Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Submarine Interacting with: Kassy ([@MistressDizzy]), Daphne (@Dreamingflowers), The Team

Dr. Bingley was… interesting. He was like a lot of men Alisa knew. The eclectic scientist type: distracted, probing, a bit awkward. She didn’t find it charming. Although the questions weren’t pointed at her for once- they were pointed at the other girls. He either didn’t know she was a robot or wasn’t interested in robots. Which was fine. But it was strange to not be the object of fascination, the oddity in the room. Alisa guessed that happened when you were in the company of aliens and mermaids and plant women, but it didn’t mean that it wasn’t strange. Kassy and Aleen’a both seemed happy enough to answer his questions, but Daphne looked uncomfortable. Alisa knew why and found herself shifting closer to the other girl almost protectively.

She was about to say a word of sympathy to Daphne when she said something to Viktor instead. An interesting conversation, but Alisa wasn’t going to eavesdrop- visibly, at least. She backed off, but was still listening.

All of sudden, the submarine turned dark. There was a bump, a shaking. “What’s going on?” Alisa unbuckled her seat and stood, rushing to the window with Kila, peering out. She saw a little better in the dark than him, but she still pressed her face against the glass, cupping her hands around her eyes to see a bit better. “All I see are… tentacles.” Shivers ran down her back. The ocean was a nightmare. “Kassy, are you okay out there? What’s going on?”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Zach made a few notes based on what Kassy said. Don’t touch the tail, hail, bow to the king and queen, yadda yadda. “Well… You probably could charm a merboy if you tried…

Shortly afterwards, the scientist they were all here to escort came on board the sub, and he had a bunch of questions for their little ragtag group of misfits. Reactions from the others varied, but Zach was more than happy to respond. “Name’s Zatara, Zachary Zatara. Yes, Zatanna Zatara is my cousin, but let’s not get into that, I’m the hot young rising star of this family. I do magic. Yes, real magic. I know you science types are all thrown by that, but magic is a real thing. None of this science we don’t understand nonsense.” He then reached behind the scientists ear and pulled out a quarter. “Sorry, you had that behind your ear, and it was really distracting.” The young magician giggled.

Before he could get into a demonstration of his real powers, the sub got dark, and something hit the side of them, all of them turned to Kassy to find out what it was. “Oh, it’s probably some lovecraftian horror from the deep. No big deal.” Zach replied sarcastically, and chuckled.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 39 min ago

Kassandra was listening in on the comms, bemused as Dr. Bingley proceeded to basically interrogate half the team about their powers. They all seemed either uncomfortable, like Daphne, or confused like KJ. Zach was the only one taking things in stride. Part of her wanted to address the issue, as she didn’t want the team distracted. On the other hand, she didn’t want to be rude to the man. If he was a guest of Atlantis, that made him a VIP. Maybe it was better not to upset him.

Before she could make a decision either way, she had the distinct sensation of eyes on her. It was an indescribable feeling, one she never could describe. But then, she never had to. Everyone in Atlantis knew this feeling and how to combat it. Humans, however...

What humans no longer understood was the feeling of being prey.

Whales, sharks, squid, seal, dolphin – they would all take a taste of flesh every now and again. (And the dolphins would have fun with you before they did it, too!) Killing them outright was considered gauche, as they shared the ocean with the Atlanteans and deserved to be there. It was best to scare them off by being the bigger predator.

Kassy started turning around, looking for the source of the prey-sense. Before she could lock eyes on it, everything went dark. Ink! That meant…

The sub was rocked next, and she barely saw the tentacle creeping backward for the next strike. Her comms suddenly flooded with questions from the team about what was happening out there.

“Team, we have a situation. There’s a giant squid out here and we need to chase it off without harming it too much. Rain, Cybergirl - protect the doctor! KJ, Brightheart, and Nymph, on me! Zatara, now’s the time to see if that merman charm of yours works! Let’s go!” There was a sharp edge to her voice that likely none of them had heard before. Looking at something that could swallow you whole tended to focus your brain quite nicely.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Location: Submarine
Interactions: The Team

Dr. Bingley was just about to initiate communication with Kass but the danger outside of the submarine caused him to whip his head around at the others with fright. Viktor scowled at the abrupt rocking of the submarine as it interrupted the conversation he might have had with Daphne regarding her father. Unlike Alisa, Viktor only glanced out of a window, deducing he wouldn’t be able to see anything due to the lack of light. He instead marched toward Talon who had been successfully navigating the team until this occurrence.

Before Viktor could reach him, he heard Alisa stating she could see tentacles through the window, and then Kass over the comms channel confirming the threat being a giant squid. She immediately tasked the team, which was good. Viktor felt taking charge of the situation was a must but… he did not know how much he agreed with her instruction. He could grasp why the team couldn’t go on to just kill people, but a predatory creature seemed fair game. He felt like it was the best option and it might eliminate a future attack on someone else.

“Dr. Bingley, sit.” Viktor ordered the man while the rest of the team sprung into action. Dr. Bingley hesitated but took a seat beside Alisa while staring at the circular window across from him. He was visibly nervous as his hands gripped the edge of his seat.

“Your team can stop that thing no problem, right?” Dr. Bingley asked, hoping a positive answer from Alisa would assure him of his safety. Up at the front, Viktor spoke to Talon.

“Pay more attention to the sonar instead of trying to answer Cybergirl’s questions or write up a message for Nymph to smile at. We’re all depending on your focus… and your ability to use lethal force on a threat when necessary.” There were defensive weapon systems on the submarine, but they were both limited in capacity and not something one would use to simply scare the giant squid. Despite Kass’s orders, Viktor was prepared to kill the creature if he did not like how things were going outside.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 14 days ago

Location: Outside of the submarine
Interactions: Mirage

Kassy's strong voice cut through the comms, snapping Daphne out of her state of shock. Imagining her facing a giant squid by herself spurred her into action. She rushed to the back of the submarine and quickly pressed on a button to release her diving suit from a pod. It felt like it took forever to change into it. She put on the helmet last and lowered her trembling hands.

Her team mates were also getting themselves ready to head topside. Adrenaline and fear were mixing together into a very unpleasant sensation throughout her entire body, but idea of something bad happening to Kassy outweighed all of that. There was one upside to her anxiety, it made her remember what to do in case of an emergency. They had to get into the escape trunk compartment which was the only way to safely exit the submarine.

Daphne looked for the drain valve and grabbed it with both hands. She pulled and pushed, not sure which way to turn it. It wasn't budging and the added weight of her equipment made it heavier to operate. She kept at it until it suddenly opened. The pressure inside the escape trunk started to equalize. The display above the valve turned green signaling it was ready for passengers to enter. Daphne immediately closed the valve, pushing against it with her entire body weight.

"We're on our way Mirage, we should be out in a couple of minutes." Daphne answered on comms.
She followed Aleen'a, Zach and Kila up through the lower hatch, shutting it behind them. The valve on top of them would let the sea water inside. Daphne checked her equipment one more time. Her suit was designed to be less bulky. She didn't need the extra armor, allowing for a more streamlined design. The separate pieces were easily removable in case she needed to access her powers underwater.

Her biggest fear would be to drown but both her suit and her powers protected her from that. One of the experiments her dad and her tried was to decrease the amount of oxygen when inside a test room. She survived with less than 10% oxygen just fine. That would definitely be useful now.

Aleen'a opened the seawater valve easily with her enhanced strength. The water immediately rushed inside, filling the room. She expected a rush of cold but the suit made it barely noticeable. Daphne took a firm grip on the ladder and pulled her body from the water logged floor. She was going to open the escape hatch at the top. More water rushed in and outside of the submarine Daphne immediately entered into the black mist she saw through the window. Not being able to see where she was going and the threat of a giant squid sent shivers through her spine.

"Mirage I'm out, but I..."
Out of nowhere a giant tentacle swooped over her head. Daphne screamed and swam into a random direction. She kept going until the black mist started to clear. She spotted Mirage's bright orange tail and rushed to her side.
"Are you okay?" Daphne asked worried.
It was still incredibly difficult to get a real sense of the size of the squid. Judging from the size of the tentacles it was at least the size of the submarine.

Daphne stayed close to Mirage and fought the urge to grab her hand.
"Alright I'm here. how are we going to do this? I'm....what do you need me to do?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by DClassified
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DClassified Kung Fro Killa

Member Seen 1 day ago

Interaction | Rain AKA @FunnyGuy
Mirage AKA @Mistress Dizzy
Zatara AKA @Crimson Flame
Location | Atlantic Ocean, Submarine

Kila paced briefly between windows to see if anything gave him a clearer indication of what was happening outside. Meanwhile, he overheard the Speech Devil’s comment about it likely ‘just being a Lovecraftian horror’. Recalling the chronicled series about old world monsters, Kila briefly considered the possibility. Although Zatara had sarcasm in tone, The Meta couldn’t decipher the level of which. Given the world they lived in, and how little he knew about magic being fact or fiction; ”Potentially…”

More relieved to hear Kassy’s voice come from the outside, his expression quickly became more stern. So, it was a giant squid that seemed to be attacking their transport. That seemed difficult to topple, but The Meta paid attention to their team leader’s words carefully. The sharpness of her tone indicated urgency, and…strangely, he felt a palpitation ripple through his chest, not in fear but admiration? There would be time to address that later.

For now, he was assigned to the outside team. As such, he went to quickly assemble and quickly equipped the armoured wetsuit from earlier. While he did, Kila readied his mind for the strategy necessary for underwater combat. He didn’t quite have any ranged weapons, and he couldn’t rely on the animal abilities that he didn’t quite understand. Perhaps his role would be in providing on the field tactics opposed to direct conflict. He clicked Iwisa’s gauntlets into place on the suit’s arms and momentarily closed eyes, asking Anansi for wisdom.

On his way to the hatch, he felt another rumble and quickly jogged to the front. When he got there, Kila opened his mouth to say something to Talon but walked in on Viktor condescending to him instead. He didn’t care much to comment on their dynamic right now, but he did take note of Rain’s last phrase. Regardless, The Meta stepped up behind Talon.

”Once we’re all outside, it would likely be best to maneuver out of the ink cloud, less damage to the vehicle…and only prepare to use lethal force if Mirage deems necessary.” Kassy’s wingman stated bluntly on his way out, pressing two fingers into Rain’s chest firmly as he did so. As he understood the assignment from their team leader, she specifically said to “chase off” the squid, not to kill it. Kila was no stranger to killing being a means to an end. However, this just appeared to be Rain micromanaging opposed to focusing on his own given task. That was not only less useful, but detracting from the team’s cohesion.

Climbing up through the hatch and following Brightheart directly, he propelled himself out right after her. For a second, he let the other two get out so that he could reclose the hatch. Just after Kila slammed it shut and twisted, he heard Nymph scream. Before he could look around or even start swimming in a direction, a strong impact clapped his back. A brief explosion of rushing water came to his ears as he was knocked out of the squid ink cloud.

Thankfully, his suit absorbed what he assumed was a majority of the blow as he only felt a minor aching across his upper-back and and neck. He took a deep breath to steady himself, extending his arms. There was a faint screeching that he still heard, but he was sure the ringing in his head would lay off soon.

For now, he swam the perimeter of the ink cloud until he could get a wide view of it. That way, he could see his teammates and the squid’s approximate location in the same field of view. ”I am clear of the ink. Mirage, what do you know that deters squids?”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Atlantic Ocean
Interactions: Mirage @Mistress Dizzy

As it turned out, it was a giant squid that was attacking their vessel. Great. Zach was one of the ones assigned to deal with the threat. Zach grinned. Now he would get to see if the charm his cousin gave him work. He put the necklace on, and was transformed. He then went down the hatch after the others.

Once Zach was finally ocean, he only had a few moments to admire his new look. He had a tail, a purple and pink one with fins on the sides. Zach was brimming with glee. “Haha! It worked, it actually worked!” Of course, there was no reason to doubt his cousin, but still. He started to break out into song “♪I don’t know when, I don’t know how, but I think something’s starting right now! Watch and you’ll see…♪”

Before Zach could finish the song was surrounded by a cloud of black. Squid ink. He started coughing, and swam out of the ink, towards the others in the group. He was thoroughly disgusted. ”Gross… Way to ruin a moment squid… Anyway, what’cha need me to do?”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 39 min ago

Mirage was happy to see the team spring into action under her orders. KJ had been correct; confidence was the way to go. As the team formed up around her, she focused herself on the trouble at hand. She slipped the staff from her back, but did not ready an element.

She responded to KJ first, her eyes never leaving their enemy. “What deters squid is bigger squid, usually. Since we’re not that, we’re going to get creative and become it. I have an idea but I don’t know if it will work. Nymph, there’s kelp below us, nice and strong. I need you to request it's help in tying up the squid.” She pointed out where to tie up the creature.

“Brightheart, once it’s nice and wrapped up, you’re going to strike it from the front. KJ, summon up a shark, I unfortunately may need you to cause it pain it if we can’t startle it with the first go. Zatara, stop singing that asinine song and focus. I’ll need you to magic up me a squid. I’m going to make it much, much bigger with my illusions. Before you ask, yes I could illuse my own squid, but at the size I want it, having two mages on hand is better.” Also, it would keep Zach’s brain in the game.

“Rain, Cybergirl, keep the doctor calm and help Talon watch the windows and radar. These things usually travel solo, but the ocean is not a predictable mistress. You all have your assignments. Let’s do this!”

Mirage took point directly in front of the squid, making sure to catch it’s eye. She summoned up a massive ball of water, nearly half the size of the sub. It wasn’t as straining as it would have been outside the ocean. Then she launched it at the squid’s eye and swam hard, bringing its attention further from the sub.

“Come on ugly, we’ll show you we’re no snack!”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Location: Submarine
Interactions: Kila @DClassified, Talon

“Once we’re all outside, it would likely be best to maneuver out of the ink cloud, less damage to the vehicle…and only prepare to use lethal force if Mirage deems necessary.”

Viktor looked down at Kila’s two fingers pressed against his chest. The action left zero doubt in anyone's mind who Kila was addressing when it came to following Kass’ orders.

“Sure.” Viktor replied, watching the back of his teammate as he walked away. As commendable as Kila’s loyal support to his leaders was, Viktor found it to be a bit too much. Like over-seasoned meat or a glass filled up to the brim. He was briefly reminded of the events that occurred in Las Vegas. I shouldn’t be surprised that you would stick to the path presented to you by a superior. Viktor turned back towards Talon as the team began to exit the submarine.

“Talon, you should keep at the flank of the target. In case lethal force is deemed necessary.” Viktor said with a small twist in wording. I am not so conventional.

A low sigh escaped Talon as he felt he might have done that without Viktor’s unneeded suggestion. He felt like he would find himself arguing with the control freak soon enough about whether or not they should preemptively use the weapon systems. Kila’s verbal support of Kass gave Talon confidence in her plan and the feeling he’d be doing right by standing up to Viktor if it came to that. Once the valve on the outside was shut, the submarine arced around the giant squid so it could be clear of the ink and maintain a good firing position.

“Do you have to hover over me?” Talon was already not fond of Viktor, but now the guy had become his Coal of all things. He was sure Viktor would perch on his shoulder if he could.

“No. It’s not required.” Viktor answered quickly as he watched things unfold through the nearest window. Talon turned his head slightly so he could shoot a glare at the cross-armed brooder standing over his shoulder.

“Then can you… go somewhere? I don’t think you can protect Dr. Bingley from here.” Talon turned back to the dashboard, enjoying the silence from Viktor’s lack of words. However, there were no footsteps to accompany the lack of words, which only meant he wasn't planning on leaving after all.

“Interesting… You actually bring up a fair point. I can ensure Dr. Bingley’s safety from this location if I take into account your poor situational awareness in navigating this vessel thus far. Besides that and the fact that we do not enjoy each other's company, I believe we work well together. Me being here. In this spot. Ensures our team’s success.”

Talon sighed again.

“I’m fine! You can’t tell me anything I don’t already know about the situation! And I’m not going to do anything that goes against what Kass ordered us to do!” Talon snapped, which didn’t seem to make Viktor react in the slightest. He just continued to observe his team out in the water while also listening in on comms.

“False… I’m sure you just listened to Kass’ plan in repelling the creature. Do you know that it won’t work? And when it doesn’t, there is a high possibility you will be made to use lethal force… But let’s follow Kass’ instructions to the letter. Her confidence is there, but does she know her team as well as she believes she does?”

“You done?”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 14 days ago

Location: Atlantic Ocean
Interactions: Mirage

Daphne kept her guard up, her eyes locked on the giant squid. It was frightening to be up against something that size. She followed its every move and glanced at the positions of her team mates. They had to do something but she was worried they would get hurt. Mirage seemed to believe they could face it together. She grew up in the ocean and trusted her confidence.

"Nymph, there’s kelp below us, nice and strong, I need you to request its help in tying up the squid.”

Daphne turned to Mirage who was focused on the enemy and nodded.
"I'm on it!"

The ball of water hit the squid in the eye. The animal recoiled and whipped its tentacles into the direction of Mirage. It successfully diverted its attention from the submarine, but it was now targetting Mirage. It released another cloud of ink, feeling threatened. With their enemy distracted Daphne swam down into the kelp forest.

She needed to act quick, otherwise their entire plan was doomed. Daphne took a deep breath and transformed. After the transformation she took off her gloves to free up her hands. She glanced up to get the position of the squid. Daphne was worried she wouldn't be able to quiet her mind and hear the plants.

She took another deep breath and gently enclosed a strand of kelp in her palms. For a while there was just silence until she heard a faint breathing sound, or more like singing. It sounded distant and somehow all around her at the same time.

Daphne felt discouraged and released the kelp. This had to work, the Team needed her help. She swam around a little to a denser part of the forest. The kelp completely surrounded her and she pulled a strand and held it to her ear. At this point she was willing to try anything. All she heard was the same singing sound, it didn't even sound like something she could remotely understand.
It wasn't working...
She couldn't do it...

As much as she tried she couldn't focus. She was too worried about the Team being in danger. The fear distracted her.
"Mirage...it's not working, I can't hear them" Daphne said sounding disappointed.

Daphne looked around her. The kelp swayed calmly in the water, completely unbothered by the battle above them. She pushed past her negative feelings. There were other ways she could use her powers. All she needed was some sunshine and confidence. She swam back to her Team.
"I have a plan, but I need Brightheart to give me some of her sunlight
If I can get sunlight I can grow out my vines and tie up the parts you asked me to. The downside is that would tie me to the squid too."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Submarine Interacting with:Dr. Bingley, Viktor (@FunnyGuy)

Alisa patted Dr. Bingley’s arm comfortingly. “Of course they can,” she assured him. “A giant squid is a piece of cake for us- trust me.” In truth, Alisa wasn’t so assured about the team’s ability in an underwater fight like this. This was only their second real battle, and she wasn’t even involved. She, however, was much more sure of its outcome than Viktor seemed to be. She listened to his conversation with Talon and knitted her brows, letting out a miniscule sigh. Seriously?

“Hmm… Dr. Bingley, excuse me, I have an emergency. I need to… go to the bathroom. And, um. Expel waste. I’ll be right back.” It was an awful lie, but it worked. She wasn’t even sure there was a bathroom in the sub, but it usually worked as a good excuse for everyone else. Alisa went to the back of the submarine and switched her earpiece to a private channel with Viktor. Luckily, she could still hear their conversation from where she was standing.

Alisa whispered into her earpiece, “Cybergirl to Rain. Chill out and lay off Talon and Mirage. And maybe… I don’t know, using a submarine weapon on a massive squid when we’re supposed to be moving covertly in Atlantean waters is not the best idea? Erm. Over.”

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 19 days ago

Location: Atlantic Ocean
Interaction/s: The Team

Brightheart learned from her past mistake. It was her impulsive actions that lead to her being spotted by Kobra agents which lead them into further secrecy which will definitely make it harder for them to be captured by the authorities. She still couldn't shake the disappointing look on Batman's face from her brain, it was the same look her parents gave her back in the past, which also played a part in why they sent her here on Earth...

Nevertheless, she really learned to listen and wait, reacting than acting. She went with the others out to the open ocean while the others stayed inside to protect the professor. Brightheart had been to the ocean before and she thought she could breathe underwater being that Tamaraneans could survive the vacuum of space, but unfortunately Starfire had to give her CPR when she drowned trying it. Since then, she tried to stay away from the deeper parts of the sea as she could move around as easily as moving through outer space yet it was still completely alien for her. She was very nervous when she learned their mission required them to go far, far deeper into the ocean than she wanted but she did her best to hide her anxiety for the sake of the mission and her friends.

At least, she was glad they got a squid attacking them to help ease her anxiousness even a little. The tentacled monster reminded her of some of the creatures back from her home planet, some were even quite delicious, but none were certainly as big as this one. It spewed out a cloud of black ink that spread through the waters as it used its long tentacles to wrap around the submarine but thankfully Mirage managed to hit it with her magic and now its attention was on the people outside. It did manage to hit some of them though, one of its tentacles sending Brightheart a few feet away and she swam to join her team as swiftly as she could while her body's in pain.

Nymph returned and informed them she couldn't understand the kelps. "Will it work if I kissed them? Oh right, they are plants! Hello Brightheart!" Brightheart asked and then remembered in a panic. Nymph said something about giving her sunlight which she meant the devices Brightheart brought with her that stored ultraviolet rays. They were supposed to be kept for emergencies for the Tamaranean but for the sake of the mission and her friends, she will do anything.

"Do not worry about getting tied with the squid. We'll handle it. Get ready, Nymph!" Brightheart retrieved the devices and, with a push of a button, released the ultraviolet light stored within them, shining them in Nymph's direction. She could feel a small amount of energy from them which was limited because of her diving suit but it was enough to make her feel re-energized even for a little. "I-Is it working? Are you feeling it now, Nymph?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by DClassified
Avatar of DClassified

DClassified Kung Fro Killa

Member Seen 1 day ago

Interaction | The Giant Squid
Location | Atlantic Ocean

Kila did his best to tread in place, watching the others as they sprung into action. His jaw and teeth clenched with Mirage’s command. Summon a shark…Did…No, Kila didn’t make it explicitly clear that he wasn’t in command of his apparent abilities. Or…perhaps he was, it was obvious that she’d seen it before, but how is it that Kila had not? He was trained not to rely on skills or abilities that he didn’t possess. Well, what was he supposed to do when he was called to task to use an ability that he had…but didn’t know how to use?

The only thing he could think to do, was attempt to inform Mirage of that incapability. Though, there was something else that he took notice of that felt more concerning to his immediate situation…The ringing in his head didn’t seem to be in his head at all. Actually, it seemed to be somewhat external, at least from his body. His immediate thought went to the submarine, which he turned his eye to as it was taking cover away from the attacking cephalopod. Though, the sound of rushing water and bubbles in his ears would have made it impossible to hear the submarine from that distance and the screeching only seemed to be getting louder…

Wait, Kila was a little ways from the direct action with Mirage and the squid…why was the sound so loud? Thinking about it directly, he checked his other senses. That was when he sharply noticed that he was taking more conscious and labored breaths. His suit did take a direct hit from the squid but that shouldn’t have been enough to compromise the durability…Still, it was now obvious that the air tank has been damaged.

Despite the sudden rush of pace in his heartbeat, he kept calm, trying to strategically take breaths. Swimming up to the surface was futile, they were too deep, going by how hard it was getting to breathe at the moment. The only option was to inform the team.

”Team, quickly, my suit has been-“

It was only a small prickling feeling of cold that hit the back of his neck that silenced him. He was trying to speak but no words came from his lips…The cold…it was wet. His head suddenly panged, drums rattling his temples with pain. His eyes went to his team, and he tried to will himself to at least swim in their direction. However, his body disobeyed Kila’s plight, limbs only trembling in response and he started sinking.

The young lion felt his vision getting hazy…was he drowning? It had been so long since he’d felt anything like this; helplessness…Something touched his back…Did one of them…grab him…? C…n’t tell…dark now…g..ting q…ter…
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
Avatar of FunnyGuy


Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Location: Submarine
Interactions: Alisa @canaryrose, Kass @Mistress Dizzy, Talon

There was a long silence between Rain and Talon which as odd as it seemed, was a good thing. The tension between them almost seemed absolute, so as long as they were quiet and not at each other's throats, life was pleasant for the most part.

Despite his back and forth with Viktor, Talon continued to adjust the ship so that he continued to flank it and leave the rest of the team out of the submarine's line of fire. Even though Viktor was just standing there not saying a thing, he hated that some of what he was saying was right. He HAD to take the position Viktor told him to and that ate him up some.

Meanwhile, Viktor continued to watch and listen. But a sudden ping requested him on a private channel. With a click of the earpiece, he switched over. Alisa. She came in clear, but he could tell by her tone she was not entirely comfortable with calling him out. He looked down at Talon who had one hand balled in a fist. Viktor was going to say something but simply walked away without a word so he could reply to Alisa privately and not escalate matters with Talon.

“Cybergirl. I'm not surprised I somewhat agree with your thinking, but you fail to consider our mission's main objective. Sure, keeping a low profile is of the utmost importance. And we should do everything we can to maintain that, but should we use up our lives and resources in an encounter with this creature to remain covert?” Viktor's tone was starting to come across as a bit colder than usual. His eyes were peering through another window as he continued. “The answer is no, Cybergirl. Do you even see what's happening? Brightheart has already used some of her supply of UV. She will be less effective if we run into trouble with another threat or this squid we want to keep alive in the future. Nymph is without a suit for the time being. Who knows how her body will react to the saltwater if she's out there like that for too long. Metamorph's connection to fauna is seemingly absent when he's stern, as he is righ-”

Viktor stopped and his eyes widened as he watched Kila begin to struggle in the water. Without another word, he switched back over to the main channel to listen to what was going on while heading back to Talon.

“Ready the laser cannon and aim at the far end of that thing's head!” Viktor demanded, yet Talon didn't budge.

“No order was given. Get it through your thick head that you're not the leader of this team… and you never have been.” Talon said the last words with venom. The slight wince of Viktor's eyes meant the blow hit quite deep.

“Prepare for it then. At least aim at it. We need all our options ready.”

“Fine, but you are not making the call."

“I won't have to.” Viktor then addressed the others on comms. “Team. Someone get Metamorph to the submarine! We're out of the way of the… squid.” Viktor watched as the squid took a hold of Kila.

Dr. Bingley was maintaining his composure, keeping Alisa's words of confidence in mind, but his breathing had gotten a bit heavier as the situation began to escalate. Sure he expected a bit of danger, but nothing like this.

A panel at the bottom of the submarine opened up and ejected what appeared to be a cannon that adjusted to aim at the squid. On the weapon system control panel in front of Talon, the weapon appeared to be calibrating as it tried to obtain a fixed line of fire. Both Talon and Viktor stared intensely at the control panel.

“I'm not going to order you to shoot it, but how do you think this plays out if you don't?”

Talon kept to his disposition and did not fire the weapon, awaiting Kass' next course of action. He would just try to ignore Viktor, but it was getting difficult to watch how events were unfolding. He felt a bit sick, as there was a part of him that wanted to pull the trigger on the squid or as Viktor called it, the target.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 14 days ago

Location: Atlantic Ocean
Interactions: The squid

The intense rays of sunlight coming from Aleen'a's device activated Daphne's photosynthesis. The cells in her body started to react to the light, making her skin tingle. She quickly took of her suit in order to absorb as much light as she could. Daphne knew the devices Brightheart carried were meant to be used by her, in case of emergency. She hoped she still had enough left over to use when she needed it.

Daphne smiled and stuck out her thumbs to Aleen'a. It was definitely working. She concentrated her thoughts and newly acquired energy on growing out her hair. The vines quickly started to increase in length, reaching nearly three times the size of her body. They floated around her like a canopy of leaves and twine. She was ready to tie up this squid!

She swam closer towards it and located to the spots Kassy told her to tie up earlier. Daphne sent out her first vines to trap one of the tentacles. It latched onto it and intertwined, tying her together with the squid. She kept at it, maintaining complete focus. The squid barely seemed to notice her. Daphne quickly realized why. One of the tentacles she hadn't tied up yet was hauling in a Team member. Her eyes widened in shock. Se couldn't make out who was being attacked, she had to get closer.

She tugged on one of the vines to force a reaction out of the squid. It retracted its tentacle, pulling her closer. Daphne recognized the suit, it was Kila. Through the vines and tentacles she saw something that sent shivers down her entire body. The squid was trying to force open Kila's helmet with its beak.
She had to do something!
Her hand went up to her ear only to realize she couldn't use comms. Oh no.....

Daphne was determined to keep the squid away from Kila. She gathered the remaining vines and sent them at the squid's beak, forcing it shut. It took a lot of strain to keep it from snapping at Kila, some of the vines started to snap. It forced her to release some of the tentacles to free up more vines to tie around the beak.
Come on guys...
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 39 min ago

Location: Under the Sea, Fighting
Interaction: Brightheart, Nymph, Zatara

Mirage spun in place as her carefully thought out plan started to splinter. Nymph couldn’t get the kelp to listen. Maybe if she had more time? Brightheart had to use one of her powerful sun holders to get that going. She had to return her attention to her enemy, so she summoned a second water ball and let it launch.

Suddenly, things started happening all at once.

They all got a hasty comm from Kila: “Team, quickly, my suit has been-” Then a rather terrifying silence.

Rain was next, giving a command before she could open her mouth. Since it was the right call, she didn’t go over his head. But she’d talk to him later.

She peered through the deep water, finally spotting a splash of green that wasn’t kelp. Nymph was near the creature’s mouth, trying to tie it shut. With vines coming from her head. That was brave and stupid in equal measure. “Nymph, move! We can’t have your suit faili – wait where is your suit?! NYMPH!” That was a sharp cry, even though the green girl couldn’t hear it.

She had been planning to get Nymph back to the ship with Metamorph. But without her helmet, Nymph was on her own. That was going to have to be addressed later as well.

Having no choice but to piggyback off of Rain’s command, she started swimming toward the squid’s mouth to back her up. “New plan! Brightheart, get Metamorph back to the sub immediately! Zatara, get on conjuring that squid, as big as you can get it! I have to back up Nymph!” This was turning into a disaster.

No, no - she had to trust in the team, and herself. Acclimate. Adapt. Overcome. She could do this, they all could. All they needed was a little more time. She started reeling back her staff, summoning air as she approached the great creature. “Sorry, old one!” She let out a full strike against the beak, backed by a speedy burst of air. It hit like a baseball bat smacking a home run.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Atlantic Ocean
Interactions: Mirage @Mistress Dizzy

Kassy had a plan, and started doling out commands. Zach was not amused by her comment. “Excuse me? Part of Your World is a classic! It is not asinine.” She had asked him to make an illusory squid, that she would embiggen. “Ooh, are we going to try to seduce the squid? I can handle that.”

And then things went south quickly.

Daphne attempted to tie up the squid with her vine hair, and was now reeeeally close mouth, without a helmet no less. Meanwhile, the squid managed to grab KJ and possibly broke his helmet. Viktor had given a command to aim the laser cannon, which could end really badly if it were fired. Now Zatara was responsible for making a giant squid all by himself. He took a breath. “Well, here goes… nothing.” He focused and started uttering a spell.“noisulli diuqs tnaig”

Zach was breathing heavily as the illusion shimmered into existence behind him. He never had to make anything this large before. “I do hope this squid is dumb enough to fall for this… If he tries to lay a tentacle on it, we’re busted.”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Submarine Interacting with:Dr. Bingley, Viktor (@FunnyGuy), Talon, The Team

Alisa pursed her lips. Her eyebrow twitched. If there was one thing she hated, it was being told she was wrong. And Viktor had effectively just called her stupid. But Alisa knew she was right. Kassy made the right call, and he was just trying to make some idiotic power play. She turned into the private channel again, readying a scathing remark, when there started to be frantic chatter on the main channel. She switched and her eyes widened at the news. Fuck.

Practically dashing back into the main room, Alisa came up on the opposite side of Talon. She gave Dr. Bingley a shoulder squeeze as she walked by, almost as an afterthought- which it was. For a moment, she stared out the window, stunned by what she saw. Ja seemed to be unconscious and drowning, while Daphne had taken off her suit and turned into a plant. “I-” She tried to talk, but found that she had no words. How did every mission end up going wrong?

“Talon. Don’t fire until Mirage gives the order,” she finally managed to say, fully aware of Viktor’s derisive glare. The scene was still developing outside. An illusory giant squid was forming beside Zach. She wasn’t entirely sure what it was meant to do, but… good idea? “See? That could work.” Then, Alisa again turned into the main channel. “Cybergirl to Team. What do you need us to do?”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Location: Submarine
Interactions: Alisa @canaryrose Talon

Talon had felt like Viktor’s words were just echoing into his psyche as he waited for the team outside to turn the tide. The cannon was ready to fire with a simple push of a button, so if he needed it he could use it, but he wouldn’t press it without Kass’ guidance. He damn sure wouldn’t let Viktor of all people order him around either. But what if he’s… Talon’s confidence in the plan slipped ever so slightly before the team caught their second wind against the squid. That, and Alisa had shown up, backing up Kass’s plan the same way Kila had just moments before. Talon wondered if this is what faith was, something Dick, his mentor, said he’d need to have in his teammates. A trust that couldn’t be shaken so easily, not even by the stubborn brute that was Viktor.

Viktor held a scowl with Alisa’s arrival and her need to toe the line to a plan he openly disagreed with. The team outside had sprung into action, and Viktor watched with a critical eye. Daphne had successfully concentrated her vines on the beaked mouth of the squid to prevent it from biting at Kila. Aleen’a was moving for the save, being the strongest in the group. The Tamaranian could pull Kila away and swim him back to the submarine easier than anyone else besides maybe Kass. All the while, Kass wisely went for the offensive. Sure, under normal circumstances, Aleen’a was the heaviest hitter on the team, but in the ocean, Kass held the advantage of physical strength adapted to the resistance of the dense water and the power of her magical staff. She hit the creature hard enough in the beak to cause it to recoil and help Daphne shut the beak with her vines. And then there was Zach who pulled out all the stops to create an illusion on his own of a squid that was larger in scale to the real one the team currently engaged with. Viktor was impressed, yes, but not satisfied. He sighed and shook his head.

Several feet away, Dr. Bingley sat quietly with his hands in his lap, rapidly tapping his foot. He was taking in the situation as it unfolded, finding disarray inside and outside of the vessel. Alisa’s touch was meant to comfort him, but how was he supposed to be comfortable with what he could see and hear? The squid was still right out there and the team of young heroes appeared to be having a harder time than he thought they would. In action, they were all much different than when they were just waiting to arrive in Atlantis. Well, he noted Viktor didn’t change much. He was not fond of the young man and didn't see himself ever being so, though he probably wouldn’t say it out loud since Viktor was a part of his security detail at the moment. Dr. Bingley never liked people like him. So certain and believing they stood on a higher peg than everyone else. The type that didn’t brag that they were better. Those types were just insecure and could be put in their place rather quickly. It was those that simply moved like they were better than everyone else. They didn’t have to say it, because they believed it to be true. They were so fucking sure of themselves. Dr. Bingley… hated people like him.

“Talon. I would fire the weapon, now.” Viktor didn’t even look at Alisa and Talon.

“Shut the hell up.” Talon was not as defensive as before with Alisa able to support him on not firing until Mirage called for it. “We’ll wait on Mira-”

“You’ll wait until that thing kills someone. I thought Zatara’s illusion was meant to scare the creature away.” Viktor watched Talon observe the squid using its bioluminescence to communicate with Zach’s illusion, but it was a very short-lived light show. With no response from the other illusion, something that a combined illusion between Zach and Kass’s magic with some added knowledge on the social skills of squid from the latter could have accomplished, the squid proceeded with its previous and odd objective in trying to possess Kila in its clutches. It had all eight arms at its disposal thanks to Daphne shifting her focus to the beak. The squid had the whole team minus Zach close to its mouth now. If the creature was a hand, Kass, Daphne, Kila, and Aleen’a were essentially sitting in its palm with ten free-moving fingers. “Take initiative and fire already!” Alisa sighed, deep and loud.

”Viktor. Seriously, stop it.”

“Yeah get it through your thick fucking skull! If I… If I wasn’t on these controls…” Talon stopped himself.

“We wouldn’t be in this mess. You shoot it and we can move on without any casualties.” Viktor said plainly. If looks could kill, Talon shot Viktor a glare that would do it a dozen times.

Dr. Bingley furrowed his brow. Every word out of Viktor’s mouth sent a kind of heat through his body. He was tired of sitting around listening to this argument. He stood up, knowing he had to do something. Perhaps it was more of a strong desire to do something. He needed to take action, and the opportunity was right in front of him.

“Or we wait for Kass to tell us to continue to protect Dr. Bingley.”

“Both of you, stop it!” yelled Alisa. “You’re acting like fucking toddlers, Jesus. Do your jobs and wait for the order.”

Dr. Bingley was approaching the three and all he could think of was how much he despised people like Viktor. His attitude and certainty burned the man to his core. There was no gene he could add or remove to make a person behave like the young man he was closing distance on. No gene to directly explain it. Genes could make you better looking, have a higher IQ, and even determine how inclined your body was to be more athletic or muscular than others. THAT gave a person confidence, but what Viktor had was certainty. It was the vile trait that Dr. Bingley could not stomach when he saw it in other people. To deal a blow on a titan would feed Dr. Bingley with satisfaction. For Dr. Bingley to simply act at this moment while the three young heroes, especially Viktor, were distracted with one another in an argument, would be a decisive moment. The doctor felt this altercation should have been ended already with the team already arriving safely in Atlantis by now. There was just one problem holding this team back, and Dr. Bingley would solve it. That’s what he did after all. He solved problems. He got rid of the bad so everything else that was good could flourish and thrive. Viktor was the first to notice the doctor as he felt a gentle brush of a fourth body.

“Dr. Bingley!” Viktor’s authoritative exclamation nearly made the man shudder as his hand reached past Talon and slammed down on the button that would fire the armed and aimed laser cannon at the squid. It might have been more climatic if the laser charged for a while, but it took just a second before it fired. Calibrated to the refraction of the water, all that could be observed was a quick flash, a low “thoom” sound, the hard jerk of the squid’s head, and the sight of blue blood and dark ink that was loosely scattered about. Outside of the submarine, a trail of bubbles revealed the cannon as the accessory to the vicious assault, but the culprit was unknown to them.

Dr. Bingley. He hated people like Viktor. He despised them. All because he deeply envied them and with their certainty.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by DClassified
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DClassified Kung Fro Killa

Member Seen 1 day ago

Interaction | Currently None
Location | Atlantic Ocean

The first thing he heard, was an unnatural and sudden humming that ended just as soon as it began. Rushing water echoed through his ears, bubbles popping rapidly. Though…it all sounded muffled, and it felt difficult to breathe. His heart raced, his head felt thunders of pain. Instinctively, the fingers of each hand clawed as they grabbed hold of the diving suit’s helmet. With a Tiger Shark’s strength at his arms, he peeled the helmet on his head in two. Shaking his head, his hair splayed about freely in the surrounding water.

Able to breathe more freely, the young lionfish opened his eyes. That was when he understood why his senses were in overdrive. Wildly flailing tentacles flew around him in panic at the sensation rapidly filling the water. Alongside the ink and blood, came the familiar sinking of The Rot. Ja blinked and immediately his body propelled after the floating body of the squid.

He was too late…

Arms cradled the squid’s mantle, what was left of it, seeing as the majority of it was gone. His senses indicated that it was burned into oblivion. He was so young…only a little older than Ja himself. Too young to die; long before the circle of life determined, as the squid hadn’t mated yet. It was one of only two that survived its mother’s litter of eggs.

Ja wanted to reassure the boy…that its mother’s death wasn’t for nothing. That he wasn’t a failure, yet, all he could do was look into it’s eye as it slowly stopped moving voluntarily. Ja felt each of the creature’s three hearts stop beating as he felt the Rot take the body.

Kilamanjaro looked up from the squid’s corpse down to the team in the water with him. Daphne was green, Zach with a squid picture, then Aleen’a and Kassy floating nearby. W-what just happened? What went wrong? His eyes trailed further, finding the subtle glow of the submarine’s cannon peek between it all. He felt his eyes sting, but no tears could be seen. His heart felt heavy, but he did not sink. His lungs ached, but he could not cry out.

Instead, he just let the squid’s corse go to float away for the birds to come consume it later. All that was left was for Ja to pull his knees to his chest to try and find some form of comfort for himself. The Red’s waves of mourning washed through him. The young squid— It was just trying to help Ja…to save him from the suit that choked the oxygen from him moments ago…He didn’t have to die for it…
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