Nerio Luchessi

“Nothing lasts forever. Might as well make some waves while you can.”
15 | Male | Revidian | Noble-ish | 6.96
❖ [Outgoing]
❖ [Confident]
❖ [Focused]
❖ [Analytical]
❖ [Irreverent]
❖ [Confident]
❖ [Focused]
❖ [Analytical]
❖ [Irreverent]
An irresponsible child without the dignity expected of a noble and wholly unworthy of such a title. Nerio’s heard it and worse, and for the most part he’s happy to flip off those who badmouth him. Where he lacks in the gravitas, he makes up for it by being easy going and fairly inoffensive to get along with. Well unless the other people are bothered by a devil-may-care noble getting to enjoy life because he was born into it.
After all, he wasn’t born poor. He’s never been hungry, and he’s certainly never been forced to kill or steal to survive. He chose that lifestyle for himself for the glory and plunder, and he admits it without any shame. There’s nothing wrong with doing what he was interested in, and plus it helped him learn quite a lot. He’s definitely the sort that learns better through application and repeated practice over studying theory.
Despite his nationality, Nerio’s appearance is distinctly Arrundan and it comes largely from his mother’s side of the family. At 5’8, he has a rather lean build as one might expect of a sailor and swimmer. His dull amber eyes have been called lifeless by some, but they’re usually narrowed by a cheerful grin. Aside from his callused hands, his body is otherwise unmarked or scarred by his time at the sea.
Even now that he is attending the Academy, he prefers to stick to his well-worn and casual attire. He may be noble, but it may as well only be in name as he has never tried to play up that aspect. He does accessorize with a few pieces of jewellery like his earrings and a bracelet or two, but they aren’t of any importance or sentimental value.
Revidian is his mother tongue. He is fluent in Avincian as a maritimer and “noble”, and Perrench from his various “interactions” with their merchants and navy. His Inipori has fallen out of so much use that it would take some active effort in order to relearn it, but he still remembers it faintly.
A blackblooded Skyborn with an average RAS, Nerio focuses on speed, efficiency, and precision when it comes to his Gift. It doesn’t take much for him to fill up his capacity, and he can draw and release at a moment’s notice. Everything about his use of magic points towards a capable battlemage in the making, and it’s really all Nerio’s studied and honed his skills for. Although most of his abilities are self-learned, his foundations were laid by his father. Cirio may not have been a Skyborn, but he was an experienced battlemage in his own right, and he passed on not only the Gift to his son, but his knowledge as well.
Naturally, Nerio favors the Kinetic school of magic as a compliment to his swordplay. Infusing himself with a constant draw of energy to speed himself up and prevent enemies from simply freezing him in place. He has some familiarity with the Magnetic school as well. He has some mastery over the defensive aspects to counter Internal Chemists, but has also begun to experiment with using it alongside his Kinetic magic and swordplay. The act of trying to split his focus between several swords while fighting at the same time is something that’s proven to be an incredibly taxing strain though. It's much less taxing to simply use them as projectiles, but that's not nearly as interesting as a visual spectacle nor a challenge!
His use of Internal Chemistry is rather basic, but fairly effective. Familiarizing himself with it allows him to recognize the signs for when he needs to throw up some Magnetic defences, and being able to induce adrenaline rushes is sometimes just what is needed to tip the scales in a melee.
The strangeness of his heritage is not lost on Nerio. His mother, an Arrundan merchant, while his father, one of Revidia’s most infamous privateers? There had to be some sort of story there, and he was often regaled with tales of how his father Cirio had rescued and won Chaya’s hand from some honorless pirates. It was all very vague and only made his family situation.. confusing and messy, to say the least. His father never had an official wife, but he did have a fair number of lovers. This meant all manners of older and younger siblings and a family dynamic that was hard to grasp at the best of times.
Neither of his parents were around very often for his earliest years. His father only started to settle down by the time he was growing out of childhood, and his mother’s wanderlust still burns bright to this day. She has seemed to have made Revidia something of a home base, and there does seem to be some affection between his parents, but it’s hard for Nerio to be sure. For all that Chaya may be his biological mother, it’s hard for him to truly see her as that given the disconnect.
Given a large part of Cirio’s success came from being a powerful mage, it wasn’t a surprise that at least a few of his children inherited the gift as well. Some manifested it on their own, others were discovered during testing, and Nerio’s blood made it quite clear that he had an inclination for the gift.
As for what drove Nerio to the life of a privateer? No doubt seeing the hero’s fanfare and welcome Cirio received each time he returned to port was one of the driving forces. Growing closer to his father as his other siblings turned to other tutors and teachers was certainly another. He enjoyed the various stories and tales his father had through a rather eventful career and life on the seas.
Then there was the ever complicated situation at home. His father was still healthy and had a long life ahead of him, but there were factions being drawn among his siblings. Some of them were now old enough to hold stations of importance and were consolidating their influence and power beneath their father. It was a situation he did not want to find himself entangled in, and so he took an easy route out into the open oceans.
So he took it. His father’s old crew had continued their ways after he left, and there was always room for a mage in the ranks. Maybe he should have realized that stories from the man in charge were a shite comparison to the average sailors, but it was a bit too late for that after the ship had sailed out. Fast forward a few years later, and Nerio’s finally hit a point of stagnation in his life. He’s served and been of service to Revidia, and would very much like for a letter of recommendation to Ersand'Enise if they would please.
Nerio may not have any grand dreams or truly know what he wants from his life yet, but he does know it should be more than doing the same old routine over and over again. He may be young, but he has no desire to be a privateer for the rest of his days. The familiar waters no longer fill him with a sense of adventure and counting the days or even weeks before a mark is chosen fills him with lethargy.
If the lack of fulfillment wasn’t enough, time spent aboard a ship is not exactly conducive to furthering his abilities with the Gift. There’s only so much self-study can help him before he needs to seek out people more skilled and knowledgeable to learn from. While he has never been much of an academic and even dreads the prospect of dreary and droning lectures, he’s never shied away from a bit of suffering for the sake of self-improvement.
Whenever allowed, Nerio does carry around a sword on his person. It is quite similar to a scimitar, but blade that is both thinner and less wide. It also serves as one of his foci.
He also tends to have at least one knife on him as a habit from being on a ship.
A compass is another hold out from his time as a sailor. Also it’s just nice to have when people don’t trust his ability to find north. What sort of magnetic mage would have trouble finding north?
A few pieces of jewellery in addition to a coin pouch. Enough for a week or so of daily necessities, or one good night out on the town.
A challenge coin from the Astral. It’s something of a sentimental piece for him, and it’s pretty thick and solid for a coin. Not bad for nailing someone in the head if necessary.
He doesn’t carry it on his person, but he has a rather large tome in his room. It’s probably in poor taste, but he has collected various insignias and other markers on its pages. A little trophy case of his own so to speak.
S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S
❖ General seamanship. He wasn’t on a pleasure cruise after all, and everyone’s gotta pull their own weight.
❖ A bit more than general swordplay. Considered a skilled practitioner of Destreza, if not quite an expert yet.
❖ Iron stomach. He’s seen a lot, eaten possibly even more, and has yet to be sick from any of it. At least as far as he can remember.
❖Tireless. Being a Skyborn certainly helps in this, but Nerio was never one to shy away from the night’s watch. He can work for a solid day and night straight before he begins to feel any sort of physical or mental fatigue.
❖ A bit more than general swordplay. Considered a skilled practitioner of Destreza, if not quite an expert yet.
❖ Iron stomach. He’s seen a lot, eaten possibly even more, and has yet to be sick from any of it. At least as far as he can remember.
❖Tireless. Being a Skyborn certainly helps in this, but Nerio was never one to shy away from the night’s watch. He can work for a solid day and night straight before he begins to feel any sort of physical or mental fatigue.
W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S
❖ Hedonistic and materialistic. It’s easy to enjoy the finer things in life as a noble and mage, and Nerio is certainly one to indulge when he can. Been drinking as a babe, or so the stories go, and he certainly doesn’t intend to stop anytime soon.
❖ Slightly infamous. Comes with his line of work, but there’s at least a few merchants and nobles from Perrence and its allies hostile to him.
❖ Vainglorious. Why yes, he was part of the crew that returned the merchant vessel Alsea to Perrence. Thanks for the gold in exchange!
❖ Adrenaline junkie. He can produce his own supply, but it’s a bit different from being in situations that get the blood pumping.
❖ Slightly infamous. Comes with his line of work, but there’s at least a few merchants and nobles from Perrence and its allies hostile to him.
❖ Vainglorious. Why yes, he was part of the crew that returned the merchant vessel Alsea to Perrence. Thanks for the gold in exchange!
❖ Adrenaline junkie. He can produce his own supply, but it’s a bit different from being in situations that get the blood pumping.
Color Code: aba000
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