Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 16 min ago

For a few moments, Sefira did not say anything.

On one hand, they had found other players, and Eunice seemed to be aware of the situation. To say that was of considerable assistance was an understatement. The fact they wouldn't have to explain anything to the former NPC meant that they could move right to the business of trying to understand what was going on, both from their perspective and that of an inhabitant of this world. A goal was in sight, even if the elf girl had no idea how long it would take to reach it.

On the other, Kokoma had not only definitely heard her misspeak when she introduced herself, but had casually let it slip. There was no way that was an accident, especially considering what she knew of the girl so far.

"Wh-why?!" she said, finally, trying not to be too obvious, "I... I'm Sefira Sylvanbelle! Don't er, pay attention to what... she..."

After a moment, the blonde mage trailed off. She'd made it so much worse trying to cover up Kokoma's words.

"... Ugh, nevermind, whatever!"

@PKMNB0Y@Sho Minazuki@Rune_Alchemist
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 39 min ago

Shokatsu Yu
Aluvera — Outskirts

As he followed the other two he had left the town with, Yu found that Eunice had decided to put her own piece into the offhand question she had thrown out.
"If it comes down to it," she began, "I can manage the healing. As Saito says, I do not expect that any healing beyond that will be quite as necessary. Of course, that would be on a normal trip, and given what had just occurred..."

"I suppose that makes sense; bit used to adjusting for people, but if that much isn't necessary..." the swordmaster shrugged, thinking to himself for a moment before the other two adventurers who had assisted them chimed in. Honestly speaking, it would have been odd if they hadn't chosen to follow along; with Eunice being who she was, the only reason they might not have was if they had contacts of their own to meet up with, and even then...

Well, if anything, introductions seemed to be in order regardless. It might have been naive from other points of view, but the streamer-turned-adventurer had no reason to doubt their intent in tagging along regardless.

"Ah... Shokatsu Yu. I'll be in your care," he responded, giving a quick bow in return. "Kokoma and..."

Given the elf's reaction, Yu could assume that either one of two things was the case.
One: the two were friends and were taking jabs at one another.
Two: the elf—Sefira—had slipped up during an introduction of her own and this was the result.

Given the elf's defensive reaction, the reasonable assumption was the latter; he had no reason to really extrapolate further on that note, though.

"...Sefira, then. Noted."

Stretching his arms as he walked, the young man considered Kokoma's offer for a moment before speaking his own piece.

"In regards to your offer... While I assume it would help with travel time, it's hard to say if we would all fit onto three mounts without actually seeing said mounts, right?" he asked, glancing back at the beast that the Shenke was riding for a moment.

Regardless of what she did, though, it did seem as if this party of five would be traveling together for the near future regardless. A week with complete strangers and an NPC-turned-human...

It certainly felt like something out of a light novel or manga, once he gave it a bit of thought.

"So... How long's everyone been adventuring?" he asked, taking care not to use the word 'play' in this context despite what he knew Eunice was aware of. "I think I'm at... Four... Years now?"

Of course, playtime didn't necessarily translate into combat proficiency, but Yu was curious about how familiar they were with the world that they all had found themselves stuck in regardless.

@Sho Minazuki@Rune_Alchemist@VitaVitaAR
Sen Rynta — Outskirts

The charred corpse that had once been a rabbit made clear that Myrtle's spell was undeniably overkill, and in some ways the resultant waste of perfectly good materials was no more beneficial. Regardless of if that had been the intent or not, the body of the rabbit was undeniably unsalvageable.

What might have been more interesting to the group, though, was how said corpse both did not disappear and did not automatically offer them any items—not that any could have been harvested from it in its current state anyways—to Myrtle. Killing another rabbit—possibly with less destructive means—would at least leave a corpse behind, but more importantly the previously-automatic system that gave them items was no longer in place.

@Hammerman@Operator Luna
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Myrtle Bramblewood

Sen Rynta — Windy Plains

“Well!” Myrtle turned to the group and gave an awkward smile. “Let’s forget about that! We don’t really need ingredients from such a low-level opponent in the first place!”

This really is a problem though. With my stats and level, none of these monsters can stand a chance against even the weakest of my spells. I guess I’ll just have to downgrade my equipment.

Her gaze returned back to the rabbit. “Well, that’s odd. The corpse is still there. I guess it doesn’t despawn like usual anymore.” She walked over to it and poked it with her staff. “Yep, it’s a corpse alright. Don’t think any of it is usable though. Not with the damage I’ve done to it.”

She walked back to the group. “So, here’s some advice. You guys should downgrade the equipment you wear if you don’t want to just obliterate these small fries.” With a swipe of her hand, she opened her menu. “Hmm, let me see… do I have any low-level equipment here…”
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Operator Luna
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Operator Luna Astral Emissary

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Agaue Selinofoto

Miura Yui

Location: Sen Rynta - Windy Plains [Outskirts]

From the rather crispy carcass, to Myrtle's candid attitude, Yui could not help but sigh softly.
Aside from the light show, it would seem that animals were not an exception to this world's regeneration laws.
Whatever they would destroy, it would leave behind its evidence. Yui knelt by the unfortunate sacrifice, and poked it with her gloved hands. Nothing here was salvageable, obviously, but if it were... well, at least Yui had experience in prep work.

Yui knew that she had nothing to safely kill these small creatures, all of her equipment for her classes were BIS (best in slot). Nothing short of high-end and high quality. That was, and is, the problem. Yui didn't know her limits, even as a tank, a single poke of her lance might stab through creatures entirely. If she wanted something valuable from them, she needed to find a way to obtain it efficiently.

Another rabbit came by to see the commotion. It locked eyes with Yui. There was a moment of acknowledgement between the two.

With the speed of a cheetah, Yui threw the nearest stick at its head. *Imapct*. A moment of silence. The rabbit screamed and ran away, seemingly with tears in its eyes. It would have been comical, if only Yui wasn't serious about that experiment.

"What materials are you looking for?". Yui stood up again, dusting the dirt off her knees.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Myrtle Bramblewood

Sen Rynta — Windy Plains

"Oh, nothing in particular," Myrtle replied with her easygoing smile. "I don't need materials from low level areas like this."

Meanwhile, Anastasia's gaze was locked on another rabbit, one that was still unaware of her presence.

"Anny?" Myrtle noticed her friend's serious expression.

"I think—I think I can take it on."

She opened her inventory and took out her leatherwork knife. Holding it tightly in her right hand, she slowly sneaked up on the creature before plunging it into its soft flesh.

The creature died instantly. And with barely any harm to its fur, skin, or horn.

"Whoa! That was hardcore, Anny!" Myrtle ran to where she stood.

The red haired girl turned around and smiled bashfully. "Oh, it's nothing. I just thought that with my low stat as a leatherworker, I can kill it safely like that."

“Nonono, I’m not talking about that! I’m talking about how you can just stab it with a knife like it’s nothing! Casting magic like me is one thing but actually using a real knife like that, I don’t think I can ever do it!”

Myrtle’s gaze then switched to the paladin. “How about you, Agaue? You can slash people with that sword of yours?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aluvera - City outskirts

"Hmm...good question when did it come out..." Kokoma would frown, thinking about it slightly as she'd hop off Kuja. "Nine years? Gosh ten years stuck in that same boring job, ugh..." She'd cough, chuckling lightly before quickly moving on. "Annnyways, yep, that sounds about right! So if you need anything you can rely on Kokoma. I know this place like I know my fluffy tail!" The reincarnator would smugly grin at her own experience. "Tamed almost every tameable monster! Speaking of, right! Mounts! Lets see...how did I do it again...?" She'd reach up to her mouth, and a loud, high pitched whistle would call out through the area.

It would take a few moments for it to have some noticeable effect, but it would not take long to take note of something quickly approaching the group. It would look like a...giant...wheel of water, at first? It was rolling towards them at an extremely high speed, and no doubt was some sort of monster! It would spin faster and faster as it'd approach, heading right for Kokoma, though she didn't seem too perturbed by it even if, briefly it didn't look like it was about to slow down.

At least, until there was a thread of silk that would wrap itself around it, and then what was an Arachne in a maid dress leaping in to knock the wheel of water - now revealed to be some sort of aquatic dragon looking creature to fall over on its side.

"Ahem, apologies master Kokoma. Teel got excited." The arachne would say, approaching and looking at the others gathered. "...ah, is this our current party?"

"Heheh, yep! Everyone, this is Talliya and Teel...did Shiro not come? Tsk, I know it said he was a troublesome kid in the game files but come on...anyways I think these three should be able to help us cover ground more quickly?"

"A pleasure to meet you, everyone. I am Kokoma's maid. Are we...helping you travel?" Kokoma would hop up onto the Arachne's abdomen.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 16 min ago

"... I've been playing for five years now," Sefira said, after giving Kokoma one more look. She hoped, hoped that no-one had figured out why she was reluctant to say her real name right now.

But dwelling on that matter was going to get her no-where. As annoying as the beast tamer was proving, the fact she had mounts like this meant that it was much easier to travel. Even if one of them almost ran her over like that. With a sigh, Sefira pushed her way off the first of the beasts and stumbled as she landed on her feet, stretching her legs. They felt a little bit sore from how she'd been jostled about riding that beast at high speeds.

"I suppose if I have to travel in this world, I could do much worse," she added, glancing towards the other beasts that Kokoma had summoned. An arachne serving as her maid? That was bound to be a weird mount. Riding a sapient being who had a largely human body save for about the lower hips to the legs... it had such a strange vibe to her.

@PKMNB0Y@Rune_Alchemist@Sho Minazuki
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Saito Souji

Aluvera - Outskirts

"Saito Souji", he introduced himself briefly, as he allowed the conversation to continue. All of a sudden their group had become larger. It meant they were well-equipped if a battle needed to be fought. All he was doing now really was thinking what would make sense if this world was real, after all... As it was, he had no reason to treat it otherwise, the senses he was experiencing was unlike sitting at a computer and playing.

"Just a few years myself, I guess...?", in actuality, everyone here probably had zero years. It's not as if playing this game equated to travelling the world or anything... One of their new companions was a tamer, and their choice of mount was... Spiders?

"How unusual... But I suppose if we can travel quickly, it will be worth standing out in such a way", he surmised. Indeed, the mount menu was disabled, but tamers had mounts built into their kits.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 39 min ago

Shokatsu Yu
Aluvera — Outskirts

Despite having heard Kokoma mention the 'game', Eunice seemed rather unperturbed (if only because she simply came to a stop with her back turned towards the party as the Shenke blew a shrill whistle) by the whole situation. The white-haired girl would take a deep breath, shoulders rising and falling slightly before she turned towards the rest of the group, as if she had never heard what had been said in the first place.

"So a tamer, then...?" she mused as a pair of rambunctious monsters soon came running towards the group. There was a slight pause as her eyes widened at the sight of the two, if only because of how rare and dangerous the two beasts brought to heel were. "Well, I suppose than in lieu of horses or the like, they would certainly speed up our journey... So long as we don't end up accidentally drawing too much attention to ourselves, I have no qualms about this either."

"I mean, they won't draw too much attention when other tamers start moving out in full force. Better this than a caravan, I suppose?" Yu remarked, shrugging his shoulders as he glanced between Kokoma and her monsters. "Regardless, I give you my thanks."

With that, both the young man and the girl leading the group would summarily take their seats upon the monsters—whichever ones the Shenke guided them towards—and once everyone was properly on board, the latter would direct them forward.

There was still daylight to burn, and the sooner they reached their destination, the better.

As the sun began to set over the horizon, Eunice would raise a hand in a gesture to get the group the stop. The plains seemed to stretch on endlessly, rolling hills dotted by a sparse few trees, but altogether nothing too dangerous had approached them since they had left. The beaten dirt road seemed to stretch on well out of their field of view, leaving everyone the leisure to appreciate the natural wonder so rare in the cities of the modern era.

"We should make camp for the night," the mage would say, hopping off the monster she was atop before turning to the rest of the party. "I don't suppose you wouldn't have any tents on hand, would you?

It was at this point, Yu realized as he followed suit, that he really didn't actually have much of anything on hand... Or much proper 'adventuring know-how' to speak of. While the transfer had given him the ability to fight, there was a distinct lack of information on, say, setting up a fire pit. Given how camping in Japan was far more relaxed (complete with sinks, stoves, and electricity, among other things), well...

"Ah... No?" he half-asked half-answered as he opened up his inventory. In terms of food, at least, he had things on hand, though they were mostly desserts meant for raiding purposes. On that front he could provide, but...

"...Actually, on that note, does anyone have food to feed us all? Or, well, do any of you happen to know how to cook?"

There was a sheepish smile on his face as he spoke, but the embarrassment as the realization dawned upon him that they might be up the creek without a paddle was somehow buried behind it... Somewhat.

@Sho Minazuki@Rune_Alchemist@VitaVitaAR
Sen Rynta — Outskirts

With the (notably less charred) corpse of the rabbit in hand, Anastasia would soon find that she was able to butcher the animal without much hassle—or, at the very least, break it down into workable materials. A leatherworker was not a butcher by any means, but when it came to stripping it of its fur, whatever had brought them into this world deemed it due diligence to give her the information on how to do so without utterly mangling the body. With Myrtle's attention turned elsewhere, the young woman took it upon herself to at least explore the information that had curiously found its way into her mind.

The skinning, at the very least, found itself done without too much hassle, and given how she had handled killing the animal in the first place, bleeding it out and leaving behind a rabbit's worth of meat was no more problematic than that. She placed the skin and horn into her inventory almost as a matter of course, but the rest...

"Um..." the girl would begin, raising the prepared rabbit once the blood had all drained into the ground, "Myrtle, you were a culinarian, right? Should I be giving this to you, then?"

It was quite surprising to everyone when it seemed to look more like something found at a market—especially given how quickly the process had been done—but complaining about conveniences like these made little sense (if any at all).

@Hammerman@Operator Luna
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Operator Luna
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Operator Luna Astral Emissary

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Agaue Selinofoto

Miura Yui

Location: Sen Rynta - Windy Plains [Outskirts]

"I don't think I can.", Yui said, while watching Anastasia prepare the animal with frightful calmness. There was no hesitation in her cuts. "Maybe on larger animals...?" she trailed off, wondering what exactly constitutes as 'large'. Wolves? No. Bears? Maybe elephants? What about dragons? As with any fantasy world, mythical beings exist, encountered in plot lines or forever hidden in the shadows and myths. Yui admits it would be intriguing, to find such fantastic creatures, but it would have to wait.

"I can help you find whatever you're looking for, but you'll need to tell me what it is." She explained to Myrtle, also explaining that she's a harvester. "What are the materials for?" Yui asked as the group continues to stroll down an open dirt road, made from the hooves of horses and feet of travelling merchants who frequent this way. She kept an eye on the two beside her, and the environment around them. Now was not the time to be lax.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


The Arachne would give Sefira a friendly smile and a wave, not seeming to entirely concerned with her position. Kokoma herself would end up taking a seat on Talliya, directing the others to Kuja and Teel. Both seemed more than happy, as long as they got a little affection in the mean time. Talliya seemed perfectly fine with letting Kokoma and another ride on her too. Maybe it was a little weird, in hindsight in a non-game scenario...but Kokoma wasn't one to really think about those things. It was a relatively uneventful trip, and about halfway through Kokoma would end up figuring out they could still use the menus. Otherwise, Kokoma would keep mostly to herself, though didn't miss an opportunity to chatter a bit or to cause a bit of mischief or to tease Sefira.

"...camp?" Kokoma would look around. "Oh jeez, totally wasn't paying attention. It got super late didn't it." The Shenke would say, hopping off Talliya. "Well this is a problem...no food, no cookware, no tents. Luckily for us," Kokoma would smack the Arachne's abdomen. "This bad girl can hunt and cook anything."

"...Master Kokoma, if you could refrain from doing that I would much appreciate it." The Arachne would sigh with a mild blush.

"That is to say, nope, I got nothin!" Kokma would continue, absolutely sounding way too cheery. Teel and Kuja would let the others off easily, and seeing that they were going to be supposedly camping here, would start taking it a bit easy.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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@PKMNB0Y@Operator Luna
Myrtle Bramblewood

Sen Rynta — Windy Plains

“You can’t, huh?” Myrtle nodded sagely with her hands folded under her chest. “Yeah. You must be some sort of a sick person to be able to cut other humans that easily.” She then smiled. “Unlike you, of course!”

‘“But of course—” She continued, still with the same smile. “—animals, like you said, are a different matter. Especially the big, scary ones!”

Myrtle didn’t say it but she was very much excited on the prospect of throwing her spells at really big monsters like Behemoths or Dragons.

“Hmm, what I need? I don’t particularly need anything right now…” Her eyes wandered as she cocked her head to the side. “Well, if we’re talking about how I usually make my money, the materials I need would come from the high level zones far away from here. I don’t think we can teleport there anymore, meaning, we have to get there the usual way. The hard way.”

“Although…” She straightened herself, flashing another smile to the paladin. “Now that the game has become reality, people would want to eat good food. As in, delicious food, not just food that gives them high stat buffs. So, maybe, I’ll open up a restaurant of some sort?”

Their conversation was then interrupted by Anastasia, who had finished skinning her rabbit.

“Oh?” Myrtle looked at the rabbit meat. “Yes! I think I can use that! That would be a good starting test!”

She took the meat off her hands and then stored it inside her inventory. “Now!” She clapped her hands. “I just need a quiet place to start cooking! Preferably somewhere safe!”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 16 min ago



Not one of them, aside from the arachne that Kokoma brought? That was effectively a single person hunting for all of them, even if she was part spider.

"... Aah, jeez, seriously?" she complained, putting her hands on her hips. Sure, Sefira didn't have anything but some buff meals for raids, but that didn't mean that she couldn't be annoyed at everyone else falling into the exact same trap. At least, as far as she was concerned.

"Fine, I guess we'll have to put some legwork in too to get some food. And camping supplies. And..."

She trailed off.

"... Everything."

She had no intent to chop would or, frankly, anything that physically exerting. Sefira's body, simply put, wasn't designed for anything like that.


"... I'll see if I can get some fish, I guess. Jeez..."

@Rune_Alchemist@PKMNB0Y@Sho Minazuki
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Saito Souji

On the Road


As everyone sat down for the first time since setting out, now that it was getting dark, Saito had already set about checking his weapons. Just routine once in awhile, though upon realizing he can't do so quickly out of a menu anymore he found himself inspecting the blade like you would in real life, which wasn't quite possible in the game prior. He listened to the conversation as he looked upon the blade, hearing the situation was basically they had no idea what their roles were in this travelling group. He sheathed his blade and spoke,

"I see, I suppose it would be prudent to get to hunting sooner than later, before it gets too dark. This zone should generally be rather safe, but maybe hunt in a pair, while the rest of us set up some kind of camp. I hope we have some way to make a campfire too", he added on.

"Unfortunately most of my skills are in combat, so if you want someone on guard I'll gladly accept".
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 39 min ago

Sunswept Plains
Shokatsu Yu

Eunice stared at the group for a few moments, the look of incredulity in her eyes somewhat damning given what a few of them had just said. The white-haired girl opened and closed her mouth a few times as she attempted to figure out what to say before she finally chose to instead take a deep breath and sighing.

"...Okay. I guess I'll just... Not question that too much for the moment," she said, massaging her eyes for a moment before continuing, "so let us consider the division of labor. If the arachne can hunt and Saito is offering to guard..."

The mage mused to herself for a moment before nodding.

"Right. If Sefira wishes to go and fish, Saito should go with her as a precautionary measure. The arachne should be able to hunt on her own, as I have no doubt that she is more than capable of doing so. The others—namely Yu, Kokoma, and myself—should set up camp. Does that sound good?"

Without any direct objections towards the decision, Yu gave a nod towards Eunice and, as the others gave their assent and began to head out, was left trying to figure out how exactly to contribute.

"With a mage, we can at least start a fire easily enough, though we will need actual wood to burn... Right?" he asked, turning towards Eunice, who gave a nod in turn. "Okay, that much is at least correct. As for shelter..."

The young man paused as he began to sift through his inventory, the bolts of cloth scattered within seeming like a good a place as any to start. There was an awkward bit of time as he began to fiddle with his equipment, taking things on and off before finally giving up and just throwing his usual crafting outfit on, needle now in hand.

"I, uh... I guess I can handle trying to make us some tents?" he said, pulling out a few bolts of cotton from his inventory before looking mildly worried at them. "You two can... Probably handle the firewood. It should just be chopping trees down and cutting the logs up, I think?"

"Erm... Somewhat?" Eunice said, turning towards Kokoma and nodding. "I'll keep an eye out, then, so if you could handle the trees..."

The surrounding area seemed to be sparsely populated with said trees, at least, so obtaining the requisite would be just as much an issue of figuring out how to lop down the trees correctly as it was doing so before all the nearby trees were sacrificed in the process of doing so.

It would not be long before Saito and Sefira would find their destination in the form of a medium-sized lake, the name and even existence unfamiliar to the two who had arrived. The body of water, it seemed, branched off from another river somewhere to the north, leading to everything here now. The water itself was clear, free of debris as the forms of the occasional frog or small fish darted to and from the surface.

Whether or not something was lurking beneath remained to be seen, but for the moment, the tranquility of the water made it seem like a good spot to fish.

Provided they knew how to fish in the first place, at least.

@Rune_Alchemist@VitaVitaAR@Sho Minazuki
Sen Rynta — Outskirts

With precious little to worry about from the horned rabbits that were more than easily able to be culled in the blink of an eye, Anastasia considered her companions' statements for a moment before shaking her head.

"As fun as adventuring was when this was a game, I don't think I could put myself into danger that easily without someone protecting me. But in that case, um... I suppose that most anything is good, right?" she responded, considering Myrtle's suggestion of a restaurant with somewhat genuine interest. "I think that a restaurant would be interesting, though! Who knows what sorts of things would be possible with a bunch of new ingredients and spices?"

With that said, the group had seemed to have begun walking along the path further towards the center of the floating island. The further they got from the actual city, the less noise (from people shouting as they swung to bone bouncing off steel) there was to speak of.

"Uh... Maybe a roadside grill, then?" Anastasia asked, rubbing her chin for a moment. "Or... Do you need a fire for that, or does being able to cook get you one as part of the role?"

@Hammerman@Operator Luna
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Operator Luna
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Operator Luna Astral Emissary

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Agaue Selinofoto

Miura Yui

Location: Sen Rynta - Windy Plains [Outskirts]

Myrtle needed to cook, and Yui was intrigued, rather interested at the girl's cooking abilities. Yui herself was deprived of the kitchen back at home, but learnt the basics through school curriculum. "A restaurant..." Yui mumbled. The suggestion itself appealed to Yui, not because of the food, but because a place of food and gathering was a good source of information. "How would you go about it?" Yui turned around to ask Mrytle, and in the distance, there was an prairie peeking between the trees behind the girls. Yui looked at the sun setting in the horizon. It was beginning to become night, and... Yui's stomach rumbled a bit. Perhaps the nap more than she thought. "We should start making a camp." Yui suggested, thus taking the lead by floating towards the quiet area's direction.

While listening to more of Myrtle's idea, Yui gathered sticks, kindling and firewood to assist with Myrtle's cooking. "I should think of something to do myself." she said, laying down the wooden materials and started the prep work for a fire. "I can stand guard." offered Yui as she blew on the survival fire pit that blazed with a silent strength. Yui was rather proud of herself, not that she would tell anyone else. Yui pulled out a tent bag from her inventory, which she always kept hidden in a corner. She was used to these situations, so she was always prepared to spend outdoors however, she looked at Myrtle and Anastasia. Would they be fine?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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@Operator Luna@PKMNB0Y
Myrtle Bramblewood

Sen Rynta — Windy Plains

“I understand,” Myrtle smiled, putting one hand on Anastasia’s shoulder. “I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want.” But this just means I have to find a different supplier… oooh, I won’t be able to get my materials for cheap anymore!

“Exactly my point!” She patted her shoulder multiple times. “With this world now being our reality, I imagine being a culinarian would be even more important and profitable than ever!”

“Although…” She paused, tilting her head and folding her arms under her chest. “I need to buy a place for it first…”

Back in the normal game, there was no option for a player to open a restaurant. At least, not in the official sense. People would just roleplay using their houses.

I guess now you can buy whatever building you want, as long as you have the cash.

She opened her inventory, checking the amount of money she had.

Good! I still have around 100 million on the bank! That should be more than enough!

Agaue’s question brought her back to reality however.

“Huh?” She turned to face the paladin. “Well, you gotta buy a place for it first, right? Then you hire some waiters and chefs for it… Waiters could be NPCs most likely but chefs would have to be other players most likely. If my theory is correct anyway…”

That theory was, of course, that only players could produce really delicious food and dishes.

They then traveled a bit further into the wilderness, before Agaue suggested that they make camp, with Anastasia following with her recommendation for setting up a grill.

“Hmm? Make camp?”

Myrtle hadn’t realized it but the sun was rapidly sinking in the horizon. Night would come soon.

Speaking on that matter, how does the night and day cycle work in this world anyway? Is it just as fast as back in the game or is it like back at Earth?

“Great ideas, you two!” Myrtle smiled. “Although, like you said, I do hope we can just summon the grill like in the game because I certainly don’t have any grill nor the fuel for it in my inventory.”
She walked a few steps forward, before suddenly stopping in her tracks.

“Umm…” She turned backwards to look at the two girls bashfully. “How do you set up camp exactly?”


In the end, Myrtle followed Agaue’s directions. She was tasked to set up the campfire (firewood courtesy of the Paladin) and cook the group a meal, using the rabbit meat they had just obtained.

To do that, however, she had to switch her equipment around to her culinarian set. After all, her mage outfit wouldn’t give her any stats relating to cooking. Thankfully, the quick change command seemed to still work.

“Hmm, let’s see… open this, open this, and then go here, and there!”

A flash of light covered her body, stripping her clothes from top to bottom. Then, another set of clothes manifested in place of it, which was a beige shirt, dark miniskirt, and a brown apron. And instead of a staff, she held a ladle instead.

In short, it was a look far more ordinary than before.

She then accessed her menu once more. Her eyes didn’t take long to find the button that would open the crafting menu for culinarian.

Well, here goes nothing!

She pressed it and with a poof, the grill appeared.

"It works!" She jumped with excitement.

She looked back at her menu. Scrolling through the list, she selected the recipe for a simple rabbit barbeque.

Only to find that it only listed the ingredients. There was no option to cook it.

Huh. I guess they want me to cook it manually. That's a bummer.

...Wait. Even though I don't know how to cook irl, I know how to do it here. I'm sure of it!

It was hard to explain the epiphany she just experienced. It was as if she just drew into memories and experiences she never had before. Just like when she cast her spells.

And so she began to work. She lit up the firewood Agaue had gathered before putting the grill above it. Instinctively, she knew just how much fire the dish would require and she made sure the firewood burned exactly as much as she wanted it to be.

Hmm, the required ingredients menu doesn't show anything about the oil or the spices. I guess technically you can have a grilled rabbit steak without any of those. I don't imagine it would cook that well though.

But these memories of mine… it tells me exactly how to make a five star rabbit meat dish.

...I see. So the quality range is much bigger now. Just like in real life.

She nodded sagely as she had a conversation with herself in her head.

Thankfully, she did carry spices and plant oil with her. Without hesitation, she utilized them in her cooking.

It didn't take long at all until the smell of cooked meat filled the camp.

And it was a delicious, mouth-watering one.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Sounds good to me!" Kokoma would agree.

"That does sound like an acceptable use of our talents...very well, I shall do my best." The Arachne, unless stopped, would agree and then start to head out. Wasn't like she needed much in the way of being prepared, after all and unless anything exceedingly dangerous was out there, she should be more or less fine on her own.

"Chopping trees down, huh? Oh, I know how to do this! Leave it to kokoma!" Of course, it wasn't like she had an axe on hand. So she'd have to get a bit creative, now wouldn't she? She could have probably asked the others if they had one, but of course, such a thought didn't occur to Kokoma as she'd leave the small camping area behind and head towards a few nearby trees. How hard could cutting down a tree really be, right? As long as there was wood, cut into relatively small chunks that were dry...then just poof! Fire.

Easy enough.

Taking her weapon in hand, Kokoma would raise it into the air and -thunk- swing it right into the tree's trunk. She had seen this in that video game once, of course so she knew what she was doing...somewhat. Just had to cut it on the side she wanted it to fall, and then move before she became a Shenke pancake.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 16 min ago

Unfortunately, Sefira had no idea how to fish. She'd never done so while human and male, and in game she'd simply never engaged in any fishing. So there was really no way for her to know, either from knowledge granted in the game or from outside of it, what she was doing. On top of that, the petite blonde elf didn't even have any fishing rod.

But that didn't matter to her right now. She was fully aware of all of these things when she had decided she was going to fish.

She didn't need a fishing rod. She just needed to find a good spot in the lake.

"Alright, this is going to be simple," she began, immediately taking charge of the situation as she surveyed the lake. It didn't look like it would be too hard to spot wherever the biggest collection of fish was, but Sefira knew another set of eyes would be best while she prepared.

"Tell me when you see a lot of fish," continued the starlight mage, "And I'll handle the rest. We'll have plenty of fish to go around."

@Sho Minazuki@PKMNB0Y
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Saito Souji

Aluvera - Outskirts

He had assumed the young lady Sefira had skills for fishing, and was honestly rather curious why she never brought a fishing rod with her... Doesn't that class require one? Well regardless, his thoughts would mean very little as he followed her towards the lake. As she began to scope out the area, he stood some paces behind her with his arms crossed while keeping alert about anything that might appear. Generally, this region was rather safe, so he wasn't so tense, only glancing around once in awhile. The quiet also allowed him to use his ears, but it seems he would be asked to use his eyes.

"Hm...? I... Well ok, if you say so", he had slight confusion, still seeing no way that Sefira could catch fish, but she seemed to know what she was doing, and so he decided not to question it.

Saito walked closer to the lake, and as per her request he observed the surface of the water, looking for fish. It would take some time, and patience, but the pristine soft ripples of the lake were briefly disturbed, and his eyes trained onto that movement. Following it as best he could, he began to see other movements, and pretty soon he could see there was a small school some length out into the lake.

"I see a school gathering some stone's throw out a little towards the right", he said simply.
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