Name Vivian Lyari
Age 250
Race Elf-Dragon shapeshifter
AppearanceVivian appears to be in her late twenties, but in reality, she’s halfway through her third century of life. She has startling silver eyes that could either welcome you with a warm sparkle, or scare the shit out of you when she glares with stone cold eyes. Her hair is also a shimmery silver. Soft to the touch.
She has a tall, muscled build. She stands at 5”8’.

In her dragon form, she isn’t terrifyingly big, maybe 80 feet from nose to tail. She’s a shimmery white color, with eyes as dark and sparkly as the galaxy. Her wingspan reaches about 200 feet across. When in her dragon form, she uses mindspeak to communicate to others.
Personality Vivian has a vibrant personality. She’s least she likes to think she is. She comes across as defensive and harsh, but that’s not intentional. She always means the best, and has people's best interest at heart. She sees herself as a protector, even though her race is known as healers, she wants to protect them since she lacks that healing capability.
She is very cautious, and it shows through her actions. She trusts people after she gets to know them, but before that, she will be on alert and wary around you.
StrengthsElven form
-Vivian is an expert archer, she’s had over 240 years of practice. She can hit almost any target from an insane length away.
-Vivian does have magic, and hers shows through her singing. When she sings, she can control plant life. She could sing to build a shelter, or to wrap someone in vines or twigs to keep them bound.
-She’s okay with a sword, she’s only had about 50 years of practice, compared to that with her bow. But she’s capable enough to defend herself and take down a mediocre opponent.
-more will show
Dragon form
-Her dragon element mimics that of her magic, earth. In her most powerful, she can make the planet shake as a whole. (this would cause her to have to sleep for days to recover, so she has never done it.) Mostly she causes small ‘earth’shakes. She’s able to manipulate plants, and more will come with time.
-she is small for a dragon, so she is agile and able to turn on a dime.
-She is fast, faster than the average because she doesn’t weigh as much
-her talons are sharp, and her tail can wack you unconscious.
Weaknesses-Her magic definitely comes with a cost. Even minor use uses her energy at an exponentially higher rate than normal. If she uses too much too fast without resting, the exhaustion could literally kill her.
-She has to be in her elven form to use her magic since she has to sing.
-She’s not the best at healing, despite being an elf shifter. She knows the basics, to stop the bleeding and maybe a few plants to help with pain but that’s it.
-If she’s short range, she’s not the best at defense. This is why her offensive is so intense, to make up for the lack of defense skills.
-In her dragon form, she is not the best at using her magic. It takes a lot of concentration, and she has to focus on flying and fighting.
-She doesn’t have a lot of the brute strength in her dragon form that you see in average dragons. Because of her size, she doesn’t have to force or weight to put behind her attacks.
-During her shift from elf to dragon, she is extremely vulnerable. It doesn’t happen instantaneously. She has no defense ability while she shifts, if someone were to strike her mid-shift she’d probably be dead.
Brief Bio Vivian was born to an elf, and a shifter. Her mother, a full elf, was named Elora. And her Father, the shifter, was called Raul. As a little girl, Viv didn't know she was a shifter like her father. She would ride on her fathers back, in between the spikes. They would soar together, with his voice humming in her mind. She loved it.
Vivian's first shift to dragon was when she was 50 years old. The family had taken her younger sister to the park, and Viv was pushing her on the swing. Laughing at Emma's antics, Vivan suddenly changed. Unfortunately, her little sister was close to her, and got hurt. Fortunately, it was just a scar running from her ear to the tip of her jaw. Viv was devastated, it made her very reluctant to shift. But soon enough, Emma was asking for dragon rides. So Viv fashioned a strap in saddle for Emma so she wouldn't fall off. When it was done, they went outside, and when Emma stood far enough away, Viv willed it, and poof! She was a dragon. She roared with pure glee. First, her father would teach her how to fly. She didn't want to do anything that would hurt Emma....again.
Only when her father was sure she knew everything there is to know about flying, he allowed her to carry Emma on her back. Raul strapped Emma in, and they took off. Roaring as they ripped through the blue sky, she rolled. Emma laughed in joy. They had fun, with barral rolls, dives, and the sort. Little did they know, the straps holding Emma down were slowly fraying. They finally snapped, and Emma went hurtling towards the earth. Diving after Emma, Vivian grabbed her with her clawed paws. Her claws weren't as graceful as her wings, and they did do some damage. But she headed towards the ground, and set her down as gently as she could (which really wasn't very gentle) and changed before she landed on top of her.
Gathering her little sister in her arms, she called out for her mother. Blood was pooling on the ground, and soaking Viv's clothes. Elora came out, screamed quickly, and then ran to Emma's side. Singing softly in the ancient language, Emma was healed. That was another close call for Emma....all because of Vivian.
Vivian couldn't take it. She had almost killed her little sister, twice! She stayed home for a few more weeks, gathering her stuff, and preparing to do the unthinkable: leave. She talked to her parents, and Emma, and they all said that it wasn't her fault, that it was an accident; but that wasn't true. SHE had made the saddle, she had hurt Emma with her claws. She just wasn't safe to be around. She told them she had made up her mind, and they nodded. Hugging her parents hard, she promised to visit from time to time. Emma came up to her, teary eyed. "Pwease don't go, Vivvie." She said in her little kid voice. Viv knelt and gathered her sister to her. She loved no one like she loved her baby sister, which is why she had to go.
So, she set out. Her belongings strapped to her back, she flew off. She found a nice little town, full of shifters. She lived with them, and was happy. She kept her promise, and visited home about once a month to keep her family updated.
There is talk around town that there is going to be a blood moon in honor of the unspeakable war that happened 400 years ago...something was going to happen, something bad. She felt it to her very bones....
OtherVivian will do whatever it takes to get her task done, she will fight for her friends, she will kill for her family.