Empire of the Empty Throne
An dud yaouank a gav gante
E kouezh an aour eus beg ar gwez
Ha padal an delioù a gouezh
Da ober plas d'ar re nevez
E kouezh an aour eus beg ar gwez
Ha padal an delioù a gouezh
Da ober plas d'ar re nevez
Ul liñsel wenn ha pemp plankenn
Un dorchenn blouz dindan ho penn
Pemp troatad douar war c'horre
Setu madoù ar bed er bez
Un dorchenn blouz dindan ho penn
Pemp troatad douar war c'horre
Setu madoù ar bed er bez
Eight hundred years ago they came to this land aboard their might ships. Little did we of this land know what they would bring. As the peoples fought a wretched victory one after another they were forced to live as rulers under the yoke of their power and we submitted before them. They, the men of Gaüllo. Tall and skin as pale and blue as a early spring's clear sky as the snow began to melt, their dark eyes staring out from their heavenly towers. Their long ears hearing ever murmur of descent from our chief's mouths and their unrelenting exercise of their power and might upon their shoulders until they broke bone and flesh. Only then did they secure their rule and we came to learn of the home of the Gaülletics across a great dark sea, and whose people, the Gaüllo received our wealth.
But in the long years, as things often do, as the leaves change on the tree over the seasons their rule changed over the many peoples of the land. Even at the beginning they elevated many to become allies. And because the country was vast and the peoples many they required the loyal services of many a high king and so they became nobles to the great foreign court. And even more things evolved. The heartland of Gaüllo came to poor fortunes, struck down by their own poison in success and as they too came here on their boats to conquer, so did the poison and now they are confused.
This territory never had for itself a ruler of local birth. One had always sailed from abroad here to rule on the distant will of the Emperor as emperor in his own right. But something changed and soon we spoke not of the Mormêr as a foreign sovereign come to reign, but as the highest of kings born to this land. Because the Emperor gave him permission to do such, wanting the best of his men close perhaps. And the Mormêr became our friend or rival, in the same way as the old ones did. But the alliances began to shift depending on whose son ruled when as opposed to some distant imperial will. And some attempted to rebel, only to fall under his alliances. And new peoples rose to prominence and old ones fell from his blessing.
But now the poison has taken the Mormêr. His throne is empty, and the court calls to convene a council of nobles to pick a new one, or to steer the fate of this imperial outpost.
And this is the Üe.
This is a attempted reboot to Milkman's old Vassals To An Empty Throne, which I've taken to rebooting with some changes.
As with this RP, we all play as vassal lords to a broader empire. Eight centuries ago, the race known as the Gaülletics invaded the land now known as the Province of Mycoria. Mycoria is a low-fantasy realm, filled with a diverse number of races and monsters. As such the imperial realm is diverse, ranging from the Gaülletics and humans to any number of others. Its reaches span from the warm waters of its south to the frigid arctic fjords and mountains of its far north. All are subjugated before the Empire, and all have long been obliged to serve the realm with its riches and men as tribute.
As is the nature of Empire, none of the vassals of Mycoria are permitted to trade intentionally, and can only trade within the province. All tribute bound for foreign markets, or the Empire broadly and the imperial capital specifically go through the Imperial Merchant Monopoly, with its seat at Garnalaña. It is also at Garnalaña that the conduct of the Provincial Council is exercised.
As of late however, trouble has struck Mycoria. As unrest in the broader Empire spreads the nobles in the dual capital seats of Garnalaña and Móirens have begun scheming. As well, a strange new plague has reached the capital, affecting so far only the Gaülletics. This strange illness has struck several high ranking officers into a coma, or killed them outright; survival seems low. To make matters worse, the former provincial despot – the Mormêr – has passed away, albeit from complications due to age. But he never sired a suitable son to replace him and the throne lies officially empty. As per law an emergency Council of State has been called and all nobles – Gaülletic and otherwise – has been summoned for a special session to decide the future.

This is the map
Of things to know:
Gaülletics – The Gaülletics are a race of elven humanoids, with a pale to mid-shade blue skin. Theirs eyes are typically described as “dark” and ovular. Their hair is ginger, light brown, or blonde. On average they are over six feet tall. They comprise the ruling class of Mycoria, the ruling class of the ruling class even. But they are foreigners and are largely concentrated in two provinces: Móirens and Garnalaña. In their conquests of the region they were known for their tight disciplined organization and adaptability through the recruiting of local allies to supplement their forces. The alliances they made haven't always been equal, and often they were written with the interest of weakening two rival native powers to near decimation.
Móirens – This is considered the Capital of the Mormêr, the place where he, his family, and closest lieutenants have their palaces. The city was established initially as a military post to guard the portage between the two lakes and to help in projecting power further northwards and west towards the coast along the river. As time went on it became more prized for its scenic isolation rather than its defense as internal military politics changed. When the office of the Mormêr became hereditary it became the primary residence of the ruling family as a retreat into isolation. Because of this it also became the military capital as a number of provincial commanders have moved in followed by the civilian officials who are required to work closest with the Mormêr.
Garnalaña – Garnalaña is technically the second capital and functionally where the duties of the head of government operates. It is here legally where products bound for the Imperial Capital are sent for packaging and delivery over seas and up river to Móirens as the local cut. The city has also become the cultural center of the Gaülletic people on the continent, being a home to their major temples to their primary cults. As well as the Imperial Council of the Province, the Merchant's Monopoly is housed here.
Castle Arllánco – This large fortress stands guard over the similar named canal dug into the peninsula dug by the Empire a hundred and twenty years ago as an effort to streamline the movement of tribute around the coast.
The Mormêr – The rank of Mormêr used to be an appointed position from the Imperial Coast across the seat. The one who was appointed to the title would serve for life in the overseas province and serve the imperial interest by ensuring as much tribute went home as possible. However, as instability mounted in an over-stretched empire the title was changed to a hereditary one either because of no good men left in court, or the court needing as many good men as possible. As a result the title of Mormêr became a bloated and self indulgent one as the ruling family no longer found it necessary to send all the tribute back home and has long modified the amount of home-bound tribute to satisfy the balance between personal self-indulgence and career safety; as though the Empire could have afforded to re-invade to reinstall order in a rebellious province. The Mormêr's authority also underwent a change, as the managerial relationship between the numerous vassal states of the region and the Empire was no longer guided as a matter of official court policy but local real-politik and personal policy of the Mormêr and their family and closest confidants. As such, imperial relations within the province became unstable as alliances were often modified on the fly to exert dominance and control over the broad region. The dynasty which has just passed was the déUticea family.
Provincial Council – While the Mormêr is the head of state in Mycoria, the Council is the head of government and there is no head in the head more headier than the Prime Minister. Responsible for daily civilian affairs the Provincial Council is regularly gathered to legislate on matters of minor importance or in emergency situations where the entirety of government is required. When there is a Mormêr they dictate the legal parameters in which he can operate freely. When there is none they become the government. And in this crisis, they must elect a new Mormêr for the Empire, or watch the province unravel around them. The council also serves as a judicial bench, interpreting the existing law in criminal and matters of state misconduct. The council is made up largely of Gaülletic nobles from the military and merchants monopoly, as well as the many ethnic and vassal states that make up the provincial government making the council a large two-hundred strong parliament; even if on the regular only ten to twenty make decisions on particular issues and the Prime Minister is the only constant presence.
The Merchants Monopoly – In essence, this is a small guild of Gaülletic merchants and allies who dictate and control the trade between the province and the Empire at large in a mercantile fashion. Their services do not end simply at the managed trade of goods, but the managing of economic records of the realm to determine the value of goods and products. As well they serve as a bank for the province at large, offering loans of silver and gold taels and writing credit. They are often the finance behind large private or public projects in the province. In partnership with the Imperial Council they are responsible for chartering any new local banks.
WhAt'S ThE TecH LiKe? - 15th-16th century equivelant.
So applying for this? Fill out this simple application and mark your approximate desired location on the map. Here is the application:
Name and Title of Vassal State:
Race: (Gaülletic, human, or some custome unique race, be sure to add a WRITTEN description of them if not human or Gaülletic)
Special Note
If you add you capital, I will include that on the map. I may try to do other things. Sea lanes to the provincial capital will also be added on my own discretion. Don't dog me down with statistical details either, give it to me clean; you'll know what I mean when I accept you.