Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago


"You are fools to think this land would be merciful to the lost?" he rasped in draconic before he spat on the snow, Zagren saw no honor in searching for that which is lost but he would have to learn when not to speak so rashly so he grunted in acknowledgement of what the nervous looking woman said "Pray then we find lost." he bowed his head in defeat to the sheer hope they had, a hope he couldn't understand.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

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"I doubt they are still alive after a tenday out here. Yes it is possible they found shelter if their boat wrecked, but they would have been back by now. I'm more concerned in finding out what happened to them. Especially if it may be something that is a potential threat to the town. If they are still alive bring them home, and if not bring word back. Either way you'll have your pick of the scroll or the grey bag." Imdra tone was rather terse and direct at the moment.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Shifting the weight of his greatsword upon the shoulder of his heavy cloak, Zagren grunted "Maybe giant?" recalling what one of the caravan folk told him upon arriving "Heard someone taken by one." he said while shrugging his mighty shoulders making it clear that was all he knew.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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"Dead or alive, ought to find and bring em in. Short of them being eaten by wild life I'm sure their folks would appreciate having something to bury." Domic says somewhat morosely. He's seen a lot of frozen corpses back on his day, in the city no less. Folks who just didn't have the fortune to be indoors when a cold snap came through. Domic has felt the chill too and he wouldnt want to wish that fate on anyone but the most vilest of bastards. "Aside from Ice Flows anything else we ought to look out for? I'm new to this area so I don't know what's local. Wolves I'd imagine, but anything else?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Birdboy
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Birdboy Feathered freakshow

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"I certainly hope not... But you might be on to something" she shuddered at the thought. Earning treasure was all fine and good but a giant was a bit out of her pay grade. She was glad the dragonborn had manahed to show some restraint but his words in draconic left a bitter taste in her mouth. He seemed rather savage, but she was glad to have him with her now that she was expecting a fight.

"my money is on something in the water. You never know what is lurking in the depths" she said wearily as she scanned the horizon. Wistfully she reminisced on the time she nearly died fighting a giant octopus that managed to sneak into the sewers in neverwinter. If this encounter were anything like that she'd be needing new clothes soon.
"regardless, we wont know until we are out there. What do you say lads? Shall we hunt down some lost folks?"

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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"There might be the odd Owlbear but most likely you'll find elk, wolfs, maybe a few fox. Not much else that I am aware of near here."

A voice shouts out from the town hall and Imdra turns to the sounds. "Sounds like I'm needed else where now. Unfortunately today is a busy day ac one dreaded by all. Should you need anything I'll be at the town hall for probably several more hours. Farewell and save ventures."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by The Large Dumbo
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The Large Dumbo Duke-King-President of Candyland

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The tiefling stayed silent as his compatriots discussed among themselves whether or not they should take the job. The way that Kythor saw it, it was up to the people to tend to their own dead, but in the event they couldn't - which was obviously the case in this scenario - then it fell upon someone who could. The dead deserved respect, with only the most vile of people having this right rescinded in his eyes. Of course, it was also possible, albeit unlikely, that the fishermen were still alive. Perhaps they had taken refuge in a cave somewhere, or had found shelter to ward off the cold.

Either way, it would do no good to assume the fishermen are dead - at worst, they can retrieve what's left of the bodies to return to the village, and at best they simply had to watch over the fishermen and make sure they survived the return trip.

"Figure it's only right that we go 'n retrieve their dead for them, yeah?" Kythor proposes, agreeing with Domic. "Or their living, if there are any. Hey, who knows? Maybe they got waylaid by some kobolds or somethin'. Way I see it, only way we're gonna know for sure is by goin' out and looking for ourselves, yeah?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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Domic clapped his hands, an idea already forming. "Right then, sounds like we got a plan. We take some boats and look for any survivors." He says with a confident nod and heads towards the docks. "We're going to find something out there, so let's get to it while we're still warm and tender. Also, don't suppose any of you know how to row a boat? Stubby arms you know, ain't great for you man-sized folk." With a skip in his step and a direction to go, Domic heads to the boats and commandeers a skiff. "Official orders from you town's captain! Me and my blokes are going to take this here skiff and look for those missing fishermen. We're going to find something, so if you folk could kindly led us a boat so we can be on our way, that'd be much appreciated!"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Kyra just listened as everyone spoke. She was completely unfamiliar to this place so she had nothing to add, though she wasn't against helping look for those missing sailors either. She's had to do similar work down south, looking for missing people. Unfortunately most of the time all she could do was find their remains, but as some of the others mentioned even that is important to give their family and friends some level of closure. "Unfortunately I don't really know how to row a boat myself, but I'll do whatever you need to help. If nothing else, I can try and keep an eye out for anything in the waters or around the ice flows." Kyra says as she double checks her equipment. She suspects danger so she makes sure her crossbow was taut and ready for combat at a moment's notice. "Aside from the boats, do you think they'd be willing to spare anything else to help us find the sailors? Or to save them, if they're alive? Healers kits, extra clothes, anything like that."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by The Large Dumbo
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The Large Dumbo Duke-King-President of Candyland

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"I figure we might have to do a little bit of convincin' to get them to hand over too much," Kythor replied, before lowering his voice significantly. "Well, maybe a bit more if these people think their fishermen have gone 'n gotten themselves killed out there. Obviously in that case, they're in no rush to hand over life savin' supplies to save the lives 'a people who are already dead, yeah?" Although he didn't plan to operate with a single possibility in mind, he did at least put some consideration into their needs - namely if the fishermen were alive. Food would be a necessity for them, but Kythor had no fear of food shortages: a simple magical spell taught to him by the druid he once called his mentor would provide sustenance to up to ten bodies. Excluding his company, this left them with six spare Goodberries to distribute among any survivors. Extra clothing, healers kits, and possibly even repair kits, however, were best left to the hands of the townsfolk's generosity. While it was true that Kythor had a very minimal capacity to heal others, he preferred to avoid using that spell as much as he could. It was a very powerful drain to his magical energy, and he imagined it would be more efficient to let the Goodberries patch up any minor wounds to begin with. With that in mind, he spoke up once again.

"Doubt food's gonna be much of a concern for any of us, regardless of the state of the fishermen when we find 'em," Kythor says, "unless somehow we end up with a body count higher than 'bout ten. As for what I can offer once we're out on the water: I can help row us, or I can assist Kyra in keeping watch. After all, the more eyes we have searching for our target, the better, yeah?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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One of the dock hands steps half way out of a small shack looking over the group. She steps back in to get closer the the brazier for warmth.

"I've a rowboat that can fit about four people or a sloop that can carry about eight. The sloop takes more skill to use though, and with either you'll have to drag the boat across the ice to get to the water. If you want someone who can operate the sloop I can do it for three gold. Otherwise you can check at the Wet Trout or the White Lady Inn for someone who isn't already on the lake fishing."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Birdboy
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Birdboy Feathered freakshow

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Dullin listened on to the others as they decided on an action to make. The driving cold was maddening and she wished more than anything to get inside after all the traveling they had done. Even with her diminishing funds she would give it all just to sit by the fire for a moment and warm her ice cold hands. A row boat, a sloop? It would hardly matter to her if it wasn't keeping her from an icy death in the water. Worse yet, they would have to carry the thing? She recalled struggling to carry books home from the library, how would she lift these boats? Her thoughts were drowned out from her body crying out to be free of the ice.

"Why don't I go check in at the White Lady?" She said through shattering teeth as she had already begun to scoot towards the Inn.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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"We'll take the sloop then. With any luck we might come back with some survivors, so we'll need as much space as we can get. Here," Domic fished out three gold coins, leaving him with only two. He really needed to find some money soon. "We'll either set out today or tomorrow, so here's some coin for your services. Stay ready until then will ya?" Domic said as he notices Dullin going to the inn. While he thinks that going now would be for the best, he too wanted to warm up a bit before heading out in case this journey was a dangerous one. So long as someone else pays for the drinks this time. "Aye, suppose we ought to warm up a bit first before we dive into the deep. Maybe even get some extra hands while we're at it. Let's go check out the White Lady, see what sorta drink she's got in her jugs!"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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As the group makes their way to the The White Lady Inn, they can see a few folk can be seen out on the ice. There are a few people along the dockside seling some fish pulled from the lake. Others are moving a few crates around muttering about the slowing of trade since the ferry is frozen in the ice.

Inside the inn there is a small crowd gathered to one side surrounding a halfling to the right. Over to the left by the main counter the moon elf that had traveled with the group can be seen preparing for a performance. Six other tables have various villagers sitting for their mid-dat meal while trying to warm up some. The woman behind the counter waves to the group as they enter.

"Welcome to the White Lady Inn. How can I help you?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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In the corner of the tavern, sitting at a table alone, is a strange figure. Her face and figure are fair, but anyone could see that she wasn't quite human. Her fox like ears and tail, and claws hidden in metal gauntlets, were clear indicators of her lineage as a shifter. Hidden underneath her winter clothes were light, maneuverable clothes that indicated that she was part of a monastic order that made their home further up the mountains.

The only sounds that could be heard from her were growls as she devoured the food that was placed in front of her. It seemed as though she hadn't stopped to chew at all in the process.

Old habits die hard....

She finally takes a moment to look around when her plate is clean and she takes in the party as they enter the tavern. Her green eyes almost glow in the dim light of the tavern. After a good moment, she turns her attention back to her own business: Which is now chugging down a mug of ale that came with the meal she paid for.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Birdboy
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Birdboy Feathered freakshow

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Dullin enters the tavern hurriedly and stood by the fire as the barkeep ushered her deeper in. She practically shuddered as she and a green eyed beastly woman met eyes for a moment and she hurried to the safety of the bar. Feeling the warmth returning to her rosy cheeks she looked to the commotion on the other end of the room.

"a meal might help right about now..." she absent-mindedly answered. Her curiosity had gotten the best of her.
"what's going on over there" she said as she pointed towards the halfling.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

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The inn keep glances over to the halfling. "Oh Rinaldo? He is kind of the a local story teller. He's probably telling the tale of the White Lady." She looks back at Dullin."I can get you a cup of mulled cider or wine if you need to warm up."
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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In the wake of his lumbering footsteps the snow-covered ground beneath the dragonborn crunched loudly, Zagren's foot wraps doing little to keep his feet warm as he made his way through the streets of Easthaven towards the dockside inn. He was the last of the group to make his way through the White Ladies' doors, grumbling under his breath as he passed through the establishments threshold.

Sparing little more than a glance towards the bar when the barkeep greeted him "No." the dragonborn growled brusquely making it clear to the lady tending bar he was in no mood to talk, opting to go warm himself by the fire.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Foxfire easily downs her the liquid that was inside her mug. She slams the mug down, and lets out a satisfied sigh before leaning back against the wall with her hands behind her head, and elbows propped upwards in the air. Her ears twitch as she catches Rinaldo's voice telling the story of the White Lady and her husband. She scoffs out loud, with her voice at a normal tone,

"Bah! That husband was stupid! What's the point of gold, if you're not going to spend it to get what you need to survive?"

She then practically barks at Rinaldo, loud enough for him to hear her from her seat, "Hey! How'd the White Lady die?"

When a server who works at the inn passes by, she practically calls to them to get their attention,

"Hey you! More!" She points at the empty mug when she stated 'More', and then she seems to remember something, before adding on, "...Please," at the last moment, while placing the necessary payment on the table.

Sensei always told her that people liked it when someone says 'Please' as they make a request. She wasn't sure if it made a difference.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by The Large Dumbo
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The Large Dumbo Duke-King-President of Candyland

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Kythor wasn't exactly thrilled with the prospect of hiring an extra hand or two. More hands meant likely more people to feed, less gold towards his goal (as it would be spent on hiring them), as well as meaning that he'd likely have to be put on babysitting duty to stop their city-dweller-for-hire from throwing themselves to the wolves. Sure, they might run into someone who has experience with the harsh wilderness to match his own, and they might even be generous or foolhardy enough to do the task for free, and perhaps they may even find someone sturdy enough to survive the wilds, but to find someone who fit all of those descriptors? Unlikely. He imagined he, or at the very least the party, would be hurting somewhere, unless they could find the ideal partner. When the party entered the tavern, he joined them as they walked in. He'd feel most confident being able to look over their possible candidates for a captain to their ship. Talk was cheap, but mannerisms, actions, and experience... Those were important.

First, though, he'd take a moment to warm up. When the strange woman by sitting in the corner catches his gaze with her own, he lifts an eyebrow slightly. Some sort of humanoid, with fox ears and a tail. Had this person wronged a druid and been placed under some sort of curse? Or was this perhaps some sort of effect acquired at birth? He shook his head slightly, before taking a seat at the bar. He lifts his gloved hand up slightly and waves it to get the attention of the barkeep. "I'll have a mug of ale," Kythor calls out. Might as well take this opportunity to warm up while they search for any seafarers who can help them. He pauses for a bit as the fox-eared woman shouts something about the White Lady, and asking how she died. The tiefling wasn't too sure what to make of it, but assumed he was missing some context - thus, after a brief glance of curiosity in her direction, he slowly turns back to face the barkeep.

"And while you're at it, we're in need of someone who can help us get a boat through the frozen waters, yeah? Specifically, we need someone who's able to help us steer the thing while we follow the coastline to see if we can track down the missing fishermen. Could also use a couple 'a people who aren't afraid of the cold, and can handle themselves too, perhaps, but I figure we oughta find the first before we move on to the second. Know anyone we could talk to that might be able t'help us?" His volume is decently loud for two reasons: one, to make sure he can be heard over the din of the tavern's background noises, and two, to allow any such individuals who fall under either category to eavesdrop and possibly present themselves.
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