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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Merlin's Tower -> Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan stared at her brother, a little surprised at his optimism. She honestly would've expected him to be a bit more morose in this situation, given that he had just been kidnapped by his father - but perhaps Jack shared her opinion that their birth parents weren't really their parents. They were just donors of genetic material - it was a clinical way to look at things, but it was the way Megan saw things. She caught a glance in her direction - no, a smile - from Rose and Megan felt some heat rise into her cheeks. "I'd rather sleep in a graveyard," Megan muttered to her brother.

Megan took the necklace, and while skeptical, stepped through the portal Sierra and Taylor had gone through. She wrinkled her nose. She hated the beach. It was too warm and the sand got everywhere and the sea water was so salty it made her want to gag. The only thing she liked about beaches were the fact that sometimes, if you were lucky enough, severed feet would show up in sneakers. Hansel didn't inspire confidence in her when he admitted he didn't know how they got to an underwater kingdom - Megan also noticed a lack of deep sea diving equipment. "This is a complete disaster," she complained to her brother.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: Merlin's Tower -> The Moors
Skills: N/A

She wasn't too sure still of actually meeting her biological parents, after all, she wasn't exactly entirely sure she wanted to meet them. Not to mention the part of the area magical world that they were heading towards sounded like a really not too great place to visit. Since from what she had been told, that was Maleficent's realm or whatever, her kind of base of operations if you will really. The groups were starting to head out though, and she let out a bit of a sigh before she headed through the portal to the Moors, wherever that really was specifically anyway.

Of course, who could have guessed that the instant the portal closed that they'd instantly be surrounded by some people who were pointing weapons at them. This was a bad thing, a really really bad thing honestly. Sure, Merlin had magic or whatever, but they were severely outnumbered, and everyone else probably wouldn't be able to help in the fight before they all ended up getting killed. Of course, Merlin instantly nodded to them to lower their weapons (even though she personally didn't have any) and she looked at the group surrounding them. "Well this isn't good..." she muttered under her breath.

Jack Gold

Location: Merlin's Tower -> Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Everything was a bit chaotic, and currently he still wasn't too sure how people would react to him being around or whatever when it came to the parents of the others. Everything was a bit weird to say the least, but oh well, nothing he could really do about that now. Jack couldn't help but chuckle slightly at what it was that Megan said to him with regards to sleeping in a graveyard. "Lighten up, since at least it seems like your bio parents won't try to kill everyone or something," he whispered to her in response, since from what he gathered, the other parents were likely better people, at least hopefully.

The idea of them not having any sort of idea in how to get to an underwater kingdom was just insane and dumb to him. He had to agree with what Meg said, and he rolled his eyes slightly at what was going on. "You do realize that is probably the dumbest bit of planning ever? You all knew that we were going to be going to an underwater kingdom, or at least that there was the possibility of it, and you didn't come prepared with a way to actually get there? Since I don't think any of us can actually breathe underwater, so this is probably the dumbest idea ever, since you are going off of potential sheer dumb luck or whatever to get us there."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Merlin's Tower -> The Moors

Rose got a smug look on her face at Layla's jab. "You're assuming we haven't." She squeezed Cass's hand, and gave her a bit of wink so let her know that while she was teasing Layla she would kiss Cass if she wanted. She did see that her mom was looking at them and gave her a small smile. If her mom had issues with it, that was her problem. Rose lived authentically and wouldn't put up with someone who hadn't been in her life trying to control her.

Once through the portal, she looked around taking it all in. They were supposed to be heading to the woods, but there was a minor hiccup with that. They were surrounded by men with weapons. She sighed. And removed her bow and arrow quiver. She had a swiss army knife on herself too, but that wasn't really a weapon. It could be useful if they got tied up though. Her stomach twisted a bit at the idea.

Colby Jackson

Location: Merlin's Tower -> Agrabah

Almost as soon as they walked through the portal Colby was annoyed. He was a city kid. This was the desert. He wasn't even in good shape. He sighed. He hoped Tink had a source of water, cause they would need it.

"Yes, why didn't Merlin plop us closer to the city?" He looked at the distance they would have to walk. This was going to be miserable. "Also how likely are we to be harassed by some of Malificant's guards? Like is this place teaming with them? Who is in charge of the city? Like is it Jasmin or her dad? Or has Malificant taken over and put like Jafar in control?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago


"We just have to head to the slums and ask around the local contacts there to see where they are, we have to keep magic use at a minimum and Jafar and Malefiecent's men control this area, just avoid the guards and anyone who is well known." Tinker answered Willow's question and part of Colby's as she used her magic and three bags appeared containing some water and other things such as food and some more clothing as well to. "The place used to be an oasis and there was a lot of green surrounding the city, since Jafar took over appointed by Maleficent the area around the city started to die off and became part of the desert."

Tinker Bell said as she started to head down the sand dune while looking over her shoulder at Colby it was smarter to be transported outside of the city rather than being magically transported to the middle. "Sure we could do that, but then we'd be on the floor and handcuffed right away and we don't want to draw any attention now do we?" Tinker said to Colby as she continued to walk, Maddie would notice something shining and sticking out of the sand slightly beside a nearby rock.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

"Well I haven't been here before really so, yeah kinda have to wing it unless you want to start swimming aimlessly in the water, be my guest." Hansel said more than a bit annoyed shaking his head slightly as he continued to walk ahead of them as Gretel rolled her eyes slightly towards her brother a bit more than annoyed with him, and she could understand the kids frustration as well to. "This is the only kingdom that hasn't fallen to Maleficent, and they more or less keep the location a closely guarded secret from what I have heard and they don't really trust outsiders to often." Gretel told them.

They continued to walk a little bit further until they reached a small fishing village that was on the beach, there were some people there already staring at the newcomers with a distrustful look. Sierra stared at the group of fishermen as they went about their business, Hansel eventually finding a nearby bar. There was a pair of people who looked a bit younger than any of the other fishermen in the small community and they looked a lot cleaner as well to they spotted the group and started to whisper between one another and then they went off to talk to someone who was wearing a hood over their face.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Layla rolled her eyes at Rose' little jab towards her as she stared at the armed men around her, once everyone had dropped their weapons three of them quickly went over and confiscated them all. "You all are going to come with us, do not do anything stupid or we will drag you in hog tied." The leader of the group said, before they were motioned to follow them off into the woods. "I don't really like this." Layla whispered back to her sister feeling a bit awkward without something to protect herself with. As they continued to follow the group deeper into the woods and then off of the trail, in the distance they would be able to see a camp that was set up.

They turned to the left and then opened up a building inside containing some cells they were pushed into the cells and locked the door behind them. "Someone will be there shortly." The group leader said before heading off, to get the leader of the camp, Red went over and leaned herself up against wall of the cell. Merlin went over and sat down on the floor and started to meditate by the looks of it. "Oh okay so we get to sit here and wait to be killed or something got it." Layla said sarcastically as she started to look for a way out.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Colby was throwing a lot of names out very quickly. Jasmine, her dad? Jafar? Maddie had no inkling as to who any of these people were, but given that her father could be the ruler of this place then perhaps that made Jasmine some form of princess. Making her father...a king? Did every Disney tale have a king and princess? He began to wonder while Tink explained the situation a bit further. Given that the place used to be a massive oasis, it now made more sense to set up shop here. It was a shame they ended up missing it and only got this godsforsaken desert instead. Whoever this Jafar character was was clearly shit at ruling. He grabbed the bag that Tink created for them and slung it over his shoulder as he made his way down the dune. Maddie wanted to ask who all the "notable" characters were but he figured he may be able to tell just by sight, so he kept yo himself.

Near the bottom of the dune Mads caught the glint of something shining in the midday sun. He stopped in his tracks, squinting towards the glare, before finally deciding to go and check it out. He kneeled down on one knee and pulled at the metal, showing off an old styled Arabian oil lamp. It looked good, but antique based on Kansas time. Maddie held it in one hand and pulled his sleeve up with the other, rubbing away some sand that was still on it. "Hey, I found a cool oil lamp. Good no magic way to light our way in a dark place." Maddie undid a strap from his clothes and lopped it through the handle of the lamp before fastening it once more. "So what exactly should we ask the people in the slums?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 32 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: The Moors --

Rose’s comment succeeded in making Cassiopeia blush. She looked at their joined hands as she tried to regain her composure. The two of them had always flirted and made small advances but that comment and the way Rose squeezed Cass’s hand and looked at her after, confirmed everything to her that she had a chance. Of course the bliss of that moment was short-lived. Cassi stayed close with her sister and Rose, ready to defend them all with the hidden knives in her bag should she need to.
As they walked, Cassiopeia leaned close to her sister to hear her whisper and nodded. It wasn’t good and they were nearing a camp now.
”I’ve got knives in my bag. If it goes south, grab one,” she whispered to her sister. They entered a camp and Cassi looked around, trying to glean information from her surroundings. Any information. She came up empty though not being able to tell how many people were staying at this camp or anything identifiable at all. Before she could take a second look they were ushered into a building that looked like a jail of sorts. They were locked inside and Cassi crossed her arms, frowning at their predicament.
When Merlin sat down, seeming to go into a meditation or trance, Cassiopeia couldn’t help but snort and shook her head. She felt her twin’s words deep in her soul and nodded silently before looking around the cell they were in.
”As long as the someone isn’t Rumpel, I think I’ll be okay,” Cassi noted.

Willow Jones

Location: Desert -- Agrabah

Willow nearly slipped a few times as they climbed a sand dune. Tinker Bell started to answer her and Colby’s questions as they crested the sand dune and they got their first look at Agrabah. Initially, Willow was quite disappointed. It looked nothing like the Disney film. Even the palace lacked the luster that the film had shown. Of course, it had been a cartoon but still, Willow was hoping for some magic. Tinker Bell’s explanation of who was now in charge, suddenly made sense.
She accepted the water skin and some food from Tinker Bell, tucking it away after taking a sip of water. She knew not to drink it all or take large gulps thanks to her kickboxing training. Still, that sun was hot and it was tempting to take a longer sip, even though they hadn’t gone that far.
Willow felt sad at how run down the city looked. It had been described as a beautiful oasis but now, the only oasis was the promise of shade from the heat. She didn’t know how they were really supposed to remain undetectable. Willow looked at her companions and her own self and couldn’t help but feel like they stood out.
”Staying hidden isn’t exactly our strength,” she noted. She continued to walk forward until Matthew deviated and picked something up. Willow peered at it closely then gasped suddenly as the sand was removed. ”That’s a genie lamp!’ She frowned though when Matt had rubbed the sand away and nothing happened. ”Do you suppose it’s empty?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan raised an eyebrow at her brother's comment. She knew that Disney tended to romanticize things, but people didn't become kings by being nice to people. Yes, Maleficent seemed horrible and wicked, but she didn't doubt that her biological father was a killer. However, the time to point that out to Jack had came and went, especially since they had the larger problem to deal with - finding a way to get to this underwater kingdom. Jack was willing to state the thoughts that had been going through Megan's head. "So... Outsiders like us," Megan pointed out. She was beginning to wonder what the point of having Hansel and Gretel there was, given how they seemed to basically know no more than the rest of them.

She was a bit curious when they made it to what looked like a fishing village, mostly wondering whether or not the fishermen would attempt to kill them for being outsiders and then use their corpses as bait. It's what she would've done - although she had no idea how effective human remains were compared to, say, worms. She didn't know anything about fishing. As they got closer to the village, she saw that most people there were pretty dirty, aside from two who stood out like a sore thumb and started whispering. "Either there's a tide pod cult or they might be our way to the kingdom," Megan murmured. "Do you think they have underwater coffins? Or do they just... float the corpses to the surface?" she then asked her brother.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"Okay... Well this is a horrible situation isn't it?" she commented as the people who had more or less attacked them took what weapons the group had with them before proceeding to declare that they were going with them. Arguing was seemingly pointless at this point honestly from what she gathered, all things considering the fact that they were unarmed and probably could end up dead if they weren't careful. She still wasn't even sure why the hell Merlin had more or less told them all to disarm themselves. Everything that they was going on was a situation they might not be able to get themselves out of.

Then they were more or less stuck in a jail cell it would seem like, them getting shoved into cells and more or less left there and locked up. Not to say she wasn't used to be locked up in a jail cell for any length of time (she was a thief after all), but she at least knew what was going on or why. Here? Not so much. "So... Are we supposed to just sit around and do nothing? Or is there a reason why you told us to not fight back or something? Since this does not seem like a good situation for us to be in." she asked Merlin, since it sounded like they could do nothing now.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Jack rolled his eyes slightly at the response Hansel gave them, but at least Gretel seemed to have given them a decent response as to why things weren't as simple as they first appeared. Knowing that it was one of the few places that hadn't fallen to Maleficent made it a bit more obvious as to why getting there would be difficult. So why the hell hadn't he mentioned that before when he was just going on about finding a guide or something if they were lucky? The odds of that sort of thing were slim he was pretty sure at this point.

Of course, they eventually came across a village of sorts that clearly didn't really trust outsiders, which is what they were to them. The two oddballs who stuck out though were interesting to say the least, and they started talking to each other about something (probably them) and went to go talk to a third person. Meg's comment about the coffins and all was a bit strange, but he was used to her questions revolving around death and everything, "I don't think that is the most important thing to worry about right now Meg."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

Inside the cell Rose started pacing. She was irritated with being held. She hated having her agency taken away from her. A flash of the memory of Maleficent trying to kidnap her and Sierra went through her mind and she got madder. Her mom and Merlin looked way too calm for all of this. Merlin better be doing some sort of magic or something. She didn't like relying on magic, but it seemed they always were.

She looked around the room trying to see what ways they might need to get out of there. Rose was good at wilderness survival. This was different though. But she could still look for weaknesses in the set up. With her pocket knife they might be able to make a weak spot an advantage. Her search gave her nothing. She sighed irritated.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

"I didn't mean into the city, just less than a two hours walk from it." Colby sighed. This was going to suck. He took a small sip of his water and closed his mouth. He had read Dune once a few years ago and knew that he would want to conserve his body fluids.

He raised an eyebrow at the Genie lamp that Maddy pulled from the sand. It was a cool thing to find, and if they met the Genie, especially if he was like the classic Robin Williams Genie that'd be super cool. He would hate it if this was like the live action Aladdin film. He hadn't even watched it all the way through. Then a sudden horrible thought crossed his mind. Were they going to have to sing like they were in a musical.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Tinker Bell looked over towards Colby and shrugged slightly. "Could have been a bit more specific, and it wouldn't be super fun getting caught or anything." She said as she continued to walk as she watched Maddie picking up a genie, though she was disapointed that there wasn't one in there that would have been really helpful. "It's empty sadly it looks like." She said as she continued to walk a little bit more as Willow asked a question. "Just ask some of the beggars there if they know of any kind of resistance, you may need to bribe them though sometimes." Tinker said as she paused for a moment as she heard some people talking and noticed a small caravan being pulled by several camels towards the city.

"We may have a ride actually." Tinker said as she started to make her way towards the caravan, heading towards one of the people there, and then smiled. "Hi there, we were wondering if you could give us a ride in one of the wagons? We've been wandering in the desert for days." She said, as one came up and whispered something into the man's ear and nodded slightly. "Of course." He said gesturing towards one of the wagons that looked like there was room enough for all of them to sit in.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Sierra stood nearby Jack and Megan as well she noticed the two people talking amongst themselves. "Might as well see if they could help." Sierra said, as she looked towards Jack and Megan she made her way towards the two and waved slightly towards them. "Hey there, was wondering if you could help us?" Sierra asked as one of them looked at her for a moment and then over towards the others as well, a little bit curious about them. "What do you need help with?" One of them asked. "Was wondering if there was a way to get to Atlantica from here?" She asked hoping to get an answer. "We can get you there for a price." The other said.

Sierra jumped slightly as she could hear some fighting going on, and Hansel being thrown out of the bar looking like he had gotten into a fight with one of the guards as some of his buddies came out as well. Gretel rolled her eyes slightly and groaned as she saw her brother getting into trouble for no real good reason and quickly went over towards them to try and break it up the guards looked a bit drunk. "We can totally pay." Sierra said, lying a bit hoping that Hansel and Gretel had enough money to pay.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Sierra looked towards Cass and nodded slightly towards her, hoping that it wouldn't come down to it though. "I don't think you would like to be peppered with arrows or getting stabbed, and we were outnumbered anyway. These are Hood's men after all as well to, they might not recognize you all really." Merlin said as he opened up his eyes and looked at the group as he started to stand up, though she didn't really like the idea of being disarmed or anything like that, she didn't really want to be shot with a bunch of arrows either. Though she did perk up a little bit when Merlin confirmed that these were her and her sister's father's men as Red shrugged slightly she hadn't really met Robin Hood before. "First time meeting him, as well." Red said.

When the same man who had escorted them into the camp came over and unlocked the cell door. "The boss will see you all now." He said, as Layla stood up looking at her sister and smiled slightly as she started to follow him out of the cell and followed him towards one of the largest tents in the camp a man and a woman with long hair were seen talking over what looked like a war table of sorts with a large map in the center of it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 32 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Ronin Hood's Tent - The Moors

Cassiopeia watched Rose pace, smiling to herself at the anxious action. For some reason Cassiopeia wasn’t as anxious as Rose was about being locked in a cage. At least they weren’t fighting to the death. It was nice to have a bit of a rest; although, Cassi was anxious to know if these men were her fathers.
As if Merlin could read her thoughts, he confirmed that these people were Hood’s men. The way Merlin said it made it sound so important and exciting. Cassi looked over at her sister, eyes sparkling and a huge grin on her face. Finally.
The man from earlier returned to escort them to his boss. Robin Hood. Robin Hood was his boss. Cassi reached out and took Layla’s hand, she was practically vibrating with excitement. Cassi should probably be more reserved but she couldn’t help it. They entered the appropriate tent and inside stood a man and a woman. It had to be Robin Hood and Maid Marian, Cassi thought. She looked over the man, hardly interested in the woman. She looked for similarities, anything that she recognized from a past life. Cassi squeezed her sister’s hand, sure she was about to break it but she couldn’t help it.

Willow Jones

Location: Desert

Willow frowned a little, shifting the pack on her shoulders and held the necklaces through her clothes. Bribery? And what exactly was she supposed to give the townspeople? She didn’t have any money and she wasn’t about to trade, water, weapons or her necklaces. Those were gifts from her mother and protection from Merlin. It was unfortunate the genie lamp was empty. She simply could have wished for transport to her mother.
Tinker Bell spotted a caravan and Willow was relieved. She watched Tinker Bell go over with interest, not ready to walk over herself yet encase the people attacked. All seemed well though and she started to walk over.
”At least if something happens when we get to the city, we won’t be tired,” Willow noted optimistically. She smiled at Colby and Matthew before continuing forward.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Maddie feigned some excitement when Willow mentioned it was a genie lamp. He hadn't known that this lamp was special in any way with the exception of allowing them to light it without using magic since they were just warned against using any. Now, Maddie had heard of genies before. But typically it was known that they twisted your words and wishes in a way that would make you wish you'd never made it. Probably some sick joke or form of amusement for being enslaved for thousands of years and forced to grant 3 wishes to every passerby that happened upon your cell.

He frowned a bit at the oil lamp, placing a cautious finger upon it as he ran it slowly. Wondering how long they were trapped in there and what might happen if one did get free. "Maybe someone wished the genie free? I don't know if that's even possible but...if I was trapped in a cell for thousands of years, I'd become bitter too and wish to be free from prison." He didn't have much longer to dwell on it as a Caravan came into view and Tink approached them. Maddie watched as one man whispered to the other, judging their character and seeing how they'd respond. The strangers agreed to let them on board, making him cautious for a second before seeing the genuine looks in their eyes and deciding to climb aboard. "Not being tired sounds good." Maddie chimed in as he tucked the lamp further out of view under his robe.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, seeing that Hansel had already gotten himself thrown out of the bar. Her estimation of his competency was rapidly decreasing with each passing minute. Wasn't he supposed to be their guide in this little adventure? And now, their other guide, Gretel, was occupied with trying to get her brother out of trouble. Megan huffed slightly. Her fingers were itching a little bit at all of this inaction. Sierra must've been feeling antsy too - that or very bold, as she had gone up to the two conspicuous figures and offered them money for passage to Atlantica.

"How much?" Megan asked, joining Sierra's conversation. "We can pay on arrival." She didn't imagine Hansel and Gretel had much money. However, she was pretty sure that one of the royals hiding in Atlantica would be able to pay. She didn't know if King Arthur and Queen Guinevere would be interested in having a relationship with her - Megan was neutral about the idea at best - but at the very least they could pay whatever bill they accumulated.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"Ugh, we can't just sit around here doing nothing though..." she grumbled. Rosalia hated the fact that they were literally sitting there doing nothing, just waiting to hear their fate. It was ridiculous, the idea that they weren't going to really be able to do much but sit in a cell. And Merlin's reassurances that they were Robin Hood's men, that didn't really matter all too much for her, since they clearly didn't know that they were coming to show up, despite Merlin [i]supposedly[i] sent out messages to alert people to the fact that they were going to show up, so she now was wondering what the point had been was for them waiting and not heading off already.

She was getting a bit bored, kicking her foot around a bit, before the guy came back and said something about the boss wanting to see them. Rosa rolled her eyes again now, and she waited for the others to walk out ahead of her, before following along. Seeing the people that they were brought in to see, the first person who was probably the "boss" they were referring to probably was Robin Hood if she had to guess, but she remained quiet, just waiting for someone to really say something to talk to him and the woman with him.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

He wasn't too sure what to expect with Sierra just so very bluntly going over to the random strangers who may or may not be able to get them to the underwater kingdom. As far as he knew, they couldn't really trust anyone in this world, so should they really just be going up to some random stranger and hope that they wouldn't get into a fight and would actually be able to help them. "Not sure this is the best idea..." Jack muttered, making sure to remain a few steps behind everyone else since he wasn't too sure about this entire situation.

Jack looked over at a bit of a commotion that was occurring, he saw that Hansel was getting into quite a bit of trouble without them being the one to cause it. Then again, he was kind of just waiting for them to cause mayhem or trouble by accident, though they didn't have the group who seemed to always be fighting each other around to cause them problems. Which would explain why nothing had gone to hell quite yet. He listened to the group as Meg and Sierra both asked the random strangers how much would it take for them to be able to act as their guides, hopefully this would work out in the end.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

When Merlin confirmed that these were Hood's men Rose relaxed a bit. It would turn out better now. If these had just been bandits she would have been more concerned. But Robin Hood, well he was always a scoundrel, but he was for good. She smiled at Cassi seeing the excitement in her eyes. She knew exactly what that was like.

One of the 'bandits' came in and said that the 'boss' was ready to see them and led the group to two people. The woman, Rose assumed, must be Maid Marrion. The man had to be Robin Hood. She stayed toward the back of the group. This wasn't her reunion. She didn't want to interfere.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

Hmm, maybe that's Jafar's genie lamp?" Colby suggested quietly. "That might come in super handy later." He could imagine them having to trick Jafar back into the Lamp. He smiled at the caravan people, climbing on and saying. "Thank you. Much appreciated."

Colby sat next to Maddie on the wagon. It wouldn't do to do any planning on the caravan. They couldn't risk that the people would report them to Jafar and them. He frowned thinking, looking at the city of Agrabah in front of them. It would have been beautiful, but in magic stories the city showed the true heart of the one ruling. Like in the Lion King when Scar took over. That's what this reminded him of.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Inside of the wagon that the group had gotten in there was what looked to be a small family, an elderly man was laying down on his back with a blanket covering him, a younger woman, and man along with a child maybe around three or four years old maybe five at the latest. They looked rather tired as the elderly man was sleeping, they also looked rather thirsty as well to. The caravan started to move forward again, slowly towards the city, the younger man turned to look over at the group and waved towards them. "Where are you all from?" He asked deciding to make some small talk.

Tinker Bell looked towards the others for a moment making a follow my lead like motion before turning to face him. "We are from a village further away, hoping to do a little bit of trading but a sandstorm came through and we ended up getting lost." She told them, the man eyed the four of them for a moment before nodding slightly. "We are on our way home our wagon ended up getting raided however." He told them.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

They both whispered amongst themselves before looking at the three of them. "Each of you can give us something valuable first as collateral then you pay us when we get there, then you can get them back once the transaction is done." One of them said, as Sierra looked towards the two of them for a moment. She did have some stuff in the real world she had brought with her, but it really wasn't valuable the most money she had on her was fifty dollars, but she was pretty sure that US currency wouldn't work here.

Sierra pulled out her pocket knife and then moved the blade out to show it off and how it worked before closing it and handed it over towards them so that they could look at it themselves. "Will this do?" Sierra asked they both seemed to be pretty interested in as they worked it while whispering amongst themselves once more and nodded while looking at the other two expectantly. While the guards finished they headed back inside of the bar, Gretel berating her brother, before smacking them and making her way towards the group seeing them doing their transaction.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Robin Hood and the woman were having a rather heated discussion before Merlin coughed to get their attention, Robin Hood and the woman turned around to face the group the woman seemed to recongize Rosalia rather quickly and started to smile at her, while Robin Hood looked at his two daughters and smiled as well to. Layla looked towards her sister as she squeezed her hand, feeling the rather tight grip she wanted to pinch her sister to let her know that she was hurting her a little bit. But she was excited to as well, before Merlin took a step forward and addressed them. "It is good to see you again Robin Hood, and Rapunzel." Merlin said, as the two walked over.

Layla looked at the woman for a moment, she wasnt really expecting her to be Rapunzel, sure she did have some pretty long hair, but she was expecting it to be a whole lot longer. "It's nice to see you dad." Layla said smiling towards him as he returned the hug as well. Red stood next to Rose and smiled some gently patting her on the shoulder.

"It's good to see you again as well." Robin Hood said before turning his attention towards Layla and Cassiopeia and pulled the two of them into a hug. Rapunzel approached Rosalia she wasn't sure if Rosalia would hug her or not, but she knew that she had a lot of questions. "I missed you so much, I know you probably don't want any affection or anything from me and you probably think I abandoned you as well to. But I am sure that you do want answers I can help answer them for you if you want."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Wagon to Agrabah

Maddie watched the family, the state they were in and the exhaustion riddling their faces. Clearly their journey had been more difficult than theirs and Maddie felt a twinge of guilt inside of himself for the ease of magic they possessed. He thought about offering them some water, seeing the dried lips of the individuals and hearing the parched voice of the man who was speaking. But it wouldn't do any good to offer just one of them the water, and Maddie had no coin to get more once they reached the city. He could only imagine the price of it in a desert kingdom ruled by a henchman of Maleficent.

Maddie wrung his hands against a fold in his robe, looking towards the old man. "I'm sorry to hear that. Fortunately it seems none of you were hurt or lost. Items can be replaced, but family, people, not so much. Home isn't too far away now, so at least there will be some rest afterwards, yes?" He wasn't really sure what to say, and hoped that nothing spoken was insensitive to their situation. But Maddie was never much of a materialistic person. Only caring for the few things that made it out with him from the orphanage that were found when he was abandoned...sent off for protection.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 32 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: The Moors --

Cassiopeia was shocked to hear the woman was Rapunzel. She didn’t fit the picture of Rapunzel in Cassi’s mind but she was far more preoccupied with the man that was smiling at her and her sister. At least Rosalia was meeting her parent at the same time. Robin Hood came over and hugged the both of them. Cassi held on tightly, feeling tears prick her eyes and run down her cheeks. She could hardly help being emotional at this moment. It was her father after all.
After a moment, Cassi pulled back and let go of her sister’s hand as well. She wiped the tears from her eyes and laughed a little before smiling at her dad. ”I can’t believe we are finally meeting you and that you are our father. You wouldn’t believe how many stories are told about you in our world.” Cassiopeia was seconds away from rambling on and on about nothing important. She couldn’t help it. Robin Hood was her father and standing right in front of her!

Willow Jones

Location: Caravan -- Desert

The group climbed into the caravan. It was quite cramped and it smelled but Willow wasn’t going to complain about free transportation in the desert. She looked at the people they had joined and smiled softly at them, noting their dried and cracked lips. She looked at her water canteen and offered it to the young woman and her child. Willow figured they were headed to Agrabah so she would be able to replenish there.
She glanced around the small compartment, hearing that they had been raided. ”That must have been terrifying,” she noted. She agreed with Matthew though that at least they had survived.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the request that their guides had given them. She could've gone through her things to find something more appropriate, but Megan wanted to make this more interesting. She produced her skull - not the skull inside her body, but the one she had acquired along the way. "This is Mina. Treat her nicely or you will forget it," she told the guides seriously, before holding her hand out with the skull. "She's my dear friend." She wasn't actually crazy - she knew that Mina couldn't talk - but to her a skull was comforting and familiar the way a teddy bear may have been to others.

Plus, she really wanted to see how these people would react. She had noticed that other people were very uncomfortable with the concept of death. They treated the subject as taboo, something to be avoided at any cost. She imagined that that attitude was still common in this fairytale world, so at the very least, she could see two idiots be creeped out by poor little Mina.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

She wasn't entirely sure what exactly she was expecting, but to be told that the woman in the room was actually her mother Rapunzel was not what she had imagined happening. At least not at the moment, she hadn't really braced her brain for this sort of thing, at least not yet. Since Rosalia had a million different things going through her head, and one of the major things she wanted to really do was race out of there and not face her problems. Thing was, she wasn't too sure if she'd be able to get very far or something before someone stopped her, since she didn't know where the hell she'd be going off to.

When Rapunzel spoke to her, Rosalia crossed her arms, just more or less staring at her, as she listened to the words coming from her mouth. The words sounded sincere and all, but... Well her brain was going through other things, and just more or less racing along. Nothing really was wanting to come out of her mouth in response to her offer to answer questions. What sort of questions did she really have for this? The only comment that popped into her mind resulted in her saying, "Kind of expected your hair to be longer," she said rather bluntly.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Of course they were going to be kind of shady and immediately ask for collateral in some way shape or form. Then again, they were kind of lying through their teeth that they'd get paid once they reached their destination, since they didn't know if that was even going to happen. He stood back a little ways, watching as everyone in the group started handing over some sort of object that could work. He didn't typically carry much that would likely be considered as valuable, at least from their world anyway.

Meg of course decided to hand over the slightly morbid object being the skull that she carried around. Jack had to fight back the urge to laugh with that, kind of waiting to see how they would react. He was used to Meg's fascination with death and the like, so he was also used to her kind of morbid sense of humor at times. It was amusing, but Jack felt around in his pockets, to see what he had with him, and similar to Sierra, he really found his own pocket knife. "Welp, I've got the same thing as her, hope that works out," he said with a shrug, holding it up. Hopefully it would work out, since there were two of them and if things fell through and they ended up keeping the stuff they wouldn't end up fighting over their objects and if they both wanted a pocket knife could then each have one.
1x Laugh Laugh
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