Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 7 mos ago

The Demon Lord is indubitably an intelligent presence - He had muscled and crawled and scampered through the ranks of the Underworld, and even as a Emberling He showed tenacity to even make a Great One show appreciation. Lord Ahriman - The Fires fuel His soul - has made great strides in the advances of Sheol unto Earth, even rivaling those decadent bastards in the Church! The apostates in the service of the Goddess are nothing but a cabal of villains, rogues, and those who so priggishly defend the former two! They so shamelessly appropriate the tenants of Demonhood and so utterly corrupt them under veils of "light", "restraint", "order", and other such nonsense. It is nepotism, preying on the disenfranchised and desperate, and little besides. We, on the other hand, offer freedom and true merit, and the Demons shall never once cease until ever last agent of light is likewise cast down. In our righteous crusade, Lord Ahriman leads as the forefront of this campaign, coming from our Demonic home of Sheol, Crux of the Underworld.

Yet like clockwork, every time there was the problem. Not quite the same problem each time, but ones so similar as to which their similarities could never be disputed nor refuted throughout Demonkind. Like the Deus Ex Machina of mortal tales, a mystical hero, prophesied to come from a far-flung land, would turn unto the Demons and from the Darkness usher in Light. Some even say it must be the Curse of Saint Zariah, but none expected her revenge to be so...persistent. They are each unassuming, fumbling fools who have bumbled before an unknown world and only spared a fittingly anticlimactic death by Her Clairvoyance. Her Guidance shall propel her champions - Her summoned sheep-in-paladin-dress, and whatever sorry whelps have been drugged by Her meddling - and their inexplicable machinations have thwarted the plans of even the most cunning of Demon Kings.

Well, to Heaven with that! Lord Ahriman did not muscle and grime and plot and plan his perfect revenge for some magical tart to come along and muck it up, all because some cooky, overzealous old crone gave him a magic sword! He has faced a foe far greater than himself several times before, and while he still sits upon his Obsidian Throne, the night shall not fade! He, in all his infernal preeminence, has done far beyond the simple squalor on his crawl to the top: He has studied - quite impressively - and in His findings has so ascertained his study a most intriguing pattern. Her Guidance is a persistent pestilence, but not one without reason. She shall summon weak champions with each one fallen, another to exact her reprise. The sorts by which find their way into our world have all been cut from similar cloth. They are foolish, vain, weak-minded simpletons, devoid of personality and so insufferably lifeless that those who might know better shall call them what they truly are: Mere puppets of Her Will. Yet, such base desires are easily thwarted, for so simple the promise of wine and women may just as soon deter his attention - and his loyalty. Lord Ahriman - in all His eminent brilliance - hatched a most cunning plot, and instead has convened a most supine corps, who shall likewise infiltrate, interlope, and hunt down these would-be "champions". A defeated foe might one day return tenfold stronger for nemesis, but a reconciled one is truly, utterly vanquished. And if they so love to lap the boots of Her Will? Well, we can sure teach them a thing or two on how to lick...

Heartbreaking, isn't it?

So, who wants to be an Isekai Hunter?

As perhaps slated by the introductory blurb - and perhaps the tags (insofar that anyone really goes about reading those nowadays...) - Heartbreaker is a different take on your usual isekai romp. You are not the isekai protagonist. You've likely lived here your entire life, in Anime Fantasy Land working in some appropriately relevant field as to ascertain something which is not a life of agriculture or servitude. Her Guidance is a vexing thing, no doubt...but that is why you have sought out the Powers of Sheol, isn't it? The idea of a pre-ascertained life is a...depressing, incarcerating thing, only predetermined to an uneventful life, from which one's eternal soul shall be likewise unceremoniously plucked from its rotting prison and likewise re-incarcerated in its next banal life. But, really, where is the fun in that? Fortunately, Lord Ahriman is quite keen to intervene the affairs of mortals, and is readily here to correct this.

Before you ask: Yes. It does deal with the usual assortment of anime tropes - on the receiving end. Her Clairvoyance gives your very annoying target a surprising amount of foresight and protection, but as with everything that involves plot armor, we should hope that you will be savvy enough to subvert the typical array of augurs our poor hero will be credo to. Not just anyone can be a Heartbreaker, and only the smartest, strongest, swiftest, and serendipitous of souls survive long enough to rightfully call themselves one who might subvert Her Guidance. Yet, any plan which involves an unresponsive enemy ceases to be such and instead turns into fantasy. Her Vengeance shall twist and thwart in turn while she eternally plots in turn, and on the fields of mortals shall engage the greatest battle of wits to ever grace the land.

Expect a usual assortment of absurdist horror and its friend in humor: The Immortals often have a - forgive the pun - demented sense of comedy, and so too when Those Above and Those Below shall clash in the fields of mortals, they shall likewise adapt to their senses. A more "gonzo" sense of humor should be expected - and expect a lot of comedic tropes in anime to be parodied.

Interested? Vunderfaal! Here's a Character Sheet template I made off of this morning's caffeine binge, if you're so engrossed.

I'll throw up an FAQ - as well as more setting details - when an actual OOC thread goes up. If you have questions in the meantime, religiously ping me until I get done with work and answer.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Yam I Am Oho~ this doth look dope! I'm pitching my interest.

I think I have a fitting OC for this, she's some kind of flesh slime eldritch abomination thing with a humanoid facade (Think of: Carrion (Video Game) and Saya no Uta (Visual Novel)), whose greatest joy in life is to consume more biomass.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 7 mos ago

@Yam I Am Oho~ this doth look dope! I'm pitching my interest.

I think I have a fitting OC for this, she's some kind of flesh slime eldritch abomination thing with a humanoid facade (Think of: Carrion (Video Game) and Saya no Uta (Visual Novel)), whose greatest joy in life is to consume more biomass.

Ah, a big eater. Everyone loves a good glutton. At least there shouldn't be any shortage of food laying around.

Might wanna lay off too many humans, though. Human brains can cause Parkinson's.

EDIT: You know, gives me an idea. It'd be a really cool (read: creepy) idea if like, this character collected all the brains in jars of their particularly heinous victims, and kept them around as sorta still semi-living trophies as some sorta eternal punishment. They're trapped somewhere between life and death, devoid of senses yet not allowed to die. Insert dark comedy quips about "pickling" as you please.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TruthHurts22
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Member Seen 21 days ago

Gonzo humor? Absurdist horror? Sign me up! I think I've got a decent idea for a character already - a kindly old man who's in actuality anything but, constantly thwarted by his so-called 'fate' from doing his one true passion in life: just, like, a whole lot of murder.

Would a Mortal character need to have died for Ahriman to recruit them into this little charade, or does he pluck them from the land of the living?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 7 mos ago

Gonzo humor? Absurdist horror? Sign me up! I think I've got a decent idea for a character already - a kindly old man who's in actuality anything but, constantly thwarted by his so-called 'fate' from doing his one true passion in life: just, like, a whole lot of murder.

Lord Ahriman would prefer a more polished epithet. Perhaps something apropos, "carnal connoisseur", or, "patron of sanguine and sinew arts" might prove to be a better title.

Would a Mortal character need to have died for Ahriman to recruit them into this little charade, or does he pluck them from the land of the living?

It can be either one: He isn't particularly picky about the source from which he draws his talent pool. Lord Ahriman prides himself as an equal opportunist.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Izurich>

Ah, a big eater. Everyone loves a good glutton. At least there shouldn't be any shortage of food laying around.

Might wanna lay off too many humans, though. Human brains can cause Parkinson's.

EDIT: You know, gives me an idea. It'd be a really cool (read: creepy) idea if like, this character collected all the brains in jars of their particularly heinous victims, and kept them around as sorta still semi-living trophies as some sorta eternal punishment. They're trapped somewhere between life and death, devoid of senses yet not allowed to die. Insert dark comedy quips about "pickling" as you please.

Oh yes, every Overlord needs a henchman who can clean up the leftovers, guts and entrails don't nearly make as fine decorations as skulls and bones after all.

As for your idea, sure~ if a particular upstart hero was worthy (or frustrating or both) enough to deal with, she can decide to extract their brains and keep it as a trophy, a young lady needs her toys after all. >:)
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TruthHurts22
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Member Seen 21 days ago

Lord Ahriman would prefer a more polished epithet. Perhaps something apropos, "carnal connoisseur", or, "patron of sanguine and sinew arts" might prove to be a better title.

Of course, of course, something more deserving of an underling to the Demon Lord himself. So long as the, uh, end result is the same, I doubt he'd care what he's called.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 5 mos ago

It's time for hot demon lady yes yes yes good
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 7 mos ago

It's time for hot demon lady yes yes yes good

I appreciate a good pun.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 12 mos ago

hoo boy this looks interesting
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 14 days ago

I'm into it. Do you want a vampire lord (my specialty) or the iconic backstabbing sorcerous vizier?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 7 mos ago

I'm into it. Do you want a vampire lord (my specialty) or the iconic backstabbing sorcerous vizier?

Would it pain you if I were to say, "Do what you want more"?

Yes, yes it likely would.

I am inclined to say the former...but the latter does leave me very intrigued. I'm going to have to ask for some more information about the both of them before I definitively lean one way or the other.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Yam I Am
So many kwestins, so little time:
1. How many players on average are you looking for this?
2. Can I go ahead and make the CS or wait for the OOC thread?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 7 mos ago

@Yam I Am
So many kwestins, so little time:
1. How many players on average are you looking for this?
2. Can I go ahead and make the CS or wait for the OOC thread?

1. Considering how I was expecting perhaps 3 people to be interested, and i've gotten 5 on here, and another 3 or so who have expressed interest on Discord, it's proving more...acclaimed than I had expected. I'll say i'll take up to 8.

2. Go ahead and make it. If something comes up, you can always add stuff to it when the OOC goes live.

Speaking of, I think the OOC will be up sometime this weekend. Maybe tomorrow, maybe as late as Monday. It all depends on how quickly I can get a map done.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by LadyAnnaLee
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LadyAnnaLee VIX

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@Yam I Am

Ah! Ah! I was going to wait to post until I had Katrina Valance's character sheet just a little more fitting for this story! And now it looks like I'm late to the party! Ah!

I'm interested! In case that wasn't clear. Like majorly interested. I have to tweak Katrina's backstory just a bit, I still think it could be fun.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 7 mos ago

Ah! Ah! I was going to wait to post until I had Katrina Valance's character sheet just a little more fitting for this story! And now it looks like I'm late to the party! Ah!

I'm interested! In case that wasn't clear. Like majorly interested. I have to tweak Katrina's backstory just a bit, I still think it could be fun.

The party don't stop until everyone's got their own castle in Sheol.

Looking over Katrina's character sheet, I think it could definitely work - I am curious as to what you would want to tweak about it, the obvious aside.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 14 days ago

@Yam I Am Asking for input mostly because the two ideas are kind of similar, or liable to be played similarly.

The vampire I'm planning to kind of like Castlevania Dracula, practically a demon in human flesh. Legions of undead minions are his game, and he wants to darken the sun and enslave the world in his hellish reign. Pretty straightforward stuff.

The sorcerer I'm planning to be a very powerful mortal wizard that has enslaved demons to teach him their dark secrets and do his bidding. Besides that he's all about psychic torment, hellfire, a real flair for the dramatic. He's got kind of a psuedo Egyptian theme going, with like a snake/dragon motif.

That last part said, I am considering mashing a dragon into either of these ideas. So a vampiric dragon Lord, or a chaos dragon disguised in human form. Up to you if you think this is a good idea, or if it's too much.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 7 mos ago

@Yam I Am Asking for input mostly because the two ideas are kind of similar, or liable to be played similarly.

The vampire I'm planning to kind of like Castlevania Dracula, practically a demon in human flesh. Legions of undead minions are his game, and he wants to darken the sun and enslave the world in his hellish reign. Pretty straightforward stuff.

The sorcerer I'm planning to be a very powerful mortal wizard that has enslaved demons to teach him their dark secrets and do his bidding. Besides that he's all about psychic torment, hellfire, a real flair for the dramatic. He's got kind of a psuedo Egyptian theme going, with like a snake/dragon motif.

That last part said, I am considering mashing a dragon into either of these ideas. So a vampiric dragon Lord, or a chaos dragon disguised in human form. Up to you if you think this is a good idea, or if it's too much.

You sold me on the latter. I think perhaps a D&D-inspired sort of draconic sorcerer who would scry well into the Planes would prove a pretty interesting character. If you're interested, i'd even go as far as to suggest that you do an Assyrian motif with like feathered dragons that take the likeness of griffons - with snake-like eyes that can paralyze, hair the likeness of a lion's mane, with a downy appearance that glistens in the wind, and maybe a serpentine tongue that is barbed in narcotic acid. That'd be really cool.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by LadyAnnaLee
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LadyAnnaLee VIX

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Yam I Am

The first thing I'm planing on changing is Rolf. Instead of being a regular hawk he is going to be a demon hawk sent by some evil demon possibly even Lord Ahriman to seduce her more fully to the dark side.

Because! And I think this is great! She's not fully evil yet. She's just done. She was raised by a family that was pledged to Saint Zariah. Anything for the Greater Good and all that rot. So, she's been training in combat and tactics all her life when one day this little wannabe hero from nowhere shows up without the faintest clue which end of the sword to hold. And rather then being allowed to fight the evil she's been training to fight her whole life she's told it's her job to help the Hero kill the evil. And so she does it the first time. And then the second. And by the third Katrina is a little miffed. She's been training her whole life. Beaten black and blue for every little failure. Force to help clueless nobodies who's only claims to fame are Blessings from Saint Zaria. When is it her turn to shine? To show off? To conquer? To win? So, she says damn the Heros and damn Saint Zariah and leaves.

I was planing, at the start of the story, not have her be quite evil yet. She's not really on the Good side, but she's not really Evil. Then as the story progresses, with Rolf whispering in her ear, and watching others who are Evil have a grand old time start wonder why she shouldn't be Evil. After all, if she can't be the main character, Katrina might as well have the time of her life.

Character regression arc! Let's go!

PS. I'm not sure what you meant by obvious. I'm sorry.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 7 mos ago

The first thing I'm planing on changing is Rolf. Instead of being a regular hawk he is going to be a demon hawk sent by some evil demon possibly even Lord Ahriman to seduce her more fully to the dark side.

Because! And I think this is great! She's not fully evil yet. She's just done. She was raised by a family that was pledged to Saint Zariah. Anything for the Greater Good and all that rot. So, she's been training in combat and tactics all her life when one day this little wannabe hero from nowhere shows up without the faintest clue which end of the sword to hold. And rather then being allowed to fight the evil she's been training to fight her whole life she's told it's her job to help the Hero kill the evil. And so she does it the first time. And then the second. And by the third Katrina is a little miffed. She's been training her whole life. Beaten black and blue for every little failure. Force to help clueless nobodies who's only claims to fame are Blessings from Saint Zaria. When is it her turn to shine? To show off? To conquer? To win? So, she says damn the Heros and damn Saint Zariah and leaves.

I was planing, at the start of the story, not have her be quite evil yet. She's not really on the Good side, but she's not really Evil. Then as the story progresses, with Rolf whispering in her ear, and watching others who are Evil have a grand old time start wonder why she shouldn't be Evil. After all, if she can't be the main character, Katrina might as well have the time of her life.

Character regression arc! Let's go!

PS. I'm not sure what you meant by obvious. I'm sorry.

By "obvious", I mostly meant, "Adapted to be fighting alongside someone as notorious as a Demon Lord".

Now, it's actually quite interesting to mention evil in this concept, because I actually didn't envision Demonic society as traditionally "evil". They have their own sense of morality, no doubt - one that's very much at odds with the morals of our own, considering how life and consciousness fundamentally differs quite a lot from regular "mortal" society - but the connotations of evil? I intended for that to be more reflective of how certain aspects of life and living are so fundamentally different, and the conflict that arises is well...understandably perceived as such.

I don't think Ahriman would really go out of his way to make any one character "evil", per se. He would insist that it be all their own doing. "Becoming Evil" is never his goal: It's only getting people to be "their truest selves". Ahriman wouldn't really go against anyone who was just following what they wanted. They're only being honest with themselves, after all, and as far as his underlings go, he only particularly cares if your goals diametrically oppose his. In that sense, he would have a (begrudging) respect for some of the more adherent members of the Ecclesiarchy: Sure, he might not like them for standing so ardently against the choices of others, but he would show respect for those who genuinely followed them with nothing in return, just because that's what kind of person they were.
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