Name: Velikynaz Varangyrian VII of House Vyapult, a.k.a. High Lord Varan VII
Titles: Velikynaz - A title that in context translates roughly to "Grand Prince", representing Varangyrian's nature as master of the Frostmark. In practice, he is for all intents and purposes a High Lord.
Description: Well-groomed and handsome, the High Lord's 32 years have presented themselves quite well indeed. One understands from a gaze that he is focused, intelligent, and understanding of the way the world works, traits gained from a lifetime of education both under tutors and in the wider world.
Claimant: Sharles of Bremerant - Comparing Sharles' milder, all-but-tame insights to Anyamara's potential brutality, and her insistence of returning to a "status quo" which by his account has been recently gruesome and lately inept, Varan has thrown himself in with Sharles for the time being.
The Great House of Vyapult

"To forest and frost!"
Reputation: The Velikynaz of Drevilna-under-Vyapult is taken to be a fairly capable individual, no matter the generation. In an environment as varied in scope, and especially as broad-spanning as Drevilna and the Frostmark, one has to be capable to keep the area from falling to pieces. For Varangynian VII, this is no different at all: even in person, one can see his wit and experience at the fore, and it is quite clear to see that he has no trouble with running his realm whatsoever. Not to mention that he could be taken as objectively attractive, despite (or indeed supported by) the scar along one side of his face, though one wonders how he maintains a somewhat darker skin tone despite a relative lack of sunlight.
Indeed, one needs to be a smart person to try and negotiate terms with the native tribe up north - savage as they are, it is thus all the more impressive that he has been able to wring out as many resources from them as possible, all but taming them of their worship of false gods and devils! However, simple as those people are, many have asked why the Great House is so keen to retain these people as vassals, even this subservient position providing implication that they are in any way equal to the truly noble people of Adanion. What, in the end, stops this great man from eradicating them and taking their resources?
"When I ferst laid eyes on Varan, I thought he would be as slow as the rest of the Grand Houses. Yet, he has a curiosity about him that is good. He accepts the knowledge of the People and thatsa good start on our relationships. I do see him having benefits in the future relations with the other Houses. Perhaps the Varan in time can become more than someone who grants us presence in the Marble People Politics, but someone who takes us off the reigns and allows us our own autonomy." - Merta the EchoThe People of the Frozen Tears have a mixed opinion about the current High Lord. Their relationship with House Vyapult has been an odd one: while Vyapult has been kinder to them than, say, some of the other Great Houses, they are uncertain of this uneasy alliance.
But Mertavodah believes that he can ease that uncertainty- he believes that speaking with Varangyrian may lead to better future opportunities. If Varan respects the history their people share; the resources the Frozen Tears have given; the help navigating the terrain; insulating the Drevilnan's homes more effectively; what plants to eat; the uses of minerals and ores... then Varan should respect the alliance that they have. To say they feel uneasy hope from Varangyrian VIII is the best way to put it.
Ambitions: Under normal circumstances, he might be content with simply ruling the Frostmark as his family has for over a century. With what he's learned of himself in mind, and especially the current royal situation, this is no longer so: Varangyrian VII is keen to avoid a potential repeat of his grandparents' execution under King Colyt II, the stress of which likely killed his mother in short order, and he will do about anything to ensure this does not come to pass for him too, although he is keen not to hurt those he considers important in the process.
General Logical Intellect - House Vyapult is keen to present its best self to the world, and prides intelligence greatly in this respect. Thus, it has widely been taken that of each generation of siblings and cousins, it is the most capable who will claim the seat of Velikynaz, somebody who can present themselves to Adanion and succeed through knowledge, strategy and wit, rather than brute force alone. Varangyrian VII proved the smartest of his siblings in that respect time and time again, and therefore took the title of High Lord upon the previous holder's passage.
Communication - It is not always easy to talk with the leaders of other Houses, especially when at least one bears a culture utterly unique to them, and nor is communicating one's will down to the common folk easily done. Varangyrian's efforts in life have been focused greatly on this in particular, for well-executed diplomacy can turn foe to friend just as surely as poor diplomacy can kill you in the house of an ally, and likewise ensuring one's communication reaches those who it needs to is a continual task; no truer is this than with House Echo, whose distance from the rest of Adanion demands firm lines of communication to maintain contact, and whose unusual customs continue to present Varan with something between thankful amusement and confused frustration when, for instance, a formal gathering is in place.
Forestry - One of House Vyapult's greatest skills, ever since the first tree of Vyapult Wood was planted, has been an affinity for the management of forests and trees. Woodcutting, tree farming, and dendrology are all long-instilled skills of the House's scions, a necessity to maintain not just Vyapult Wood, but many other forests in the Frostmarch. More than once has D'yavoles Forest or Vyapult Wood been saved from mass deforestation by the discovery of a tree-eating fungus, and the subsequent destruction of every tree and stump within fifty or one hundred paces to prevent its spread; and over-harvesting of the forests is a matter carefully prevented by highly particular policies on when given trees can or cannot be chopped down.
Ties of Emotion - Varan, for all of his political abilities and high position, feels intensely what others do, moreso than mere empathy should explain. Thus, the happiness of those he holds to be important, be they his family or the people he rules, is his own; and in turn, their loss, their frustration, and especially their pain, eats at him like cancer, potentially affecting his ability to lead when experiencing this high emotion, or even swaying him toward actions he'd otherwise not normally take.
Mixed Blood - It was Varangyrian IV, great-great-grandfather to the current High Lord, whose failed attempt to raid the Silver City led to the Frozen Tears' current status as Duchy. Yet within a few decades, his grandson Varangyrian VI had found love within that city, and from there bore children with a member of the Frozen Tears; in the end, the Mad King killed them both most brutally for perceived blood treachery, being swayed not to strip House Vyapult of its status or slay the line outright by Prince Daymian alone.
For Varangyrian VII's part, this proves a conundrum on two parts: first, encouraging his investigations into their culture as an aspect of his bloodline; and second, given the Frozen Tears' reputation as savages, serving as a potentially-scandalous revelation among just about any other Great House were this to be discovered, whose aftereffects could range from eternal blackmail to being stripped of the status of High Lord or even nobility outright... or hardly a jot, depending on the outcome of events.
Ambivalence - Truthfully, Varangyrian is not convinced that
either claimant is especially qualified for the throne. Anyamara is clearly the less pleasant option, for more reasons than one, but Sharles in his turn looks to be a rather weak king, with an inability to properly effect the radical changes he proposes - and crucially, neither has a true claim to royalty.
Additional Info:
Vyapult Line (starting from Varan I's designation as High Lord of the Frostmark)1.
Varangyrian Vyapult I x Duchess Mariya of D'yavoles
Varangyrian Vyapult II x Duchess Eleonora | Duke Dzhek, the Treefarmer x Lady Alison of Arbormark
Alekzandr Vyapult I x Archduchess Ruthenia | Archduchess Anastasia of Azkuzia
Varangyrian Vyapult III, the Cruel x Duchess Miriam of Stormlands
Alekzandr Vyapult II x Duchess Arianne of Wildwood | Erik the Hunter (formerly the Outcast)
Varangyrian Vyapult IV, the Suzerain x Archduchess Vyatik, the Wanderer | Archduke Garl't x Countess Alina | Duchess Aleksandryr, the Lawbinder
Varangyrian Vyapult V x Warden Markus of Westmarch | Count Varangyrian of Mirkuzi x Lady Dzhezika of Severoreka | Duke Varangyrian x Archduchess Lilianna of the Crownmark
Varangyrian Vyapult VI (recently the Barbarian) x Dikynima | Duchess Novgoriz x Duke Izboryk
Theophania Vyapult I x Warden Jacques | Duke Dyr of Bastion | Archduke Dvini x Duchess Miriyam of D'yavoles | Duke Varangyrian of Eastfrost x Duchess Ayla of D'yavoles
Varangyrian Vyapult VII | Duke Karl, the Guildmaster x Duchess Natalie of Mistlands