@Aeolian Tag appreciation, appreciation. <3 And well, I'd decide on which you'd like to participate in first. But I will look over any characters posted!
that is true. I was also thinking something similar to a Nen Beast where my character summons a creature-type thing that fights for him.
You can always just borrow the kite style of conjuring and summon weapons and such for your character to use.
lol @ both of these, I need to get my characters up faster. I assume abilities like these would likely be common amongst certain types of individuals though, so feel free to still use these. In fact, please do. It is something I always thought would be interesting, I always wondered why there weren't abilities that were compared to each other, that differed in terms of conditions and ability set. Truly Nen is a very versatile and thought-provoking ability. I personally believe I would try my absolute best to hold off for possibly multiple years in order to develop something that is worthy of keeping lifelong. It would be a frustrating process. How you structure your abilities directly leads to how situationally useful they will be. You need something versatile, but if it's too versatile in a way directly changing its usage it loses power. Is the trade-off worth it? What if you find yourself in a situation your Hatsu doesn't prepare you for? Are your other skills enough to make up for that? It's a lot to think about, but again if you overthink too much you'll end up backing yourself into a corner, again.
Such a fantastic power system, truly a masterpiece, and something I love as a worldbuilder.
Forgive my rants, but also, while an angel may not be considered a "beast" by terms of traditional sake, I believe it would fall under the term in the way of Nen ability. While Goreinu's Gorillas would be considered Nen beasts, I believe that Razor's 14 Devils, as well as Bisky's massage ladt would be considered Nen beasts as well. It's roughly more of a loose term, as I would understand.
Posted the draft of one of my characters, today was my day off and I used most of it to work on a villain actually, decided to switch a couple of hours ago and try and actually write out the White Tiger idea I had since I had first started this venture.
Anyway this villain is dope asf I might have to steal his Nen ability tbsr damn
Since we were asked for ideas for NPCs, I decided to start with the most obvious choice given Pasche's backstory.
Also while I don't quite think Pasche is at the level of a Celestial Beast his hatsu would be rather appropriate for The Black Tortoise. So I just decided one of his goals will be to become The Black Tortoise.
(Character Image)
Formal Name-
Jax Albarn
Age- 31
Gender Or Preferred Pronoun- Male
Height & Weight- 5'11 and 155 pounds
Notable Physical Attributes- Jax has a naturally high pain tolerance, which allows him to fight while ignoring some pretty serious injuries. The downside of course is that he can have trouble telling how serious an injury is, which is how his right hand ended up so damaged.
Discovery of Nen- Jax actually got initiated by a friend if his who made it to the 202nd floor of Heaven's Arena and was taught the basics of Nen by a fellow contestant, who neglected to mention the dangers of forcefully opening the Aura Nodes that way. He was lucky enough that the experience only left him with a few broken ribs while another friend ended up blind in one eye.
After he was recovered and the mission they were on had failed it still took him a few months to find someone capable of actually teaching him instead of just explaining the theory behind the Four Major Principles. As such it took him about a year to master them.
Luckily the same teacher was also able to teach him the more advanced applications in another eight months and how to use Manipulation, Enhancement and Conjuration in half a year after that.
Nen Type- Emission
General Ability- Jax has mastered the basic and advanced application of Nen, and while he is an Emitter he can use Manipulation, Enhancement and Conjuration as well but has no experience with Transmutation or Specialism.
Third Arm: To make up for his damaged hand Jax conjures an extra arm from his right shoulder. Due to it being made of Nen he can't feel anything with it but it is slightly stronger than his normal arms and a lot more flexible.
Nen bullets: The bullets are fired from a real gun and Jax can create seven at a time, one for each chamber and the barrel itself. While he can switch them around he can't reload until he has fired every single one nor can he create any amount of them other than seven but gets to choose what type he wants. Also anyone capable of using Nen even slightly can use any remaining bullets for nothing more than the energy it would cost to fire them if they get their hands on his gun.
Impact bullet: This bullet has the most force behind it but delivers it in the form of a concussive blast with no penetrating power.
Homing Bullet: As the name says this bullet homes in on its target but can be blocked by anything capable of stopping a normal bullet.
Exploding Bullet: Explodes on impact.
Boosting Bullet: To be used on himself or an ally, doesn't heal the target but transfers the Nen used in making it to them
Marker Bullet: Another non damaging bullet. Feeds on the target's Nen and lets him where to find the target. Only gives the info as a straight line to the target and doesn't include distance, or altitude.
Sonic Bullet: Three times as fast as his other bullets.
Paralyzing Bullet: While this bullet does no damage it will paralyze whatever bodypart it hits for a period of time ranging from three seconds to a minute.
Weapons or Equipment- A six shooter with the firing pin removed, which he uses for his Nen bullets. Two brass knuckles.
Trained Skills or Knowledge- Before he became a Hunter Jax trained at a boxing gym and is still a skilled hand to hand fighter even if he can't use his real right arm for serious fights. Like his nephew he is good at shadowing people though he mostly relies on In to do so.
After his injury he trained himself in markmanship and he is a great shot.
Notable Scars or Physical Appearance Traits- Due to an injury early in his career as Hunter which went untreated for too long Jax suffers from mallet finger on his right hand, affecting his ring- finger. His right hand as a whole is covered in scars and permanently slightly swollen at the wrist. The biggest reason it's so bad though is simply because he let it go untreated for too long.
Notable Personality Traits/Personality- Jax can't stand bullies of any kind and in fact became a Blacklist Hunter in order to deal with the stronger ones out there. He is naturally overconfident but his experiences have tempered that part of him and he will try to stay objectives about his odds, even if his trackrecord isn't 100 %.
He is patient enough to pull off stakeouts even if he does get bored during them and often multitasks by doing something simple to keep busy.
Past Affiliations or Experience- While he no longer boxes professionally he still visits his old gym to touch up on the basics.
He also stays in touch with his old Hunter friends Mitchel and Kyra even though both of them have surpassed his level, with Mitchel even becoming an One Star Hunter.
Notable Relations- - Mitchel Riggs: His best friend and the Hunter who initiated him. - Kyra Alyssa- His other childhood friend who is blind in one eye. - Master Dorothy Maldonado: The Hunter who taught him how to use Nen. - Rowan Foster: His brother in law. - Anastasia Foster-Albarn: His sister. - Pasche Foster: Jax's nephew and student.
General History- While Jax had a tendency to get into fights more than his parents would have liked there was always a good reason for it. As such they eventually decided to let him learn boxing, in hopes the discipline would get him to stop picking fights. It didn't really take but his reputation had the same effect eventually.
At first he was planning to become a pro boxer until he heard about Blacklist Hunters, seeing as it a good fit for him due to his tendency to fight bullies and his own fighting skills he took his first hunters exam when he was 18 and failed because while his fighting skills and stamina were good enough hehe knew about wilderness survival.
Originally he wanted to just take a year to fix that by studying books on planta and camping out in the open but his plans were derailed due to the birth of Pasche and he stuck around to help his sister and her husband with minor stuff. By the time he was 21 he tried again and passed. His first jobs were rather uneventful but eventually he was initiated.
The first job Jax took after he learned Nen was the one where his hand got messed up, he was over confident as he went up against an Enhancer and ended up having his hand broken and captured. While he managed to escape after three days his target got away and his hand got damaged even more both due to lack of treatment and during the escape.
Birth Date- Unknown. Some time during the rainy season 19 years ago.
Gender Or Preferred Pronoun- Female.
Height & Weight- 5'5". Thin build.
Notable Physical Attributes- Enhanced Memory: Perhaps she was born with such a trait or maybe it simply developed as she grew older, but Oceane has an immaculate, photogenic memory. She can recall experiences far back into the past as if they just happened yesterday. She can describe them down to every vivid detail. Her memory is so advanced, that she can remember the sensations she felt at the time, physical, emotional or otherwise. She remembers faces like photos in a picture book. She never forgets a face once she sees it in person.
Discovery of Nen- In a very unusual manner, Oceane learned how to use nen in her sleep. Every night, a strange figure appeared in her dreams. In her dreamworld, she would eventually become familiar with this nebulous figure who in due time would teach her how to use nen in her slumber. This peculiar way in which she learned to use nen might explain why her Nen ability is the way it is. Oceane believes the figure is her mother.
Nen Type- Specialist
General Ability- Because of how she has lived most of her life, her offensive and defensive capabilities are not particularly strong. However, due to these circumstances, Oceane has developed very powerful Ten, Zetsu, and In, allowing her to effectively hide her unique aura from people, which is especially useful when she uses her nen ability. She also possesses Gyo so she can see the aura emanating from others.
Hatsu- 100 Fluttering Nightmares Oceane's nen ability allows her to spew 100 moth-shaped sprites from her mouth. She can control these sprites and see through their eyes, making her especially adept at surveillance since she can use them to watch over many different areas at once. It's like she has split her consciousness into 100 little smithereens and scattered them out into the world. When enough of her sprites work together, they can move objects or repel assaults, or even levitate her, giving her a limited form of telekinetic-like capabilities.
Finally, when one of Oceane's sprites lands on someone who is sleeping, she can enter their dreams. While in their dreams, she can simply visit and witness what the person is dreaming or she can take control of their dreams and make them have beautiful dreams or horrific nightmares. While in someone's dreams, Oceane uses In to conceal her presence. The dreamer cannot see or communicate with her until she allows them to.
While using her nen ability, Oceane cannot speak, a condition of her Hatsu. Another downside to her nen ability is that her sprites are somewhat fragile and can be destroyed if they receive enough direct force. When one of her sprites is destroyed, its like she's lost one of her sensors. The sprites replenish every 24 hours, but for the ones that are destroyed prematurely before returning to her body, she cannot create any new ones until the next day.
Weapons or Equipment- No weapons. But she does usually carry around a sketchbook and a quill. A few bottles of salve to help her sleep nightmare-free.
Trained Skills or Knowledge- Oceane is a skilled artist, though she reserves her talent primarily for sketching faces that she finds memorable or interesting, even if the face she draws belongs to someone she only met in their dreamworld. She can sing beautifully too.
Notable Scars or Physical Appearance Traits- Oceane seems to always have a dreamy, misty kind of gaze. This ever present look of longing for something or someone that's not there. She also has an unusual marking on her tongue, which appeared there after the figure from her dreams stopped visiting and left her only with nightmares instead.
Notable Personality Traits/Personality- Oceane is a mysterious young woman with a dream-like gaze. She always looks like she's searching for someone. Her disposition is rather peculiar. She's graceful like a cat, but her mentality seems a bit off and incomprehensible. She enjoys socializing immensely, but lacks proper etiquette, and therefore, is brutally honest about her feelings, which at times, may offend people or make them second guess her intentions. However, anything she says she does so with zero malice or hate in heart. Simply put, she speaks her mind because that was the first feeling she had. She's just very matter of fact.
This is a girl that has seen so many dreams from other people, that sometimes they infiltrate her current thought process and she'll randomly mention strange things. Most of the time, no one has absolutely any idea what she's talking about. Some of the things she says just sound made up.
She is not a very good liar. Oceane's emotional range and intelligence is somewhat limited and she never really shows emotional extremes on either side of the spectrum. While good natured, she can become clingy when she meets someone that peaks her interest or has a face that she deems "memorable". Under these circumstances, she may want to follow them, ask them endless questions, or get to know everything she can about them. This makes her a person who is somewhat easy to manipulate. Due to her honest and sincere nature, she has thing about her that makes people want to protect her.
Past Affiliations or Experience- Heartless, an all female mob gang originating and currently operating in Yorknew City. This gang was formed by women who were battered, beaten, abandoned, cheated on or abused in any way. They now operate to reap their spoils, teach corrupt men a lesson, and get revenge. Oceane's affiliation in the gang was more circumstantial. She just happened to fall into them, though they eventually came to protect her like a prized jewel. But they also used her too, primarily for her nen ability.
Notable Relations- Aarav One of the current Heartless gang leaders. She is a conjurer type nen user. She has a suave personality and is sometimes mistaken for a man. She is extremely fond of Oceane and is very overprotective her, so much so that she acts as her protector. If someone really upsets Aarav, she displays an uncharacteristically sinister disposition. She's also tall, like 6'0".
Chrome A member of the Heartless gang and also serves as Oceane's protector due to their big-sister/ittle-sister kind of dynamic. However, Chrome acts like a really strict teacher and scowls often. She can also be really sarcastic when annoyed. The nature of her nen ability is unclear.
Vlad Yulestarian Oceane's rich and powerful businessman father. The nature of his nen ability is unclear, but it is believed to be very dangerous hence why he always wears a glove . She has not met her father in person, but has visited his dreams many times, though of course, he doesn't know that. She isn't even sure if he knows she's his daughter.
The Mother The mysterious figure who appeared in Oceane's dreams and taught her how to use nen. Oceane has a striking resemblance to the being and believes it to be her mother. However, the current whereabouts and status of her actual mother are unknown. The Mother stopped visiting her dreams, and ever since then, Oceane has been plagued by nightmares every time she sleeps.
General History- Oceane was born in Yorknew City, the bastard daughter of powerful businessman Vlad Yulestarian and his prostitute mistress, whose name Oceane does not know. After giving birth, Oceane's mother, in her naivete, thought Vlad would take care of her and his child. Of course, he denied that the baby was his child and left them to rot on the streets.
After a few years of being homeless, Oceane's mother realized she could no longer take care of her. And so, on a rainy moonlit night in spring, she abandoned Oceane at a cathedral when she was 3 years old. It was at this time when she would go into the sewers and stumble upon some members from the all female mob gang called Heartless. The gang would take her in and treat her as one of their own.
Some years later, a strange figure resembling herself would start to appear in her dreams. Of all the faces she remembers, her mothers is the only one that she can't recall. So she began referring to the mysterious dream being as Mother. Mother gave Oceane the longing and comfort she'd always been craving and looking for. Mother taught Oceane how to use nen, including the development of her Hatsu.
Over the years, Heartless became more wealthy and could afford the finer luxuries in life, the spoils of screwing over men, blackmailing them, and other criminal activities they managed to get away with. They moved Oceane to a penthouse suite at the top of a skyscraper, where, after discovering the nature of her nen ability, started using her to cast nightmares over men in the city below. Every night, they'd have her perform this act. Spew her moth-like sprites into 100 smithereens and scatter them across the city to infiltrate the dreams of the most heinous and corrupt men and give them the worst nightmares imaginable.
This would go on for years, but when mother stopped visiting her own dreams, her slumber soon turned into a time of nightmares as well. Oceane had to start taking a special salve every night to keep the nightmares at bay. Oceane wondered if she started having nightmares because of the nightmares she was inflicting onto others. She wanted to stop, but the Heartless gang leaders wouldn't let her. And so, caged like a bird at the top of a skyscraper, she spewed her moths once more. Carried by their gentle wings, she flew away from the gang, hoping to find a certain someone to put an end to her nightmares forever.
The two recent characters Byakko and Oceane especially makes me feel like I should’ve put a bit more effort into making my character a bit more HxH-like. They give off an organic vibe that Provoke seems to be missing lmao.
The two recent characters Byakko and Oceane especially makes me feel like I should’ve put a bit more effort into making my character a bit more HxH-like. They give off an organic vibe that Provoke seems to be missing lmao.
You know you just basically called my character basic right?
@vancexentan Thanks, what you think about your character is all that matters at the end of the day. I personally believe I could’ve done a little more to Provoke.
But, I also think when you make a character, it should be a concept you love and can enjoy exploring.
And in any case, the RP hasn't started yet so it's not like you can't make adjustments right?
What aspects do u feel don't give off that HxH vibe? The backstory, the nen-ability, their personality?
I think once you figure out the aspects that are giving you doubt, you can try to change it up a bit.
Anyways, sorry. Not really my place to be giving out advice or anything. I just understand how it feels to doubt your character. I've been there plenty of times.
At the end of the day, you should be happy with what you've created. You know?
@Aeolian Your advice was welcomed lol. I def needed to hear it. I think once I get home I’m gonna give Provoke a nice workover. Scrape through him with a fine comb and see if I can see some areas of improvements.
@pandapolio On the younger side of Nene users, I’d say no one above their early twenties.
@Duthguy Fantastic, tell me when I can look over the sheet again. And that sounds good in character, the positions will be offered at some point, so we can work with that.
@Aeolian Accepted! I love seeing all these Nen ideas! Cool concept with The Mother too.
<Snipped quote by Renny>
You know you just basically called my character basic right?
Now we’re mad >:(
@Renny Jokes aside, I agree with @Aeolian, simply making characters you’re going go enjoy playing out and making come to life are important. I’ve found that after so much time making really deep and complex characters that keeping it simple can be a good solution to characters that become gimmicky fast. Your character is great though, don’t feel as if you need to change anything. If you decide to though, let me know to look over the sheet again.
Thanks for the kind words and advice guys. I think I was overthinking my character basically over the simplicity of my Nen ability. Going over him, I found I was more or less happy with him. The abstract nature of @Aeolian nen abilities spoke to me lol and I thought maybe I should have a more complex ability. But at the end of the day, I can’t see any dire changes that need to be made.
I'm glad you came to this conclusion to be honest. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Provoke. :)
I think it's kind of just a matter of personal taste. I only went with an abstract concept cause it fit the theme of the character I was making. And I tend to favour more abstract concepts to straight forward ones.
My favorite HxH character is Neon Nostrade if that's any indicator to what I like.
But, the beauty of HxH is that there is a really nice mix of simplistic and abstract nen abilities, and they're all awesome. And we need both to make a more diverse story and world.
Plus, a cute kid who can shoot deadly finger bullets is dope AF! Having a long range sniper sharpshooter type of nen ability is really useful, especially in a world like HxH.