“Sometimes, you can’t save everyone, so in those circumstances, save who matters the most.” I think is a lesson that Lumiere has embraced, but Camelot balks at. Which does make sense since it’s a pragmatic way of handling the topic of saviors. Lumi used to be like Cammie too, long ago, until she learned that sometimes, trying to save two people instead of one results in both of them dying.
Camelot has that Emiya Shirou syndrome. 
Huh, seems like she just might at that!
This is most certainly a view of the world that Camelot will stubbornly oppose to the end. She respects Lumiere's power and experience, but Camelot thinks that the angel has lost touch with humanity over the century, that she's effectively a relic of another time's standards, who hasn't ever been forced to adjust or better herself due to being... well, an
angel. Due to Camelot's internal struggles with her own Grimoire, it occurs to her that it would be fairly easy to lose yourself to all the glamor and glory (and self-righteousness) if you got one without already possessing a certain amount of powerful self-identity.
Yep, that’s how her god complex slowly but gradually develops over the decades. >:3
I might just be spit-balling here, but what if... the reason her powers aren't quite as hilariously over-the-top impressive as one might initially expect from a Mythic Grimoire is because said semi-sentient Grimoire isn't very happy about said budding god complex...? Hmmm.....
Questions for later.
Are you already causing chaos, Roma.
Seems she is.

Imagine Camelot siding with Merlin.
Indeed, imagine that...
Ah yes, but by what metric do we judge those worth saving? Lumi is content to use her powers only against the pageless while Camelot broadens her horizons. If she flies over two muggings that end in fatal injuries just to save one person from a pageless, then her standards of justice contribute a greater evil born from inaction :3
Oddly enough, for all her criticism of the idealistic (read: sort of recklessly irresponsible) methods the Grand Ministry uses to train Magical Girls, Camelot is in her own way even more idealistic in her pursuit of a better future. She's not naive enough to think she can save everyone, but she's stubborn enough to make the attempt when given even the slightest chance.
Never abandon anyone. Save as many as she can, even at cost to herself.
Look at it this way. No matter how anyone falls there will be a devil and Angel waiting to steal their soul and mold them in their image. Roma just offers a better deal then “Serve Merlin till suffering horrid death by Pageless”
I don't know about you, but one of these two deals sounds a lot more appealing than the other...

Yes, Roma’s looking forward to having Camelot Alter as a friend and accomplice. Will make it easier to clip the angel’s wings and blacken them in the pitch of humanities infinite deprivations.
I wouldn't call it an impossibility. We certainly don't know quite yet how exactly Altered Grimoires come into being.
Do they start out that way?
Are they re-written after the fact?
Is it Pageless corruption somehow mixing in there?
Perhaps an Alter Grimoire can even be reverted to the original story, becoming a regular Grimoire.
Perhaps the GMs have this all figured out, or perhaps they're letting the players create the lore. So many
fascinating possibilities...