Kame House -> Training Islands

Tuesday, July 19th, 2500
Training Begins!
Training Begins!
Krillin smiled a comforting smile as Bakuto seemed to be showing more respect now, even if it was out of a selfish desire to get stronger. The young man honestly reminded him of Goku. Of course, Goku was a full blooded Saiyan, so he was already much stronger than Bakuto by his age.
Krillin took a step back. "I can't guarantee you'll get as strong as Lazuli here, not in the short time we have left to prepare, but maybe if you work hard enough and pay attention... maybe you can come close. You will definitely surpass the level you're at right now, that's for sure."
He then turned his attention to everyone gathered around, not just Bakuto, "I think story time has ended for now. We'll pick up where we left off tomorrow. For now, we need to go to the island where you will be training for the next three weeks. It's also where you'll be sleeping. After all, you can't all fit in my house!"
"This will also be your first test, because you will all be swimming to the island." He then turned and looked out to see. "That island!" The island he was pointing to was a small lonely island, with just a few rocks peaking up over the horizon. "The island is about 100 miles or a 160 kilometers from here. An olympic athlete can swim a mile in fifteen minutes, but you should all be much stronger than that. Still, with the waves and the distance. I expect it will take most of you about twelve to fifteen hours... if you even finish at all." There were a few mutters of surprise or discontent throughout the small crowd.
"Don't act so surprised!" Krillin laughed. "You are preparing for a battle with aliens for goodness sake. If you can't even get through a little swimming lesson, how can we feel comfortable with you on our team... Anyways, starting with the ladies, take out a bathing suit, if you're not already wearing water friendly clothes, and you can go around behind my house to change. When all the ladies are done and in the water, the men can follow suit."
Suddenly a hand flew into the air. It was a man with short military style brown hair and tan skin. He wasn't wearing a shirt, only shorts and shoes.
"Yes?" Krillin asked.
"The clothes I'm wearing are waterproof, sir! Can I start swimming now!?"
Krillin was amused by the man's eagerness. "Sure!" He then addressed everyone. "If you don't need to change, feel free to start swimming!"
As people started dispersing, Krillin turned to Bakuto, who was already trying to stand up. "You sir, aren't going anywhere yet. You need to give those senzu beans time to work their magic. Your energy levels might be back to normal, but you still have broken bones. They won't heal if you don't give them at least an hour or two. Then you can catch up with everyone else."
A minutes later, Lazuli came out from behind Kame House, wearing an orange bikini that had the same martial arts logo that her fighting suit had earlier. She gave Bakuto a shy wave and another apologetic smile as she walked to the water. She didn't take off swimming like a bullet or anything. She seemed content to stay in the center of all the other women swimmers.