moved over to meet hers with a small smile before turning his attention back to his mom and brother, waving them off.
"Yeah, yeah. As if it isn't enough already having one mother." Sawyer chuckled softly, quickly side hugging his mom before walking around Eretria to the back of her bike, pulling his backpack straps tight before pulling on the helmet.
"Go ahead, Gav. I'm gonna ride with Tria." Sawyer watched as his brother ducked into the garage where their mother's car was currently parked, though once he realized she wasn't following him in, his eyes caught hers. His face flushed lightly at the look she was giving him, though glad that he had the helmet on and the visor down. Sawyer shook his head at the look she had as she looked between the two, watching as his mother turned to walk into the garage with a smirk that she failed to hide.
"Hope they don't cause you too much trouble. You kids ride safe, and have a good day," the boys' mother called over her shoulder as she and Gavin loaded up in the family's SUV. Sawyer flipped up the visor of his helmet, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Mom really needs to stay in her lane," he mumbles under his breath as he forces a grin and waves at them as they pull out of the garage and drive away, leaving the two standing there alone in the driveway.
Gods, she loved this family. Hand lifting from her side- her fingers wiggled lightly in a small wave goodbye before her attention was brought back to Sawyer. The soft sound of her chuckling falling out through her lips and into the air between them. It didn't take a genius to understand that he was very clearly embarrassed by his mother; but then, who wasn't..? It was their job after all.
Rolling her eyes, unable to help it; Eretria reached for the handlebars. Holding onto them gently as she took a moment to swing her leg over her bike, and once more settle in the seat. Hands already moving to pull her helmet on over her head. Being sure to curl her long orange-red locks up inside of it,
"She's just being her- did you really expect anything less, Soy..?"Sawyer shook his head with a light smirk, watching his mother's car disappear down the road.
"No, I was just hoping."Checking his phone as she put her helmet on and tucked her hair into it, looking at the time while also checking the messages he'd received - just a few from the lacrosse group chat. The time currently read 6:54 AM. Sawyer waited for her queue to climb on the back behind her, sliding his hands over her hips, scooting himself up flush against her. Leaning around a bit to get an angle on her, his voice became softer as he spoke, one of his hands lightly rubbing over her hip.
"How'd you sleep..?""Honestly..?" Hands lowering down to the seat between her legs; Eretria's eyes closed. A soft blush creeping out across her cheeks at the feeling of his hands rubbing against her hips,
"..it could have been better. How'd you sleep..?"Sawyer nods lightly, leaning forward to rest his head on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry. You have a bad dream or somethin? Or just... didn't sleep well?.." Pulling back, Sawyer yawned deeply to the side before returning closer to her.
"Definitely shouldn't have been up so late, but people wanted me to stream. I couldn't say no. Even got a few donations. It was alright. Just wish I had gone to bed earlier. I'm still super tired. The short shower I took didn't really do anything for me."Sawyer gently wrapped his arms around her middle, pulling her back against him, wishing to himself that they could just go back upstairs to either of their houses and just sleep the day away together.
Sleep sounded nice. And
sleepy cuddles? What could be better than that...
"Long night..." Correcting him first; she couldn't help but let out another sigh as she was pulled back against him. Her bright eyes closing as she let her head fall back to rest against his shoulders,
"..had to make sure that I was all set for today- check my uniform to see if it still fit... press it, though not before making sure that it wasn't musty from sitting in my wardrobe all summer... may have cleansed it too; got rid of any lingering negativity from last year... plus, I was watching your stream..."Trailing off, Tria shook her head lightly over his shoulder,
"..by the time I went to bed, I had a wicked headache forming. Totally not cool."A small smile spread across his face at her admitting to having watched him the night prior. It was nice to hear, though he already had a feeling. She had always been one of his biggest supporters through his adventures with his growing cosplay popularity. Gently squeezing his arms around her in a sort of hug, he smirked a bit as he spoke up.
"Keeping your eyes on the screen for long hours like that is bad for your eyes. You should probably stop watching those noobs play Fortnite on Twitch into the wee hours of the morning, Trey." Sawyer chuckled softly, making a mental note to buy her a pair of the glasses he'd gotten for himself while he streamed for hours on end.
Hands lifting from where they'd been resting between her legs; she instead pressed them gently over his. Chuckling with a light shrug of her shoulders,
"What can I say..? I'm a sucker for a gamer boy in a Spider suit.""Mm-hmm."As her hands came to rest over his he spread his fingers apart, letting hers fall between his before closing them around hers, holding them there a few moments before patting her side with his free hand.
"We should probably get going. Don't want you to screw up your attendance record on my account."Right. School. Groaning softly, making a show of lifting her head from its rest over his shoulder; Eretria returned her hands to handlebars. Keeping them there a moment before going about switching on the motor and kicking up the stand,
"I'll get us there in plenty of time... don't worry that pretty little head of yours, Parker."Hand lifting; she slid down her visor. Giving him a few moments to once again adjust his hold before eventually, she pumped the gas and peeled out of his driveway.
As she had said, they got there with
plenty of time to spare. Being able to pass right through the traffic was quite a perk. A thing that really had Sawyer thinking on building a bike of his own from the ground up. Would have to be a project for later after he built up his truck and got it running properly. Sawyer slipped off the back of Eretria's bike and pulled his helmet off, shaking out his still-damp curls before setting the helmet on the back of the seat. He stepped back and smiled at her as he watched her a minute, looking her over from head to toe.
"You, uh, gonna meet with the squad before class?""Maybe... I do need to change at some point. We're doing uniforms today." Head tilting slightly to the side; Eretria's long, curled locks tumbled out of her helmet as she lifted it. Lowering it down to rest between herself and the handlebars as her hair came to a stop over her shoulders and halfway down her back as she. Her bright gaze drawing back over towards him as she smiled,
"Why..? You giving me a better offer, Parker..?"Sawyer nodded as she talked about needing to change into her uniform, his thoughts wandering. It wasn't until she turned around that he realized he'd spaced out momentarily, his face flushing just a bit as he quickly brought his eyes up to meet hers. A slight smirk casting over his lips.
"I mean, yeah, but.. you have things to take care of."A moment more passed between them before Sawyer spoke again, leaning in close to whisper into her ear,
"I can take care of you later, kitten." The curly-haired boy kissed her cheek lightly before pulling back with a wink shot her way, chuckling as he began to turn away to head towards the front gate.
Heart fluttering lightly in the confines of her chest; the response was basically automatic. Her hand shooting out as she took a gentle hold of his wrist. Stopping him from getting too far away from her first before tugging him back towards her. Her bright eyes lifting to meet with his once more; a small smirk dancing over her lips,
"..you know... you could come with me..."As he was pulled back and to her, he couldn't help the grin that spread across his face as he looked down at her. Sawyer chuckled softly, pulling her closer by her hip till she was standing flush against him.
"Not sure you'd be able to meet with the squad and..have time to... play. You sure you want me to tag along..?""..mmm..." Allowing herself to be led by his touch, her body lifting from the bike, and her leg sliding over it; Eretria only stopped once she was stood in front of him. Her hands lifting to fist rest lightly over his shoulders before she slid them up and back. Palms curling to the natural curve of his neck,
"..I'll even let you fix my skirt when I inevitably forget how to do up the zip; because, as we all know, zips are very hard to master..."A chill ran up the boy's spine as images and thoughts swirled around in his mind.
"Oh, very." Sawyer bit at his lower lip then, leaning in closer, whispering something in her ear before gently removing her hands from around his neck to intertwine his fingers with hers. About to turn away to start walking to the front with her, he paused and turned to meet her gaze again, tilting his head slightly.
"You got everything you need..?""As soon as I grab my bag, I will." The smirk on her lips growing, a bright blush coloring her cheeks which almost matched the shade of her hair; Eretria bit down on her lip. Chewing on it a moment before she turned back to her bike. Reaching to grab the strap of her bag and the straps of each helmet. Her gaze turning back to meet with his once she was ready.
Sawyer gently removed his hand from hers, reaching to her other to grab his helmet from her as he slipped off his backpack from one arm. He snapped the helmet to the backpack strap before quickly pulling it back onto his shoulder. Taking her hand again with a small smirk-smile, he walked with her to the front gate, squeezing their way on past the guard and across the school grounds to the lockers. Sawyer opened the door for Tria to walk in first, pausing to scan the area a couple of times before following in behind her, letting her lead the way through the locker rooms.
Making her way to her locker first, not so much as bothering to even open it; Eretria dropped her bag and helmet down onto the floor by her feet. Body turning, she let herself fall back- leaning against the cool metal while her eyes lingered on his figure. A soft smirk dancing across her lips,
"..so... you mentioned something earlier about having a better offer..?"A smirk started to spread across his lips as he watched her turn around to face him, stepping over the wooden bench seat to stand in front of her as he slid his hands over her hips and on back into the back pockets of her jeans.
"You already know what I have to offer," he said with a soft chuckle, leaning in to press his lips to hers a couple of times before pulling back to ask one last thing.
"Question is.. do you want it?Did she want it..? Such a loaded question to ask in the morning; though she had to admit that it was sweet of him to ask at all. And really, she wasn't sure why she should have expected anything less. Arms lifting; Eretria once more hooked them one by one around the back of his neck. Using them to help draw him in closer, as she took the chance to steal a kiss,
"..I do want it. Do you..?"Did
he want it? Ha. Although he hadn't intended on it this morning, at least not
right now, he definitely wouldn't pass up the opportunity. This would be a first for him. Messing around at the school with her, or with anyone. It would be something he could cross off his bucket list for senior year. Who cares if they missed homeroom..? Sawyer held her gaze a moment or two before nodding gently, a soft smile spreading across his lips.
"With you..? Of course, I do, Tria." Sawyer leaned back in to press his lips to hers once more in soft kisses, taking his hands from her back pockets to reach down in front, undoing her pants as they kissed.
From there, the rest is history as the two faded to black...
"Danny just text me, says they're heading out of the auditorium. We can meet up with them on their way by the choir room to the lacrosse field."Sawyer pushed the door open of the locker rooms, peeking outside before slipping out into the open with a slight smirk cast over his lips. Sawyer's eyes scanned over the crowd of seniors that were flooding the walkways, a few moments passing before he spotted his friends in the large group of kids, reaching back to take Eretria's hand.
"I see 'em. Come on," he mumbled to her with a small smile, turning to gently pull her with him and fall into the crowd, pushing his way through to meet up with their class. Before long, they were with their homeroom group as if they were never missing from the start.
A gentle blush crossing over her features, giving her cheeks a healthy glow to them; it took very little convincing for Eretria to simply reach out and take a gentle hold of his hand. The warmth of his palm against hers causing her smile to brighten over her features as she weaved their fingers together. His touch-... it was so warm..! Not that she wasn't used to it by now. Growing up side by side - not taking into account the short spell of their lives where he'd moved away - it was just something that she had grown to love over the years.
First, like this, and then, as they'd grown older, she'd come to enjoy it in other ways too...
"..if we get caught and questioned; just say that you were helping me with something for the squad." The hem of her short skirt brushing lightly, back and forth against her upper thighs as she kept pace with him; her free hand reached forward. Curling around the back of his hand so that she was holding it in both of her own as they moved. Her long, wavy orange locks bouncing gently over her back as she pressed herself closer to him. Allowing her bright blues to flick over the crowds that filled the area.
Sawyer smiled a bit to himself when he felt her second hand close around his but kept his eyes forward, giving her hands a firm squeeze as they were suddenly surrounded by their friends. The boy tried his best to catch up with the conversation, looking between everyone but getting lost at the mention of food.
Food. Just the thought had Sawyer's stomach in knots. He hadn't eaten this morning.
Well... at least not food.To say he was hungry would be putting it lightly. The poor boy was starving, and suddenly all he could think about were the different options they might have out on the field. Sawyer laughed nervously at Ruby's comment about Damien not eating breakfast, rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke up.
"Can't say anything. I didn't eat, either. I don't usually like eating breakfast. I typically wait till Nutrition before I eat." The boy shrugged lightly, his hand slipping from Eretria's hands as he reached up and playfully shoved Danny's shoulder with both of his, laughing.
"Come on, please tell me they have some good barbecue or something."