Interacting With: N/A | Location: Delbrook School Grounds
“Alright. Cool. Cool. Very cool.” Kamila Horowitz took a breath as she did a quick stretch after being left to her own devices on the field for the festival.
Not that the girl pretty much everyone referred to by her initials had intended to do much with the festival. She was in Dance last year and would probably be in Dance this year. Same for Soccer. Electives and extracurricular activities were not things KC particularly thought much about. Dance was fun. Soccer was fun. She had thought about things like cinema studies, sociology, and other academic options as things that she found interesting enough to try to make the best of.
Plus, some of those classes had some very… interesting people. Interesting. Yeah, as if she wasn’t eternally hovering around her next will-they-wont-they romance. Last year it was a few flings but nothing substantial, but then again, who looked for substantial at this point in High School? People liked coasting on their emotions and having fun. Well, not everyone, she supposed. There were exceptions. Always.
For KC, she just hadn’t had a relationship that mattered. The closest she came to one was in Freshman Year with James and well, he had way too much baggage for her to put up with. She was done basically when his mom decided to play a game of 500 questions of “how are you good enough to even breathe the air of my son”. It was bizarre. Infuriating. But mostly bizarre. KC thought her parents were bad, but apparently they were nowhere close to being the absolute worst. Thank God for that. That said, she very much wanted a relationship. A good one. With a cute girl or boy. Preferably a senior. But you couldn’t force these kind of things. Well, KC didn’t know how. It apparently worked for other girls her age at Delbrook. But KC wasn’t over-serious, intimidating, or anything like that. She was peppy and free-spirited. Hard to make threats when people think you’re cute and non-threatening.
But problems for the future.
She shot a quick glance toward her phone, smiling as she did so as she began typing.
The competitive nature in KC was one of her few… less friendly aspects. She tried to play it off as more of a playful kind of thing, but sometimes it made her a little intense despite trying not to.
KC mentally shrugged before a familiar voice commented behind her. The group chat for the Girl’s Soccer Team at Delbrook was always a easy way to get heated, though KC wasn’t sure Ruby’s plan made much sense. In the end, it was whatever. Plus a uniform meant looking cute and she always enjoyed looking cute. After a few moments of gawking at her phone she could hear a familiar voice come from behind her and the brunette turned for a moment, only to move out of a particular person's way.
Not that the girl pretty much everyone referred to by her initials had intended to do much with the festival. She was in Dance last year and would probably be in Dance this year. Same for Soccer. Electives and extracurricular activities were not things KC particularly thought much about. Dance was fun. Soccer was fun. She had thought about things like cinema studies, sociology, and other academic options as things that she found interesting enough to try to make the best of.
Plus, some of those classes had some very… interesting people. Interesting. Yeah, as if she wasn’t eternally hovering around her next will-they-wont-they romance. Last year it was a few flings but nothing substantial, but then again, who looked for substantial at this point in High School? People liked coasting on their emotions and having fun. Well, not everyone, she supposed. There were exceptions. Always.
For KC, she just hadn’t had a relationship that mattered. The closest she came to one was in Freshman Year with James and well, he had way too much baggage for her to put up with. She was done basically when his mom decided to play a game of 500 questions of “how are you good enough to even breathe the air of my son”. It was bizarre. Infuriating. But mostly bizarre. KC thought her parents were bad, but apparently they were nowhere close to being the absolute worst. Thank God for that. That said, she very much wanted a relationship. A good one. With a cute girl or boy. Preferably a senior. But you couldn’t force these kind of things. Well, KC didn’t know how. It apparently worked for other girls her age at Delbrook. But KC wasn’t over-serious, intimidating, or anything like that. She was peppy and free-spirited. Hard to make threats when people think you’re cute and non-threatening.
But problems for the future.
She shot a quick glance toward her phone, smiling as she did so as she began typing.
Roo Alright gang. Don't forget to wear your jerseys today. Gotta show Rising Tide Pride! The lacrosse team may be the stars of the school but let's take their spotlight this year. WHOSE WITH ME! SuckaPunch You better. Leave a better impression than I did. If a team under me can get bronze then shoot for gold. imminentvictory I'm here! On the field. |
KC mentally shrugged before a familiar voice commented behind her. The group chat for the Girl’s Soccer Team at Delbrook was always a easy way to get heated, though KC wasn’t sure Ruby’s plan made much sense. In the end, it was whatever. Plus a uniform meant looking cute and she always enjoyed looking cute. After a few moments of gawking at her phone she could hear a familiar voice come from behind her and the brunette turned for a moment, only to move out of a particular person's way.

Interacting With: KC Horowitz (briefly) | Location: Delbrook School Grounds
“Excuse me.”
Mandy Flanagan weaved around KC Horowitz, one of the other students in her year, a slightly annoyed sigh leaving her as she headed in a particular direction.
It was the final year before college which meant there was a lot of work to be done. Fine-tune her GPA, lead Drama, and make sure she did both efficiently. The red-haired teenager had started work preparing for the school year pretty much as soon as junior year ended. The last three years had been a slum of plays and other performances but she had smiled and executed them as best as humanly possible.
People were intimidated by that kind of work ethic at Delbrook. She imagined the sentiment would not be all that different as a senior considered the amount of effort she had poured into her proposal for the drama department. She had personally transcribed several options that could optimize not only drama but collaborations with the music department. Musicals were difficult, challenging things and Mandy was eager to prove that her absence from choir for the last few years had not waned on the versatility of her talent. Plus, she had considered other members of drama dabbled similarly and could be highlighted better under any of the options. Of course, all that posturing and work would have to wait. The festival was important enough to sidetrack a conversation with the drama instructor.
Though it was very much important to staff more than it was most students.
Murmurs of the grandiose nature of the festival being a waste of time were present, though many others were just taking in the moment. Mandy herself was doing a walk through the field, booth-to-booth to see who was fresh-faced and who wasn’t. Faces she knew and faces she’d forget in a week.
Before continuing on her 'tour', Mandy decided to pause for a second to send a quick message to the drama/music groupchat from last year.
“That should be clear enough.” She muttered before carrying on.
Mandy Flanagan weaved around KC Horowitz, one of the other students in her year, a slightly annoyed sigh leaving her as she headed in a particular direction.
It was the final year before college which meant there was a lot of work to be done. Fine-tune her GPA, lead Drama, and make sure she did both efficiently. The red-haired teenager had started work preparing for the school year pretty much as soon as junior year ended. The last three years had been a slum of plays and other performances but she had smiled and executed them as best as humanly possible.
People were intimidated by that kind of work ethic at Delbrook. She imagined the sentiment would not be all that different as a senior considered the amount of effort she had poured into her proposal for the drama department. She had personally transcribed several options that could optimize not only drama but collaborations with the music department. Musicals were difficult, challenging things and Mandy was eager to prove that her absence from choir for the last few years had not waned on the versatility of her talent. Plus, she had considered other members of drama dabbled similarly and could be highlighted better under any of the options. Of course, all that posturing and work would have to wait. The festival was important enough to sidetrack a conversation with the drama instructor.
Though it was very much important to staff more than it was most students.
Murmurs of the grandiose nature of the festival being a waste of time were present, though many others were just taking in the moment. Mandy herself was doing a walk through the field, booth-to-booth to see who was fresh-faced and who wasn’t. Faces she knew and faces she’d forget in a week.
Before continuing on her 'tour', Mandy decided to pause for a second to send a quick message to the drama/music groupchat from last year.
Mandy Flanagan This is a reminder to everyone who was in drama last year to let me know what you'd like me to petition for on your behalf in my proposal for our yearly theater productions. Also, I'd like a headcount. Is everyone who was part of our core participating this year? I don't like surprises! See you guys later. :) |
“That should be clear enough.” She muttered before carrying on.