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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

Rose couldn't help but scream when she was caught in a net. But she is a quick thinker. So she cut the rope of the net with the knife her mother had given her. "I'm fine." She said as she tumbled out of the net. That was partially a lie since she still had the damn arrow in her shoulder and that had not helped the situation. She was annoyed at herself. She should have broken the arrow or something.

She stood up on shaky legs as her mom ran toward her. "Cass I know you hate this, but shoot the horses not the people. They are bigger targets and a horse going down will take the human too." Though the arrow might not do enough damage to take the horse down. It might at least spook the horse and get it to run away. That would be just as useful.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

Colby didn't like that his dad had a black eye forming. It was a sign of how bad things were. The rebels of this world were letting themselves be stepped on in order to keep their heads down. He understood the logic. But what was the point of being a rebel if you weren't going to fight back at every opportunity?

He sighed and squeezed Matthew's hand. Following him to the deck of cards on the counter. "That was over rent?" He raised an eyebrow at that. What would it be like over something more serious? How would the general population handle such situations? How many people were being hurt daily, or worse? Because of overzealous tax collectors. He could feel anger rising in his gut. Colby had never been one to care much about social situations. He preferred animals and staying out of the way of whatever stupid social justice thing was going on. Unless it was about cats. For the first time, he was mad at the status quo. He actually wanted to stop it instead of it just being a silly adventure.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Chaos, that was still the only way to completely explain their current situation. How else could you explain things really? One minute she was sort of hiding behind a table that had been knocked over, the next minute she was sort of getting dragged away by some goon who had managed to throw a net over her. Yeah, this was definitely getting to be really annoying all things considering. Of course, to top it all off she started to get a sore throat, and figured she likely was getting a cold of some sort, which definitely was the icing on the cake with everything going on here.

Glancing around as she was getting dragged off, she managed to catch a glimpse of a knife near her, and she managed to reach out through the net and grip onto it. "Ok, let's get out of here..." she muttered under her breath, before she managed to start cutting the net, and eventually she tumbled out, having freed herself from it. Rosalia jumped back up onto her feet and backed away a little bit, trying to see if she could find the best way out of this entire situation, since she was not too thrilled with everything that was occurring right now.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Jack knew that the instant that Arthur decided to hug Meg, that that was a bit of a mistake. He knew that she didn't care much for hugs, at all, which is why he typically didn't give her any. Unless of course he thought she really needed one, and even then he'd ask her first if she even wanted one, since otherwise he knew he'd probably get chewed out about it. Despite the fact that he was only older then her by a few days, he couldn't help but be a bit protective of her, and it was blatantly obvious to him that Meg was a bit uncomfortable from the hug and everything, at least to him.

His attention was drawn away rather quickly though, as Belle decided to ask him if he'd seen his father since popping up. That brought back the memories of what exactly had happened involving his father. Now he was thinking about how best to more or less tell her what had happened in a rather short way. An idea crossed his mind of a somewhat amusing way to explain it though, and he looked at her to answer the question. "Yeah, I have... Though I will say turns out he's rather flammable," he told her with a slight shrug.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


"Thank you." Aurora said towards Willow as she went ahead and started to help her out with the shattered glass, as she went over towards a nearby bucket in the corner of the room and dumped it in there while looking over at her daughter. "There is a large box of sorts in the alleyway where you can dump the waste in there." She told her daughter and motioned for her to follow her, and headed out into the alleyway where there was what looked like a huge dumpster. "In there is fine." Aurora told her, there were a few homeless people sitting in the shade made by the alleyway to keep cool.

Cheshire looked towards Colby and nodded slightly towards his son as he tended to the blackeye and leaned back slightly cracking his neck. "Yep they usually do that if they have a feeling we shorted them or something like that." Cheshire answered his son as he stood up and cracked his neck. "But i'll be fine and i'll heal up by the morning." Cheshire told his son as he went to get some water and came back offering it to Colby and Matthew. Mad Hatter's eyes going wide seeing that they were looking at the deck of cards and quickly pushed it to the side. "I don't think that would be a good idea if you guys used those particular cards." Hatter warned.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Belle looked towards Jack saying that he was quiet flammable made her smile a bit. "Good he deserves it." She said as she finished up tending to Sierra's wound and bandaged it up. "You should be good to go." Belle said as Sierra stood up and adjusted her shirt slightly, and smiled towards her. "Thank you." Sierra said towards her as she looked between Arthur and Megan seeing the awkward moment as he hugged her. She wasnt sure if she wanted to hug her father or father whenever she did meet them or not but she could tell that it was a bit awkward for Megan to hug her.

"Sorry about that." Arthur said towards her as he rubbed the back of his neck slightly as he stared at Excalibur as Megan drew it out and slowly ran his finger along the blade and looked back at his daughter. "I dont have any intention on taking it from you, it always was meant to be yours at some point after I retire." Arthur said, though whether or not she wanted the throne he wasnt sure either. "Your mother is in town getting food right now she should be back soon to." He told her.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Robin Hood's men started to fight back against the attackers, as they started to retreat back into the woods Merlin then stepped forward and started to use his magic to take out the rest of the fire as rain came down to put them out. He then used his magic to create a large ward around the camp in case another attack happened. Layla went over towards Rosalia seeing her getting out of the net. "Are you alright?" She asked her, Robin Hood managed to get a prisoner during the fighting and then gestured to move him off to the prison area that was set up.

Robin Hood's men were also dragging off some more prisoners as well to, as Robin Hood walked over to Cass. "You aren't hurt are you?" He asked her looking a bit concerned while Merlin went over and offered a hand to help Rose up. "Lets get that arrow out of you." He offered as Rapunzel came up and gestured towards one of the tents. "There's a medical tent just over there." She told them, and made her way towards Rosalia seeing that Rosalia wasnt looking to good either putting a hand to her forehead feeling a fever setting in. "You should go there to." Rapunzel said.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan nodded slightly at Arthur's apology, trying to will herself to feel more comfortable and at ease, but she was still unbelievably tense. She didn't know how to talk to this person. She had never considered the fact that she'd ever meet her biological parents and while she had some time to warm up to the idea that her father was King Arthur... This was all still sudden. Megan thought she would've had a small heads-up that they were about to meet King Arthur, that was what happened in movies, it was all announced, all prepared for, she would've been able to breathe. "My.... You mean Lady Guinevere," Megan asked, although it wasn't really a question.

What did she even know about Lady Guinevere? Megan ordinarily wasn't the type to really blurt out her thoughts as they happened, usually doing some more careful selection, but she was incredibly thrown by everything going on here. "Did you ever get a paternity test?" Megan asked. "Because of, you know, Lancelot - I'm guessing he's real too, right? Be a bit odd if he wasn't." She then realized she was still brandishing a sword so Megan, somewhat awkwardly, returned excalibur to its sheath.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Maddie sensed a bit of tension in Colby as the situation was explained. A very small shift in the way they were holding each other, as if a bit of tension was beginning to fill him. He looked towards Colb with a concerned smile, pushing a stray hair off to the side before planting a small kiss onto his cheek. "Hey, what's wrong. You're awfully quiet for once." He said hoping a slight joke would help to alleviate the mood. Though what he hadn't expected was for his dad to come towards them and set the cards off to the side like that. He eyed the deck out of his periphery and looked back towards his father.

"Are they gamblers cards or something? Though I don't really know how you'd load a car unless it's like a trick deck that can change suits to help the player?" As far as he could tell they seemed like a normal deck, but they way his father looked at them you'd think they were cursed or something. Then again he was the Mad Hatter, and even more so they were in a magical land with genies thanks to a curse placed upon the realms that ended up sending several children to a horrid orphanage in Kansas. So perhaps the deck was best left alone.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Robin Hood’s Camp -- The Moors

Luckily, Rose and Rosalia both had knives and managed to cut themselves free. Cassi saw Red run to Rose so she redirected to Rosalia. She stood beside her, watching the others and for an incoming attack.
”You okay?” Rosalia was standing and looked fine but you could never be too sure. Cassiopeia had been trained in wilderness survival so her instincts kind of took over, even though she wasn’t trying to survive the wilds of Kansas. Thankfully, there were no enemies in their relative vicinity, including Rose and her mom. So, Cassi started looking around for a place they could take cover or hide out, especially for Rose since she was injured. Cassi took note of the tents and pointed.
”We should take some cover, especially you Rose, until all this is over.” Cassiopeia was itching to get back and fight but she also wanted to protect. But just as Cass was ramping up to serve and protect, Merlin pretty much ended it.

Robin Hood and the others started rounding up some prisoners before Layla, Robin and Rapunzel came over to check on them, followed shortly by Merlin who went to tend to Rose. Rapunzel checked on her daughter and Cassiopeia shuffled over a couple steps, not wanting to be in the way. She looked at Robin when he asked if she was okay. She shrugged a little but nodded. Robin looked fine, minus a few scraps and bruises here and there.
”Physically, fit as a fiddle. Mentally? I don’t know how you do this.” Her eyes wandered to some of the enemies being dragged off, a few she recognized had her arrows in them and she looked at the ground.

Willow Jones

Location: Building -- Agrabah

Willow nodded and followed her mother out of the building into the back alley. She was reminded of where she was when they stepped outside into the desert heat. It was amazing how the clay buildings kept everything relatively cool inside.
Willow helped her mom dump the shards into the dumpsters when something shining caught her eye. Willow stepped over to the side of the dumpster and bent down to pick up the item. She revealed a dagger with a beautiful hilt and shining blade. Willow twirled it around a little before looking at her mom and grinned.
”Merlin helped equip us before we started looking for you. I took knives but I’ve never really used them… I took kickboxing for self defense and that helped me be a bit more flexible but I’ve never had to use it before. Have you… have you ever needed to protect yourself or kill someone?” Willow stared at the blade as she asked her mother these questions. She didn’t think it would make her think differently of her mother but it might cement the idea of how dangerous this place really was. She had already gotten an idea back when they first entered this world and had to break people out of jail.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

Rose was not doing well. She was bleeding heavily out of the wound from the arrow and felt a bit dizzy. "I'm fine." She lied. "Just need to sit back down." That was more true. She held onto Robin Hood's hand a bit longer than necessary. Then nodded looking in the direction he had indicated the medical tent.

At least the fire was out, she thought obliquely. Her thoughts were not the only thing that felt off kilter. Sitting seemed like a great idea actually. She took a tentative step toward the tent. Rose had been in a few scrapes, but she had never been injured this badly. The problem, she decided, wasn't the pain. Instead, it was the loss of blood. She could deal with pain. This wasn't something she could fight through with stubbornness. "Cass, dear, I lied. I need help." She said quietly, reaching for her friend.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

Colby was still mostly wrapped up in his thoughts. He was glad that his father would be fine. That would be some really mess up things if he finally met his dad to have him die from getting punched in the face over missed rent. A thoroughly bizarre thought crossed his mind, but he didn't voice it. He just looked at Maddie and said, "Just thinking. I'll explain later." He didn't have his thoughts in order enough to express them. And really he only wanted to tell Maddie what he was thinking. No one else needed to know.

"So, what now. Prep to this switch-er-o?" His stomach then grumbled a bit. Colby thought he hadn't eaten in a bit. "And maybe lunch?" He asked hopefully. They had been lucky to find their parents so quickly. If it hadn't been for the purple cats they wouldn't have at all.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

The chaos and fighting was all over now so hooray! This was getting a little bit ridiculous, that every two seconds it seemed like someone clearly wanted them dead for whatever reason. Seems like at this point it was just them existing that annoyed people or whatever that wanted them to kill or catch them. It is more then a bit strange and dumb to her, but that was her opinion on the whole thing. She did feel sick still, but personally she didn't very much care, she'd get over any sort of sickness rather quickly anyway, that's just her thoughts, she didn't really care that she was sick.

"I'm fine," she grumbled a bit as she got up fully off the ground and looked at Layla when she asked about it or something. Of course, everyone was starting to head more towards a medical tent or something that had been set up. Rapunzel came over (as mentally she did partially want to not acknowledge her as her mother still) came over and felt her forehead checking for a fever she assumed. When she said she should head to the medical tent she shook her head, "It's just a cold or something, it is nothing to worry about," she muttered.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

"Oh yeah totally deserved it, I can agree with that one," Jack commented to Belle with a bit of a laugh regarding the entire thing. Yeah no, in his opinion his father definitely deserved to be burned up a bit, so at least they seemed to be able to agree on that sort of thing. Of course, he was also glad that Sierra seemed alright and that she was patched up with regards to her injuries. So with that sort of out of his mind, he turned his attention back towards Meg and King Arthur to see how that interaction was going, considering Arthur hugged Meg when she really hates that sort of thing.

He was not disappointed with the interaction that was going on between the pair, and it was clearly a bit awkward with everything that was being said. Jack had to stop himself from bursting out laughing when Meg commented about Guinevere and the story of her and Lancelot. Oh no, this was going to be an interesting can of worms that she opened up. He was just sort of wondering how exactly King Arthur was going to respond just in general. Considering she more or less just brought up something that if he had to guess was just not something Arthur probably didn't want to talk about.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Cheshire turned towards Colby for a moment and smiled it was around midday or so now come to think of it, they'd have sometime to prep for their little heist of sorts as well to. "We can head out for some lunch of you all are hungry, I know a place not to far from here thats really good. And then we have to go and meet some people and to set somethings up as well to." Cheshire answered Colby as he eyed the deck of cards a little bit weary of them, taking a moment to look at Mad Hatter for a moment as he went over to grab a small bag of coins for lunch.

"The cards tend to explode and catch things on fire if anyone tries to use them, really isnt even worth stealing, but some people do want to buy some cursed items." Mad Hatter told Colby as he stretched out slightly as Cheshire grabbed a bag of coins for their little meal he was getting a bit hungry right now as well to. "We should wait for Aurora first before we leave." Mad Matter said, as he grabbed a silky like coat to deal with the outside heat.

Aurora turned towards her daughter gently wrapping an arm around her and smiled some as she started to head back towards the shop and shook her head slightly. "I know how to defend myself, but nothing bad has happened, so I kind of use it as more or less as a last resort." Aurora told her daughter as she opened the alleyway door back into the store overhearing about some lunch which made her perk up slightly. "We are ready to get going if you all are." Aurora said as she grabbed some of her things to head outside.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Sierra rubbed her shoulder slightly it was really sore right now but at least she wasnt going to die of blood loss or anything like that, she bit her bottom lip when Megan asked about Lady Guinevere's affair with Sir Lancelot. This was certainly going to be an interesting conversation for sure as Sierra went to sit down on a nearby chair looking between them all as she fixed up her hair a little bit. Hansel and Gretel also looked a bit awkward when it came to that topic it really wasnt their place to say anything about it.

King Arthur was taken aback by the sudden question, he wasnt sure what a paternity test actually was, as he looked at everyone else in the room, feeling a bit awkward when there were a lot of faces staring at him. He wasnt sure about talking in front of everyone about what had been going on. "If you want we can talk about that privately, but as far as I know you are my daughter no matter what." King Arthur said, he just didnt really want to talk about it all in front of everyone. Hansel turned to look at Jack and then Gretel as well as Belle, before coughing to get everyone elses' attention. "Maybe we should head outside for a moment and make sure that the coast is clear?" Hansel offered hopefully to make things less awkward.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"Fevers can become serious if they aren't treated." Rapunzel said to Rosalia as she escorted both Rose and Rosalia into the medical tent, inside there were a few of Robin Hood's men who had been really injured and burned in the fight. There werent to many healers as they were doing their best to treat the wounded. "Mind getting her onto the bed?" Rapunzel asked Cassi gesturing towards an open bed, she then headed towards a nearby cabinet and pulled out what looked to be some kind of herbs. "Take this, and add it to some tea it should take the fever down some. If it continues in the morning let me know." Rapunzel said towards her daughter, hoping that her daughter would take her advice.

Layla stood by the entrance of the tent and watched her father's men being treated for their injuries, she really had no idea who had attacked them all or why they did in the first place. "This is going to hurt a bit." Rapunzel said as Red went over towards Rose and then looked towards Rapunzel for a moment as Rapunzel pulled out the arrow, and quickly started to apply pressure to the wound to slow down the bleeding while Red held Rose down Robin Hood came into the tent shortly after as one of the nurses went over to look at the wounds which didnt seem to serious.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Robin Hood’s Camp -- The Moors

Cassiopeia looked up when she heard Rose call her name. Cassi’s eyes widened and she froze for a second before she ran towards her friend, catching her before she fell and held her up, looking her over with concern in her eyes.
”No shit,” Cassi said. Of course Rose wasn’t okay. She was losing a lot of blood now. Rapunzel directed them towards the medical tent and Cassi took on most of Rose’s weight to get her to the tent before helping her onto one of the cots.
Cassiopeia smoothed back Rose’s hair affectionately, watching her closely while they waited for Rapunzel. Cassiopeia had a lot of knowledge on how to survive in the wild, that included some first aid skills but it was more quick and dirty than real healing work. She was glad they were someplace where Rose would be looked after. Of course, if they were back home Rose would have a much better chance at keeping off infection.
Rapunzel came over to remove the arrow from Rose and Cassi immediately took Rose’s hand and squeezed it gently. ”Squeeze as hard as you want,” she told Rose. Cassiopeia watched the arrow being removed with mild fascination before it was discarded and Rapunzel applied pressure. Cassi focused back on Rose’s face.

Willow Jones

Location: Building -- Agrabah

Willow leaned into her mother comfortably when Aurora wrapped an arm around her. It was strange. Willow didn’t know this woman like she knew her adoptive mother and yet the arm around her felt as natural to her as hugging her parents had been. She smiled at this knowledge as Aurora explained some things to her. She was hoping to share her mothers luck but she had been in a couple life threatening situations already.
They walked back inside, joining the others who were discussing lunch and Willow’s stomach grumbled. It had probably been nearly a full day since they last had a meal. ”I could eat,” she agreed.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan felt intensely uncomfortable and out of place. Here was this man, affirming that she was his daughter... but she already had two parents - she already had a mother and a father, back in the real world. They had been the ones who paid her tuition, who took her to fencing lessons, who had tucked her in at night and held her when she was sick. It was the same way that she knew Jack was her brother, even if it wasn't biological. King Arthur was supposedly her biological father, and she understood that it sounded like he and Guinevere had sent her away to protect her. But when Megan looked at him, she saw a stranger.

Hansel offered to go outside and check that the coast was clear - clearly trying to give her and King Arthur some space for some privacy. Megan's heart was pounding thunderously in her chest as pure anxiety filled her. She didn't know what she wanted from King Arthur. She didn't know if she wanted him to be her father. She didn't know what it meant to the daughter of a king - was she a princess? Megan didn't feel like a princess. She didn't know what to say. "I...." Megan paused, not even knowing what she was going to say before she said it. "I don't remember you," she settled on, trying to convey the issue - that while he saw his daughter, she didn't see her father. She saw a stranger.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

"Thank you." She told Cassi as she helped Rose to the tent. She closed her eyes as she lay there waiting. It helped a bit, though the world did still feel a little like it was moving in a way that it shouldn't. The fact that she held her friend's hand helped more. It gave her something solid and real and warm.

She hissed through her teeth when the arrow was removed. She had been shot with an arrow before. But those had been practice arrows with blunt tips that didn't stick, only bruised. This was very different, and the fact that the head was designed to do damage coming back out didn't help the matter much. According to the nurse though the wound wasn't too bad. Rose doubted that they had a good blood transfusion option and had a flash of desire to return to Kansas. That desire quickly passed.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

Colby raised an eyebrow at the mention that the deck of cards had a tendency to catch things on fire. He could think of practical uses for such a deck of cards. However, keeping something so thoroughly magically on his person probably wouldn't be a great idea at this time. Willow and her mother came back inside from dumping the broken vase. Both seemed up for the idea of eating. And Colby thought of his last meal in Kansas. He wondered how Hood's kids were faring. Had they found him? Had the others found their parents?

"We'll we're all here now." He said. "You have a place in mind?" He asked. Colby was intrigued about what sort of food could be found here in Agrabah. He had some ideas and was excited to try something so different. It probably would have some good spice. Not just heat.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Maddie frowned slightly as Colby responded. Whatever he was thinking, it was clear he didn't want their parents to hear. He could hear a voice in the back of his head just saying how Colby was most likely going to scold him for the display of affection in front of their dads. But the rest of him managed to push the thought back and decide it was silly to even think so. At the mention of lunch, Maddies stomach began to growl. He hadn't noticed it, but they hadn't had any food in a long while. The desert heat didn't help any with making him thirsty, and the cat chase only helped to further the hunger.

He gripped his stomach, eyeing what was now known as a cursed deck of explosive cards, as he took a step back. "Lunch sounds amazing right now. I could go for some tea and a good sandwich. ...Or whatever they serve in this realm" A part of him wanted to ask if he and the others could freshen up first, mostly as an excuse to pick Colbys brain. But his stomach was protesting the idea as they all decided on what place to hit next for food before they planned out their big heist in Jafar's palace. Thinking it out loud, it sounded more adventurous by the second.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"I said that I was fine, I don't need any sort of stuff, it's just a cold or something like that, nothing more then that at all!" Rosalia protested in general with regards to Rapunzel more or less dragging her over to the medical tent. She was perfectly fine as far as she was concerned, considering the fact that she was pretty sure that she's had far worse illnesses or anything. Seriously though, freaking out a little bit about nothing more then a bit of a cold or something like that? It was a bit of an overreaction in her opinion.

Of course, she clearly didn't get much of a say in the matter, as she was more or less sat down, and a cup of something was pushed into her hands. Thing is, she was not actually used to people seemingly caring about her existence at all, so this was a sort of a new experience for her. She sniffed a bit at the herbs, not entirely sure what the hell they were in general. Rosalia knew next to nothing about plants or herbs, but she wasn't entirely sure if she should trust the herbs or anything like that, that was just the way that she was, not trusting anyone.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

As expected, the conversation got really awkward really quickly with Meg bringing up the entire thing with regards to Lancelot and Guinevere. That was something he wasn't sure if Arthur had expected to need to deal with. Of course, him just sort of brushing it off and saying if she wanted to talk about it later that they could. He wasn't sure if he wanted to hear that conversation or anything like that, though he was getting a bit protective of Meg, since she was his sister despite not being blood relatives, so he wanted to make sure that she was okay.

Of course, Hansel tried to diffuse the awkwardness in the room by saying that maybe they should see about making sure that the area was clear. Jack just sort of nodded his head, and looked at his sister as she turned to address her father (or her biological father anyway) and her words next wasn't that surprising to him at least. Her being blunt and admitting that she didn't remember him didn't surprise him at all. She tended to be like that, and while he had a few very vague memories of his own father, the guy had more or less been a stranger to him a bit too, so he kind of knew how she felt a little bit with this.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


"Ready to get going whenever you all are." Aurora said to all of them looking between Hatter and Cheshire the two of them nodded and started to head out of the store. The young girl quickly joining shortly after them, Cheshire flipped the sign to the store to closed, once everyone was outside Hatter took out a set of keys searching through the ring before finding the store key itself. "This is the best resturant in the lower district." Cheshire said as they started to walk down the street, which were still crowded with a lot of people passing through going on about their day.

There were a few store carts offering a mix of random food as well as some clothes and other random things, there was a small tavern like restaurant close by. "Here we are." Hatter said as he walked into the restaurant there were a few people there sitting around and drinking, they looked a little bit shady as they looked at the group before continuing what they were doing as they sat down in a nearby booth.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Sierra looked between Megan and Arthur as she spoke towards him, she could understand where she was coming from, she still wasnt sure how she'd react to meeting her parents for the first time as well to noting that Megan was being rather blunt about everything. "I'll go outside for a little bit." Sierra said as she made her way outside and went to taking a look around outside of the cabin, everything seemed to be fairly quiet at the moment which was probably a good thing then.

King Arthur nodded slightly as he looked towards his daughter and started to think for a moment, they certainly did need to get to know one another. "That's understandable, if you'd like to take a seat or something you can ask me whatever questions you may have and I can answer them and maybe get to know each other, and I can tell you some stories if you'd like about you before we had to send you away?" Arthur offered her. Belle took a moment and looked over towards Jack Sierra had gone out to look around before speaking to him so that he could hear. "I'm going to go outside to if you want you can join me?" Belle offered to Jack as she made her way over towards the door.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Robin Hood made his way over towards both Layla and Cassi. "Are the two of you alright?" He asked the two of them, as Layla took a moment and nodded towards him. "Im fine I wasnt hurt or anything." Layla said towards him as Robin Hood started to relax as she answered that and looked towards Cassi waiting for her to answer him. "Who were those guys anyway? Layla asked him, hoping that he'd have some sort of answer he started to think for a moment, the woods were filled with a lot of other dangers, Maleficent's men as well as some monsters and even other bandit groups to were possibilities. "I'm not sure we have a few prisoners that we will start interrogating for any kind of answer." Robin said, Layla sighed she didnt like the answer really and wanted to know who and why they were attacked in the first place as well to.

"You are doing alright." Red said towards Rose and gave her a slight smile as one of the nurses there started to clean out the wound and applying a salve to the wound which both stunk really bad and would sting pretty badly as well to when it was applied as they started to bandage up the wound, Layla turned her attention back over towards Rosalia who snapped at her mother for trying to help. "I'll make sure she gets it." Layla said towards Rapunzel as she nodded and quickly went to treating the other wounded, Layla making her way over towards Rosalia. "Are you sure you are feeling alright?" Layla asked her.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Robin Hood’s Camp -- The Moors

”Doing fine, dad. Just mad those people attacked in the first place,” Cassi noted. She heard Robin Hood telling Layla that he wasn’t sure who those people were. That didn’t sound like good news to her, even if they had prisoners to interrogate. If those weren’t Maleficent's men, who were they dealing with?
Cassiopeia remained by Rose’s side, refusing to let go of her hand and she was glad she didn’t when the slave started to be put on. Cassiopeia wrinkled her nose against the invasive smell but if it helped Rose, she would bathe in it herself. ”Hang in there, Rose,” Cassi encouraged.

Willow Jones

Location: Building —> Tavern -- Agrabah

Willow followed the group out of the store and down the street. She looked at some of the passing carts as they walked. Her stomach grumbled with all the different smells of food and spices, while her eyes widened and sparkled at all the different silks and trinkets for clothing and things.
”How long have you been in Agrabah?” she asked her mother as they walked. It certainly wasn’t the fairy tale place Sleeping Beauty was depicted to be in. They reached the tavern and Willow looked at the building, eager to have something to eat.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan could tell that King Arthur was really trying, he was trying to be kind, and he seemed to want some sort of a relationship with her. She just couldn't wrap her head around having a father that wasn't her father - she knew that she had been adopted, but she never had wanted to seek out a connection to her biological parents. She loved her adoptive parents and considered them to be her real family. But a small part of her figured that she had to try. She just needed a way to wrap her mind around all of this and her brain presented an easy solution - she casually talked to the corpses in the morgue all the time. She could just pretend that King Arthur was one of those corpses and maybe that would ease the anxiety.

"...Okay," Megan said, hesitating slightly before taking a seat. "Merlin told us why we were sent away... but I want to hear you explain it." She didn't know where else to start. Should she have asked him what his favorite color was? Or where he'd go on holiday if he had the chance? Or what he thought of the Star Wars reboot? Should she tell him that she was queer? Did they even have the concept of being queer in this world? Would he hate her for that? Did she tell him about how she worked in a morgue? Did it even matter if he told her stories about when she was little, as she wasn't that person anymore? Was it even possible for her to forge a connection to that life?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

Rose wrinkled her nose when the salve went on. Stinging aside, it smelled atrocious. Though she did remember a quote from a story about medicine 'if it smells bad that means it is strong'. Hopefully, it would be able to keep away infection. That was her biggest fear here. Did this place have penicillin? She didn't have the skill to make it, so she hoped someone did. Or maybe magic made that a moot point.

Rose smiled at her mom and Cassi. "I am alright. I promise. Thank you." Laying down had helped. And at least she was getting some medical care. When the fight had happened she felt helpless and was annoyed that because of the wound she had taken she had been unable to do anything in that fight. She hated feeling useless.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

Colby enjoyed the sights and smells as they made their way through Agrabah's streets. It was a fascinating and colorful city. One he would like to have seen before the current situation. He hoped he'd get to see it again liberated.

When they arrived at the tavern Colby had to contain a snort of laughter. The place as a collective had stopped what they were doing to assess the new arrivals. It was like some cliche from a movie where the record stopped because someone who wasn't a known element walked into a bar. At least it seemed that the patrons of this tavern recognized Chesire, Hatter, and Sleeping Beauty as non-threats.

Whatever assessment that had been made, the group had passed muster and sat down. Colby kept an eye out though. Just in case someone decided to come over and start a fight. He expected that to happen because it too was a cliche and Colby had come to the realization that he was living in a storybook. A cliche here would be normal life.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Maddie followed behind the rest of the group as they made their way outside. He took a look at the stalls as they walked by. Eyeing the textiles and different patterns and flashes of colors that made this fairytale world much more unique, or at the very least more unique than Kansas. The carts slowly shifted from clothing towards food, with exotic fruits peppering the stalls. Maddie wanted to try each and every one, debating on reaching out and attempting his luck to grab one of the more interesting looking foods. He did, however, decide not too, knowing that it could jeopardize their mission and were going to grab food regardless.

"Any chance we can try and grab some of these foods either where we're going or come back to try them?" Once they finally made it towards the restaurant he noticed the people staring at them, but since none of them acted upon their looks he decided not to pay them any mind. He was interested in what Willow was asking, curious to know how long they had been here in Agrabah. "How'd you get here too?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

She was back to sort of just listening to what everyone else was doing, and the conversations that were occurring around her. Of course, Robin Hood was answering the question as to who the people were who had attacked them. So great, no one really knew who was the one responsible, and all he knew was that they were going to interrogate a few people. That was just great, they had no idea who it was that was giving them issues, though based on what she knew, odds were that it involved Maleficent if she had to guess for the most part, that likely was just a given with the area that they were in.

Her attention turned back towards Layla as she seemed to talk to her asking if she was okay, and Rosalia just sort of shrugged. "I said I'm fine... I've had way worse illness' before, so it's nothing and I'll get over it really quickly. It's not a big deal at all, and not too sure why anyone is making a sort of big deal of it or whatever..." She was more or less just wanting people to stop bugging her about her getting sick or something. There were other things to worry about aside from that in her opinion.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

He wasn't too sure what Arthur's reaction to what Meg had said would be, though at least he seemed a bit understanding with the fact that she remembers next to nothing about him and all. They essentially were strangers and all, but currently he was debating about whether or not he should leave Meg to talk with her father by herself, or if he should stay with her or something. Of course, this was a different situation from when he had met his own father, so Jack wasn't entirely sure what to really think about King Arthur himself still at all.

The others seemed to be clearing out of the area to let Meg be by herself with her father, but he still wasn't entirely sure if he really wanted to leave her by herself. However, her words towards Arthur reassured him a little bit, and he glanced over at Belle as she asked him to join her or whatever outside. Jack gave a slight wave towards Meg, before he ended up following the others in leaving the area entirely, more or less just sort of letting Meg be to get to know Arthur a little bit if she wanted to, figuring that she'll be fine, hopefully.
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