Tags: @RedPandaGamer@Ozzy Cross@Kumbaris@Forsythe
"A mage. And by the description of his staff, not a friendly one." Rudolph's brow furrowed and his lips curled inward. They may need to face off against a mage. The half-elf had full confidence in his abilities...but a mage with their magical focus had a better chance at winning than a mage without one. That and he didn't even know the full capacity of his opponent; as far as Rudolph knew, this magus could be just as strong or even stronger than he was. Quite troubling.
He followed the blacksmith outside of the tavern where she addressed the group. "The Thousand Year Old Woods? That's Wild Elf territory. Even the Duchy's troops steer clear of those parts. I don't suppose any of you have a plan on passing without getting treated as trespassers by those tribals? I loathe the idea of being turned into a pincushion for arrows."