
Act 1: Harvestide
Maybe it's paranoia. Maybe it isn't. One overworked and beleaguered Sheriff's suspicions direct him to a course of action he would never have considered a year prior - He is calling upon adventurers for aid.
Avonshire is a sleepy agricultural region in a greater Human kingdom which boasts highly productive lands and a solid population of Halflings among the Human majority. Disappearances and rumors of other things amiss have brought a sense of underlying dread to the region, and most people agree that something must be done.
Act 2: Wintering In Wine Country
In a show of gratitude, the last of a renowned family of Vintners have invited the victorious adventurers back to their estate to spend the coming winter in comfort. While they appear sincere, even lavish with their hospitality, they have yet to answer old questions, even as new mysteries - and possibly dangers - arise.
The Rose River Vineyard lays nestled in the heart of the Avonshire region, near the town of Southmoor, and produces some of the finest wines in the kingdom. The master of the estate has perished and his only direct living heir is too young to assume the responsibilities of family affairs. This detail, sadly, is the least of their difficulties.
Welcome to Avonshire.
This is an adventure based on Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons. I say based on, as I believe some aspects need to be altered or abbreviated to better fit the format here. To make things comfortable all parties, we will be using 5e character sheets, backed up by a more basic one on this site. There are excellent online options from Myth-Weavers and on D&D Beyond specifically for this purpose. Character sheets will be created there and linked on the CS tab, pending approval here. More about character creation will be discussed below. First let’s get a few things out of the way. Consider this our Session Zero.
That was fun, right? So, the previous items were semi-specific to the game and setting. The following are general rules for any RPG I run. You may notice a similarity to the general rules of Lady Absinthia's RPs. Pay no mind. Huge coincidence. HUGE.
Things can get complicated with character generation. I am using a modified point buy system for establishing ability scores and limiting certain things in regard to source material, while opening up possibilities for wiggle room in other areas. Read this carefully and do not hesitate to drop me a message if you have questions. Once this hurdle is out of the way, it's all downhill, I promise. Sort of. Maybe. Okay, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it; suffice it to say that this is a bear and it cannot be avoided. Let us plow through together.
The Header is, oddly enough, to go at the head of every IC post. It serves a few purposes, not the least of which it as a quick reference for what your character is doing, where they are going, and their general state of condition and injury. Also, when we get into combat rotation, your header is where you declare bare bones actions, bonus actions, and reactions (if any are applicable). This is where character faceclaims or art will be shown, as well. Your color code will feature prominently here, so pick one you can live with.
Here we go, the almighty Character Sheet. To clarify from earlier, I will need a 3rd party site online CS, fully filled out, completely legit, IN ADDITION to the one below. Myth-Weavers and D&DBeyond are really good for this. I have a bent toward D&DBeyond myself, but I am open to others. When this is done, link it to the CS here in the space provided.
Submit CSs in the OOC only. Do not post it to the CS Tab until I have approved it. Do not post Works In Progress. Use a self-addressed PM to work on it if you must. After your CS is approved, it becomes immutable without permission. If it's small or something you overlooked, just send me an ask. Edit your CS without permission and you're kicked. Get caught cheating and you're kicked. Standard stuff.
Oh yeah, and when your CS is posted in the CS Tab - Put it in a hider. The hider's title is your character's full name. Keeps things tidy.
So brace yourself, fuckle up buttercup, hold your loved ones close, for here we delve into the sublime horror of...
...The Character Sheet!
Approved Characters:
- Victoria Belmont (Half-Elf Bard)
- Marita Bärbel (Human Cleric)
- Kosara (Tiefling Warlock)
- Kathryn Pyke (Human Fighter)
- Baronfjørd Chedgusah (Dragonborn Monk)