Outside of New York City
The base of operations for the combined group efforts of SHIELD, OMEN, and various other personnel from across the globe that had arrive to help take care of "the problem" that was Magneto and what he had done to the city and all of those still in it. Truthfully, despite the constant clashing with Magneto that occurred, there was no real proof that there were any heroes still left in the city who might have been alive when all hell broke loose. So all of the heroes in the city had been written off entirely as deceased, including those who were mutants and likely survived the initial incident.
There were a few mobile buildings and tents used to essentially act as small bases, and currently, there was the plan to have a small group enter the city, do some recon to try and figure out where Magneto's base was, and report back with their findings. There wasn't much in the initial part for them to try and actually engage Magneto. A smaller group would likely be able to move around unnoticed more easily in the warzone that was the city. There was the added bonus that if there were any heroes left in the city, this would help to serve as a way to tell, though no one was getting their hopes up on anyone still being around.
Thalia was somewhat unsure of everything. She had only joined this effort a few days ago, so she wasn't even a hundred percent sure what the new plan was. Or who exactly she would be joining up with. Eventually, she entered the main hub of activity, and she recognized a few faces that she would have preferred not to have ever needed to run into again. That being she saw Jade Cornish and Alex Jakobsen, people she hadn't seen since she was in Coventry with the circus and she had more or less changed her identity and hid from everyone. Here she was, working with a few people she had spent the past three years hiding from. Yeah, her life sucked horribly.
There was a third person who she didn't recognize, so at least there was one person who had to deal with being in the same room as Alex and Jade aside from. So that was definitely a nice thing. "Hey there," she commented with a slight wave towards Ed. She was wearing a silver colored shirt, but aside from that, she was wearing all black, black jeans, a leather jacket, and black combat boots (she made sure that her outfit was as metal free as possible, so there was hardly any on her aside from a zipper or two). Her hair used to be naturally black, but she had dyed it before she joined the circus (took a long time for it, but it had been worth it at the time), but now it was obvious that her hair had naturally turned that color for some reason. Clearly she wasn't too thrilled to see Alex and Jade, and Alex rolled his eyes slightly at her, before he looked at the group of them.
"Good to see you again too Thalia," he commented, holding a few files and there was a large case of sorts on the table in front of them. "You all know the basics of the situation I'm assuming? But I'll go over it really quick anyway, everything has gone to hell. The city has become a war zone and no matter what we seem to throw at Magneto, he manages to either completely kill our forces or he manages to turn them back and they leave the city. Now, the situation is starting to get even worse, and we lose more and more people every day from his retaliation attacks. Likely it'll only be a matter of time before he decides to launch another form of the virus at other cities across the country and potentially around the world..."
"Most of us knew that part, even me and I just got here not too long ago," Thalia commented, "What is our mission exactly?"
"I'm getting to that. We've decided to try a different tactic... A small group is going to sneak into the city, and do more of a recon mission. A small group will have an easier time slipping in and out undetected, and what exactly will the recon be? Your primary objective is to locate Magneto's base of operations, as well as give rough estimates of how many people are in his own forces, and potentially note what seem to be the most common abilities each person has. There is one to not get your hopes up for, but the secondary object is to see and potentially make contact with any of the various heroes who were trapped in the city. Many were likely killed by the virus, but some likely survived the initial attack. Only keep an eye out, and potentially make contact with them if need be."
"Well, let's hope we don't end up dead, how exactly are we supposed to relay this info to you and all?"
"Simple," he replied, before setting the files in his hands onto the table and opening the crate to reveal inside were a few different types of weaponry if needed, as well as what looked like communications devices and what looked like one gas mask and a few wrist watches. "None of these have any traces of metal within them, so they can't be used by Magneto against you. Jade, as you are the only human going, the mask is for you. The watches all have act as a bit of a GPS system, and will allow you to keep track of where you all are in the case you end up getting separated. Will help you navigate throughout the city. The comm devices have a wide range, so if you learn anything useful, feel free to relay the information along."
"Okay, next question. How are we supposed to easily slip into the city. I mean yeah, there aren't that many of us and a small group can move about easier, but we still can't just go waltzing in."
"SHIELD's part of this plan to get you in is that they are hopefully going to be able to cause a large enough distraction in order for you all to more easily get in. There is still the chance that you'll get surprised, so be on your guard." Thalia reached into the crate and pulled out a few knives that were inside of it. Sure, she had claws, but personally she preferred to not have to rely on them, and she pocketed a few of them, stashing them away in various hiding spots. Perks of living your life away from everyone or constantly on guard, you learned how to hide things. She had two hooked to her belt, one slipped into an inside pocket on her jacket, and one she instantly hooked around her right ankle.
"I don't know about you guys, but this sounds like it'll be fun. Thoughts?" she asked Ed and Jade as she grabbed one of the comm devices, putting it in her ear, and hooking one of the watches onto her wrist.
New York City
With all of the chaos going on, it was hard to actually pay too much attention to what all was going on and happening potentially outside of the city. The group had taken refuge underneath the city, as the sewer system allowed them to more easily travel without being seen by Magneto and his goons, and they all led to one place; the old Morlock Tunnels. The Morlocks had abandoned the tunnels when all humans had ended up dead from the virus, and many of them had gone on to join Magneto, which resulted in many of them dying in the ensuing fighting.
Of course, a lot of people had ended up dead in the city, even those who survived the initial attack, and bodies littered the streets. Most were still there from the initial virus attack, others just from the sheer fighting and war that had been raging, no one did anything, just leaving the bodies there. The streets were mostly destroyed, buildings were smashed up and some had been leveled completely, Stark Tower included. A few other buildings were still around, but most of them were abandoned and more or less just served as hiding places if needed.
Street level, currently Magneto and his forces were just causing mayhem, trying to draw out the remaining people who might oppose him. Since he knew that there were people still there in the city that were actively fighting back against him, the city was just so big, that it was near impossible for him to easily find them. He was just causing destruction, which is what the remaining heroes in the city were more or less having to deal with daily.
Including right now.
There were talks about a few mutant civilians who weren't with Magneto's cause who were under attack, and there was a rather large explosion coming from a very specific building, nearby where the small group clearly was hiding out according to rumors. Mary knew that they needed to deal with this now, and at the least get the Brotherhood away from them in order to give them a chance at not ending up dead. Personally, she didn't very much care if the others followed along after her. She was going to go deal with the situation no matter what happened whether the others wanted to go along with her or not.
"Alright, anyone who actually wants to go help me deal with this situation, feel free to follow me. Magneto's goons are striking out again against a few civilians who want nothing to do with them. They blew up the building next door, but it's only a matter of time before they try full on engaging with the group, and probably killing a lot more people in the process. Not to mention another rather large building would be grounded into dust," she said rather quickly, before heading for the tunnel that was in that direction somewhat, at least it would get them close to the area before they had to go above ground for it. Mary had more or less used her powers to create in a way a sort of surveillance system throughout the entire city. Electricity was scarce for them, and since she didn't want to have them waste what sort of power that they had on a camera system, she had more or less created her own sort of cameras using her powers. She had set up plant life on several rooftops across the city, and using her powers she could "see" through them to see what was going on in that part of the city.
"Sounds like fun," Pietro commented with a bit of a shrug. It gave him something to do, and honestly he didn't care much for the tunnels. There were only so many places that you could run around in them after all, and sometimes he'd just get bored. Problem was, he really didn't want to risk running into his father in the city. Actually he wouldn't be surprised if he would have ended up dead because of it.
Lance wasn't very much of a combatant, actually for the most part, he used his powers more defensively, and typically played the doctor and patching up any sort of injuries that the group ended up with. Using both his powers for it, and just his random skill set that he had already that lent to this sort of thing. He was sort of just off to the side or something right now, but he was willing to go with them, and since he wasn't much of a fighter, he would probably just help to get the small group or whatever out of there in general. "Well, okay then..."
"Whoever is coming let's go already," Mary commented then, and already started heading off fully down the tunnel, not really caring if anyone followed after her or not.