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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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Tags: @RedPandaGamer@Ozzy Cross@Kumbaris@Forsythe

"A mage. And by the description of his staff, not a friendly one." Rudolph's brow furrowed and his lips curled inward. They may need to face off against a mage. The half-elf had full confidence in his abilities...but a mage with their magical focus had a better chance at winning than a mage without one. That and he didn't even know the full capacity of his opponent; as far as Rudolph knew, this magus could be just as strong or even stronger than he was. Quite troubling.

He followed the blacksmith outside of the tavern where she addressed the group. "The Thousand Year Old Woods? That's Wild Elf territory. Even the Duchy's troops steer clear of those parts. I don't suppose any of you have a plan on passing without getting treated as trespassers by those tribals? I loathe the idea of being turned into a pincushion for arrows."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Yoshina is not sure about the situation currently encapsulating her entire experience, Shina mentioned something about a Kaldous? And then a Thousand Year Old Woods? And then she heard the Elf talking about the Woods being Wild Elf territory. And the apparent willingness of these Wild Elves to turn the adventuring party into a pin cushion by the looks of it.

A most interesting dilemma of a situation, that's for sure.

The Sangakuan Princess closed her eyes, surely there must be some way to resolve this situation peacefully. Of course, trespassing into the territory of a people hostile to you doesn't seem good, but then again...

Yeah, that can work, potentially, although I'm not really sure if we graft ourselves elf ears into our bodies, unless...

"Hey, Mr Rudolf isn't it?" She asked. "Do you know of an illusion spell that can give us the appearance of a Wild Elf? Assuming we have to go into the Woods in order to find this dangerous mage, perhaps disguising ourselves as one of them would be the most preferable option we have right now. I don't look forward to engaging an entire nation on my own."

"Besides, don't we have other ways to get to our destination besides the woods? Perhaps a longer more scenic route? I don't mind dispatching the occasional bandit now and again, and that seems preferable to trying our luck inside this supposed Thousand Year Old Woods."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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"A spell you say?" Rudolph's eyebrow arched as the red haired warrior suggested a strategy on passing the Thousand Year Old Woods without incurring the wrath of the natives that call those woods home. He could mass polymorph them...but without his wand, he'd be eyeballing the amount of mana he puts into the spell. Best case scenario being that they stay in their new forms for a few hours, worst being that they permanently stay that way for the foreseeable future. He couldn't risk that to good folk. The half-elf takes a glance at the dragoness in human form. Well...mostly good folk. But maybe he can splice two spells he was more familiar with and turn it into a new spell? It had no guarantee that it would work but at least it wouldn't be permanent if it fails.

Clapping his hands together, the wizard begins to speak. "Okay...we have two options. One, I cast mass polymorph and turn us all into bonafide wild elves. Problem is I don't have my wand and there's a good chance that we'll permanently stay as wild elves until we get back to Lorenstad or find me a proper catalyst strong enough to handle a counter-spell strong enough to reverse a permanent polymorph. Second option is that I use my knowhow on two relatively basic spells and splice them together to make a new spell. Catch is I don't know how long this makeshift mass disguise illusion spell would last or even if it would work at all. Plus if them treehoppers decide to investigate us, up close and personal, they'll likely see through the illusion." Rudolph takes a pause to rub his hands together before putting them down. "So, what will it be?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Taraah - outside the inn

@Searat@RedPandaGamer@Ozzy Cross@Kumbaris

The dragoness was pulled out of her sky staring daydream as the rest of the group came out of the Inn with information to go on. She twisted her head to better hear what was mentioned. It sounded like the southern princess had a mind for this sort of thing, the plan was good, except for their seeming lack in execution. Well then... perhaps there was something she could do about that.

She got up, slowly walking to the group, the possibility of the Inn patrons seeing her in her true form completely lost on her. "Perhaps I could be of help. Wizard, you say you are skilled learning the ins and outs of spells that already exist, correct? If it will help you, have a look at this." she lowered her head, letting the chain with her amulet slip off of her neck and catch on one of her horns, dangling it in front of Rudolph's face.

"And before anyone gets any funny ideas, no, I am not flying you over the forest. I am not some stable animal. Also half of you was mean to me." she stuck out her tongue.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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The half-elf wizard flinched as the dragoness' head came close to him. He instinctively raised his hands to defend his face, no matter how ineffective the act may be against a dragon. But soon realized that the massive magical reptile was offering her amulet for him to examine. Even by just holding it, Rudolph knew that this held significant magical power. "Th-thanks." True to what Taraah said, it did help the wizard formulate a new and more stable solution. By extending the range of the amulet's polymorphic magics, the amulet could effectively disguise the entire group! It would pose 62% less risk to them than his proposed methods. "I'd never thought I'd say this to another dragon, but...thank you."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by RedPandaGamer
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@Forsythe @Searat @Kumbaris

Shina watched in anticipation as the dragon and wizard shared a moment. She saw the amulet drop from the dragon's horn into the wizard's hand and instantly felt apprehensive.

'Umm do you think this will work my friend? If this is what we need to do then we must do it, but I do not want to jeopardise everyone's lives if there is a chance this will backfire?'

She turned to the dragon and bowed slightly 'And i thank you dragon for your assistance. I understand it is not an easy thing to trust an important item to a stranger.

Turning to the rest of the group, who by now looked confused, worried and a little frustrated... 'All, Rudolph may be able to use this amulet to help us transform and get through the Thousand Year Old Woods. I understand if you wish to turn back now, this will not be an easy journey. If and i mean IF we manage to pull off getting through the woods without being noticed as outsiders by the wild elves, we still have to navigate the woods themselves. These woods are filled with the very souls of the dead, who inhabit the trees, the soil, the creatures. If we do not tread lightly, we will be in trouble.'

Shina patted Lapoo who was listening intently on her shoulders 'You'll have to stay close to me at all times my fuzzy friend. We can't have some vines snatch you and gobble you up!' She tugged Lapoo's tail and it squeaked with anger. Shina quickly tickled it under the chin to beg forgiveness.

Turning back to the wizard... 'OK my friend, I for one am ready for whatever you can provide to help us.'
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Ozzy Cross
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Ozzy Cross ⚠️ The Emissary ⚠️

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Status: Alive / Well
Location: Outside the Tavern
Response: @Redpandagamer@Forsythe@Kumbaris@searat

"It won't work, at least not if 'HE' is watching." Thaddeus had been horridly silent as the others went over their plans to traverse Wild Elf territory. An illusion spell was a good idea and under different circumstances it would work, wild elves were not the most intelligent of species. In fact one would consider them little more than tribals who lived on instinct alone instead of any kind of socialized structure. The only problem however was there was one who was a notch above the rest of the Wild Elves, one who would be capable of detecting an illusion spell no matter how adequeatly it was cast or how well they were actually concealed. This elf was stronger, faster, and smarter than the rest. "I am sure that some of you have heard tales of Nemnon? Most don't consider this elf more than a myth but I have seen him before even if it was just once, that one sighting alone, I can assure you he is very real, and if he notices us he will no doubt see through our deception and alert the other wild elfs." Thaddeus silently peered down the road which lead to their destination, Nemnon was ruthless and even more so hated outsiders, however there was one he hated more above all else. "I am not jumping for joy over this suggestion but let me go first, Nemnon and me have a small... history from our meeting all those years ago, I am almost positive if he spots me he will throw all his attention on me and you lot could pass through unnoticed with the illusion spell." Thaddeus made the suggestion to the group without really considering weather or not they said yes or no as he had already made up his mind anyways. Nemnon would notice them long before they got through these accursed woods, especially if Thaddeus was with them. The Mesmer was not short of enemies who wished to see him dead, that much was true.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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Tags: @RedPandaGamer@Ozzy Cross@Kumbaris@Forsythe

"Most definitely, Ms. Shina. The fact that we're going through the forest almost guarantees danger. But with this." He raises Taarah's amulet. "There's an exceptionally good chance that we'll make it out alive. Possibly unharmed even." The blacksmith then tells them that they can still turn back now and head back to town without issue. "I have given you my word to helping you find your friend, and a proper gentleman does not go back on his word." Thaddeus then speaks up after being silent most of their planning. Explaining that their biggest obstacle in their journey through the Thousand Year Old Woods was a mythical being used by locals to scare off curious folk and wanderers from entering the woods for generations? Sounds unlikely. Then he glances to the dragoness and the amulet that she willingly lent to him. But stranger things have happened...though he clarified with the Mesmer just to be clear about his claims.

"I'm fine with you going first but you and Nemnon have history? As in, the Wild Father himself? First and only Lord of the Woods? That Nemnon?" Rudolph hoped that the mythical Nemnon they were pertaining to was not the same one he was thinking of. If so, their chances of surviving their passage would drastically decrease. Well, maybe not for the dragoness. She'd probably survive the encounter.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Ozzy Cross
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Ozzy Cross ⚠️ The Emissary ⚠️

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Location: Outside the Tavern
Response: @Redpandagamer@Forsythe@Kumbaris@searat

"First and only Lord of the woods?" Thaddeus cocked his head a little bit at the mention of Memnon in such a manner. Truth be told he had no real idea there was a legend, he supposed there could be one but he had just never heard it before. Either way there was an edge in the Wizards voice when he spoke, a subtle hint of worry in the undertones. "I am not sure about 'Lord of the Woods' I have never heard of him referred to in such a manner. I ran across him many long years ago when I first came to these lands, I had traveled from the north east of the wood."

~In his mind Thaddeus would recall his very first image of Nemnon, he could still see himself standing before a gigantic beast of an elf that towered above him. His skin was pale, much paler than the rest of them, almost a sickly shade of blue. His eyes were bloodshot, red mixed with milky white behind the glowing orange orbs in his skull. His ears long and taunt, pointed at the tips and stretched below where the lobe meant the ear. He was muscular, almost unbelievably so, as if his very skin was stretched to the point of breaking, veins deeply pushed out as if in an eternal pose. The markings though were the part that had drawn his attention, the black markings that canvassed his body, it was not of ink but rather the markings looked like they had been burned and charred into the skin by an intense flame. His body was a canvas of ancient lettering and deep gouges.~

"Were talking about a pale bluish skinned Elf right? About eight to nine feet tall, heavily musclar and covered in scars depicting some kind of dead lanuage, correct? Strong enough to do this?" Thaddeus would pull his shirt down to reveal an fading but deepened indentation in his chest that took the form of a rather formidable fist, it was discolored compared to the rest of his skin.. "I don't know what you have heard about him but he nearly crushed my ribcage, so I can confirm that he is quite formidable and hellishly strong. Its not often I recieve a scar that does not completely heal."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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Tags: @RedPandaGamer@Ozzy Cross@Kumbaris@Forsythe

"Wild elves are believed to have no systematic hierarchy among the tribes...well thats not exactly 100% true. Ancient texts and documents suggest that they do actually. But it is a barebones belief of might makes right. Meaning to say that there will be no 'permanent' leader of a tribe as many would contest their right to lead the tribe. Only the strongest and most cunning stay on top. And even then, it was no guarantee." Rudolph pursed his lips inward briefly before continuing. "Not in Nemnon's case. Legend says that he was an already great warrior that was blessed by the primordial spirits to cease the shedding of blood between the tribes. Not only did he manage to defeat the leaders of all the Wild Elf tribes in the Thousand Year Old Woods bare handed, but he also ruled all of them uncontested. Hence the title 'First and Only Lord of the Woods'." But the wizard had a hunch that the mythical figure was simply gauging how strong he really was and find his standing in the food chain of the Woods. Well, he did find his place; right at the very top. And as the Mesmer described the appearance, his heart sank. "The very same."

Oh makers above Nemnon was real.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by RedPandaGamer
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@Searat @Ozzy Cross @Forsythe @Kumbaris

Shina had heard enough, she was truly worried for her friends now, especially now that she knew Thaddeus had met this Elf Lord before. She had a long history with Thaddeus and it pained her to think he might be harmed. Seeing his scars made her back itch, as she remembered her very own. And the wizard seemed worried too, not a good start to this journey. But either way, this was the only path they could take, without going the long way around, and that was too much time, too much time that might mean Guan is in more danger.

'OK, OK, so this is not going to be an easy decision. Thaddeus, my friend, if you believe you are best to go in front of the group then I will not stop you, though I do hope you have thought this through...Rudolph, I have always trusted your magic and I know you will be able to use the dragon's amulet better than anyone else here. However, I want to make sure the whole group is happy to proceed. As I said, now is the time to turn back, but I must go on.' Shina walked over to her horse and grabbed her satchel, taking an apple from it, she quickly took a few bites before giving the rest to Renn. She then walked over to the wizard.

'I am ready Wizard, we must make haste and do this now.' She closed her eyes, she rarely liked transformation spells, she had only ever had it done twice and the second time she threw up her lunch!
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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Tags: @RedPandaGamer@Ozzy Cross@Kumbaris@Forsythe

Despite that he just recently had to accept the fact that the boogeyman for this region of the Archduchy's land was 100% real, he still offered the woman a reassuring smile. "No problem, Ms. Shina." The wizard then began his tinkering with the dragon's amulet. Soon enough the temporary modification of the powerful magics contained within was complete. Handing the amulet back to Taarah, Rudolph reasoned that due to dragons being naturally massive sources of magic and mana, if the dragoness were to wear and activate the amulet then they can stay in their polymorphic disguises indefinitely. Similar to how she was able to stay in her human form and even mask her magical power in Minnow's tavern.

When Taarah wore the amulet and activated the amulet's magic. The effect would be near instantaneous and everyone within 20 feet of the dragoness would have transformed into a proper looking wild elf. It was now or never. He'd just hoped that the Lord of the Woods won't be crossing their path.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ozzy Cross
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Ozzy Cross ⚠️ The Emissary ⚠️

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Location: Outside the Tavern
Response: @Redpandagamer@Forsythe@Kumbaris@searat

"If there another way I would happily reveal it my lady but there isn't. An if I had known it would come these woods to reach our goal I would have said something earlier. Either way we are here now, and I promised to help, I do not go back on my word. Besides.. don't worry, she whipped me with her tail earlier and I didnt have a scratch. So I will be fine." Thaddeus raised his eyebrows as he gave Shina a reassuring but goofy smile. He turned to look at the road, he could see the tree line from where they were. The dense foliage would mocked them all as it blew freely in the wind letting some light into the darkness that lay within.

"Try to enter at least fiften minutes after I do, if everything works like it should than the attention will be on me... trust me, Nemnon won't give up the chance to..." Thaddeus went silent as he chose not to finish his train of thought, in fact as he ran off and quickly disappeared down the road one would have said had been... standoffish in that one moment.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by RedPandaGamer
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@Kumbaris @Forsythe @Ozzy Cross @Searat

Shina smiled back at Thaddeus, he sure knew what to say to make people feel better, but there was something about the look in his eyes that still gave her cause for concern. 'Too late to back out now Shina' she thought to herself; her soft ears bristled as she felt the magic's aura around the group.

She trusted the wizard, but she could feel herself starting to turn and she just prayed that this would work and that they wouldn't be stuck in this state forever!

She looked down and saw her tail start to fade away 'hmmm that's a new one.' Lapoo, startled by the transformation flew into the nearest tree. Shina hoped that her little friend would recognise her spirit when she was changed. She felt her body getting thinner, and taller and her hair started to flow long around her shoulders.

When she felt the magic become still, she walked over to her horse Renn, who jumped at her new form. 'Shhh shh it's OK Renn, it's me.' She grabbed a glass bottle from her satchel to take a look at herself but it was blurry, the only thing she couldn't see was her ears, which made her feel weird.

Turning to the group she watched as one by one, they started to change. Thaddeus had run into the woods and Shina hoped his transformation had occurred before he got in there. Walking to the wizard she patted his shoulder in approval 'So wizard, I guess it worked then. Well done. Do I make a good elf?'

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Yoshina, seeing the situation develop and keeping her mouth shut all this time, was very much fascinated with the discussion of magical transformations. Now she herself has never been transformed into an Elf before, but she is always open to new experiences. The Yosei magician himself assuring the group that the transformation is only a temporary one.

"Most interesting. So this is what it feels like to have these pointed ears huh?" She talks to herself while the group finally walks out of the inn and right to the edge of the forest. The privateer mentioned something about waiting for him 15 minutes before entering the forest, and Yoshina sees no reason to debate against Thaddeus. She was too busy touching her ears to actually care anyway.

And of course, she looked at Shina's elf ears as well, the moment she posed that question, the Sangakuan Princess immediately responded. "Of course you are! I think those pointed ears look amazing on you Shina san." She hoped that her compliments would help her feel slightly more comfortable, since she is definitely is feeling many things, a lot of them negative.

Ok, Yoshina is admittedly afraid to go into the forest. And her nervousness is very visible, even after her compliments to the Firetail. She visibly fidgets, acts very jumpy, and her grip on her Naginata as strong as possible.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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"Duly noted, Mr. Thaddeus. Please do stay safe." He bid the Mesmer farewell and began counting the passing seconds. The sailor had suggested that they enter after 15 minutes at the least, but if felt like hours as they waited. He could only imagine how a battle between a Mesmer and Nemnon would look like. Likely worthy of a tale sung by the capital's best bards he guessed. A hand to his shoulder would bring his focus back on reality. Shina had asked how she looked as a wild elf. Their warrior had commented that Shina looked like a proper elf. "I agree with our warrior. If I didn't know any better, I would have guessed that you were a natural born wild elf." He smiled slightly before resuming his counting. It was nearing their time to enter the woods as instructed.

A hushed prayer to the Makers escaped his lips as they prepared to enter the Thousand Year Old Woods.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

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"I don't like it when he goes off alone." The dragoness grunted. The local elf lord sounded intimidating, yes, until you decided to burn him and half of the forest from above. The only way the elves could harm her she could think of was if they were in cahoots with the other wizard. Same could not be said about her companions though.

As their wizard tinkered with her amulet and activated it, she watched in dismay as she changed into an elf with clothes in shambles. Now granted, dragons were entirely happy to live in a cave, but once you get used to living in a fortress of impressive masonry such as one she grown up in after finding her father, even a cave seemed uncomfortable. All things considered, wearing grass and moss and living in the treetops was really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

"And I do not like knofe ears." She said, her hand reaching to the pointy organ that stuck further from her head than her true form's horns. "Maybe I should just fly above and come to the rescue if you start screaming." She grinned.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by RedPandaGamer
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@Searat @Kumbaris @Forsythe @Ozzy Cross

Shina felt odd in this new 'body', she instinctively flicked her tail behind her but looked down to see nothing there, just an ordinary elf bottom. 'I miss my tail already' Shina sighed. But she looked the part and that was all that mattered in this instance.

She smiled to herself as she saw the dragon change, she didn't look nearly as menacing now, though she didn't doubt she would be just as aggressive! 'You look great, dragon' Shina knew she wouldn't believe her but now wasn't the time to worry about looks.

'OK everyone, thanks to the wizard, we are all set to enter the forest. It's been some time since Thaddeus went in and I haven't heard anything so we should be safe to go.' Shina hoped it was quiet because Thaddeus was just getting through the firest and not because he had already been dispatched.

They began to make their way through. Instantly Shina felt a different atmosphere here; a cold, ominous feeling. The forest was indeed beautiful, the trees towered above them as if to cover the skies themselves. It smelt damp and moss covered most of the ground. Not a bird could be heard, nor any deer or creature to be seen. As they walked through, she had the distinct feeling that someone or something was watching them. Lapoo stuck to her shoulders like glue. 'It's ok friend, you can stay on my shoulder. Nothing will happen to...' Shina suddenly tripped on a root, though she would have sworn there was nothing there. 'Ow!! Horse dung, who the hell put this here!!?' Shina picked herself up and dusted the damp leaves off her.

'Be careful everyone!' Shina tried to hide her embarrassment.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Ozzy Cross
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Ozzy Cross ⚠️ The Emissary ⚠️

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Status: Alive / Well
Location: In the Ancient Wood
Response: @Redpandagamer@Forsythe@Kumbaris@searat

Shina would have no idea just how right she was when she felt the eyes on them, high up in a tree out of their sight, a large paled Elf stood, besides him on each side were two other elves. The first elf was a distinct darkened hue of blue, standing at a height of 5'11" his face was painted to take the appearance of a blackened skull, his hair was long and dread down his well muscled back. The other Elf stood on the other side, this one stood at about 5'6", had long unruly braided hair, her face too was painted with the same blackened skull, her eyes were fierce, orange, unlike the other elf whose eyes were a deep purple. দুটা গোট আছে, এটা একক মানুহ আৰু আনটো হৈছে এলভৰ ছদ্মবেশত এটা সৰু গোট। (There are two groups, one is a solo man and the other is a small group disguised as elves.) The male elf to the left spoke lowly, his voice scratchy and deep. The largest of the trio grunted deeply, his large muscled bulged as he looked in the direction of the lone man who had come in first. আমি তেওঁলোকক হত্যা কৰা উচিত নেকি (Should we just kill them all?) The female Elf spoke coldly as she slowly looked upon the imposters below them. নহয়।।। মানুহজন কেৱল বিভ্ৰান্তি। তেওঁ মোৰ মনোযোগ আকৰ্ষণ কৰিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰি আছে যাতে এই গোটটো অক্ষত অৱস্থাত পাৰ হ'ব পাৰে। সেইবোৰ ধৰি মোৰ ওচৰলৈ আনিব, জীয়াই ৰাখিব। মানুহজন আমাৰ ওচৰলৈ আহিব বা মই ক'ব লাগে, মেচমাৰ (No.. leave them, I want the man or should I say Mesmer..., they are nothing. Get your strongest warriors Feinor, Akilian. That lone man does not leave this wood alive for if he does than you two will face my wrath. Memnon watched with an animal like glare that betrayed his intelligence, the Mesmer had returned finally, the mesmer who killed his daughter, come to die. The other two Elfs bowed to Nemnon and quickly disappeared through the trees, Nemnons eyes glowed a furious red. Down below the wood would come alive as the Elves started to move, they quickly headed in the direction of Thaddeus, swinging over the heads of Shina and the others in quick succession, leaving nothing but a shower of dead leaves and broken branches showering over their heads.

Out of nowhere Nemnon would slam down in front of the ground, the impact would cause the ground to stir up and shake a bit vioently. His red eyes peered at the ground but did not last long as he disappeared in the blink of an eye at a speed that was not common for such a creature. The only thing left was the impact in the ground that extended down a few good feet in every direction. In the distance they could hear one word from the paled elf which even in their native tongue was not hard to translate. থাডেউচ!!! (MESMER!!!)

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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Tags: @RedPandaGamer@Ozzy Cross@Kumbaris@Forsythe

"Duly noted, Ms. Shina; and please do be careful yourself." Rudolph said as he tried his best to shake of the feeling of being watched. It was nerve wracking enough that they were this far in the woods, he didn't need to add any more stress upon himself by thinking that they were already being watched. Buuuuut...just to be safe he kept an eye out for both wild elf related and supernatural dangers that may make itself known to the group. If anything, he'd be less likely to trip upon roots or loose stone by keeping an eye on where he was going. Though it would be rather strange for a wild elf to be checking his footing on a place he would have been more familiar with than the back of his own hand.
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