Name: Nathan Stonewell
Age: 44
Home: Vancouver, British Columbia,Canada.
Nathan is generally clad in his hiking gear, wearing a T shirt, shorts, hiking boots, a green bandana on his forehead and sunglasses. He also generally has a backpack on. Among his other gear, he carries a toque, a thin jacket and a pair of jeans for colder weather.
Personality: He's fairly intelligent and well read, especially in topics relating to the world as a whole, the environment and wild pokemon. Despite this, he's not exactly the scholarly type. He's a very hands-on person, confident in his own abilities and skills. As his past would suggest, he's a true outdoors-man that likes to engage with nature rather than observing from a far. This bleeds into his strong sense of wanderlust. As a result of his strong desire to see the world, he has little sentimentality and is often moving from place to place. Despite this, he's a person that enjoys the journey just as much as the destination. Nathan can be a little brash or impulsive , but this stems from the boyish enthusiasm he has towards nature rather than some kind of arrogance. He's a very particular type of person that gets along with others that have a lot in common with him, but otherwise can be fairly standoffish and poor at reading social situations. He finds people to be complicated and at times frustrating. While not completely socially inept, he does prefer to company of pokemon to other people.
Biography: Nathan was born in Vancouver to his mother, a local professor in pokemon ecology at the local university and his father, a pokemon ranger who was the primary authority of a nearby provincial park. As such, Nathan was born into a family that fed his passions for pokemon at a young age. When Nathan was still young however, his father accepted a position in a new park near Revelstoke. As a result, most of Nathan's memories involved their rural home in the middle of the boreal forest and Nathan loved it. After graduating high school, he immediately returned to Vancouver to study population ecology and follow in his father's footsteps as a park ranger. He was successful in this endeavour, and at the age of 37 found himself working at a provincial park on Vancouver Island. He catalogued pokemon species, tracked their populations, observed their behaviours and patrolled the borders to stop poachers. It was a job he very much enjoyed, but he felt like he wanted something more. While enjoying his life within British Columbia, he dreamed of journeying through desert, trekking through mountains and exploring rain forests. He wanted to see the world and all the pokemon that called it home. After sitting on this desire for a few years, he finally decided to take the step he needed to take, and became a pokemon trainer. Now, on the road with no particular destination in mind, the next stage in his life begins.
Pokemon: "Grover" Turtwig- Male - Level 11
Grover is a very gentle and loving pokemon who was Nathan's selected starter. He can be a bit dimwitted but is fiercely loyal. He's also fairly affectionate with every new person he meets.
"Jet" Buizel - Male - Level 8
Jet is in a lot of ways the opposite of Grover. He's mischievous , often getting into trouble, and confident to a fault. He can have a bit of an attitude, and is a real performer when it comes to battles, always wanting to show off.