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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by The Large Dumbo
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The Large Dumbo Duke-King-President of Candyland

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"Interesting..." Kythor leans back. It seems this man was no charlatan: he was telling the truth about his ability to conjure and talk to the spirits of the deceased. "I'd be interested in seein' how a seance with the Pale Lady goes..." As he talks, he watches Kyra step up and out - although he hadn't been paying attention to the brawl outside, he had started to assume it was growing a bit more serious. He stands up, shoving his chair out some with a heavy sigh. "Just a moment," Kythor says with a sigh.

Although Kythor cared little for how bloody the battle grew between the dragonborn and the fox-eared woman, he was in no position to allow the former to be murdered. If Domic wanted to outright kill the other in the middle of town, he would rather they do it away from the tiefling just so that he could have some degree of plausible deniability. He didn't know the guard of this town too well, but as far as he was concerned, from the stories the elders had hammered into his brain, a simple murder while he was in town was all it'd take for him to be locked up in jail, likely burned at the stake as that other man had been during their last trip in Easthaven.

By the time Kythor arrived at the scene, it seemed Kyra was able to deescalate the situation. He moved past the fox-eared woman, stepping out to judge the scene for himself. The dragonborn was pretty harshly beaten... Kythor should probably tend to his wounds, but as he watched the dragonborn wander back in, he supposed that he was probably fine for the time being. "Hmm. Seems like we've got all that taken care of..." Kythor sighs to himself. "Don't worry, I'll make sure the big guy doesn't keel over in the middle 'a dinnertime..." He shook his head. "Don't care too much to see him throw himself into an unnecessary fight and waste his energy 'n stamina like that, but I figure we ain't gonna be headin' out to find the fishermen tonight anyhow. He'll be good as new in the mornin', I bet."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Rinaldo smiles wildly at those still at the table. "Excellent, gather all your friends that wish to participate and meet me in the back room. Come on Sam, Teresa, Lidia, Anthony, and Sara. We have a séance to prepare."

He hops down and takes off for the back room with five other villagers with an eagerness that seems rather unusual when compared to the whole demeanor of the village.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Foxfire hears Rinaldo and looks over to him when he asked for those interested in the seance to meet him in the back room. Considering she had just finished a fist fight with the Dragonborn, there wasn't really much else to do.

So she decided to join in on the seance, more out of morbid curiosity. She wanted to see if anything does go wrong then.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Birdboy
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"if we aren't going out tonight: would you mind if I joined the seance? I'm interested in what the spirits have to say" Dullin asked her new colleague as she accompanied him outside. Her eyes were beaming with excitement as she mulled over the prospect in her mind. Spirits were old and wise, surely something could be gained by listening to them. She could only hope the other members of the seance would be polite enough to not jeopardize the communication. Seeing the fox-eared woman emerge victorious from the bar fight, she shuddered to think about what this woman might have to say to the White lady.

Looking down to the beaten dragonborn she rolled her eyes. He had given her a bad taste in her mouth since the moment they started traveling together. All of these companions seemed so gruff and savage but Zagren took the cake. Still, seeing him haggered and bloody, she couldn't stand idly while he suffered. Scrounging up some ice from around them, she offered it to him for his bruises.
"Learn your lesson yet?" She asked, rather peeved with his rashness.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Already covered in snow, wet and beginning to chill slightly the dragonborn shook his head only to exhale sharply at the pain in his neck "I-" he hissed massaging his neck "Learn something, yes." sighing Zagren admitted to Dullin declining to take the snow, however he deigned it unnecessary to iterate upon what exactly had been the nature of what he had learned opting to leave it at that. Instead the battered and beaten dragonborn slumped onto the common room floor before the light of the open fire and the warmth of it's flames.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Birdboy
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Birdboy Feathered freakshow

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So it was capable of learning? A frown covered Dullin's usually cheery face. It didn't give her any joy to watch this miserable sod clamber back into the very bar he just left. She did her best to help him in, there wasn't much her scrawny frame could do to help such a hulking beast move. Help or not, the beaten barbarian was now in the warmth, licking his wounds.
"And what exactly did you learn?" She asked, more confused than angry. He had been elusive with his words. Maybe he had learned some dark, nefarious 'lesson' that hadn't crossed her significanly more positive mind.
she stammered out, struggling to put the words she had read hundreds of times to fruition. Dullin seemed proud to actually manage to speak the draconic tongue, a small victory in this harsh time.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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A tenuous silence passed between the two, broken by the chatter of their fellow patrons and the soft crackling of the fireplace.

Zagren's expression was inscrutable in the light cast near the hearth but he tilted his head sideways listening to Dullin's struggled pronunciation of words in his native tongue, his gaze flickered towards the mage flashing with something of a curiosity "Yes, the tongue of men escapes me." noticeably the brutes vocabulary was quite more elaborate in his language "Sit, human and listen." the dragonborn patted the floor next to him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by The Large Dumbo
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The Large Dumbo Duke-King-President of Candyland

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"I'm hopin' you've learned your lesson," The tiefling butted in with a sigh. "Brashness and a quick hand might work in wherever parts you're from, but you're gonna need to use your head if you're gonna last anywhere else." Kythor closes his eyes, the utterances of a spell resonating from him as he draws his hand through the air in intricate, subtle motions. When he finishes his chanting, he opens his eyes and places it onto the dragonborn's shoulder. His hand lingers there for a moment, before a bright green glow radiates from his hand, restoring some of Zagren's vitality as some of his wounds are mended. The magic spell cast, Kythor begins to walk away to join the others in the back room. Before he enters, however, he stops and turns just outside the entrance. "Consider that your freebie," Kythor calls out. "Next time you get yourself all bloodied up like that tryin' to prove yourself... You're gonna have to take it to the town's healer. I don't have a lot of it to go around, and I'm not prone to wastin' it on things that can be easily prevented."

Having said his piece, Kythor turns back and finally heads into the back room.

Kythor expends a 1st level spell slot to cast Cure Wounds, healing Zagren for a total of 11 HP, before joining the others in the back rooms to witness the seance. This leaves him with 1 more 1st level spell slot available.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Birdboy
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Dullin watched the others walk past her, and she sulked as she sat next to the now much healthier dragonborn. A chance to flex her literary prowess was nothing compared to speaking with as spirit. Eager to leave as she may be, a mix of fear of the brute and pity had her oblige him. With a grumble, she prodded him for answers, though her eyes kept shifting to the door to the back.

"Go on then" She griped stoically in his language. It was uncanny how the tables had turned. Now she was the one grunting out short sentences and struggling to keep up.
"But I haven't exactly got all day" She continued, encouraging an abridged story.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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In the flickering light cast by the open fire, the dragonborn examined the woman closely the shadows cast by the fire revealing her face better but before Zagren opened his mouth to speak their horned companion Kythor decided to intrude, addressing the barbarian with a tired voice to warn him from doing such things again.

As he turned his head slowly to the tiefling the broad shouldered warrior simply cast a withering glance at him, then gazed at the hand on his shoulder feeling a brief sense of relief as his bruises disappeared and the pain in his joints faded. Zagren didn't respond to his words, just simply grunted and nodded before returning his gaze to Dullin.

"If you want to listen you will be patient." the dragonborn sternly replied to the mage's sideways glances and impatient tone "You humans seem to not uphold honor like my people do." regardless of what her response was the brute waved it aside and continued "I do not understand why I am the..." his voice trailed and he rumbled pensively, breathing a heavy sigh through his nostrils "B-bad guy?" the brute struggled to pronounce it, shaking his head "No good way to say in the language of my kind."

"Why do you all respond as though I did wrong?"

Zagren's HP goes up to 16, and his MAX HP is 27

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Rinaldo is currently in the center of the room with a small box standing next to a brazier. All who walking in can smell, faintly at first but growing stronger, the incense he had just put onto the small fire. He puts the box away then then starts to collect candles to hand to anyone who comes and joins the ritual.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Foxfire watches as Zagren sits to talk with a woman, and another one of his friends: A tiefling, quickly heals him. The monk notes that Zagren and the woman are speaking in a language she doesn't understand, so Foxfire can't really respond to anything in the conversation.

Instead, she opts to ask the tiefling as he passes by, "Is it always like this in your merry little band?"

Soon it was time to go into the back room for the seance. The smell of incense assaulted Foxfire's keen sense of smell, but other than a grimace, she was silent on the matter.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Birdboy
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While his question may have been rhetorical, the truth was that Dullin understood more than he may know. In teaching herself magic she had read many books by dragonborn wizards. Their zeal for the craft was a major inspiration for her, and she had grown to understand their disposition. They try until you succeed, never give up, and never waver in your interest. Listening to the big draconic man before her speak so gloomily about his situation, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for acting so harsh to him before. He was a fighter, it was likely all he knew. So when he snarled out a comment about her lacking honor, she bit her tongue.

"We do things differently here, and it will take getting use to but I am sure you'll figure it out" She said with a sigh, though she gave him a reassuring smile to express what little kindness she had to offer to this barbatic brute. Her words returned to common, it was easier for her and the dragonborn understood her words, even if he might not be able to repeat them.
"but a word of advice: not every warrior wants to be one. Sometimes we dress like this" She said with a wink, gesturing to her common winter clothing and jewelry.
"After all, the element of surprise is the most dangerous weapon of all. You learned that first hand"

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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A few seconds passed in silence as the hulking barbarian stared into the fire, considering Dullin's words Zagren sighed nodding his head ever so slightly with a grunt. "I-I no really understand but..." the dragonborn looked from the fire to his bejeweled companion "I try, you help me?" the warrior pointed a talon at Dullin then himself,

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Birdboy
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Dullin couldn't help smile deeply at his words, glad she had managed to make some sort of connection with her companion. She held back her excitement as best as she could, but her face told it all. Always happy to help she nodded at his words.
"Every step of the way. Under one condition of course: make sure I don't die. Can't help when I'm dead"

Practically leaping up from her seat she turned her attention to the room where the seance would be occurring.
"Not too late to join the others" she stated eagerly in Draconic.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by The Large Dumbo
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The Large Dumbo Duke-King-President of Candyland

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When he enters the room, he takes a deep breath, taking in the scent of the incense. Nostalgia fogs up the tiefling's eyes as he enters the room and pushes himself closer towards the room's outer edge, so as to allow the halfling more room to prepare his ritual without interruption. The scent of incense hanging int he air reminded him much of home, and of everything he had lost, everything that was behind him... Everything that was waiting for him. He'd be with his tribe again in time, but he had much to do until then. When he's addressed by the fox-eared monk, he jolts slightly in place, before shaking his head slightly and rolling his eyes. "Suppose so," Kythor sighs. "We've got a rather... unusual lot, I'll admit. Only spent the day with 'em, so I haven't really gotten a chance to know 'em that well. Truth be told," Kythor lowers his voice with a soft frown, "I'm only planning on stickin' around until I can gather up enough gold to return to my home among the wilds. Much more peaceful there... much less people t'keep an eye on too."

"Whereabouts are you from, anyways?" Kythor asks, cocking his head slightly. "Lots of interesting folk I've bumped into in the past couple 'a days - short ones, tall ones, scaled ones, and now one with the ears and tail of a fox." His eyes briefly flick up to her ears, then her tail, before returning his gaze back to her face. "I'm always curious t'know what'd bring someone who's not from around here up this way. Not exactly the most ideal place to be, yeah?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Domic enters, still angry, but trying his best not to lash out at anyone. He downs his booze and tries to redirect his focus on something else. Apparently, everyone was going to a seance or something? Talking to ghosts. Domic put no stock in such things, at least not from some halfling in a tavern, but it was better than stewing in his own madness. So Domic finishes his drink, as well as any other unattended mugs, and will attend this ghost meeting.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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Zagren tilted his head, considering Dullin's words "It is the way one survives," with a nod the dragonborn grunted as he stood to his feet, still slightly sore but not as hurt thanks to Kythor "I help you," he pointed to the wizard "You help me." he jabbed a large thumb to his chest, he meant what he said too.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Birdboy
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Birdboy Feathered freakshow

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Dullin nodded in agreement, merrily hurrying off into the Seance. She nearly crashed into Domic as she rushed to the scene. Entering the room she took a deep whiff of the smell in the room, she was pleasantly, surprised to see the rest of her group in there. Zagren entered shortly after as well, and Dullin worriedly eyed the fox-eared girl in the room.

Once given her Candle she tried her best to look more stoic, but the the joy was radiating off of her. Impatiently she rocked back and forth, waiting for Rinaldo to begin.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

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The smoke from the brazier continues to fill the room. The candles that everyone holds keeps enough light to show the uncomfortable positions of some of the guests.

Rinaldo steps into the middle of the circle, pushes back the sleeves of his robe, raises his hands and closes his eyes. "Lady who watches from the lake, come to us in our darkest hour! Tell is what you've seen!"

Several moments pass before the windows start to frost over and the candles slowly go out one by one.

"Quick reach out to the spirt. She is close help draw her here!"

One at a time I need each of you to do something, and roll a persuasion check. This is a group check.
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