June 4th, 2021 | 20:03p.m. | Happy Harbour, Rhode Island
The lounge was confiscated by the girls for their girls' night. Aleen´a, Alisa, Kassy and Daphne were sitting around a table full of snacks, bottles of nail polish and face masks. It was something straight out of a teen drama movie. Some overly dramatic Netflix show was softly playing in the background and the girls were chatting, occasionally glancing at the large flat screen.
Daphne was faced with the difficult choice of selecting a nail polish, having to decide between five extremely similar pink tinted bottles. She was wearing a matching set of sleepwear, a knee length slip dress and a robe. Her hair was plaited in a loose braid hanging over her shoulder.
She finally opted for a barely noticeable pink shimmering color. She opened the bottle and tested the shade on her pinky finger.
“What do you think the guys are doing now?” Daphne asked, studying her pinky finger, making up her mind to see if she liked the color.
“If I know Zach, he’s trying to be cuddly with Viktor.” Kassy replied softly, half watching the television. Her hair was bound up in tiny knots all over her head, and she was wearing a pair of Little Mermaid pajamas that Zachary had given her as an ironic gift. While she wasn’t the greatest fan of the red-headed princess, she had to admit they were comfy. Usually she didn’t wear anything when she slept. “And Viktor will be Viktor so it won’t go much of anywhere.”
She snagged a handful of goldfish crackers from the table and started munching. These were more preferable than the real thing; actual goldfish were all bones.
”I have seen many teenage sleepovers on the television shows and me and cousin Kori have always did it at her place, but I did not realize doing it with so many people is so fun too!” Aleen’a said happily while putting the deepest shade of pink from among the selection of pink nail polishes on her finger nail. She had one an oversized violet tee shirt and comfy mini shorts with her long red-orange hair tied back in a ponytail.
She was floating several feet off the ground because she was feeling so much happiness, making her look like she was laying on solid air. ”On Tamaran, girls would spend girls' night in sparring matches to help relieve tension from training, everyday life, and most especially boy problems. Sometimes we would even bathe together in a spring under the blanket of stars and eat jellorel and zorkaberries. I remember how soft my friends’ lips are…” Aleen’a said dreamily and giggled.
“I’m not sure that this is that kind of girls’ night,” Alisa joked, giggling. It had taken her a moment to wrap her head around what Aleen’a had said. “But it sounds like Tamaranean girls have fun.” She giggled again and went back to painting her nails pink and white. She was laying on the couch with her feet up on one of the other girls’ laps, idly watching a movie. This was her first real sleepover, if you didn’t count living in a mountain with 6 other teenagers for nearly a month. Alisa didn’t, because it wasn’t really a sleepover. Sleepovers included painting nails, playing games, watching movies, gossiping... luckily for her though, sleep didn’t always factor into the picture. It also included wearing fun pajamas, so she had improvised by throwing on a long-sleeved blue top and gray sweatpants.
Daphne smirked at Kassy’s comment about Zach and Viktor. Zach would for sure try to do that, try to hug Viktor. It made her think back on the mission at La Hoya. It was freezing cold, her powers were wildly out of control. She was freaking out at not being able to speak and she felt like a failure. All she wanted then was someone to comfort her. While she was the one who initiated the hug, he didn’t push her away like she expected. It was nice.
She remembered how he was warm. She felt it through his padded suit. He partially shielded her from the wind and when the Team had to escape, bridal carried her all the way to the jet. The memory made her stomach tingle. The brunette girl was completely zoned out with a soft green blush on her cheeks. She painted the same fingernail over and over, coming up to a fifth coat. It made the color much too saturated and mismatched with the rest of her hand.
She failed to catch on to the conversation at hand. Instead she kept on daydreaming, a forlorn look on her face.
After a moment more of watching TV, Kassy sighed and stretched. “I’m tired of the show. I think we should play a game.” She paused, trying to think of something.
“I don’t think I know any that we can play here, though. One of them involves a lot of seashells and snacks…” She peeked over at Daphne for advice, and found her flushed and starry eyed. Ever so gently nudging her, she smiled. “Is it someone we know?” And she giggled softly.
Aleen’a looked curiously at Daphne while Kassy lightly teased her, though she was already thinking of a game the girls could do for tonight. ”Fisv’ball would have have a great game for us to play but we would need to be able to fly and survive in the vacuum of space so it might be at a picture’s outside. Hmmm…”
She thought more for a bit before snapping her fingers. ”Ah, there is this human game that I find is famous for a girls’ night. How does it go again? Oh yes: copulate, bethroten, or murder!”
Kassy cool hand nudged Daphne´s shoulder, waking her up from her daydream. Almost immediately her hands went up to cover her blushing cheeks, very poorly hiding the fact she clearly enjoyed whatever she dreamt about.
She didn't answer Kassy right away, Daphne didn´t know what to tell her. A yes would probably get her a barrage of questions from the girls. A no would be lying, because obviously they all knew Viktor. Daphne put down the nail polish on the table and turned to Kassy, smiling nervously.
“Something like that, I mean I guess so”
Daphne looked down, avoiding Kassy’s eyes. She pretended the Atlantian girl hadn’t just called her out and listened to Aleen’a. She chuckled softly. She meant kiss, marry, avoid. Another girls night slumber party staple. That could be fun! And she had a great idea for a line up too.
She gently pushed away Alisa's heavy legs and sprung up from the sofa. Daphne pulled up one of her favorite youtube videos. A lineup of Disney princes and princesses.
"Great idea Aleen'a, I know the perfect line up for this game!"
Daphne proudly presented the first bachelor of the night.
"First up we have Prince Eric and Ariel from the little mermaid."
A couple of scenes between Eric and Ariel played in the background. Either of them was up for marriage, to be kissed or avoided.
She was holding the remote like it was a cue card and she was presenting the contestants with much enthusiasm.
“Marry Ariel, kiss Eric,” Alisa immediately said. “Eric’s boring, but being married to Ariel would be fun. I feel like she’d brush my hair with a fork.”
Daphne held her chest. Alisa just totally shot down her disney crush.
Boring…. She repeated in a whisper. She was having a tough time believing anyone was able to resist Prince Eric's charm.
"Next up we have Princess Aurora and Prince Philip!" "This is a classic you guys"
Kassy had seen most of the Disney princess movies by now, mostly thanks to Daphne. It made her feel like a real human. “Mm. Can I avoid them both, perhaps? That movie wasn’t my favorite.” She went slightly red, grinning. “I’d marry Mulan and kiss Shang, though. Who doesn’t want a fierce warrior wife?”
Alisa shrugged. “I really don’t have a preference. Neither of them were too interesting in Sleeping Beauty.” Unlike Kassy and Aleen’a, Alisa had watched many Disney movies, but didn’t really see the appeal of thinking about dating the characters in them.
“Okay, okay, it’s my turn. Kiss, marry, avoid… Viktor, Zach, Ja.” She giggled mischievously. This should be more fun.
Kassy looked briefly flustered. Her next sentence came out in a rush. “KissZach MarryJa AvoidViktor.” If she was perfectly honest, Ja belonged on that list twice… Time to turn the attention away from herself.
“Your turn Aleen’a.”
Aleen'a pondered about that for a bit. She had no idea who these diss-knee princes were. Where was their kingdom and how did her teammates meet these human royals? She made a mental note to meet with these princes as a princess herself. Well, a cousin of princesses to be exact but she still was of royal blood.
”I would perhaps kiss Viktor and Ja but not Zach because I know his preferences are of the same gender as him. I would then marry Viktor because he seems to be a man capable of fighting. If Ja would prove himself worthy in the field of battle, perhaps I would think of him as a suitable husband as well. I will not avoid anyone because I value my friendship with all of them.” She smiled sweetly, unaware that she played the game completely wrong.
Daphne fidgeted with her robe, tying and untying it nervously. How did they go from Disney to the Team…?
She listened to her teammates. Daphne raised her brow at some of their choices. She thought about her own line up. It was definitely not easy to come up with. She didn't want to think about the Team that way and this game forced her to. Aleen’a answered in her usual endearing manner. It made her smile and she loved how much thought she put into her answer.
Maybe she didn't need to answer…
Three pairs of eyes were staring into her soul, practically forcing her to confess. Daphne walked over to the kitchen pretending she wasn't completely ignoring the game. She knew she was a lousy liar. The cake she baked earlier was sitting underneath a cake dome, waiting to be sliced. Daphne lifted the dome and sliced the cake, taking her sweet time.
"Do you guys want a slice?" She asked innocently.
All three girls yelled at her in unison. Aleen’a saw this as an opportunity to finally use the expression she’d been memorizing whenever someone was hiding a secret.
“Spill the seeds!”