@Ariamis My PC and Patron are up for review!
Fingers crossed that I didn't screw up too much.

BODY: Underdeveloped
However Caroline looked before her banishment into the magical rift by the Power of Love was irrelevant. She has been reshaped by the eldritch entity only known as The Mother, whether intentional or through some manifestation of her twisted bond with Justine, Caroline becomes a perverse reflection of her older sister.
Possessing the same sanguine slitted eyes and vampiric fangs, her facial structure and overall body shape are eerily identical to Justine, except Caroline is even paler and skinnier. Unlike Justine's chiropteran leather wings, Caroline possesses a pair of branch-like appendages lined with gleaming prisms that shift through various spectrums of visible light. However, when donning her human disguise, her complexion shifts into a healthy cream hue, slitted pupils become rounded, fangs retract, and crystalline wings disappear.
She stands at a tiny 130cm (4'3")
SPECIALIZATION: Logos (Oddball) & Fire
WEAPON: Laevateinn - Scarlet Slaughterer
OUTFIT: Elaborate
POWER: Regeneration
PATRON: Mother, Keeper of Knowledge
FIGHTING STYLE: Relentless Berserker
STATS (Disguised):

TYPE: Horror
Fingers crossed that I didn't screw up too much.

1 (Rebirth), 12 (Physical), ??? (Before Magical Girl)
Female, Female (Before Magical Girl)
BODY: Underdeveloped
As far as human standards go, Caroline is positively skinny for her apparent age, tethering on being unhealthily underweight. The contours of her ribs are visible if she puffs out her chest and combined with her morbidly pale complexion and wiry limbs, the monster girl almost looks like an emaciated corpse.
Concept Art

However Caroline looked before her banishment into the magical rift by the Power of Love was irrelevant. She has been reshaped by the eldritch entity only known as The Mother, whether intentional or through some manifestation of her twisted bond with Justine, Caroline becomes a perverse reflection of her older sister.
Possessing the same sanguine slitted eyes and vampiric fangs, her facial structure and overall body shape are eerily identical to Justine, except Caroline is even paler and skinnier. Unlike Justine's chiropteran leather wings, Caroline possesses a pair of branch-like appendages lined with gleaming prisms that shift through various spectrums of visible light. However, when donning her human disguise, her complexion shifts into a healthy cream hue, slitted pupils become rounded, fangs retract, and crystalline wings disappear.
She stands at a tiny 130cm (4'3")
SPECIALIZATION: Logos (Oddball) & Fire
❖ Logos (Oddball): A curious form of magic exclusive to The Mother. Logos doesn't provide direct offensive, nor defensive spells. Its repertoire consists of pure utility as its primary use is to feed the Horror patron's unending desire for knowledge.
Using Logos, The Mother's Scion - Caroline - can siphon knowledge from various manner of information storage; books, hieroglyphic carvings, tapes, flash drives, SSDs are all fair game as long as the object is designed to store information. She can even siphon off a living person's brain, but the subject must be completely incapacitated first as it's a delicate process, even the slightest bit of mental resistance will disrupt it.
It's important to note that everything Caroline siphons goes directly to The Mother. Sometimes, the entity may or may not deign herself to share some of this information, most often if it means her scion can pursue her tasks better.
Therefore, the specialization's greatest benefit (or curse depending on one's perspective) to Caroline personally is that instead of providing an out-of-costume benefit, Caroline is permanently transformed in her magical girl state. Nothing short of true extermination will end it.
❖ Fire: Caroline's personal specialization that manifests after she's reborn as The Mother's Scion. The exact reasons are unknown; perhaps she always has an affinity to flame and heat, maybe it's a result of her burning obsession with Justine, or somewhere in between.
As Logos is unhelpful when it comes to direct physical confrontation, Caroline exclusively relies on this when push comes to shove. The blonde wields the flames expertly in both melee and ranged combat, swinging around her uniquely-shaped sword-staff to ignite, slice, vaporize, and burn those foolish enough to stand in her way.
Using Logos, The Mother's Scion - Caroline - can siphon knowledge from various manner of information storage; books, hieroglyphic carvings, tapes, flash drives, SSDs are all fair game as long as the object is designed to store information. She can even siphon off a living person's brain, but the subject must be completely incapacitated first as it's a delicate process, even the slightest bit of mental resistance will disrupt it.
It's important to note that everything Caroline siphons goes directly to The Mother. Sometimes, the entity may or may not deign herself to share some of this information, most often if it means her scion can pursue her tasks better.
Therefore, the specialization's greatest benefit (or curse depending on one's perspective) to Caroline personally is that instead of providing an out-of-costume benefit, Caroline is permanently transformed in her magical girl state. Nothing short of true extermination will end it.
❖ Fire: Caroline's personal specialization that manifests after she's reborn as The Mother's Scion. The exact reasons are unknown; perhaps she always has an affinity to flame and heat, maybe it's a result of her burning obsession with Justine, or somewhere in between.
As Logos is unhelpful when it comes to direct physical confrontation, Caroline exclusively relies on this when push comes to shove. The blonde wields the flames expertly in both melee and ranged combat, swinging around her uniquely-shaped sword-staff to ignite, slice, vaporize, and burn those foolish enough to stand in her way.
WEAPON: Laevateinn - Scarlet Slaughterer
The vaguely sword-shaped object that Caroline wields, Laevateinn is named after the signature weapon of the Norse god of mischief, Loki. Just like the enigmatic deity, it's neither sword, nor staff, but instead a curious blend of both. The scarlet weapon can be used for both melee and ranged combat with equal effectiveness, whether Caroline projects a jet of plasma coating the edges to slice and dice or launches beams of searing heat, the arcane arsenal serves her well.
OUTFIT: Elaborate
Caroline's outfit is magically shaped via her mana and usually takes the form of an ever-shifting piece of ragged scarlet dress. Her back-length light blonde hair is most often styled into a sidetail with ribbons composed in the same manner as her dress. Even though her transformed state is permanent, she can dispel these magical clothes at will to wear mundane garments should she choose.
POWER: Regeneration
One of the hallmarks of her vampiric transformation by The Father, her new patron decided to keep this aspect of her power. Just like Justine, Caroline is a tough motherfucker despite her anorexic appearance. Superficial wounds are healed nigh-instantly, deep lacerations took mere minutes to close, and even severed limbs will wholly grow back given enough time. Combined with her perk of Immortality, this aspect is taken to another level as even severing her head isn't enough as she can command her body to pick it up and attach it back to her neck, although vaporizing said head will kill her.
❖ Dual Weapon: Laevateinn the Scarlet Slaughterer, a blend of a sword and a magic staff.
❖ Immortality: Extremely difficult to incapacitate for long through direct violent means.
❖ Blood Magic: If you're both immortal and possess a rapid healing factor, why not make the best of them and burn your life force into mana too?
❖ Coercion: However, sometimes, violence isn't the best option or simply unfeasible, then having a vampiric hypnotic gaze makes up for her lack of mundane charisma.
❖ Babel Tongue: The Mother is a keeper of cosmic knowledge, thus it's only prudent that her scion knows every language spoken by these Earthlings, including particularly intelligent animals even.
❖ Immortality: Extremely difficult to incapacitate for long through direct violent means.
❖ Blood Magic: If you're both immortal and possess a rapid healing factor, why not make the best of them and burn your life force into mana too?
❖ Coercion: However, sometimes, violence isn't the best option or simply unfeasible, then having a vampiric hypnotic gaze makes up for her lack of mundane charisma.
❖ Babel Tongue: The Mother is a keeper of cosmic knowledge, thus it's only prudent that her scion knows every language spoken by these Earthlings, including particularly intelligent animals even.
❖ Wings: Caroline's prismatic wings aren't just for show, she can actually fly and float with them, giving a figurative middle finger to mundane laws of physics.
❖ Second Specialization: Fire, both nurturer and destroyer. It's deliciously ironic that Caroline wields the element that vampires usually fear.
❖ Broken Reincarnation: For all of her boons, The Mother isn't very adept and/or willing to part with her essence. Therefore, should Caroline find herself truly overwhelmed and killed, her rebirth into existence is a slow, arduous process, including bouts of amnesiac confusion while her memories slowly return to her.
❖ Hoarder: Like Patron, like Scion, Caroline is imbued with a primal thirst for knowledge. She has a constant urge to siphon more information using Logos and doing so brings her pleasure, a vampire that craves for knowledge instead of blood.
❖ Second Specialization: Fire, both nurturer and destroyer. It's deliciously ironic that Caroline wields the element that vampires usually fear.
❖ Broken Reincarnation: For all of her boons, The Mother isn't very adept and/or willing to part with her essence. Therefore, should Caroline find herself truly overwhelmed and killed, her rebirth into existence is a slow, arduous process, including bouts of amnesiac confusion while her memories slowly return to her.
❖ Hoarder: Like Patron, like Scion, Caroline is imbued with a primal thirst for knowledge. She has a constant urge to siphon more information using Logos and doing so brings her pleasure, a vampire that craves for knowledge instead of blood.
PATRON: Mother, Keeper of Knowledge
❖ Creeping Doom: The Mother detests revealing her hands, she prefers to pull the strings of fate from behind the curtains, manipulating both willing and unwilling actors in her endless pursuit of more knowledge.
❖ Reasonable: Unlike the emotional wreck that is The Father, Mother exemplifies pragmatic logic over irrational outbursts. Even when she sends her scion on a seemingly senseless rampage, rest assured, everything is all according to her machinations.
❖ Takes One to Know One: As the Keeper of Knowledge of the Horror entities, she instinctively knows who her kin are and she imparts this knowledge to her Scion. When Caroline encounters another servant of Horror or a monster girl, she'll recognize them as such even through disguises and be given knowledge of their bane (if any).
❖ Magical Overload: When Caroline was banished into the timeless rift, she was already a monster, a vampire, courtesy of The Father. Her new patron didn't change this when she adopted the lost girl.
❖ Retrieval: As befitting of her moniker, Mother cares for her children and she'll make sure that she'll be there to return them to her embrace if they're in mortal peril. In truth, this is simply because the entity believes it's unwise to just squander her investments, exceptional pawns such as Caroline are difficult to come by.
❖ Reasonable: Unlike the emotional wreck that is The Father, Mother exemplifies pragmatic logic over irrational outbursts. Even when she sends her scion on a seemingly senseless rampage, rest assured, everything is all according to her machinations.
❖ Takes One to Know One: As the Keeper of Knowledge of the Horror entities, she instinctively knows who her kin are and she imparts this knowledge to her Scion. When Caroline encounters another servant of Horror or a monster girl, she'll recognize them as such even through disguises and be given knowledge of their bane (if any).
❖ Magical Overload: When Caroline was banished into the timeless rift, she was already a monster, a vampire, courtesy of The Father. Her new patron didn't change this when she adopted the lost girl.
❖ Retrieval: As befitting of her moniker, Mother cares for her children and she'll make sure that she'll be there to return them to her embrace if they're in mortal peril. In truth, this is simply because the entity believes it's unwise to just squander her investments, exceptional pawns such as Caroline are difficult to come by.
❖ Monstrous Form: Warped into a vampire along with Justine by Father, Caroline was no longer human by the time Mother found her.
❖ Mind Bent: Ever since that traumatic incident, Caroline hasn't been exactly sane. Her vampiric transformation followed by Justine's 'harsh love' certainly didn't help matters. Ironically, Mother is capable of reining her more destructive tendencies better than Justine ever could. Now, she's still rather psychotic, but one whose leash is held firm by her patron.
❖ Bane: Emphatic: If there's one thing Mother hates the most is to be exposed, for her motivations to be revealed to others, so this hatred manifests in the entity's bane against those who wields the power of empathy, said bane extends to her Scion. Spells cast from the Empathic specialization are extraordinarily effective against Caroline.
❖ Big Sister: Mother has a primal desire to know everything, see everything, hear everything, and as her Scion, there's no reason that Mother should keep her attention away from Caroline.
❖ Mind Bent: Ever since that traumatic incident, Caroline hasn't been exactly sane. Her vampiric transformation followed by Justine's 'harsh love' certainly didn't help matters. Ironically, Mother is capable of reining her more destructive tendencies better than Justine ever could. Now, she's still rather psychotic, but one whose leash is held firm by her patron.
❖ Bane: Emphatic: If there's one thing Mother hates the most is to be exposed, for her motivations to be revealed to others, so this hatred manifests in the entity's bane against those who wields the power of empathy, said bane extends to her Scion. Spells cast from the Empathic specialization are extraordinarily effective against Caroline.
❖ Big Sister: Mother has a primal desire to know everything, see everything, hear everything, and as her Scion, there's no reason that Mother should keep her attention away from Caroline.
FIGHTING STYLE: Relentless Berserker
Attack, attack, and attack; this is what Caroline's foes should expect to face when confronting her. Due to a combination of her psychotic mind, immortality, and rapid healing factor, Caroline gives no regard to her own safety in her pursuit to destroy her enemies. Should she run out of mana, the blonde simply uses her own life force to fuel her relentless assault. However, due to The Mother's tight grip over her mind, body, and soul, she's capable of exercising restraint, going as far as being able to avoid friendly fire and work together in a team; like a mad dog under the command of an unseen beastmaster.
❖ STR: 10 (4 (Base) +1 (Specialization) +1 (Weapon) +4 (2x Silver))
❖ AGI: 5 (4 (Base) +1 (Wings))
❖ VIT: 7 (4 (Base) +1 (Weapon) +1 (Immortality) +1 (Blood Magic))
❖ MAG: 17 (4 (Base) +1 (Body) +2 (Specialization) +3 (2nd Specialization) +1 (Weapon) +1 (Outfit) +1 (Coercion) +1 (Babel Tongue) +3 (3x Bronze))
❖ LCK: 4 (4 (Base))
❖ AGI: 5 (4 (Base) +1 (Wings))
❖ VIT: 7 (4 (Base) +1 (Weapon) +1 (Immortality) +1 (Blood Magic))
❖ MAG: 17 (4 (Base) +1 (Body) +2 (Specialization) +3 (2nd Specialization) +1 (Weapon) +1 (Outfit) +1 (Coercion) +1 (Babel Tongue) +3 (3x Bronze))
❖ LCK: 4 (4 (Base))
STATS (Disguised):
❖ STR: 3 (3 (Base))
❖ AGI: 3 (3 (Base))
❖ VIT: 3 (3 (Base))
❖ MAG: 4 (3 (Base +1 (Body))
❖ LCK: 3 (3 (Base))
❖ AGI: 3 (3 (Base))
❖ VIT: 3 (3 (Base))
❖ MAG: 4 (3 (Base +1 (Body))
❖ LCK: 3 (3 (Base))
A veritable loose cannon, Caroline is the tragic result of an innocent young girl stricken by trauma, unwillingly transformed into a vampire, and then physically and emotionally abused by her older sister. Justine might've only the best of intentions to cure her little sister, but her means of doing so certainly left a lot to be desired as instead of shaping Caroline to be better, it made her worse instead, much worse. Perhaps things would've gone better had Justine had more wisdom and life experience, but it could also be argued that they passed the point of no return when the Sinner of Lust accepted the pact with Father and what happened afterwards was merely a foregone conclusion.
Some may say that it's Mother's fault that she turns out like this, but they can't be further from the truth. The Mother did nothing to change Caroline's mind, she just found a broken, shattered shell of a young girl floating in the void and rescued her, piecing her back together so she may serve her purpose. How Caroline is now is all on Justine and Father's hands, but it's not like she can remember them anyway... right?
Now having lost most of her memories and under the strict watch of her new patron, new paths open for the younger von Visceral, whether they'll lead to her salvation or oblivion remain to be seen...
Some may say that it's Mother's fault that she turns out like this, but they can't be further from the truth. The Mother did nothing to change Caroline's mind, she just found a broken, shattered shell of a young girl floating in the void and rescued her, piecing her back together so she may serve her purpose. How Caroline is now is all on Justine and Father's hands, but it's not like she can remember them anyway... right?
Now having lost most of her memories and under the strict watch of her new patron, new paths open for the younger von Visceral, whether they'll lead to her salvation or oblivion remain to be seen...
Everything that had transpired before her defeat and banishment had been lost to the void. Stuck in a rift, a realm between realms where the established rules of time and space ceased to have meaning. At first, she tried to escape, but that proved to be an exercise in futility. Then, she wished for oblivion, but couldn't terminate herself. Realizing that she's stuck in a fate worse than death, the vampire's mind cracked further and further, whatever remained of the once-human girl was gone, replaced by pure hatred, particularly for Justine, her own older sister whom she once loved with all her heart. It's her fault, all this time, she had been nothing more than the girl's plaything for her demented sense of affection! Once she gets out of here... she would kill her, slowly, make her feel all the pain and suffering she had to endure.
...but after an eternity of imprisonment, that hatred too, gradually faded into nothing. Nothing mattered anymore as eventually, Caroline stopped thinking.
That was when her presence took the attention of a cosmic entity, few - if any - knew her true name, but she identifies herself as "Mother" in mortal speech. The Keeper of Knowledge embraced this shattered shell of a monster girl, then in all of its eldritch wisdom, decided to piece back whatever remained together while filling in what had been forever lost. The result was Caroline von Visceral, Scion of the Knowledge Keeper.
Now effectively a new individual altogether, the Keeper unleashed her Scion back into the third planet of the Sol star system, into the city of Penrose.
...but after an eternity of imprisonment, that hatred too, gradually faded into nothing. Nothing mattered anymore as eventually, Caroline stopped thinking.
That was when her presence took the attention of a cosmic entity, few - if any - knew her true name, but she identifies herself as "Mother" in mortal speech. The Keeper of Knowledge embraced this shattered shell of a monster girl, then in all of its eldritch wisdom, decided to piece back whatever remained together while filling in what had been forever lost. The result was Caroline von Visceral, Scion of the Knowledge Keeper.
Now effectively a new individual altogether, the Keeper unleashed her Scion back into the third planet of the Sol star system, into the city of Penrose.
❖ Color Code: dc4a49
❖ 2 Silver, 3 Bronze

TYPE: Horror
One of the innumerable eldritch entities that lies beyond the human concept of space and time. Horrors are simply a catch-all term for those beings who won't fit into any other categories. They are the eldritch abominations even to fantastical beings such as Puchuu, Lesser Forces, Deities, and Beacons. The term "there's always a bigger fish" adequately applies to these beings where even gazing at their form can drive most individuals mad. Their existence is so fundamentally different from humanity that most of them don't even bother or realize that humans exist, but not all of them, some are more curious than others, one such Horror being The Mother.
Befitting an eldritch Horror, The Mother is beyond the mortal concept of a "personality" as she/it's not even a person, as in sapient in the way that humans can comprehend. However, for the sake of the reader's sanity, what can be glimpsed from this entity's 'personality' is her insatiable thirst to gather each and every knowledge in the multiverses, she desires to know everything. She may not be omniscient yet, but she'll never stop trying to achieve it. In pursuit of this, The Mother prefers to extend her influence in subtler ways especially as she finds lesser beings need time and effort to imprint their knowledge.
Beyond the concept of chronological timeline, The Mother has and will always exist. Perhaps it's an eldritch manifestation of the concept of curiosity of the multiverse, perhaps it was birthed from another - even more ancient - Horror, or perhaps something else. No one knows for certain, perhaps except The Mother herself.
As the Keeper of Knowledge, The Mother possesses practically endless information her Scions had gathered from all over the multiverses and timelines. She's able to impart this information into her agents as she sees fit. However, she's very obsessive of her collection and does not give them away easily even to her own scions, let alone strangers, but perhaps it's for their own good as the mortal mind is so feeble compared to her infinite intellect that they'll go insane if she infuses more than a tiny drop of knowledge.
❖ Gather common knowledge: Low
❖ Gather secret knowledge: Medium
❖ Gather top-secret knowledge: High
❖ Bring others into the fold so they too may gather knowledge for The Mother: High
❖ Gather secret knowledge: Medium
❖ Gather top-secret knowledge: High
❖ Bring others into the fold so they too may gather knowledge for The Mother: High
❖ Color Code: 2c85ff