Agraba:"I don't think that is really smart." Tinker said looking towards the boys who were still interacting with the cats, she chuckled slightly as the cat bolted off with Matt's hat and headed up the stairs with it. She thought about making a joke about it using Matt's hat as a litter box, when the door opened and some voices were coming down, and several footsteps to. "Here they are dad." The girl said as three figures came down. One of them was a
massive cat, upon seeing the group he instantly changed into a
man, the next was another
, while holding onto Maddie's and the other was a younger
Tinker quickly stood up seeing them all and smiled. "It's really good to see you all again." She said as Cheshire turned towards the little girl and smiled gently patting her on the head, before snapping his fingers and the army of cats quickly disapeared into the woodwork again. "I'm sorry about that, we are a bit used to intruders coming in here and stealing things." The Mad Hatter said to them all.
Sierra Finley
Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A
Belle backed up slightly as she tucked a stray strand of hair away from her face and nodded slightly, as she looked over towards the others. "Sorry about that, but I am your mother." She told Jack and the others, while focusing on Jack once more knowing that it may need some clarification. "I was a prisoner of Rumple for years, living in his prison for years and did things i'd rather not talk about eventually you were born." Belle said towards Jack.
Sierra listened and looked at Jack and Belle for a moment, before she heard some yelling she quickly turned to see Hansel coming over towards them. "We really need to get going now, Hook's men spotted me." Hansel said to them as Sierra went over to see that some of the pirates were starting to approach with weapons drawn as well.
"Yeah we should get going now." Sierra said as Belle thought for a moment before going over and seeing a boat was tied to the dock and motioned for them to look, it was big enough to fit all of them in it she gestured towards the ladder as well leading down towards it. "We can get down on there." She suggested, as Gretel came over and looked. "Unless you all want to fight our way out of here."
Layla Hood
Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A
Layla leaned back slightly as she looked over to see Rapunzel sitting a little bit further away from the rest of the group then the others, before turning her attention towards Rosalia once more.
"So, is everything alright?" Layla ended up asking her, she wasnt sure if she was going to talk to her mother or not really as she leaned back slightly taking a bit out of her food. She wasn't really going to try and bother her to try and get to know her mother. [color=cyan["Is there anything you wanna talk about or something?"[/color] She offered.
Red listened to Rose as she started to talk about her life, listening to some of the hard points made her look down a little bit feeling bad that she had ended up abandoning her to the real world. She wanted to be able to help her out if she could as she turned to Rose hearing about her family that took her in and made her smile. "I'm glad that there was a family that was able to find you and take you in and take good care of you." Red said as she gently reached out to hold Rose' hand and smiled she looked to where Merlin was he approached Rapunzel and started to talk to her and nodded. "It was for your protection and everyone else's." Red told her.
Robin turned his attention towards Layla for a moment as she went to talk to Rapunzel's daughter before turning his attention back towards Cassi as she talked about her and Layla's life. He felt bad that he wasn't there for them when they were needed and he could understand that there was some resentment. "Well all that matters is that the two of you are here, and i'm there for the two of you." Robin said towards Cassi as he smiled towards her. "Thats if you want to stay here that is."