Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interacting With: N/A | Location: Delbrook School Grounds

“Alright. Cool. Cool. Very cool.” Kamila Horowitz took a breath as she did a quick stretch after being left to her own devices on the field for the festival.

Not that the girl pretty much everyone referred to by her initials had intended to do much with the festival. She was in Dance last year and would probably be in Dance this year. Same for Soccer. Electives and extracurricular activities were not things KC particularly thought much about. Dance was fun. Soccer was fun. She had thought about things like cinema studies, sociology, and other academic options as things that she found interesting enough to try to make the best of.

Plus, some of those classes had some very… interesting people. Interesting. Yeah, as if she wasn’t eternally hovering around her next will-they-wont-they romance. Last year it was a few flings but nothing substantial, but then again, who looked for substantial at this point in High School? People liked coasting on their emotions and having fun. Well, not everyone, she supposed. There were exceptions. Always.

For KC, she just hadn’t had a relationship that mattered. The closest she came to one was in Freshman Year with James and well, he had way too much baggage for her to put up with. She was done basically when his mom decided to play a game of 500 questions of “how are you good enough to even breathe the air of my son”. It was bizarre. Infuriating. But mostly bizarre. KC thought her parents were bad, but apparently they were nowhere close to being the absolute worst. Thank God for that. That said, she very much wanted a relationship. A good one. With a cute girl or boy. Preferably a senior. But you couldn’t force these kind of things. Well, KC didn’t know how. It apparently worked for other girls her age at Delbrook. But KC wasn’t over-serious, intimidating, or anything like that. She was peppy and free-spirited. Hard to make threats when people think you’re cute and non-threatening.

But problems for the future.

She shot a quick glance toward her phone, smiling as she did so as she began typing.

Alright gang. Don't forget to wear your jerseys today. Gotta show Rising Tide Pride! The lacrosse team may be the stars of the school but let's take their spotlight this year. WHOSE WITH ME!

You better. Leave a better impression than I did. If a team under me can get bronze then shoot for gold.

I'm here! On the field.
The competitive nature in KC was one of her few… less friendly aspects. She tried to play it off as more of a playful kind of thing, but sometimes it made her a little intense despite trying not to.

KC mentally shrugged before a familiar voice commented behind her. The group chat for the Girl’s Soccer Team at Delbrook was always a easy way to get heated, though KC wasn’t sure Ruby’s plan made much sense. In the end, it was whatever. Plus a uniform meant looking cute and she always enjoyed looking cute. After a few moments of gawking at her phone she could hear a familiar voice come from behind her and the brunette turned for a moment, only to move out of a particular person's way.

Interacting With: KC Horowitz (briefly) | Location: Delbrook School Grounds

“Excuse me.”

Mandy Flanagan weaved around KC Horowitz, one of the other students in her year, a slightly annoyed sigh leaving her as she headed in a particular direction.

It was the final year before college which meant there was a lot of work to be done. Fine-tune her GPA, lead Drama, and make sure she did both efficiently. The red-haired teenager had started work preparing for the school year pretty much as soon as junior year ended. The last three years had been a slum of plays and other performances but she had smiled and executed them as best as humanly possible.

People were intimidated by that kind of work ethic at Delbrook. She imagined the sentiment would not be all that different as a senior considered the amount of effort she had poured into her proposal for the drama department. She had personally transcribed several options that could optimize not only drama but collaborations with the music department. Musicals were difficult, challenging things and Mandy was eager to prove that her absence from choir for the last few years had not waned on the versatility of her talent. Plus, she had considered other members of drama dabbled similarly and could be highlighted better under any of the options. Of course, all that posturing and work would have to wait. The festival was important enough to sidetrack a conversation with the drama instructor.

Though it was very much important to staff more than it was most students.

Murmurs of the grandiose nature of the festival being a waste of time were present, though many others were just taking in the moment. Mandy herself was doing a walk through the field, booth-to-booth to see who was fresh-faced and who wasn’t. Faces she knew and faces she’d forget in a week.

Before continuing on her 'tour', Mandy decided to pause for a second to send a quick message to the drama/music groupchat from last year.

Mandy Flanagan
This is a reminder to everyone who was in drama last year to let me know what you'd like me to petition for on your behalf in my proposal for our yearly theater productions. Also, I'd like a headcount. Is everyone who was part of our core participating this year?

I don't like surprises! See you guys later. :)

“That should be clear enough.” She muttered before carrying on.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Luft

Luft ʟᴇʙᴇɴ, ᴡᴀꜱ ɪꜱᴛ ᴅᴀꜱ? / ꜱɪɢɴᴀʟ, ꜱɪᴇʜꜱᴛ ᴅᴜ ᴅᴀꜱ?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Interacting With: Ash & Micky @TGM@alexfangtalon Location: Lacrosse Field

"Micky? Like the mouse?" Scout asked with a straight, unfazed expression on her face. As she waited for Micky's reaction, Scout cracked a slight smile. "Just joshing with ya. Scout; nice to meet you, too."

Before either could say anything else, however, her cousin, Ash, approached the duo, and interjected herself into the conversation. Her words reeked of moody pessimism—they always did, at least for the incredibly short time Scout had known her cousin—yet regardless Ash had a point. It didn't make sense. What exactly was the school trying to prove here? Was this all some big play or trick to hype up the student body for the new school year? To entice school spirit or similar?

Maybe she was just over thinking things. But it didn't change how foreign and out of place everything felt to Scout.

"Figure you'd at least be used-tuv-it, Ash. But this festival is certainly sumpt—something," Scout paused, biting her lip as she corrected herself. "So what do I know?"

Glancing at the festival, Scout turned to her cousin and Micky. "Ennaway, you guys want to do something, or what? Might as well enjoy it while we've got time, I'spoze."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago



Location: Outside of Home → Delbrook Academy Parking Lot (before school)
Interactions: Her idiot brother

Outfit for The Vass Siblings


"I swear, if that idiot doesn't hurry up, I'm going to risk it and ride to school myself."

Malu was beyond pissed and it was for a good reason, too.

For as long as she's been attending Delbrook Academy and, hell probably ever since she's been going to school, Malu Vass has never missed a day. She never took a sick day or decided to play hooky because her friends wanted her to go to the beach or just game. No, she never did this because Malu had her eyes on what was beyond next week's test. Malu knew from a young age she wanted to make something of herself. She didn't know exactly what that was, but knew if she could get into a good college, then maybe she might figure it out once she got accepted. All she knew was that acing tests and having perfect attendance were just a couple of ways she might achieve this.

But, of course, as her brother proved time and time again how consistent he was at testing her every button, she stood outside of the Vass home, dressed in her usual summer wear of jean shorts and white top, tapping her foot impatiently against the ground. Curses of all sorts flew out of her mouth in a low tone. She was counting down the seconds she was expecting him to show.

As the final seconds of the last minute Malu could spend standing, waiting for her brother, she was growing so furious that it could no longer be restrained to her gripping her board tightly nor tapping her foot. By this point, Malu was visible fury.

And, of course, that would be the time that her brother’s truck came speeding down the street.

And when it came to a stop, opposite of a glaring Malu, Kyle was smiling at her, eyes partially closed. As if he thought that giving her his trademark “I’m sorry” face was going to make up for making her wait until the literal last minute.

“Sis, I’m so sorr—”

Malu cut him off as she tossed her board into the trunk, and climbed into the passenger seat. “Save it!” She sternly told him. She leaned back into the seat and looked at him with the same scathing gaze that was trademark for her. “Don't just sit there like a dog waiting for a bone!” She gestured to the road in front of us. “Drive, you moron!”



Location: Homeroom → Lacrosse Field/Carnival
Interactions: Sister, DANGERRRRRRRRR @King Kindred



After they finally arrived at the Delbrook Campus, not even a second after his truck came to a stop did Kyle frantically see his sister hop out and grab her board. She didn’t even give him a hug or kiss goodbye. She didn’t wait for him to wish her a good day, which after the fact he realized was weird considering they’d have the same class this year. But still. Rude.

As he sulked for a few moments, Kyle took a glance behind him and admired his surfboard. The reason he was almost late wasn’t because he was slacking off. He just knew that there would be some killer waves to come in, so Kyle did the thing that always came naturally to him: he woke up at 3am, took a shower, and surfed for a few hours. Of course, where he surfed wasn’t practical considering he lived in Long Beach.

The waves he rode were in San Diego.

Yeah, maybe he understood why Malu was mad. Or maybe she just needed to chill. Or maybe she hasn’t pulled that stick out of her ass ever since her last relationship fizzled out. Truth be told, there wasn’t much Kyle could do there. She got with this person and they dumped her. And instead of dealing with it like the more mature sibling she claims to be, she lashes out at him just because he chose to go to the San Diego Beach and ride some waves on a school day.

“And I’m the rude one?”

Kyle shook his head and went to get some food, then went to class.

As the morning progressed, Kyle deduced a few things were made obvious. Number one was the most obvious and that was the incredible discomfort he found himself experiencing when he realized that one of his best bros, Cassian, his little sister sat behind him. And throughout most of that time spent trying to focus on whatever Miss Goldman was saying, he felt the tug internally between wanting to acknowledge her (yes, he’s aware that’s bad) and ignoring her existence for obvious reasons, but also because her brother was sitting in the next row and a couple of seats behind him.

So all in all, Kyle didn’t hear a single word that she said, but before he realized it, the Principal appeared on the screen. Kyle was getting ready to prop up, but when the old man told them to stand up for the pledge, there seemed to be a few others that just groaned when they stood up. And after it was all done, the old man talked a bit about what the year was going to look like.

When Mr. McGregor mentioned homeroom, there was a feeling of dread that passed through Kyle’s entire body when he realized he’d be in hell with one of his best bro’s little sister behind him and Cass watching like a hawk. Or maybe he wouldn’t. All Kyle knew was that he was in for one hell of a last year.

And after they were left go. And after the assembly ended, which left Kyle feeling a lot better than he had all morning, he was pumped. The Carnival was awaiting the most chill, yet most hypest surfer in all of Delbrook and Long Beach.

“Let's do this!” Kyle pumped himself up.

With a loud “wooo!”, he took to a charge towards the lacrosse field.

Kyle went deep into the carnival and had his eye on that big hammer thing with the bell...what was it called again? Honestly, Kyle never knew the name of it, but he knew that it was his favorite attraction alongside the ring toss. But it was the first thing he saw, so once he got his fill, he’d seek out the ring toss.

As the easily excitable surfer took off to a run, he found himself smiling. There were a couple of reasons for this. The bright lights from some of the more well-lit attractions and booths, the energy he felt when he stepped onto the field, but it was more than that, but also simpler. He was smiling because nobody was in line at the hammer-and-bell thing. So, he’d have first, second, third, and maybe if he was feeling lucky, fourth cracks at it.


He heard a murmur of his name being called out amongst the loud chatter and sounds. It caused him to stop and look around.

“Kyle! Over here!”

He heard his name being called again, but this time he found who was calling him.

“Oh no…” He shook his head. “Just...keep walking. Don’t do it. Yeah, she’s cute, but donnnn’t do it!”

As he repeatedly tried to convince himself that walking over to a cheek-to-cheek smiling Sandra was a bad idea, especially when she was wearing a really nice top--

Okay, you definitely shouldn’t be looking at what she’s wearing…

As Kyle half turned his gaze away from Sandra, he could still hear her call to him and he could still see her move her raised arm up in the air, as if trying to get his attention. If she had just learned when to quit, he could still make it to the hammer-and-bell game. It was less than ten feet away from him, but as he made a step towards it, he heard a gutwrenching sound that selectively paralyzed him only when he turned back around.

That sound that he heard was the godawful scream of one Alessandra Bishop after she found out how much force a speeding volleyball could dish out when it came into contact with the forehead

What felt like an internal struggle for Kyle was a simple game of tug-of-war. On one side, Kyle knew it wasn’t his job to go to her side, especially if it turned out she was okay. If he went over there and did make sure she was okay and wanted to leave, he knew she wouldn’t let him. God knew that if he did go over there, Kyle would curse himself because he didn’t want to give Cass the wrong idea.

But then the other side came into play.

Kyle was a good guy. Not only that, but all things be damned — including his kindasorta crush on Sandra — Kyle didn’t have it in him to leave Sandra, or anyone for that matter, laying on the ground after being struck in the face by a volleyball.

Rubbing his temples, he cursed himself and was running away from the hammer-and-bell game. He hadn’t looked back at it. He ran full speed to Sandra’s side and took a knee. Internally, he was still cursing but he couldn’t just leave her. “Hey, uh, you alright there, Ali?”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interacting With: The Sister, Chloe (texts) | Location: Delbrook School Grounds

“And this is where you'll find the carnival of tortured souls!”

Yakov Ivanov, or rather James Ivanov to everyone who wasn’t his parents stood on the festival grounds with his arms crossed with a wide smile on his face and cell phone in his hand. Beside him was his sister, Ani, a newly minted freshman at Delbrook who was taking in the sights that the administration had put together for their first day of school.

“Is any of this necessary? I want to learn something.” She commented in a bored tone, “Also, your jokes are as dumb as your face.”

The thirteen-year-old brunette sighed as she adjusted her glasses before she looked around the festival grounds. The carnival or whatever. Part of James mind wondered how she’d actually take Delbrook. It had more opportunities for her than any other school their parents could afford and they had spent a considerable amount of their working class finances to put him and his sister through Delbrook’s curriculum. He knew that much because his mother constantly reminded him of that fact. Well, that, and he hadn’t found a suitable girlfriend to bring home in three years.

When he was in the 9th Grade he had his first real relationship burn out in flames because of that personality of his mother’s. Maybe it was why he didn’t try to date often, though he always had crushes. Being one of the runningbacks on the Football Team meant he had plenty of opportunities to do so, but fear had its way of… well, making you hesitate. He wondered how everything would turn out this year in that department since Chloe had asked him a pretty important question back in June.

“Do you want to give us a shot next year?”

Chloe Arkinson was pretty intimidating. Aspiring journalist. Head of the School Newspaper. Debate star. The list went on and James still wondered what he did to even deserve a chance at a shot let alone a shot at all. Maybe it was his sense of humor or the way he had with people? He didn’t consider himself too accomplished unless a sub-3.5 GPA and mediocre Football player was accomplished. If he was going to be honest with himself, he was a little anxious about the situation even though he refused to not capitalize on it. He had found Chloe attractive for a while now and not just because she was a cute blonde in journalism class. He liked her more for the intangible aspects. The no nonsense attitude, the work ethic, the intelligence; it just so happened she was cute on top of it.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be seeing way more dumber things.” The eighteen-year-old commented before taking a look at his phone. New Messages. Of course.

“I guess I’ll tolerate it. Can I go back to class?”

James kept his eyes glued on the phone, “I think you should get used to it. I'm sure there's something here that you'll be into.”

As his sister sighed James decided it would be best to respond to the messages he had gotten between leaving his house in North Long Beach and arriving at school. He couldn’t keep up the silent treatment. He was bad at it.

Good morning. I know we sort of left off last year with a question... Have you done any thinking on it?

Thinking. Panicking. Sweating. I've done a lot of things on it.

Panicking and sweating? Really, do I truly elicit so many emotions with a single question?

It was a pretty important question. That you asked like a cliffhanger.

And yes, I'd like to. Though I think you knew that already.

You give me far too much credit. I am no mind reader. But I am happy to hear your answer...

She says in ellipses...

I don't want it to be like I forced you. I know I don't have that power but still. You're sure, and it's not because I could knock you out in three moves right?

You totally robbed me of my free will. Absolute monster.

Also, three moves is being charitable. I'd be cooked in at least two.

You can't see me. But I'm rolling my eyes right now. Also it'd be three. neck punch, knee to the gut, upward kick to the face.

Not my face! I need that for seducing.

Not anymore.
James paused, his smirk dropping for a second. Well, that about covered it, or at least covered it in the way Chloe would cover it. It was a weird way to start off Senior Year and all the anxieties that would come with it. What would exactly change? or would it be the same for the most part? He doubted it’d be like how it had been with KC. He supposed it was pointless to think about, really. It wasn’t like he didn’t want to be in a relationship. James had different anxieties.

He looked back to his sister who was looking around the festival, but she wasn't shooting comments back at him. Not yet, anyway. It wasn't long until he was back looking at the feed on his phone and typing a reply.

Yep. To everyone's great disappointment I'm sure.

Well, they better watch it. So, are you at this lovely carnival right now?

Yep. Just making sure my sister isn't totally overwhelmed.

Because schools normally throw carnivals for their students.

Only Delbrook could make a Carnival awkward. I'm trying to find a story in all this mess, but I'll circle around and find you.

I'm the stupid looking one. Pretty obvious——or maybe I'm my very own Waldo...

You're the adorable one, and don't worry. I'll find you, I have a particular set of skills.

See you in a minute, then.
Welp. First interaction since June.

New Year. New everything.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



Location: Delbrook Academy
Interactions:Daniel Murphy, Sawyer Lockwood(@Moro),
Marco Costello, Maria Costello(@LostDestiny),
and Damien Lopez(@Vicier)


There were many things Theodore thought he could do, not the least of which was catching up with his team mates, however it seemed that fate had other plans for him as he took out his phone, glancing at the message he, and the rest of the drama team, had received. He hadn’t even checked to see what they could be doing this year, he’d been thinking too much on going for positions he probably had no hope of getting in professional productions. He stared at the text for a few moments, a little unsure of what to respond. Did he want to continue with being involved in a production? Could he commit if he did get a position in a professional production? Yeah, right, he was kidding himself with that.

Still, he hesitated. Sighing softly, he continued to stare at the screen, feeling like he’d just make a fool of himself… but he started to send a message back.

Theodore Colbeck

Sure., I’ll try out again this year Don’t really care what production we do, I’ll just go along with whatever.

Figuring that that was enough, Theodore finally decided to find some of the other lacrosse members, pausing along the way to glance at a few of the venders, but not letting himself get distracted as he sought out the team. Eventually finding them, Theodore slowed




Location: Delbrook Academy
Interactions:Ertria @vicier


Annie looked at herself in the mirror, frowning slightly as she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, before sighing and reaching into her small make=up bag, taking out a few bobby pins. She spent a few moments touching up her hair, making sure that there was no loose strands. She hated bobby pins, the little fuckers had a way of just disappearing, or moving slightly so that she had to constantly readjust them. For the moment though, she just needed them to stay for a few moments, as she took out her slick stick and sliding it over the loose strands. Better than hair spray, in her opinion.

Studying herself in the mirror, she nodded in satisfaction, taking out a small jar, gently dabbiing the sparkling contents on her eyelids. That was, perhaps, the best she was going to make herself look.

Taking a deep breath, Annie started out of the bathroom, gently brushing at her uniform to make sure there was no marks on it. Popping out her ear buds, Annie put them away, taking a small detour back to her locker and putting everything away besides what she’d need for the upcoming cheer.

Satisfied with everything she had done, she sought out Tria, Leaving the assembly a few minutes early in by using the excuse she needed the bathroom for personal reasons had, as usual, been a stroke of genius. Making her way back there, Annie kept an eye out for Tria in the crowd that was just coming out, taking out her phone.

Just outside, where are you?

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 3 hrs ago



Location:Home -> Delbrook Academy
Interactions: None


Allister’s alarm had gone off at least five times before he finally decided to get out of bed. It was less of a choice and more of his father coming into his room and demanding he “get his ass out of bed”. Allister rolled his eyes and got out of bed only to be greeted by the angry face of his father.

“You had a party here last night didn’t you?” His father seemed to ask but the older male already knew the answer. So now he stood expecting his son to lie to him.

“You and mom were gone and it was my last night of freedom, so yea, I had a little get together here last night.” He didn’t really have the energy to argue with his parents right now. He had a pretty intense hangover from the night before. Last night was one of the tamer parties he held. Only a few people showed up so it was more of a get together like he said. That did not mean that Allister did not get shit faced last night.

“We have been over this Allister, we will be taking your allowance for the week to pay back for the alcohol you stole and the cleaning. Cut the crap and grow up already.” With that Allister’s father left, not giving him a chance to reply. Not that he was going to. This was a regular thing, he would party, his parents would find out, they would take his money for the week. This cycle had made Allister surprisingly good at saving and budgeting. He wasn’t worried about not having cash to blow.

It took Allister all of an hour to shower and throw the stuff he needed for the day together. Most of which was him searching for the keys to his bike. It appeared his drunken self had found it funny to hide the keys of his newly restored bike from his sober self. Eventually however, he found the keys and he was out the door. The sound of the bike starting irritated his headache a bit but after putting his helmet on he was used to the sound. With a last check to make sure he had all that he needed he exited the garage and drove to Delbrook for the first day of his last year.

Despite the rough start Allister made it to the school in the knick of time. Parking in the lot and removing his helmet just as the bell rang to head to class. It was a little bit of a jog but he managed to make it to the class at the last possible second. He was one of the last to enter his homeroom class and find his seat greeting Miss Goldman with a half hearted hello as he did so. He tuned out the announcements taking the time to observe the people around him. Taking note of who not to mess with and who he didn’t recognize. He also tuned out the assembly, having no interest in listening to the same long speeches that happened every year. His focus was on the little mini festivities afterward. More importantly the food that would be there, since he had skipped breakfast in an attempt to avoid his parents as well as the fact that he couldn’t find his damn keys. As soon as they released onto the field he made a beeline toward one of the food stalls, not looking for anything other than something to fill his stomach.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Pathei Mathos
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Pathei Mathos Πάθει μάθος

Member Seen 6 days ago



Location: Lacrosse Field Festivities
Interactions: Aymeric, Costello Twins, Damien, Ruby, Sawyer, and Theodore



"I could go with a bite to eat. Passed on breakfast for a few extra minutes of sleep. Totally worth it." Of course he did. Danny couldn't blame him, though. The boys had talked about how the last week had been rough for him getting to sleep at night. After having Sam over to sleep beside him all summer long, then reverting back to sleeping alone.. it'd been hard for D, and he wasn't afraid to admit it to Daniel. He missed his girlfriend. Danny, of course, could sympathize.

"I can't believe you'd skip breakfast, Damien. Hey, any specific recommendations from Brandon?"

Daniel shot a half-smile Ruby's way as he opened his mouth to speak but heard a familiar voice behind him, stopping himself as he peered over his shoulder. "Hey guys, getting ready to sign-up for everything? It might be me but the carnival looks larger than usual." Aymeric. Danny tilted his head up in greeting to the boy, noticing that his words were more directed to the twins before turning back to address Ruby. "Well, actu-" It was then Danny realized Sawyer had been saying something behind him in response to Ruby, but it wasn't until he could feel Sawyer shove into his shoulder that he really noticed him. "Come on, please tell me they have some good barbecue or something."

Danny rolled his eyes and laughed, reaching over to shove back at the other boy. "I mean, if you let me talk a damn minute, I'd tell 'ya!" He shook his head, smirking as he glanced around at his friends that were now surrounding him.

"Hey." Daniel peaked over his shoulder to see Theo had joined the group, shooting a smile and a peace sign up at the boy. "Hey man," he spoke in quick greeting before turning back to Ruby to address her question as the group pushed through the other seniors on the field.

"Brandon always goes for turkey legs and the deep-fried Oreos when we go to any carnival. Personally, if I can find a food truck that does funnel cakes? I'm happy. A turkey leg does sound pretty good though." Danny side-eyed Sawyer, raising a brow at the boy. "And yes, they have a barbecue truck."

Daniel took a look around, his eyes grazing over all of the club booths as they migrated past them. Wonder who's working Sawyer's club booth, he thought to himself. He probably got some Junior to work it for him while he fooled around and ate his heart out. That boy was definitely food-motivated. When food was involved, it was like he had tunnel-vision. Though, Danny couldn't judge. As he caught a whiff of what he was pretty sure was funnel cake, his stomach rumbled furiously. His eyes scanned over the crowd of kids at the number of food trucks lined up along the back fence of the field, smiling as he landed on a small black trailer with orange signs and red lettering. Southern Momma's Funnel Cakes. 'Funnel cakes. Lemonade. Deep-fried Oreos'. Yes.



Location: School's Front Gate → Lacrosse Field Festivities
Interactions: Mother → Security Guard → Samantha Rhodes



It had been an hour since he arrived and he'd been about 8 minutes too late to sneak in the front gate. In his haste out of the house, he'd forgotten his school I.D. on his desk - and to make everything worse, the security guard who'd been responsible for breaking up most of his fights the year before was the one sitting at the gate desk. If Ezra remembered correctly, the dude's name was Jordy - or something like that. Brody? Whatever. As easy as it would be for him to just go home and get the damn thing himself, the security guard insisted Ezra call his mother to bring it to him. So there Ezra sat on the curb with his helmet in his lap waiting for his mother to arrive. The sound of shuffling feet and the sounds of voices carrying over to him from behind the gate caught his attention, peaking over his shoulder to see a group of students filing into the 300 building. Just as the boy was turning back to face the street, he could see his mother's black Cadillac turning the corner before coming up the road. As she neared, Ezra stood himself up and dusted off his butt as he tucked his helmet up under one arm, stepping down into the street when she pulled up beside him.

"Aquí tienes, mi amor." She held out his school I.D. by the lanyard to him, holding her free hand up against her forehead to shade her eyes from the sun as she squinted up at him.

"Thanks, mom." A quick glance over his shoulder at the security guard, Ezra's eyes came back around to meet his mother's. "Odio este pinche lugar."

"Ey! Language." After Ezra muttered a quick apology, she simply nodded as she looked past her son at the man sitting at the gate desk. "It's one more year, mijo. Just get through it, mm?" She reached out and gently squeezed his arm before pulling back to roll the window up and drive off, leaving Ezra standing alone in the street. The boy stood there watching his mother's car pull around the corner at the opposite end of the school she came from until the car was out of sight, turning back towards the gate as he shuffled his way to the security guard's desk to hold up his I.D.

"A'my good to go in, now?" The boy's tone dripped with venom, he didn't care much if he came off as rude or disrespectful. The guard's eyes tilted up towards him, looking back and forth between the I.D. card and the boy a couple times before he sat back into his chair, folding his arms over his chest.

"You know you're late, right?" As much as Ezra was sure he was trying to hold it back, he could just barely make out a smirk tugging at the corners of the guy's lips. The boy's jaw clenched before dropping open slightly, his tongue pressing to the inside of his cheek before trailing the inner lining of his lower lip. Ezra closed his mouth shut just as he let out a hefty sigh through his nose, side-eying the guard with what could only be described as pure exasperation. You gotta be fucking kidding me.

"My mom's already gone, bro. What do you want me to do?!" The two stood there a few moments in a silent stand-off. The guard shifted in his seat before shaking his head, turning back to his monitor.

"Don't make a habit of it. Git' goin', kid. Before I change my mind."

Ezra scoffed softly as he pushed past the front gate, almost literally biting his tongue to keep from saying anything in reply to the guy. The boy pulled at the glass door that lead into the 300 building, taking the stairs to the second floor before rounding the corner before running smack dab into someone. Ezra stepped back and looked the girl over. She looked familiar. Loud girl, always had a camera around her neck. He couldn't remember her name, but he remembered her from the year before when she was a T.A. for the Spanish class he took with Ms. Goldman to get an easy A in a language class. The boy sighed softly, slipping past the girl with a gentle 'Sorry,' muttered just loud enough for her to hear. He was about to push his way through the second set of glass doors that lead across the bridge to the 900 building till he heard her voice call after him from behind.

"Ezra, right?"

Ezra turned to face the girl, his hand still holding onto the door's bar handle. "I prefer Benny, but yeah."

"Right. I remember you from last year. I heard Goldman call your name earlier when she was taking attendance. Don't bother going to the room, the class is down at the lacrosse field." The girl turned and rounded the corner to head down the staircase, ultimately disappearing from sight. The boy nodded to himself as he pushed his way out of the glass doors before taking a hard right down the staircase, heading down the walkway beside the 300 building towards the auditorium and 800 building where he'd hang a left and head off towards the lacrosse field to join the rest of his class.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: Lacrosse Field.
Interacting With: Nora Gales (@Blizz), Anastasia Hopkins (@MarshiestMallow).
Special Mentions: Ignatius llywelyn (@MarshiestMallow), & Sawyer Lockwood (@Moro).
Wearing: Cheer Uniform.



One moment he was there, and the next-...

Reaching towards Sawyer as he darted away; Eretria let her mouth close. Her hand lingering in air a few moments longer than it should have, even after it was more than clear that he was long gone, and that he wasn't coming back any time soon. And really, she wasn't sure why it surprised her in the slightest. Even the softest whisper of food, and you would have Sawyer's attention. It was a spell that even she couldn't hope to break. It ensnared him in something she could only describe as a kind of trance-like state, and before you knew what had happened, it was luring him away. At least, that was, until his stomach was satified and he'd had his fill; though you could never be sure just when that was.

Honestly... sometimes she had to wonder if Spider Man was an appropriate alter ego for him. There were times when it seemed like Kid Flash was better suited. And why not..? Zipping off and stuffing his face did seem to be one of his specialties after all.

The gentle bell-like sound of her voice filling the air as she chuckled; Tria shook her head lightly. Her long orange-red locks bouncing gently over her back with the action. Her hand, having fallen during her thought process, drew across to meet the other in front of her stomach; and in mere moments, she was toying with the end of her sleeves. Biting down gently upon her lower lip as her bright gaze darted about the rest of the group surrounding her; searching - lazily at first, before she began to look around a bit more actively - for the familiar faces of her friends and team mates. If she was being honest with herself, she should have already been with them, but-...

Forcing herself to part with that particular train of thought, at least for the time being; she slid her foot back. Her body giving a quarter turn as she glanced back in the direction she'd come from. Glad that she had as her smile grew; reaching the corners of her eyes, and helping to brighten her features as she spied a few of the people she had been looking for not moments before, "Asia..!"

The hem of her skirt brushing back and forth against her thighs, it wasn't long before she was wrapping her arms around the back of her friends neck. Her lips pressing lightly against Anastaia's cheek; she took a single step back. Letting her arms fall until she was able to reach out and take a gentle hold of the girls hands in her own, "Have I mentioned lately how much I love you..? I mean, seriously. Not only did you help me convince the team to meet up, during the last week of summer no less, for practice; but you also recorded it. You're just... amazing. A life saver. Hands down. There's just, no other words for it. Fingers crossed though that Ig didn't forget to watch it, and he gets what I was trying to tell him about the transitions..."

Her gaze trailing away, taking a moment to absentmindedly look over the others around them; Eretria's smile only seemed to brighten further as she caught sight of yet another friendly face stood not far from where she currently was. And letting a hand drop away from Ana's; she instead raised it to give a quick wave over to Nora. Letting the girl know exactly where she was as she once more began to speak. Her attention eventually drawing back to Anastasia.

"By the way... have you actually seen Ig..? I'd message him, but there's like an eighty percent chance I left my phone in my bag; which is in my locker... or like, a twenty percent chance that I may have actually left it at home, on my desk... I don't remember which..."


Location: Lacrosse Field.
Interacting With: Samantha Rhodes (@Moro).
Special Mentions: Ruby Johnson (@alexfangtalon), & Daniel Murphy (@Moro).
Wearing: Outfit.
Lacrosse Jersey.



"I can't believe you'd skip breakfast, Damien. Hey, any specific recommendations from Brandon?"

His mouth opening slightly in an attempt to respond; it was not moments later that Damien was closing it again. The many voices of both his friends and his team mates coming at him from all sides, and all he could manage to do was smile. Hands slipping down into the pockets of his jeans as he cast a glance towards his best friend. Sharing a glance with Danny until the vibration of his phone against his hand caught hold of his attention. Causing him to pull it from his pocket so he could read the message he'd been sent.

Teddy Bear🧸💕
∞ 𝚂𝚊𝚜𝚑 𝚒𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚑𝚎? 👀


The frown already crossing over his features as he turned himself away from the group; Damien's brows furrowed together. His jaw clenching slightly, and the worry already bubbling away in the pit of his stomach as he cast his gaze about. Looking over the many faces surrounding him as he searched for the familiar one that belonged to his younger sister. Though when he couldn't see her, his eyes were drawn back down to the phone in his hands.

∞ 𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚜𝚎𝚎...
∞ 𝙸'𝚕𝚕 𝚔𝚎𝚎𝚙 𝚊𝚗 𝚎𝚢𝚎 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑,
𝚃𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚛. 𝙻𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚍


Location: Girl's Bathroom.
Interacting With: Samantha Rhodes (@Moro).
Special Mentions: Theodore Colbeck (@MarshiestMallow), & Amanda Flanagan (@TGM).
Wearing: Outfit.



Mad Mandy🎬
∞ 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝
𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚍 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚘𝚗
𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚏 𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚊𝚕 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛
𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜. 𝙰𝚕𝚜𝚘, 𝙸'𝚍 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚊 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝. 𝙸𝚜 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚘
𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚌𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚙𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛?

𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚜! 𝚂𝚎𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚞𝚢𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛. :)

Prince Ali🧞
∞ 𝚂𝚞𝚛𝚎. 𝙸’𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚛𝚢 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛. 𝙳𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎
𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚠𝚎 𝚍𝚘, 𝙸’𝚕𝚕 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚐𝚘 𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛.

Taking a moment to read the messages over for what was the second time since she first received them; Sasha lowered her phone down. Placing it on the counter beside the basin, and her hand lingered over it. Covering the screen even long after the device had timed out and locked itself. Drama; theater... that was one particular obstacle that she just wasn't exactly ready to face yet. Or, if she was being completely honest with herself, Mandy was what she wasn't ready to face- who she wasn't ready to face. It didn't matter that, despite being the complete opposite of one another, the two of them had been close friends since their freshman year; Amanda had alway seemed to hold her at a higher standard to others. And besides... like the message said; she didn't like surprises.

The sooner that bandaid was ripped off, the better.

A heavy sigh falling out through her lips; she couldn't help the way she physically winced as she returned her dark gaze to the mirror in front of her. Staring for a moment at her reflection looking back at her. She looked like shit. Or, at the very least, that's how she saw herself. The growing bags under her eyes... the way she'd lost some color in her cheeks- all she could say was thank the Gods for make up. Even if it meant that she was wearing more than she normally would.

Hand lifting from the counter, her head turning slightly to the side as she once again ran her fingers back through her long dark hair; it took the familiar ping of a message coming though on her phone not once, but twice, to pull her attention away from yet another lock as it fell so easily away from her skalp. Her eyes drawing across until they were once more resting on her mobile; and once she let the strands fall into the sink in front of her, Sasha reached over to check her messages.

∞ 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚞𝚙? 𝙸'𝚖 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚞𝚙, 𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚜𝚎𝚌.
∞ 𝙳𝚞𝚍𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞?? 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚘𝚔𝚊𝚢???


She knew if she kept her waiting for much longer, the girl was going to go out of her mind with worry. For Sam, that was pretty much the normal; though she had to admit that ever since her best friend had found out about everything that was going on with her, that worry had pretty much tripled overnight.

∞ 𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚖.
∞ 𝙸 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞.

Lowering her phone back down, Sasha once more turned her attention back to her own reflection. Only able to stand looking at it for a few moments longer before she was forcing open her bag. Rummaging around the contents; it wasn't long before the light in the bathroom hit the metal blades of her scissors. And without giving it so much as a second thought, grabbing a fairly decent chunk of her hair, she began to cut through it. Letting the clippings fall into the sink below.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
Avatar of Akayaofthemoon


Member Seen 1 day ago



Location: Apartment → Delbrook Academy
Interactions: N/A



Water dripped onto the tiled floor, tresses of damp hair being gently held to keep it from flying in all directions as the hairdryer loudly ran past it. Her hands kept up the mundane task of drying hair while her mind wandered, spiraling over all the details that left her nervous about the day. This would be the first time she entered a school, let alone an official classroom since she was in elementary school. What if this was a mistake? What if she just embarrassed herself and made a mess of everything? What if she didn’t like it and her brother’s last kind gesture went to waste? No, she wouldn’t let that happen even if the worst came about but still, this was a big step. One of many she had been making recently and Charlotte could only force herself to look at the bright side and hope for the best. Her father was at least making an effort in her life even if it was for all the wrong reasons and her mother was just waiting in the wings for her to fail so she could rub it in her face and try to prove that she knew best on how Charlotte should live every aspect of her life. She wasn’t letting the woman get her clutches on her again if she had any say in the matter.

She furiously shook her head, as if to ward off the unappealing thoughts and stood up, flipping her hair back into place instead of letting it dangle towards the floor so she could finish up and get ready for the rest of her morning. She snapped off the dryer, making her way up to the loft, and switching the towel she was currently wearing for a simple pair of jeans, a black shirt as well as a plaid button up thrown over the top with the sleeves rolled neatly to her elbow, and a pair of converse. Charlotte wanted to be comfy and relaxed, not worry about being a stylish perfect model for once. Sure, she lightly did her make-up which resulted in a lack of breakfast since she wanted to get to the campus early and at least get a map to figure out where she was going instead of being a lost lamb but in the end it was still worth the effort, at least in her opinion. ”Alright my toasty Marshmallow, I’ve got to run but you watch after the house for me, okay? Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”, she smiled, lavishing pets and chin scratches on the beautiful siamese while only receiving a ‘meow’ in response to her words...or more likely due to the stopping of said affection. ”Good boy.”, she praised, moving out of her crouched position as her phone chimed. ‘Who on earth could that be?’, she thought, digging her phone out of her pocket.

A sense of dread hit her and it felt like rocks were sinking into her stomach as she looked at the title name of who had texted. It wasn’t much of a surprise but it still made her shake in fear as well as anger as she gathered up the courage to at least look at the text.

Charlotte glared, quickly hitting delete on the message before jamming her phone back into her pocket. She wasn’t going to dignify an answer to such a stupid question. Her mother was clearly still in her own world and thought she had done nothing wrong to her daughter growing up, that she was just being hard on her to encourage her to be her best self. Yeah fucking right! That was definitely not how it was in everyone else’s eyes. Crazy bitch was just lucky that all she wanted to do was wash her hands of it all instead of going to the police. She wanted to text back a snippy reply, to tell her that it wasn’t a fucking act and that she was simply done being the woman’s whipping post but that would just make it worse. She would never see reason and a reply would just give her more ammo or worse, think she had won in some way by dragging out a reply. She didn’t need the headache which a conversation would absolutely bring. She took a deep breath, tossing on her leather jacket and sliding on her backpack before locking up and heading out.

The drive was pleasant and gave her a chance for her temper to simmer and dissipate. Traffic held her up a bit but she was still reasonably early which she was thankful for as she yanked off her helmet, switching her leather jacket for her backpack in the bike's storage compartment and just hanging the helmet on the handle. If someone really wanted to be that much of a dickbag and steal like head protection then more power to them. It was relatively easy to find the office, sorting out her paperwork and being released with map, lock, and schedule in hand. She highly doubted much would be needed for homeroom at least on the first day so Charlotte ended up stopping by her locker to drop everything off before navigating the halls. It had taken a bit longer than she cared to admit but once she found the room, a line was presented before her. Honestly, she couldn’t help but chuckle a bit as she didn’t realize that lining up was something they did even in highschool. She remembered it from her elementary school days but it seemed childish still or maybe they just liked order? After a while, she started to believe the latter was the correct option as no other class was doing the same.

She waited patiently, popping on her headsets so she could listen to music and not stand in complete boredom. Once the line started moving however, she slipped one of them out so she could at least pretend to pay attention. Charlotte gave a pleasant Spanish greeting to Miss Goldman before making her way in, looking for her assigned seat before plopping down. She watched as people greeted each other, obviously knowing each other from last year while others were doing greetings to the new people around them. Miss Goldman quickly went over what she expected from the class and what they could expect shortly. The announcements were average and when she was asked to stand she did, going with the flow. She followed as requested to the assembly which was not her style whatsoever, both headphones promptly going in and ignoring the world around her for a bit. Charlotte only realized it was over as people started to stand, the Seniors getting excited as they exited to the field.

To say she was surprised was an understatement. Sure, she had listened to what to expect but when you hear school carnival, this was hardly what she had in mind. She thought they had just been exaggerating to make it sound more inviting. Instantly, she shoved her music into her free pocket, one single destination in mind as she sprinted excitedly to find a funnel cake stand and maybe somewhere for a corn dog before seeing if they had that dart balloon popping game. It took a bit of wandering, shuffling through the crowd but finally she saw the most beautiful sign around ’Southern Momma's Funnel Cakes’ and she made sure to pop in line pronto. ”Finally! Glad they had one…”, she muttered to herself, the smell making her mouth water. Charlotte glanced at the menu while she waited and raised a brow in curiosity at deep-fried Oreos. ’Huh, maybe I’ll get one to try. I do like sweets after all and how bad can it be?’, she thought to herself.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Delbrook Festival
Interaction: The Czajkowski's: Scout(@Luft) and Ash(@TGM)
Date: First day of school

Micky let out a nervous chuckle at the notable correlation for his nickname. He had lost count of how many times people had mentioned it but in the long run it didn't bother him all that much. His own name and his enjoyment of old Mickey Mouse cartoons is indeed why he received that nickname. Before he could respond though, another person approached them. She looked somewhat familiar. But he was struggling to place her name. Geez, there were so many people at this school.

But yeah, Micky was in the same boat with wondering how weird this carnival was. He'd heard of schools doing first day events. Even his original high school had a pizza party for the Seniors but the carnival was another thing. "Yeah, a festival is a bit much. But hey, I'm not gonna turn down the fun." As Scout continued speaking, Micky felt he was getting close to remembering where her accent originated from. It did seem like she was avoiding talking with her accent so maybe avoid mentioning it.

At Scout's direction, Micky's attention is also brought to the festival grounds around them. There was certainly plenty to do. "Yeah, no point in letting the fun go ta waste. Have ya figured out if you're gonna join a club, team, or not? I think most of 'em have a booth somewhere." Looking to who he assumed was Ash by the way Scout addressed her, "Y'all seem ta know each other. Any suggestions?"

Once he finished talking, Micky felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Odd, he wasn't use to getting a message in the early morning. Briefly apologizing for the rudeness of the action, Micky checks his phone to see a message from Amanda. He lets out a grunt and chooses to think on his choice for now. The idea of having part in that choice feels a bit off to him. But almost absentmindedly he thinks to ask Scout and Ash what they think. "Do either of y'all like theater? Any plays or musicals you'd be interested in?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 20 min ago

Location: Delbrook Festival
Interactions: Brother, My Knight in Shining Swim Trunks @metanoia

Alessandra's first day of Junior Year was... off to a pretty rocky start to say the least. Up until the morning announcements she expected her first day to be perfect. Not only was she in homeroom with Cassie and Natasha but she was actually sitting behind KYLE! She definitely had to show Miss Goldman how thankful she was come teacher appreciation day. She had a secret crush on the older surfer. She first met him through his sister Malu when he picked her up from Houghton Skate Park. The moment that her eyes locked with his was the moment she knew that she found her future husband. Unfortunately he didn't seem to know that yet. She could almost swear he was avoiding her sometimes and Cassian didn't help things when he joined the Lacrosse team and "The Boys". Initially he didn't even want to bring her around them and at first she had no intention or desire to do so. She assumed, wrongfully of course, that they were just another boys club like their predecessors before them. But her opinion of them changed when she saw how happy they made Cassian. It was the happiest he had been since their father passed and she was glad he had guys he could go to that cared about and looked out for him. And once she met them and saw that Kyle was a member they were more than okay in her book and she would often make up excuses to join Cassie in their adventures.

But when the morning announcements came and she had to stand for the pledge her mood shifted and she could no longer focus on the hunk of a man in front of her and his perfect hair that she wanted to sme---. Okay she could think about him a little. Ali was very capable of multitasking. During the assembly and once her brother had entered a state of temporary unconsciousness she vented her frustrations to Natasha about the pledge and Cassian getting her to stand when Miss Goldman ultimately made no fuss about it. But once they were finally out onto the field for the festival she decided to get her mind off of it. She felt a little better once she smacked Cassie awake and there was no way she was going to let an oppressive government and an idiot brother ruin her time at a festival. Plus an hour of venting was enough time to get over thirty seconds to a minute of standing.

Alessandra made her way through the festival towards the botany club, but that was when she spotted something more important than the school's greenhouse in the corner of her eye. It was her time to turn this morning around. “Kyle!” She was able to catch attention, but it seemed he couldn't tell where her voice was coming from so she tried again.

“Kyle! Over here!” Ali accompanied her words this time with an excited wave of her hand so that there was no possible way he couldn't tell who was calling out to him and for a moment she could've sworn he looked at her and kept walking away. She frowned at this and as she was pulling her hand down in slight embarrassment she was struck in the face by a white spherical object. Alessandra fell to the ground with a thud that almost matched the sound her face made. She forced herself not to cry refusing to make her day or herself feel worse than she already did. She looked up to see what her eyes believed was Kyle Voss running towards her in slow motion in lifeguard shorts which was weird because a beach was the one thing they didn't have at this school.

“Hey, uh, you alright there, Ali?”

She shook her head when she heard his voice causing reality to fix itself and she saw that Kyle was clothed and moving in normal speed. She almost forgot that he had spoke to her. Just when she was about to respond she felt a buzz from her pocket. She reached into her pocket to take out her phone and check the message. It was from her brother. Wow, perfect timing.

"I think I am now, thanks. But uh... hey, can we go somewhere and talk? Away from the Botany Booth and the Boys?"

Location: Freedom Festival; Botany Booth
Interactions: Club members, Sister, Natasha Knight

Cassian made his way to the Botany Booth and was confused when his sister wasn't there. Did he get there before her or did she get there and decide to leave? He decided to ask one of the senior members who said that they hadn't seen his sister since the assembly. He sighed in annoyance in having had to walk here to supposedly fix things between him and Sandra but she was nowhere to be found. Was she that upset with him that she'd shirk off her responsibilities? No, that wasn't like her at all. Responsibility was almost her middle name.

He decided to text her hoping that he would get some kind of answer, but when she didn't respond he decided to give up and send a text to Nat.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interacting With: Scout @luft, Mitchell @alexfangtalon | Location: Delbrook School Grounds


Always expect a Drama kid to think stupid things were fun. And then he decided to not make the connection that the two of them were related. The blonde supposed it wasn’t exactly obvious. The two cousins didn’t exactly look anything alike outside of being as white as a newly minted piece of chalk. Before either of them could explain their relation (or not, depending on their need to) he decided to bring up theater. Oh god. This nimrod wasn’t actually suggesting she tolerate Amanda fuckin’ Flanagan as a genuine, honest-to-god suggestion.

“Not my scene.” Ashlyn uttered before looking away from the two, eyeing up the booths and rides. “Think I'd be better off finding a good strong tree and a rope, because that's how I feel about theater.”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Manzanilla
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Manzanilla 🌿✨🍵

Member Seen 26 days ago

L O C A T I O N : D e l b r o o k , H o m e r o o m
I N T E R A C T I O N : Molly, @Blizz
O T D : 🍄

Monserad laughed, watching Molly practically jump off her skateboard to kiss her. She had wrapped her free arm around the other girl and brought her closer together. Fitted perfectly against each other, like two puzzle pieces. She enjoyed the soft lips over her own, lingering there against Molly's lips for another second before she pulled back. A soft smile that reached her eyes graced her features, kissing Molly's cheek as she handed over the iced coffee.

"You know you can always count on me for your caffeine fix, babe." Monse slipped a hand around Molly's waist, pulling her closer against her side. She had missed seeing her girlfriend every day. Hanging out during lunch, walking around the halls, and sneaking to the back of the library to make out. Those little instances made her time in Delbrook worth it and enjoyable.

Monse didn't mind taking tests and listening to what she already knew in class when Molly was there.

Hell, Monse would even do some homework for Molly.

"I could use some food; I didn't eat much before coming here." And if she didn't eat soon, she'd get grumpy, alongside some of the side effects of her meds when she took them on an empty stomach.

"How about some crapes with Nutella? Or some pan dulce - fuck I want a concha now." Her stomach protested loudly at the thought of sweet bread or fried bread with some cafe de olla.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



Location: Delbrook Academy
Interactions:Ertria @vicier


Ana smiled as Eretria came running to her, returning the hug, grateful to have found her. She wasn't too sure what she would have done if she hadn't- Despite what she hoped was a calm exterior, Ana didn't do too well in crowds. Something about them put her on edge, and made her anxious and hyper aware. But as Eretria hugged her, she let herself relax slightly. Giving a small shrug at the praise her friend gave her, she put her phone away. "Wasn't so hard, just pulled a few strings." So, she hadn't got Ana's messages, but it also seemed like she hadn't seen Ignatius without his uniform, so that was a small blessing.

"I messaged Ig's mom to remind him to watch it, and she says he did. Good thing I've got everyone's emergency contact, although how Ig remembered to actually give it to me is a miracle" She said, with a small smile, smoothing her uniform, the nervous habit one Anastasia didn't seem to be aware of. She'd done all she could to make sure that Ignatius was as ready as he'd ever be- and hopefully Theodore had delivered his uniform to him. Ana wasn't sure what she was going to do if the message hadn't gotten through in time.

Absently glancing at the time on her phone, slipping it back out, she grimaced slightly as she realised there wouldn't be much time to rectify that if Ignatius didn't have his uniform. Maybe they ought to see about keeping a set at the school, but that wouldn't help them now. "Saw him in Home, haven't seen him though now, but I'm sure he's around. , if he hasn't caught up with him in a few, I'll give him a call. Hopefully he has his phone."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago



Location: Carnival
Interactions: Nala (via text) @King Kindred, Mims (via text) @viktorseier

Outfit for The Vass Siblings


Everyone was so goddamn loud.

Of course, they were. It was a carnival, after all. Not that Malu cared one way or the other. Truth be told, she was more fixated on waiting to hear back from a certain someone, a certain best friend of hers. But Ali wasn’t responding to any of her messages. Not that she expected, oh you know, her best friend to help her endure through the hell that was this first day. But she understood the game. Malu wasn’t faulting Ali because she had this massive crush on her brother. She honestly felt that she could do way better than that idiot, but she wasn’t the type to make the girl feel guilty.

But that would involve that Ali actually disclosed it to her. Malu was smart and observant. She saw the way that girl looked at Kyle and how he practically avoided her gaze like the goddamn plague. Was it because he liked Ali too? Maybe it was due to Cass sitting near them. Honestly, she didn’t know. And if she wasn’t still so damn annoyed at Kyle for almost making her late and almost ruining her decade-long perfect attendance record, she might actually care to entertain the thought.

Good thing she wasn’t.

Fine Nala, get back to me whenever.
Just know you’re gonna owe me big time, Bish
I mean we’re binging cheesy fucking anime until I fucking puke from all the cheesiness

Well, that made her smile. And that smile brought her to the sight of her other quote-unquote ‘best friend’. She wasn’t as close to Mia, but they vibed. And through their shared traumas of their brother’s intellectually lethal Chronic Dumbass Syndrome. Side effects include the likelihood to develop psychopathic tendencies and may be prone to frequent cursing.

She had no fucking idea where on earth that friend of hers was and maybe instead of trying to find her, Malu would simply send her a text and tell her to meet her somewhere. As soon as she thought about that, her stomach had started to growl in such a loud manner that she rolled her eyes.

Guess she knew where she was heading.

Get your ass to Luis’ Tacoporium
Bitch we gettin us some tacos!

Satisfied, Malu made a beeline for that very truck, and thankfully, it wasn’t very far. Unfortunately, there was a fucking line.

They better hurry up. Malu was already cranky. If she doesn’t get her taco fix by the time Mims finds her way over, someone isn’t going to get a positive review on Yelp.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
Avatar of King Kindred

King Kindred

Member Seen 20 min ago






Location: Away from the Carnival

Interactions:With each other || A Collaboration between @metanoia & @King Kindred



Something should have told Kyle that this was wrong. Hell, he should’ve known that as soon as he had kept sneaking glances at Ali. Why was it the person he found himself most attracted to seemed to be the most dangerous for him?

Truth be told, even if she wasn’t the younger sister of one of his closest friends, seeing her getting way too personal with a speeding volleyball wouldn’t have changed anything. At his core, Kyle is a good person and he would have rushed to anyone’s side. It didn’t matter on their gender or what their relation to his friends were. At the end of it, he would make sure if he could do anything to help.

"I think I am now, thanks--”

With a sigh of relief, Kyle was going to make the transition to find his boys, but just as he was about to turn, he felt a particular tug on his arm. It wasn’t much, but just the fact that her hand was touching his, Kyle froze almost instantaneously and he begrudgingly turned his head back around to see Ali’s brown eyes pleading-face emoji his heart to shreds. 

“But uh... hey, can we go somewhere and talk?”

He stuttered for a few seconds and then said… “I should really go. I think Soy and the otters are waiting--”

And there were those brown eyes that made it nearly impossible for him to say no. Even after she had made it clear as she was cute -- stop that! -- Kyle went along with it.

He stared back longingly at the fun that everyone was having and part of him was jealous, but God, Kyle was weak. Cute girls were his kryptonite and right now, Ali Bishop might as well be the Lex Luthor in this equation. Only she wasn’t a bald middle-aged man and had his full, undivided attention. And she was way cuter than Lex ever was. Like unreasonably cuter.

Before they ventured away to a somewhat isolated part of the lacrosse field, Kyle looked at her. “Hey, uh...lemme hold your bag for you. I mean..you know, after what just happened, the extra weight can’t be good for you right now, right?” He laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head.

To say that Ali was a mixed bag of emotions was a severe understatement. She was alone with a boy and not just any boy. The boy she had been crushing on for as long as she laid eyes on him and despite how nervous and happy that made her she was sad too. Because part of her felt like he really didn’t feel the same way about her that she felt about him. She practically had to force him with her infamous puppy dog pout.

But when Kyle asked to carry her bag a glimmer of hope surfaced inside her heart. She didn’t think she had a concussion or anything like that, but it was nice of him to consider the possibility. “Uh, right.” She responded nervously before removing the strap of her bag from her arm and handing it to him. Once it was safely in his hands she paced in her mind wondering what exactly was she going to say to him before her mouth opened before her mind could complete the thought process and she blurted out the most forward thing she didn’t think of. “Why don’t you like me?”

She covered her mouth just as quickly as she said it. She couldn’t believe she just said that. She wanted to bury herself right there on school grounds, die, become a lonely ghost and haunt the school wandering the halls searching for her heart and the common sense that should’ve stopped her.

Immediately, Kyle’s entire body froze mid-step, a rather sharp what!? leaving his lips as looked at Ali, who had her hands over her mouth. And by mid-step, he was literally frozen: his legs were in front of each other with the left in front and the right in back, it was stepping off of his back one so the toes were on the ground. “What do you mean?” He found himself asking her. Paralysis persisted and Kyle searched Ali’s face for an answer. He had something of an idea of what she meant and speaking truthfully would be a terrible thing for his own health, so play the safe card.

Well, as safe as he could be in a situation where he was alone with Cass’ younger sister. 

“Of course, I like you,” he said as he turned around. He smiled at her in the way he always did when it came to her...when he was around Cass. A few seconds later, he realized he needed to clarify. “--I mean, you’re one of my best friend’s sister. How could I not like you? I mean, you’re a rad chick, Ali.” Yeah, that’s much better. Totally.

Ali truly couldn't believe her ears and didn't want to. Kyle's words hit her like multiple arrows to the heart. She was a "rad chick" and only saw her as an extension of her brother. She thought this year would be different and that she'd start making her own mark but the one guy she liked only saw her as Cassian's sister.

Ali slowly dropped her hands from her mouth and had a rather stern look on her face to hide her inner wounds. "That's not what I meant. Every time I look at you or try to get your attention it feels like you're purposely avoiding me and I don't know what I did wrong. To make matters worse I like you. Like really like you. So it's confusing and it hurts."

She couldn't believe she just said all of that out loud, but at this point she really didn't care. Today was already so terrible that admitting to Kyle that she liked him couldn't make it any worse. She wasn't going to let the rest of the year go by without expressing how she felt.

Hearing what she said was difficult for Kyle to process. Not because it was shocking...okay, yeah it was a bit of that, but mostly Kyle was having trouble giving her an apt response because, on some level, he was afraid of saying anything. Truth of the matter was that she nailed it right on the head. He was avoiding her and he felt guilty because she didn’t do anything wrong. Lord knew that, if anything, he was in the wrong for having whatever feelings he was experiencing for her. He knew Cass would beat him up or make him eat spicier food than usual. Honestly, he didn’t know which was worse.

“Ali…” He opened his mouth and then closed it. How could he quell her mind, or in this case heart, without crossing any lines. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause you pain. And..” Don’t say it man. Don’t.. “Cass would kill me. I..can’t..”

"Cassie literally can't kill you. It's illegal." Ali retorted. She sighed trying to figure out what to say next. Her emotions had carried her this far but she still couldn't overcome the obstacle that seemed to be her brother. "I know you and my brother are really close but so am I and your sister. But that still doesn't change how I feel. If you tell me you don't feel the same way I'll leave it alone and we'll just be friends because I know you wouldn't lie to me."

It was a bold move but Ali had bet her all on this. She hoped he felt the same way about her and she hoped he wouldn't lie to her, at least not to her face. That wasn't the guy she fell for. She knew it wasn't. So he either liked her or he didn't. She'd find out now.

Damn it.

Sometimes Kyle hated being that good person that his parents raised him to be. It wasn’t always like this because, usually, he never found himself in a situation where that made him feel so guilty. Ali was right that he wouldn't lie to her. He was always honest with her. 

At least until now. And it was killing him. He didn't lie often and the guilt of knowing he had a chance to tell Ali the truth and wouldn't might as well be a worse hypothetical than the not-so-hypothetical scenario where Cass would do his worst to him

After several moments of remaining silent, Kyle looked at Ali with a tense gaze. "Fine…" Kyle said, biting his lip in a rare fashion. "You didn't do anything wrong, Ali. The person who is in the wrong is me. I am betraying Cass because his sister is one of the raddest chicks I've ever met. She's smart -- way smarter than I could dream of being. She's sweet and totally bitchin in the way that's endearing. And today, during homeroom, it took everything in me to not stare at how hot she looks in her outfit today." Kyle felt his internal body temperature go way up and his heart was trying to experience the outside life for the first time. 

If Ali had still been holding her bag she would've dropped it. Her cheeks flushed bright red in response to his words. She couldn't believe that THE Skylar "Kyle" Vass found her hot! She pinched herself to make sure this wasn't all just some dream she had while she was still laying unconscious from her volleyball accident. Ouch. Okay, not dreaming.

"You… you really mean all of that?" She stuttered. It was admittedly a dumb question. Of course he meant it. He just said it. Don't give him a reason to take it all back.

There was a long moment of silence, all of which was spent by Kyle looking at Ali. He smiled at her and he wanted to do something that wouldn’t be crossing any lines, but maybe they were past that as it was. “Fuck it..” He muttered to himself and he took her hand. God, he knew this was a mistake, but as he looked down at her (due to their obvious height difference), Kyle brushed his hair out of his face with his free hand (the same one that had her bag over his shoulder). As he stroked her hand, he felt every part of his body react in a way that built internal tension. 

“I meant every word.” His voice was a little shaky but he stood firm. He didn’t know what else to say, though. He had a long list of things he could, but none of them made it out. All he could do was gaze into her eyes and resist the urge to kiss her right here and now.

The long silence after her question was a bit unnerving, but she and her nerves were placated by Kyle's smile and the touch of his hand. Ali’s heart started beating rapidly in her chest causing her body to heat up around it. She could get lost in his eyes forever if she could but at this moment she didn't need to. She could tell what they both wanted was something else and Kyle may have been too much of a gentleman to steal what he wanted so it was her job to do it instead.

With her free hand Ali reached for and tugged on the collar of his shirt. She then stood up on her tippy toes and brought her lips up to connect with his. In that moment she had forgotten all that had happened today, including the volleyball that her forehead surely remembered. All that mattered was this one kiss. Their first kiss.

And it was...totally rad! Everything in Kyle's body came alive. No amount of a surfing-induced adrenaline rush nor a hot wing eating contest with the boys sent Kyle to the moon and back as it did when he felt her lips on his. It was dangerous and one wrong move could wipe him out, but something about this felt absolutely right. Like French fries dipped in a vanilla milkshake. Like pineapple on pizza.

As Kyle wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up with relative ease, the kiss broke but the euphoric and electric energy it created didn't. He smiled wide at her, his heart beating and wanting to see their faces for itself. "Ali, that was...incredible!" He had no other word but that and he half spun her around and lightly pressed her  back against a wall of a building nearby, slowly letting her back on her feet.

Ali found herself giggling with glee when Kyle lifted her up and broke their kiss. She felt almost weightless in his arms and truly couldn't find herself being happier than she was in this very moment. When he put her back down against the wall she gave a confirming nod before moving strands of her hair from out in front of her face. "It was the raddest. Now come here." She said before pulling him closer once again for another passionate embrace of their lips.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Pathei Mathos
Avatar of Pathei Mathos

Pathei Mathos Πάθει μάθος

Member Seen 6 days ago



Location: Front Office → Lacrosse Field
Interactions: Step-Father, Marcus → Attendance Lady → K.C. Horowitz [via text] @TGM → Ezra Rodriguez
OTD: Outfit



After standing there for several minutes in silence as the lady behind the desk typed away at her computer finishing up some email she had said was urgent before writing Davina her late pass to class, Davina could hear her step-father shift beside her. His voice was practically in her ear as he muttered, "You're late." A small smirk spread across the girl's face as she lifted her head from her folded arms she'd had it buried on the counter before her, raising her brow at him. There were plenty of movies that they loved quoting, and many that had the lines 'you're late' in them, but it was more than obvious which one he was referencing this time. They quoted Lord of the Rings too often for her not to. A soft giggle escaped her as she gave the attendance lady a glance before looking back to Marcus.

"A witch is never late, Marcus. Nor is she early. She arrives precisely when she means to!" The two exchanged a chuckle, growing quiet as the woman who had promised to help them rose from her seat and walked over to them, holding out a small square paper to Davina.

"Here you go, hun. You're all set!"

"Thank you," Davina said almost in sync with her step-dad, walking ahead of him for a short moment before she felt her hood being brought over her face, blinding the girl as she laughed while fighting to get her hood up and off her head. By the time she did, Marcus had taken the lead and opened one of the doors for his step-daughter, allowing her to step through before doing so himself and letting the door close behind him. The two turned towards each other and Dav quickly held up a hand to stop him when it looked as though Marcus was going to try to step in and give the girl a hug.

"You know I hate hugs, dad."

The man chuckled, dropping his hands to his sides before slipping them into his jeans pockets. "Yeah, yeah. You keep telling me." He cast a look over his shoulder at his car that was parked out front before turning his eyes back on Davina. "I'll have your bike looked at. Should be good to go by tomorrow so you can get to school on your own."

Davina smiled softly at him, nodding. "Thanks, dad."

A small silence sat between them a few moments before Marcus shifted in his stance, tilting his head. "Will you be going to The Center after school?"

"Yeah, probably. I'll ask someone for a ride, though. Shouldn't be hard to find one. Got a few friends who have their own cars. I'll be fine."

"Call or text if anything changes, alright?"

Davina smirked slightly, half-ass saluting Marcus. "You got it."

With that, she turned around to head towards the lacrosse field, pulling her phone out to type a message to her bestie K.C.


- 𝙸'𝚖 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎.. 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢. 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚗𝚘𝚠😜

"Parece que te pusiste algo de color durante el verano, gringa."

The familiar voice caught her attention as she clicked her phone off. There was only one person she knew who called her 'gringa'. Of course, he always assured her he meant it as a term of endearment. Whether Davina actually believed Benny was another story. The girl rolled her eyes, bringing them up to meet with his as she closed the distance between them, eventually walking side-by-side to the lacrosse field together.

"Hello to you too, Ezra. And yeah, I did. Burnt myself a few times at the beach over the summer."



Location: Heading to Lacrosse Field → Bleachers at Lacrosse Field
Interactions: Davina Devereaux
OTD: Outfit



"Mm. If you weren't so damn whitewashed, you wouldn't burn so easily, now would ya?" Ezra smirked slightly, keeping his gaze ahead of them as the two walked together, making their way up the path between the auditorium and the 400 building. It was always a peaceful walk through there. The tall trees that covered the path in a nice shade always seemed welcoming. It was the spot where Ezra had first started hanging out when he arrived at the school till he quickly realized that a lot of the weird band geeks hung out there at lunchtime. The boy quickly found himself a new place to escape during lunch hour.

"It actually usually takes me being out in the sun all day for me to get burnt. I could be out in the sun for a couple of hours and be just fine. The girl shrugged beside him, kicking a small stick off the path into the dirt as they walked. Ezra just nodded, not really having anything to say in reply to that. The two never really talked that much, but were friendly enough they could hold small conversations. That's about all they were good for. That, and Ezra occasionally copying her History or English homework. The two students stepped out from the shadows with the sun's rays beating down on them as they swerved through the bungalows and slipped out onto the lacrosse field where the festivities were taking place. A sea of students and a handful of teachers scattered around, some clumped together in groups as they all pushed past each other to get to where they were going.

Ezra stopped at the edge of the field and let Davina disappear off into the crowd, stuffing his hands into his jacket pocket as he looked over the crowd of people. He'd forgotten to grab his wallet on his way out this morning. His stomach growled and his mouth watered as he took in all the smells coming from the carnival, clenching his jaw in frustration at himself as he finally forced himself forward towards the bleachers. The boy climbed up a couple of rows before taking a seat against the end, resting his head against the side of the bleachers as he overlooked everything, swallowing hard as his mouth continued to water nonstop.



Location: 300 Building → Front Office → Nurse's Office → 300 Building → 400 Building
Interactions: Nurse Catelyn; Damien [via text] and Sasha Lopez@Vicier
OTD: Outfit



Pushing her way out from the 300 building's glass double doors, glancing over at the front gate desk where Jordy sat, offering a friendly smile and a wave to the young man before letting herself into the front office. Sam gave a slight nod to the front desk attendant and student aid as she carried herself down the hall to the nurse's office, popping her head in, opening her mouth to say something but the nurse, Miss Catelyn, beat her to it.

"First day, barely even the second hour in and you're already trying to get out of it, eh?"

Sam smiled kindly at the woman and shook her head, looking around the office before returning her gaze to the nurse. "Actually looking for a friend of mine who wasn't feeling well, was just seeing if she came here or not. Sasha Lopez?"

"Unfortunately dear, I'm afraid your friend's not here. The only visitors I've had today have been a couple of ninth-year boys. I'm sorry."

Sam nodded, sighing softly as she stepped away to begin heading off before stopping herself, returning to the doorway with an apologetic, rather sheepish grin. "Thank you." The brunette headed back up the hallway she'd come from, again passing by the front desk as she pushed her way back out into the fresh air just as she felt a text roll in. Sam pulled her phone out and quickly unlocked it, checking the texts from her best friend. And a text from her boyfriend that she must have gotten while talking with the nurse. First, Sasha.

- 𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚖.
- 𝙸 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞.

Sam stared down at the words on her phone screen for a minute, chewing at her lower lip deep in thought. Which one, Sash..? There are literally like twelve bathrooms on campus. Thinking about it a moment, Sam turned her head to glance up at the 300 building. There was a bathroom there, which would have been easy access from the 900 building bridge had Sasha taken the staircase she'd run into that boy Ezra at. There was also one in the hall of the 400 building just below the 900. The 400 building bathroom was closer, but... just in case.. Sam let herself into the 300 building and sped walk to the bathroom door, holding it open as she peeked in to call out to Sasha. The girl stood there a moment or two, and with no reply, she let go of the door and quickly made her way down to the other end of the hall to head across to the 400 bathroom.

Shit, Damien. Pulling her phone back out from her back pocket, Sam checked the couple of messages she had received from her lover, tapping out a quick reply as she passed through the open door into the 400 building.

- 𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚜𝚎𝚎...
- 𝙸'𝚕𝚕 𝚔𝚎𝚎𝚙 𝚊𝚗 𝚎𝚢𝚎 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑,
𝚃𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚛. 𝙻𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚍

- 𝙸'𝚖 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚠. 𝚂𝚑𝚎'𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎
𝚋𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚖. 𝙳𝚠 𝚋𝚞𝚋𝚜. 𝙸'𝚟𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚛.

Sam shoved the bathroom door open with her shoulder, rounding the corner to find her best friend Sasha standing in front of one of the sinks, eyes forward staring at herself in the mirror. "Hey, what's up?" From what little she could see of her face as she closed the distance between her and the other girl, it looked like she was about to be sick. It wasn't till Sam was standing right behind her that she realized Sasha had a pair of scissors in her one hand and a clump of hair in the other. Sam looked over her friend, noticing that she'd lopped off a good chunk of her long black hair. Her eyes found Sasha's in the mirror, seeing tears welling up in them, the picture before her was enough to break her heart.

"Hey! Sash. What's going on?" Sam stepped to her friend's side so she could get a direct look at her face instead of eyeing her in the mirror. She reached her hand up and rubbed Sasha's back comfortingly, trying to keep her expression neutral as to not make the situation any worse than it may be for Sasha at that moment.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Luft

Luft ʟᴇʙᴇɴ, ᴡᴀꜱ ɪꜱᴛ ᴅᴀꜱ? / ꜱɪɢɴᴀʟ, ꜱɪᴇʜꜱᴛ ᴅᴜ ᴅᴀꜱ?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Interacting With: Ash & Micky @TGM@alexfangtalon Location: Lacrosse Field

Clubs. Teams. Theater. Things Scout disliked—no, absolutely despised. Hell would more than likely freeze over before she'd willingly show interest in such things.

For as much as the Czajkowski cousins were different, though, there was at least one thing in common they had together. Theater could kiss ass. Dressing up and singing in a musical or some theatrical act was something you were supposed to do only as a kid back in elementary. Trying to be the next High School Musical or Glee in your high school years... well, perhaps you deserved to be bullied, especially if you were the "snobby, stuck-up theater kid".

"Yah, I'd hafta agree with my cousin. Ain't sure how you make something more boring than a night time car ride without padiddle."

When she noticed her cousin gaze towards the carnival, however, Scout decided to change the conservation back to it. "Wonder if they've got cornhole." She asked, looking to Micky for an answer. "Y'all got cornhole?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Manzanilla
Avatar of Manzanilla

Manzanilla 🌿✨🍵

Member Seen 26 days ago

L O C A T I O N : D e l b r o o k , H o m e r o o m
I N T E R A C T I O N : N / A
O O T D : 🌿

"Dude, it's not even that serious." Kaylen stood in the shade of a waffle fries stand offering tres leches cake with her phone between her ear and her shoulder. "Literally only said that if she had a problem with me, she could just su- oh fuck off! She's the one that is always giving me dirty looks." Kaylen mouthed a thank you to the older lady behind the table as she took the small plate and fork.

She paused, rolling her eyes at her brother's words over the phone. "Fine. She can come over when I'm not there!" She held her cake with one hand and her phone with the other. The more this conversation went on, the more she wanted a bus to hit her in the face or for a piano to fall from the sky right above her magically. Kaylen was trying so hard not to raise her voice over the phone and bring any unwanted attention to her.

Or any more than was already on her.


The more she heard her brother's words, the more she could feel anger boiling in her stomach. It also did not help one bit that she had not had breakfast that morning. Or the heat of the sun burning the top of her head.

Kaylen scoffed, giving some guy looking her way a dirty look "Sabes que? Vete a la chingada. You know why she is always giving me dirty looks. You know exactly why, and you still want to be with her? After what she pulled last time?" Kaylen's voice cracked. She could feel heat rise up her neck to her cheeks, and tears pool on the corner of her eyes.

One more person looked her way, followed by another. Kaylen needed to get out of here before she made a scene.

"Tienes suerte que no le dicho a mi mama y papa." Too late. "Quieres saber que me dijo? - oh, ya sabes?! Pues que bueno que no eres un pinche-" Mid insult in, Kaylen met one of the classmate's shoulders. The paper plate with the tres leches cake coming in contact with the baby blue turtle neck and black velvet spaghetti strap.

Kaylen could hear her brother's angry voice through the phone, but she ignored it, hung upon him, and shoved the bright yellow phone into her canvas tote bag with a frog printed at the front.

Deep breaths. Deeeeep breaths. That is what her therapist always told her—deep breaths.

In, and out. In and out. In and ou-

"I am. So sorry." Kaylen's voice was flat, empty, and void of any emotions.


She took the crumpled paper plate to scoop some of the cake off her shirt as other students and a few teachers watched her before moving on or being distracted by the smell of food. The dude, Kaylen didn't even bother to look at him, was about to say something to her when she raised her index in front of his face.



"I. Said. No. Do not talk to me. Do not acknowledge me. I do not exist. I am nothing but a fragment of your minimal imagination. This never happened. Goodbye."

With that, Kaylen threw the discarded cake into the nearby trashcan and made her way to the bleachers and far away from the tents and crowds of people. She needed to get far away from that and gather her thought together. The call with her brother this early in the morning had already drained her of any of the energy she had leftover from yesterday. The bleachers were still empty for the most part. She had enough time to pick herself up before other students made their way to her.

When she finally took a seat a few steps up the bleachers, far away enough from the few people there for them to not hear her, she took a deep breath. Tears were still threatening to come out as she pulled out her vibrating phone and flipped it open to see the flood of messages coming from an angry older brother. Maybe it was time to turn off her phone.

Peace, finally. But no breakfast and tears rolling down her cheeks.

The perfect first day.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by g1ngersnapped
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g1ngersnapped gay wizards in the 70s

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location: Hallway --> Luis' Tacoporium
Interaction: Mandy (via text, @TGM), Malu @metanoia

Admittedly, Mia had zoned out. This wasn't an uncommon occurrence, the girl had a tendency to get lost in her own thoughts, and was often spotted staring at nowhere with her head so far up in the clouds, her feet nearly left the ground. The buzzing of her phone was what made Mia snap back into reality, scrambling to read the various texts being sent her way. Reading them over, the junior typed quick as she walked.

Mandy Flanagan
This is a reminder to everyone who was in drama last year to let me know what you'd like me to petition for on your behalf in my proposal for our yearly theater productions. Also, I'd like a headcount. Is everyone who was part of our core participating this year?

I don't like surprises! See you guys later. :)

u KNOW u can count on me this year again, mands <333

This got a smile on her face. Despite Amanda's ironically intimidating smiley faces, Mia really couldn't wait to be on stage with her friend again. Was she terrifying? Totally. But it was part of Mandy's appeal, and Mia couldn't deny that she astronomically raised the level of the drama club solely by being there.

Mad Malu
Get your ass to Luis’ Tacoporium
Mad Malu
Bitch we gettin us some tacos!

lessgoooooo !!!!!!

omw. save me a spot on the line, bbcakes

Suddenly energized with the thought of overpriced Mexican food, Mia strutted her way through the carnival to meet with her lovely, grumpy friend- who was sure to be even grumpier at the fact that there was, indeed, a line at the Tacoporium. Malu was easy to find, if not for the fact that she was the angriest person on her way to get a taco. Contrasting with her friend's in-character crankiness, Mia ran up to her and wrapped her arms around the girl, smile wide across her face as she got her in a bear hug.

"Hey, grouchy! I missed you!" Mia said, in a sing-songy voice. She was quick to pull away and gesture at her last-minute haircut, with a hopeful expression as she looked over at Malu's reaction to it "So, bangs, what are we thinking? ...Please say something nice. Vincent has been calling me a 'little lad' all morning, I need it for my self-esteem."

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