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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location: Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Klara was perfectly fine with the idea of working with everyone else, and hopefully Dalisy wouldn't have too many problems with the others, or vice versa. She knew that not all of the other people actually could get a long with her or something, but she hoped that everyone could just tolerate each other's presence for a little while anyway without any fighting. That would be great in her mind as she followed after Arnora to where the others were. She smiled a bit at the group and waved a little bit at all of them.

"Hi there," she said somewhat happily, before she heard what it was that everyone was thinking of doing. Trying to investigate the entire situation was probably a good idea, even though she was fairly certain they had kind of been told to not do that and go back to whatever it was that they typically did without actively killing each other (which considering some of the people here was easier said than done) so this situation was intriguing. "Sure, investigating this entire situation sounds like a great idea let's goooooooo."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Lara hadn't meant to accidentally bind Dalisy to her words, but a promise had been made and she had auto reacted to it. She could see everyone looking at her oddly after she had spoken and she blushed a bit. "I'm in as well. I'm a fan of trying to solve a good puzzle or mystery, and this seems to be quite the mystery." She was glad that Nadia had suggested that they investigate what was going on, as that had been something she had been thinking of. It would take her mind off the whole 'being killed would result in no resurrection for now' bit that was going on.

"Of course, I will lend my aid when asked for. For now, I will go with the group I said I would help. I will make sure to report if I learn anything, and as well before I go off shift." Astrid was quite happy to know that she was able to help out her friends, and to be able to stick with them. "I have nothing else for the moment. I will see you later. Astrid nodded to her captain before leaving the table and heading over to the small group again and sat down with them.

"Helgi's office does seem to be the logical place to start, since it seemed to start with his death first. Though, do we have access to it?" Lara wasn't sure that they could access the office, as they were normally not allowed to go in there, but they did have Valkyrie helping them out, so did that mean they had access? She didn't want to assume anything, but she wondered how they could even start investigating it. She doubted that even the bodies of those that had been found dead were kept somewhere anyone could look them over easily.

"I could probably help get us into Helgi's office, but I might have to ask my captain again about that. Do we know about where any of the other killings happened, or were those just on the practice fields before someone realized that no one was coming back?" Astrid knew little of the details of what had happened with any of the other deaths, just that Helgi had been clearly murdered, and now no one was coming back.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Feast Hall of the Slain

Dalisy gave a sigh and nodded, finishing her food quickly. She took several long swallows of her drink. She stood up and said. "I'm in. If we can figure out what is happening then maybe it can get fixed faster." She thought about exactly what she had sworn to. It had been that she'd be on her best behavior toward the group, and she hadn't given a time limit. That grated more.

She looked at the Valkyrie. She didn't know the girl, but she appeared to be in good with the others, and seemed to qualify as 'part of the group'. So she gave her a nod. "I'm Dalisy." She introduced herself to the Valkyrie. Dalisy didn't have any answers for her though as she had barely even known that Helgi had been killed before coming to breakfast.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Runa nodded at Nadia's quiet comment about Dalisay - she didn't have the best opinion of Dalisay, and it was only slightly tempered by the fact that Klara was friends with her. She didn't understand how Klara could be friends with someone who Nadia felt so strongly opposed to, but Klara had been around for a while. Maybe Dalisay had some sort of redeeming quality that Runa and Nadia just weren't aware of. Runa wasn't too sure when Dalisay had died, although she couldn't imagine a medieval person named Dalisay.

She couldn't remember ever being in Helgi's office before - she had no idea what to expect from the place either. She wondered what sort of possessions Helgi would keep, although she guessed that it wouldn't be too different from the things the rest of them held onto. They were all dead - some more than others now sadly. Runa shook her head at Astrid's question - she didn't know anything about the killings, where they had happened or if there was anything connecting them. All she knew was pretty much the information that her father had shared with everyone not too long ago.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Nadia Petrova

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Feast Hall of the Slain -> Outside of Helgi's Office
Skills: N/A

"Honestly wouldn't be surprised if there were over a hundred people who were killed, before word spread since either others kill each other for fun, or from a game on one of the floors here, or just from some kind of feud." Nadia said to Astrid sighing slightly as she looked over towards Dailsy and gave her a slight wave and nodded towards her. "Hey there." Nadia said to Dalisy just to be as friendly as she could, even though Dalisy haed her for some really weird reason. She smiled towards Klara and waved towards her friend she was glad that she decided to join them.

"I don't think the captain will be helpful she'll probably report that to the Thanes and they'd probably lock us up in our rooms forever to." Nadia told her, not that she didn't trust the Valkyrie captain, they did report directly to the Thanes after all as well to. "Lets get going now shall we?" Nadia said as she quickly got up and started to make her way out of the feast hall and towards where Helgi's office was at the reception desk. Naida looked around noticing that it looked like an actual crime scene out of some cop show, the outline of Helgi's body was laid out on the ground, and there was a nearby body bag as well to.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Feast Hall of the Slain -> Outside Helgi's Office
Skills: N/A

Arnora listened to Nadia as she spoke and nodded slightly while looking over towards Astrid for a moment, though she did trust the Valkyrie a lot, the Captain would most likely tell the Thanes and they'd be confined to their quarters or something like that. "I kind of agree with Nadia about asking the captain access to the scene." Arnora said, as she thought about the dead, and knew that there was a lot of death, even before Helgi's body was found.

"Lead the way." Arnora said as she followed shortly behind Nadia and out of the feat all of the slain and towards the reception area, as she was about to walk through the crime scene, the door to Helgi's office opened to reveal Heimdal coming out. "What are you all doing here?" Heimdal asked them all. "Just trying to look for Hunding's things to give to him." Arnora said rubbing the back of her neck slightly as Heimdal looked towards the others not really believing the lie.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location: Feast Hall of the Slain -> Outside of Helgi's office
Skills: N/A

"Being locked in rooms or whatever does not sound like fun. So maybe not actually admitting to anyone what we're doing is the best idea. Since as I mentioned, we kind of were specifically told not to investigate anything, so we could end up in trouble if we let anyone know what we're doing. And honestly getting confined to our rooms probably would be on the better end of the spectrum of what likely would happen if we told anyone," Klara commented, not sure why the Valkyrie wanted to tell people, even though they had been told not to mess with or investigate what had happened.

The idea of just starting with the more obvious murder, that belonging to the very obnoxious Helgi, made the most sense though, she did have to agree with that. The other people who died could have been killed just about anywhere or because of anything. They didn't know much about them aside from the fact that they were dead ad not coming back. They probably just got killed during a game or something like that. People around the Hotel could sometimes be a bit ruthless with just killing each other out of nowhere. She followed the others along until they reached Helgi's office, and of course Heimdal decided to walk out of the office at that exact moment. At least Arnora came up with an excuse rather quickly, but she wasn't too sure how the lie would work on Heimdal.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain -> Outside Helgi's Office
Skills: N/A

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain -> Outside Helgi's office
Skills: N/A

"I'm Astrid, pleasure to meet you Dalisy." Astrid could tell there was some kind of tension at the table when Dalisy came over and joined them, but she wasn't about to turn down more help. "We don't have to go to the captain, sorry I brought it up. I'm use to having to ask about roaming around this place." She could tell that no one was a fan of the idea of getting the captain of the Valkyries involved, and she didn't blame them. It had mostly just popped into her mind because she didn't think that it would be that easy for them to get into Helgi's office.

Lara got up with the rest of them and headed to Helgi's office where they ran across their first problem, which was a pretty big problem, in the form of Dalisy's father, Heimdal. It made sense in her mind that he would be the one to look over the office with his sight. She had to wonder if her own dad was around, maybe helping out. He was a god of Law afterall, though she wasn't sure if she could lie to him if he was there.

"It is as she said, Lord Heimdal, we are looking for Hunding's thing to give to him." Astrid was use to lying in a very awful way, but being a human Valkyrie meant that she lied to her parents on the daily. Even now they thought she was at an after school program that would be going over night, which wasn't too far from the truth, but at the same time it was. She just had to hope that the god would believe them, but Heimdal was not someone anyone lied to easily. It would be worse if it was Lara's father, Lord Tyr.

Lara decided that she was going to keep her mouth shut and let the others talk to the god. She wasn't terrible at lying, but she figured it would be easier if only a few of them spoke, to keep the lie from getting too big or muddled. She turned her brain over to what they were there to do, which was the case of Helgi's murder. A terrible crime had occurred and her sense of justice, to bring this killer to light was starting to burn deep within herself. Her mind did jump to Hunding, but she quickly turned away from that. Yes, the to had been rivals in life, but they worked together for the sake of the hotel. It also wouldn't explain why Helgi or any of the others were not coming back. That had to take some serious magic.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Feast Hall of the Slain -> Outside Helgi's office

Dalisy smiled at Astrid. Then followed the group over to the office. She was down for solving the case cause if they figured it out they'd be back to normal, which would be fantastic. She sighed, then the door opened and her dad was exiting the office. Her shoulders tightened a bit. It was an automatic reaction to being around her Godly father. Part of her found the whole situation super weird. She had two dads technically, and her sister's mother was a river so that was probably the weirder of the two.

"Hey dad." She said, trying to sound chill. The group already had a lie out there and she wasn't going to say anything about it. If any of the gods could figure out if she was lying it would be her own father. She had a pretty good feeling trying to lie to him normally was nearly impossible, but if that was the route the others wanted to go so be it. She wasn't going to try to fight it, that might just break her damn promise.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain -> Outside Helgi's Office
Skills: Amokinesis

Runa grimaced when they arrived at the reception desk. It was rather horrific. She wasn't by any means used to the amount of death in Hotel Valhalla yet, but seeing the outline of the trace of a body and the way it was treated like an actual crime scene... It made it all uncomfortably real. No one did this sort of thing before from what she knew - death was meaningless, a joke, something trivial. She bit her lip slightly, recalling how she had met the goddess of death in her search for Balder. Hel couldn't have been behind this... right? This was outside of her scope of power... right?

She took a slight step back as the door to Helgi's office opened - Runa had almost jumped, really, as if she had seen a ghost - but it wasn't a ghost at all who came out to greet them. She swallowed thickly. It was one of the gods - Heimdall, she was almost certain. Arnora lied weakly and didn't have too many people coming to her defense, and while Runa normally felt tongue-tied, some small part of her said that she had to speak up. "She's telling the truth, uh, sir," Runa pleaded, unaware that she was charmspeaking - and successfully, too.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Nadia Petrova

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Inside of Helgi's Office
Skills: N/A

"Yeah we were just going to give Hunding his things and just leave." Nadia said, hoping that Heimdal believed them all, as Heimdal took a moment and looked at Runa as she spoke. Staring at her longer than usual but believed her the most out of everyone else as he stepped aside to allow them to go into the room. "Alright, just only for Hunding's things don't mess up the rest of the scene i'll know if you did." Heimdal warned as he started to make his way over towards the he stopped for a moment and smiled at his daughter. "i'll see you later have fun with your friends." Heimdal said as he went to Feast Hall of the Slain where Baldur was most likely still at. Nadia noted that Heimdal had stared at her longer than he should have and instantly remembered what it was that she had done, seeing it happen a few times in the past before.

"I didn't think that charmspeak would even work on a god nice work." Nadia said giving Runa a slight smile as she entered the office first and started to look around the room. It was full of Viking décor much like the rest of the hotel, noting there was another door, she opened it slightly to reveal a bedroom. Nadia turned to look at Dalisy for a moment being a child Heimdal she probably had better sight then anyone else really. "Dailsy mind doing you Heimdaly thing and see if theres anything weird or out of place?" Nadia asked.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Inside Helgi's Office
Skills: N/A

Arnora relaxed somewhat as Heimdal accepted her lie and looked at Nadia as she told Runa what she had done knowing that she was new and Nadia kind of neglected to say what it was. "It's basically sort of mind control, and can basically get anything from someone or make them believe what you are saying as well to, it's really useful." Arnora told Runa gently patting her on the shoulder, she followed shortly behind Nadia and looked around the small office, and then the bedroom itself, she decided to enter the bedroom and do a little bit of snooping in there.

Both, Klara, Lara and Runa would notice a symbol had been etched into the corner of the desk, looking like it was done by either a knife or dagger. Arnora looked around and started to open a few drawers to see if there was something odd or out of the ordinary in there, while the others were still in the office itself.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Outside Helgi's office -> Inside Helgi's office
Skill: Super-sense

"Uh, yeah I will." Dalisy said to her dad telling her to have fun with her friends. It felt weird to be told that. Heimdal and her didn't talk a lot, so she didn't even know if he knew which of the group she would consider friends. She watched her dad leave the group. "Wow, that was impressive Runa. I've never seen anyone convince him a lie to be true." She entered the office.

Inside the office, she took a general look around. She shrugged at Nadia's suggestion and said, "Sure why not. Though if there was anything Heimdal probably found it first." She focused on her vision, everything came into sharp relief around her.

"Wait." She held up her hand. "No one walk around. There are footprints coming from the bathroom into the bedroom." She pointed at the line of footprints.

"These are Dads." She pointed at one set. "It looks like he came in through the reception door and left the same way." She told the others. "And that first set only comes from the bathroom and goes to the bedroom, nothing else." She frowned, that implied teleportation or something.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Inside Helgi's Office
Skills: N/A

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Inside Helgi's office
Skills: N/A

Lara was thankful that whatever Runa had done had worked, and when Nadia said it was charmspeak it made sense to her. "Thank you Runa." She offered the other woman a small smile as they headed into the office and started to look around at the room. She knew that Dalisy would probably see more than they could with her vision, so she mostly looked around to see if there was anything too obvious that it wouldn't make sense for Dalisy to focus in on it. That was when she saw it, that symbol, and she felt the color drain from her face. She walked over to the desk and inspected it more and frowned when her suspicions were confirmed.

"Well done Runa, thank you so much." Astrid smiled as she looked over at Runa, and followed them into the office and looked around. There was much out of place, but that did make sense, as this was an active murder investigation scene. She did pause when Dalisy told them not to walk around, so she froze behind the rest of the group. She felt like she was a bit useless at that point, as her skills were better put when it came to combat and sensing those that were about to die around them. There was death hanging over this room, or at least that was how it felt to her.

"Guys, I have a bad feeling about all this, especially since it looks like this might be due to Loki's influence. Not sure if it is him directly, or one of his tricks but, he's left a mark." Lara gestured to the corner of the desk where the symbol was carved into it. She didn't dare touch it, who knew what kind of magic was radiating from that one little symbol. Loki's infamy was well known to everyone there, and his magic was not to be messed with.

Astrid frowned as Lara pointed out the symbol of the corner of the desk, and she scrunched up her nose. "Well if it is him, that might explain why Helgi and everyone else isn't coming back. Though it could be someone framing him... I don't know. Though, it would be easy to pin the blame on him." Astrid knew that Loki was an obvious first choice, especially with his symbol right there. However, she didn't want to form a conclusion just yet.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location: Helgi's Office
Skills: N/A

Klara was a little surprised that Heimdall seemingly believed the group at all. Shouldn't he have easily noticed that they were lying? They hadn't exactly been too convincing with the lies either, and had more or less been a bit hesitant with it. After Heimdall left, the others started talking and it made more sense, Runa had used Charmspeak on Heimdall somehow. "Nice job Runa. That sort of thing is a handy ability to have... Fun that it decided to pop up in a moment when we could use it, since let's be honest, everyone wasn't exactly very convincing with the lies..."

She entered the office after everyone else, and glanced around, wondering what exactly was going on in this situation. What had caused everything to happen? Klara caught a glimpse of the symbol on the desk, and was about to question it when Lara pointed out the symbol and that it was Loki's. "Oh this is just great, the exact sort of thing we'd want to deal with, Loki causing problems... That is likely never going to be a good thing if he is up to something and causing problems..." Not to mention Dalisy's mentioning of the footprints more or less disappearing and never leaving the room was not a good thing.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Nadia Petrova

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Inside of Helgi's Office
Skills: Vitakinesis

Nadia looked at the symbol that was carved onto the desk, and recognized that it was Loki's symbol as well to, though weird thing was that Loki had been imprisoned by her half-brother Magnus a couple of years ago. Unless Loki was somehow influencing someone, or it was someone that was working for Loki as well to. "I'm pretty sure that Loki is somehow involved with this then im pretty sure someone is just acting as his proxy for doing this maybe." Nadia said, as she started to get the feeling that they were being watched or something as she listened to Dalisy and nodded slightly, she didn't want to disturb the scene really either.

"I'm getting the feeling that we are being watched." Nadia said as she looked towards the bedroom in the next room as Arnora was investigating the room something was really off still to her at least as Nadia walked into the bedroom and was about to investigate the bedroom where Arnora was.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Inside Helgi's Office
Skills: Enhanced Tracking

Arnora sadly wasn't picking up anything really other then the tracks that Dailsy had picked up, as she continued to look around the room, and looked towards Nadia as she started to come into the room. "There isn't really anything in here." Arnora said towards Nadia as Arnora was about to go and investigate the bathroom when an arrow suddenly materialized and flew hitting Arnora into the shoulder knocking her onto the ground.

The invisible figure quickly started to bolt out of the room shoving both Runa and Dailsy to the side, knocking them both to the ground the door to the reception area quickly opening and closing behind them. Nadia quickly coming over and started to remove the arrow putting her hand on Arnora's shoulder, healing the wound slightly.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain -> Outside Helgi's Office
Skills: N/A

Runa tilted her head for a moment, running the word Nadia had said through her mind over and over again. It was really hard at times to understand the others. They had so many niche words that Runa had never heard before in English, meaning she had no idea how to translate them in her head to Norwegian. What was charmspeaking? From the way it sounded, it sounded like some sort of way of talking magic, but English was weird so Runa wasn't all too certain. But she certainly hadn't done any sort of magic as well - Runa was just Runa, just ordinary. She didn't have any special powers.

When Arnora explained what it was, Runa's eyes widened. Mind control? Forcing people to do what she wanted? "I-I.... I can't do that," she stammered. She didn't have that sort of power. If she had been able to just mind control people, then their lives would have been much easier when they went off to save Balder from Hel. She was still stunned as she went into the office and spotted the symbol carved into the desk - although Runa had no idea what it was. She bit her lip as Dalisay explained something about invisible footprints - and then the commentary about Loki. Before she could really contribute though, when an arrow came out of nowhere, and the next thing Runa knew she was sprawled on the ground.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Inside Helgi's office -> Elevator
Skill: Super-sense

Dalisy didn't like that it might be Loki involved. It seemed too easy to her. It was always Loki. She rolled her eyes at the idea of it, and then was pushed off to the side suddenly. She landed on her butt on the ground. "What? Rude!" She stood up and dashed after the person.

Finally, she had something to take out her anger on. She looked to the ground keeping an eye out for footprints. Outside the room she was able to follow the footprints right up to the elevator. She paused, tracking from there might be impossible. She wasn't wrong. Dalisy could not tell where the figure was in the chaos of what the Elevator area was.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Inside Helgi's Office
Skills: First Aid

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Inside Helgi's office -> The Elevator Area
Skills: Spear

Lara let out a bit of an involuntary cry at that point as she saw the arrow hit Arnora in the shoulder, and then watched as Arnora fell to the ground. She knelt down next to her and she moved to help Nadia with the healing. In her panic, she did almost forget all her training as a nurse for a moment, as this was her friend. Someone she cared deeply for, and it had been a while. However, she did take a moment to collect herself and she started to help Nadia with Arnora.

"Intruder!" Astrid grasped at her spear and went to toss it at the figure, though it was after she made the first throw that she realized that she was throwing at an invisible target, so the spear hit the wooden floor of the hotel, leaving a dent into the already banged up floor. She hefted herself forward and snatched up her spear as she looked around, trying to see if there was any way that she could target the invisible foe that they were following.

She made a second toss at the direction of a sound, and once again the spear missed and left another gouge into the wooden floor. Astrid mentally cursed at that and then dashed forward to snatch up her spear once more. She then looked around and noticed that Dalisy had focused in on the elevator area. She knew Dalisy had some kind of special sense, having just seen it in use in the office. Astrid narrowed her eyes, and aimed for the third time. She did a mental prayer to both of her patron gods as she threw the spear for a third time. This time she watched as the spear seemed to sink into a figure, and she grinned to herself. Third time really was the charm it seemed.

Back in the office, Lara was tearing apart part of her shirt at that point to make strips of bandages if Nadia needed them. She really did not like what was happening, between seeing Loki's symbol, as well as the invisible figure that had just attacked Arnora. She also was wondering where the figure had been hiding before they had attacked Arnora. They had fired an arrow in a small environment, which was odd. They either had been desperate or very skilled.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location: Helgi's Office
Skills: N/A

"Don't sound too surprised... Sometimes it takes people a while to figure out what sort of abilities they might have gained from their godly parent, so even when you think it should have popped up, it won't... Just kind of how things work," she commented to Runa with a bit of a shrug. It wasn't too surprising to hear Runa be in denial about the entire situation, it probably did sound a bit insane from her perspective. But that's just how things worked around here, everyone reacted to that sort of thing differently.

Then chaos proceeded to ensue, where suddenly an arrow appeared out of nowhere and slammed into Arnora, before suddenly Runa and Dalisy were sprawled out on the floor. Klara had to blink a few times before she realized that whoever had attacked was invisible, and clearly was up to no good based on just that occurrence. "Are you all alright?" she asked the group as Astrid and Lara went to try and help patch up Arnora after Nadia had, and she walked over, offering her hand to Runa to help her up off the ground.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Nadia Petrova

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Inside of Helgi's Office -> Lobby Elevator
Skills: N/A

"Thanks for the help Lara." Nadia said looking over towards Lara and smiled towards her, letting Lara wrap the makeshift bandages over Arnora's shoulder. "She's stable enough to move." Nadia told her as she stood up seeing Dalisy and Astrid both dashing off to go after the attacker, she had a feeling that they might need some help. "I'm going to go and help the others." Nadia said as she quickly bolted off towards where the elevator was.

Both Astrid and Lara could see where the spear had impacted, as the figure slowly started to pull it out and threw it back, nearly hitting Astrid, grazing the side of her face causing a slight cut to appear. Nadia heard the elevator going down, and then the door opening seeing other Einherjar getting off of the elevator. Some of them looking at the three a bit confused, seeing the spear imbedded into the wall behind them and assumed that they were fighting. "Didn't Baldur say that we shouldn't attack each other?" One of them asked, just as the elevator closed and going up there was a bit of blood where the elevator button was now.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Hotel Valhalla, Inside Helgi's Office
Skills: Enhanced Tracking

Arnora winced in pain slightly as Lara patched her up, and nodded slightly as Nadia went to see if she could help Astrid and Dalisy. "Thanks Lara, i'm alright." Arnora said giving her a slight smile and gave her friend a slight hug, as she stumbled back up onto her feet seeing Klara helping Runa back up to her feet. "Are the two of you alright?" Arnora asked she looked over towards where the elevators were seeing a group of Einherjar where the elevators were.

She walked over towards the elevators rubbing her shoulder slightly looking over at the three of them and then the other Einherjar they all seemed confused. "You guys alright?" Arnora asked looking at Dalisy, Astrid and Nadia, Nadia gave a slight as her attention turned towards the small crowd growing. "There's nothing to see here." Arnora said, some of them looking at one another before shrugging and the group dispersed.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Outside Helgi's Office
Skills: N/A

Runa nodded slightly, taking Klara's hand and getting off of the ground. She was incredibly bewildered as to what had just happened. Someone had been invisible and hiding inside of Helgi's office? Had someone else been investigating? Or was it the culprit returning to the scene of the crime? Her cheeks flushed slightly as Arnora asked, too, if she was alright - Runa had just hit the ground, she hadn't received a real injury. "I'm fine, really," she said softly. She wasn't a very loud person - her natural speaking volume was somewhere between a whisper at the library and a quiet conversation with friends late at night. Arnora then walked off and Runa glanced in her direction, seeing that Arnora was going near the elevators - and a group of people had gathered.

Runa's stomach did somersaults, seeing all of those people. She didn't like crowds before this. Now all she was thinking about was how any person in that crowd could be responsible - or even then, just dumb enough to kill someone before the magic in Valhalla was fixed. "What was that?" she asked Klara, as most of the others had gone off over to the elevators, and Runa didn't really want to go join in the crowd.

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