Marygold Isley

Aliases: Bloom (formerly), Foxglove (currently)
Age: 21
Power Source: Mutant
Powers: Chlorokinesis
Personality: Mary's mental stability is very questionable at this point, and it seems like she's one step away from tipping over the edge. She's become very cold and distant, sometimes even going off by herself without anyone else. Her easy-going and laid back nature is just gone, since now she's more or less trying to mess with what Magneto is doing, with a quiet determination, and she will do it without anyone else if she has to. She'll keep going until she ends up dead.
- Knowledge of Geography
- Knowledge of Mutant history
- Genetics
- Pick-pocketing
- Perception
- Plant Based Attacks
- Chloropoeia
- Plant Swarming
Life Since the Reality Split: She blames herself for them failing, they had needed to be faster to stop Magneto, and because of that one minute difference, they lost. Mary is very different in this reality, she is far more willing to kill people (as shown when she killed Cecily immediately after the virus was released) as well as the full capabilities of her powers and to their full strength. She goes off on her own at times, and has ended up killing a few more people who fought for Magneto. Currently, she's trying to fix things, to prevent what happened from happening elsewhere, and to try and make up for her mistakes, for what happened in the city. So many people were dead, and in her mind it was all her fault. Now she'll do just about anything to try and make up for what happened.